iuchamjohta · 1 day
Such a cute story <3
Oranges And Flowers
Kinktember Day 18: Romance
IU (Lee Jieun) x male reader smut
words: 10,517 Kinktember Masterlist
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"Can I be honest with you all?" A question for a question, and they all turn their heads, and finally you offer them a real answer. "I didn't really know what I was getting myself into—when I applied to stay here, that is—I just needed a place to stay for the week."
The evening air is humid and still, the sky a flat obsidian black with shining constellations, and underneath it, surrounding a fire, is a circle of maybe the most mismatched group of people ever assembled. There are the stars of course, Hyori and Sangsoon, owners of the house and the famous couple hosting you all—then, Lee Jieun; you know the one, probably the single most famous person in the country, just casually sitting there in her summer dress as if she was nothing special at all. And then there's the guests, an assortment of people you still don't really know. The old couple, the young couple, and the sisters.
And, finally: you.
"So you applied to the TV show, just for somewhere to stay?" Hyori's laughter carries and is as contagious as it is clear and pleasant.
"Honestly," you look around the circle. "I didn't read a lot of the info, and even now I'm not too sure what's actually going on in the show."
This earns a laugh from the group, they're all looking at you, and not in that 'you-fucking-moron' sort of way, no, their faces are full of smiles. Though, one stands out above the rest.
"And you?" Hyori turns her attention to the next person in the circle, one of the sisters who is sitting on your left. All the stares move along with the questions, switching focus to the girl—all except one. Jieun sits directly across from you and her gaze rests stoically upon your face, an unreadable smile painting her delicate lips a plush and radiant pink. Between you, the fire burns. It sends spiralling embers shooting into the night and, behind it, the orange light dances over her skin. It would be so easy to get the wrong idea here. This place is just so beautiful, everything is picture-perfect, and all these postcard-worthy scenes feel even better when Lee Jieun is a part of the composition.
Laughter breaks out in the group again for some joke you never paid attention to. It steals the attention of you both, however, turning to the girl and joining in the laughter with a meek half-hearted chuckle, looking around at them all awkwardly before returning your eyes to Lee Jieun. She returns the look and lifts her drink, taking a long sip through a straw.
You weren't too sure about all this the first day you arrived. On paper it seems like such an obvious idea, you didn't have to pay a penny and the producers even picked you up from the airport, all in exchange for being a bit-part background character that no one who watches will ever really remember or care about. In reality, it has changed the whole holiday. The requirements for guests were rather simple. You just need to be around for a few set activities by the producer, all worked around your schedule, and then you're free to enjoy your time however you like.
That first morning, you were greeted at the house by Hyori and Sangsoon. Introductions were made and then a short tour began, all under the camera's watchful eye.
It was okay, you could handle it, right up until you were taken into the kitchen and standing there was Lee fucking Jieun. Apparently, you skipped over the part that said IU was going to be here. It was like staring into the sun. Of course, Hyori was quick to joke as you stood there stunned and silent with an open mouth that could catch a mosquito or two.
"Why am I being outshone in my own house? Jieun, you need to leave." Hyori playfully poked her friend in the arm, and Jieun just giggled along. And like the world's biggest idiot, you couldn't even muster a simple 'Hello'. Great first impression there.
From then on you were shown where you would sleep and you bumped into some of the other guests. They seemed normal enough. One was nice, one seemed grumpy, and the others—well, you really didn't know yet. When you settled into your room, you yearned to just do something normal, to not get overwhelmed. Making some tea seemed like the perfect grounding activity.
When you got there, the kitchen was empty. The teapot was already out, but everything else was decidedly harder to find. Then came that soft and gentle voice from behind you. "You won't find anything to steal in there; it's all baking supplies." It made you jump, and you snapped around to see Jieun leaning against a fridge door, smiling over a glass of something clear and carbonated.
You pointed at your chest like an idiot. "I'm... not looking to steal."
"Too bad." She took a long and dramatic sip. "It would have made for good television. Plus, you look like a kleptomaniac to me. Brooding and mysterious, travelling alone, all that sort of thing."
"I'm actually just trying to make some tea."
"Oh perfect, let me. Here," She took the cup from the kitchen counter, placed it in front of you, and then moved beside you to open the correct cupboard to pull out some tea leaves. It was funny the kind of thing that can go into making a good impression and the pressure you put on yourself to do so. How many would kill for this chance, to stand close to Jieun in an otherwise empty room? Yet, your mind was swimming, you were trying desperately to not think about the very famous, attractive, woman who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with you—trying desperately and failing horribly as the thoughts of something funny to say slipped out of reach entirely.
She leant in towards you—well, towards your cup—and you jumped back, trying to play it off as a simple 'making way' manoeuvre, but her little side-eye glance and smile told you how stupid you looked.
"This is one of the few things I know what to do. Tea. I can make tea," she was saying as she filled up the teapot. "They asked me to try and bake some bread this morning, but..."
"Where is it now?"
"It's in here," she pointed at the rubbish bin with a free hand.
"I think it bakes better in the oven. Can't tell you much more than that though." Boy did this woman laugh. Like, a lot. As if it was the funniest thing she had heard all week. Her shoulders shook and her whole body swayed, and when the teapot whistled it made her jump, which sent her spiralling back into another fit.
And suddenly, she looked so... normal. 
You know it's unfair to say celebrities are anything other than just normal people, because of course they are normal people, it's not like fame and money change them on a fundamental level. That being said, they can't help but not be normal in the eyes of many. Celebrities are celebrities,  like how someone with blue hair is always blue-haired. But, at the end of the day, Jieun, whether she is IU the singer and TV star or Jieun the disaster of a breadmaker, is just a regular, normal, though very gorgeous, woman.
And she looks that way now, too, across the campfire. Sure, the cameras are rolling and she puts a little extra emphasis and playfulness on her expressions and movements—who wouldn't for the sake of good television—but in this moment, right here, right now, she's a completely normal and likeable human being, one you think you might enjoy being around. Hyori continues to lead the discussion around the fire pit, asking a few probing questions about the guest's hobbies and home lives, then posing riddles to the group and comparing their answers with her husband Sangsoon's.
For you, her questions are answered quickly, giving them a quick thought and little else before letting them fall from your lips.
When Hyori moves her focus along, she doesn't fail to pick up on the way you and Jieun spend the remaining half hour or so, looking at each other, smiling every so often, then quickly pulling your gaze away as if caught red-handed doing something sinful.
"We're going to pick oranges this morning." Hyori is explaining over breakfast. "I know, it's not the most exciting but it's the Jeju staple activity, so we have to do it. All guests are welcome to join us."
The young couple sat to your right immediately volunteered their services, followed soon after by the older man and his wife. Once their attendance was secure, the rest seemed significantly less interested and all excused themselves for other tasks. As the only person yet to respond, Jieun turned the spotlight on you, "How about you? Are you going to join us?"
You shrugged. "Uh, I was going to meet a friend, actually."
Hyori is quick to follow up, "You could see them in the afternoon right? Come with us, it will be fun." There are a few puzzled looks around the table. See, Hyori didn't push anyone else to go, no, only you. "Your friend won't mind right?"
In all honesty, your friend might very well be livid, though he might very well lighten up if you told him who you were spending your morning with instead. You run a hand through your hair and admit defeat, looking towards her. "Okay, I'll come along."
An answer that produces an immediate, but brief shared glance between Hyori and Jieun.
The journey there was lacklustre, a short ride, with the other guest, separated from the stars who rode ahead. The staff member with you gave you a basic run down, they are only planning to use the guests in some overhead shots and some background shots, everything else would be focused on the three of them.
But, after climbing the stone steps and passing through the orchard gate, Hyori takes charge of the situation. "We'll split up into pairs. Our two older lovebirds can go together, and our younger couple too. Sangsoon is with me and..." She stops. Hyori gives you a devious grin, one that speaks louder than words. "That leaves you two." She gives a final affirming nod before striding over to join Sangsoon.
And just like that, you find yourself walking through the grove alongside a girl you've only ever seen on TV before. This morning she wore a cute ensemble that accentuated her long legs. Another flowing sundress with a belt tied tight at the waist to show off that lithe, feminine shape. It's a silent first few steps, walking off down between two rows of trees, both waiting for the other to initiate the conversation.
Jieun speaks first, breaking through the tension. "So, you said you know someone on the island?"
"Uh," you brush a loose strand of hair from your eye. "A couple of them actually, old friends. One lives in Jeju and another's been here for work and he said I should visit when I'm in the area."
"What are they like?" Jieun stops, so do you, and then she steps across you, before crouching down to take an orange from the low-hanging fruit. "The friends."
"Uhm..." What are they like? Good friends, obviously, otherwise you wouldn't be making this trip. Where's the drama, where are the fun anecdotes, or the moments of soul searching. Nothing comes to mind. "They're fine?"
It earns a chuckle from Jieun. "Fine?" She stands facing you, dropping the fruit into the basket you're carrying. "Is that all?" She flashes you the sweetest smile, an endearing smile, one that begs you to open up a little more.
"I met them recently, actually, it's been mostly online, to tell the truth." Jieun ducks down to get the next fruit, you bend down too and pluck at another on the opposite side, rotating to turn to her and handing her the basket, standing back up and following beside her once more. "They're funny, one of them is a big foodie. Always posts pictures of stuff like the best bibimbap in Busan or whatever. Has a whole food blog that's fairly popular."
Jieun nods, pondering and popping a new piece of fruit into the basket. "Do you like food?"
"Can't live without it," you joke.
Jieun chuckles, and you laugh with her. It is hard not to, her laughter is so cute. "So can you cook?" she follows.
"Instant noodles is about all I know."
"Somehow I even manage to ruin those," she admits with a fake frown and a laugh. "I think that's part of the reason I'm on this show."
"What's that?" you ask as Jieun reaches for another ripe fruit, she pulls it from the branch and then somehow manages to drop it on the floor, a gesture you couldn't help but find positively adorable. She runs a few steps after it as it begins to roll on the hard dirt ground, and bends over to scoop it up, presenting it to you victoriously with her smile.
"What's what?"
"You said it's why you're on the show."
"Oh, because I'm kind of, useless? Clumsy, not very domesticated, really."
"Those things don't make you useless, you're anything but useless." Is that flirting? A line you spout before the weight of the words and the loaded tone settle in your own mind. Jieun turns to you, eyes sparkling, cheeks rising as she smiles wider than you had seen before.
"And why is that?" There's no escaping her questioning, and maybe she enjoys it a little.
"Well." A fruit, any fruit, grab another fruit. Look away and look at the tree. Breathe. Turn to her again. You can do it. "You just put all your talents into singing and performing and acting and whatever else you do right? You put all your skill points into one tree so to speak, instead of scattering them to fill multiple."
She stops. Frowns. "What?" Her face twists in a confused mess. "Skill points?"
"Oh. It's like, in games, when you earn skill points to improve something and choose what you want to..." You realise how utterly ridiculous you sound. "Never mind."
Her face is one of wonder, there's this mixture of confusion, curiosity, and her clearly fighting back laughter. "No," she laughs. "Continue, please, you were doing a whole thing there."
"I embarrassed myself enough for one day. Thank you."
"Are you a bit of a nerd?" She asks with this teasing smirk before spinning away, her floral dress flowing in the wind, and walking further ahead.
"Hey! No! Not a nerd!" you call after her, following in her wake.
"Look like a nerd to me" She twirls around just before the turn in the row, leaning on the trunk of one of the few taller trees, smirking and playfully twirling a few strands of her dark hair around her delicate fingers.
From then on, the conversation flows far easier and quicker than it probably should. A playful back and forth as she questions your hobbies and quirks, you fire back asking for her own. Things range from the kinds of books she likes to her telling you how she always sings into her toothbrush every morning when she is brushing her teeth. You promised not to tell a soul, as her secret was safely in your hands. She has a quick wit and a slightly goofy sense of humour, the kind of things a magazine spread or a soju advertisement could never communicate or capture.
Despite her charm and charisma though, the thing that shines through the most is the way she listens to you. With genuine care and fascination, and not just for the cameras, no, it felt genuine. Honest. True.
"No. You can not be serious!"
"One hundred percent true." You pull out your phone and show her the photos on the screen. A blurry mess at first before you flip to another.
"That's you? And that's... is that..." She doesn't need to finish, she takes hold of the phone and holds it directly up against her face. "Why did you think that was a good idea?"
"I never thought it was a good idea, I lost a bet, and we had been drinking. Bad decisions were inevitable."
"This might well be the single worst tattoo I have ever seen." She doesn't stop squinting at the photo. "Why is it upside down?"
"I don't think the orientation would make it any better."
"Wait," Jieun says, looking away from your phone and into your eyes. "You have to show me it, I want to see it with my own eyes."
"Absolutely not."
Jieun slaps at your arm, pretending to be upset. "Come on!"
"Jieun, even if I wanted to show you my ass, there would be no point, I had it lasered off like 2 months later."
Jieun's laughter could ring for a day. It's infectious, it's a laughter that communicates how light, happy and free-spirited she feels—and it makes you feel exactly the same. You talk a bit about travelling, too. Places you've been, places you would still like to go. For Jieun, it became a bit of a flex. A concert here and a concert there, movie filming there and a photoshoot here.
"You've seen the world, and met everyone, but here you are picking oranges with me."
"Here I am." Jieun stepped aside as you passed, looking around at the beautiful weather and the swaying tree branches. "I like this more, I think." She stops. You turn, seeing her suddenly shift a bit shy. "It's nice, this..."
"Oranges are nice and all..."
Jieun giggles. "No, silly," Jieun purses her lips. "This. Me and—"
"Hey, you two! Having a nice time!?" Sangsoon calls out to the pair of you from a few rows down. In unison, the two of you turn to him, to his big, smiling face, and then watch as Hyori hits him on the shoulder and admonishes him for interrupting. For a second it looks as though Jieun is blushing as she looks away from his gaze and towards the ground, scratching her brow, hand almost acting as a shield.
"We should get back."
"Yeah, I'm all orange'd out," you say, holding up the full basket.
You had spent the afternoon away from the house, which was probably for the best, spending some time in reality instead of this strange new world where you're suddenly hanging out with IU. The friend, your old university colleague and Jeju local was eager to catch up. Despite a minor disagreement—or two, or ten—he took it in good sport. Before nightfall though, you had returned and had just taken a shower.
There's a knock at the door, so you quickly pull on a shirt and open it to find Hyori on the other side. "Hey stranger," she follows your gesture and walks into the room before perching on your bed. "How was your time today?"
You close the door behind you. "Fun. I spent some time catching up with some friends."
"And making a new friend?"
A small nod. "I enjoyed myself today, it was all quite... different than what I had been doing. It was..." You weren't really sure how to follow up.
"I get it." Hyori leaned back on her hands. "But Jieun really seemed to have a lot of fun today."
You're stuck in this awkward silence, not wanting to say anything stupid but also refusing the play it down.
Hyori takes mercy on you. "Anyway," she pushes herself to her feet. "We're eating outside again, barbecue, come join us."
A smile appears, an acceptance of the invitation. She watches it come out and nods at it, as if pleased with your decision. And with a brief smile, she leaves the room and you're left alone. You leave the room.
You arrive on the back porch and watch the scene from a distance. Jieun sits by the fire in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, looking so naturally good it could take the breath of anyone who stared long enough. Her legs look spectacular in shorts, her chest looks perfect through a white t-shirt, and she looks breathtaking right now—in this light and under these circumstances. The fire-pit burns again and as it does, Hyori and Sangsoon stand near the grill, their backs turned and talking among themselves. By Jieun's feet rests one of Hyori's dogs, sound asleep.
As soon as your foot hits the grass to start walking over, Jieun turns to see you approaching and a radiant smile cuts right through your defences, punching into your heart and embedding a spear made entirely out of a whole array of butterflies. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't join us," she teased with a flick of her hand.
"Good to know I'm missed when not around."
Jieun is about to say something but appears to bite her tongue and look back at the fire. There's a space next to her on the little log chair she sits on, though you think it too presumptuous to sit right by her so soon, and take the little wooden armchair opposite instead, crossing your legs and stretching, pulling your phone from your pocket, to check for notifications. None. You stare at it anyway.
There's a solemn silence for a while, the cooking of meat and the playful bickering of the couple by the grill and the occasional chatter amongst the other guests. This leaves you and Jieun, slowly drinking from your glasses, separated by the fire.
After some time, the food begins to come in batches, and you eat with everyone else. The group shares the tale of their expedition to the oranges this morning, like how Hyori claims she found the largest orange of the day only for the young couple to later find and present a larger specimen. Some of the others share how they went into town and saw some old houses, or an old shrine, visited the beach and splashed around in the water and a few others sit and listen quietly, nursing their drinks.
Eventually, you begin to grow drowsy and stifled by the warm heat of the fire, a blanket that draws everyone closer, too close.
You stand, pat yourself off and let your gaze rest on the fire, then speak to no one in particular. "I'm going for a walk, thank you for the food," you say as you bow your head to your hosts.
"So late at night?" Jieun asks from her perch.
"Got a bit too warm is all, fresh air would be nice."
Jieun glanced down at the fire and her eyes shot up at you. "Let me join you, keep you company."
Hyori and Sangsoon share an understanding glance, before Hyori says, "Be careful you two."
Jieun stands up. "Soonshim can come with us, can't you Soonshim? You'll keep us safe." She bends down to stroke her behind the ears, and she lazily raises her head and grumbles in that cute way that animals do. She happily climbs to his feet and yawns.
Off you went, walking the stone path. Up a gentle incline before cutting left towards a quiet path cutting through some trees. For a while, the night is filled with the sound of rustling trees and the snapping of fallen sticks underfoot. That's all until Soonshim leads your party off onto an even more remote dirt track.
"Now where are you going?" Jieun coos playfully, not expecting much of a response.
"She probably knows this area better than we do," you suggest with a smile and Jieun returns it. You seem to bring a lot of smiles out in each other. Soonshim appears to have a destination in mind, the dog bounds along the track and you follow, the path becomes more and more unstable, and the darkness of the evening isn't doing either of you any favours.
Jieun steps up onto a stone in the path and she slips, wobbling from the momentum of the step with a small yelp and you catch her immediately in your arms.
"Careful," you chuckle nervously. She doesn't move, but relaxes into your chest, closing her eyes. You have her. You keep her steady, her breathing is fast and short. It slows and slows, her fingers lightly clasping at your arms. She relaxes and her voice comes at near a whisper.
"Thank you."
And then, slowly, she lifts herself away without looking you in the eye and lets out a small cough. She starts to walk again, this time holding onto your hand—for safety. You smile at the touch and gently squeeze back, taking care as you descend and traverse the difficult ground. Soonshim still leads onward, barking and jumping in her bounding little way and occasionally waiting for the slow, careless, humans to catch up as she heads uphill.
Before long you come to a clearing at the top which blesses you with a view of the rolling countryside, bathed in moonlight, and a peaceful soundscape, far removed from anything but the sounds of nature. Back down the hill, over the trees, you can see the roof of the house, and the glowing of the fire out front.
Soonshim finds a nice place for a rest, and the Jieun leans her head into your shoulder and says quietly, "Tell me something that no one knows."
Soonshim rests. Jieun looks expectant, and suddenly, you're struggling. There must be something interesting. No. Something cute or funny? No, nothing seems quite right. And yet her eyes are searching for answers. The seconds pass and you rack your brain trying to remember, going into the darkest of dungeons in your memories, hoping something would come.
"Something that no one knows," you mutter to yourself. Jieun leans closer. Something that no one knows. Soonshim yawns, laying her chin on her paws as her tail softly hits the grass beside her. "I had this girlfriend, a few years ago. She was kind and sweet and loving."
"What's not to love about that?"
"Ah well." You snickered, a chuckle under your breath. "When she's doing the same thing with another guy it kind of takes the shine off a little."
"Ah... I'm sorry," Jieun reaches out, resting a consoling hand on your forearm. Her grasp is delicate. "It must have been tough. How did you find out?"
"They were bad at hiding it. When I did confront her, she didn't deny it."
Jieun lets out a small breath, something between a gasp of surprise and a grunt of disbelief. "Wow. So did it end, like, there and then?"
"Yep. Walked out and have been free ever since. Never looked back." You smile, looking out across the plains below.
"Do you prefer to be free? Not tied down and always going after adventure?"
"If I wasn't free, I wouldn't be here. If I was tied down I would never make this trip."
"Doesn't answer my question," Jieun jokes then pokes you in the ribs.
"No. Not really." A period of silence follows as you take in the fresh air and the scenery before you. The sound of crickets rings out and the breeze swirls its way through the brush. Jieun seems to ponder on what you had just told her. Maybe it doesn't make much sense, or maybe you just came off a little weird. You can't be sure what she is thinking.
But speaking so plainly is a freeing feeling, and telling her feels right. As though the idea that she may judge you is, not unthinkable, but far more remote of a possibility.
"I broke up with someone too. Not long ago,. It wasn't anything as tragic as yours, but, we just didn't have the time to be together." She brushed at a stray hair, caught by the wind.
"I'm sorry." You turn to face her and she meets your eyes for only a moment before she turns to Soonshim who lifts her head and tilts it with the look that only a dog's can express. "She's beautiful," Jieun mutters softly, nodding her head to the sleeping canine, which wagged its tail at the acknowledgement.
"Yeah. She is beautiful." You say, not taking your eyes off of Jieun.
She draws back her gaze, and looks up, with a little confusion, eyes glimmering like gemstones, searching your own as she draws nearer and nearer to you. "Are you talking about Soonshim, or—"
Lee Jieun steps into the kiss, onto her tiptoes and lifts herself as high as she can to press her soft lips on yours. Your heart seemed to miss a beat, or five, as you leant into it, capturing her lips with your own. You pull your arms around her, in a tight embrace and her heartbeat thunders against you.
And when Jieun pulls her lips away from yours, you lean in again, capturing her lips once more. You cradle the back of her head and guide the kiss, ever so slightly. Just to be closer to her, only a little closer. But enough. When the kiss ends this time, you sigh.
"We shouldn't," Jieun's whisper sounds so vulnerable, her mouth, too lonely for the words. "We should—" kiss again? "go back."
"I'm sorry, I—" Jieun cuts you off with a small kiss, a peck.
"Don't be." She keeps hold of your hand, leading you towards the path and pulling you gently downhill. "We should just get back."
It's on the porch of the house, where you stood just a couple of hours ago, staring at her, that she says, "Good night." And there's this look in her eye that screams the words 'I want to kiss you again'. Though you both know that this isn't the time or the place.
"Good night," you give her a smile. "Sleep well."
"You too." And then she's gone, Jieun and Soonshim slip in through the back door and you head to the front to get into your room. The emptiness of the room is a strange departure from the warmth of company you've felt all evening. And as you drop onto the bed, sleep does not come quick—it refuses.
Instead, as you toss and turn in the cool, crisp linen, you imagine Jieun's lips meeting your own again, and again. Soft and pliable, sweet and willing, as inviting as can be. Then you argue with yourself that it was an accident, just a product of the moment rather than anything deeper, but... not really. Not when it happens like this, not with her so eager, as eager as you were, in equal measure. And that has a price. The whole night, turning endlessly.
You wonder if she struggles just the same.
The morning rolls around and so does the bad news. There's someone completely unrecognisable helping prepare breakfast, a change that goes unaddressed by your hosts for what seems like the longest time. It's only when they join you at the table that they make the announcement, "Jieun has a concert, back in Seoul, she'll be returning tomorrow evening." Hyori pulls a chair and sits down at the table, pulling a full plate closer to her.
Sangsoon helps himself and settles next to Hyori, asking casually, "Did you and Jieun go for a walk yesterday?"
You pause, trying not to sound like a blushing teenager. "Uh, yes. Yes we did, it's very pretty out there, with some really nice views. Soonshim led us up a hill."
"Didn't see much of you afterwards," Hyori teases, "did we?"
"I was tired after we got back so I just crashed. Tough work walking those hills."
The two hosts glance at each other and chuckle. "Well, Soonshim will be happy, she loves walks. Thanks for looking after her."
You give a small, simple nod. "Of course."
For the next ten minutes, you pick at some of your food but feel so restless the entire time. By the time you stand up from the table, Sangsoon looks a bit surprised. "Somewhere to be?"
"Just want to use the bathroom," you say, with a hasty smile.
There, you stare in the mirror. And it hits you. Hard, right in the stomach, like a heavyweight boxer throwing a right hook, or a hammer kick from a martial artist. A surge of feeling that cuts through you and shatters any façade of composure. Of control. You're flustered. Nervous, even. Like an anxious teen in a school hall during prom.
It's an alien, almost nauseating, feeling, something like vertigo.
"Can I get you anything else?"
"No, that's everything." Jieun answers, before pulling closed the divider of her first-class pod, shielding herself from the prying eyes of those seated nearby. She places her headphones on and peels into her orange, holding a large section up to the light, before gently placing it in her mouth.
The flight is short to Seoul, but it's a lonely one—without him. She can still feel him though, the kiss that happened at the hilltop. And all the dread that comes with it. Jieun knows full well just how wrong it was, and yet she also knows just how right it felt. Normally, by now, all of her thoughts are on the performance ahead. All her little anxieties arise from the finer details and how she strives to perfect them. Now, though, is the exception.
The ride from the airport to Yonsei is a little different. Though she had to put on her best actress face in the airport, for all the fans and the cameras, but here, alone and safe, she's given the time and the space she needs, but it doesn't bring the relief she expected. Now her thoughts are just swirling, again. Swirling and storming and churning.
Her manager is talking, about this and that, all probably important—but she'll never know.
'It's just going to go down the same road again, another relationship that takes a backseat to my career.'
Jieun groans internally. 'He's such a nice person though.'
It catches her off guard. Her heart pounds in her chest, startled, not so much because she was called upon, but the direction it was in. "Huh?"
"So, what do you think?" the manager asks. "Are you even listening? This is what you wanted right?"
Jieun closes her eyes, bringing her index finger up and pinching the bridge of her nose, running her hands down the contours of her face, then forcing a small, tired grin on her lips, she mutters, "Yeah, sorry, I'm listening."
It's been a strange couple of days. You spent as much of it as you could away from the house. Out in Jeju doing the most random of things to take your mind away from her. Though that's pretty tough when you're walking the street and she's on poster after poster and then you dip into a convenience store only for it to be playing her music.
Coming back for lunch wasn't any better, with Sangsoon and Hyori often teasing or giving the odd hint here and there. You sat down, not able to enjoy the food properly and excused yourself when your appetite gave out on you.
That afternoon, Hyori sat on the porch and invited you to join her—quiet and away from everyone else.
"You must know it's not easy for someone in Jieun's position to do, to go around kissing anyone like that," she starts and she reaches for the drink, pouring it and handing the glass out to you, and you reach for it, staring down at the liquid and watching the ice cubes swim and then sink.
"She told you?"
"In a sense," Hyori laughs softly and pours the other glass, putting the jug aside and taking up her glass. She leans back on one hand against the wooden board and says, "So, what now, what do you intend to do?"
"Uh, about what?"
Hyori offers a smirk and says, "About her."
"I..." What can you really say here, apart from that you just want her, like probably a hundred thousand other men and women have wanted her since they've first laid their eyes on her. Instead, you sip at your glass.
"Nothing wrong with liking her," Hyori says casually, as if the statement itself isn't fraught with consequence.
"Doesn't matter," is what you offer. "I shouldn't, we're from different worlds."
"Mmmm, yes and no," Hyori sips on her drink. "Listen. People like Jieun, like me, the reality we live in isn't the reality we want. Well, it is, but it also isn't. Because we get what we want but never quite get all we want."
You narrow your gaze in confusion. "Sounds like a riddle."
"Think of it like this. When we're on TV or we're on a stage or at a photoshoot or whatever, it's like we're living in the clouds, are you with me?"
"I think so."
"Well being up in the clouds is amazing, you get to do great stuff, fun stuff. But there's always a danger of floating away. So there's the other half of our life, on the ground. It's what keeps us sane. Balanced."
"So you have this double life," you offer as an interpretation.
"It's not that drastic but, yes." Hyori swirls the contents of her glass, taking a quick sip to wet her mouth. "Don't mistake it though, the ground is the more important half, because, in that part, we meet the people who mean the most to us. But, listen to me, when you date someone like Jieun, you're dating that half of her life. The ground. The clouds are for her alone."
"So you have to let her live up in those clouds without you?"
"Did she tell you about her ex?"
"She said they didn't have the time to be together."
Hyori nods. "If she told you that, then you've confirmed it for me. She likes you. But, now you have to think, this past twenty-four hours, there's going to be a lot more of this. Sitting at home while she's performing in front of thousands, living in the clouds. You have to ask yourself, can you handle it? Are you willing to accept it? All the pros and cons."
There's nothing for a few moments, the pair of you sit there silently, before you mutter, "That's kind of hard," and Hyori laughs under her breath as she tilts her head and agrees.
"Yeah. That's why not every relationship survives. Not in this business. But I'm doing you the favour of warning you in advance."
"Thank you."
"Speak of the devil." The sound of a car draws closer until it stops. Some commotion arises and then slowly, she appears. In all her beauty and grace. Hair blowing softly in the breeze, her yellow jumper and skinny jeans hugging her hips perfectly, her beauty as sharp and clear and as immediate as ever. There's no way to take it all in with just one look, especially with the sun low on the horizon behind her. You're mesmerised, to say the least, and even more so as her shy smile reveals itself.
"Evening," Hyori stands, opening her arms for Jieun and wrapping her in a hug, kissing her on the cheek. They exchange some words you can't hear but you watch the movement of the mouths, the way the body moves. Then you turn back to your drink, pretending to watch the dregs swim at the bottom of the glass. You can feel her now, or at least smell the light fragrance, you don't need to turn, as a shadow descends on the side of your head.
"Hey," you say as you draw your eyes slowly up her body. "How was the concert?"
"Good, thank you." Her smile widens.
"You must be tired after all that," you follow, and she nods in agreement and glances to the far end of the veranda.
"And hungry. Will you come inside for dinner with me?" She's smiling now, an infectious, radiant smile, that grows.
"Of course."
You move indoors, you and her at the table. You use the conversation over dinner to ask her about the concert, and her life as a celebrity. From asking her how it feels to be up there singing to hearing stories about some of the craziest fans, the sorts of weird things they do and the lengths they'll go to.
"Some even claim to know me," she laughed, "and try and ask me questions or say certain things and act as though we've known each other for years."
"It sounds surreal," you say and Jieun leans in with a curious look.
"It's been days and you haven't asked about this before now, not at all, so what's got you so interested?" she teases.
"Well, I guess I just wondered what life is like up in the clouds."
Jieun narrows her eyes at you for a moment before chuckling a bit, and leaning in further and muttering, "Hyori. She spoke to you about this didn't she?"
"Just a little, yes. While you were gone."
"I knew it, she likes this little analogy." Jieun folds her arms, rests them on the table and stares right into your eyes, asking "What else did she say...?"
"Not a lot."
"Oh god." Jieun throws herself back against her chair, she brings her hands up to her mouth, with the sleeves of her jumper over her hands and looking like she wants to bury herself into the palms of her hands. "Ugh, that girl. What else did she say?"
"Really, not much else," you answer.
"Right." She sits forward again, not raising her eyes. "Listen, while I was away, I was thinking about what happened."
"And," Jieun lets out a huge exhale, the stresses and fears seem to leave along with that breath. "She told you, and you haven't run away. Or at least, not yet. You're still here, we're here. Now. Just sitting, having a chat and eating some noodles."
"The noodles are really nice," you say and Jieun laughs.
"See, you make me laugh, and it makes me all confused, in the best way possible. And I know this isn't the time or place, but—"
"Yes, Jieun."
"You don't even know what I was going to say."
"I'd really love to see where this takes us," you say as you rise from your seat, rounding the table without breaking eye contact. You gently take her hand.
Jieun looks a bit hesitant, stares at the ground and mutters under her breath, "Where does that road end, you know? Look at everything I'm asking, of you, I don't want you to get hurt because I may not be able to give enough."
"I get it Jieun, the ground and the clouds," you whisper as you guide her up from her seat to stand in front of you. "I'll be on the ground. Sometimes you'll be in the clouds."
Jieun collapses her cheek against your shoulder and releases a deep sigh. "Why are you so nice to me?" Jieun sniffles.
"Because you deserve it Jieun."
Her heart thumped so hard, so rapidly, and tears flooded her eyes, making the world wavy and foggy. She fights the tears. And she finds the warmth of you, she pushes her face hard into your chest, inhaling deeply, and feeling an inexhaustible source of strength flow through her, bolstering her. She presses her body into yours.
She reaches her head up and kisses you deeply. Your hands cup her cheeks and your tongues meet for the first time. She leans in, slipping her hands to your neck, and curling her fingers tightly. Her lips are so warm and soft, her whole body melts, and the two of you press against one another. A fire burns and every nerve thrills in anticipation. Her breathing increases as a raging fire churns within.
When the kiss breaks, you murmur against her lips, "Should we, go somewhere that isn't the kitchen?"
Jieun nods, her hands still firmly clutching the collar of your shirt. "The food can wait."
As the door to your room closes, you begin unbuttoning your shirt, the last of them dropping open as she leaps at you, her lips attacking your neck with soft, wet, urgent kisses as she clutches you like her life depends on it. And you have her back, reaching around and holding her, carrying her, stumbling through the dark and onto the bed. You hit the mattress, and your grip relaxes as she leans back and grabs the hem of her sweatshirt. Jieun lifts it, dragging it up her body until the garment is sent to the floor and there it lay, forgotten.
For a moment she seems hesitant, sitting above you. It's a strange mix of tension and passion, the way her fingers trace lines on your chest, and you sit in awe of this beauty above you. The urge to reach for her, to take her, becomes overwhelming, as your gaze trails up her tight, toned stomach, and lingering over her small chest, clothed in black and wrapped snug. You stare and she shivers at the intensity of that look and bites at the corner of her lip.
"This is okay?" Jieun asks softly.
"I'm here for it if you are," you tell her, reaching and cupping her breast in your hand, as though it belonged there. That sends a new chill through her.
"Okay." Jieun nods her head a little. The word shakes a little with a quiver of breath and she lowers her head to meet her lips on yours, softly brushing at first but gradually more insistent. Her tongue prods and finds yours, and she pushes you down by the shoulders, forcing herself to lie on top of you and hold you there. And the kiss seems endless.
You run a hand up the soft skin of her back, up the divot of her spine until your fingers come to her bra strap, and with a small break in the kiss, you murmur against her lips. "Can I?"
She kisses you while she nods. Your fingers search a little, finding the clasp, you tug, letting the bra slip. And, with one small gentle tug on her shoulders, the strap of the bra slips off and it's only her hand rushing up to cover her modesty that keeps it in place.
You wrap your arm around her and roll her over onto her back, and as she lay against the covers, you're over her, looking down at how she still holds her arm over her tits. "I want you to see all of me," she whispers.
"I want to see all of you."
And with that admission, her arm, drops slowly away, pulling the black bra with it and exposing those two perfect, beautifully formed tits. With the lightest, most delicate touch, you brush your thumb across one and feel it spring a little at your touch. The nipples are erect, Jieun leans and looks to the side as you bend down, taking one nipple into your mouth. You flit your tongue across the little pink pebble of flesh and watch Jieun's face.
The muscles around her eyes tighten, and she lets out the sexiest little whimper. The reaction makes you want her more and you begin swirling and caressing her tit with the soft, flat of your tongue, and sucking her nipple into the warm recesses of your mouth.
She cries out and gasps. "God that feels good..." her hands clawing through your hair and her fingernails scraping through. Her moan spurs you onwards as you plant a trail of kisses, switching between which sensitive nub you suck, tug and tease. "Don't stop," she pleads.
"Not when you taste so good."
"I can't believe we're... that you're here, with me."
Your hand finds hers, lacing the fingers into hers you smile, push her hand into the bedsheets and stare up into her glimmering eyes as you run your tongue once more around her nipple. "You're perfect Jieun, I can't believe I'm so lucky."
Jieun arches her back a little, closing her eyes and exhaling a breath. "Stop it, that's not true," she giggles in between whimpers, "stop it, you know it's not— oh g-god..."
You're moving your kisses up over her collarbone and to her neck, and settling your body down between her legs, resting between her thighs. Jieun clamps her legs tightly around you as you keep sucking and biting at her neck, nibbling ever so lightly on her ear. "And now," you whisper huskily, into her ear, "I have you pinned beneath me..."
"Oh, fuck, yes," Jieun squirms. She desperately pushes your shirt off your shoulders and then runs her hands over your body. "I like this feeling." She's pushing her hands between your stomachs, pulling open your jeans and pushing them down off your ass.
You return the favour, bringing her into a kiss and reaching to pull her tight jeans open. She lifts her hips to aid you, allowing you to slip them off her hips. You don't have a chance to pull them all the way off, too heavy in your kiss and grinding yourself between her legs.
You reach and pull at her and she breaks the kiss with a soft moan as she grabs your shoulder and shifts her hips. The movements press you into her a little more, and her head goes to the pillows behind her head, tilting back. The angle reveals the beautiful soft and slender curve of her neck and you go at it again, kissing and biting, nibbling and licking, running the tip of your tongue over the hot, smooth expanse and smiling as she wraps her arms and legs around you as tightly as her lips when you kissed her.
"I want you," she gasps. "I want you. Now."
You put an arm under her and pull her up until you're on your knees and she's straddling you. She reaches down, hands into your pants and takes your thick cock in her fist. That first touch. Her soft fingers are on your hardness. It's a rush that hits both of you and suddenly you're kissing again as Jieun awkwardly strokes your length, trying to tease you out.
You decide to make it easier and sit her on the bed, still kissing her intermittently as you stand and push your clothes to your ankles. Standing before Jieun, the most desirable woman you've ever been fortunate enough to touch, you suddenly feel a primal sense of arousal hit.
You lay her back again, and peel those jeans off her slender legs. Slowly down her thighs as they spill out of the denim, then all the way off, until she's in nothing but a pair of black panties, and you're stood over her, naked to the air. Jieun sits up to you and brushes your chest, feeling the shape of the muscles and kneeling back on her haunches, you take her mouth again, sliding your hands up her hips and feeling those supple breasts once more. "Jieun, you're so hot."
Jieun bites your lip, and throws her leg around you, drawing you down and gasps sharply as you find your cock grazing across the smooth expanse of her panties and press at her entrance, almost bursting with desire. Jieun pulls at your hips, urging you between them. She grunts with effort, biting at your neck. "You're everything I have ever wanted."
There's a pause that's filled only by your shared, short panting. This is where it happens. It's more than want and need. The quiet acknowledgement, the long silence, you stare into Jieun's eyes, and both of you nod your heads a fraction, agreeing without speaking a word. You push her panties to the side. Then the contact, the softness and the wetness of her opening as the tip of your cock pushes her apart.
"Oh, shit!" Jieun lets out the involuntary profanity as she claws at your back and moans into the crook of your neck.
It's amazing. Unbelievably, spectacularly, amazing. Her tightness stretches with only minimal effort, and you let out a strained breath.
"Oh my god," Jieun has her fingers clasping tightly to your shoulder and mouth open with pleasure. Her chest rises and falls rapidly as she writhes under you. "You feel amazing... holy shit," she curses.
"Jesus Jieun," you grunt as you sink down just that extra inch, enveloping your full length inside her. "You feel perfect, I could stay here forever."
Jieun does the best she can with that compliment, grinning through clenched teeth. "Thank you. I'm—" She cuts her own sentence short by gasping and reaching higher and taking a handful of your hair in her palm, her nails digging into your skull. "Do it." She orders you and the tone is coated in lust. "Please."
And so you do. Pull out to the sound of her sharp expectant inhale, and back in as she moans her lungs empty, the noises making it impossible to remain idle. Soon enough you have a rhythm of slow, measured thrusts, and are gasping in tune to her beautiful mews.
"God, you feel so damn good," Jieun manages, and she follows by adding, "A little harder, I love it."
It's like that for a few minutes. Jieun's pleasure is palpable with every movement of the bed springs and groans. Though it can't be any louder than the voice in your mind. This is actually happening. Fucking IU, of all people, is on her back beneath you, her beautiful body reacting to your every movement. She reaches for her breasts, rubbing them and pinching at the hardened points and begging, "More, please more," and you give.
