ivorybled · 1 year
the reach , tyrosh , the father , house stark
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the reach : how do you behave at court ? do you pretend or are you honest ?
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❝ i behave accordingly to court , as all nobles do . i do not purposely pretend to be anything other than honest but when the slip of the tongue could mean losing your head , i find myself more and more quiet these days . ❞
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tyrosh : how do you feel about your family ?
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❝ oh , i absolutely adore my family - siblings , cousins , and distant relatives all alike . my parents are from great houses , meaning i am lucky to have lots of family ... even if they don't all get along . ❞
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the father : what are you seeking for in a loved one ?
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❝ is there anything more than love ? perhaps someone who does not care for the politics of court but would find an afternoon of tea with music much more enjoyable . ❞
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house stark : what are some of your quirks ?
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❝ an interesting way to word that , perhaps my lute playing skills , my infamous dislike of horses ... really , their dislike of me , and usually being one of the smartest people in the room . ❞
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ivorybled · 1 year
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the palace walls tower above and how massive everything is makes kyra feel that much smaller . it doesn't help that every hallway seems longer than the last and yet they all look the same . a bit turned around and doing her best not to appear out of place , her efforts seem fruitless once the prince catches her gaze . ❝ yes , your grace , there is , ❞ a quick curtsy and a smile , kyra attempts to point in which direction she came from ... but she has no idea . ❝ i admittedly find myself ... lost . ❞
open  starter     /     jacaerys  targaryen status: accepting replies
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        fire  burned  beneath  dragon  prince's  flesh,  memory of the last attack two years prior still vivid within his mind and now another had struck at the very heart of the dragons' pride. lady lannister a tragic addition to the crime. however, those at court were presented the facade of a tense but composed heir as he walked the halls, violet hues subtly observing all, which was how he noticed the other approaching out of the corner of his eye, turning toward them before they spoke.        ❝  is there something i can help you with, my liege?  ❞
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ivorybled · 1 year
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a second glance at the gardens is given , even if he disagrees with the sentiment . there is nothing that piques his interest in the royal gardens and he won't show false niceties so easily . arthur gives a shrug , not wanting to ignore the lord altogether , yet he knows anything out of his mouth would come with attitude . ❝ do they ? ❞ he questions , eyes squinted at a dull display of flowers . ❝ you need not pretend with me , my lord , there's no garden as impressive as highgarden . ❞
location: the gardens participants: florian martell & open
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"while it's no highgarden," florian paused only momentarily, "i must admit these gardens possess a certain charm," he concluded with a smile as he turned to look at his companion. it was a forced statement, he hated the mere thought of anything in kings landing being charming, but the gardens were nice. not to mention, he was essentially desperate for a conversation that had nothing to do with the ball.
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ivorybled · 1 year
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❝ oh , it's not a rumor , ❞ he informs as arthur approaches , dressed as summer with golds and florals alike , knowing it best not to linger near the scene of what he suspects is most likely a crime . none of his business , though , and he doesn't wish to get involved . ❝ i saw it happen ... well , not really , but i did see her splash into the water . tossed may be a bit of a stretch , i think it was more so pushed . ❞ hardly a difference to the woman who had taken that plunge to the pond below .
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𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐄   .   lord   dunstan   dondarrion   dressed   as   golden   lion. 
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❛   one   would   think   the   court   might   be   slightly   more   concerned   -   what   with   the   rumour   a   woman's   been   tossed   off   a   balcony.   ❜   dunstan   is   cavalier   in   his   words,   for   he   too   holds   little   concern   -   or   so   he   acts.   from   across   the   crowded   ballroom   his   sister   is   visible,   and   thus   he   can   rest   far   more   easily   -   even   if   he   does   not   find   truth   in   the   matter.   ❛   i   shouldn't   be   all   too   surprised,   we   seem   to   be   near   out   of   arbor   wine.   ❜
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ivorybled · 1 year
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when the events happened , kyra hadn't realized how far away the other ladies had gotten . she'd been distracted in the gardens and hadn't anticipated needing to return so soon . even in her sudden panic , she knows she will find azra in time and decides it best to stay out of the way of others . ❝ indeed , i've partied myself out for the evening . ❞ though true , she wouldn't let on about being lost .
Where: The Gardens Who: Unmasked / After the events at the balcony
Valaenys had made her escape from the ballroom a while ago, preferring her own company and the quiet of the gardens over the noise and commotion of the ballroom. She had enough dancing and small talk to last her a lifetime. She sat alone in one of the benches, mask placed and long forgotten next to her on the seat when she heard footsteps approaching. "Had enough of the party as well? Coming to seek some peace and quiet?" She asked curiously as she looked up to see who had interrupted her alone time.
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ivorybled · 1 year
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╰ ┈ [ sean teale , twenty six , cis man , he/him ] in the time of dragons , ARTHUR HIGHTOWER is entering the game of thrones . said to be intuitive + eloquent , we can only hope that is the case as regrettably they are also well known to be calculating + opportunistic . when asked about them , people are always reminded of numerous stacks of books littered throughout a room , satisfaction always barely out of reach , the cold startling touch of a steel sword's hilt . though they are the LORD OF OLDTOWN , their true loyalties lie with house hightower and rumour has it that if given the choice they would support THE PEACE TREATY / THEIR FAMILY above all else . those of us in the shadows wish them luck and can only hope they will survive what is to come .