Jieun brings her leg higher, arching her back and urging you further into her pussy, driving herself into you with equal force. This time her cry is louder, less controlled and broken by the beat of your bodies against each other, the sound of sex becoming a background harmony. Her feet stretch out behind you, her heels dig at the small of your back and her head falls back on the bed.
"I don't know how... how long I can..." Jieun breathes out. Her leg suddenly jerks and her entire body tenses. "Oh, shit."
You know what's coming, that doesn't make the feeling of her tightening around you any less shocking. She's shivering, gasping for breath and squeezing her eyes tightly, her body growing taut like a string pulled between fists.
"Fuck, Jieun, are you gonna—"
"Yes. Yes." Her entire body convulses. Her fingernails ripping lines up your back, Jieun arches from the bed, a sharp keening whimper from between her lips, followed by a series of high-pitched, short cries.
You're falling into the sheets beside her and pulling her on top of you. Seamlessly you move together, and she's riding you now, throwing her head back. You're lying there and she's a sight to behold. Her petite frame rolls and her toned, lithe muscles shift beneath her smooth skin. Every motion carries her hips as she fucks you.
Her breasts rise and fall, her hands flatten themselves on your chest as she holds herself up, bouncing herself on your cock with insistent determination. Jieun slides her palms upward, bringing them to your shoulders and lowering her chest, you reach to cup her tits, squeezing firmly and a sparkle glimmers in her eyes.
"You're so hard," Jieun purrs.
"You look so good on me, feel it too."
A smile flashes across her lips and the muscles clench,. You drag your hands across the perfect curves, feeling her sides, her ass, sliding back to take two, firm handfuls, pulling her into every movement. Your arms and legs beginning to tingle with your release, and you're losing all feeling other than her silken embrace.
Then you see her grimace and twist her body, breaking again for you. She falls against you and grinds out her orgasm. She quivers over you like a leaf in the wind. You hold her hips steady and stroke her skin as she returns from her high.
"Sorry," she moans a drawn-out apology. "Wanted you to cum, but, I can't..."
You hold her, rising from the bed, "Don't worry, Jieun, I've got this." You lift her and place her onto her side, thighs together, knees together, you push them up to meet her chest. Her perfect ass and thighs are on show, begging for you to slip back inside. She twists her body to watch you lean over her and push her knees into the bed.
You thrust into her, slipping under that one ass cheek, past those moist panties and into her pussy again. Jieun moans aloud again, and the sight of your cock slipping into her, the feel, is mesmerising. Jieun squeals a note.
The feeling, after only a few short thrusts, builds rapidly. And while a part of you wishes to hold back for her, make her cum over and over, she's far too sexy to deny yourself your sole need. Jieun moans and clenches again then cries out, "Please!" Her eyes watching you drive in deeper. And you lose it. The pressure breaks within, you bask in the sights, sounds, and feelings, and let it overwhelm you. "Inside, it's safe."
You spasm and with a deep thrust into her, your cum pours. Thick. Heavy, plentiful spurts as you cling to her trembling body. A final, ragged cry slips past your lips. Energy drained from you, into her, and you near-collapse against her sweat-kissed body.
You slip out of her, collapsing behind her and spooning her trembling body close, you drop kisses across the soft surface of her bare shoulder and take a tight grip on her small, perky tits. She whispers, "That was amazing."
"Tell me about it. The best."
She rolls her head and glances at you. "No, I mean, really, thank you. You were..." she sighs dreamily. "I didn't think it was possible to feel like that."
"We fit well, Jieun," you tell her softly. "There's no need to ever thank me. You really are special."
"Saying things like that," she sobs lightly. "You better be careful or you're going to mean a lot to me."
Your breathing seems loud in the sudden quiet, and you say, "I'd like that Jieun, to matter to you. Being important to you. It'd make me happy."
She is silent for a long moment, staring straight ahead. A single, happy tear rolls from her eye, onto the bed, and then sleep takes over. It is like a force sweeping you into the deepest darkness. It seems to happen between one breath and the next. One moment you're lying next to the most beautiful woman in the world, in the most euphoric, blissful post-coital state. In the next, your eyes blink open, and you're sprawled on your back, alone in the bed.
Her perfume hangs faintly in the air. Like a half-forgotten dream. An unintelligible whisper in the corner of your ear. "Goodnight," she had murmured at some point, in that instant between slumber and consciousness. But as your eyes scan around, her absence, her presence, seems like a dream. Like a mirage. As if she's always been this transient figure in your life. You fall into the pillow.
Then, just as sleep begins its second embrace, there's a knock at the door. There's a pause before a quiet voice speaks, "You awake?"
You sit up in a rush. "Come in," you reply, and Hyori enters.
She cuts right to the chase, as seems to be her way. "Last night, did you two? Wait, don't answer. I can feel it. You did."
"We did."
She walks closes the door firmly behind her, ensuring privacy. "I knew it as soon as she started acting shy this morning. I swear sex is the only thing that makes her shy. Funny little mannerism." Hyori takes a deep breath. "But listen, and listen close, okay?"
You nod for her to go ahead, but instead of going on, she sits down, gathering her thoughts.
She looks at you for a long time and says, "If this, whatever this is, is going to continue, you need to be prepared. It's going to be a mess. You need to hide it, and I mean really hide it, from everyone. Think how nuts the press will go."
You open your mouth to talk but she raises a finger.
"Hear me out. You have to remember that. This can't be normal, it will probably never be normal. That girl is special and this whole country knows it. There will always be cameras. And there will be times when you miss her because she's away. Sometimes for days or weeks and it's not the end of the world, because she has her job, and her fans depend on it. And as I'm sure you saw at dinner the other night, she does too, she loves her career."
Hyori sighs and rubs her forehead. "I know this seems a lot. You have known each other barely a week and I'm piling this onto you, but you need to know what you're getting into."
You smile. "I get it."
"You don't. Trust me. Not until you've lived it. Look, Jieun's an amazing girl. I like you, she likes you, a lot. I think you can make this work." She takes a big breath and says, "Welcome to this weird fucking world."
You chuckle quietly and nod in thanks.
"Now, if you're wondering where she has gone, she's out picking some flowers for the side dishes for later. They're recording something for the show right now but you can go out and join her in ten minutes, if you like?"
"That'd be great."
Hyori leaves and true to her word, when you venture downstairs and out onto the garden. Jieun's knelt along the rows. Her hair blows in a gentle breeze, and with the flowerbeds just in front, she is a blessed sight for tired eyes.
You go to her and ask, "Working hard?"
"Hey, you woke up," she beams at you.
"Had a chat with Hyori, too."
"Was it alright?" Jieun's face turns pale and worried, and her voice drops to a whisper. "She didn't try to get in your head, right?"
"It was fine, Jieun, she did give me the talk, though. A warning and a blessing, I think."
"Any regrets?" Jieun asks, timidly.
"What? No. God no. None at all. Actually, the only thought I had was if you would like to eat alone tonight? Just you and me, and then maybe we can go on another walk together, I enjoyed that."
"I'd love that," she says, her voice shaky, before a warm smile grows on her face.
"So, can I help you with the flowers?"
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iuchamjohta · 7 days
Pretty, Cutie, Kittie, Minnie
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Male Reader X Minnie
(5612 words)
Enjoy! See end for notes! She was too irresistable I had to write something :D no tags! other than the obvious petplay shall leave the rest for surprises. Didnt proof read so sorry if there are errors.
Work calls and meetings were the bane of your existence, constantly pulling you away from what you truly cherished. You longed to be at home with the girl you love.  After being away for just nine hours at the office, it felt like an eternity. You drove home with a sense of urgency, eager to escape the constraints of your day and return to the comfort you craved, to who was waiting for you at home.
As you reached the doorstep, your hands trembled with anticipation as you fumbled with the keys. With a hurried twist, you flung the door open, your heart racing. The sight that greeted you made your fatigue melt away in an instant. There was, Minnie—your girlfriend and kitten—wearing a playful set of cat ears and a charming maid costume.
She knelt gracefully on a plush pillow, her eyes beaded with excitement as she awaited your return. A wide, relieved smile spread across your face, and all the stress of the day seemed to dissolve in the warmth of her welcoming presence.
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“Look at you, little kitten,” you exclaimed with excitement, gently patting her head softly. “What a perfect kitty you are. I’ve missed you so much,” you cooed. Even though you see Minnie every day, you never could grow tired of her. You find yourself continually admiring her cuteness and beauty as if you were seeing her for the very first time.
Minnie looked up at you with her kitten-like eyes, clearly enjoying the gentle pats you gave her. You ran your fingers through her hair before lowering your hands to cup her soft cheeks, massaging them tenderly. Minnie purred and nuzzled her face deeper into you, savouring the affection you were showing her.
“Such a good kitten for daddy, Daddy’s got a gift for you”. From your bag, you pulled a delicate pink collar, with a small bell that jingled softly. In the middle of the collar, engraved her name in silver beautifully. It was a gift that signified who she truly belonged to. Her eyes sparkled at the beautiful gift as she tilted her chin back exposing her neck. 
“Thank you daddy.” Minnie said as she looked at you in appreciation. You moved behind her, running your fingers on her neck, giving it a little squeeze before fastening the collar around her slender neck. The pink satin contrasted beautifully against her pale skin, and the bell chimes softly with each movement.
You adjusted the collar until it was an appropriate tightness so that it was not too uncomfortable for Minnie. You loved her after all and the last thing you wanted was your precious kitten to get hurt. Finally, you attached the leash to the collar, connecting you to her, a symbol of submission. You were about to engage in your favourite play time with her. 
“Let’s start with a walk, shall we?” You said, tugging gently on the leash. Minnie follows obediently, crawling on her hands and knees, her movements graceful and sensual. The tiles on the floor rubbed against her knees and palms, but it only reminded her of her commitment to you. You guide her around the living room, watching the enticing sway of her hips as she moves. You couldn’t help but land an open handed spank on her ass, watching the pale skin slowly turned red. 
“What must you say kitten?”
“Thank you, Daddy” her eyes are fixed on you, filled with devotion. Your fingers went lower, gently grazing her folds, feeling its wetness. “Naughty kitten, already wet from getting spanked”. 
You lead her to the sofa and sat down, pulling her closer until she kneels between your legs. The position is perfect, her face at the ideal height for what you have in mind. You stroke her hair, your touch tender and commanding before guiding them down the side of her face until your thumb brushes lightly against her lower lip. With a delicate motion, you eased Minnie’s mouth open just enough to slip your thumb inside. 
Minnie responded by sucking on your thumb gently. You added your index finger, using your thumb and index finger to roll around her tongue, in which Minnie responded by opening her mouth wider and sticking out her tongue for you to play.
“I missed you so fucking much my kitten” “Suck me, kittten” you commanded. Minnie doesn’t hesitate; she unbuckles your belt as fast as she could before pulling your jeans down. Then she leans forward, her lips parting to take you into her warm, wet mouth. She’s such a skilled cock-sucker, and her enthusiasm shows as she works her magic. Her tongue swirls around the head of your cock, teasing the sensitive underside before lowering her even further taking you deeper into her mouth. 
“Fuck, this is just what I needed” You groan the pleasure coursing through your body. Minnie purrs and the vibrations of her voice could be felt on your cock amplifying your pleasure. Your hands tighten in her hair, guiding her rhythm as she bobs her head, her full lips sliding up and down your shaft. You could feel her enthusiasm and her eagerness to please you and you appreciated every bit of it. 
Just as you were getting into the mood, your phone buzzes with an urgent work call. You cursed under your breath , knowing you can’t ignore it, yet annoyed that it has interrupted your playtime. 
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“Stay” You commanded, while pulling on the leash to pull her away from your cock. Minnie whimpers softly, her eyes pleading as she looks at you, visibly upset being denied her dessert. You move to the other side of the room, answering the call with a frustrated sigh. As you discuss work matters, you glance over at Minnie, still kneeling patiently, her collared neck a constant reminder of the pleasure waiting for you.
The call seems to last an eternity, but finally, you ended it. Your eyes lock with Minnie's, and you see the desire burning in her gaze. She's been a good girl, waiting patiently for your attention. Disappointingly you had an emergency work meeting you had to attend online due to some shit that had cropped up again at work. 
“Sorry baby… I have to tend to a meeting real quick, just give me a moment.”
“Hmmph, unfair I have been waiting all day, does Daddy not love me?” She pouts angrily. 
“I’m sorry, I promise to make it up to you after this meeting, you know you are the number 1 for me” you said while patting her head gently before pecking her forehead. Pulling up your pants, you left her to get your laptop to join the meeting.
You sit at your desk, frustrated that your playtime has been interrupted, but you remain focused, trying to resolve the issues that have came up. All you wanted is for the meeting to end so you can get back to playing with Minnie. It has almost been an hour since leaving her and even you were getting impatient. 
As you talked, you were unaware of the naughty kitten, Minnie, who had crawled under your desk, eager to worship her Master's cock. She knows she should be a good girl and wait patiently, but the temptation is too great. Suddenly, you feel your pants being dragged to your ankles again. 
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You look down to see Minnie, your precious kitten, parting her soft lips and taking you into her mouth, her tongue swirling around the head, tasting the familiar flavour of your precum from the interrupted session. Her brown eyes sparkle with affection as she looks up at you, her hair falling over her face. She wants to please you , craving your attention and approval after having been denied that the whole day. You held back your moan, knowing you were still in the meeting as the warm mouth embraced your shaft. 
Whenever you unmute to contribute , Minnie would tighten her lips around your shaft, sucking gently at first, but as you emphasise a point, she would intentionally take it as a sign to suck harder. She deepthroats you, her throat muscles massaging your length, her saliva coating your dick. The sensation is incredible, and you feel your cock twitch in her mouth. 
"Umm... I think we should move on to the next agenda item," you say, your voice slightly hoarse as you try to maintain your composure. You shift in your chair, subtly adjusting your position to give Minnie better access. Unbeknownst to your colleagues, you're enjoying a private show. “Naughty kitty, so impatient for Daddy” You looked down at her and smirked as you muted yourself again. 
Minnie took that as encouragement and became bolder. The next time you unmuted and spoked, She moaned softly around your cock, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine. Her hands roam over your thighs, her nails gently scraping the sensitive skin. You sure as hell hoped your colleagues did not hear the moan.
“Right, on the system downtime,” You manage to say, clearing your throat. “ We need to focus on…” You trail off as Minnie's warm mouth envelops your balls, sucking gently, teasingly. You grip the edge of the desk, trying to maintain your professional demeanor while your body betrays you. 
One of your colleagues, unaware of the naughty scene beneath the desk, asks a question. You answer, your voice strained, as Minnie's mouth returns to your cock, her tongue flicking at the sensitive underside. You can't help but thrust your hips upwards, fucking her face gently, the sight of her pretty face buried in your lap almost making you lose control.
The meeting continues, and Minnie's blowjob becomes more intense with each passing minute. She's a talented cock-sucker, using her lips and tongue to drive you wild. She continued her game, whenever you had to speak , she took it as a cue to tighten her throat around your cock, her way of competing for your attention. 
"Yes, we aim to complete it by Thursday then," you say, your voice slightly strained. You can feel your orgasm building, and you know you won't last much longer, you had to end the meeting quickly. 
As the meeting wraps up, you thank your colleagues, your eyes briefly meeting the curious gaze of one of your teammates, who gives you a knowing smile. You wonder if they had suspected anything, but you dismiss the thought as you focus on the kitten beneath your desk. The moment the call ended, you reached down and gently grabbed a fistful of her hair, tugging her head back slightly. 
"You've been a very naughty pet, Minnie. I think you've earned some special attention." “Open wide, kitty, I’m going to fuck your face”.  
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Minnie complied, opening her mouth wide to receive you once more. This time, you thrust into her mouth with force, her lips sliding down your length, and her throat accepting you fully. You held her head in place, fucking her mouth with brutally, as she gagged slightly, her eyes watering from the force of your penetration. But she didn't pull away; instead, she relaxed her throat, allowing you to take control. 
You continued pounding her mouth, your balls slapping against her chin with each thrust. Minnie's moans and whimpers of pleasure fueled your desire, and you could feel your orgasm building rapidly. "That's it, take it, my little slut," you growled, your voice hoarse. "Suck my cock like the good kitten you are."
Minnie's hands reached back, gripping your thighs as she surrendered herself to your pleasure. You felt her nails dig into your skin, leaving marks as she urged you on. Her mouth was pure heaven, hot and tight, and the thought of her willingly submitting to your desires sent you over the edge. 
Just as you were about to reach your climax, you reached down with your hands, and using two fingers you pinched her nose, cutting off Minnie’s breathing. This caused her to inhale deeply through her mouth, in her attempt to gasp for air , which undoubtedly tightened her throat around your shaft. 
With a loud grunt, you exploded, jets of hot cum shot down her throat. Minnie gasped at the volume, she maintained eye contact with you throughout, her big eyes staring at you with affection as she savoured the taste of your release. She swallowed, eagerly, milking your cock with her mouth , ensuring she didn’t waste a single drop. 
As your orgasm subsided, you panted, catching your breath, while Minnie licked her lips, a satisfied smile on her face. "Thank you, Daddy” she whispered, her voice hoarse from the intense blowjob. "I love being your little cock-worshipping pet."
You reached down and caressed her cheek, wiping away the tears that had flowed from her eyes from the intense throat fuck.  "Nicha, you've been a naughty girl," you say, your voice firm as you stand up, your hard cock springing free from her mouth.
"Sucking my cock during an important meeting. You know the rules." “Naughty girls need to be punished."
Nicha… is the name you always use when you are about to punish your kitty. Minnie’s eyes sparkle with excitement. She loves being punished knowing it is a sign of your affection as well as ownership of her. She crawls out from under the desk, her body flushed and her lips glistening with her saliva and cum. 
Grabbing the leash this time, you led her to the nearby couch and grabbed a few things along the way, your eyes never leaving her.
“Bend over, Nicha” you instructed, your voice low and commanding. Obediently, she bends over your lap, her ass presented to you, her hands resting on the cushions. You admire her round, firm cheeks, knowing you're about to leave your mark on her.
“Count” You begin by running your hand gently over her smooth, creamy cheeks before landing a firm smack on her right cheek, watching it turn a delicate shade of pink.  "One," she counts, her voice slightly trembling. You alternate cheeks, delivering another sharp smack, this time on the left, and feel her muscles tense under your touch. "Two," she continues, her voice now a little steadier.
Each strike of your hand leaves a warm, glowing imprint on her skin, and you admire the beautiful blush that spreads across her ass. You deliver another pair of smacks, this time with a bit more force, and hear the satisfying sound of your palm connecting with her soft flesh. "Three... four," Minnie counts, her voice a mixture of pain and pleasure.
Between each strike, you pause, letting the heat build in her ass, watching as the pink hue deepens to a fiery red. You're an artist, and her ass is your canvas, gradually being painted with the colours of her punishment. "Five... six," she gasps as your hand continues its rhythmic dance, alternating between her cheeks.
As you reach double digits, Minnie's breathing becomes more heavy, her pussy dripping wet as the pain and pleasure intertwine. "Seven... eight," she pants, her voice hoarse with desire. 
You lean down, whispering into her ear, "You like this, don't you, pet? Being punished for being such a naughty girl?"
Minnie's response is a mere whimper, her body trembling with the intensity of the sensations. "Nine... ten," she manages to say, her voice breaking as you land two more smacks.
You decided it’s time to move to the next phase. Reaching over for a bottle of lube that you have previously grabbed, you warmed your hands with a generous amount.  With deliberate, sensual strokes, you began to massage the lubricant onto her anus.
Minnie moaned softly, her body responding to your touch as you prepared her for the plug that she had seen you previously grabbed. "Relax, Nicha,""Let me prepare you for your new toy."
Your fingers worked their magic, gently probing and stretching her tight hole. You took your time, wanting to ensure her comfort and pleasure. As you slowly inserted one, then two fingers, Minnie's breath hitched, and she pushed back against your hand, craving more.
"Oh, Daddy, please," she begged
You smiled, pleased with her eagerness. Withdrawing your fingers, you took a silicone butt plug from the box, a sleek, black toy with a delicate tail attached to its base. Perfect for your kitty. You coat it generously with lube, the clear liquid glistening in the dim light. You gently positioned the tip at her entrance and began to push against her tight hole, as you heard Minnie whimpers. 
"Shh, pet," you soothe. With a slow, deliberate push, you begin to insert it, feeling her muscles clench around the intruder. "Relax, Minnie," you instruct, gently working the plug deeper into her ass.
Minnie's eyes fluttered shut and breath catches in her throat, as the plug slowly invaded her, stretching her in a way that was both unfamiliar and intensely arousing. You twist the plug slightly, stimulating her further, and you feel her body tremble in response. "Oh... oh God," she whispers, her voice barely audible. You continued to push the plug further gently. The sight of her ass contracting and gripping the toy with her tight walls was beautiful.
You took your time, allowing her to adjust to the new sensation, before finally seating the plug fully, the tail hanging provocatively between her cheeks.
"Stand up, my kitten," you instructed, your eyes gleaming with desire. "Let Daddy see how it looks on you." Minnie rose to her feet, her movements graceful, the butt plug accentuating the curves of her ass. The tail swayed and dangled provocatively between her legs, brushing against her swollen pussy lips with every move she made. She turned around, offering you a full view of her plugged ass, with her red cheeks due to the spanking. 
“You look beautiful, Nicha” You praised “The plug suits you perfectly, let’s see how it feels” 
Using the leash, you guided her again to the couch, positioning her on her knees, her ass raised high, presenting her glistening pussy to you. With her hands resting on the couch for support, you stepped behind her, your eyes taking in the sight of her exposed, plugged ass. 
You reached out and gave the tail a gentle tug, eliciting a gasp from Minnie. "Does it feel good, my pet? Does my kitten like her new toy?"
"Yes, Daddy," she panted, her voice strained. "It feels incredible deep inside me”
You began to tease her, running your fingers along the length of the tail, tugging and caressing it, sending waves of pleasure and anticipation through her body. You alternated between soft strokes and firm pulls, driving her wild with desire. You watched intently at her ass stretched, as the buttplug moved in and out of her.
"You like that, don't you, kitten?" "Being punished for your naughtiness” You said as you ran your fingers through her already soaking folds, feeling its wetness.
"Yes, Daddy," she replied, your voice breathless. "It makes me so wet."
Your hand paused, and Minnie whimpered at the loss of contact, craving more of yoour touch. "Oh, but you shouldn't be enjoying this, should you?" you said, your voice laced with mock disappointment. "You've been a naughty girl and naughty girls don’t get to cum” 
Minnie shivered at your words, knowing this punishment was far from over and you were about to edge her continuously. 
"Spread your legs, kitten,""Let me see how naughty you've been." 
Obediently, Minnie widens her stance, revealing her glistening pussy lips, already swollen. She bit her lips as she felt your fingers gently part her folds, exposing her sensitive clit.
Such a naughty girl," "Your pussy is dripping, begging for attention. This is still a punishment and you will get to cum when I say so” You reminded again.
She knew the consequence would be worse to disobey you and she was going to use every bit of her will to follow through with this. 
Your fingers danced over her clit, teasing and denying her the pleasure she so desperately craved. She squirmed, trying to press herself against your hand, seeking release. "Please, Daddy," she begged “ I need more” 
You obliged, plunging two fingers deep inside her wetness, which elicited a gasp from her lips. Your fingers worked in and out , stretching and filling her, while your thumb found Minnie’s clit, circling it relentlessly. 
“Oh, fuck!” Minnie cried out, her body shaking as you finger fucked her pussy. “I can’t… I can’t hold back , Daddy”
“You will.” You asserted with a firm dominant voice “ Don’t you dare cum without Daddy’s permission” You increased the pace, your fingers pounding into her needy hole while your thumb worked her clit in perfect rhythm. Minnie’s body quivered, teetering on the edge of orgasm, but you held you there, denying her release.
"Please, please, Daddy," Minnie pleaded, your voice reduced to a whimper. "I'll be good, I promise. Just let me cum."
Your fingers paused, just as she was about to hit her high and she whined in protest , desperate for release. “Not yet, kitten.” “I want to feel every inch of my cock inside this tight little pussy first.”
Grasping the leash tightly, you guide Minnie onto the ground, lowering her until she’s on all fours again, her knees sinking into the soft rug.  As you position yourself behind her, your cock throbs eager to claim what's rightfully yours. You reach down one hand still holding the leash while the other grabbing her hips and pulling her towards you.
With one swift motion, you slide your length into her wet pussy, eliciting a gasp from Minnie's lips. Her warmth envelops you, her tight muscles gripping your shaft as you begin to thrust. You set a relentless pace, pounding into her, claiming her hole as yours. 
Minnie's hands clench the rug beneath her, enjoying her body being used "Oh, yes, fuck me, Daddy," she moans "Use my pussy, please, use it hard." You obliged, lowering her into a prone position, before withdrawing almost entirely and slamming back into her, your hips smacking her ass with each forward thrust. 
The leash provides an additional layer of control, and you give it a gentle tug, pulling her back towards you, ensuring every inch of your cock fills her. The sound of flesh meeting fills the reverberates loudly through the room. Reaching forward, you grab a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back, exposing her neck. You plant open-mouthed kisses along her sensitive skin, tasting the salt of her sweat. "You like it rough, don't you, Nicha?" you whispered in her ears.
"Yes, Daddy," she pants, her voice trembling from the intense pleasure "I love it when you take control, when you use me like this." Your fingers moved to find the base of the butt plug, still nestled snugly in her ass. You twist it slightly, making her whimper and push back against your hand. "Please, Daddy, may I cum?" she begs, her voice a mixture of desperation and pleading.
"Not yet, pet, not until I feel you have earned it” With that, you resume your assault on her core, alternating between rapid, shallow thrusts and deep, slow penetrations, ensuring her body remains on the edge between pleasure and frustration.
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As you fuck her, you admire the sight of her slender figure, the curve of her waist, and the swell of her hips. Her back glistens with a fine sheen of sweat, reflecting the soft lighting of the room. You lean forward again, your chest pressing against her back, your hands roaming over her body, claiming every inch as your own.
Your fingers find her nipples, pinching and rolling them between your thumb and forefinger. Minnie arches her back, pushing her breasts into your hands, seeking more stimulation. You oblige, squeezing and twisting, eliciting a chorus of moans and whimpers from her lips. This new positioned allowed you fuck deeper into her.
"You're so responsive, Nicha," "Every inch of your body craving to be touched and played with” You bite down gently on her earlobe, sucking it into your mouth, marking her with your teeth further. 
Minnie's hands move to her clit, her fingers brushing against the sensitive bud, seeking the release you've denied her. "No, pet," you command, slapping her hand away. "You'll cum when I allow it, and not a moment before."
"I... I can't hold it much longer," she pants, her body shaking. As your thrust became more erratic, you felt that she had earned it and it was time to give her her reward. You reached between her legs, fingers finding her clit and began to rub it in firm circles as you pounded into her.
“Now kitten, Cum, Cum for Daddy” 
Your command was all Minnie needed. Her body convulses in pleasure , her pussy clenching around your cock as she rides out the waves of orgasm. You continued to thurst, fucking her through her orgasm as her juice splattered all over the rug. After a while, your cock slid out of her, Minnie arms gave way and she collapsed on the floor, her pussy still throbbing from the post-orgasm. 
Turning around, Minnie sees your cock still fully erected. “Sorry.. I came before Daddy”. Reaching lower, she spreads her tight asscheeks, with the buttplug still lodged deep inside her. “Would Daddy like to use this hole instead?”
Your eyes widened at the suggestion, yet you couldn't hide your excitement. You have tried anal with her before, but she could not relax enough and you found it hard to get even the tip in. You did not want the first experience to be painful for your pet. You deeply loved her after all. Determined to make it special this time, you approach her with a mix of eagerness and care.
“Are you sure about this?” Minnie nods in response. “Remember, kitten, we’re taking it slow today, and we will go at your pace, if it is too much, just sound out and we will stop” Minnie felt fuzzy at your care. Despite the rough sex, you have always added in bits of tenderness which made her knew she can trust you fully. 
You reached for the tail buttplug, and slowly removed it , watching her face for any signs of discomfort. Her breath quickens as the toy slides out, leaving her ass exposed and slightly gaping. The pink flesh, glistening with her natural lubrication, is a sight that sends a shiver down your spine. You can't help but lean forward and plant a soft kiss on one of her cheeks, savouring the taste of her.
"Open your mouth, Minnie," You had switched back to her name signifying the end of her punishment. Minnie obeyed, mouth watering at the thought of what you were about to do. You guided the tip of the plug to her lips, and she parted them eagerly, sucking the toy into her mouth. The taste of her own ass could be felt which made her feel incredibly nasty and aroused. She swirled her tongue around it, cleaning it with her saliva. 
Positioning yourself behind her, you guide your rock-hard cock to her entrance, feeling the heat radiating from her body. The tip of your dick touches her puckered hole, and you pause, letting her get accustomed to the sensation. You've learned from your previous attempt that patience is key, and you want to ensure she enjoys every moment.
With a gentle push, you apply a bit of pressure, feeling her tightness resist your intrusion. Minnie lets out a soft whimper, a mix of pleasure and discomfort.
"Relax, my pet. Breathe with me. It's okay to feel a little pain, but we'll go as far as you want. You're in control."
You take a moment to caress her hips, your hands soothing the tension from her body. Then, with a slow, deliberate motion, you push forward again, this time managing to sink the head of your cock into her tight channel. Minnie's breath catches, and she arches her back slightly, her body instinctively reacting to the invasion.
"Oh, fuck, is it in yet"
"Not yet, just about one-third.”
You sense her disbelief, and wonder how she is going to take all of you in her ass. You slowly inch your way in bit by bit. 
 "That's it, kitty. You're taking me in, inch by inch. Such a good girl."
With each gentle thrust, you sink deeper, filling her with a slow, relentless rhythm. Her ass clenches around your shaft, the tightness almost unbearable almost forcing your orgasm immediately. You want to pound into her, to claim her completely, but you hold back, letting her guide the pace, it was your first successful attempt after all. 
"You like it deep, don't you, Minnie? Tell me how much you love my cock stretching your sweet ass."
Minnie's response is a moan, her words muffled as she bites down on the silicone buttplug that laid beside her. "Yes... I love it... It hurts so good... Fill me... please..."
Encouraged by her plea, you start to pick up the pace, your hips moving in a steady rhythm. You could feel her ass relaxing, giving you more freedom to move in and out of her. As you fuck her, you reach around and start to play with her sensitive clit, knowing how much she loves the dual stimulation. Your fingers tease the hard bud, rubbing and circling it, sending waves of pleasure through her body. Minnie's moans turn into desperate cries, her body trembling with the intensity of the sensations.
"Oh, Daddy.. I'm so close... Don't stop... Fuck my ass... and my pussy..." Her pussy, glistening with arousal, is a temptation you can't resist. You slide a finger down, finding her wet entrance and plunging it deep inside, matching the rhythm of your cock in her ass. Her pussy was a whimpering mess, juices spilling everywhere and wetting the surrounding. 
A naughty thought crosses your mind as you grabbed the steel feeding bowl nearby for her meals and placed it beneath her dripping pussy. As you continue to fuck her, the pace becoming increasingly frantic, you notice the bowl filling with her juices. The sight is incredibly arousing—a testament to her arousal. You can't help but wonder what it would be like to taste her although if anything you have tasted her the most.
You lifted your other hand before delivering spanks on her already redeened cheeks. Each time your hand connected with her ass, you could feel her hole clenched tighter around your shaft.
"Naughty girl, enjoying getting spanked."
Sensing Minnie on the edge of an intense orgasm, you quickened your thrusting and spanking, plunging deeper into her anal walls as you curled your fingers reaching her G-spot. “That’s it, baby,cum for me. Let everything go” 
Minnie’s body shakes and a high-pitched scream fills the air as she cums, her ass clenching and milking your cock, her pussy pushing your fingers out as a gush of squirt fills the metal bowl below her. 
You felt your balls tightened and quickly pulled out your sensitive cock with a wet sucking sound as you watched her ass gaped slightly. You tug on the leash to spin her around to watch. “On your knees, kitty” 
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Obediently, she kneels, her eyes fixed on you as you step towards the feeding bowl. You stroke your cock, still hard and glistening with her juices, and aim it at the bowl. With a few sharp jerks, you release your hot cum, watching as it mixes with her nectar, creating a unique cocktail. You smiled at your creation. 
“Now, kitten” “Here’s your reward” You lowered her using the leash as she crawls forward towards the metal bowl. She dips her head, her pink tongue extending to lap at the mixture of cum and pussy juice. The sight was incredibly erotic for you, an act of complete submission by your pet. 
“Mmm, it’s so good Daddy” She mewls between licks. “I love the taste of us together.” You kneel beside her, running your hand through her hair, guiding her as she cleans the bowl with her tongue. 
"That's my good girl," you praise, your voice softening. You share a quiet moment with her, gently patting her head and pecking her cheeks. “You did so well kitty” You said as you held her close, feeling her heart facing against yours. More than the sex, you deeply adored her. After a while, you both drift into a comfortable silence, wrapped in the comforting embrace of each other's company. 
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Eventually you got up and led her through the leash back to her cage to rest for the night. Before she reaches her resting spot, she hesitates for a moment before looking at you with those cute beady dreamy eyes. "Would it be okay if… Minnie sleeps with Daddy in his room tonight? For a bit of extra cozy? Her voice is soft and shy. "
You smile, touched by her request and give a gentle nod. “Of course, Minnie, I’d love that.” Her face lights up with a relieved smile, and she takes your hand as you both head towards your room together. 
Ignoring the sweat and cum stains on your bodies, you both slip under the covers. She insisted on wearing the collar to sleep , since it was your gift and in a few moments she had drifted off deeply into sleep. You admire your pretty kitten for a while, staring at her sleep cutely. Moving a few strands of hair behind her eyes, you leaned in for another peck on her forehead, before cuddling her and closing your heavy eyes to rest.
You thoroughly enjoyed your playtime and you could not wait to try many different things with the kitty you loved so much, your pretty, cutie, kitty Minnie.
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Hope you enjoyed the piece! Kitty Minnie was so fitting after this post with her tongue out and in a cage. She was tooooo cute. Too little G-idle fics out there despite them being hot.
I intentionally took note to paragraph and split my sentenced this time , hope it is better for reading!
This is for the author who previously asked to write about Minnie too! Let me know your thoughts comments. Again if you want to drop a request refer to the master list or if you would like to commission a piece drop me a pm!
468 notes · View notes
iuchamjohta · 10 days
We have our winner ! This will be a 1k followers celebration release (790 currently) will work on one more fic before starting on this!
14 notes · View notes
iuchamjohta · 12 days
Just some constructive criticism here, has anyone mentioned that your paragraphs feel too long?
Currently some paragraphs feels like a giant wall of text that could easily be broken into 2 or more parts.
Some better structuring + truncating of some sentences would make it a lot easier for us readers to read and digest your work.
Hey thanks for this I really appreciate it! Do you have any advise on better paragraph splitting/ guidelines I should stick to .. eg maybe not more than 5-6 sentences per para or along those lines?
And yes I have a bad habit of making my sentence overly long 🥲 cause I try too hard to communicate everything at one go and when I don’t fully look through and edit , the sentence structure looks bad.
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iuchamjohta · 13 days
Making it a point to reblog good IU smut <3 since IU smut is lacking. Check this series out , author is cooking!
Photographer: Part 3
~10k words, IU, smut, deepthroating, sex, anal, rough, degrading
Disclaimer: this fic is a bit more on the intense side compared to the rest of the series. It's a bit rough, and it's quite vulgar/demeaning.
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“I’m fucked,” IU gasped as she caught glimpse of herself in the mirror. “Why would you get it in my hair?”
“No way you’re blaming me,” you retaliated while pulling your pants up.
“Yes I am,” IU snapped back with that sexy sharpness to her voice that you’ve come to adore so much in recent times. “And stop that, keep them off.”
“Babe, you have a meeting in ten minutes.”
“Did I fucking stutter?” she scowled as she used a tissue to wipe her hair.
IU really was a sight to behold, standing there sporting nothing but a purple hair tie on her wrist, head tilted slightly while she tried feebly to bring her hair back to a respectable state - quite the insurmountable task in your humble opinion. She didn’t even bother sparing you a glance in the mirror, entirely focused on making herself presentable. Eventually she gave up, realizing it was futile, and finally turned around to give you some proper attention.
“What? Are you just going to stand there?” IU scoffed, crossing her arms and glaring at you, it almost felt like she was stabbing you with her sassiness.
“You’re the one who said you have a meeting,” you replied, walking up to IU, wrapping an arm around her body and slapping her ass hard, making her whole body jolt. Her expression, however, remained indignant. “Tell me. What do you want?” you asked, squeezing her ass hard.
“I want you to actually fuck me,” IU whispered into your face. “And don’t cum in my hair this time.”
“I’ll cum wherever the fuck I want,” you whispered right back at her before grabbing her head with your hands and forcing her down onto her knees.
She dropped down, barely putting up any resistance - her own subtle way of telling you that she wanted this treatment. By the time you pushed her face towards your cock, she had already opened her mouth wide, giving you easy access. You shoved your entire cock into her mouth, pressing her nose firmly against your crotch until you could feel your cock stiffen to its full size.
It didn’t take long for the blood to rush into your cock while it was inside IU’s mouth, her lips stretching from the size. As your cock grew, you could feel IU naturally pushing back, struggling with your size, but you refused to give her any form of reprieve. You held the back of her head firm, pushing your cock as deep as physically possibly down her throat. She was gagging slightly, but you didn’t care at all. Even as her saliva began flooding out of the corners of her lips, you held her mouth to your cock.
IU didn’t get to escape your cock when she wanted to, she only got to take it out when you let her. It wasn’t until she looked like she was on the verge of passing out, tears of struggle spilling from her eyes, that you finally let go of her head and released your cock. She began violently coughing, spitting absurd amounts of saliva out of her mouth onto the floor, hunched over on all fours.
“Up,” you commanded, pulling her up to her feet by her hair. “Hurry up, this is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
“It is,” IU coughed in front of you before you turned her around and bent her over the dresser.
“You’re going to be late for your meeting,” you said while rubbing your cock against her pussy.
“It’s a bargaining technique, make them sweat a bit,” she explained, staring at you in the mirror over her shoulder.
“Maybe I should make you sweat a bit,” you teased, moving your cock away from her pussy.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” IU hissed. “Hurry up and fuck me before I leave.”
“Leave,” you called her bluff.
“Fine,” she huffed, turning around to face you.
Before she could even take a step, you picked her up and tossed her onto the dresser. You stepped between her legs, forcing them apart, and shoved your cock into her. As soon as your cock entered her warmth, you started thrusting. Your hips moved in a steady rhythm, in and out, in and out, squishing her soft pussy, stretching her out. An act you don’t think you could ever physically get tired of.
“I knew you couldn’t- resist,” IU moaned, emphasizing that last word, leaning back onto her hands, pushing her pussy towards you, giving you even better access to fuck her.
“How could I, you’re IU after all,” you grunted, shoving your hips forward with pure carnal intention.
Her tits bounced up and down with each thrust, calling out to you, begging for you to grab them. The soft squeeze of her chest wasn’t enough for you though, your body yearned for more, IU needed to be experienced in every way. You shoved your face forward and put her nipple in your mouth. By genuine mistake - thanks to how fucking distracting her pussy was - you accidentally bit down harder than intended on the little nub.
“Ow! What the fuck!” IU screamed, placing her hand on her tit.
“I’m so-”
“I didn’t fucking tell you to stop,” she cut you off. “Keep fucking going.”
Your hips reacted before your brain and began pumping into her tight pussy again. She really was so tight. She began squealing, crying out softly, screaming about how ‘fucking close’ she was getting. You kept going as fast as you could, this went on for minutes, the sound of skin slapping on skin echoing in the room - anyone outside the room would be able to hear IU getting the life fucked out of her, and she clearly did not care.
“Yes baby, keep fucking going,” IU cried out, completely overwhelming the sounds of your grunts with her voice. “I’m going to fucking cum, don’t fucking stop!”
“I won’t,” was all you could huff back as you were starting to sweat with exertion.
It was getting difficult, your body was starting to go numb, your vision getting hazy, your own orgasm nearing already. Yet IU’s pussy was giving your cock all the energy it needed to keep pumping into it. You were silently begging for IU to cum already, pushing yourself physically to keep going - if it didn’t feel so damn good you would have been done by now.
“I’m close,” you gasped, unsure if IU even heard you.
She had her eyes shut tight, face squinted in pure ecstasy.
“Fucking cum already,” she cried out, rubbing her clit rapidly with her hand. “Fuck-”
Greed took over, she was just too pretty. You just needed to cum in her mouth - something you’ve taken an intense liking for recently. It didn’t matter how much she was enjoying this, it was time. You picked her up and placed her on the floor in front of you before grabbing your cock and stroking it as hard and fast as you physically could.
IU, while still using one hand to rub herself, reached forward and grabbed your shaft, replacing your own hand. She looked up at you, made eye contact, and shoved your cock into her mouth. With nearly the same speed as your own hand, she started blowing you and jerking you at the same time, twisting her hand softly and focusing her mouth on your tip.
This went on for the longest minute of your life, absolutely obliterating your senses. You nearly fell over as your legs began to tremble, failing to hold your body up; You had to grab the dresser with one hand for support.
Seconds before you were about to cum into her mouth, IU’s grip went slack and her head launched backwards. She closed her eyes again, scrunching her face up, her mouth slightly agape as she began cumming. Her hand between her legs was still going just as fast, her legs writhing in pleasure while her back arched, sticking her tits up.
As you were already at the point of no return, you quickly wrapped your hand around hers, tightening her grip on your cock and began stroking again. With your other hand, you grabbed the top of her head, positioning her directly in front of your cock. She couldn’t do much as she was clearly completely inundated by her own delectation, but she did manage to open her mouth just a bit more. It was perfect, all you needed, and using IU’s hand as a fleshlight didn’t just take you over the edge, it launched you over the edge.
Your first torrent of cum left her face painted white immediately, earning you a single squeal as your cum reinvigorated IU’s senses. The subsequent volley of cum was near impossible to aim, barely half of it making it into her open lips, the rest landing directly onto her face. The only redeeming part was that you were accurate enough to make sure each spurt landed somewhere on her face: forehead, nose, cheeks, everywhere.
However, the goal was still to see her swallow your cum. You gave up trying to aim and shoved your cock into her mouth, letting your cock release the rest of your orgasm directly into her throat. Each pulse shooting through your shaft was met with a gentle squeeze of IU’s lips, and each pulse led to you pushing your cock deeper into her. The warmth, the wetness, the vulgarity of it all kept your cock pumping, filling IU’s mouth with an unholy amount of your cum.
As your final few dribbles went into IU’s mouth, she pulled back and took her mouth off your cock. A huge mess of cum was left on your cock - there was evidently too much for her to handle. She looked up at you, opened her mouth for a second, leading to a bit more of your white mess spilling onto her chin, She reactively brought a hand up, catching it before it fell, and shut her mouth tight.
“That’s right, don’t waste even a drop,” you moaned, giving her a second to swallow before shoving your cock back into her mouth. “All of it.”
She sucked you clean, making sure to get your entire length into her mouth, using her tongue around the entire shaft. She squeezed her lips hard as you pulled your cock, completely clean from all cum, out of her mouth slowly, the tight grip making sure none was left. Looking up at you again, she first licked the cum off her hand before she started wiping her face as well.
“Good fucking girl,” you exhaled before dropping down onto the floor next to her.
With her glistening pussy in front of your face, you picked her ass up slightly and shoved your mouth forward, sucking up any of IU’s sweet mess directly off her pussy. She cried out, squeezing your head with her thighs, but you ignored it. You didn’t care how sensitive she was right now, you wanted to suck on her pussy. Only once you were content did you back up, sitting on your knees in front of her.
“Almost got it all,” you smiled, using your finger to wipe a glob of cum that was hanging off her chin and bringing it to her mouth.
“Thank you,” she smiled back before sucking in your finger, making a real show of moving her mouth down to the last knuckle.
“Now, that meeting,” you switched up the topic as she playfully searched for more cum on her face. “You said it was really important?”
“It is,” she replied casually while looking down, finding some more of her prize that had spilled onto her chest.
“Should I go and let you get cleaned up?”
“No,” she answered, still just as casually, while wiping her tits with two fingers and bringing them to her mouth.
“No?” you repeated.
“Can you get it up again?”
“My God,” you laughed in shock. “Fucking insatiable today, are we?”
“You could say that,” she replied casually, making a point to push both of her fingers into her mouth and very slowly pull them out. “So, can you?”
“Give me a minute then,” you chuckled, getting off the floor and taking a seat on the chair you pushed to the side earlier. “Help me out?”
“Of course,” IU smirked, standing up and climbing onto you. She straddled your body, dropping her pussy onto your cock and moving her hips back and forth, rubbing your soft shaft against her body. “How’s that?”
“Fucking love it,” you moaned, taking your hands and grabbing her ass as blood slowly began filling your cock for the third time this afternoon. “Almost there, it’ll be quicker if you tell me what exactly you want me to do to you.”
IU slowly got off your lap and turned around. She looked back over her shoulder before bending at the hips and reaching back with both hands.
“I want to try again,” she said softly.
Her request was very clear, and your cock immediately woke back up. The sight of IU’s tight asshole being accompanied by this request was the greatest blessing. It had become a goal for the two of you, a goal to get past the difficulty of fucking IU’s tight ass.
“Are you sure?” you began stroking your cock. “You don’t have to do it just for me, I know last time was…”
“I’m sure.”
A drop of clear liquid had already formed on your tip, just the thought of what IU was suggesting was making your cock twitch. The two of you had tried a few times now with little to no success, maybe today would be the day you finally accomplished this goal.
“Please be gentle.”
“Absolutely,” you started rubbing your thumb against her asshole. “Still have the bottle?”
IU reached forward and grabbed her purse, pulling out a small bottle of clear liquid out of it and handing it to you. You squeezed a considerable amount of the lube between her cheeks, making sure to spread it evenly around her hole before squeezing another hefty glob onto your middle finger.
“Tell me if it hurts,” you said while grabbing her ass with one hand to spread her cheek wider as you pressed your middle finger against her hole.
“If I can’t do it, I want you to spank me.”
“Spank me, hard.”
With your finger held against her asshole, you let go of her cheek with your other hand and brought your palm down onto her ass.
“Like that?”
“Like that?” you asked again after giving her a substantially harder slap, even eliciting a small whimper from her.
“Fucking harder,” she gasped, bracing herself.
The next slap had to hurt. The way her cheek immediately turned bright red, burning up in warmth. Droplets of lube sprayed off her ass from the shockwaves you sent through her body, her thigh jiggling intensely as she fell forward and grabbed the dresser for support.
“There we go,” she gasped for air, looking back over her shoulder again. “Promise me you’ll do it at least that hard.”
“I promise,” you replied, rubbing lube over your shaft which was full-mast now. “Finger first or should we just try?”
IU answered you by leaning back and lining her ass with your cock. You helped her out as you stuck your crotch forward in the chair.
“Go slow,” you suggested once your cock was lined up with her asshole.
She began lowering her body very carefully. Your tip just barely started to enter her asshole when she stopped and hissed through clenched teeth. She held herself there for a second, composing herself, before trying to push down again. You held yourself steady, letting her do all the work, letting her try desperately to sit on your cock, but it wasn’t working. She was too tight.
“I can’t,” she panted, standing back up and bending over the dresser. “I need you to do it.”
“It’s okay,” you stood up and walked up behind her.
“You’re forgetting something.”
“Ah, right,” you brought your hand up towards the roof and swung it down hard onto IU’s ass, wincing as the second-hand pain could be felt in your own body. “Sorry.”
“Don’t fucking apologize, I asked for it,” IU gasped, grabbing the edge of the dresser.
Without giving her time to react, you slapped her other cheek just as hard.
“I was apologizing for forgetting, not for spanking you,” you lined yourself up with her asshole again. “Ready?”
“Mhmm,” she moaned as you had already started pushing your tip against her.
It was unbelievably tight, you could barely fit - part of you didn’t think you could fit at all. All you knew was that you were going to try, even if it wasn’t possible. After a few seconds of switching up angles, you finally managed to penetrate.
“Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck,” IU began stammering.
“Out?” you asked with your tip inside her asshole.
“No. One second. Fuck. Ugh,” she cried out before dropping her head down to the dresser, leaving her bent ninety degrees at the hips. “Keep going.”
Her wish was your command, and you immediately started pushing yourself deeper. It was nearly impossible, this was by far the tightest sensation you have ever felt in your life. Even though almost all of your focus was on trying to get your cock up IU’s ass, whatever remaining brainpower you had left couldn’t help but relish in how fucking amazing her body felt. Part of you wanted to just start plowing her, ignoring how difficult it was for her, but you couldn’t do that. You didn’t want to break her.
“Okay stop, I can’t!” she screamed.
As quickly and carefully as physically possible, you pulled your cock out of her ass. IU immediately fell to the ground and started rubbing her asshole.
“I’m sorry,” she looked up at you, wincing in pain.
“Don’t worry babe,” you crouched down next to her and kissed her forehead before wiping her eyes. “You did so well this time, I made it halfway,” you lightly encouraged her.
“We can try again,” she panted. “Just give me a second.”
“No, we’ll try again another time,” you said gently. “You’re amazing,” you added while stroking her hair softly.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” you answered before giving her ass one final slap. “It’s not like this is going anywhere, there’ll be more tries.”
She let out a sharp cry after that last slap.
“I don’t want to just leave like that, let me at least finish you off,” IU requested after recovering from the pain, crawling forward and pushing you to sit down on the floor. “Please?”
“If you insist,” you pulled her body so that she was next to you. Once she took your cock into her mouth, you reached your hand over and started massaging her asshole softly. It felt great after the struggle of IU’s tight asshole to just have her blowing you gently, and you leaned your head back to enjoy it. “I fucking love you.”
“Mhmm,” she hummed without taking your cock out of her mouth.
During the ride home, you picked up a few groceries in preparation for dinner. This meeting IU had was allegedly incredibly important, she had been talking about it all week. Part of you really questioned her plan of having you fuck the life out of her right before it, but you figured she knew what she was doing. Your job tonight wasn’t to question her, your job was to make sure your girlfriend would come home to a delicious meal, and that was exactly what you planned on doing.
After putting the chicken in the oven, you quickly cleaned up and started making the table. You decided to get extra cheesy tonight and even brought out some candles, remembering how much IU appreciated it last time. With how much she has been doing for you lately, you loved to spoil her with gestures whenever you could.
Things were actually starting to get serious. Ever since making the decision to go exclusive, things have been amazing. Both of you agreed to keep the relationship private for now, but neither of you let the idea of people finding out stop you from doing what you wanted to do; Even though you both made some minimal efforts to stay private, the two of you still enjoyed a lot of time going on walks and eating out.
It was a given that eventually your relationship would be revealed to the public. Truthfully, you were shocked people didn’t already pick up on it. Other than some basic disguises, the only time you two would be truly secretive in public was when you decided to have sex - she was a fan of the thrill. She was a fan of sex in general.
Daily was an understatement, sometimes it felt hourly. IU was regularly waking you up with a blowjob - she believed you should start the day happy. The only time she wouldn’t was if you woke up first, in which case you quickly learned that she would become extremely grumpy all day if you didn’t fuck her as soon as she woke up.
It was rare for you to not join her at work lately. Whether or was for a quickie during breaks, or simply just for support. You were almost always by her side - or at least a room away staying somewhat discrete from the rest of her staff. She had some questionable story about how she wanted a personal photographer at all times in case you were needed, but you were pretty sure most of her staff knew what was actually going on at this point.
With how much influence IU carried when she walked into a room though, it really didn’t matter what she told them. You would constantly fuck IU just for her to go back to work a few minutes later, they would never question her. If anything, her hair and makeup team was probably starting to hate you.
After just a few days of making it official, IU had essentially forced you to move in with her. You were almost never at your own place anymore, and you even considered moving in officially. The only thing holding you back was that it was still a bit early, but you did think about how much you’d save in rent from time to time.
It was a small price to pay, however, and you truly did not mind. With how much IU was spoiling you financially now, there was really no reason to complain. While she didn’t outright give you money, she was taking you on random shopping sprees and fancy dinners. Even the groceries, she gave you her card to use for them, claiming you had to use her card for the food instead of your own.
This is also why you put so much effort into small gestures like making dinner for her. Of course you could just order food, and you guys usually did, but she was a real sucker for these types of events. Not that you did it for the sex, that was just a nice bonus. You did it because you really did care for her, your feelings for this girl were getting stronger by the day.
The front door clicked and the sound of keys jingled in your ears.
“I’m home!” IU announced as she walked into the kitchen. “Oh my God, that smells good.”
“Just needs like fifteen minutes,” you smiled, picking her up into a hug and kissing her. “Figured we’d have a nice homemade dinner tonight.”
“You made all of this?” she gasped, noticing the spread of food on the dining table.
“And roast chicken in the oven.”
All of a sudden, IU started to cry softly.
“Babe? What happened?” you quickly pulled her into a hug again. “You good?”
“This is just so… thoughtful…” she sniffled in your arms.
“Whew, I thought you weren’t in the mood for chicken or something,” you chuckled while rubbing her back. “How about you go get freshen up, it’ll be ready when you’re back.”
“I love you so much,” IU sighed, giggling gently at your comment.
“Love you, too,” you let go of her. “Now go quickly, it’s almost ready.”
IU scurried off, leaving you to finish the dinner preparations. Once everything was done, you sat down at the table and waited patiently for her return. It didn’t take long before IU came back in a t-shirt and some very short shorts with her hair tied up in a ponytail.
“This looks so good,” she squealed, hugging you from behind before taking a seat. “By the way, there’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about work today.”
“Work talk after dinner, I want to hear all about the meeting,” you replied while holding up two bottles. “Red or white?”
“White please,” she smiled, flashing her beautiful teeth at you.
“Just tell me one thing,” you started pouring the wine into her glass. “Did you get the contract?”
“I did,” IU picked up her glass while you poured yourself some as well.
“Then cheers to that,” you held your glass up. “Congratulations.”
“Yeah,” she mumbled before taking a sip.
Dinner was a mostly silent affair. Other than the occasional compliment about your cooking, IU was clearly distracted - probably by hunger. Not that you minded, you were equally as hungry, and you knew there was plenty of time afterwards. You didn’t want to think about it, but it was a fact that after every dinner you’ve made for IU, the night has ended very much in your favor sexually.
After finishing the meal, the two of you quickly put away the dishes and leftovers. Once everything was cleaned up, you both found yourselves in the living room where you took a seat on the couch. Instead of sitting next to you, IU decided to drop down to her knees in front of you.
“Whoa there babe,” you chuckled, pulling her up by her arms. “I love you, and you know I want that, but first tell me about work. You said you wanted to tell me something earlier?”
“Alright,” IU looked saddened by the situation. “Can we go to the bedroom then?”
“Fine,” you smiled, standing up from the couch. “Don’t look so sad, we’ll do all of that soon.”
IU smiled weakly before following you into her bedroom. You sat down on the bed and IU, to your surprise, sat down on the chair.
“Everything alright? You know I’m going to let you suck my cock still, right?”
“Something happened during the meeting.”
The tone in the room shifted suddenly. You leaned forward, the smile disappearing from your face as you stared at IU, trying to read her expression.
“Something happened?”
“The meeting started off not exactly like how I wanted it to go,” IU began explaining. “I told you right, this contract was incredibly important.”
“You did.”
“I thought it was basically guaranteed, I thought they needed me,” she continued. “Turns out they had more leverage than I knew about.”
She paused for a second to take a deep breath.
“He said he had a few people tell him about what I used to do,” she started to get choked up. “He threatened to… if I didn’t…”
“That’s fine though, right? You told me there was protection in place, that your company was ready to disprove any allegations that could be made.”
“This was a really important contract.”
“Did you…” you hesitated, suddenly feeling a burning anger inside you. “Tell me what happened.”
“I’m really sorry, I had no choice.”
“What did you do?”
“I’m sorry.”
“What did you do?” you repeated.
“I had to… convince him,” IU stammered. “He said there was only one way.”
“How did you convince him?”
“Don’t make me say it,” IU pleaded.
“Did you fuck him?”
“What did you do?”
“I just sucked- I’m sorry!”
“Is this why you wanted this relationship to be a secret?” you laughed sarcastically. “Un-fucking-believable.”
“No, it’s not like that!” IU protested.
“All that bullshit about keeping this a secret to protect me,” you spat. “It was actually just so you could keep blowing every cock that walked through your door?”
“It’s not like that,” she muttered, her voice quiet, eyes low.
“Isn’t it?” you snapped. “How long have you been lying to me?”
“Please, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry doesn’t un-suck a cock,” you hissed before suddenly remembering something. “That time you came to me in tears right before we decided to go exclusive…”
“I wanted to tell you,” IU started to cry. “But you were so…”
“Understanding? Forgiving?” you intervened. “You probably thought I would judge you just like everyone else, you were scared of it, you didn’t know how to react when I didn’t call you a slut?”
That last word clearly stung, you could see it clearly the way IU’s lower lip immediately began to tremble followed by a fresh wave of tears.
“I should have told you the first time, that was wrong of me,” she stammered between tears. “I didn’t know that I could, but I do now. That's why I’m telling you this. I fucked up and don’t want to hide it from you.”
“Now I don’t give a fuck if you tell me,” you replied coldly. “I trusted you, and you lied to me. Tell me then, when you claimed ‘nothing happened’, tell me what actually happened that time.”
“I’m so sorry-”
“Don’t fucking apologize,” you interrupted. “I want to hear you confess. Did you fuck him?”
“No! I told you, I’ve never fucked any of them.”
“Oh forgive me for not believing everything you told,” you laughed condescendingly. “Then what, did you blow him? Did you let him nut down your throat? We both know how much you enjoy that part.”
“Why are you doing this?” IU sobbed, using her shoulder to wipe her eyes.
“Because now I know you are a slut, and I want to hear you admit it,” you answered angrily, leaning back on the bed. “If you don’t want to, I can leave.”
“Please don’t,” IU begged, taking a deep breath. “I just… used my hand…”
“How many times since you asked me to be exclusive with you?”
“I’m so fucking sorry,” IU started sobbing again.
“How many times?”
“Not many,” IU answered quietly.
“Meaning there were multiple times?” you burst out laughing. “I can’t fucking believe I trusted you.”
“Today was the first time I touched someone.”
“What else did you do?”
“Fucking answer the question,” you snapped.
“There were a couple clients who I let see me,” she sobbed. “They touched themselves, I didn’t touch them.”
“Until today,” you replied with ice in your tone. “Until you really needed to convince someone, that was enough to make you go back to sucking cock for gain.”
“I had no choice.”
“Stop fucking saying that!” you shouted back. “You had a choice, the choice was to not suck another man’s dick.”
“Please forgive-”
“You’re a fucking slut,” you cut her off without any remorse in your voice. “That’s all you are.”
“I thought you said even if I did something, it was okay,” IU sobbed, wiping her eyes.
“That was before you asked me to be exclusive,” you retorted sharply without hesitation. “By the way, letting people jerk off on you is also not okay. You fucking slut.”
IU burst out crying, falling off the chair and onto her knees. You didn’t care, you simply let her. There was no consoling her this time, she fucked up and she knew it. The anger inside you couldn’t be put into words, but you knew this was the end. You knew she went too far, and you were not okay with this.
“Slut,” you mumbled under your breath.
She heard it, wincing at the word again, but she didn’t respond. She just took it, like she knew that’s what she was, and she wasn’t defending herself. She couldn’t.
“Even now, I can see you still don’t want me to leave. Even after everything I’ve said.”
“I don’t,” IU sniffled before crawling forward between your legs.
She started pulling your pants down, and you didn’t stop her. You let her do it, you let her release your cock from your pants. This time, you weren’t lusting for her, this time was different. You didn’t want to make love to her, not that you could right now. If she wanted to do this, then you were going to use her. This wouldn’t make you forgive her at all, but you didn’t care.
Every fiber in your body wanted to get up and leave to never look back. Yet for some reason, you didn’t. For some reason, you sat there as IU, face covered in tears, started stroking your cock. It didn’t even take long for you to get hard, it’s not like IU stopped being beautiful, but you couldn’t see her in the same way anymore.
It wasn’t an easy decision for you, but you decided fuck it. If she was going to let you fuck her again, you were going to take the opportunity. It was different this time though because you didn’t care, at this point she was a - just barely - glorified prostitute for you. She was your tool to use, and she was seemingly fine with that.
“That’s right,” you commented as you slipped your cock into her mouth. “Do what you’re made for, what you’re good at.” You placed your hand on the top of her head.
Even as tears flowed down her cheeks, she accepted your cock into her lips and sucked with the same effort she always put in. She still managed to use her tongue in all the right ways, all that experience she had with your cock down your throat, the countless blowjobs, the excessive deepthroat sessions, they were all paying dividends right now.
“It can stop whenever, all you have to do is take my cock out of your mouth and I’ll leave,” you told her, knowing she wasn’t going to stop. You gave her an open palmed slap on the side of her face, one that didn’t even phase her more than a little jolt as she kept sucking. “You’re just hoping I’ll fuck you, aren’t you? You think by sucking my cock you’ll get me to fuck you again? After everything you did?”
She kept going, even using one hand to fondle your balls the way she knew you loved. Your cock never left her mouth, even as you started thrusting your hips forward, slamming your body against her face, smearing the teardrops against her cheeks. Her body was jerking backwards with each thrust of your hips, she nearly lost balance and fell, but her mouth never left your cock. Not until you spoke up again.
As soon as the words left your mouth, IU pulled back. She waited patiently on her knees, hands on her thighs, not even wiping the mess of saliva all over her chin steadily dripping down her shirt. Her gaze fixated on the floor between your feet, waiting for your next command while her entire body moved up and down with each heavy inhale and exhale.
“So you can hear me,” you taunted her, rubbing her cheek lightly with your saliva-covered cock. “That’s actually what you want? You just want to get fucked again?”
No response.
“Stand up,” you grabbed her arm, giving it a yank so that she was standing in front of you, still seemingly incapable of looking at you. “Take it all off.”
IU wasted no time in stripping off her clothes. She stood there, completely nude now, covering up herself with her arms.
“Adorable,” you laughed as you pushed her arms away, leaving her body entirely exposed. “A piece of fuck-meat like you shouldn’t be ashamed of showing her body.”
She winced at the phrase fuck-meat, finally giving you a reaction again.
“What’s wrong, don’t like hearing the truth?” you pressed, stepping to the side of her body and giving her ass a hard slap before leaning into her ear. “Aren’t you just my fuck-meat?”
She shook her head no.
“You’re right,” you continued softly, stepping again so that now you were behind her. You reached your arms around her body, cupping both of her tits into your hands and squeezing hard before leaning into her ear again. “You’re not my fuck-meat, you’re everyone’s.”
“Not everyone’s,” she muttered under her breath.
“Why’s that? Because you claim I’m the only one who has put it in here?” you asked as you slid your cock between her legs, teasing it against her pussy. “I’m not sure if I even believe that anymore, but I do believe this one's all mine,” you let go of one tit and brought your hand between IU’s asscheeks. “Maybe I’ll try to take it one last time before you start giving it away, too,” you whispered as you pressed your thumb against her asshole, threatening to push it in.
IU exhaled heavily as you finished your lap around her, sparing her asshole - for now. She still couldn’t look at you directly as you stood right in front of her. Her face was completely wet from a mixture of her tears and saliva, but she still didn’t bother wiping any of it away.
“All you have to do is walk away, or tell me to leave,” you said casually while wrapping her hair around your fist. “This all stops whenever you want it to stop.”
Again, no response.
“Fine,” you grunted before using your grip on IU’s hair to bend her over at the hips and bring her face down to your crotch.
Without even giving her time to think, you shoved your cock down her throat aggressively before holding her head steady and using your hips to slam your cock as deep as it could go again. You held yourself balls deep in her mouth for a few seconds, pushing hard as her nose squished against your body before letting go of her completely.
She stayed bent over, hands on her knees for support, and violently coughed up spit all over the floor. Her entire body was trembling as she gasped for air. After a few moments where you did nothing but watch her struggle, she composed herself and got back up. Finally, she looked up at you with a blank expression, not caring at all about the tears dripping out of her blood-shot eyes.
“You’re really this desperate?” you whispered, using your hand to wipe the tears from her eyes. “If this is what you really want, get on the bed.”
IU suddenly broke down and started to sob, turning her head away from you again, this time covering her face with her hands. She turned around and climbed onto the bed, sitting in the middle of it in a ball, burying her face in her arms.
“Spread your fucking legs,” you demanded as you walked up to the bed.
She obeyed, spreading them wide enough for you to see her pussy. She was already drenched between her legs, within just a few seconds leaving a huge stain of wetness on the bed sheets beneath her. After aggressively wiping the tears from her eyes, she stared at you, waiting for your next move as she tried desperately to control her crying.
There was zero effort on her part to stop you as you grabbed both of her ankles and yanked her to the edge of the bed. Her back fell to the mattress and she lay there, waiting as you brought your cock to her pussy. You took your time, rubbing your tip against her body for a while before gently easing your cock into her. Slowly, you pushed forward, stretching her pussy wide until you were all the way inside her.
She started to cry again.
“Do you want me to stop?”
She shook her head.
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
She nodded her head.
“Fine,” you grunted as you started to thrust your cock into her. “Then say it.”
Before she could say anything, you leaned forward and gave her another slap on the face, not as hard this time - it was less for the pain and more for the intent. IU took a deep breath before staring directly into your soul and speaking with utter conviction. 
“I want you to fuck me.”
“Of course you do,” you spat, picking up both of her legs and placing them on your shoulders.
At least now she had stopped crying and was moaning quietly each time your balls slapped against her skin. You decided to ignore the state she was in and focus entirely on how tight her pussy was squeezing your shaft right now. She felt tighter than ever, and you fucked her harder than ever to get through it. You had no more regard for her well-being, and that’s what she wanted.
She had no control over anything in this position - it was all you. You were relentless, smashing her pussy harder than you ever have before. Even when you’ve had rough sex with her before, none of it compared to how hard you were going now. IU felt each thrust deep in her core, each inch of your cock, each ounce of tension that you launched deep into her pussy.
It didn’t even matter if she was enjoying it, you didn’t care that her moans were those of pleasure. At this point she was nothing more than sex in your eyes, you didn’t care about anything else she had to offer. She was warm, she was wet, she was tight. She was yours. Suddenly, you started to feel her pussy convulse in a way you knew all too well at this point.
“Fuck,” she cried out softly, shutting her eyes tight.
In your mind, her orgasm had to feel better for you than it did for her, because she felt fucking amazing right now. The way her pussy squeezed your cock in these beautiful rhythmic contractions, the most ethereal sensations of gratification shot up your spine - but you weren’t done yet.
With great difficulty, you pulled your cock out of her pussy and watched as a small gush of liquid spilled out of her. You watched as her pussy continued to convulse, letting her finish before dropping her legs off your shoulders. She squirmed as you bent down in front of her and plunged two fingers up her pussy.
“Oh fuck yes,” she moaned softly as you pressed your mouth against her clit, sucking up some of her tangy mess.
It didn’t last long, however, and you quickly stood back up in front of her.
“Turn around.”
She looked up at you, hesitating for a split second before complying and turning onto her stomach. You pulled her backwards so that she was bent over the side of the bed with her feet on the floor and gave her ass a hard slap.
“I’m going to fuck you in the ass,” you informed her as casually as if you were telling her the weather. “If you want to stop, speak up.”
“I don’t want to stop,” she answered without looking back at you.
“It’s going to hurt. A lot,” you continued, using both of your hands to spread her cheeks as wide as they could go, exposing her tight asshole to the world. “I’m not going to be gentle.”
“That’s fine,” IU stuttered, reaching back with both hands to help you spread her cheeks.
“I don’t care if you scream,” you pushed the back of her head down into the bed with one hand before lining your cock up with her asshole, holding your tip against her tight entrance. “I don’t care if you cry. Unless you say stop, I’m not stopping.”
Her body was so pristine in this position - almost too perfect. You slapped her ass again, this time as hard as you could, leaving a very distinct red mark. She let out a small yelp, but she held the position with her cheeks spread for you. It was time, you positioned yourself right behind her ass and got ready.
IU’s asshole was even tighter than you remembered, even pushing just your tip into her was difficult this time. The lack of lube - if you didn’t count what IU’s body left all over your cock - made it so much harsher, but you didn’t care. You didn’t even consider backing off, your mind was set on putting your cock into her ass and that was exactly what you were about to do.
It was as if a wall broke down, and suddenly your hips lurched forward. IU’s high pitched scream pierced your eardrums as half of your cock plunged into her asshole. Her body was vibrating now, but the hard part was done, it only got easier from here. You pushed forward just a bit more before pulling back until just your tip was in her ass.
After a short pause, you took a deep breath and shoved your cock all the way in. IU screamed again, letting go of her cheeks and clinching both hands into fists. She began whimpering into the bed uncontrollably. With how intense her asshole was probably feeling right now, you weren’t even sure if she felt the next slap of your hand against her ass leaving another mark.
Your cock was fighting for its life against the tight squeeze of her asshole. After a couple of short minutes, you had gotten used to how unbelievably tight she was, and it was starting to feel incredible. You used your hands to hold her tiny body, giving you better leverage as you shoved your cock into her asshole.
Her asscheeks squished against your thighs so beautifully each time you pumped into her. The rhythmic ripples of her skin each time your bodies made contact was hypnotizing, you couldn’t take your eyes off her body. The way she lurched forward so aggressively with each thrust was beyond beautiful to you.
The way her initial piercing screams had been entirely replaced by whimpers. Initially, you were pausing after every few thrusts, giving her a chance to make it stop - an opportunity she never took. Once you realized she wasn’t going to quit this time, you let go of all ideas of sanctity. IU’s asshole was yours for the taking now, and you were going to take it.
She deserved credit. You knew her asshole was burning right now, it never really loosened up for you. Each thrust was difficult, but each thrust felt so fucking good. Her pussy was tight, but her asshole was impossibly tight. Yet here you were, forcing the impossible to happen with the power of pure lust.
Your cock loved it more than you ever could have imagined. At some point, IU’s whimpers had once again turned into screams, but you could barely comprehend anything in the world right now other than the orgasm that was quickly approaching. The screams began to die down again, or so it seemed like they did. Even the whimpering was gone at this point, it was just the sound of your cock penetrating her asshole now.
IU’s entire back was flexed, her toned body trying desperately to hold on and survive the attack. You had no idea how she was faring anymore, and with how phenomenal it felt, it was honestly hard to care. It seemed like she was using every ounce of strength in her body to hold on, but it was hard to believe it was enough.
Just a bit more, you could feel the end nearing. IU’s body must have felt it too, because she was finally starting to loosen up just slightly - or perhaps the relentless attack on her tight asshole was finally becoming too much, or perhaps her body was finally starting to adjust to the brutality of your thrusts, or perhaps her body was giving up. All of this was secondary to the fact that you were probably seconds away from blowing.
It was time, there was no more holding back, and you knew exactly where you wanted to finish. You swiftly pulled your cock out of her asshole, giving her barely enough time to gasp in relief before she squealed as you grabbed her hair and pulled her backwards. You yanked her off the bed and onto her knees in front of you, facing away from you. Then you pulled her hair harder until her head was tilted upwards towards the roof. You took a step over her and pushed your cock straight downwards into her mouth.
The bulge in her neck was so well-defined as your cock invaded her throat, you could so clearly see the outline of your cock. You pushed down until you felt your balls make contact with her nose before grabbing the sides of her head with your hands to hold her steady. It only took three, maybe four - who’s really keeping count - half-thrusts of your cock before you felt yourself start releasing a slurry of cum straight into IU’s throat.
“There we fucking go,” you moaned, leaning your head back as the pleasure became too much.
Your cock stayed in her throat for a whole minute, still unloading more and more cum into her. It felt so fucking good that you didn’t care one bit that she was gagging on the sheer volume of liquid. She was physically overflowing, the cum was spilling from her lips faster than she could swallow it.
As you moved your cock up and down slightly, the cum that spilled out of her lips was being spread around her face, some of it spilling down her neck, some of it spilling onto her nose. You didn’t care. It wasn’t until you felt the final dribble of cum leave your body did you finally take your cock out of her mouth.
IU immediately fell forward onto her hands, coughing violently again. She gasped sharply for air before coughing and spitting. Her body was still shaking as she balled herself up on the ground in fetal position, breathing deeply and sobbing. For the first time, you truly felt bad for her. Maybe this was too much, maybe you went too far, or maybe the post-nut clarity was just hitting really hard.
“It’s time to talk.”
IU looked up at you, a fresh set of tears on her face, in utter disarray.
“You want to talk? After that?” she croaked before coughing again. “What’s there to talk about?”
“This relationship,” you replied, sitting on the edge of the bed in front of her.
She began to stand up when you stopped her.
“No, stay on your knees. It’s where you belong.”
“I did everything for you,” IU coughed as another fresh wave of tears spilled from her eyes. “Why are you still being so mean?”
“Did you think this would fix things? Did you really think you could fuck your way out of this like you do with everything else?”
“I don’t fuck my way out of everything,” IU cried, her voice completely hoarse.
“For what it’s worth,” you paused to lean forward and gently caress her face, wiping the tears away. “I don’t even fault you for what you do, it’s quite innovative in a fucked up way.”
Another wave of tears.
“I’m not going to tell anyone about us, or about what you do. I have no interest in dragging your name through the mud,” you stood up in front of her. “But I can’t do this anymore.”
“Is this… the end?” IU hiccupped.
A nod was all you gave in response, and this time you didn’t stop her as she tried to stand up. The two of you stared at each other for a brief moment before IU lunged forward and wrapped her arms around you.
“I’m really sorry for what I did,” she mumbled, her voice muffled by your body.
A sudden rush of feelings hit you, harder than you anticipated. All of a sudden your skin got warm and you felt like your heart was about to explode. You wiped your eyes before any tears could fall and then hugged IU back, holding her tightly.
“I’m sorry,” IU sniffled as another wave of sobs hit her.
“Don’t apologize,” you rubbed her back, your own tears falling now.
It took what felt like a couple of minutes before her sobbing finally started to subside somewhat. You let go of her and gently guided her to the edge of the bed before grabbing a tissue box from the side table.
“Here,” you held it out for her as she graciously accepted a tissue and blew her nose.
“I’m such a fucking mess,” IU said before tossing the tissue to the side and taking another one.
She carefully wiped the corners of her eyes with the tissue. You gave her all the time she needed, patiently sitting next to her. Once she was done, you grabbed one of the pillows and gave it to her to place on her lap, offering a tiny bit of modesty.
“That was a lot,” you said softly, pausing between each word.
“Does this really have to be the end?” she asked quietly, laying her hands on the pillow you gave her.
“It does.”
There was a long pause during which IU stared at her hands as if they were the most interesting artifacts in the world. Her legs were still trembling slightly, you didn’t know if it was from emotion or pain at this point. A part of you started wishing that she had said stop now, wishing she wouldn’t let you hurt her. Finally, she looked up at you.
“I understand,” she whispered.
Tears began running down her cheeks again, but there was no sobbing. She didn’t bother wiping them either, she just let them flow freely.
“I’m sorry things had to end this way,” she stated, an eerie emptiness in her voice. “I just want you to know I really loved the time we had together.”
“I did, too,” you replied, quickly wiping the tears that began forming in your eyes. “And I really loved you.”
Her lip began to tremble, her expression threatening another breakdown, but she held strong for the last time.
“You always know how to reach me,” she said softly after taking a deep breath. “If you ever want to.”
“I know.”
Those were the final two words you shared before you started getting dressed. IU watched in silence instead of also getting dressed. You were quick, skipping the socks and shoes before walking to the door. You paused with your hand on the doorknob and turned back to face IU one final time. She hadn’t moved from her spot on the bed.
“I’ll come back for my stuff tomorrow.”
She started to choke up before burying her face in her hands. As the first few sobs hit your ears, you walked out of the room and closed the door behind you.
The final (probably) part of this series! Hopefully the ending wasn't too sad or anything. If I made this series longer I probably would have spent more time building the relationship. I did feel like things moved a bit too quickly, but hopefully I did it justice.
Anyway, future plans! I have a handful of fics currently in progress. I know I said I'd update my Twice series, but I ended up spending a lot of time planning the rest of that series out. Part of why I ended up writing this chapter was because someone left a very lovely comment on part 2 that inspired me - use that info as you will, I'm very easily inspired by positivity!
Please feel free to leave comments/asks/whatever. I might not reply to every ask I get anymore, just to reduce spam on my followers, but I do read them all. Future updates will be kinda sporatic again as I'm back to being busy with life until my next break, but they'll be more consistent than they have been (I think, no promises)!
941 notes · View notes
iuchamjohta · 16 days
Leave these woman alone ft Yuna
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1400 words
Notes: Hi anon thanks for your request, since it’s sent through the request box 😊 here’s a story dedicated for you. Also I will do Yuna justice with a better fic eventually don’t worry! (Yes this is a mix of shade and partial smut i guess) Did'nt proof read this thing cause it aint worth my time. For those who wants to read for the smut you can ignore the first two and last two paragraphs they arent for u but specially for my dear requester XD
First person POV of anon:
My name is Anon. I work a standard 9-5 job and have been doing so for 30 years. I’m a single and have never dated. Everyday I get scolded by my boss but I turn a deaf ear to it , just going through the motion of my routine life. Things however get exciting once I get home. I can induldge in my deepst darkest fantasies.
You see while on the surface, I'm a white knight in shiny armor, beneath that, I'm a self-righteous hypocritical man, living a double life. I've got an entire collection dedicated to Yuna, my ultimate bias, stashed away in a folder on my laptop, hidden deep within a secret folder, safely encrypted with a password only I know. It's my little haven, my sanctuary—a place where I can indulge in my wildest fantasies, free from judgment. I mean, who doesn't have their celebrity crushes, right? But for me, it's more than just a crush. Yuna is my fantasy. She's the one who makes me question my self-control.
The room is dimly lit, perfect for what I have in mind. I pull up a recent fancam from her solo performance.. There she is, in a low-rise jeans that showcased her hourglass figure, strutting across the stage with sheer confidence. The camera zeroes in on her for a solo performance, the lucky bastards in the audience probably have no idea how fucking lucky they are. Her eyes glint with confidence, as if seducing me and sending a wave of anticipation through my body. I bite my lip, feeling my dick twitch in anticipation. It's one of those days when I crave a release, a day dedicated to worshipping her perfect body.
Yuna is everything I want and more. Her magnetic aura draws me closer to the screen as she seductively sways to the music. Every curve of her body is sculpted by the gods themselves. I zoom in, wanting to explore every inch of her, starting from her face. Her huge eyes, her full lips that always look succulent, begging for me to take them. Her skin, pale in complextion that glows under the stage lights. I'd kill to know what she smells like, if she tastes as sweet as she looks. Her long legs they begged to be worshipped.
Her hair, cascading in soft waves, frames her face, occasionally whipping her forehead as she moves, making my fingers itch to run through it, to feel its silkiness between my fingertips. Her crop top reveals just the right amount of skin and her incredibly sexy midriff. They hug her chest tightly. I imagine pinching those rosy nipples, already knowing from countless fantasies that they'd harden instantly. The thought sends a jolt of lust straight to my cock.
The camera follows her every move, and she's teasing the fans mercilessly. She bends down, the low-rise jean - hugging every inch of her toned thighs and plump ass, highlighting the perfect hour glass figure. God, her ass! It's a work of art, rounded and firm, a sight that has me gripping my cock, stroking slowly as I imagine sinking my face into that soft flesh. The way she reveals her cleavage, The way her muscles flex under those jeans makes my mouth go dry. She knows what she's doing, the little tease. Each flick of her hips is a silent invitation to something forbidden.
As the song progresses, so does my hand on my shaft. I can't stop picturing her riding me, those long, toned legs wrapped around my waist. Her abs clench and relax with each provocative move, the sight alone nearly pushing me over the edge. The sweat glistening on her skin, the way it would feel slick under my palms as I hold her hips, grinding into me, fuck, it consumes me. I want to be the reason for her sweat, for her moans.