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full name : arthur hightower .
also known as : art .
official title : lord of oldtown .
age : twenty six .
gender + pronouns : cis man + he/him .
orientation : homosexual .
relationship status : unwed , unbetrothed .
allegiance : house hightower .
faceclaim : sean teale .
eye color : brown .
hair color : brown .
dominant hand : left .
height : 6'1"
build : athletic .
weapon of choice : usually has a sword on his hip but good with his hands for self defense .
moral alignment : true neutral ( for the time being at least ) .
inspired by : bronn & tyrion lannister ( got ) , eleanor shellstrop ( the good place ) , wesley wyndam pryce ( buffy / mostly from angel ) , orlo ( the great ) .
pets : doesn't have any :(
arthur has always been one to prefer the shadows to the spotlight , keeping himself and his circle of companions small . he lost his mother at a young age and though a part of him desired so badly to look up to his father , his judgement over the years drained hope of that away . instead , arthur found safety in his siblings and they became the people he trusted most . they've never been the most peaceful family and their connection is complicated , but even in present time , arthur still wishes all the best for them both .
though being the middle child let him have more freedom and less responsibility growing up , there were still expectations . to marry , to carry on the family name , everything that would help their house prosper . in many ways , art still wants that , but he grew out of living for others in his late teens . he doesn't really care what happens to house hightower tbh but like , he wouldn't do anything to hurt them , you know ? his sisters are cool but his dad can go to hell . also , marriage seems kinda ... dull to him ... he's not looking for anything serious .
he reads a lot , always wanting to know as much information as possible because he's nosy and also thinks it'll benefit him eventually . enjoys nerd things like battle strategies and mapping the stars . has a lot going on in his brain at all times but he's a bit quiet , doesn't really say much unless you initiate conversation . get him started on his interests , though , you might never get him to shut up . he's always trying to be the smartest person in the room .
likes to travel a lot ( his father hates it but he does it anyway ) , has a lute that he strums when he's alone , and is convinced horses hate him because he's been thrown off them three times now . he's very displeased about it . doesn't like violence but loves to sword fight and can defend himself if needed . he's just here to quietly have a good time .
v. - wanted.
pen pals - people art met while on his travels who kept in touch ! could be various people , he likes hearing about other people's stories so if you tell good ones then you'd be a good fit .
past suitors - arthur has zero interest in marriage and would not be subtle about letting someone down if they were interested in a betrothal ... especially women because he has no interest in them either .
scheming buds - this would have to be someone who is more of the devil on arthur's shoulder , since he has no issue doing what needs to be done to achieve his goals , but he is not someone who starts things . he's a loyal follower as long as the loyalty is mutual .
anything really !
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ivorybled · 1 year
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sticking out like a sore thumb , she does her best to be subtle about her lack of company . kyra doesn't wish to draw attention to herself , at least during the current predicament , wishing she could find azra before encountering anyone else . not lucky enough , lady martell curtsies to the lord and returns her toothiest grin . ❝ that would depend on your definition of exciting ... but i'd say it's more horrific that someone was thrown from the balcony . ❞
where  :  the  gardens  during  the  balcony  tumble  . who  :  everyone  still  masked  .
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lannister  lord  struts  through  the  gardens  ,  leaving  labyrinth  of  greenery  behind  him  together  with  some  highborn  daughter  he  left  dazed  in  pleasure  .  with  confidence  as  satisfaction  he  walks  back  to  the  festivities  ,  his  mind  full  of  thoughts  of  what  the  oh  so  great  king  has  planned  for  them  .  "  did  i  miss  anything  exciting,  "  lion  questions  to  whoever  his  green  optics  land  on  ,  shark  grin  showing  rows  of  pearly  white  teeth  .
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ivorybled · 1 year
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╰ ┈ [ maddison jaizani , twenty eight , cis woman , she/her ] in the time of dragons , KYRA MARTELL is entering the game of thrones . said to be freethinking + whimsical , we can only hope that is the case as regrettably they are also well known to be capricious + intransigent . when asked about them , people are always reminded of hands never without a goblet full with dornish wine , high pitched giggles accompanied by rosy cheeks , grasping for as much freedom as possible with high ambitions . though they are the LADY OF THE TOWER OF JOY , their true loyalties lie with house martell and rumour has it that if given the choice they would support THEIR FAMILY above all else . those of us in the shadows wish them luck and can only hope they will survive what is to come .