The performance builds up, and so does my pace. My breathing quickens, mirroring her heavy pants as if we're in sync. I can imagine the lust matching my own as she moves her hair behind her back, giving me a perfect view of her slender neck and the pulse point that makes my mouth water. A collarbone looks so defined and my hands would look so fucking perfect there, pushing her down unto my cock. My cock twitches, the thought of owning this goddess in the bedroom flooding my mind. I want to see her—no, I need to see her submissive side, her begging for more, on her knees, her pretty eyes pleading for me to take control.
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I can't resist the urge anymore. I pause the video at the part where she's bending forward offering an eyeful of her cleavage and a hint of her flat stomach. The image fills the screen,  letting me examine every detail. From her perfect breast that I imagine running my tongue all over, to her navel, a shallow indent, a tempting destination for my tongue. I'd work my way downward, hearing her whimpers as I trace patterns on her sensitive skin, marking her with love bites along the way until I reach her wet core. With my other hand, I reach for the lube, needing more sensation. I coat my fingers and continue imagining my tongue's path, heading south past her navel to the place she craves attention. I'd tease her, running my fingers through her wetness, finding her clit, driving her wild. And when she's close, I'd sink two fingers into her, feeling her heat, her tightness, while I suck on that perfect neck, leaving my mark. Her moans would fill the room, echoing off the walls, telling me she's mine.
But, Yuna she's a master at denying satisfaction. The clip cuts just as I can see her biting her lip, probably holding back a moan. That's when my stroking gets wilder. I jerk off fiercely, imagining her on all fours, that ass in the air, begging for my cock. In my mind, I'd stand behind her, taking in the view before delivering hard thrusts, the sound of skin slapping skin filling the room. She loves rough, I know that much. I want to spank that ass, watch it jiggle with each impact, watch her pussy squeeze my dick, milking me.
"Fuck, Yuna," I groan, my vision blurring as pleasure spikes. I see her looking over her shoulder, those eyes half-lidded, knowing she's craving it harder. In my fantasy, I'd tug her hair, making her submit, taking her like an animal. I increase the pace, my balls tightening, then I would reach my peak, exploding with sensation. I come violently, coating my hand and the screen, wishing it was her that I coated instead.
Panting, I lean back, my heart hammering in my chest as I relish the aftermath. The image of her winking at the camera as she says her farewells plays in my head, and I know I'll be back for more—she's my addiction. Cleaning up, a satisfied smile on my face, I wonder if she has any idea the effect she has on me, if she knows she just gave me the best fucking handjob ever. Little does she know, this 'nobody' behind the screen is more than willing to show her how good it could be in reality.
Maybe one day, she won't just be a fantasy, but until then, I'll keep worshipping her on my screen.
Then with this guilty pleasure, I find the need to claim her as mine and "protect" her. Going unto forums, I tell myself I have to put back on my knight in shiny armour image! Telling everyone else to leave all these woman alone especially Yuna.
To me pornography is okay, I have fapped to many of it, nor do I see the need to email all these pornographic companies on what they are doing though more damaging is wrong. Other sexual fantasies are okay, but when it comes to others fantasising about my idols, I have to be defensive since they are my life even though I would never reach them. This is me, a double standard hypocritical white knight, a nameless nobody in my life. Nonetheless, this secret is safe with me, and as long as I live, I shall continue to remain self-righteous on the outside while indulging in my secret fantasies.
Thanks for your request once again! Yes me being an internet troll, anyways not the best smut I have written I apologise. Okay fuck now I actually need to do justice by releasing a proper Yuna fic . Please send ideas for req on Yuna guys a one time offer that the best idea gets it’s fic written on her.
358 notes · View notes
iuchamjohta · 17 days
14 notes · View notes
iuchamjohta · 19 days
From dream to reality ft YooA
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Words 5860
Tags: Threesome, double penetration, double blowjob, hard fuck, carry sex.
See end for notes.
You sat at the corner of WM Entertainment’s practice, heart heavy, and minds full. The room, which used to be full of energy, now felt cramped and overwhelming. Mirrors lined the walls, reflecting the fatigue and stress that filled the space. As you caught your breath, you watched your fellow trainees go through their routine.
Your recent evaluation had not gone well. Your performance, despite weeks of arduous preparation, had left the evaluators unimpressed. Their words still echoed in my mind: “If you fail again, you will be asked to leave as a trainee. There will be no more chances.”
The weight of those words was crushing. Every moment felt heavy, laden with the crushing disappointment of having fallen short. Your heart, which had once soared with the hope of debuting on stage and stepping into the limelight, now felt like it was sinking into a pit of despair. The dream that had initially seemed so attainable now felt cruelly out of reach. The idea of never achieving your goal—and never having another chance to be with YooA—was unbearable.
YooA. Her name was like a melody that had played in your heart since the beginning. Ever since you saw her on stage for the first time, it had drawn you to WM Entertainment. She was the reason you had pushed yourself so hard, the reason you had endured countless hours of practice. She was the brightest star to you in WM Entertainment. Her performances were mesmerizing, and her presence seemed to bring a sense of warmth that was impossible to ignore. It was her that gave you inspiration and had driven you to join the company in the first place, to pursue a dream that had initially felt so distant. She was your light. To be near her, to even dream of winning her favor, had initially seemed like an impossible fantasy, but now, even that dream seemed to be slipping through my fingers.
Your heart raced not just from the physical exertion but from the looming weight of the upcoming evaluation—the one that would determine your future with WM Entertainment. With your head hung low, you walked down the dimly lit corridor. You could hear the soft murmur of voices coming from the staff lounge as you dragged your feet across. To your surprise when you looked up, you noticed YooA, the girl you had admired from far, was chatting animatedly with a few other trainees. Her laughter was light, her presence radiant, and seeing her like this only served to deepen my sense of hopelessness. You knew you had to muster every bit of courage you had left.
With nothing left to lose, you took a deep breath and approached her, your heart pounding furiously in your chest. You felt a flush of embarrassment and nervousness as you stammered, “YooA, can I talk to you for a moment?”
Her eyes lit up with curiosity and kindness. “Of course! What’s on your mind?”
“I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been working really hard,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady despite the quiver you felt. “I know this might sound strange, but I really admire you, and I was wondering if you’d be willing to go out with me sometime.”
 YooA’s eyes widened slightly, a playful smirk curling on her lips as she looked me over. “Oh, I’m flattered,” she said, her smile gentle yet teasing. “But considering your recent evaluations, I think it’s best to focus on improving first. I’m afraid I can’t say yes to that right now” A wave of embarrassment and disappointment washed over you. You felt a flush of heat rise to my cheeks as you were further crushed. “Oh, I understand. I just thought I’d ask.”
YooA saw your visible disappointment. Her expression softened, and she leaned in slightly, her voice taking on a gentler tone. “However, if you do manage to debut, if you really make it. I’d be more than happy to reconsider. I’m rooting for you, you know. Prove me wrong, and we’ll see what happens” Her words were like a spark igniting a dormant flame. Though you were stung by the rejection, the promise she held out was enough to rekindle your hope. You nodded, trying to mask the surge of renewed determination. “Thank you, YooA. I won’t let you down.”
That night, you made a promise to yourself. You would work harder than you ever had before. Driven not only by the fear of failure but by the hope of proving yourself worthy of both the debut and YooA’s promise.
Every day before dawn, you would begin your routine with rigorous vocal exercises that tested the limits of your stamina. You spent hours perfecting your technique, refining your pitch, and strengthening your range. In the afternoons, you immersed yourself in dance practice. You would replay choreography videos over and over, trying to mimic every move with precision. Your muscles ached, but you pressed on, nonetheless. You recorded your practice sessions to scrutinize your performance, adjusting to ensure every move was flawless. You practiced until your body felt like it was made of lead, until you could barely lift my limbs, but you kept going, driven by the knowledge that every improvement brought you one step closer to your goal. You were determined to impress YooA.
The nights were spent studying. You poured over videos other idols, analyzing their performances and their stage presence. You copied their gestures, their expressions, their movements. You took notes, practiced your expressions in the mirror, and worked on your charisma.
Social interactions became rare. Your friends and family grew worried about your isolation, but you were resolute. You were determined to make every sacrifice count, to transform every ounce of doubt into strength. Your days blended into one long routine of training, but you welcomed the monotony because it meant you were closer to your goal. The other trainees watched you with a mixture of curiosity and sympathy. Some offered words of encouragement, while others expressed doubt. You ignored the haters and used their skepticism as motivation. You sought feedback from mentors and took every criticism to heart, viewing each as an opportunity to improve.
As the weeks passed, your dedication began to pay off. Your stamina increased, your voice became more powerful, and your dance moves more precise. You could feel the difference in your performances. You grew more confident, and the hope of debuting became a tangible reality. Finally, the day of the next evaluation arrived. You stood backstage, heart racing with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. Your mind was clear, your body ready. You had given everything you had, and now it was time to show what you could do. The moment your name was called, you stepped onto the stage, feeling the weight of your hopes and fears pressing down on you. You gave it everything you had. Every move, every note was performed with a blend of desperation and determination. The judges watched closely; their expressions unreadable. As you finished your routine, you felt a mix of relief and uncertainty. You had done your best, but the outcome was now out of your hands. The wait for the results was agonizing. You paced the hallways, replaying every moment of your performance in your mind. When your name was finally called. You walked in and noticed the shift in the judges’ expressions, from stern to impressed.  “Congratulations,” one of them said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. “You’ve made significant progress. We believe you’re ready for the next step.”
You could not believe what you have heard. After months of intense training and grueling evaluations, you’ve finally achieved your dream: your debut is set! The hard work, sweat, and perseverance have all come to fruition, and you’re on the brink of a major career milestone. Bursting with excitement, you ran out of the room and scrolling through the contact list, you found YooA name from the number she had given you after making her promise to you. Nervously, you fumbled around with the keyboard before successfully typing in a few words.
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After receiving YooA’s enthusiastic reply, your heart felt like it was bursting with joy. You could hardly contain your excitement as you read her message again and again. The thought of finally spending time with her, celebrating your debut, and sharing this special moment was exhilarating. You hurriedly made plans for tomorrow, trying to decide what to wear and how to make the day as perfect as possible. Every detail seemed to matter, from picking out an outfit that would make a good impression to planning how you would express your gratitude for her support. As evening fell and you prepared for bed, sleep seemed elusive. Your mind raced with thoughts of the upcoming day, replaying the highlights of your debut and imagining the joy of being with YooA. The anticipation made it almost impossible to settle down, but you forced yourself to rest, knowing that tomorrow was a big day.
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The next day you came to the dance room YooA had mentioned, curious as to why she had called you to there as the meeting point for your date. As you opened the door, YooA was already there. She wears a sleek dress that hugs her curves, and her full lips are glossed, making them look even more mouthwatering than you remembered. You walked in, captivated by her presence. “YooA, noona, you look incredible,” you said, your voice gave away your admiration that you had for her “Why did you choose this room for today?”
YooA turned to you, her eyes glinting with confidence. “Thank you. I needed a special place for something important,” she said, her voice carrying a hint of mischief. “I have to test something first before we get any further.” You raised an eyebrow, feeling a surge of curiosity. “What do you need to test?” YooA took a step closer, her gaze intense yet inviting. “I want to see if we can connect on a more intimate level and if you can satisfy my needs,” she said candidly. “It’s important to me that we’re on the same wavelength before we move forward.” Your heart raced as you processed her words. You understood the gravity of the situation and appreciated her directness. Of the million other possible outcomes, this was not one that you had expected for your first date. Before you could fully process everything that was happening. YooA closed the distance between you, her lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss. The softness of her lips was mesmerizing—one of the most tender and enchanting experiences you’d ever had. Each touch was a delicate promise, a dance of intimacy that left you breathless. You continued, backing her against the wall before crushing your lips against hers again. Her lips tasted indelibly sweet, and you groan as her tongue tangles with yours. Her hands roam over your body, igniting the fire burning within you. The kiss deepened, growing more passionate but just as you both were losing yourself in the moment, the door to the dance room swings open. Frozen in place, you watch as another man steps into the room. He's younger, with curvy hair and a lean frame, and he wears a similar look of surprise on his face. You recognise him from yesterday’s evaluation and remembered that he too had passed the final round of evaluation and was set to debut. His name was Jin-Woo if you had remembered correctly. Was, he going to be your future band member? That you do not know. You were more curious as to why he was here at the dance room too.
“Noona, who… is this?” you asked sounding puzzled. Yooa pulled away from you, her cheeks flushed. “Well… Let’s just say I made a promise to him too, that I will consider him if he succeeds too.” She explained. The realization hit you like a wave. The romantic promise you had felt so deeply connected to was part of a larger plan, a test of sorts that extended beyond your own moment with her. “Actually, I only promised that I would consider both of you and this is your final evaluation, to see which one of you can satisfy me the most”. You glance at Jin-Woo, jealousy and curiosity warring within you. YooA seemed to have noticed your hesitation and disappointment. She gives you a wicked grin. "Don’t worry, I am sure I can take on you both" she says, her voice low and enticing. "Let me show you." “Fuck it” you said, you were not going to miss out on this opportunity with your dream girl offering herself in front of you just cause another guy joins in. If anything, you were confident with your body and believed you would come up on top. You stepped forward, determination fueling your desire. The other man follows suit, and YooA positions herself on a nearby couch, patting the space beside her. "Let's see what you've been hiding, boys," she coos, and her fingers trail down the neckline of her dress, exposing her generous cleavage. You waste no time, shedding your clothes and stepping out of your pants, your cock springing free. YooA's eyes widen at the sight of your thickness, and she licks her lips in anticipation. The other man joins you, his length slightly shorter, but impressive as well, and YooA's breath quickens. "My, my," she says, "Looks like I'm in for a treat."
You both join her on the couch, your cocks twitching with anticipation. YooA takes a moment to admire you both, her gaze burning with desire. Then, with a sultry smile, she leans forward and takes you both into her hands. Her touch is electric, her palms soft and her grip firm. She strokes you slowly at first, her fingers tightening around your shafts. You groan, your head falling back as pleasure sparks through you. YooA's touch is expert, her palms sliding up and down, teasing the sensitive tips. "Mmm, you both feel so good," she purrs, and you can feel her warm breath on your skin. Then, with a swift movement, she leans down and takes you into her mouth. Your cock disappears between her full lips, and you gasp as her wet heat surrounds you. She sucks slowly, her tongue swirling and her lips gliding over your length. It's the best blowjob you've ever experienced, and you struggle to hold back your orgasm as she works her magic. She had the best dick sucking lips in your opinion. YooA hums in satisfaction, vibrating around you, and you bite your lip to stop from crying out. She takes her time, sucking and licking, exploring every inch of you with her mouth. Her hands roam over your thighs, squeezing and caressing, encouraging you to thrust gently into her mouth. As you thrust into that hole made by her mouth, her tongue and lips working in harmony, suction just perfect. Every time your thrust meets her face, she slurps, the sounds so dirty and sexy. You can see why she took you both on at the same time. You cannot imagine how anyone can last for a few minutes if she focused on just one man. YooA releases you from her mouth with a wet pop, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction. "Tasty," she murmurs, before turning her attention to the other man, devouring him with equal enthusiasm. Your eyes drift to the other man, and you see him thrown back in pleasure, his hands clenching and unclenching as YooA swirls her tongue around his tip. She takes him deep, her throat constricting around him, and he gasps, his hips jerking involuntarily. You stroke yourself as you watch, unable to tear your eyes away from the erotic display. YooA bobs her head down unto Jin-woo, her lips stretched around his thickness, while her hand started pumping the base of your cock. She sucks and licks, her tongue never ceasing its skillful dance. She started alternating between both of you, switching after a few bobs on both of your shafts. You can't take your eyes off her as she deep throats you both with ease, her lips wrapping tightly around your girth, her eyes fluttering closed in pleasure. She moans as she works, the vibrations sending shocks of pleasure through you.
Jin-Woo is the first to lose his battle, grunting as he fills YooA's mouth with his release. YooA hums in satisfaction, swallowing around him, milking him dry with her lips and tongue. You were not far behind, when she takes your cock in again you thrust your hips, burying yourself in her mouth and you explode. YooA takes every drop, sucking and licking until you're spent, then releases you with a satisfied smile. You both collapse on the couch, breathless and sated, while YooA sits back, a self-satisfied smile on her face. She runs her tongue over her lips, tasting the remaining cum on her lips. "That was incredible," you both manage to say in union, still reeling from the intensity of your release. YooA laughs, a husky sound that sends a thrill through you. “Now let’s see which one of you can satisfy me better”.
Jin-Woo didn’t waste any time.  He immediately positioned himself between YooA's thighs and started eating her out. “Someone’s eager” YooA chuckled. Jin-woo continued to feast on YooA’s pussy, lapping away eagerly, desperate to please YooA. You watched as Jin-Woo licked and sucked on her clit, his tongue dancing over her sensitive bud. YooA moaned softly, her hands running through his hair, encouraging him. You stroked your thick cock, feeling it pulse with anticipation. You knew you could do better than this guy. YooA needed something harder, something wilder but you were going to patiently wait for your turn before giving her what she wants. Jin-woo then stood up, his cock rock hard and ready for her. Positioning YooA with her back on the dance floor, he rubbed his cock up and down her slit, wetting his tip before entering her slowly. Their eyes locked as he filled her up and YooA wrapped her legs around him. "Fuck me, Jin-Woo," YooA moaned, her nails digging into his back. "Yes, Noona” Jin-woo responded, thrusting himself into YooA. Jin-woo moved his hips at a slow pace. It appears he was relatively new to this and wanted to take things slow. He slowly built up a rhythm, grasping her thighs, pulling her towards him as he thurst, forcing his cock even deeper inside her. However, YooA seemed to have gotten inpatient and wanted to control of the pace. Flipping Jin-woo unto his back this time, YooA straddled Jin-woo, positioning his cock in front of her pussy and in one fell swoop, sank herself down, swallowing his entire length. “Oh my God, Noona, this feels so good” Jin-woo grunted. YooA continued riding him vigorously, lifting her hips before lowering it down quickly again causing Jin-Woo eyes to roll back slightly and let out a moan. The sight of YooA ass bouncing with each thrust and her tits flailing was too much for you to handle. Getting impatient, you went behind YooA and lifted her off Jin-Woo’s shaft, causing her to pout from a temporary emptiness.
“My turn now” Positioning her on fours, you lined your cock, before driving it deep inside her with a swift, powerful thrust. YooA lets out another moan a mixture of surprise and pleasure. This was a very different treatment as compared to Jin-Woo. Grabbing her shoulder, you begin to set a fierce pace. You fuck her with long, hard strokes, your cock plunging deep into her wetness. "Oh fuck, yes!" YooA cries out, her head tipping back. "Harder, Y/N Give it to me harder!" Her words spur you on, and you began to pull her towards you with every thrust, forcing your cock even deeper inside her. You feel her pussy clench around you as she became increasingly wet. The sound of your passionate fucking soon filled the dance room. Then grabbing a handful of her hair and pulling her head back, you slammed harder into her. You feel her walls stretch to accommodate your thickness, and the sight of your cock disappearing into her sends a jolt of arousal through you. You continued to fuck her with abandon, your balls slapping against her clit with each forceful thrust. "You like that, don't you?" you grunt, pulling her hair slightly to expose her neck. "You like it when I take control and give you what you need." "Yes!" she pants, her eyes wild with lust. "I want you to fuck me senseless. Make me cum around your big cock." Her dirty words send a bolt of desire through you. Looking around the dance room, an idea crossed your head. You grabbed YooA by the waist and lifted her effortlessly, positioning her in a standing doggy-style pose. Using the sofa now as leverage, you continued to thrust into YooA with force. Her juices were already flowing, coating your cock with her sweet nectar. You slid your hand between her thighs, rubbing her clit in circular motions, never slowing his relentless thrusts. YooA's breath quickened, her moans filling the room. "Fuck, yes... harder, YN," she pleaded.
Obliging her request, you quickened his pace, pounding into her with forceful strokes. Using your hand, you lifted one of her legs, giving you an even deeper angle to plow her hungry pussy. YooA's nails dug into the sofa, leaving marks on the surface as she struggled to maintain her balance amidst the barrage of pleasure. Then, with a mischievous glint in his eye, you executed your original plan of placing her in this standing doggy position. You led YooA towards the full-length mirror at the other end of the dance room, the whole time your shaft was still buried deep inside her. Grabbing her hair, you lifted her head and forced her to look at her reflection. YooA watched herself getting fucked, her chest heaving with each sharp intake of breath. She saw her dishevelled hair, her flushed face, and the way her body moved in perfect harmony with yours. "Look at yourself, YooA," You growled. "Look at what a fucking mess you are. Can't control yourself, can you? promising two trainees this, because you want us to fill you up. You're nothing but a slut for cock." YooA's eyes shut with arousal, relishing the filthy words. Seeing everything that transpired through the mirror served to turn both of you even more. You reached around, grasping YooA's throat with one hand while still mercilessly hammering into her. He squeezed gently, applying just enough pressure to heighten her arousal without restricting her breath. "Take it, YooA," you grunted. "Take my cock like the good little slut you are." Then from the corner of your eye, you see Jin-Woo approaching, while stroking his cock. It seems he too have gotten incredibly aroused and impatient after seeing the scene before him. Without needing instructions, he moved in front of YooA, offering his length to her waiting mouth. She opened eagerly, taking him in, sucking and twirling it with her tongue while you relentlessly fucked her from behind. Jin-woo started to thrust into her mouth, his balls slapping against her chin. YooA gagged slightly, but her skilled tongue and lips showed her expertise, making it clear she loved it. You got a little annoyed that the view of the mirror was now blocked, but you could imagine YooA's expression—her eyes rolling back in pleasure—and you knew she was getting closer to the edge from. You knew from feeling her pussy clenching around your cock, milking you for all your worth. You leaned forward, whispering into her ears “Cum for us, Noona. Let me feel that tight pussy clench around my cock." That was all it took. YooA's body stiffened, and she cried out around the cock in her mouth as she reached her climax. Her pussy walls contracted, pulsating wildly around your embedded shaft. As YooA's orgasm washed over her , Jin-woo also reached his limit, his hips bucking wildly as he filled YooA's mouth with his load, his eyes screwed shut in ecstasy. You watched, feeling YooA's pussy pulsate around you, and it pushed you over the edge. Gripping YooA's hips tightly , you unleashed your own orgasm, flooding her with your hot cum. All of you remained in this position for a moment, catching your breath, before YooA turned her head, her lips glistening with cum, and flashed you a seductive smile. "Now that," she purred, "was an impressive performance." “But we are not done yet, there’s one more hole you both have not filled.”
Stirred by her words, and the opportunity to fuck her ass, you and Jin-woo’s cock slowly began to come to life again. Even if both of you were spent, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity you would not want to miss out even if you must force out one more orgasm. You took a step forward, placing yourself directly behind YooA. "Are you ready for this, Noona?" you asked, your voice hoarse with anticipation. She nodded, her eyes sparkling with excitement and a hint of nervousness. "I want you to fuck me. Both of you. At the same time." You smiled, feeling your dick twitch with excitement. This was a fantasy come true. You reached out and grabbed her hips, pulling her towards you. She gasped as the head of your cock teased her tight asshole. With both hands, Jin-Woo reached between her legs lifting her up as you guided yourself to her entrance. "I'm going to stretch you out so good. You're going to feel so full and satisfied." You whispered. As Jin-woo lowered YooA down unto you, you slowly pushed your cock into her ass and she let out a loud moan, her body tensing momentarily before relaxing and allowing you to enter her. You felt the tight ring of her asshole surround your cock, and you couldn't help but groan at the sensation. "Fuck, that's tight," you muttered. "So fucking perfect."
Once she had taken your full length, you reached underneath to hold her thighs, supporting her weight and spreading them for Jin-Woo to enter. Jin-woo grabbed YooA’s hips and positioned himself at her pussy entrance. With a swift thrust, he slid into her, filling her completely. YooA cried out, overwhelmed by the sensation of being filled in both holes. She felt stretched and satisfied in a way she had never experienced before. "Oh my God," she breathed. "It feels so good." You started to move in sync, slowly at first, finding a steady rhythm. Then, you withdrew your cock almost entirely out of her ass before slamming back into her, feeling her tight hole clench around you. Jinwoo matched your pace, his hips slamming against YooA's, his cock sliding in and out of her pussy. The three of you formed a perfect symphony of carnal pleasure, your bodies moving as one. YooA's breasts bounced with each thrust, her nipples hardening as the pleasure built inside her. You reached around and squeezed her tits, pinching her nipples gently, causing her to cry out and buck her hips back against you. "That's it, Noona" you encouraged. "Take it all. You're doing so fucking well. You love getting fucked in both holes like a slut you are" Your words sent a shockwave of desire through her body, and she could feel her orgasm building. "Yes," she moaned. "I'm a slut. Please, make me cum. Fuck me harder." You obliged, grasping her hips tightly and slamming into her with full force. Jinwoo did the same, their balls slapping against her sensitive skin with each powerful thrust. The room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping against skin, mixed with the three of your lustful moans and profanities. YooA's pussy clenched around Jinwoo's cock as she cried out in pleasure. "I'm cumming! Oh God, I can't hold it anymore." Her ass tightened around your cock as she came, her body shaking and shuddering with intense pleasure. The feeling of her orgasm sent you over the edge, and you could feel your own release building. However, both of you were exhausted from this position of carrying and thrusting, eventually you and Jin-Woo’s thighs gave way, slumping unto the dance practice room floor with your cocks leaving her holes in the process.
“Don’t stop, fill me up” YooA moaned.
Jin-Woo smiles, and you can see the hunger in his eyes as well. This time you wanted YooA to ride you. Jin-Woo pulls out of YooA, and she got the message and turned to straddle you, taking your cock in her hands and positioning it at her entrance. She sinks down onto you, letting out a sigh of satisfaction as she fills herself with your length once again. Her eyes flutter closed as she begins to ride you, her hips moving in slow, sensual circles. But it's not long before she picks up the pace, her breath coming in short gasps as she rides him harder. Her pussy clenches around your cock with each ride, and you can feel her tightness squeezing him.
"Oh, fuck, YooA, you feel so good around my cock," you groaned, your hands grasping her hips as she rides you.
Moving your hands higher, you reached forward and begin to play with her tits, your fingers rubbing circles around the sensitive bud before giving them a firm squeeze. YooA lets out a sharp cry, her body tensing as a pleasure shock through her.
"Yes, Y/N, right there," she pants. " Harder. Fuck my pussy”
You obliged, your hips snapping up to meet her downward thrusts. The sound of their flesh slapping together fills the room, along with YooA's moans and cries of pleasure.
"That's it, fuck me like that," she cries. "I need all of you inside me."
Your cock is buried balls-deep inside her, and you began to thrust up roughly, your hips slamming into hers. YooA throws her head back, her long hair falling over her shoulders as she cries out. Jin-woo sees the lust and hunger on her face, and he knows she wants more. He positioned himself behind her again, his cock lined up with her tight hole. He pushes slowly, feeling the resistance, and then YooA relaxes, taking him in. Oh, fuck, that's it," she moans, as she continues to ride you, her body sandwiched between two hard cocks. Jin-Woo begins to thrust slowly, building up a rhythm as he fills her ass. It was his first anal experience, and he was doing his best not to cum too quickly. She was so tight and was squeezing the life out of him. Meanwhile, your hands continued to massage her breasts, squeezing and kneading the soft flesh as you watched Jin-Woo fuck her, slowing down your thrust to let Jin-Woo fit himself in.
"That's it, Jin-Woo, fuck her ass," you grunted. "She looks so damn hot like that."
YooA is lost in a haze of pleasure, her body being pleasured from both ends. She lets out a string of profanities as the two men fuck her, your cocks stretching her, filling her with pleasure. "Oh, God, I'm gonna cum," she cries. "Don't stop, keep fucking me!"
Jin-Woo feels her ass clench around him, and he knows she's on the edge. He reaches around and plays with her clit again, rubbing it in tight circles. "Cum for us, YooA," he says. "Let us feel it."
YooA screams as the orgasm rips through her, her body shaking as wave after wave of pleasure hits her. Jinwoo groans as he feels her pussy clench around him, and he can't hold on any longer. “I want it on my face this time” YooA declared sensing both of your impeding orgasm.
You and Jin-woo quickly pull out of her. You see a satisfied smile on her face. Her hair is wild, her makeup smudged, and her body glistening with a layer of sweat. She looks like a goddess who has just been thoroughly worshiped.
 "Do it, I want to feel both of your cum on my face." she says, looking at the both of you
You and Jin-woo need no further encouragement. You stand in front of her, your cocks already beginning to stir as YooA gets down on her knees, her face expectant.
You stroked your cock, your eyes never leaving YooA's face. You can't wait to coat her pretty features especially those lips with his cum. Jin-woo is doing the same, his eyes glazed over with desire.
"That's it," Yooa says, her voice husky. "Stroke those cocks and cover me with your cum."
You feel the pleasure building as you watched Jinwoo stroke his cock, the head already glistening with pre-cum. You know it won't be long now. "I'm gonna cum soon," you groaned.  "Me, too," Jinwoo adds.
"Then do it," YooA says, her tongue darting out to lick her lips. "Cover my face with your hot cum."
You couldn’t hold back any longer. With a sharp cry, you came, your load shooting out in thick ropes, landing on YooA's face. You see your cum coat her cheeks, her nose, and her lips, and you keep stroking to get every drop out.
Jin-Woo cums a second later, his cum mixing with yours on YooA's face. She closes her eyes, a look of pure pleasure on her face as she feels the warm liquid cover her.
"Oh, yes," she moans. "That's it. Cum for me." You and Jin-woo are utterly spent, your cocks beginning to soften. YooA reaches up and gently begins to rub the cum into her face, smearing it across her skin like a cream. She licks her lips, tasting the salty mixture, and then opens her mouth, sticking out her tongue to catch any last drops.
"Mmm, delicious," she purrs, her cum-coated face looking incredibly sexy. You and Jinwoo collapsed onto the floor; your bodies exhausted but satisfied. After lying on the floor for some time, you finally recovered and cleaned up all the mess that three of you have made. Grabbing some paper towels, you helped YooA cleaned her face as well. Taking this opportunity, YooA leaned into your ear and whispered, “You have passed my final evaluation with flying colours, I will contact you for a second date”. That day, after a magical afternoon with YooA, you returned to your cozy apartment, your heart still dancing with joy. Every detail of today replayed vividly in her mind. You knew that this day will be forever seared into your memory. The feel of YooA's body, the taste of her skin, and the sound of her cries of pleasure will fuel your fantasies for a long time to come. More than that, you are happy that you are given a chance to date the light of your life, the reason you have strived so hard for. Knowing your achievement, you drifted off to sleep with a big smile.
Thanks to the anon for the support to this piece! Hope you enjoy it. Feel free to send request ideas (refer to masterlist for details on which groups I accept) or commission a piece if you enjoy the writing.
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iuchamjohta · 27 days
Heres the masterlist! I mainly write for Red Velvet, IU, Itzy, Aespa, Gidle, IVE and only accept request (selective still) regarding them, pls do so via request box. If you have something you really want and would like to commission (yes even if is other idols) a piece feel free to drop me a PM!
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The coach's reward (IU)
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A magic's touch (Seulgi)
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Pretty, Cutie, Kitty, Minnie (Minnie duh)
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Taming my stepmother (Seohyun)
Other Idols
From dreams to reality (YooA)
Leave these woman alone (Yuna) but it’s a roast smut
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iuchamjohta · 27 days
Taming my stepmother ft Seohyun
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Word count: 4130 (Seohyun X !Malereader)
Tags: Lots of BDSM. (I decided then from now on I Shall not include much in the tag so the story is a surprise unless is heavy kinks) See end for more notes!
You have always admired your stepmother Seohyun, for her strength and resilience. After your father passed away when you were a teenager, your mom embraced the challenges of single motherhood with unwavering resilience. Despite working long hours and managing the household alone, she had provided you with a loving and stable environment.
While assisting your mom with some household chores and tidying her room one day, you come across an old, dusty box hidden underneath her bed. A faded white paper on top bears the words “DO NOT OPEN.” Intrigued by the potential secret it might contain, you decide to open it and discover a collection of tapes, dated from several years ago. As you delve deeper into the box, you find a small key nestled at the bottom. Recognizing it as the key to a locked cabinet in your mom's room—a cabinet she had always kept secured—you feel a surge of curiosity. Although you had never questioned the reason for its lock, your interest is now piqued. You walk over to the cabinet, inserted the key, and unlocked the door. To your astonishment, you find an array of items that you can barely believe—whips, floggers of various kinds, ropes, clamps, anal beads, and an assortment of BDSM toys, some of which you’ve never seen before. Overwhelmed, you quickly close the door and lock it. “Son is everything okay?” you hear Seohyun call from the living room, reacting to the loud noise of the cabinet shutting. “Yes, everything is fine, just finishing up with the last box,” you responded. Your curiosity about the tapes intensifies, and, seizing a few of them, you tuck them into your clothes before sliding the box back under the bed.
That night, driven by a mix of curiosity and unease, you decided to examine one of the tapes found in the attic. Using an old player, you started the tape, only to be jolted by the sight of your mother in a completely unexpected role. The film reveals Seohyun as a former adult actress, in it was the nastiest porn scene you have ever seen. She was tied up and suspended by ropes. A string of rope was tightly bounded her body as if it was a harness, squeezing her huge breast tightly together, and her nipples had a pair of clamps on them. Some of the ropes were digging into her crotch. You see several men around here swinging flogs onto her perfect pale skin, marking them in red. What shocked you the most, was that despite the rough treatment, your stepmom’s face was contorted with pleasure, her moans were not those of rejection but encouragement of their rough treatment. Seeing this was a stark contrast to the reserved and conventional life she leads now.  As the scenes unfold, you were confronted with a side of Seohyun you had never imagined, seeing her in a vulnerable and provocative light. Yet, despite it, you noticed your cock becoming raging hard, you were incredibly turned on by the scenes before you. Reaching for your cock, you gave it a few long hard strokes, as you imagined yourself being the dominant one, in control of her. In your head, your stepmom, will be all tied up and submissive and listening to everything that you commanded her to do. You envision her pale skin turning all red as you flogged her hard, and her body writing in pleasure as you stretch those big tits of hers. As you delve deeper into this guilty sinful pleasure, your hand began to stroke faster. With a few more strokes, you reached your orgasm and exploded hard, cum coating your entire hand. Cleaning up and slumping back into your bed, you felt a sense of guilt surge you. I mean this was your stepmom that you were talking about. But the imagery of her heaving breast and desperate moans, made you incredibly aroused. You knew you had to tame her and remind her of the pleasures of her former glory, and that was what you were going to do. With that you drifted into bed.
The next few days were tough. Ever since finding out about your mom’s hidden past, you couldn’t see her in the same light. The woman who had always been your rock, your unwavering source of support and warmth, now seemed like a complete slut in your head. It was as if a veil had been pulled back, revealing a side of her that was entirely foreign to you. “How’s school so far”. Your mom asked. “Erm… great, exams are coming up soon” You replied avoiding eye contact. She was wearing a casual white tee, that outlined her voluptuous breast perfectly, which was clearly distracting you from the conversation. You replayed the scenes in your head of the tapes, of those perfect breast being played with and soon you feel the tightening of your pants. “Son… Son!” her voice knocked you out of your trance. “Is everything alright, you seemed zoned out”. “Yes, just tired from rushing my projects” You smiled gently. “Do remember to take good care of yourself, she pats your head and heads off to do the household chores”. With that you head over to your room, your boner raging hard. You took one of the VHS players, played it and jerked off. As you imagined those full breasts enveloping your shaft, you sped up your strokes and busted another load. In your post-nut clarity, you drafted out an amazing plan, a way to give your mom the pleasure you so craved in her AV days. You want to make her your plaything and bring her back to that world of pleasure and pain.
Since your father’s passing and his subsequent remarriage, you knew your mother had been struggling with loneliness and a lack of intimacy. You were aware that she had no outlet for her needs and was feeling increasingly isolated. You devised a plan to subtly seduce her. Over the next few days, you walked around the house shirtless and only in your boxers. The outline of your cock could clearly be traced as it strains against your boxers. You found yourself intentionally brushing against her from time to time, creating moments where she would feel your hard strain more acutely. It seemed your plan was having an effect, as you noticed her glances lingering around your lower body. Occasionally, you could sense her nervousness and unease. You would also bring out random conversations asking her about her past, which she would always change the topic into something else, saying she worked with many clients in the past and her work was complicated to explain.
One night, you were strolling through the hallway, wanting to get a quick drink, when you hear a very soft but muffled moans. Tracing the voice, you followed it to see your mom’s room, slightly ajar. The soft moans coming from within gets a little louder, and hearing that your cock stirs in your pants. Peeking inside, and there she is, Seohyun your beautiful stepmom, her glorious body in full display. She was naked and touching herself. Her long, slender legs are spread wide, and her busty tits heave with each breath. Her eyes are closed, and her full lips are parted as she moans softly. Your plan had finally come to fruition. You enter the room, closing the door behind you, ensuring your presence is unknown, standing in front of Seohyun, getting a closer look at her enticing beauty. Seeing it in person was way better than the videos, her beautiful pale skin, the full mounds that you had jerked yourself off to constantly, her well-trimmed pussy and even her puckered hole formed a beautiful rosebud shape. As she continued to rub her fingers up and down her slit, you see her becoming increasingly wet, her juice glistening on her folds.
“Hey mom” you whispered. Seohyun's eyes fly open, and she gasps, a mix of surprise and embarrassment on her face. "Oh my god! Y/N, I-I didn't hear you come in. Please, I..." She stammers, trying to cover her naked body with a nearby cushion. You chuckle, a deep, seductive sound. "It's okay, mom. I couldn't help but notice your door was open, and I heard those moans. You don't need to be embarrassed.” You walk over to one of the VCD players in her room, before inserting one of the tapes and playing it. Seohyun's eyes fly open, and she gasps, a mix of surprise and embarrassment on her face. “In fact, I think it's time we explored those moans a little further, don't you?” “What….” Before she could finish her sentence, the video started playing, making her realise that her deep hidden secret has been exposed. Seohyun's eyes widen as she realizes your intent, and a mix of emotions flits across her face—excitement, hesitation, and lastly….. a tinge of pure lust. Her body reacts to the video, as she remembers her former days, how she was so deliciously used by many people. She was secretly throbbing with excitement. "I-I don't know about this, Y/N. we can’t do this, I’m your mother.” She tries to protest. “Nonsense!” You used one of your fingers and swiped against her throbbing snatch and brought it up to her face “Look at how wet you are from watching your own videos, Your body remembers the pleasure it felt, and I'm going to remind you just how good it can be” You said with certain dominance in your eyes as your other hand reached underneath her bed to pull out the box hidden underneath.
Seohyun bites her lip, her hesitation clear, but the fire in her eyes tells you she wants this. “I… I am not sure about this”. You ignore her, walking towards the cabinet and unlocking it, before taking a few equipment that you liked.  "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you," you assure her, a devilish grin on your face. You produce a silk scarf from your pocket and approach Seohyun, who sits on the edge of the couch, her heart racing. Gently, you bind her wrists together, tying the scarf securely. She lets out a soft whimper as you restrain her, her breaths heaving with anticipation. “I know you have been lonely, sexually frustrated mom, unable to relief yourself, trust me for just one night. I can make you feel great again” Upon hearing that, her walls of resistance crumbled. Slowly she started to give in to the situation and let you take control. "That's it, let the submissive side of you take over," you encourage, running your hand gently over her soft hair.  Then, you produce a blindfold, a soft cloth to block her vision. "This will heighten your other senses, Seohyun. Just focus on your body and the sensations I'll be giving you." You changed your way of addressing her to a first-name basis, to allow her to settle into the atmosphere. She nods, her breath quickening as you securely blindfold her. Seohyun is now completely at your mercy, and you can see the realization of her vulnerability on her face.
You begin by trailing soft kisses down her neck, nipping at her sensitive skin with your teeth. Your hands roam her body, squeezing her full breasts, pinching her erect nipples between your fingers. Seohyun gasps and moans, the blindfold and restraint heightening the sensation."Mmm, yes, that feels so good," she purrs, her head falling back as you suck and bite at her sensitive neck. Your mouth continues its journey, kissing and licking down her body, paying attention to her sensitive nipples. You take one hard peak into your mouth, sucking and swirling your tongue around it as you twist and pull the other with your fingers. Seohyun bucks her hips, thrusting her chest towards your mouth, craving more. “Please, she begged, don’t tease me”. Seeing her completely given in made you incredibly arouse. You chuckle against her skin, the vibration sending shivers down her spine. "Patience, Seohyun. We're just getting started." With that, you continue your path downward, kissing and licking her flat stomach, heading straight for her dripping wet pussy. You breathe hotly against her swollen lips, teasing her, before running your tongue slowly up her slit, tasting her sweet juices. Seohyun cries out, her hips bucking as she tries to grind herself against your mouth. "Oh fuck! Yes, right there” You gladly oblige, delving your tongue deep into her folds, lapping at her nectar as your thumbs pull her sensitive lips apart, exposing her clit. You suck and nibble at her bud, circling it with the tip of your tongue, driving her wild. Seohyun is writhing beneath you, her bound wrists pulling at the scarf as she cries out in pleasure. "Yes, yes! Oh my god, I'm gonna cum. Don't stop, please don't stop!" But you do not give her what she want and stopped. “What… why” She protested. Grabbing her tits harder this time, you landed an open-handed smack on them. "You're mine tonight, slut. Remember that you only get to cum when I say so” you whispered, your hot breath tickling her ear. “Rule number 2, you will address me as Master, is that clear?” You landed another slap on her tits, leaving a reddened hand mark on them. The sensation was like a sharp tickle, making her body jerk slightly causing Seohyun to moan. “Yes master.”  “Tonight is your first training, you will cum with only having your tits played with.” You continued, delivering strikes in a random pattern, never letting Seohyun anticipate where the next one would land red marks on her fair skin, but the pain was always fleeting, turning to pleasure almost instantly. "You like that, don't you, you little slut? These tits were made to be played with, and I plan to play all night." Your voice was deep and commanding, sending a shiver down Seohyun's spine.
Grabbing the pair of clover clamps, you rolled her hardened tits slightly, stretching it a little before attaching the clamps to them, causing Seohyun to gasp and arch her back. The clamps bite into her sensitive flesh, sending jolts of pleasure straight to her pussy. "Oh, fuck, master... It feels so good," she whispers, her breath coming in short gasps. You reach for the rope and begins to bind her breasts, wrapping the rope tightly around them and pulling it taut. Seohyun feels her breasts being pushed together, the ropes digging into her sensitive skin, her pale shade turning slightly purple. It's a delicious pain that blends with the pleasure from the clamps, sending waves of sensation throughout her body. You stand back to admire your handiwork, the sight of Seohyun's bound and clamped tits made your cock twitch with desire. The clamps were connected by a middle and chain and giving the chain a sharp tug, you watched it stretch her beautiful tits and as Seohyun's body jolts in response. "You like that, don't you, slut? Feeling your tits being used. Hold this in your mouth and don’t you dare drop it, you said placing the chain in her mouth” This forced her tits to be constantly tugged upwards, causing her to moan as she tries her best to keep it in her mouth.  You continued to gently flick and tug at the clamps, making her nipples even harder and causing her to squirm. Then you start to massage and squeeze her breasts, using your thumbs to circle her areolas. Seohyun moans, her head tossing from side to side as you continue to play with her sensitive tits. “Such sensitive nipples” You whispered.
You reached for a flogger, the soft ends trailing across Seohyun's bound breasts and making her shiver. You tease her with light strokes, the flogger tickling her sensitive skin and making her squirm. Then, you land a sharp blow, the impact sending a jolt of pain and pleasure straight to her clit. "Oh, fuck!" Seohyun cries out, her body convulsing. You continue the onslaught, landing blows on her breasts and enjoying the way they jiggle with each strike. You between gentle strokes and sharp ones, keeping Seohyun on the edge, never knowing what to expect. "Please, master... I'm so close," Seohyun pleads, her body trembling. "Not yet slut. I am going to edge you; make you beg for your release." You continue the flogging, your cock throbbing with each strike as he watches Seohyun's body writhe in pleasure. Her moans fill the room, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. Finally, you placed he flogger down and releases the clamps, causing Seohyun to cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain. Her sensitive nipples throb, begging for more attention. Which you do not disappoint. Seohyun desires were soon satisfied as she felt something new touch her skin—something cold and waxy. It was a candle, and you dripped the hot wax onto Seohyun's chest, just above her breasts. Aiming it now at her nipple, you let the hot wax drip directly onto it causing Seohyun cried out, the sensation unlike anything she'd felt before. The wax cooled quickly, forming a hard shell on her sensitive skin.  You decorate her beautiful tits with the wax. Each time it hardens in a few seconds. You intend to continue this process, before flicking it off piece by piece to reveal her marked skin underneath. You dripped more wax, this time on her other breast, creating a contrasting pattern of hot and cold. Seohyun bit her lip, the sensation overwhelming. The hot wax caused her to flinch, but the feeling of it cooling and hardening on her skin was strangely satisfying. She felt vulnerable, yet incredibly aroused, as if her breasts were on display for your pleasure.
 "Now, be a good girl and stay still. This part requires precision." You then took a step back, and Seohyun heard the soft whoosh of the flogger again. But this time, it wasn't her breasts that felt the strike, it was the hardened wax. The impact caused the wax to crack, sending shards flaking off her skin. Seohyun moaned, the sensation of the cracking wax sending shivers down her spine. It was like a build-up of pleasure that was suddenly released, leaving her breathless. "Oh, fuck... that feels so good," she whispered. You smiled, pleased with Seohyun moans and begging. You continued the wax play, dripping more onto Seohyun's breasts and belly, creating an intricate pattern of hot wax that soon cooled and hardened. With each strike of the flogger, you strategically cracked the wax, slowly revealing Seohyun's sensitive skin underneath. Seohyun was in a state of pure bliss, her body on fire with desire. The sensation of the wax flaking off her skin, coupled with the constant, random strikes of the flogger, was pushing her closer and closer to the edge. "Please... I need... more," she begged. You obliged, intensifying the sensations. You dripped more wax, this time letting it run down Seohyun's body, onto her stomach and thighs, creating a sensual trail of heat. The flogger followed, cracking the wax as it went, sending waves of pleasure through Seohyun's body. As the wax play continued, Seohyun felt herself getting closer to the edge. Her breasts were on fire, the sensitive nipples aching for direct attention. Her pussy was dripping wet, and she could feel her juices flowing down her thighs. She had never felt so deliciously tortured, and she knew that you were in complete control of her pleasure. "Please, master... I'm begging you... I need to cum," Seohyun pleaded, her voice hoarse with desire. "Not yet my slutty pet. We haven't even gotten to the best part yet," You teased, her voice full of promise. Seohyun whimpered, not sure how much more pleasure she could take. But she trusted you to take her to new heights, to show her things she had never experienced before. Grabbing the clover clamps again, you attached it to her highly sensitive nipples, this time there was a twist, you have attached weights to them.  Seohyun didn't have to wait long to feel the effect of the weights. As she breathed, the clamps moved slightly, tugging on her nipples and sending jolts of pleasure through her body.  She whimpered, feeling herself get even wetter, her pussy clenching with need. “Cum” The combination of nipple torture, wax play, and direct stimulation was too much for Seohyun, and she came hard, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm. You continued to rub her clit through the powerful climax, prolonging the pleasure and ensuring that Seohyun was satisfied to her core.  She had just orgasm from only have her tits played.
“Now, get on your knees, I want to use those tits of yours” Without giving her much rest to come down from her high, you demanded as you began to undo your pants, freeing your thick, hardening cock. Pre-cum glistens at the tip, a testament to your arousal. Stepping closer to Seohyun, your cock pressed against her bound breasts. Wrapping them around your shaft, you grabbed Seohyun by the shoulder, and pushed forward, her breast engulfing your cock between them. You slide up and down, the rough rope rubbing against your shaft as her soft tits envelop him. The tight bound of her tits, served to only tighten the grip it has on your cock, causing you to grunt loudly, while guiding her movement. "Fuck... That's it, Seohyun. So good," Seohyun moans, the sensation of your hard cock between her breasts is driving her wild. You remove the tie from her Seohyun wrist to allow more room to please you. She squeezes her tits together, loving the feel of your veiny cock sliding between them. Her nipples, still sensitive from the clamps, brush against your shaft, sending sparks of pleasure through her body. You fuck her tits harder, your hips thrusting as you enjoy the soft, warm flesh surrounding your cock. You watched as your cock disappears between her breasts, the sight driving you to the edge.
"Oh, fuck, Seohyun... I'm close. So, fucking close," you grunt, your breath coming in sharp rasps. Seohyun quickens her pace, eager to please you. She wants you to find release, to paint her tits with your hot cum. Sticking out her tongue, she ensured the soft flesh met your tip each time your cock resurfaced. The combination of her tight tits, and the softness of her tongue drove you to the edge. Your body tenses as you reached your final climax. With a final, powerful thrust, you cum, your hot seed spraying across Seohyun's bound tits and dripping down her cleavage.  Seohyun's breath is ragged as she looks down at your cum coating her bountiful breasts. The sight of your white, sticky fluid glazing her pale skin sends a jolt of excitement through her. “Clean it up”. She knows what's expected of her and leans forward, eager to please you. With her tongue, she teases the sensitive tip of your cock, tasting the remnants of your release, before she moves to her breasts. She wants to devour your cum, every drop, and show you, her appreciation. Her tongue flicks out, licking and lapping at the sticky mess, swirling around her nipples, savoring the mix of your cum and her sweat. "Mmm, you taste so good," she moans, as she cleans your cum off her tits. "I love the taste of your release on my skin." Her tongue works feverishly, making sure to get every drop, before she sucks her nipples into her mouth, one after the other, nibbling and teasing them with her teeth. You watch with satisfaction as she indulges in her creamy treat, knowing that she's hungry for more. Her passion and devotion excite you, and you can't wait to use her body for your pleasure again. Her breasts are heaving as she works, her nipples becoming harder and more sensitive from the attention.
"Such a good girl," you praise, reaching out to tug on her hair, making her look up at you. "But before we continue, I want to make sure your tight little asshole is ready for what's coming." Seohyun whimpers in anticipation as you release her hair and reach for a small bottle on the bedside table. You pour some slick lube onto a butt plug which has a purple jewelled heart attached at the base. Slowly, you begin to push it inside, feeling her body resist at first, then relax as you go deeper. “Keep this in, we will continue the session tomorrow.” Untying her off everything, you do your post session treatment, treating her with tender loving care before putting her to bed, excited for your next session with her. (To be continued…) A request by @littleprinces ! The author wanted to do part 2 of this so you can find part 2 on his/her profile eventually! As always leave comments, likes , rebloggs if you enjoyed it! Request (selective) /Commission box is still open! Pm me for commission related! Check out my other pieces if you havent! Masterlist will be out in awhile
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iuchamjohta · 28 days
2nd 600 notes and coach’s reward have reached 800!!! Thank you all ❤️
A magic touch
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Word count: 9036 Tags: Thressome, Double penetration, Anal, Squirting, spitroast, vibrators, overstimulation, use of blindfold, armpit kink, a little bit of feet.
Longest fic ever of smut! Hope yall enjoy it. Seeing her fancon pics and vid made me just had to write about her. See ends for more notes The final notes of ‘Cosmic Love’, Red Velvet’s last encore song reverberated through the stadium, the lights dimmed, leaving the crowd mesmerised at the captivating performance.
A sea of applause and cheers was heard. The stage was a riot of colour and sound, and the energy in the air was almost tangible. Seulgi stood with the other members of her band, sweat glistening on their faces, her hearts pounding from the adrenaline and the sheer joy of the performance. She had just given her all for what she believed, was another stunning performance. After catching her breath, Seulgi gathered at the front of the stage, hands clasped together as her group said their final thanks and took a bow. The audience’s roar was deafening, and she felt a wave of appreciation washed over her. Her band waved, smiled, and exchanged grateful glances, soaking in the moment. The connection between them and their fans felt like a beautiful, unspoken bond. She couldn't have asked for a more incredible audience. As the final applause began to fade, Seulgi exited the stage, her steps heavy but her spirits high.
The backstage area was a hive of activity—roadies packing up equipment, crew members tidying up, and fellow artists exchanging congratulatory hugs. She felt a pang of exhaustion as she walked through the corridor leading to her dressing room. Once inside, Seulgi slumped onto the couch with a grateful sigh, but her relief was short-lived. The soreness in her muscles was impossible to ignore. After consecutive concerts that they had, it has finally taken a toll on her body. She tried to stretch, but each movement seemed to amplify the stiffness in her legs and shoulders. Seulgi grimaced and leaned back, wondering if there was a way she could magically make the pains in her body go away.
“Unnie, are you okay?” Yeri, ever observant, came over and plopped down next to Seulgi. Her eyes were full of concern as she watched Seulgi struggle to find a comfortable position. Seulgi managed a weary smile “Yeah, I’m fine, all that dancing and jumping really took its toll tonight” This was expected. Afterall, Seulgi was a born performer, she pours her heart and soul into every movement, each dance step a testament to her dedication and passion. Her flawless execution of her powerful dance moves and boundless energy never fails to captivate the audience and turn the stage into a breathtaking spectacle. “It seems, you are getting old Unnie, the magical 30 have caught up to you” Yeri teased. “Hey! I’m still youthful and energetic” Seulgi pouted, as she attempted to move, a wince of discomfort crossed her face, revealing just how sore she was. The sight of her struggling to keep up her appearances despite her aching muscles was both endearing and a bit comical, making her look even more charming in her vulnerability.
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Yeri chuckled at the sight before her cute Unnie. “I’ve got something that would help you a lot,” Yeri said as she reached into her bag to pull out a business-card-sized-envelope.” Seulgi's eyes lit up upon hearing this, her eyes tracing every movement of her younger member. “What is this?” She took the card from Yeri’s hands and glanced at it. The elegant script on the front read, “A magic touch.” Written below that was Y/N, the contact details and a note that said, “The best massage for tired muscles.” “Request for Y/N, he is the best one out there” Yeri said. “Oh and tell the receptionist that I sent you and you want the Yeri’s special,” Yeri added. “ Yeri’s special? What’s that” Seulgi raised an eyebrow, intrigued at the weird request.” “It’s nothing much! They just make sure to pay more attention to you since I’m a regular” Yeri smirked to a clueless Seulgi, oblivious of what was about to unfold. "I'm all sweaty and haven't showered yet. It’s going to be late by the time I finish all that—will I still have time to make it to the massage?" Seulgi whined. "Don’t worry about that—they’ll take care of everything for you! I always go there after our concerts,” Yeri reassured her. Seulgi remembered how Yeri would often head off alone after performances and return to their apartment looking refreshed and rejuvenated, as if she were a completely new person. That was more than enough to convince Seulgi, to trust her maknae. Assuming there would be showering facilities at the parlor, Seulgi gathered her things and asked her manager to drive her to the address on the card.
The drive felt lengthy as Seulgi nervously fumbled with the black and gold business card in her hand. "Best massage out there," she muttered, hoping it wasn’t just a marketing gimmick. With a sigh, she closed her eyes, and when she reopened them, they had arrived. The manager pulled up to the front, and Seulgi double-checked the address before getting out. The massage centre was housed in a stately building with an elegant facade, its grandeur illuminated by soft, ambient lighting. The entrance was adorned with lush greenery and delicate string lights that cast a warm, inviting glow. Seulgi walked towards the entrance, her tired muscles already anticipating the relief to come. A beautifully crafted wooden door greeted her. It was flanked by tall, ornate vases filled with fresh flowers. As she pushed open the door, a gentle chime rang out, and she was greeted by a serene, luxurious interior. The lobby was a haven of calm and sophistication. Soft, instrumental music played in the background, blending harmoniously with the gentle scent of essential oils that permeated the air. The reception area featured a sleek, polished marble desk and an elegantly designed waiting area with plush seating and tranquil water features. Large, framed artworks of nature scenes adorned the walls, enhancing the sense of peaceful retreat. Seulgi approached the reception desk, where a friendly female receptionist named Emily welcomed her with a warm smile. “Erm, Yeri sent me, and she told me to request for Y/N and for the Yeri’s special” Seulgi said sheepishly, uncertain of what she was asking for. "Of course, ma'am. Please have a seat in the lobby while we prepare your room." Emily’s friendly demeanour immediately put Seulgi at ease.
After a short 10 minutes, Emily called for Seulgi telling her that the room was ready and led her down the hallway. As Seulgi walked down the hallway, she marveled at the attention to detail. The walls were lined with calming hues and soft, textured fabrics, creating an atmosphere of relaxation. Each treatment room had its own unique design, with soft lighting, comfortable massage tables, and calming decor. Seulgi was escorted to her room, which was a sanctuary of tranquility. The room featured a massage table draped in soft, pristine linens, surrounded by warm, ambient light and gentle, aromatic scents. The atmosphere was inviting, promising a session of deep relaxation and rejuvenation. Seductive like a siren, was what came to mind in Seulgi's head as she saw the layout. She shook that thought out of her head and sat at the large massage table in the middle of the room." You can leave your clothes and bra here, but please keep your underwear on," Emily instructed. Once Seulgi was ready, she asked if there was a nearby shower, she could use. Emily reassured her with a smile, "Don’t worry, our masseuse will take care of everything, including a wash before your session." Emily then took out a soft silk satin blindfold and prepared to place it over Seulgi's eyes. "Um, what’s this for?" Seulgi asked. Emily smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, it helps you close your eyes and relax, enhancing your overall experience." Emily gently placed the soft silk satin blindfold over Seulgi's eyes, the cool fabric settling comfortably against her skin. As she adjusted the blindfold to ensure it was secure yet gentle, Seulgi felt a soothing darkness envelop her. The sensation of the blindfold heightened her other senses, allowing her to fully immerse herself in the forthcoming relaxation. The absence of visual distractions helped her mind quiet, creating a deeper sense of calm and anticipation for the massage ahead.
As Seulgi laid face up on the plush massage table, she settled into the comfortable linens and took a deep breath, readying herself for the massage. After about 5 minutes, she expected to hear the footsteps of just one person, the masseuse. However, as she listened closely, she detected the sound of 2 pairs of footsteps approaching. A slight rustling and murmured conversation filled the air, piquing her curiosity about what was happening just outside her line of sight. “Are you ready for your cleaning? Seulgi” You asked with a deep voice. Her face changed to an initial surprised expression. She was showing her idol body to what she believed was not 1 but 2 male masseurs. This expression faded quickly as she reminded herself that this was a professional setting and that they were here to help her relax. Trusting in the professionalism of the staff, she put her concerns aside and nodded softly prepared to fully embrace the massage experience. You took in the magnificent view before you. Seulgi was incredibly sexy.
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She exuded an effortless allure, her skin glowing with a subtle sheen of sweat that highlighted her toned physique. Her hair, slightly damp, framed her face beautifully, and her well-defined abs…those well-defined abs were to die for. Her breasts were full, and her curves accentuated her plump meaty ass. You and your partner, Alison, take in her irresistible feminine scent and begin your work. "Let's start with your tongue bath, shall we?" Seulgi was shocked by that very different meaning of cleaning, but before she responded, you and Alison began your slow, sensual tongue massage. Starting at her ears, you trace the outline of her lobes with your tongues, flicking the delicate skin with the tips. Seulgi lets out a soft moan, instead of protesting, she lets her head tilt back to give you better access. She was secretly enjoying the moment as well.  You pause at her earlobes, sucking and nibbling gently. Lowering your mouths, you lick a path down her jawline, your tongues working in unison as you coat her skin with your warm saliva, enjoying the way her body squirms in response.
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Then, lifting her arms, you move down to her armpits, an area that deserves your special attention. You notice the sweat that glitters on her arch, and can’t help but take a deep breath, inhaling her scent fully. You and Alison take one pit each, burying your faces in the sweet-smelling hollows. Your tongues dart out, licking every inch of her sweat-glistened skin, tasting the tangy, musky flavour of her arousal. You suck and nip at the sensitive folds of her skin, replacing her sweat with your saliva, your breath hot against her pits, making her whimper with pleasure. After thoroughly cleaning and worshipping her armpits, you trace a path down to her chest, circling her nipples but not quite touching them yet. You lick and nibble at the soft flesh of her breasts, your tongues flattening to cover as much area as possible. Finally, you can't resist any longer, and you latch your mouths onto her erect nipples, sucking gently at first, then with more intensity. Seulgi's breath quickens, her hands instinctively going to your heads, threading her fingers through your hair as you tease her sensitive peaks."Oh, fuck... that feels so good," she breathes, her hips bucking unconsciously as waves of pleasure shot through to her already throbbing pussy. She was leaking wet and feeling exposed at the mercy of you and Alison. She was relieved that she could keep her underwear on, which provided a final layer of modesty and protection, sparing her from potential embarrassment and preserving her dignity.
You and Alison continued your work giving each nipple equal attention, your hands occasionally roaming her body, caressing her soft skin, your fingers gently pinching and rolling her nipples when your mouths aren't on them. Both of you work in unison as if a mirror to each other's movements giving the same attention to both halves of her body. Teasingly, you trail your tongues down her quivering abdomen, circling her belly button before dipping in as well. You swiped your tongue along her well-defined abs, feeling her toned muscle on your tongue. Her skin is like a canvas, and you're painting it with your saliva, marking her with your lust. As both of you traced down her curves and thighs with your tongue finally reaching the waistband of her soaking panties, you paused and looked at her with hungry eyes. "Already so wet down here," you comment, your voice husky with desire. Seulgi’s face flushed with embarrassment upon hearing this. Seulgi bites her lip, anticipation coursing through her veins. "Please... I need more."You chuckle softly, enjoying the power you hold over her. Instead of going straight for her pussy, you surprise her by capturing her feet in your hands. You and Alison take a foot each, kissing and licking the delicate skin of her soles and toes, sucking on her toes one by one, making her squirm. After thoroughly worshipping her feet, you use your hands to massage her calves and thighs, working your way back up her body. You avoid her pussy, your fingers brushing agonisingly close, but never quite touching her aching core. Seulgi is panting now, her need palpable in the room. Her pussy is leaking onto her panties, the wet spot growing bigger by the second. "Please... touch me," she begs, her voice thick with desire. "Not yet sweetheart. We're going to take our time with you," you whisper, your lips brushing against her earlobe, commanding a certain dominance in your voice. You took a step back to admire the view. Seulgi's body is glistening with both of your saliva, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she anticipates your next move. Proud of the tongue-bath you gave her. You reach out and gently grasp her panty-clad ass, giving each cheek a soft squeeze before slowly sliding your hands down to cup her pussy. You feel the heat radiating from her core, the damp fabric of her panty, a testament to her arousal. Using just the tips of your fingers, you massage her outer lips through the fabric, avoiding her clit and entrance, much to her frustration. "Tease," she whimpers, trying to push her hips toward your hand. You chuckle, enjoying her squirm. "All in good time, sweetheart." You move lower, your fingers tracing the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. Seulgi whimpers, her need building with every touch. Her pussy is dripping wet, but you continue to avoid it, focusing on the areas surrounding it.
Then as if understanding each other, both of your tongues and hands leave her body, causing her to feel empty and wanting. Seulgi lay still on the massage table, her senses heightened by the uncertainty of what was happening with the blindfold still covering her eyesight. The silence of the room was then interrupted by the soft squirt of massage oil being dispensed from the bottle. The sound was immediately followed by a cool, liquid sensation as the oil was gently applied to her skin. The initial contact of the cold oil against her warm, slightly damp body made her shiver pleasantly. The contrast between the chill of the oil and the warmth of her skin was both surprising and invigorating. Using slow and deliberate movements, you continued to pour the cool scented oil onto her body, starting with her shoulders and working your way down. Her skin glistens in the soft light as you massage the oil into her flesh, your strong hands working out any tension she might have, untying every knot in her body. Your hands move down to cup one of her breasts, and you could feel her nipples already rock hard from your skilled touch. Your hands gave her firm breast a strong squeeze. “Oh, yes,” Seulgi moaned, arching her back as you continued to knead her flesh more roughly. “Don’t stop,” Capturing her nipples between your fingers, you rolled them gently before you and Alison gave it a rough tug, seeing how far it could stretch, before letting it spring back to her chest. This move left Seulgi moaning loudly and whimpering in a hot mess. Her breath quickens as your hands glide lower, caressing her inner thighs, inching towards her core but never quite touching it. You both chuckle darkly at her frustrated whimpers.
Both of you pulled away again and grabbed something from the desk. A soft vibrating sound was heard, which she guessed was a bullet vibrator. You and Alison switched places now, you attending to her lower body, while Alison her upper. The blindfold was doing its work, keeping her anticipating the next move yet never knowing when it was going to come. Tracing the cool metal over her skin, you watch as goosebumps rise in its wake. Seulgi shivers, her breath catching in her throat as you slowly drag the vibrator up her thigh, closer and closer to her aching pussy. Meanwhile Alison worked his way down her arm and to her heavy breast, circling her rock-hard tits but never quite touching it again. You continued to administer this treatment for a good 5 minutes, always nearing her core but never touching it. This to Seulgi felt like an hour. She squirms, her hips bucking slightly as she tries to rub her neglected pussy against the table to gain some sort of friction. “Such a good girl for us” Alison murmurs. “Please... I need... to cum" she pleads, her voice hoarse with desire. "Patience, my dear, you will only cum when we allow you to" you chide gently but with utmost dominance in your tone, which leaves Seulgi submissive and unable to protest. Grabbing some tape, you and Alison place the bullet vibrators on each of her tits "You like that, huh? Like us playing with your tits?" you murmur, your lips brushing her ear. You blow a gentle stream of air onto her damp nipples, causing her to shudder, and then you twist and tug on them, earning a keening whine from Seulgi before finally securing the vibrator firmly in place on her tits.
Instead of giving her the relief she craves, you take another vibrator and press the vibrator to her inner thigh, just below her pussy, taping it in place. Seulgi lets out a frustrated whine, wanting the vibrator to be exactly where she needs it. At this point, her underwear had been so soaked that it turned a completely different shade of colour from her initial bright pink to a deep red velvet (I know I couldn't help it). It has been almost an hour of edging and teasing yet Seulgi was unable to get the release she had been chasing.
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“Turn around for me sweetheart” you instruct, giving her a playful smack on the ass. The sound echoing through the still and silent room as you leave a slightly red handprint on her fleshy globes. Seulgi does as she's told, presenting her round, peachy ass to you. It's a glorious sight, and you can't resist caressing the soft, plump cheeks, revelling in the softness of her skin. With her chest now pressed against the massage table, she could feel the bullet vibrators, vibration stronger on her nipples and the sudden pleasure shot through to her core, causing an accident mini squirt out of her throbbing pussy. Did she just have an orgasm from just having her tits played with? Seulgi thought. She however had hoped that this would have gone unnoticed to both of you. To an experienced masseur like you, it was immediately apparent. “Did you just cum? You slut, who said you could” Your deep voice echoed with authority. “Naughty girl like you needs to be punished!”  You grip her plump ass cheeks, squeezing them firmly before landing a sharp smack that echoes through the room. Seulgi yelps, but it quickly turns into a moan as you massage the heat from the spank. ‘That's a good girl. You are enjoying this aren't you? Taking your punishment so well," Alison purrs, landing another smack, this time on the other cheek. Both of you continued to land open handed smacks on her ass until it was glowing a rosy, red, you admired your handiwork, running your hands over the warm flesh. Seulgi squirms, desperate for more which you do not disappoint.
You and Alison stand on either side of her once more, your hands roaming her back and ass, massaging and kneading the supple flesh, administering the same treatment as you did to her front. Your fingers glide down the crack of her ass, teasingly close to her most intimate hole, but never quite breaching it. “Well, there is one more area we have not cleaned sweetheart” Slipping her soaked undies off and placing them on the table beside you, you leaned down and bury your face in her ass, your tongue snaking out to lick a path from the tail bone down to her crack, tasting the salty sweetness of her most private areas. Seulgi moans, her head falling forward to rest on the table as she basks in the sensations bombarding her body. Alison joins in, and together, you eat her out, your tongues working in harmony to pleasure her. Alison licks and sucks at her pussy, delving into her wet folds, tasting her sweet nectar. At the same time, you rim her tight asshole, circling the wrinkled flesh with your tongues, teasingly penetrating her with the tips. Seulgi is lost in a haze of pleasure, her body shaking uncontrollably as she nears her orgasm with the attention her holes are finally getting. "Oh God, I'm gonna cum... don't stop!" she cries out, her hands gripping the edges of the table as she braces herself for the impending explosion. “Hold it slut” both you and Alison, remove your tongues from holes. “Please, let me cum” Seulgi begged. Seeing her sincerity, you relented with an agreement, “You only get to cum on our count of 3 from now on, is that understood?” You declared with a certain firmness in your voice, eliciting a nod from Seulgi.
With that said, you and Alison in union dived back into her holes, lapping away hungrily at both of her holes. Then Seulgi heard the count as she reached her orgasm. “3” Seulgi fist clenches hard on the sheets trying to hold her orgasm. “2” you hear her whimpering as if begging you to count faster. “1” You intentionally drag the 1 as you swirl your tongue relentlessly around the wrinkled hole. Meanwhile Alison, captured her clit with his mouth and gave it a rough suck. Her knuckles were white at this point, before you finally gave the command “Cum” As if she was being liberated from a cage, Seulgi convulsed hard, releasing one of the strongest orgasms she ever had. Spraying Alison’s face with her squirt, some even reaching the room walls. A pool of her juice was even formed on the sheets below her. As her orgasm starts to subside, you and Alison lap at her remaining juice that tasted sweet as nectar before slowly pulling away, your tongues and lips glistening with her essence. You take a moment to admire your handiwork, your beautiful client splayed out on the table, her body spent and satisfied. “It is my first-time squirting” Seulgi pants while trying to catch her breath. “Don’t worry it will not be your last. “You smirked leaving her to wonder what you meant. This session was just getting started.
You reach for some more massage oil, warming it in your hands before pouring it onto Seulgi's back, your slick hands gliding over her supple skin. You work the oil into her muscles, your fingers firm yet gentle as you soothe away any remaining tension. Your hands roam lower, cupping her ass cheeks and spreading them slightly to expose her tight, quivering asshole once again. You rub the oil into her crease, your fingers teasingly circling her hole, making her moan and squirm. Before she could protest or had enough time to recover from her orgasm, you slip a finger inside her ass, your other hand reaching under to find her swollen clit. “Oh God, I have never had anything in there” She moaned. Ignoring her, you finger-fuck her tight hole slowly, as your other hand works its magic on her clit, rubbing and circling the sensitive bud. Alison joins in, running his hands up Seulgi’s thick thighs, spreading them slightly, moving to kneel before Seulgi. Her pussy is completely bare, her lips already swollen from the previous simulation. He leaned forward, inhaling her sweet musk before tracing his tongue along her slit. She tastes of honey and desire, and Alison moans softly as he laps at her, his tongue flicking over her clit, replacing your fingers. Teasingly he inserted one finger into her tight hole and felt her wet clench around his fingers.  "Fuck, you're so wet, baby," Alison groaned, adding a second finger and scissoring them inside her. Seulgi keens, her body writhing as both of you stretch and fill her. "More... I need more," she begs, her hands reaching back to grip your wrists. Squirting a little more oil to your fingers, you slowly added a second finger, slowly pushing it deeper into Seulgi's ass, stretching her slowly as you work her in a steady rhythm. Seulgi gasps, her body tensing momentarily before relaxing as you curled your finger, searching for that sweet spot. Meanwhile Alison continued to lick and suck on her clit, his own fingers buried deep inside her pussy, slowly quickening his fingering, until with every thrust, a squelching sound could be heard from how wet Seulgi’s pussy had become. "Mmm, that's it," you encouraged. "Take it all, Seulgi. We know you can take more." You give her fleshy ass a playful bite before licking the redden area, as you fuck your fingers deeper into her ass, feeling the tight hole clench around your finger even more with every playful bite that you give her.
Synchronising your movements, your fingers and tongues working in tandem to drive Seulgi wild. Her breathing becomes ragged, her hips bucking as she cries out, her third orgasm approaching rapidly. You don't stop, determined to push her further. You slip a third finger into her ass, scissoring her as you suck another reddened spot you created. Alison mirrors your movements, adding a third finger to Seulgi’s pussy fucking her with powerful deliberate strokes. "Oh my God, oh my God," Seulgi chants, her body glistening with a mixture of lube and her own juices. "I'm going to cum again, please don't stop!" "That's it, baby. Cum for us," Alison urges, his voice hoarse. With that , the magical countdown began “3…2….1…” Again, you intentionally hold the 1, which causes Seulgi to once again grip the sheets tightly. “Cum, let it all go sweetheart” you encouraged, your voice thick with desire. As if on command, and with a few more quick thrusts of your fingers and relentless rubbing of her clit, Seulgi tumbles over the edge. She cries out, her body convulsing as she rides out another powerful orgasm, her juices dripping down Alison’s hand. Alison presses his fingers against Seulgi’s lips, which Seulgi subconsciously opened invitingly to suck his fingers clean. She felt so dirty tasting herself but was surprised at how sweet it tasted. Before she had time to recover from her orgasm, your fingers re-entered her puckered hole, this time with a fourth finger. Alison, seeing this joined back, filling her empty pussy with 4 fingers as well. Seulgi screams, her body shaking uncontrollably. "Too much! Oh, God, it's too much! I need a break" she cries, her voice high and breathless. "Relax, baby. Let it happen," you soothed. As you and Alison continued the assault, relentlessly stretching out her holes, you sensed Seulgi’s 4th orgasm was coming and you began the routine. “3….2....1” “Cum you slut”. Her orgasm hits her like a wave, her body trembling as she cries out, her pussy clenching around Alison’s fingers. You feel her ass contracting around your fingers and you know she’s experiencing an intense, full body release.
You remove your fingers, her ass gripping them tightly as you pull them out, reluctant to let go. You marvel at the sight of her gaping hole, satisfied at how stretched it looks. Seulgi collapses onto the table, spent and satisfied, a lazy smile on her face, her eyes closed as she basks in the afterglow. "That... was incredible," she manages to gasp. You stand there, taking in the sight of her gorgeous, satisfied body, giving her a short break before removing the taped vibrators on her tits and thighs. This deceived Seulgi into thinking the session was finally over after 4 hard orgasms. Little did she know what “Yeri’s special entailed”. Like energy that cannot be destroyed or created only converted to other forms, so was the use of the bullet vibrator, it simply had a new function this time. Swapping places with Alison, you push the vibrator deep inside her pussy causing her eyes to open to the darkness of the blindfold. The buzz echoed through Seulgi's body as you slowly work the vibrator in and out, scissoring her occasionally as you allow the vibrator to work its magic. As you continue to fuck her with the vibrator, relentless in your pursuit of her pleasure. Alison adds the second vibrator, pushing it into her ass as you focus on her pussy. Seulgi is sent into a mess of writhing limbs and incoherent moans as you drive her to the edge again and again, her body shaking with another orgasm. With every orgasm, you applied the same rule, only allowing her to cum when you gave the command, conditioning her body to your words.
Then, sitting Seulgi up, Alison went behind Seulgi, cupping her breast giving them a gentle squeeze and massage, before she suddenly hears a different vibrating sound this time, one more powerful that filled the room. “What is…” Before she could even finish her sentence, you pressed the vibrating wand in your hand against her clit, making her cry out in surprise and pleasure. Her hands clutch at the sheets, her body already on edge. If Alison was not behind her supporting her, she would have crashed onto the floor by now. “Fuckkkk , please, let me come” You smile, holding the vibrator firmly in place, watching her squirm and writhe. Her pussy is already glistening with arousal, her clit begging for more attention. “3…2…1…. Cum for me Seulgi, let me see you fall apart” You turn up the intensity on all the vibrators, making her cry out loudly as she felt the vibrators rub against each other. Her body convulses, her back arching as the orgasm crashes through her. You hold the wand firmly against her clit, prolonging her pleasure, riding out the wave. “Please… no more…” You ignore her, repeating the countdown, time and time again. “One more time sweetheart” you demanded one orgasm after another, and she delivers each time with her body solely responding to the countdown now. After a boundless amount of orgasm, Seulgi feels like she has almost lost her mind from the over-stimulation.
Then there was silence…… Everything was removed in an instant from her body and the vibrations went still . She felt Alison standing up from behind her as well. “Y/N, are you there?” There was no response for another 15 seconds, and just as she was about to take off her blindfolds to understand the situation, she heard the ritual that by this time, her body was all too familiar with. “3…2….” “Wait, I can’t cum anymore, it’s too much” She protested while wondering also how she would be able to cum, with all the stimulants removed, “1..” As she heard the 1, her body anticipated a pending orgasm, but she needed a little something that would push her over the edge. You are more than happy to oblige. “Cum” You surprise her with an open-handed smack right on her sensitive pussy. The sound echoes through the room, and Seulgi's eyes roll to the back of her head as another orgasm takes hold of her. This time, it's too much, and she squirts even more powerfully, her juices drenching you. "Oh, fucking hell..." she screams, her body shaking uncontrollably. "I'm squirting... Can't hold it..." You laugh, a deep, satisfied sound, as you watch her lose control. "That's it, drench us, you filthy slut," you growl, your voice thick with satisfaction. Her juices coat your hands and your body with multiple spurts that she could not control, a testament to the pleasure you've given her. Finally, you relent, and let her body rest. Seulgi lies boneless on the table, her chest heaving as she catches her breath. You and Alison clean her up using the towels, before you see her soaked panties on the table and a nasty thought crosses your mind. Using it as if it is a sponge, you swipe her already soaked fabric on the pool that had formed on the massage table between Seulgi’s legs, making it dripping with her essence. “Here, drink up” Your finger grabbing her chin as a sign for her to open up her mouth. Seulgi still deprived of her eyesight, innocently consented and opened her mouth assuming it was water. You squeeze the soaked panties, allowing the essence to fall directly into her mouth. She was initially shocked at the quantity and the taste of it before recognising what it was but swallowed it anyway like a good girl she was. You did this a few more times, hydrating her with her own essence making her feel like a dirty little slut.
Seulgi closed her eyes and accidentally drifted off into sleep while you guys were doing the remaining cleaning up. You smile gently at the sight of the cute girl before you who you had known had given her all on and off stage. After a while, she stirs a little and the blindfold falls off, and she blinks, her eyes adjusting to the soft light of the room. “Welcome back sweetheart” you murmur a satisfied smile on your face. Seulgi cracks a lazy smile, her entire body tingling with post-orgasmic bliss. "That... was incredible. I've never experienced anything like it." her body is feeling renewed by now.  Her gaze lands on you both, and her breath catches in her throat as she takes in the sight of your eager, hard cocks
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"It is my turn to return the favor," she purrs, her voice thick with desire. She kneels before you both, her eyes sparkling with mischief. You and Alison stand side by side, your cocks twitching with anticipation as your 7-inch cocks throbbed with need. It was professionalism but more so a miracle that kept you guys from fucking her in the past hour and half. I mean who could resist such an insanely sexy body like Seulgi’s. She was such a sexy vixen. "Suck us off, sweetheart," you growl, your voice deep and husky. "Show us how much you appreciated the massage." Seulgi's eyes shine as she looks up at you, and then her gaze shifts to Alison. Her lip’s part, and she leans forward, wrapping her lips around your cockhead. She swirls her tongue around the sensitive ridge, teasing you with soft sucks and gentle nips. Her hands explore your thighs, squeezing the firm muscle, her touch sending shivers up your bodies. You groan as you watch her, your cock throbbing fiercely. "That's it, baby," you encourage her. "You like the taste of this dick, don't you?" Seulgi hums in response, the vibrations sending a jolt through your body. You thread your fingers into her hair, guiding her pace, sliding your length in and out of her warm, wet mouth. Not wanting to leave Alison out, she uses her hands to gather the saliva dripping down her chin from the blowjob, lubricating it before stretching them out to give Alison’s slow but firm strokes on his cock. Soon she was controlling the pace and alternating between the both of you. Seulgi uses her warm hands to stroke your length this time, while she takes Alison deeper, her lips gliding to the base of Alison’s cock and her tongue grazing the underside of his shaft. She increases her pace in her double administration, stroking faster while bobbing her head quicker, maintaining eye contact, and you can see the desire burning in her eye. It was a sloppy mess and you and Alison were grunting and clenching your fist to not release too quickly from the expert skills of the sexy vixen before you.