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full name : kyra ( pronounced like key-ruh ) martell .
also known as : ky ( pronounced like key ) .
official title : lady of the tower of joy , lady in waiting to azra martell .
age : twenty eight .
gender + pronouns : cis woman + she/her .
orientation : bisexual , biromantic .
relationship status : unwed , unbetrothed .
allegiance : house martell & dorne .
faceclaim : maddison jaizani .
eye color : brown .
hair color : brown .
dominant hand : right .
height : 5'5"
build : slim .
weapon of choice : her voice probably poison tbh , not a getting her hands dirty type of girl .
moral alignment : chaotic good .
inspired by : lady kenna ( reign ) , cordelia chase ( btvs ) , young alicent hightower ( hotd ) , rachel greene ( friends ) .
pets : has a tabby cat named sunshine .
always one drawn to beauty and exquisite sights , kyra has always viewed the world in a positive light , despite learning lessons the hard way in her youth . she was able to adapt well enough to what others expected of her , even if it was the result of numerous tantrums . not ever accustomed to hearing the response "no" , kyra was raised with whatever she wanted at her fingertips . it helped that her biggest wishes were a pony in her childhood and elegant dresses in her teens , understanding there were rules and appearances to respect . she has been a perfect lady in that regard - always smiling , giggling , and ready to mingle with whoever approaches . it has taken her years to learn how to hold her tongue , sometimes she still forgets , but her intentions are never short of wanting good .
she's never desired anything less than the future that has always been expected of a noble lady - get married , have children , and live your days lavishly with a goblet of wine in your hand . kyra was wildly imaginative as a child and often dreamt of a prince , but now , she strays where she wishes . favorably among the highest of ranking lords , though she is always one to appreciate a pretty face . she just likes looking pretty herself and being left to do as she wishes .
part of her has always yearned for more , though . perhaps not in a responsibility manner , but she adores house martell first and foremost - so when she was tasked with being her cousin azra's lady in waiting , she saw it as a gift of sorts . they feel closer than cousins , siblings would be more fitting , with kyra adoring the other martells as well . she's always been a big family person so wherever she ends up , understand her heart will always belong to dorne .
in present time , kyra holds herself as a presentable young woman , devoted to her lady and interested in the idea of a betrothal ... but of someone truly worthy . she is a girly girl through and through , loves bright colors , and often enjoys being surrounded by gardens or wine ... both are preferred . though still very much spoilt and bratty at times , she has good intentions with less than conventional ways of getting there .
v. - wanted.
betrothal - kyra isn't shy about making it known she wants a family of her own one day , so this would be someone interested in that ! whether they want to marry her bc of her or for other reasons , we can plot this out <3
past flings - mostly sexual partners , though romantic partners are wanted too ! maybe they were just going separate ways or someone's heart got broken ??
gal pals - her inner circle is azra + azra's ladies , but give kyra some more friends to drink and be merry with ! a lot of fun to hang out with , just don't engage in any of her stories bc you'll be there all afternoon .
i'm an angst monster so anything pls hehe
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ivorybled · 1 year
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wrong place , wrong time - that's what he'll refer to the incident as where his proximity is considered . he heard the distant arguing , on a balcony not far from the argument , but arthur couldn't care less . his attention was focused on what was beyond the railing , thoughts plaguing his mind - perhaps that's why the splash was so out of place . arthur was immediately interested then , turning to see the second glimpse of a woman and the lingering horrified looks that remained . someone speaks up a few steps away and from behind his golden summer mask , he's the one to respond . ❝ by the looks of it , someone else is surely to have already done so . ❞
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where: the balcony (during the recent plot drop)
who: princess torrha stark (masked) + anyone who wish to reply.
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the northern princess should be accustomed to grand events. alas, nerves were sweltered and lungs felt aching, begging for a chance of air. this brought her to the balcony, in hopes of allowing herself a moment of freedom. however, her eyes gasped in horror as she watched a body tumbled to the ground. still masked, her voiced wavered, as she wishes to scream. yet, her body stood in panic, unsure on her next move. she found it moving on her own as she ran towards the hall, sparing a glance to hope to find the perpetrator. no avail. "we must alert the guards", she spoke, her voice trembling through the mask.
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ivorybled · 1 year
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the sudden voice causes her to cautiously jump , eyes darting from their view when they call attention to her . ❝ apologies , my liege , ❞ kyra calls out , curtsying once all of herself stands before them . ❝ i had gotten separated from the other ladies when ... ❞ the screams had frightened her more than she'd like to admit . ❝ it is not a good time to be alone . ❞ or be surrounded by strangers .
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where: the gardens
who: liege quentyn allyrion (unmasked) + anyone who wishes to reply.
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unknown to commotion taking part on the grounds, the liege had taken upon themselves to wander around the fortress. he'd grown tired of the mingling in the ballroom as the dancing, grew to be a nuisance in his opinion. instead, he'd taken themselves to the gardens in hopes of finding some symbol of tranquility. a goblet in hand, contained a dornish wine, he'd sipped on for a couple minutes before a sense of edge felt in his gut. eyes being felt on them, the dornish, quirked an eyebrow at the stranger. "who goes there?", he asked, "show yourself, i know you're there. "
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ivorybled · 1 year
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#IVORYBLED is a dependent multimuse written for thronesfm by elle .
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lady kyra martell of the tower of joy .
introduction .
threads .
lord arthur hightower of oldtown .
introduction .
threads .
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