You look over to Alison, and without a word he nods, as if understanding you too well. Together, you stopped Seulgi and urged her to stand. You lead her to the massage table and gently lay her down, her head hanging off the edge. Her neck is exposed, her hair cascading down, providing the perfect access to her pretty mouth. "You ready for a face fuck, baby?" you ask. Seulgi's eyes glitter with excitement. "Please," she whispers, her breath coming in short gasps. "Fuck my mouth. I want to feel you." You don't need to be told twice. You step up to the table, positioning your throbbing cock at her lips. Her mouth opens, and you slide in, her warm, wet tongue greeting you. You groan as you start to thrust, your hands tangling in her hair, holding her in place as you begin to fuck her face. Her mouth is hot and tight around your cock, her tongue dancing along your length. You pull out, your cock slick with her saliva, and then plunge back in, going deeper each time, hitting the back of her throat. Your balls graze her nose each time you fuck deeply into her throat, forcing her to inhale the musky scent it was giving off, which turned her on even more. You watch as her eyes water, the signs of her slight discomfort only spurring you on. "You like that, don't you, baby?" you grunt. "You like getting your throat fucked by this dick." Seulgi manages a throaty moan in response, her hands grasping at your thighs as you pound her mouth. Shifting your hands, you reached out to stroke Seulgi’s throat, you could feel your cock going in and out of her. You applied some pressure and tightened your hold of her throat, which causes her throat to also tighten around your huge cock increasing your pleasure. She gags on it, her face glistening with more and more spit with every passing second. After a while, you thought of your partner and pulled out, leaving her lips glistening and swollen, and stepped aside for Alison to take your place. He plunges into her mouth, his cock slick and hard, and begins to thrust, his pace frantic as he fills her mouth over and over.
As Alison uses her mouth, you take the opportunity to explore her body again. Your hands glide over her soft skin, caressing her breasts, pinching her nipples, making her squirm and moan around Alison’s cock. You trace your fingers down her stomach, dipping into her navel, before sliding your hand lower, between her thighs. Her pussy is dripping wet again from the face fuck, the evidence of her arousal coating your fingers as you rub her clit in slow, teasing circles. Seulgi bucks her hips, her breath coming in sharp gasps as you torture her with pleasure. "Please," she whimpers, her voice muffled by Alison's cock. "I need more." You chuckle as you think to yourself of what an insatiable slut Seulgi is, even her countless orgasm was not yet enough for her, but then you remembered …. Well Yeri’s way worse.  “Fuck her Y/N”. Alison grunted. You do not need to be told twice. You position yourself at her entrance, the tip of your cock teasing her wet, eager hole. With one smooth thrust, you sink into her, her heat enveloping and accommodating your big cock. Seulgi cries out, her back arching as you fill her completely. You give her a moment to adjust to your size, revelling in the feeling of her tight pussy clenching around you. "Ready for more, baby?" you ask, your voice rough. Seulgi manages a nod, her eyes wild with desire. You begin to move, slowly at first, pulling out until just the head of your cock remains inside her, before slamming back into her with force in one swoop. Seulgi screams, her legs wrapping around your waist, her heels digging into your ass, urging you on. Then, you set a relentless pace, pounding into her, your balls slapping against her ass with each deep thrust. Her pussy grips you tightly, milking your cock. It was a rhythmic and synchromatic mess. With every hard thrust that you fuck Seulgi with, it pushes her take take more of Alison’s cock down her throat. Similarly with every thrust that Alison’s fucks Seulgi’s throat with, she was pushed back to take your shaft deeper into her. This spit roast left Seulgi at the mercy of both of you controlling the pace. She felt like she was merely a vessel of pleasure to be used by both of you at this point and all of you knew it would not be long before you all found your release. "I'm close," she whimpers. "Please, don't stop." You grin and thrust harder, your cock plunging deep into her wetness. "Cum for me, baby," you grunt. "Cum all over my cock." Seulgi's body tenses, and she lets out a cry, her face contorting and pussy clenching around you like a vice. Her orgasm washes over her, her juices flooding your cock, as she rides out her intense release. The sight of her climax pushes you over the edge. You pound into her a few more times, feeling your balls tighten as your orgasm builds. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum," you grit out. "I'm gonna fill that tight pussy with my load." Seulgi moans in response, encouraging you to let go. You thrust a few more times, before remembering she is still an idol. You quickly pull out, your cock throbbing as you spill your cum painting her abs and tits. Ropes after ropes of your hot cum covers her, and you grunt in satisfaction as you ride out your orgasm. Within seconds of this hot sight, Alison reaches his high as well. Holding her head in place, he gives one more deep thrust before ejaculating hard down her throat. The warm liquid fills her throat as Seulgi gags and tries to swallow everything but fails as some of it drips down her lips and chin onto the linens on the massage chair. Licking the side of her lips, she does something none of you expected, she turns slightly and dips her tongue onto the linens, cleaning up whatever cum that had spilled on it. “Damn, what a dirty slut” you said. This erotic sight that was displayed before both of you made your cocks hard again, ready and energised for round 2.
Alison wasted no time, wanting to feel her pussy this time, positioned himself on the massage table. “Ride me Seulgi” Seulgi straddled him, aligning herself with Alison’s cock, she lowered her hips patiently and felt the full length of Alison’s cock pushing through her folds. “Fuuuck” She groans in pleasure. Once she had adjusted enough to Alison’s cock, she began to ride Alison at a steady pace. You watched as she rode him, her perfect ass bouncing with each thrust. She threw her head back, moaning with pleasure as Alison filled her pussy. As she continued to ride him, you approached sneakily from behind, your cock twitching with anticipation. Suddenly, Seulgi felt your hard cock teasingly probing at her virgin asshole. “I’ve never done this before!” Seulgi said with a concerned look, wondering how she was going to fit all those 7 inches into her virgin asshole. With one hand on her back, you pushed her slightly forward, bending her down unto Alison’s body. With her ass lifted, Alison moves his hands to her ass cheeks, parting it slightly, giving you a clear view of her now exposed rosebuds. Lubing up your hard cock, you entered her tight hole slowly, feeling the tough resistance of her virgin ass enveloping your cock.  Seulgi gasped at the sensation, her body tensing. "Oh fuck, it's so full." You gripped her hips, slowly pushing it inch by inch into her ass, giving her time to adjust to the feeling, until she managed to take you all the way to the base of your shaft. "Relax, baby," you whispered. "You're doing great." you whispered into her ears as you began thrusting in and out of her ass. Alison, feeling the new tightness of this position started pistoning into pussy, his hips slapping against her clit. The bed creaked with the force of your combined thrusts. As Seulgi’s breast were bouncing all over the place, you reached around, squeezing Seulgi's tits, using them as handlebars as you continued to fuck her ass. "God, she's tight," Alison grunted. "Feels so good." You spanked Seulgi's ass, leaving red handprints on her cheeks. "Take it, you dirty girl," you growled. "Take our cocks in both your holes. Seulgi cried out, the sensation overwhelming her. The feeling of being filled in both holes sent her approaching an intense orgasm. Sensing her impeding orgasm, you gripped her tits harder, and sped up fucking her ass. Meanwhile, Alison gripped Seulgi’s waist and forced her to lower herself onto his slick cock while at the same time thrusting himself up into her wanting cunt, spearing her folds. You leaned forward, nibbling on her earlobe. "That's it, baby. Cum all over our cocks.” This sent her to the edge as her lower body convulsed and trembled, clutching at Alison’s shoulder as she came hard around both of your cocks, her juices flowing.
You withdrew from her ass, sliding your cock out with a wet pop. Lifting Seulgi off Alison’s cock, you spun her around into a reverse cowgirl position now, making her face you, her eyes still sparking with lust. Alison’s cock was glistening with her juice, repositioning himself, he guided his cock towards her ass. Seulgi gasped as she felt the head push against her tight hole. She moaned as you slowly lowered her down onto Alison’s, allowing her to feel it penetration her tender walls once again. "Fuck, this ass is so tight," Alison grunted, his voice strained as he fought for control. Once, you see that Alison’s cock has completely disappeared into her ass, you guided your shaft towards her pussy, rubbing the head against her swollen folds before slipping inside. Seulgi's face contorts into a whimpering mess, her moans are now pants of inaudible words, as both of your cocks stretched her to her limits. Both of you began to move in unison, your hips thrusting in a steady rhythm. Alison's cock slid in and out of her ass, from her riding while your piston-like movements in her pussy drove her wild. You could feel Alison’s cock in her ass, pressing against your own through the thin membrane separating her holes. It was an incredible sensation, feeling her body filled to the brim. Seulgi was being fucked mercilessly; her senses overwhelmed as both of you used her body for their pleasure. As you continued fucking her, you reached forward, cupping her tits and tweaking her nipples. "Your body is so fucking perfect," “Made for our cocks’ Seulgi threw her head back, her long hair trailing down her back. Taking the opportunity, you leaned forward, your lips crashing against hers. It was a sloppy, passionate make out, your tongues tangling for dominance as you tasted each other, your hands still played with her tits, rolling her sensitive nipples between your fingers. Breaking the kiss, you trail kisses down her neck, savouring the taste of her skin. You continue lower, your mouth enveloping one of her nipples, sucking and biting gently as you twist the other peak between your fingers. Not wanting to be outdone, Alison reached around her, his hand searching for her clit. Upon finding the swollen nub. He rubbed circles around it, his fingers slick with her arousal as he thrust his balls slapping against her ass "Come on, baby, cum for us again. Let us feel that your holes clench around our cocks again," he growled as he gave her swollen nub a pinch.  Seulgi's body obeyed his command. Her orgasm crashed over her, and her ass and pussy clenched around your cocks. You and Alison groaned, your own pleasure building as you felt her walls pulsate around them. Not wanting to cum just yet, you and Alison slowed your pace, taking deep breaths as you fought for control. You wanted to edge closer to the precipice, but not fall over just yet.
Withdrawing from her, you helped Seulgi move into a new position. She lay on her side, her legs drawn up, offering both her holes in a spooning position. This time you wanted her tight ass again, so you positioned yourself behind her while Alison took her front. Seulgi is once again sandwiched between the two of you as you both enter her again. This time her muscles were relaxed to accommodate your thickness. Given how slick both of your cocks and her holes were, you guys slid into her easily, filling her up again as she arched her back, pushing her ass back towards you. You both set up a steady, hard rhythm, double-penetrating Seulgi, who was squirming and moaning, her body on fire with pleasure being impaled on two hard cocks. "You like being our sexy little slut, don't you?" "Yes!" she cries, her head tossing from side to side. "I'm your slut, your dirty little toy! Make me cum, please!" Seulgi was surprised at how dirty she sounded but at this moment all she could think about was her release. You chuckled then with a mischievous grin, you reached for the bullet vibrator once again, switching it on and teasing her clit with it. She bucked her hips, her breath catching as the vibrations sent sparks of pleasure through her body. Then, you pulled out of her ass and slipped the vibrator into her tight hole before thrusting your cock back in, fucking the toy into her with your cock. Alison mirrors this action, grabbing another bullet vibrator and slipping it into her pussy, the toy disappearing instantly into her slick hole, before continuing to fuck her pussy with it. Her pussy and ass were all being used, filled and simulated and on the brink of a powerful orgasm. "Oh god, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum so hard! " She cried out.  You felt Alison's balls slapping against Seulgi's pussy as he pounded into her, and you knew he too was close. You could hear the wet, sloppy sounds of your cocks fucking her tight holes, and the vibrations of the bullets added a whole new level of intensity. "Cum with me, sweetheart.” “Let go, I want to feel you milk us with your tight holes.” Your words send her over the edge, as Seulgi convulses, cumming harder than she had ever done before in her life. Her pussy contracts around Alison’s cock, and her ass clamps down on yours, attempting to milk you both as she orgasms. “Fill me with your cum” Seulgi begged. Not being able to hold out any longer, with one final, powerful thrust, Alison emptied his load deep inside Seulgi's pussy. His cum mixed with her juices as he filled her up, and the feeling of his hot seed pushed you over the edge. Rope after rope of your cum shot into Seulgi's ass, your cock twitching with each pulse. You felt spent, but the pleasure was overwhelming. The three of you collapsed in a heap, your sweat-covered bodies intertwined. Seulgi’s holes gaping from the intense fucking. Seulgi turned to face you, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction. She kissed you deeply, tasting herself on your lips, and then turned to Jake, doing the same. The three of you lay there, catching your breath, the bullet vibrators still buzzing gently inside her. "That was the most intense thing I've ever experienced," she breathed, running her hands over her body. "I can't wait to do it again." She could see why Yeri would come here regularly, discovering how much of a freak her maknae is. Magically, every knot in her body was gone and her muscle ache had disappeared even though the past 3 hours of non-stop debauchery was an intense workout itself. “I look forward to seeing you again sweetheart” you said as you helped Seulgi wipe the remaining cum off her skin and helped her get dressed. She was one of your favourite clients, given how hot her body is.
As she walked in the door of her apartment feeling refreshed and like a new person after the massage, Yeri was waiting for her. "Well, someone looks completely renewed!" Yeri teased with a smile. “You were such a slut out there Unnie” Yeri said as she flipped her phone over, revealing that she had access to the livestream of the entire session the whole time. “YAH, KIM YERI, YOU BETTER DELETE THAT” She exclaimed, her face completely flushed in embarrassment as she hurried straight to her room. As Seulgi sank into her bed, she recalled the events that had transpired, and rubbed her clothed pussy. She could not wait for her next session with you. “A magic touch indeed” Who knows maybe she would one day even come here together with Yeri or her group for a combined session with you.
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Thanks for reading my second piece. Her abs are to die for!! Will appreciate, comments likes or reblogs! Hope you guys enjoyed many words worth of smut! Request are open but I will only write request that I find interesting enough and are idols I enjoy unless you would like to commission a piece. Do check out my first piece if you havent as well! I'm so surprised it has reach 750 notes and am thankful for support. Not sure if I will release fics are regular as now as I only write when I have a motivation! Cheers
714 notes · View notes
iuchamjohta · 1 month
Which idol has your favourite:
Side Profile
Overall Body
Thanks for the question anon! What a fun thing to think about. I shall aim to not repeat idols.
Minnie and her dreamy eyes. She’s so pretty man
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Mouth: hmm tough choice but Joy’s lips are pretty luscious .
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Face. Well we all know I have to choose my Ult for this . IU is the prettiest to me hehe I’m bias.
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Bust: Karina . she’s not the bustiest . But her cleavage is definitely enticing .
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Midriff: we all know the answer. There’s only one answer based on my prev fic. The one and only Kang Seulgi with her crazy abs.
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Back: Irene , she’s so elegant.
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Butt: Giselle and her enticing ass.
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Thighs: no hesitation , definitely Yujin with her thic thighs
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Legs: Naeun probably!
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Side profile: Miyeon, another goddess
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Overall body: Shin Yuna . I mean her you go girl performance still slays with that hourglass bod.
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12 notes · View notes
iuchamjohta · 1 month
A magic touch ft Seulgi
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Word count: 9036 Tags: Thressome, Double penetration, Anal, Squirting, spitroast, vibrators, overstimulation, use of blindfold, armpit kink, a little bit of feet.
Longest fic ever of smut! Hope yall enjoy it. Seeing her fancon pics and vid made me just had to write about her. See ends for more notes The final notes of ‘Cosmic Love’, Red Velvet’s last encore song reverberated through the stadium, the lights dimmed, leaving the crowd mesmerised at the captivating performance.
A sea of applause and cheers was heard. The stage was a riot of colour and sound, and the energy in the air was almost tangible. Seulgi stood with the other members of her band, sweat glistening on their faces, her hearts pounding from the adrenaline and the sheer joy of the performance. She had just given her all for what she believed, was another stunning performance. After catching her breath, Seulgi gathered at the front of the stage, hands clasped together as her group said their final thanks and took a bow. The audience’s roar was deafening, and she felt a wave of appreciation washed over her. Her band waved, smiled, and exchanged grateful glances, soaking in the moment. The connection between them and their fans felt like a beautiful, unspoken bond. She couldn't have asked for a more incredible audience. As the final applause began to fade, Seulgi exited the stage, her steps heavy but her spirits high.
The backstage area was a hive of activity—roadies packing up equipment, crew members tidying up, and fellow artists exchanging congratulatory hugs. She felt a pang of exhaustion as she walked through the corridor leading to her dressing room. Once inside, Seulgi slumped onto the couch with a grateful sigh, but her relief was short-lived. The soreness in her muscles was impossible to ignore. After consecutive concerts that they had, it has finally taken a toll on her body. She tried to stretch, but each movement seemed to amplify the stiffness in her legs and shoulders. Seulgi grimaced and leaned back, wondering if there was a way she could magically make the pains in her body go away.
“Unnie, are you okay?” Yeri, ever observant, came over and plopped down next to Seulgi. Her eyes were full of concern as she watched Seulgi struggle to find a comfortable position. Seulgi managed a weary smile “Yeah, I’m fine, all that dancing and jumping really took its toll tonight” This was expected. Afterall, Seulgi was a born performer, she pours her heart and soul into every movement, each dance step a testament to her dedication and passion. Her flawless execution of her powerful dance moves and boundless energy never fails to captivate the audience and turn the stage into a breathtaking spectacle. “It seems, you are getting old Unnie, the magical 30 have caught up to you” Yeri teased. “Hey! I’m still youthful and energetic” Seulgi pouted, as she attempted to move, a wince of discomfort crossed her face, revealing just how sore she was. The sight of her struggling to keep up her appearances despite her aching muscles was both endearing and a bit comical, making her look even more charming in her vulnerability.
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Yeri chuckled at the sight before her cute Unnie. “I’ve got something that would help you a lot,” Yeri said as she reached into her bag to pull out a business-card-sized-envelope.” Seulgi's eyes lit up upon hearing this, her eyes tracing every movement of her younger member. “What is this?” She took the card from Yeri’s hands and glanced at it. The elegant script on the front read, “A magic touch.” Written below that was Y/N, the contact details and a note that said, “The best massage for tired muscles.” “Request for Y/N, he is the best one out there” Yeri said. “Oh and tell the receptionist that I sent you and you want the Yeri’s special,” Yeri added. “ Yeri’s special? What’s that” Seulgi raised an eyebrow, intrigued at the weird request.” “It’s nothing much! They just make sure to pay more attention to you since I’m a regular” Yeri smirked to a clueless Seulgi, oblivious of what was about to unfold. "I'm all sweaty and haven't showered yet. It’s going to be late by the time I finish all that—will I still have time to make it to the massage?" Seulgi whined. "Don’t worry about that—they’ll take care of everything for you! I always go there after our concerts,” Yeri reassured her. Seulgi remembered how Yeri would often head off alone after performances and return to their apartment looking refreshed and rejuvenated, as if she were a completely new person. That was more than enough to convince Seulgi, to trust her maknae. Assuming there would be showering facilities at the parlor, Seulgi gathered her things and asked her manager to drive her to the address on the card.
The drive felt lengthy as Seulgi nervously fumbled with the black and gold business card in her hand. "Best massage out there," she muttered, hoping it wasn’t just a marketing gimmick. With a sigh, she closed her eyes, and when she reopened them, they had arrived. The manager pulled up to the front, and Seulgi double-checked the address before getting out. The massage centre was housed in a stately building with an elegant facade, its grandeur illuminated by soft, ambient lighting. The entrance was adorned with lush greenery and delicate string lights that cast a warm, inviting glow. Seulgi walked towards the entrance, her tired muscles already anticipating the relief to come. A beautifully crafted wooden door greeted her. It was flanked by tall, ornate vases filled with fresh flowers. As she pushed open the door, a gentle chime rang out, and she was greeted by a serene, luxurious interior. The lobby was a haven of calm and sophistication. Soft, instrumental music played in the background, blending harmoniously with the gentle scent of essential oils that permeated the air. The reception area featured a sleek, polished marble desk and an elegantly designed waiting area with plush seating and tranquil water features. Large, framed artworks of nature scenes adorned the walls, enhancing the sense of peaceful retreat. Seulgi approached the reception desk, where a friendly female receptionist named Emily welcomed her with a warm smile. “Erm, Yeri sent me, and she told me to request for Y/N and for the Yeri’s special” Seulgi said sheepishly, uncertain of what she was asking for. "Of course, ma'am. Please have a seat in the lobby while we prepare your room." Emily’s friendly demeanour immediately put Seulgi at ease.
After a short 10 minutes, Emily called for Seulgi telling her that the room was ready and led her down the hallway. As Seulgi walked down the hallway, she marveled at the attention to detail. The walls were lined with calming hues and soft, textured fabrics, creating an atmosphere of relaxation. Each treatment room had its own unique design, with soft lighting, comfortable massage tables, and calming decor. Seulgi was escorted to her room, which was a sanctuary of tranquility. The room featured a massage table draped in soft, pristine linens, surrounded by warm, ambient light and gentle, aromatic scents. The atmosphere was inviting, promising a session of deep relaxation and rejuvenation. Seductive like a siren, was what came to mind in Seulgi's head as she saw the layout. She shook that thought out of her head and sat at the large massage table in the middle of the room." You can leave your clothes and bra here, but please keep your underwear on," Emily instructed. Once Seulgi was ready, she asked if there was a nearby shower, she could use. Emily reassured her with a smile, "Don’t worry, our masseuse will take care of everything, including a wash before your session." Emily then took out a soft silk satin blindfold and prepared to place it over Seulgi's eyes. "Um, what’s this for?" Seulgi asked. Emily smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, it helps you close your eyes and relax, enhancing your overall experience." Emily gently placed the soft silk satin blindfold over Seulgi's eyes, the cool fabric settling comfortably against her skin. As she adjusted the blindfold to ensure it was secure yet gentle, Seulgi felt a soothing darkness envelop her. The sensation of the blindfold heightened her other senses, allowing her to fully immerse herself in the forthcoming relaxation. The absence of visual distractions helped her mind quiet, creating a deeper sense of calm and anticipation for the massage ahead.
As Seulgi laid face up on the plush massage table, she settled into the comfortable linens and took a deep breath, readying herself for the massage. After about 5 minutes, she expected to hear the footsteps of just one person, the masseuse. However, as she listened closely, she detected the sound of 2 pairs of footsteps approaching. A slight rustling and murmured conversation filled the air, piquing her curiosity about what was happening just outside her line of sight. “Are you ready for your cleaning? Seulgi” You asked with a deep voice. Her face changed to an initial surprised expression. She was showing her idol body to what she believed was not 1 but 2 male masseurs. This expression faded quickly as she reminded herself that this was a professional setting and that they were here to help her relax. Trusting in the professionalism of the staff, she put her concerns aside and nodded softly prepared to fully embrace the massage experience. You took in the magnificent view before you. Seulgi was incredibly sexy.
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She exuded an effortless allure, her skin glowing with a subtle sheen of sweat that highlighted her toned physique. Her hair, slightly damp, framed her face beautifully, and her well-defined abs…those well-defined abs were to die for. Her breasts were full, and her curves accentuated her plump meaty ass. You and your partner, Alison, take in her irresistible feminine scent and begin your work. "Let's start with your tongue bath, shall we?" Seulgi was shocked by that very different meaning of cleaning, but before she responded, you and Alison began your slow, sensual tongue massage. Starting at her ears, you trace the outline of her lobes with your tongues, flicking the delicate skin with the tips. Seulgi lets out a soft moan, instead of protesting, she lets her head tilt back to give you better access. She was secretly enjoying the moment as well.  You pause at her earlobes, sucking and nibbling gently. Lowering your mouths, you lick a path down her jawline, your tongues working in unison as you coat her skin with your warm saliva, enjoying the way her body squirms in response.
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Then, lifting her arms, you move down to her armpits, an area that deserves your special attention. You notice the sweat that glitters on her arch, and can’t help but take a deep breath, inhaling her scent fully. You and Alison take one pit each, burying your faces in the sweet-smelling hollows. Your tongues dart out, licking every inch of her sweat-glistened skin, tasting the tangy, musky flavour of her arousal. You suck and nip at the sensitive folds of her skin, replacing her sweat with your saliva, your breath hot against her pits, making her whimper with pleasure. After thoroughly cleaning and worshipping her armpits, you trace a path down to her chest, circling her nipples but not quite touching them yet. You lick and nibble at the soft flesh of her breasts, your tongues flattening to cover as much area as possible. Finally, you can't resist any longer, and you latch your mouths onto her erect nipples, sucking gently at first, then with more intensity. Seulgi's breath quickens, her hands instinctively going to your heads, threading her fingers through your hair as you tease her sensitive peaks."Oh, fuck... that feels so good," she breathes, her hips bucking unconsciously as waves of pleasure shot through to her already throbbing pussy. She was leaking wet and feeling exposed at the mercy of you and Alison. She was relieved that she could keep her underwear on, which provided a final layer of modesty and protection, sparing her from potential embarrassment and preserving her dignity.
You and Alison continued your work giving each nipple equal attention, your hands occasionally roaming her body, caressing her soft skin, your fingers gently pinching and rolling her nipples when your mouths aren't on them. Both of you work in unison as if a mirror to each other's movements giving the same attention to both halves of her body. Teasingly, you trail your tongues down her quivering abdomen, circling her belly button before dipping in as well. You swiped your tongue along her well-defined abs, feeling her toned muscle on your tongue. Her skin is like a canvas, and you're painting it with your saliva, marking her with your lust. As both of you traced down her curves and thighs with your tongue finally reaching the waistband of her soaking panties, you paused and looked at her with hungry eyes. "Already so wet down here," you comment, your voice husky with desire. Seulgi’s face flushed with embarrassment upon hearing this. Seulgi bites her lip, anticipation coursing through her veins. "Please... I need more."You chuckle softly, enjoying the power you hold over her. Instead of going straight for her pussy, you surprise her by capturing her feet in your hands. You and Alison take a foot each, kissing and licking the delicate skin of her soles and toes, sucking on her toes one by one, making her squirm. After thoroughly worshipping her feet, you use your hands to massage her calves and thighs, working your way back up her body. You avoid her pussy, your fingers brushing agonisingly close, but never quite touching her aching core. Seulgi is panting now, her need palpable in the room. Her pussy is leaking onto her panties, the wet spot growing bigger by the second. "Please... touch me," she begs, her voice thick with desire. "Not yet sweetheart. We're going to take our time with you," you whisper, your lips brushing against her earlobe, commanding a certain dominance in your voice. You took a step back to admire the view. Seulgi's body is glistening with both of your saliva, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she anticipates your next move. Proud of the tongue-bath you gave her. You reach out and gently grasp her panty-clad ass, giving each cheek a soft squeeze before slowly sliding your hands down to cup her pussy. You feel the heat radiating from her core, the damp fabric of her panty, a testament to her arousal. Using just the tips of your fingers, you massage her outer lips through the fabric, avoiding her clit and entrance, much to her frustration. "Tease," she whimpers, trying to push her hips toward your hand. You chuckle, enjoying her squirm. "All in good time, sweetheart." You move lower, your fingers tracing the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. Seulgi whimpers, her need building with every touch. Her pussy is dripping wet, but you continue to avoid it, focusing on the areas surrounding it.
Then as if understanding each other, both of your tongues and hands leave her body, causing her to feel empty and wanting. Seulgi lay still on the massage table, her senses heightened by the uncertainty of what was happening with the blindfold still covering her eyesight. The silence of the room was then interrupted by the soft squirt of massage oil being dispensed from the bottle. The sound was immediately followed by a cool, liquid sensation as the oil was gently applied to her skin. The initial contact of the cold oil against her warm, slightly damp body made her shiver pleasantly. The contrast between the chill of the oil and the warmth of her skin was both surprising and invigorating. Using slow and deliberate movements, you continued to pour the cool scented oil onto her body, starting with her shoulders and working your way down. Her skin glistens in the soft light as you massage the oil into her flesh, your strong hands working out any tension she might have, untying every knot in her body. Your hands move down to cup one of her breasts, and you could feel her nipples already rock hard from your skilled touch. Your hands gave her firm breast a strong squeeze. “Oh, yes,” Seulgi moaned, arching her back as you continued to knead her flesh more roughly. “Don’t stop,” Capturing her nipples between your fingers, you rolled them gently before you and Alison gave it a rough tug, seeing how far it could stretch, before letting it spring back to her chest. This move left Seulgi moaning loudly and whimpering in a hot mess. Her breath quickens as your hands glide lower, caressing her inner thighs, inching towards her core but never quite touching it. You both chuckle darkly at her frustrated whimpers.
Both of you pulled away again and grabbed something from the desk. A soft vibrating sound was heard, which she guessed was a bullet vibrator. You and Alison switched places now, you attending to her lower body, while Alison her upper. The blindfold was doing its work, keeping her anticipating the next move yet never knowing when it was going to come. Tracing the cool metal over her skin, you watch as goosebumps rise in its wake. Seulgi shivers, her breath catching in her throat as you slowly drag the vibrator up her thigh, closer and closer to her aching pussy. Meanwhile Alison worked his way down her arm and to her heavy breast, circling her rock-hard tits but never quite touching it again. You continued to administer this treatment for a good 5 minutes, always nearing her core but never touching it. This to Seulgi felt like an hour. She squirms, her hips bucking slightly as she tries to rub her neglected pussy against the table to gain some sort of friction. “Such a good girl for us” Alison murmurs. “Please... I need... to cum" she pleads, her voice hoarse with desire. "Patience, my dear, you will only cum when we allow you to" you chide gently but with utmost dominance in your tone, which leaves Seulgi submissive and unable to protest. Grabbing some tape, you and Alison place the bullet vibrators on each of her tits "You like that, huh? Like us playing with your tits?" you murmur, your lips brushing her ear. You blow a gentle stream of air onto her damp nipples, causing her to shudder, and then you twist and tug on them, earning a keening whine from Seulgi before finally securing the vibrator firmly in place on her tits.
Instead of giving her the relief she craves, you take another vibrator and press the vibrator to her inner thigh, just below her pussy, taping it in place. Seulgi lets out a frustrated whine, wanting the vibrator to be exactly where she needs it. At this point, her underwear had been so soaked that it turned a completely different shade of colour from her initial bright pink to a deep red velvet (I know I couldn't help it). It has been almost an hour of edging and teasing yet Seulgi was unable to get the release she had been chasing.
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“Turn around for me sweetheart” you instruct, giving her a playful smack on the ass. The sound echoing through the still and silent room as you leave a slightly red handprint on her fleshy globes. Seulgi does as she's told, presenting her round, peachy ass to you. It's a glorious sight, and you can't resist caressing the soft, plump cheeks, revelling in the softness of her skin. With her chest now pressed against the massage table, she could feel the bullet vibrators, vibration stronger on her nipples and the sudden pleasure shot through to her core, causing an accident mini squirt out of her throbbing pussy. Did she just have an orgasm from just having her tits played with? Seulgi thought. She however had hoped that this would have gone unnoticed to both of you. To an experienced masseur like you, it was immediately apparent. “Did you just cum? You slut, who said you could” Your deep voice echoed with authority. “Naughty girl like you needs to be punished!”  You grip her plump ass cheeks, squeezing them firmly before landing a sharp smack that echoes through the room. Seulgi yelps, but it quickly turns into a moan as you massage the heat from the spank. ‘That's a good girl. You are enjoying this aren't you? Taking your punishment so well," Alison purrs, landing another smack, this time on the other cheek. Both of you continued to land open handed smacks on her ass until it was glowing a rosy, red, you admired your handiwork, running your hands over the warm flesh. Seulgi squirms, desperate for more which you do not disappoint.
You and Alison stand on either side of her once more, your hands roaming her back and ass, massaging and kneading the supple flesh, administering the same treatment as you did to her front. Your fingers glide down the crack of her ass, teasingly close to her most intimate hole, but never quite breaching it. “Well, there is one more area we have not cleaned sweetheart” Slipping her soaked undies off and placing them on the table beside you, you leaned down and bury your face in her ass, your tongue snaking out to lick a path from the tail bone down to her crack, tasting the salty sweetness of her most private areas. Seulgi moans, her head falling forward to rest on the table as she basks in the sensations bombarding her body. Alison joins in, and together, you eat her out, your tongues working in harmony to pleasure her. Alison licks and sucks at her pussy, delving into her wet folds, tasting her sweet nectar. At the same time, you rim her tight asshole, circling the wrinkled flesh with your tongues, teasingly penetrating her with the tips. Seulgi is lost in a haze of pleasure, her body shaking uncontrollably as she nears her orgasm with the attention her holes are finally getting. "Oh God, I'm gonna cum... don't stop!" she cries out, her hands gripping the edges of the table as she braces herself for the impending explosion. “Hold it slut” both you and Alison, remove your tongues from holes. “Please, let me cum” Seulgi begged. Seeing her sincerity, you relented with an agreement, “You only get to cum on our count of 3 from now on, is that understood?” You declared with a certain firmness in your voice, eliciting a nod from Seulgi.
With that said, you and Alison in union dived back into her holes, lapping away hungrily at both of her holes. Then Seulgi heard the count as she reached her orgasm. “3” Seulgi fist clenches hard on the sheets trying to hold her orgasm. “2” you hear her whimpering as if begging you to count faster. “1” You intentionally drag the 1 as you swirl your tongue relentlessly around the wrinkled hole. Meanwhile Alison, captured her clit with his mouth and gave it a rough suck. Her knuckles were white at this point, before you finally gave the command “Cum” As if she was being liberated from a cage, Seulgi convulsed hard, releasing one of the strongest orgasms she ever had. Spraying Alison’s face with her squirt, some even reaching the room walls. A pool of her juice was even formed on the sheets below her. As her orgasm starts to subside, you and Alison lap at her remaining juice that tasted sweet as nectar before slowly pulling away, your tongues and lips glistening with her essence. You take a moment to admire your handiwork, your beautiful client splayed out on the table, her body spent and satisfied. “It is my first-time squirting” Seulgi pants while trying to catch her breath. “Don’t worry it will not be your last. “You smirked leaving her to wonder what you meant. This session was just getting started.
You reach for some more massage oil, warming it in your hands before pouring it onto Seulgi's back, your slick hands gliding over her supple skin. You work the oil into her muscles, your fingers firm yet gentle as you soothe away any remaining tension. Your hands roam lower, cupping her ass cheeks and spreading them slightly to expose her tight, quivering asshole once again. You rub the oil into her crease, your fingers teasingly circling her hole, making her moan and squirm. Before she could protest or had enough time to recover from her orgasm, you slip a finger inside her ass, your other hand reaching under to find her swollen clit. “Oh God, I have never had anything in there” She moaned. Ignoring her, you finger-fuck her tight hole slowly, as your other hand works its magic on her clit, rubbing and circling the sensitive bud. Alison joins in, running his hands up Seulgi’s thick thighs, spreading them slightly, moving to kneel before Seulgi. Her pussy is completely bare, her lips already swollen from the previous simulation. He leaned forward, inhaling her sweet musk before tracing his tongue along her slit. She tastes of honey and desire, and Alison moans softly as he laps at her, his tongue flicking over her clit, replacing your fingers. Teasingly he inserted one finger into her tight hole and felt her wet clench around his fingers.  "Fuck, you're so wet, baby," Alison groaned, adding a second finger and scissoring them inside her. Seulgi keens, her body writhing as both of you stretch and fill her. "More... I need more," she begs, her hands reaching back to grip your wrists. Squirting a little more oil to your fingers, you slowly added a second finger, slowly pushing it deeper into Seulgi's ass, stretching her slowly as you work her in a steady rhythm. Seulgi gasps, her body tensing momentarily before relaxing as you curled your finger, searching for that sweet spot. Meanwhile Alison continued to lick and suck on her clit, his own fingers buried deep inside her pussy, slowly quickening his fingering, until with every thrust, a squelching sound could be heard from how wet Seulgi’s pussy had become. "Mmm, that's it," you encouraged. "Take it all, Seulgi. We know you can take more." You give her fleshy ass a playful bite before licking the redden area, as you fuck your fingers deeper into her ass, feeling the tight hole clench around your finger even more with every playful bite that you give her.
Synchronising your movements, your fingers and tongues working in tandem to drive Seulgi wild. Her breathing becomes ragged, her hips bucking as she cries out, her third orgasm approaching rapidly. You don't stop, determined to push her further. You slip a third finger into her ass, scissoring her as you suck another reddened spot you created. Alison mirrors your movements, adding a third finger to Seulgi’s pussy fucking her with powerful deliberate strokes. "Oh my God, oh my God," Seulgi chants, her body glistening with a mixture of lube and her own juices. "I'm going to cum again, please don't stop!" "That's it, baby. Cum for us," Alison urges, his voice hoarse. With that , the magical countdown began “3…2….1…” Again, you intentionally hold the 1, which causes Seulgi to once again grip the sheets tightly. “Cum, let it all go sweetheart” you encouraged, your voice thick with desire. As if on command, and with a few more quick thrusts of your fingers and relentless rubbing of her clit, Seulgi tumbles over the edge. She cries out, her body convulsing as she rides out another powerful orgasm, her juices dripping down Alison’s hand. Alison presses his fingers against Seulgi’s lips, which Seulgi subconsciously opened invitingly to suck his fingers clean. She felt so dirty tasting herself but was surprised at how sweet it tasted. Before she had time to recover from her orgasm, your fingers re-entered her puckered hole, this time with a fourth finger. Alison, seeing this joined back, filling her empty pussy with 4 fingers as well. Seulgi screams, her body shaking uncontrollably. "Too much! Oh, God, it's too much! I need a break" she cries, her voice high and breathless. "Relax, baby. Let it happen," you soothed. As you and Alison continued the assault, relentlessly stretching out her holes, you sensed Seulgi’s 4th orgasm was coming and you began the routine. “3….2....1” “Cum you slut”. Her orgasm hits her like a wave, her body trembling as she cries out, her pussy clenching around Alison’s fingers. You feel her ass contracting around your fingers and you know she’s experiencing an intense, full body release.
You remove your fingers, her ass gripping them tightly as you pull them out, reluctant to let go. You marvel at the sight of her gaping hole, satisfied at how stretched it looks. Seulgi collapses onto the table, spent and satisfied, a lazy smile on her face, her eyes closed as she basks in the afterglow. "That... was incredible," she manages to gasp. You stand there, taking in the sight of her gorgeous, satisfied body, giving her a short break before removing the taped vibrators on her tits and thighs. This deceived Seulgi into thinking the session was finally over after 4 hard orgasms. Little did she know what “Yeri’s special entailed”. Like energy that cannot be destroyed or created only converted to other forms, so was the use of the bullet vibrator, it simply had a new function this time. Swapping places with Alison, you push the vibrator deep inside her pussy causing her eyes to open to the darkness of the blindfold. The buzz echoed through Seulgi's body as you slowly work the vibrator in and out, scissoring her occasionally as you allow the vibrator to work its magic. As you continue to fuck her with the vibrator, relentless in your pursuit of her pleasure. Alison adds the second vibrator, pushing it into her ass as you focus on her pussy. Seulgi is sent into a mess of writhing limbs and incoherent moans as you drive her to the edge again and again, her body shaking with another orgasm. With every orgasm, you applied the same rule, only allowing her to cum when you gave the command, conditioning her body to your words.
Then, sitting Seulgi up, Alison went behind Seulgi, cupping her breast giving them a gentle squeeze and massage, before she suddenly hears a different vibrating sound this time, one more powerful that filled the room. “What is…” Before she could even finish her sentence, you pressed the vibrating wand in your hand against her clit, making her cry out in surprise and pleasure. Her hands clutch at the sheets, her body already on edge. If Alison was not behind her supporting her, she would have crashed onto the floor by now. “Fuckkkk , please, let me come” You smile, holding the vibrator firmly in place, watching her squirm and writhe. Her pussy is already glistening with arousal, her clit begging for more attention. “3…2…1…. Cum for me Seulgi, let me see you fall apart” You turn up the intensity on all the vibrators, making her cry out loudly as she felt the vibrators rub against each other. Her body convulses, her back arching as the orgasm crashes through her. You hold the wand firmly against her clit, prolonging her pleasure, riding out the wave. “Please… no more…” You ignore her, repeating the countdown, time and time again. “One more time sweetheart” you demanded one orgasm after another, and she delivers each time with her body solely responding to the countdown now. After a boundless amount of orgasm, Seulgi feels like she has almost lost her mind from the over-stimulation.
Then there was silence…… Everything was removed in an instant from her body and the vibrations went still . She felt Alison standing up from behind her as well. “Y/N, are you there?” There was no response for another 15 seconds, and just as she was about to take off her blindfolds to understand the situation, she heard the ritual that by this time, her body was all too familiar with. “3…2….” “Wait, I can’t cum anymore, it’s too much” She protested while wondering also how she would be able to cum, with all the stimulants removed, “1..” As she heard the 1, her body anticipated a pending orgasm, but she needed a little something that would push her over the edge. You are more than happy to oblige. “Cum” You surprise her with an open-handed smack right on her sensitive pussy. The sound echoes through the room, and Seulgi's eyes roll to the back of her head as another orgasm takes hold of her. This time, it's too much, and she squirts even more powerfully, her juices drenching you. "Oh, fucking hell..." she screams, her body shaking uncontrollably. "I'm squirting... Can't hold it..." You laugh, a deep, satisfied sound, as you watch her lose control. "That's it, drench us, you filthy slut," you growl, your voice thick with satisfaction. Her juices coat your hands and your body with multiple spurts that she could not control, a testament to the pleasure you've given her. Finally, you relent, and let her body rest. Seulgi lies boneless on the table, her chest heaving as she catches her breath. You and Alison clean her up using the towels, before you see her soaked panties on the table and a nasty thought crosses your mind. Using it as if it is a sponge, you swipe her already soaked fabric on the pool that had formed on the massage table between Seulgi’s legs, making it dripping with her essence. “Here, drink up” Your finger grabbing her chin as a sign for her to open up her mouth. Seulgi still deprived of her eyesight, innocently consented and opened her mouth assuming it was water. You squeeze the soaked panties, allowing the essence to fall directly into her mouth. She was initially shocked at the quantity and the taste of it before recognising what it was but swallowed it anyway like a good girl she was. You did this a few more times, hydrating her with her own essence making her feel like a dirty little slut.
Seulgi closed her eyes and accidentally drifted off into sleep while you guys were doing the remaining cleaning up. You smile gently at the sight of the cute girl before you who you had known had given her all on and off stage. After a while, she stirs a little and the blindfold falls off, and she blinks, her eyes adjusting to the soft light of the room. “Welcome back sweetheart” you murmur a satisfied smile on your face. Seulgi cracks a lazy smile, her entire body tingling with post-orgasmic bliss. "That... was incredible. I've never experienced anything like it." her body is feeling renewed by now.  Her gaze lands on you both, and her breath catches in her throat as she takes in the sight of your eager, hard cocks
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"It is my turn to return the favor," she purrs, her voice thick with desire. She kneels before you both, her eyes sparkling with mischief. You and Alison stand side by side, your cocks twitching with anticipation as your 7-inch cocks throbbed with need. It was professionalism but more so a miracle that kept you guys from fucking her in the past hour and half. I mean who could resist such an insanely sexy body like Seulgi’s. She was such a sexy vixen. "Suck us off, sweetheart," you growl, your voice deep and husky. "Show us how much you appreciated the massage." Seulgi's eyes shine as she looks up at you, and then her gaze shifts to Alison. Her lip’s part, and she leans forward, wrapping her lips around your cockhead. She swirls her tongue around the sensitive ridge, teasing you with soft sucks and gentle nips. Her hands explore your thighs, squeezing the firm muscle, her touch sending shivers up your bodies. You groan as you watch her, your cock throbbing fiercely. "That's it, baby," you encourage her. "You like the taste of this dick, don't you?" Seulgi hums in response, the vibrations sending a jolt through your body. You thread your fingers into her hair, guiding her pace, sliding your length in and out of her warm, wet mouth. Not wanting to leave Alison out, she uses her hands to gather the saliva dripping down her chin from the blowjob, lubricating it before stretching them out to give Alison’s slow but firm strokes on his cock. Soon she was controlling the pace and alternating between the both of you. Seulgi uses her warm hands to stroke your length this time, while she takes Alison deeper, her lips gliding to the base of Alison’s cock and her tongue grazing the underside of his shaft. She increases her pace in her double administration, stroking faster while bobbing her head quicker, maintaining eye contact, and you can see the desire burning in her eye. It was a sloppy mess and you and Alison were grunting and clenching your fist to not release too quickly from the expert skills of the sexy vixen before you.
You look over to Alison, and without a word he nods, as if understanding you too well. Together, you stopped Seulgi and urged her to stand. You lead her to the massage table and gently lay her down, her head hanging off the edge. Her neck is exposed, her hair cascading down, providing the perfect access to her pretty mouth. "You ready for a face fuck, baby?" you ask. Seulgi's eyes glitter with excitement. "Please," she whispers, her breath coming in short gasps. "Fuck my mouth. I want to feel you." You don't need to be told twice. You step up to the table, positioning your throbbing cock at her lips. Her mouth opens, and you slide in, her warm, wet tongue greeting you. You groan as you start to thrust, your hands tangling in her hair, holding her in place as you begin to fuck her face. Her mouth is hot and tight around your cock, her tongue dancing along your length. You pull out, your cock slick with her saliva, and then plunge back in, going deeper each time, hitting the back of her throat. Your balls graze her nose each time you fuck deeply into her throat, forcing her to inhale the musky scent it was giving off, which turned her on even more. You watch as her eyes water, the signs of her slight discomfort only spurring you on. "You like that, don't you, baby?" you grunt. "You like getting your throat fucked by this dick." Seulgi manages a throaty moan in response, her hands grasping at your thighs as you pound her mouth. Shifting your hands, you reached out to stroke Seulgi’s throat, you could feel your cock going in and out of her. You applied some pressure and tightened your hold of her throat, which causes her throat to also tighten around your huge cock increasing your pleasure. She gags on it, her face glistening with more and more spit with every passing second. After a while, you thought of your partner and pulled out, leaving her lips glistening and swollen, and stepped aside for Alison to take your place. He plunges into her mouth, his cock slick and hard, and begins to thrust, his pace frantic as he fills her mouth over and over.
As Alison uses her mouth, you take the opportunity to explore her body again. Your hands glide over her soft skin, caressing her breasts, pinching her nipples, making her squirm and moan around Alison’s cock. You trace your fingers down her stomach, dipping into her navel, before sliding your hand lower, between her thighs. Her pussy is dripping wet again from the face fuck, the evidence of her arousal coating your fingers as you rub her clit in slow, teasing circles. Seulgi bucks her hips, her breath coming in sharp gasps as you torture her with pleasure. "Please," she whimpers, her voice muffled by Alison's cock. "I need more." You chuckle as you think to yourself of what an insatiable slut Seulgi is, even her countless orgasm was not yet enough for her, but then you remembered …. Well Yeri’s way worse.  “Fuck her Y/N”. Alison grunted. You do not need to be told twice. You position yourself at her entrance, the tip of your cock teasing her wet, eager hole. With one smooth thrust, you sink into her, her heat enveloping and accommodating your big cock. Seulgi cries out, her back arching as you fill her completely. You give her a moment to adjust to your size, revelling in the feeling of her tight pussy clenching around you. "Ready for more, baby?" you ask, your voice rough. Seulgi manages a nod, her eyes wild with desire. You begin to move, slowly at first, pulling out until just the head of your cock remains inside her, before slamming back into her with force in one swoop. Seulgi screams, her legs wrapping around your waist, her heels digging into your ass, urging you on. Then, you set a relentless pace, pounding into her, your balls slapping against her ass with each deep thrust. Her pussy grips you tightly, milking your cock. It was a rhythmic and synchromatic mess. With every hard thrust that you fuck Seulgi with, it pushes her take take more of Alison’s cock down her throat. Similarly with every thrust that Alison’s fucks Seulgi’s throat with, she was pushed back to take your shaft deeper into her. This spit roast left Seulgi at the mercy of both of you controlling the pace. She felt like she was merely a vessel of pleasure to be used by both of you at this point and all of you knew it would not be long before you all found your release. "I'm close," she whimpers. "Please, don't stop." You grin and thrust harder, your cock plunging deep into her wetness. "Cum for me, baby," you grunt. "Cum all over my cock." Seulgi's body tenses, and she lets out a cry, her face contorting and pussy clenching around you like a vice. Her orgasm washes over her, her juices flooding your cock, as she rides out her intense release. The sight of her climax pushes you over the edge. You pound into her a few more times, feeling your balls tighten as your orgasm builds. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum," you grit out. "I'm gonna fill that tight pussy with my load." Seulgi moans in response, encouraging you to let go. You thrust a few more times, before remembering she is still an idol. You quickly pull out, your cock throbbing as you spill your cum painting her abs and tits. Ropes after ropes of your hot cum covers her, and you grunt in satisfaction as you ride out your orgasm. Within seconds of this hot sight, Alison reaches his high as well. Holding her head in place, he gives one more deep thrust before ejaculating hard down her throat. The warm liquid fills her throat as Seulgi gags and tries to swallow everything but fails as some of it drips down her lips and chin onto the linens on the massage chair. Licking the side of her lips, she does something none of you expected, she turns slightly and dips her tongue onto the linens, cleaning up whatever cum that had spilled on it. “Damn, what a dirty slut” you said. This erotic sight that was displayed before both of you made your cocks hard again, ready and energised for round 2.
Alison wasted no time, wanting to feel her pussy this time, positioned himself on the massage table. “Ride me Seulgi” Seulgi straddled him, aligning herself with Alison’s cock, she lowered her hips patiently and felt the full length of Alison’s cock pushing through her folds. “Fuuuck” She groans in pleasure. Once she had adjusted enough to Alison’s cock, she began to ride Alison at a steady pace. You watched as she rode him, her perfect ass bouncing with each thrust. She threw her head back, moaning with pleasure as Alison filled her pussy. As she continued to ride him, you approached sneakily from behind, your cock twitching with anticipation. Suddenly, Seulgi felt your hard cock teasingly probing at her virgin asshole. “I’ve never done this before!” Seulgi said with a concerned look, wondering how she was going to fit all those 7 inches into her virgin asshole. With one hand on her back, you pushed her slightly forward, bending her down unto Alison’s body. With her ass lifted, Alison moves his hands to her ass cheeks, parting it slightly, giving you a clear view of her now exposed rosebuds. Lubing up your hard cock, you entered her tight hole slowly, feeling the tough resistance of her virgin ass enveloping your cock.  Seulgi gasped at the sensation, her body tensing. "Oh fuck, it's so full." You gripped her hips, slowly pushing it inch by inch into her ass, giving her time to adjust to the feeling, until she managed to take you all the way to the base of your shaft. "Relax, baby," you whispered. "You're doing great." you whispered into her ears as you began thrusting in and out of her ass. Alison, feeling the new tightness of this position started pistoning into pussy, his hips slapping against her clit. The bed creaked with the force of your combined thrusts. As Seulgi’s breast were bouncing all over the place, you reached around, squeezing Seulgi's tits, using them as handlebars as you continued to fuck her ass. "God, she's tight," Alison grunted. "Feels so good." You spanked Seulgi's ass, leaving red handprints on her cheeks. "Take it, you dirty girl," you growled. "Take our cocks in both your holes. Seulgi cried out, the sensation overwhelming her. The feeling of being filled in both holes sent her approaching an intense orgasm. Sensing her impeding orgasm, you gripped her tits harder, and sped up fucking her ass. Meanwhile, Alison gripped Seulgi’s waist and forced her to lower herself onto his slick cock while at the same time thrusting himself up into her wanting cunt, spearing her folds. You leaned forward, nibbling on her earlobe. "That's it, baby. Cum all over our cocks.” This sent her to the edge as her lower body convulsed and trembled, clutching at Alison’s shoulder as she came hard around both of your cocks, her juices flowing.
You withdrew from her ass, sliding your cock out with a wet pop. Lifting Seulgi off Alison’s cock, you spun her around into a reverse cowgirl position now, making her face you, her eyes still sparking with lust. Alison’s cock was glistening with her juice, repositioning himself, he guided his cock towards her ass. Seulgi gasped as she felt the head push against her tight hole. She moaned as you slowly lowered her down onto Alison’s, allowing her to feel it penetration her tender walls once again. "Fuck, this ass is so tight," Alison grunted, his voice strained as he fought for control. Once, you see that Alison’s cock has completely disappeared into her ass, you guided your shaft towards her pussy, rubbing the head against her swollen folds before slipping inside. Seulgi's face contorts into a whimpering mess, her moans are now pants of inaudible words, as both of your cocks stretched her to her limits. Both of you began to move in unison, your hips thrusting in a steady rhythm. Alison's cock slid in and out of her ass, from her riding while your piston-like movements in her pussy drove her wild. You could feel Alison’s cock in her ass, pressing against your own through the thin membrane separating her holes. It was an incredible sensation, feeling her body filled to the brim. Seulgi was being fucked mercilessly; her senses overwhelmed as both of you used her body for their pleasure. As you continued fucking her, you reached forward, cupping her tits and tweaking her nipples. "Your body is so fucking perfect," “Made for our cocks’ Seulgi threw her head back, her long hair trailing down her back. Taking the opportunity, you leaned forward, your lips crashing against hers. It was a sloppy, passionate make out, your tongues tangling for dominance as you tasted each other, your hands still played with her tits, rolling her sensitive nipples between your fingers. Breaking the kiss, you trail kisses down her neck, savouring the taste of her skin. You continue lower, your mouth enveloping one of her nipples, sucking and biting gently as you twist the other peak between your fingers. Not wanting to be outdone, Alison reached around her, his hand searching for her clit. Upon finding the swollen nub. He rubbed circles around it, his fingers slick with her arousal as he thrust his balls slapping against her ass "Come on, baby, cum for us again. Let us feel that your holes clench around our cocks again," he growled as he gave her swollen nub a pinch.  Seulgi's body obeyed his command. Her orgasm crashed over her, and her ass and pussy clenched around your cocks. You and Alison groaned, your own pleasure building as you felt her walls pulsate around them. Not wanting to cum just yet, you and Alison slowed your pace, taking deep breaths as you fought for control. You wanted to edge closer to the precipice, but not fall over just yet.
Withdrawing from her, you helped Seulgi move into a new position. She lay on her side, her legs drawn up, offering both her holes in a spooning position. This time you wanted her tight ass again, so you positioned yourself behind her while Alison took her front. Seulgi is once again sandwiched between the two of you as you both enter her again. This time her muscles were relaxed to accommodate your thickness. Given how slick both of your cocks and her holes were, you guys slid into her easily, filling her up again as she arched her back, pushing her ass back towards you. You both set up a steady, hard rhythm, double-penetrating Seulgi, who was squirming and moaning, her body on fire with pleasure being impaled on two hard cocks. "You like being our sexy little slut, don't you?" "Yes!" she cries, her head tossing from side to side. "I'm your slut, your dirty little toy! Make me cum, please!" Seulgi was surprised at how dirty she sounded but at this moment all she could think about was her release. You chuckled then with a mischievous grin, you reached for the bullet vibrator once again, switching it on and teasing her clit with it. She bucked her hips, her breath catching as the vibrations sent sparks of pleasure through her body. Then, you pulled out of her ass and slipped the vibrator into her tight hole before thrusting your cock back in, fucking the toy into her with your cock. Alison mirrors this action, grabbing another bullet vibrator and slipping it into her pussy, the toy disappearing instantly into her slick hole, before continuing to fuck her pussy with it. Her pussy and ass were all being used, filled and simulated and on the brink of a powerful orgasm. "Oh god, I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum so hard! " She cried out.  You felt Alison's balls slapping against Seulgi's pussy as he pounded into her, and you knew he too was close. You could hear the wet, sloppy sounds of your cocks fucking her tight holes, and the vibrations of the bullets added a whole new level of intensity. "Cum with me, sweetheart.” “Let go, I want to feel you milk us with your tight holes.” Your words send her over the edge, as Seulgi convulses, cumming harder than she had ever done before in her life. Her pussy contracts around Alison’s cock, and her ass clamps down on yours, attempting to milk you both as she orgasms. “Fill me with your cum” Seulgi begged. Not being able to hold out any longer, with one final, powerful thrust, Alison emptied his load deep inside Seulgi's pussy. His cum mixed with her juices as he filled her up, and the feeling of his hot seed pushed you over the edge. Rope after rope of your cum shot into Seulgi's ass, your cock twitching with each pulse. You felt spent, but the pleasure was overwhelming. The three of you collapsed in a heap, your sweat-covered bodies intertwined. Seulgi’s holes gaping from the intense fucking. Seulgi turned to face you, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction. She kissed you deeply, tasting herself on your lips, and then turned to Jake, doing the same. The three of you lay there, catching your breath, the bullet vibrators still buzzing gently inside her. "That was the most intense thing I've ever experienced," she breathed, running her hands over her body. "I can't wait to do it again." She could see why Yeri would come here regularly, discovering how much of a freak her maknae is. Magically, every knot in her body was gone and her muscle ache had disappeared even though the past 3 hours of non-stop debauchery was an intense workout itself. “I look forward to seeing you again sweetheart” you said as you helped Seulgi wipe the remaining cum off her skin and helped her get dressed. She was one of your favourite clients, given how hot her body is.
As she walked in the door of her apartment feeling refreshed and like a new person after the massage, Yeri was waiting for her. "Well, someone looks completely renewed!" Yeri teased with a smile. “You were such a slut out there Unnie” Yeri said as she flipped her phone over, revealing that she had access to the livestream of the entire session the whole time. “YAH, KIM YERI, YOU BETTER DELETE THAT” She exclaimed, her face completely flushed in embarrassment as she hurried straight to her room. As Seulgi sank into her bed, she recalled the events that had transpired, and rubbed her clothed pussy. She could not wait for her next session with you. “A magic touch indeed” Who knows maybe she would one day even come here together with Yeri or her group for a combined session with you.
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Thanks for reading my second piece. Her abs are to die for!! Will appreciate, comments likes or reblogs! Hope you guys enjoyed many words worth of smut! Request are open but I will only write request that I find interesting enough and are idols I enjoy unless you would like to commission a piece. Do check out my first piece if you havent as well! I'm so surprised it has reach 750 notes and am thankful for support. Not sure if I will release fics are regular as now as I only write when I have a motivation! Cheers
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iuchamjohta · 1 month
The coach’s reward ft IU
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Word count: 5359
Tags: Gangbang, Anal, Double penetration, Rimjob, little bit of bdsm.
See end for random notes!
It was halftime, the college football team drags themselves into the locker room, down 2-0, their spirits as low as the score. IU the new idol coach, a usually vibrant and encouraging presence, starts with her usual pep talk, reminding them of their hard work, their potential, and the importance of heart in the game. But as she speaks, she notices the glazed eyes, the slumped shoulders—her words aren't hitting home. The players are too wrapped up in the pressure, in their mistakes, to rally. She senses that her usual approach isn't enough this time.
"Boys, I know we need to spice things up to bring home the win. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. And I mean whatever it takes." She winked, biting her lip as she let her gaze travel over the group of hungry, horny athletes. With that she removed her grey jacket and dropped to her knees, her slutty side taking over. The team was paralyzed but buzzing with excitement. They could not believe their new coach, who was also an idol was such a slut, and they couldn't wait to take advantage of this moment. “What are all of you waiting for? We don’t have much break time left” IU declared. The team needed no further encouragement, within minutes all of them had pulled down their pants, their fully erected-cock springing forward. IU smiled her eyes sparkling with excitement as she surveyed the team. Her heart was racing, and her pussy was dripping wet. This was what she secretly loved being the centre of attention, the domination of these young hunks and the pleasure she was going to receive. She wanted these men to use her, to take what they wanted and pleasure themselves on her willing body. Jake the team captain stepped forward first, she began with Jake, taking his thick cock in her small hand. She stroked it gently, teasing the tip with her thumb as she looked up at him with lust-filled eyes. Then, she leaned forward and took the head of his dick into her warm mouth, sucking gently and swirling her tongue around the sensitive ridge. Jake moaned, throwing his head back as he felt her expertise. Soon Jake took the initiative burying his thick cock into her mouth forcing her to gag a little, saliva dropping down her chin as he gripped her hair tightly and began to face-fuck her. IU moaned, the vibrations teasing his sensitive cock, and he grunted, his eyes rolling back slightly as he enjoyed the sloppy, wet blowjob. The other players refused to stay idle, stripping IU of her remaining clothes, revealing her perky breasts with nipples already hard from anticipation, her flat stomach and her laced panties that were stained from her pussy that was glistening from arousal. Two of the players joined in, grabbing IU’s tits, pinching and twisting her sensitive nipples as Jake continued to thrust into her mouth. One of the men leaned down, taking her nipple into his mouth sucking hard as his hands roamed over her soft skin. IU moved on to the next player Lucian, a tall, muscular forward who was the star player of the team. She gripped his cock tightly, stroking it with urgency as she took the full length into her mouth, deep throating him expertly. She gagged slightly, her eyes watering, but she loved the feeling of being used and having her limits pushed. She sucked hard, bobbing her head back and forth as the receiver groaned, his hands tangling in her long hair. One by one, she went down the line of players, sucking and stroking, teasing and pleasing. She adored the feeling of their dicks in her mouth, the taste of their pre-cum on her tongue. She was in her element, on her knees, surrounded by hard, throbbing cocks. She took her time with each one, wanting to give equal attention and pleasure, whenever she felt that the player was close to release, she stopped and moved on to the next person.
IU continued to work her magic, taking two cocks in her mouth at the same time while each of her hands continued to stroke two more players with enthusiasm however never letting them release. The players were going wild, their hands roaming over her body, squeezing her ass, rubbing her still clothed pussy which was dripping with juice as she moaned around their dicks, encouraging their rough handling. Two players rubbed their cock on her tits. Suddenly, she felt a cock pressed against her clothed pussy but was stopped by her immediately. “Hands and mouth only! My two holes at the back is only for when you guys win the game, you don’t deserve it now with how you guys have played!” Two holes? The team thought in their heads, is she allowing her asshole to be used as well if we win the game? The players are now more motivated than ever.
Finally, the halftime break came to an end, none of them being able to bust a single load since it was IU’s grand plan of keeping them on the edge so that they can go all out on the field. IU smiled, stood up her, face and tits glistening with spit, her makeup smudged from the passionate blowjobs. “Give it your best shot out there boys” She exclaimed while rubbing her cloth pussy. Jake suddenly started walking towards IU holding something behind. “Well, well coach, we can’t be the only ones on the edge can we, you selfish slut” Saying that he revealed some gym ropes that he was holding behind his back, grabbed her wrist and bound them together. He ushered the rest of the team who grabbed the remaining rope and secured her wrist and ankles to the foot of a bench located in the middle of the locker room. “We can’t have you touching yourself while we play our hearts out” Lucian said. Lucian took out a bullet vibrator and set it to the lowest setting and slipped it into IU’s already drenched panties, positioning it on her clit. “Oh fuck” IU moaned, her head falling back as the vibrations sent pleasure coursing through her. This will keep you wet but not enough to cum just like what you did with us” Lucian said. See you later coach all the players exclaimed. IU succumbed to her situation as she envisions this will be the longest 45 minutes of her life being kept on the edge. With that she has one final way to motivate her team. “Boys whoever performs the best in the second half, will get a special prize from me”. Hearing that the team ran back on the field with new found energy, their cocks still raging hard but their minds focused on the game and the promise of two tight holes that was theirs to claim.
The second half began, and the team's performance was noticeably improved. They played with new-found energy and determination, their earlier defeat a distant memory. The midfielders made passes with precision, and Lucian the star players managed to dribble past the remaining 3 defenders landing them the first goal. Jake the captain refused to be outdone, with his incredible vision and ball control he orchestrates the attack, weaving through defenders with a series of crossovers and sharp turns and then sends a perfectly weighted ball into the penalty box, gaining them their second goal. As the match progress it was evident that Lucian and Jake were gunning for the MVP, a healthy competition ensured with the price of a special reward motivating both. In one of the plays Lucian drives down the wing and cuts inside beating another defender and unleashes a curling shot towards the top corner of the post, the keeper is beaten but the ball smacks off the posts and out. The crowd gasps and was wondering if this was the same team before the half time mark. As the match progresses into the 89th minute, neither team had a breakthrough. The team however refused to lose, not when their prized money was just one goal away. In the deciding moments of the game, Jake makes a decisive move. He intercepts a loose pass in the midfield and drives forward beating two defenders, unselfishly he slipped a precise pass to his rival Lucian who slots it into the back of the net winning them the game at the 90th minute. The crowd erupts as Jake is mobbed by his teammates. His playmaking ability is on full display, and he’s showing why he’s a contender for MVP.
As the victorious football team returned to the locker room, their eyes and ears were greeted with a tantalizing scene. There in the center of the room, lay their coach, IU, a vision of erotic submission. Her petite frame was still tethered to the bench with the ropes tying her wrist and ankles, exposing her vulnerable wanting body. Soft moans and the buzzing sound of the vibrator could be heard. The football players approached their prize with hungry eyes. “Look at this boys” one of the players grunted, “Coach got herself all worked up. That little vibrator on her clit’s doing its job, making her panties nice and wet” IU's breath quickened as she felt the eyes of her players on her. The vibrator, vibrations was suddenly raised to a relentless rhythm by Lucian, sending shocks of pleasure through her body, making her arch her back and push her chest out. She loved being on display like this, knowing that her body was a vessel for their pleasure, and that soon, every inch of her would be invaded and filled. "Please, boys," IU panted, her voice hoarse with need. "Don't keep your coach waiting. Come and claim your prize”. Xavier, a lean and muscular winger, known for his agility on the field approached IU and knelt before her. With his fingers he rolled her already hardened nipples and gave them a light tug inducing a moan. Taking the sight of her heaving breast, he asked “You like being tied up for us don’t you Coach” his voice laced with mischief. IU nodded eagerly, her eyes glistening with a mixture of lust and the anticipatory tears that came with the knowledge of what was about to unfold. Xavier smirked, reaching out to stroke IU’s throat his fingers tracing the delicate flesh. "Such a pretty neck," he murmured, applying just enough pressure to let her know he could take control at any moment. Suddenly, IU felt a hand on her thigh, another player joining in. He traced the edge of her drenched panties, his fingers dipping beneath the fabric to tease her swollen lips. "Mmm, someone's eager," he rumbled. Without warning, he ripped the vibrator from her panties, making IU gasp at the loss, and brought it to his lips, tasting her juices. "Fucking delicious," he growled, his eyes dark with desire. IU whimpered, the sound a mix of pleasure and frustration. She craved the vibrations against her sensitive clit, but the slight deprivation only added to the building anticipation. She could feel her pussy dripping, and her ass clenched in anticipation of the thick cocks that would soon stretch her to her limits.
More players gathered around, their eyes ravenous as they took in the sight of their bound coach, so eager to please. Untying her from the bench yet keeping her wrist bounded, two players, twins stepped forward simultaneously helping her sit up and each taking one of IU's breasts in their hands. They squeezed and fondled the soft flesh, rolling her sensitive nipples between their thumbs and forefingers. IU bucked her hips, unable to stay still as waves of pleasure crashed through her. The twins pinched and twisted her nipples, causing white-hot sparks of pleasure to explode behind IU's eyes. The sensation shot straight to her pussy, and she could feel her juices flowing, coating her inner thighs. She wanted to touch herself, but the ropes held her fast, leaving her at the mercy of her players' whims. Meanwhile another player Drake had moved behind IU, his hands roaming her ass cheeks, appreciating the firmness of the flesh. “Such a pretty little ass” he grunted, slapping one cheek with a meaty palm, leaving a red handprint. “Its begging to be fucked, isn’t it?” IU moaned, the sharp sting of the slap only heightening her desire. “Please Drake” she begged. "Fuck my ass and pussy, own it, take it as yours." Drake growled his approval, running his thick, calloused fingers between her ass cheeks, teasing her tight hole. "It's gonna be a tight fit," he warned. IU arched her back, pushing back against the finger, begging for more. A second finger joined the first, stretching her, preparing her for the cock that would soon invade her ass. After feeling she was ready, Drake spit on the puckered hole and rubbed the tip of his cock against the entrance. Before IU could respond, Drake thrusts forward, burying his cock deep into her ass in one swift motion. IU cried out, her body shaking as she felt herself being stretched to the limit. Drake began to piston in and out, his hips slapping against her cheeks, the sound reverberating in the locker room. While Drake pounded away at IU's ass, Xavier took the opportunity to sink to his knees in front of her replacing the player eating her out. He pulled her panties to the side, revealing her glistening pussy, and buried his face in her wetness. IU cried out as she felt his tongue swipe her sensitive clit, circles and swirls and licks sending her higher. Xaiver continued the suck and nibble on her engorged clit, delving his tongue deep into her slick folds.
IU's cries echoed off the locker room walls, a mixture of pleasure and the overwhelming stimulation from both ends of her body. The rest of the team watched on, stroking their own cocks as they waited for their turn with IU. IU seeing this stretched out her bound hands to grab one of the cock stroking with both her hands. She opened her mouth and sticked out her tongues ushering another player’s cock into her mouth as she bobbed up and down eagerly, at times causing it to hit the back of her throat causing the players to groan in pleasure. Drake's thrusts became more urgent as he neared orgasm, his balls slapping against IU's wet pussy. "Fuck, Coach, you're so tight!" he grunted. "Take it, take my load deep in your ass!" At the same time the player whom she was giving a blowjob was approaching his orgasm. Grabbing a handful of hair, he forced his cock down her throat till her nose was touching the base of his cock, with a grunt he came. So much cum was released that some spilled out from her lips as she tried to swallow most of it. IU screams was muffled as she felt Drake’s cock pulse and throb inside her, shooting his hot cum into her. At the same time, Xavier sucked and nibbled on her clit, bringing her to the edge. "Cum for me, Coach!" he urged. "Let me taste your sweet juices!" IU obeyed, her body shaking as a powerful orgasm ripped through her. Her pussy clenched and pulsed around Xavier's tongue, her ass milking the last drops of cum from Drake's spent cock. Her cries echoed through the locker room, a symphony of unrestrained lust and pleasure as the cock in her mouth takes its leave. The guy she was stroking release a load staining her arms and some even landed on her face. IU was a hot mess. As the waves of her orgasm ebbed, IU felt Drake slip out of her ass, his spent cock slick with their combined juices. Xavier kissed his way up her body, his lips coated in her essence, capturing her lips, she was made to taste herself. “Don’t you just taste delicious” Xavier said. IU replied with a weak nod. “Well then you should taste yourself more!” With that Xavier took the drenched panties that has been accumulating her essence since the first half and stuffed them into her mouth, forcing her to taste herself. IU was shocked at this kinky act but secretly loved it. “Keep them in your mouth, Coach, you were being too loud anyways” “Alright boys, lets see how many orgasms we can score with the coach before the final whistle blows”
With that a new debauchery begin as the players whooped and hollered, their cocks twitching with anticipation. They never knew their idol coach was a bottomless well of pleasure, and they were eager to dive in to explore every inch of her body. Lucian the star player finally made his move, getting under IU and positioning himself at her entrance, wanting to be the first to take her pussy. Thrusting upwards he filled her tight hole in one swift motion. He began to fuck her hard, his cock pounding into her pussy with force. IU moans were muffled with her panties, trying to find a balance from the rough pounding with her wrist still being bound.  Soon she felt another cock pocking at her puckered entrance trying to find its way in. It was Jake the team captain.  IU gasped for breath as Jake pressed his hard cock against her asshole, slowly pushing inside, stretching her further. The sensation of being filled in both holes overwhelming. She felt so full, so deliciously used, as the two men began to move in unison, their cocks sliding in and out of her tight holes. Just like on the field, their coordination and timing of their thrust was perfect. “Fuck she’s so tight” Lucian and Jake grunted. “But you can take it, can’t you slut” Jake exclaimed as he slapped her ass cheek hard leaving a stinging sensation. “Yes, please fuck me harder” IU exclaimed through her muffled mouth. The men obliged, their thrusts becoming more powerful and intense. IU could feel their cocks sliding against each other, separated only by the thin wall of her anal canal, her body being used exactly as she craved. The twins that had been playing with her twins untied her hands and used both of her hands as if it was a pocket pussy fucking them. IU was in ecstasy, being used by all this men simultaneously, her body stretched and filled to the limit , she could feel her orgasm building , a coil of pleasure in her core ready to explode. Just as she thought it couldn't get any better, one of the players took the bullet vibrator and pressed it onto her clit, with the highest setting, causing an orgasm to rip through her body. The orgasm tightened her ass and pussy even more cause Jake to quicken his pace chasing his release. His breathe came in short, sharp gasps.  "I'm going to cum take my load you slut” With a final, powerful thrust, he unloaded his cum deep into her ass, the feeling of hot cum shooting inside her pushing IU over the edge. She cried out, her body shaking as another orgasm overtook her, her pussy clenching and contracting around the clock inside her. The twins also reached their peak, they aimed in at her tits, covering them in their warm, sticky cum. Lucian continued for a few more thrust before he eventually reached his peak, filling her pussy with a warm sensation. As their cocks slipped out, it was quickly replaced with another one pressed against her pussy as she spread her legs wider inviting him. A particularly well-endowed player replaced Jake and slowly pushed his thick cock into her ass as she moaned and whimpered, her body shaking with the intensity. IU was in ecstasy, her body filled and used, her holes stretched and dripping with cum. The men took turns, and soon, every one of them had emptied their balls into her or on her, their cum dripping out of her well-used holes nobody cared about sloppy seconds as they used all her holes repeatedly.
But she still had a promise to fulfil, a special reward for the MVP. Spitting out her panties and giving them to Xavier who sheepishly kept it, she took both Lucian and Jake hands and led them to the showers , swaying her hips seductively.. “ I know Jake was the MVP but you two were incredible out there," she purred, her eyes gleaming with desire. "I think we should continue our little reward session, don't you?" Lucian and Jake exchanged a glance, knowing exactly what she meant. They couldn't refuse such an offer, especially from the insatiable IU even if it meant sharing their prize.
The warm water ran down their bodies as they stepped under the sprays  Her naked body glistened in the shower's steam, her perky breasts and tight ass drawing the players' hungry gazes. IU started to clean both of them with her tongue, snaking out to lick the droplets of water from Lucian's chest. She teased his nipples with gentle bites and flicks, knowing he was sensitive there. Jake stood beside them, his breath quickening as he watched IU work her magic. Slowly, IU trailed kisses down Lucian's torso ensuring not to miss a single spot, her hands exploring his muscular body until she reached his thick meaty cock. Without hesitation, she took Lucian's length into her warm, wet mouth, sucking greedily. Her tongue swirled and teased, her lips sliding up and down his shaft. Jake couldn't resist anymore; he stepped closer, stroking his own cock as he watched IU work. She reached out with her free hand, pulling him closer, and took him into her mouth as well, swirling her tongue around his tips alternating between both cock. IU's expert blowjob had the boys moaning and cursing within minutes. She deep throated them, taking their entire lengths into her throat, her nose nuzzling their pubic bones. Her hands explored their balls, cupping and massaging them gently. At times she went lower tracing it from their balls all the way to the tip. This sensation left Jake and Lucian grunting and holding their release. Wanting to explore their bodies further, with a wicked glint in her eye, she released their cocks from her mouth, leaving them both whimpering with need. She stood and pushed Lucian against the shower wall, pressing her body against his. Her hands roamed over his chest and down his stomach, then lower, until she was on her knees in front of him once more. This time, however, she avoided his cock, instead planting kisses on his inner thighs, teasing him. IU then pulled his legs apart, exposing his tight hole, and without hesitation, she swirled her tongue over it, tasting the salty sweetness of his ass that remained from the match. Lucian gasped, his hands gripping the shower wall as he felt her tongue probe his most sensitive spot. Jake watched, mesmerized, as IU devoured Lucian's ass, rimming him passionately. He knew he was next, and the anticipation was killing him. IU's tongue worked its magic. "Damn, you know how to tease, don't you?" grunted Lucian, his breath coming in short bursts as he felt the pleasure coil in his gut. IU just giggled, the vibrations of her laugh sending shivers through his body. She knew exactly what she was doing, and she loved having these athletes at her mercy. “Your reward for playing so well”. Finally, IU pulled away, leaving Lucian wanting more. Then, she turned to Jake, who was rock hard and desperate for her attention. My turn," he growled, pulling her towards him. IU giggled again, loving their eagerness. She pushed Jake against the shower wall and eagerly sticked her tongue out licking his tight asshole.  "Lick my ass, slut. Clean it with that filthy tongue of yours." IU obliged as she swirled her tongue around the wrinkled hole, tasting the salty tang of his sweat, and moaned as she heard him groan in pleasure. "That's it," he encouraged, grabbing her hair and pushing her face deeper into his ass. "Stick that tongue in deep and fuck my hole with it." IU did as she was told, wriggling her tongue into his hole, feeling the tight ring of muscle clench around it. She loved the filthiness of it, the taboo nature of pleasing this man with her tongue in a way no one else had. With one of her hands, she reached over and stroke Jakes cock, sending him over the edge into another orgasm.
While Jake was recovering from his intense orgasm. Lucian grabbed IU and pushed her against the shower wall, his mouth finding hers in a hungry kiss. He explored her body with his hands, cupping her breasts and squeezing her nipples gently, earning a moan from IU. As Lucian kissed her, Jake approached from behind, his hands roaming over IU's body. He massaged her ass cheeks, spreading them apart to reveal her pink pussy and tight asshole. Jake dove in, his tongue lapping at her holes, eating her out from behind eager to return the favour as Jake continued to kiss and fondle her. IU was in heaven, being pleasured by two strong, handsome athletes. She moaned into Jake's mouth, her fingers tangling in his hair. Her head fell back as Lucian's tongue teased her clit, his fingers probing her wet hole. IU's walls clenched as an orgasm began to build. She was so sensitive there, and Lucian knew exactly how to touch her. "Oh, fuck, I'm gonna cum!" she cried out, her body shaking as the pleasure overwhelmed her. Lucian didn't let up, continuing to lick and suck as her juices flowed, coating his face. As IU came down from her high, she turned to Lucian, a playful glint in her eye. "Now, I think it's time to really get dirty, boys." She pushed them both against the wall, kneeling in front of them. "I want to feel you both inside me at the same time standing.”  Lucian and Jake knew exactly what she meant, and their cocks twitched with anticipation. They both lifted IU with Lucian infront and Jake at her back. She reached down to guide both of their cocks to her holes. She took Lucian's thickness into her pussy, moaning as he stretched her, then guided Jake's cock to her ass, ready for him to penetrate her tight hole. Slowly, they entered her, filling her up completely. IU cried out in pleasure, her body trembling as she took them both. She loved the feeling of being so full just and having no control as she was lifted by both muscular athlete who controlled the pace of her pounding. Lucian and Jake began to thrust, their movements alternating as they pounded into IU's willing body. She cried out with each thrust, her tits bouncing as they took turns slamming into her. The shower stall echoed with the sounds of their grunts and moans, the scent of sex filling the air.IU's body was on fire, pleasure radiating from her core. She reached down to rub her clit as they fucked her, needing that extra stimulation to send her over the edge. "Oh, yes, fuck me! Harder!" she cried out, encouraging them to give it to her rough. Lucian and Jake needed no further encouragement. They picked up the pace, their balls slapping against IU's pussy and ass with each powerful thrust. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filled the shower, along with IU's moans and the occasional dirty encouragement. “That’s it, boys, give it to me! Pound my tight holes!" IU cried out, her body shaking as another orgasm built. "I'm going to cum again, oh God, don't stop!" Her words spurred them on, and they fucked her harder, their cocks plunging into her depths. IU screamed as she came, her body convulsing around their shafts. The feeling of her holes clenching around them sent the boys over the edge, and they erupted inside her, filling her holes again with their hot cum.
Still hard and wanting a switch, Lucian layed her on the shower ground doggystyle while Jake got under her. Without giving IU any downtime for rest from her previous orgasm, Jake thrusted into her again, letting her feel all 7 inch of his cock from her still sensitive core. Her insides were stirred one again as if changing its shape to accommodate Jake’s cock as a perfect fit now. IU started creaming on Jake’s cock something she had never done before. Lucian once again entered IU’s tight ass, which was already lubricated from the cum and shower water and slipped in way easier than he had expected. The two men had amazing stamina lasting long into this manner for many minutes. “ Oh yes continue to fuck me like this” she breathed as Lucian pushed into her stretching her ass even more around his thick shaft. From the front, Jake saw IU’s face being contorted with the amount of pleasure she was receiving, nothing like the face of the angelic idol they had known. Jake grabbed her head for a round of French kissing and saliva mixing, his hands went to her tits and pinched and turned them causing her to moan into his mouth. Lucian grabbed a handful of IU hair as handlebars as he began to fuck her harder, spanking her ass with every thrust. “Oh God this ass is so tight”. “Oh yes, harder!” she cried her head throw back in ecstasy aided by the pulling of her hair. Her ass was reddened with handprints by the rough handling. The sound of skin slapping against skin ensued and filled the shower room, along with the wet slick noises of their frenzied fucking. IU tits bounced vigorously with each thrust, and she could feel her orgasm building again like an express train. “ I’m gonna cum” She screamed, her body tensing as the pleasure exploded through her “Cum with me boys!” Her pussy clamped down on Jake’s cock as she came, her juices flowing around him. This sent Jake over the edge, and he filled her pussy with another hot load, though lesser than the previous, he groaned as he stayed inside her emptying his balls. At the same time, Lucian’s cock twitched inside her ass and surrendering to his pleasure shot his cum deep into her ass filling her up. IU collapsed forward, her body shaking, as the guys pulled out, their cum dripping from her gaping but satisfied holes.  She turned to them her face flushed and eyes sparking. “ That was amazing guys, way better than the win itself “ Jake and Lucian scooped some of the cum from ass and pussy and brought it to her mouth feeding it to her. IU eagerly took both of their fingers and sucked them clean. “Thank you Coach, that was the best gift ever” They both helped her up to shower and dried her off leading her back to the locker room where the other players cock were still raging from hearing the activities that happened in the shower. She knew this was far from over. As the afternoon wore on, the locker room echoed with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, desperate moans, and the ecstatic cries of a woman who existed solely for their pleasure. The room smelled of sweat and sex. IU, the insatiable idol coach became the team’s ultimate motivator, the reason they fought harder, ran faster, and scored more. And as the sun set on another victorious day, the team knew that their prize awaited them, ready to be taken and used however they desired. Little did they know, IU had a few surprises of her own planned for future victories, twists and turns that would push the boundaries of even their wildest fantasies. But for now, in the afterglow of their post-game orgy, she was content to let her players bask in the glory of their win and the taste of their coach on their lips.
If you got to this point thanks for reading. I got particularly horny and and decided to move from just a reader to i guess writing a piece, so heres my first ever written piece which took me a few hours. Now I was inspired by a few writers some of which are @lustspren @authorhjk1 @ggidolsmuts @yieldtotemptation @writerpeach @okaylikesmomo @worldsover and many others who I always look forward to their release. Honestly , I doubt I will ever write as good as any of them and none of them probably know me, probs just a random person commenting on their post but nonethleless their stories have always been amazing to me. Feel free to comment or send any ask on how I can improve cause I think this piece was pretty sloppily written even though in my head it was hot XD . Peace out, who knows maybe i will delete this after some time. have another Jieun whose my fav.
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880 notes · View notes
iuchamjohta · 10 months
Idol Competition
IU X Kang Seulgi
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IU sits on the couch in her apartment, her phone in her hand. It's 9:55 am on a Monday. The fourth of December to be exact.
Five more minutes. She has five more minutes until her deadline. IU wonders if she is able to still pull it off. It's quite cold outside, so she expected her to not go through with it. But the other woman sounded more than confident.
Lee Ji-eun checks the chat history on her KakaoTalk app. No picture to proof her accomplished mission yet. IU smirks. Four minutes left.
Is this it? Is this going to be the moment she wins this competition? It has been going on for months now. The two women come up with new challenges almost every day.
Kang Seulgi had two days for this one. IU sees the six turn into a seven. Three more minutes. Even if she could do it in the cold, she would still need to find someone to do it with her. IU wonders who could be crazy enough.
But then again, it's Seulgi. She is a famous woman. And really pretty. There is no doubt that someone would say yes.
Two more minutes.
IU is already thinking about the prize. Although you could say that every mission was a prize itself already.
Her phone vibrates and Ji-eun sighs in disappointment. She clicks on the picture Kang Seulgi send her just now.
The younger woman is kneeling on a blanket. It's visibility windy, her hair flying in all directions behind her. The waves of the ocean are captured on the left side of the picture.
It could have been a normal picture of a woman on a beach. Except for the fact that Seulgi is completely naked. And that it looks like she just good a facial.
IU zooms in on her face. She licks her lips as she sees how well someone came on her competitor's face.
Seulgi is smiling into the camera, hands behind her back, pushing her tits a little forward.
"How often did you get caught?"
IU bites one of her nails as she sees the notification that Seulgi is typing a response.
"Twice. The second guy even stayed and watched while I got my face fucked."
IU moans at the thought. She remembers the challenge from two weeks ago.
Seulgi made her go shopping without her credit card. When she wanted to buy something, she had to convince the seller with something else. It didn't matter if it was a man or a woman, IU did her best to buy as much as she could. In the end, she got caught by a young couple in the isle of some store, her face a mess while the seller was abusing her throat.
"Was it very cold?"
"It was alright. Sex makes you warm real quick."
IU chuckles at Seulgi's message.
"Do you already have something in mind for me? Or do I need to wait?"
Ji-eun's eyes widen when she sees Seulgi's next text.
"Go to SSHS."
That's Seoul Science High School.
"Find a student who is younger than 20 and give him the best school day of his life."
IU can't help but let her hand slide underneath her shorts. Being over thirty years old already, she recently discovered that this is somewhat a new kink of hers. Younger guys who are almost half her age. Legal of course, but young. This could be her chance to freely enjoy this kink of hers.
"You've only today. Should be a piece of cake for a slut like you."
"I love you too."
IU teases her back, before getting off the couch. What to wear for her visit to high school?
Ji-eun walks towards her closet. Should she dress up as a teacher? Or a student?
She can feel how wet these thoughts make her pussy. The idea of letting some young man fuck her, forces IU to move her hand back into her shorts. She let's herself sink into her bed, while looking at the opened closet. Her head falls back as she starts to finger herself.
IU nervously looks around, before reaching inside the bookshelf. Now that she is here, she is way more cautious. It was surprisingly easy to get inside the school building, considering that strangers are not allowed.
Wearing her mask, Ji-eun was able to pass as a teacher while walking through the hallways. She is now standing in the library. The perfect place for her challenge in her opinion.
Now that she has placed her phone inside the bookshelf to record the proof, she is looking around to find the right guy.
"Ms. Lee?"
IU turns around on instinct, her heart sinking. Did she actually get caught already?
"I apologize. I thought you were our homeroom teacher."
The young girl apologizes. She doesn't seem to recognize her. IU takes a deep breath, relieved that she is fine.
"It's alright. Can I help you anyways?"
She tries to act natural, hoping the girl won't catch on.
"Yeah. Me and my boyfriend are looking for the right textbooks for our research. I'm not old enough and he lost his library card. We wanted to ask Ms. Lee for help."
Ji-eun nods. Does that mean her boyfriend is at least eighteen? She knows you have to be over eighteen to borrow specific books from the library.
"I'm sorry, I can't help you with that. You better ask Ms. Lee."
"Thanks, teacher."
The young girl bows and walks towards a table. A guy, who seems to be her boyfriend, is waiting for her there.
IU can't help but bite her lip. The first guy she finds looks quite handsome as well. She doubts he could resist her. After all, relationships in high school aren't serious anyways.
She watches the girl leave the library, before walking over.
As expected, it only takes a couple of words, before IU takes the boy's hand and leads him towards the bookshelf. He just turned eighteen four months ago. Just the right age to fulfill this fantasy.
She can feel his stare on her legs as she walks in front of him. Ji-eun deliberately chose this outfit. It's not too revealing, but it highlights her long, flawless legs.
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Once the pair reaches the shelf where IU put her phone, she turns around.
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"I will make sure that you enjoy yourself."
She gets on her knees in front of him.
IU expected him to not last very long, but here she is. Her face pressed against books about biology as she gets fucked from behind. The recording must be ten minutes long already, plenty of footage for Seulgi to enjoy later on.
Ji-eun was able to stay mostly quiet up until now. The guy's pace keeps increasing as he starts to reach his limit. She feels his young cock in her wet pussy, enjoying the fact that he is barely older than half her age. She never doubted herself. She knew every guy wants to fuck her. Whatever their age.
"Turn me around."
IU is close to her own orgasm herself. The student does as she says, turning her around to face him. She leans against the bookshelf, staring at the one across the isle. That's where her phone is hidden. Her dark, lustfilled eyes are glued to the camera as he starts to thrust into her again.
Her small Gucci shorts are lying at Ji-eun's feet. She wasn't wearing underwear, knowing she would have to take it off anyways.
"You fuck me so good."
She whispers into his ear as she places her head onto his shoulder.
His hands hold her small waist, pounding her into the shelf full of books.
IU is unable to not moan loudly, when she finally cums. Her pussy contracting around the young guy's cock, making him orgasm as well. She can't believe how good this felt. How good it still feels.
This was a better fuck than what she expected. Not just because he is way younger.
As he let's his cock slip out of her, IU watches his cum drip out of her pussy. She can't blame him. Her pussy is just so incredibly tight when she cums.
"Oh fuck."
Seulgi sighs as she cums on her fingers. Her phone is in the other hand, her screen showing IU's new video. Seulgi knew she could pull it of, but never expected it to be this hot. The way Ji-eun looked at the camera while she got railed into the bookshelf....
Seulgi tries to collect herself as she hears her members walk around. Yeri and Joy both seem to be in a very good mood today.
With shaky fingers, she starts typing on her phone.
"What do you have for me?'
Seulgi is genuinely curious. At this point the two of them did pretty much everything. She doesn't even know what task she should give IU after this one.
"The two of us have a music show soon, right?"
"If that hot camera man is there again, I want you to suck him off, while I watch."
Seulgi remembers the face fucking on the beach mere hours ago.
"Why don't you cum on my pretty face, hmm?"
Seulgi kneels in front of the young man, stroking his cock. IU is sitting on the couch behind her, watching and getting herself off. IU's dressing room looks like it has become a scene of some dirty movie as Seulgi wraps her lips around the man's cock once more. Her head bobs up and down, making him groan and take a fistful of her hair.
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Seulgi's pussy feels even wetter than usual, probably because she has someone watching. She wants to prove to IU that she is the better one at sucking cock.
"Are you enjoying your reward?"
IU sighs as she looks at the guy, who's eyes are glued to Seulgi's face. He nods, unable to understand how ge got himself into this. When he started working, he never expected someone like Seulgi to walk up to him after the show, asking if he wants some head.
She is now doing her best to make him cum, her slow blowjob proving enough for the guy eventually.
While IU has her hand rub her pussy, she watches how he starts cuming on Seulgi's face. Rope after rope of his cum stains her skin, some of it getting into her eyes.
Seulgi let's out a satisfied hum as she starts to clean his cock.
"You taste delicious."
She gives his tip one last kiss, before he starts to pull up his pants. There is another group about to perform.
As the two women watch him leave, Seulgi takes some of the tissues from the small coffee table and starts to clean her face.
"Anything else?"
Seulgi shakes her head.
"I can't come up with a good idea."
IU sighs as she licks her fingers clean. She enjoys the taste of her pussy just as much as the guys who eat her out.
"Me neither. I was afraid this would happen."
"So what now? Do we end this in a tie?"
IU raises and eyebrow.
"Do you think you are better slut than me?"
Seulgi shrugs her shoulders.
"Let's just say I got two faicals today. What about you?"
IU shakes her head.
"We can't end it like this."
The notification sound of Seulgi's phone interrupts their conversation. The younger woman unlocks her phone, before scrolling around.
"What are you doing?"
She sees Seulgi bit her lip as she seems to read something.
"There is another smut fic about me."
"You actually read those?"
"They are hot. I like how my fans think about me."
She gives IU a wink, before she keeps reading the new post.
The wheels in the older girl's mind start to turn.
"Do you think they would do this to us in person? What they write?"
Seulgi looks at her.
"I like how you're thinking."
"We should invite some of the writers so they have more inspiration for their stories."
The two of them laugh.
"That's a good idea."
Seulgi scrolls through her phone.
"But there are so many. If we would try to fuck them all, our careers would be over before we got to all of them. We don't have so much time."
"Who says we have to fuck them individually?"
IU's smirk makes Seulgi chuckle.
"I like where this is heading."
"But how are we going to get them all in one place? They probably live all over the world."
Seulgi ponders for a moment.
"How about we send them dms and pictures of us? It should work. Especially when we tell them that we are inviting others as well. This way they can communicate with each other, making sure we aren't trying to scam them or something."
"Sounds like a plan. What could go wrong?"
IU regrets those words as soon as she opens the door of the practice room. Two weeks later and here they are. The two women look at the fully packed room. Seulgi tries to count the guys who are here. They messaged about twenty guys, but it now looks more like thirty or forty. It seems like word has spread.
"Is this a good or a bad sign?"
IU looks around as well. She had a threesome before, but this is quite different. Even if Seulgi and IU get used at the same time, there are still gonna be at least fifteen guys for each of them.
"Are you backing out?"
IU shakes her head.
"Why would I?"
Seulgi chuckles. She is nervous, but tries to hide it.
"Let's make another bet. Whoever makes the most guys cum in 15 minutes wins. The other person is going to be a free use for everyone."
Ji-eun likes the idea. She imagines all those guys taking turns on her and Seulgi, using their bodies as fuck toys.
"Sounds like I'm gonna win."
The older girl is confident. The high school boy is proof of the fact, how tight her pussy can become when she cums. No one survives that.
"But no fucking."
IU looks at Seulgi.
"No fucking. Only your mouth and hands."
"Hey, that's boring."
Seulgi scoffs.
"You are not up for that?"
IU rolls her eyes.
"Fine. Watch and learn."
She walks inside, all heads turn towards her as Seulgi follows quickly after.
"Hi, everyone!"
IU waves.
"I guess the two of us don't need to introduce ourselves. You all know, why you are here?"
She sees everyone nod their heads.
While IU talks, Seulgi let's her eyes roam the room once more. Now that she is inside, she can count properly. She stops at 31 as her eyes falls on to a man, who is standing further back. He is a little taller than most of the guys in the room. She sees his biceps underneath the sleeves of his shirt, the bulge in his pants visible, without him even having a hard on.
Seulgi licks her lips. This is going to be a fun evening. Because she zoned out for a couple of moments, she didn't catch what IU was saying.
But when suddenly all of the guys start walking towards them, Seulgi immediately feels her panties getting damp. This is it. In the back of her mind, she still has a little bit of doubt left. It vanishes soon though as the first guy reaches her.
She sees IU kneeling down next to her, Seulgi does the same. The sound of ten guys opening the zippers of their pants almost makes Seulgi drool. She watches the first guys pulling their pants down, taking their cocks out.
Seulgi glances at the clock, about to start their bet. But IU is already reaching forward, taking hold of the first man's cock.
"Are these all for me? So nice of you."
She coos as she holds another man's dick with her other hand.
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Seulgi doesn't want to fall behind. She reaches for the man nearest to her, pulling him forward by his cock.
"If everyone is gonna be as big you...."
She trails off, feeling the guy getting harder in her hand.
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Seulgi decides to use her mouth early. She takes the man's cock into her mouth, savouring the taste. At the same time, the other guys around her make her use her hands.
By now, pretty much all the guys have gotten rid of their pants and are standing around the two women. IU is starting to suck off her first guy as well, both her hands busy with stroking two other men.
Seulgi closes her eyes as she hears everyone moan, occasionally switching cocks. There are five guys directly standing around her right now. More than enough to enjoy herself.
She is excited as she feels everyone's stares on her. This is something entirely different than singing and dancing on stage. And yet, it makes her equally happy. That rush of adrenaline makes her suck the guy's cock even faster.
IU takes another man into her mouth, savouring the new taste. Wearing this this suit might not have been the best idea, because they guys can't have easy access. But she still feels someone from behind sneaking his hands around her waist. She moans around the cock in her mouth as she feels someone rub the fabric over pussy.
Seulgi is starting to suffer the same fate as IU. The guys around her start touch her body, making her squirm underneath them. All the attention makes her wet as hell, wishing they would fuck her already. Why did she make that bet with IU?
She regrets it now as the first guys let's his hand sneak inside her shorts. His strong fingers make Seulgi moan around the cock in her mouth. The man who she is blowing puts his hand onto her head, unable to resist the urge to cum in her mouth much longer.
IU has driven one of the guys who stand around her to a similar level of arousal. He is pushing her head onto his cock, while her two hands are still busy, stroking the four guys on her sides, switching occasionally.
Seulgi let's out a surprised gasp when she feels the first man cuming. But it's not the cock in her mouth, but one of the guys on her right. She was stroking his cock up until now. His warm cum hits her pretty face, making her moan around the dick in her mouth. It makes that guy cum too. He shoots his load down her throat. Seulgi feels like she is in heaven. The warm sperm on her right cheek makes her sigh in pleasure as she turns towards the next guy, ready to suck him off.
IU is keeping up with Seulgi, making the first guy cum in her mouth. She swallows all of it immediately, ready to give another guy head. The guy on her left is trying to take her jacket off, which makes it harder for her to use her hands. Eventually, she gets rid of that useless piece of clothing, feeling two hands unbuttoning her shirt.
Seulgi feels someone's hand dip a finger inside her pussy. She has been unable to keep her hands off herself for these last two weeks and yet she melts at his touch.
Ji-eun keeps sucking off the guy in front of her, until she feels someone cuming on her hand. She looks to her right, letting his dick fall out of her mouth. She licks her hand clean, before taking the guy who just came into her mouth. His cum tastes delicious as she cleans his cock, hoping she can make him cum again soon.
Seulgi feels a pair of hands groping her tits underneath her grey top.
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Still with another man's cock in her mouth, she turns her head towards him. With a seductive stare, she eggs him on to slide his hands underneath the fabric.
Seulgi let's her tongue swirl around the top of the cock in her mouth as she feels her nipples being pinched. The other man is now inserting a second finger into her wet snatch. This was supposed to be a competition on how many guys they can get off, not how many guys can get her off.
Either way, Seulgi tries her best to outcompete IU as she feels several hands on her body.
The older woman feels how the fingers on her covered center now start to make her pants wet. Her panties are already drenched, this many men around her too much for her mind to handle. Ji-eun never felt this good.
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Someone is now letting her white shirt slip off her shoulder, exposing the lack of a bra. Her upper body is only covered by her tie, which doesn't hide much. Multiple hands make use of her newly exposed skin, some pinching her nipples, while others let their hands wander over her body.
The sight of the naked celebrity in front of him makes the guy in her mouth climax. IU feels his cum paint her mouth as she gulps it down, already looking for her next victim.
"Oh fuck."
The guy in front of Seulgi groans as she pulls him out of her mouth.
"Oh yeah. Paint my face."
Seulgi closes her eyes and sticks her tongue out. Two quick strokes later, she feels his cum staining her skin. Some of it hits her nose, but most lands on her lips and tongue.
"Good boy."
Seulgi winks at him as she cleans her lips with her tongue, making sure she doesn't waste a drop.
Once she opens her mouth again, she is surprised when two guys thrust into her at the same time. Seulgi never sucked off two guys at once, her competitiveness showing as she starts without hesitation. She is going to win this bet and she is going to humiliate IU, until she admits that Seulgi is the bigger slut.
At the same time, IU has another man cuming in her mouth. She almost chokes at the amount of cum he forces down her throat. Once she let's his cock fall out of her mouth with a loud pop, she feels a hand roughly grabbing her tie. Still on her knees, she gets turned around, faced with another hard cock. The guy's hand is still holding her black tie as he pulls her towards him, making Ji-eun take his cock.
Seulgi is unable to speak or do anything properly with her mouth as she tries her best to keep the two dicks inside of her. Only her tongue is able to swirl around their tips occasionally. The two guys keep thrusting into Seulgi's mouth with no intention on stopping anytime soon.
IU's mouth is being used as well. The men in the room starting to grow more confident. You don't have a lot of chances to get a blowjob from Seulgi or IU.
That being said, the guy in the older woman's mouth uses this rare chance to finally cum in her mouth. This must already be the third time she is swallowing someone's load. IU is barely able to keep up with counting. Her hands are slowly starting to get tired after stroking so many guy's cocks. She glanced at the clock. Seven minutes to go. How can she win this bet? She sees Seulgi sucking off two guys at once. Needy slut. IU watches for a moment as they both cum inside Seulgi. They make the younger woman choke as they fill her throat.
Once they are done and take a step back, Seulgi breathes heavily, some of their jizz got onto her face. As she wipes it off, she sees someone else standing in front of her. The guy she noticed earlier. He seems even taller, now that she is kneeling.
Seulgi scoops up some of the cum on her face with a finger, before licking it off with her tongue.
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He hasn't taken his jeans off, but Seulgi already knows how big he must be. She reaches forward, fumbling with the belt. A guy on her right starts rubbing his cock all over her face, which makes her stick her tongue out. Seulgi keeps eye contact with the guy in front.
"Come here."
IU whispers towards one of the guys to her left, before starting to get rid off her pants. Seulgi said she is not allowed to use her pussy. No one said something about anal. The guy is not the biggest, which makes him perfect for this. As much as IU is used to have a cock up her ass, she always needs to adjust at first.
"Fuck my ass. Cum in me."
She slips off her grey panties, throwing them to the side. They are heavy and wet with her juices. She sees one of the guys pick it up and wrap it around his cock, before stroking himself with it.
IU feels a familiar tingle inside her body as she lies on her back. All the guys above her look down on her. The man who is supposed to fuck her is now kneeling between her legs, another above her head. The latter pushes his dick down, making Ji-eun take him into her mouth.
The guy between her legs rests his tip against her puckered hole, before slowly starting to push forward. IU moans around the dick in her mouth as she feels how her ass is getting stretched out.
"Fuck. You are so tight."
Seulgi turns to her left after hearing the man groan.
"Yah! Unnie!"
The younger woman stares at IU, who is lying on her back, getting her ass fucked. Her mouth is too full to answer.
Seulgi is about to say more as the big guy in front of her grabs her head and turns her towards her. He got rid of his boxers while she was distracted. Seulgi only manages a gasp, before he pulls her onto his cock.
With one forceful thrust he is already halfway down her throat. Seulgi gags and chokes. Even if she would've been prepared for this, she couldn't have taken so much at once. She feels her jaw getting heavy as the guy fucks her face. He uses her throat like a fleshlight, pounding a way like there is no tomorrow.
Seulgi feels her throat starting to get soar as tears start rolling down her cheeks. She is realizing that this is one of the roughest face fucks she ever had. But definitely not the last one.
His big cock keeps hitting the back of her throat, making Seulgi struggle for air. But he doesn't let go of her head, which means she can't back away.
The fingers in her pussy curl upwards, making her lower body tingle with pleasure. The combination of getting face fucked and fingered pushes Seulgi towards her limit. She never expected to be in this situation. On her knees, surrounded by almost ten guys. All of them stroking their cocks to her getting her throat bruised and her pussy played with.
Seulgi has to close her eyes, tears keep falling from underneath her eyelashes. They mix with her make up and the cum from earlier, turning her once flawless face into an absolute mess. The mixture starts to drip down her skin. Together with her saliva that spills out of her mouth. She is unable to close it. Her body feels numb as she is on the brink of orgasm as she gets the face fucking of her life.
IU's cheating has left her mind a while ago, her brain empty except for the pleasure she is feeling. And how soar her throat is. Seulgi doubts she is able to sing tomorrow. Or even the whole week if this continues.
She hears IU's voice over her own gags, but her own mouth is too loud to hear what the older woman is saying.
"Fuck, yes! Give me your cum!"
Ji-eun moans as she sees two guys on both her sides, stroking their cocks, ready to cum. The guy in her ass keeps her mind in a weird state of bliss as she feels like she is in heaven. The man who was fucking her mouth is replaced by another, who starts where he left of.
How many guys did she already suck off? Five maybe?
IU moans as around the new cock in her mouth. The two men start to cum all over her body. They cover IU's skin in warmth. Her chest, her tummy, her throat. All of it.
While IU keeps getting fucked, Seulgi feels someone from behind, who is starting to pull her shorts down.
Because the guy who is fucking her face is taller, she had to get on her knees to reach his cock. That means her white shorts can be slipped off easily.
Seulgi feels a pair of hands tug at her pink thong. The rubbing of her clit pauses for a moment, almost making Seulgi climax untouched.
The man who is holding her head in place gives Seulgi a second to relax. He pulls about halfway out, letting his cock rest on her tongue. She takes heavy breaths, trying to prepare herself for the next face fucking.
Another hand begins to play with her pussy as she feels the cock in her mouth starting to move again. This time, he doesn't fuck her fast. It's one slow, forceful thrust after another. It makes her head rock back everytime, before he pulls her onto his cock again.
Seulgi reaches the same state of pleasure as she did before. Hanging on the edge of her orgasm, she takes the face fucking like a champ, trying to keep eye contact with the man who is mercilessly using her.
Seulgi feels a pair of hands grope her butt. She is excited at first, but then, she feels someone's cock touch her rear entrance. She tries to shake her head, but the hands on head won't let her. She was never really the anal type. Plus, she doesn't want to cheat like IU does.
She doesn't have a choice. As the men around her see her struggle, they take holds of her wrists and guide her hands towards their cocks. Seulgi is unable to defend herself.
The cock down her throat, the fingers inside her pussy and now the tip of some man's cock in her ass. It all proves too much for Seulgi. Her shriek is muffled by the man in front of her as she cums around someone's fingers.
Seulgi's body shakes as she practically gets spitroasted. With every thrust into her mouth, she gets pushed onto the cock in her ass. With every thrust from the man inside her ass, she is getting forced to choke around the cock in her mouth.
She realizes how hot this must look for the others as she feels someone nutting on her grey top. His cum stains the fabric and Seulgi is reminded of the bet.
For a moment, she lost sight of the goal, just enjoying these men, having their way with her. But as much as Seulgi likes this situation, she still needs to make more guys cum than IU.
"Yes! Fill my ass up!"
Ji-eun moans loudly as she feels the cock in her ass starting to throb. In that moment, the guy above her climaxes, cuming all over her face. IU gasps as the unexpected facial hits her.
Before she is able to clean her face with her tongue and her fingers, the man between her legs cums inside of her.
"Oh fuck!"
Another moan escapes her cum stained lips as she feels his load paint the insides of her ass.
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"Fuck! Please slow down!"
Seulgi screams. Half in pleasure, half in pain. The guy who is fucking her ass is the same guy who fucked her face so good a couple of minutes ago. He left a huge facial on her face, before giving others the chance to enjoy her mouth. Now, he is standing behind Seulgi, after getting her off the floor.
Her legs feel like jelly as she takes his pounding from behind. Her hands are useless by now, just loosely wrapped around two guy's cocks.
Another guy now steps in front of her to shut her up.
"You are too big for my ass."
She whines, hoping he would slow down, before another cock pushes past her lips.
Seulgi needily sucks on it, trying to blend out the pain in her ass. She has been used by so many guys now. She lost proper count a while ago. And if she would've looked up to check the time, she would have realized that the fifteen minutes were over fifteen minutes ago.
But Seulgi is too busy getting stuffed with cock from both ends. The black hairband she used to make a ponytail is barely holding up. Her hair looks like it's in a messy bun by now. Drops of white cum decorate her black, silk like hair.
IU is taking two cocks at the same time, too. But she is in a different position. She is placed on all fours in a circle of about ten guys. They all take turns fucking her ass and thrusting into her mouth.
The guy who is currently using her throat holds her tie in his hand, making her choke, whenever he gives it a light tug. The fact that she is getting choked makes IU even hornier. It would be something worthy of exploring later. Is she into getting choked?
Her thoughts are interrupted, when the man in her ass shoots his load. Ji-eun can almost feel how her body becomes heavier. This is the fourth time they came in her ass. If she counted correctly, she made them climax around 23 times already. There is more than enough proof all over her body.
A couple of minutes ago, someone used her still soaked panties to tie her hair back. Someone came on them beforehand. But instead of being disgusted, IU wonders if that counts as making them cum.
"I'm gonna gonna cum in your ass, bitch."
It's the first time the man behind her talked to Seulgi. Her dripping wet pussy craves his cock as he keeps fucking her ass. Because her mouth is closed, Seulgi can't answer. She feels someone's hand now rubbing her clit.
Another hand slaps her right ass cheeks. She doesn't know if that was the guy who is fucking her or someone else. The sting causes her to moan around the cock in her mouth.
The guy behind her groans, before he pumps Seulgi's ass full with cum. Her eyes roll to the back of her head as her legs almost give out. His warm cum in her ass makes her see stars.
After he leaves her freshly fucked hole, Seulgi does her best to recover. She remembers that she set a time limit on their bet. She checks the clock on the wall. They have been doing this for over thirty minutes now?
"Unnie! Time's up!"
Seulgi's voice sounds hoars after she removed the cock out of her mouth.
IU tells everyone to stop what they are doing. Seulgi has to kneel down again, her legs too weak to carry her.
Ji-eun slowly walks over to her. She feels cum leak out of her ass. Everyone is staring at the pair, waiting to find out who lost.
Seulgi looks up at IU. The older woman is still wearing her tie, her hair now held back by her panties. Her body is covered in cum, wherever you look. Her face, her tummy, her chest, her feet.
Seulgi looks similarly used. Her back is still warm from the load of cum she got, while someone fucked her ass from behind.
"25 now."
Seulgi's eyes widen. She didn't expect it to be this close.
"Wow, unnie. You are no slouch."
Ji-eun raises an eye brow.
"Why do you sound so happy?"
"I made them cum twenty seven times."
Seulgi feels someone's cum drip out of her freshly fucked ass and onto her legs. She grins up at IU, who is looking at her with anger and surprise written on her face.
"You know what that means, right?"
IU nods hesitantly.
"Let's tie her up boys."
Seulgi chuckles as she sees someone grabbing IU's wrists and holding them behind her back.
She tries to struggle against his grip, but Seulgi shakes her head.
"You can't run away, unnie. You are now officially a free-use whore."
Before she can reply, someone already stuffed her mouth with a piece of silk. She only realises a moment later that she has Seulgi's pink thong in her mouth. Someone is covering her mouth, so she can't spit it out.
IU's tie is finally gone too, now being used as a way to tie her hands together. She tries to resist, but the guys around her are way taller and stronger than her. Ji-eun sees someone getting a chair from one of the corners of the practice room.
Seulgi suggested this location. It's Red Velvet's former place of learning choreos, when they were rookies. They used a second room outside of the SM building. No one uses it anymore.
When someone sits her down, IU stares at everyone around her. The about forty guys wait for Seulgi's first move.
"You two,"
Seulgi points at two guys on her left.
"Suck on her tits."
They do as she says, both stepping on either side of IU. The older woman moans into Seulgi's panties as she they lean over her. They both wrap their lips around her nipples, sucking on them. The occasional bite makes her squirm in the chair.
"I feel like the gag is now making her too quiet."
Some of the guys nod in agreement.
Seulgi reaches forward to take her panties out of IU's mouth.
"Don't forget, you still have to admit that I'm the better slut."
IU would've stuck her her tongue out, but is currently unable to do so. The two guys working on her tits make her sigh and mewl.
Ji-eun's eyes widen in surprise as she feels Seulgi working on her pussy. It feels weird as she tries to look down, wanting to know what's going on. The guys' heads are blocking her view.
Her head sinks back as she feels Seulgi pushing her thong into the older woman's pussy. A deep moan escapes her lips, once the piece of silk is completely buried inside of her.
"You always bragged about how tight your pussy is. Let's see if that's still the case."
She turns around.
"Guys, I want you to stretch her out like crazy."
IU moves her head to be able to see what's going on. The first guy is already standing in front of her, his cock in his hand.
"Wait. First pull out-Fuck!"
IU moans loudly as he pushes half of his cock inside her with one thrust. She can't tell yet, if Seulgi's panties make her feel better or not. But IU can't help but squirm even more as the man starts to fuck her.
She feels fuller than usual as the guy pushes fully into her stuffed pussy. Together with the two guys who keep playing with her chest, he makes Ji-eun see stars.
She realises this is only the beginning, when another guy steps forward. He grabs IU's ponytail, forcing her down. She automatically opens her mouth, ready to suck his cock. It has become an instinct for her by now. Without even thinking about it, she starts to suck him off.
The two men stop sucking her tits as they both watch how the new guy makes her bob her head up and down on his cock. He and the guy who fucks her stand side by side.
Seulgi looks around them, trying to see what's going on. She feels a pair of hands wrap around her waist. She looks up, seeing the man who just came in her ass.
"You still don't have enough?"
Her cheeky grin makes him chuckle.
"I never expected you to be such a whore."
His cock is now resting between her cheeks. Now that she feels it again, Seulgi can't believe how his dick fit in her ass.
"And this is probably the only chance I'm ever gonna get. So I want all of your holes."
Seulgi leans her head on his chest.
"Take me then."
She feels him aligning his cock with her pussy. He slowly pushes inside, making Seulgi moan. Her half open eyes see, how the guy who is fucking IU is cuming inside her pussy. She hears the older girl's moans as he pulls out and leaves. A moment later, the next guy stands in front of her.
Seulgi can't believe what she has done. What she is still doing. What would her members say to this? She chuckles as she thinks about Yeri's nature. The maknae would probably follow her example.
Her smile is wiped off Seulgi's face as the man behind her increases his pace. His thick cock makes her body heat up as he almost hugs her into his chest.
Seulgi is almost standing on his toes, only his hips working overtime. He has his face in her neck, kissing her skin.
IU moans as another man walks forward. The man who just came in her mouth already left, leaving her throat all sticky. She would've begged for a break, but she knows that Seulgi won't give her one. Although the younger girl is currently occupied with getting fucked, IU dismisses the idea.
She invitingly opens her mouth, before the guy even reaches her. Instead of pushing his scock into her mouth, he takes a hold of her ponytail. Only now, IU realises that he has been stroking his cock while he approached her. His cum is now painting her face, leaving another layer of jizz.
IU moans as the warmth hits her face. At the same time the man in her pussy cums as well. He shoots his load into IU, giving her a second cream pie within a couple of minutes.
"Just... Just give me a second."
Seulgi breathes heavily, almost missing her chance to humiliate IU even further. Slowly, she manages to get of the guy's chest she was leaning on. Standing in front of the older woman, Seulgi reaches down. Her freshly fucked pussy already oozes with cum. She has to fumble around a little, before finally finding her own thong deep inside Ji-eun's cunt.
IU whines as Seulgi slowly pulls it out. There is no sign of the fact that the silk was pink once. It's stained with IU's juices and the other guy's cum.
"They are gonna fuck you for real now."
IU shakes her head, knowing what Seulgi is planing. But because her hands are tied, she can't defend herself.
Seulgi pushes her thong into IU's mouth. The older woman tastes the mixture of her own juices and two loads of cum.
"Take it like the whore you are, unnie. I don't want to hear any complains, once I'm back."
She turns around, taking the hand of the guy, who just fucked her.
"Come with me."
And with that she leaves IU alone with the forty guys. Bound to the chair, unable to yell after her. She sees some of them start to walk towards her.
Her muffled screams stay unheard as Seulgi and her special friend enter the practice room next door.
"I have two more hours until I have to be back at the dorm."
She slings her arms around his neck, grinding her naked center against his cock.
"I want you to fuck me until then."
How long has it been already?
IU can't tell, the clock is hanging on the wall behind her. 30 minutes? An hour?
She would've thought the guys would stop at one point, but she is proven wrong. This is their only chance to fuck Lee Ji-eun however they want. They can use every single one of her holes.
Korea's number one celebrity isn't even sitting on the chair anymore. They started to take turns with sitting in the chair, making IU sit in their laps.
She never experienced having all three of her holes stuffed with cock. But that's the case right now. The man who's lap she is sitting on is thrusting upwards into her ass. The man in front of her is fucking her pussy. Another has placed both of his hands on her head, forcing her to lean to her left.
IU doesn't know how long it has been since she was able to talk. There are still three guys standing in line behind the guy who is fucking her face.
She also doesn't know how often all of them came, since Seulgi left. Probably all of them at least once or twice. Maybe even more. That would make at least forty to eighty times.
That could be the reason why about fifty percent of IU's skin is covered in cum. Her tits and her midriff are full with it, but they still don't compare to her face. She feels like she has several layers of make up on. Her hair probably wasn't spared either.
And how many cream pies did she already get? At least a quarter of their loads. She must have swallowed so much cum by now. Probably more than a liter or two.
Ji-eun moans around the cock in her mouth as she climaxes once again. Her pussy pulsates around the cock in her, making the man cum in her snatch. She even lost count of how many times she came.
Where the fuck is Seulgi?
"Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!"
Seulgi mumbles and moans. She is lying on the sofa in the corner of the second practice room. The man she took with her is fucking her missionary style. His hand is in her hair, forcing her upper body to lift off the couch.
"Gonna cum!"
Her warning is almost too late. Seulgi climaxes right after the last word leaves her mouth. Her pussy grips onto his cock as he keeps fucking her through her orgasm. Her body is covered in sweat and cum. How often did he make her cum already?
Seulgi moans as she is taken toward another high. She feels his cock suddenly leave her pussy, before he pushes against her puckered hole. The young woman moans and whines as he starts to switch with every thrust. First her pussy, then her ass hole and then her pussy again.
Seulgi can't do anything but lie there, feeling her holes getting used in such an unholy manner.
She is a mumbling mess underneath him, feeling his cock in her ass and then in her pussy again.
Her eyes rest on his sweat covered body as she feels him trying to hold back his climax. As they lock eyes, they both know that this is the last one. The pair is too drained to go on much longer.
"On my face. I want it on my face."
The man nods, unable to form words. Seulgi's ass too tight for him to think straight.
He manages to switch between her holes for a couple of times, before he finally pulls out once and for all.
With awkward movements, Seulgi manages to push herself off the couch. Her limbs feel like pudding, her energy barely enough to keep her eyes open.
He strokes himself to climax as he stares at Seulgi in front of him.
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How is she still able to look this cute?
That thought rushes through his head, right before he orgasms. His load isn't as big as it used to. Seulgi's pussy has claimed more of it for itself already.
It's still enough to make her sigh with pleasure though. The warm cum covers her nose and cheeks.
IU opens her eyes. She looks around the room, realizing that she is the only one. And a moment later she recognizes her bedroom. How did she get here?
She hears someone in the kitchen, fumbling with the pans.
Ji-eun tries to get up. Her body feels soar all over. She feels like she has been hit by a truck. Her body seems to be clean on the outside, but not on the inside. She can feel someone's cum in her pussy and ass. Her throat is still sticky, making it hard to breathe.
IU can't even remember how many guys came in her throat as she reaches for the glass of water on her night stand.
Her feet barely lift off the ground as she stumbles into the kitchen, only wearing a robe.
Seulgi seems to be making egg fried rice.
"Hello, sleepyhead."
Seulgi chuckles at IU's perplexed look on her face.
"I brought you here after you passed out. Do you know how long it took me to get all of that cum off your skin?"
IU shakes her head.
Seulgi pours the rice into two bowls.
"I have good news."
Ji-eun is only able to sit down at the counter, waiting for Seulgi to hand her a spoon.
"I found someone knew to compete with us."
IU looks up. Her eyes still look sleepy and tired and exhausted. And yet, Seulgi is able to catch a glimpse of lust in them.
"She should be here any minute."
In that moment the doorbell rings.
"She and her members had a similar competition. Like the two of us. She won and is looking for women, who are on her level. I told her we got fucked by forty guys at the same time."
Seulgi says as she walks towards the door.
"I-I'm not sure if I can start having sex again immediately. Maybe give me a couple of days."
IU's tired, hoarse voice makes Seulgi chuckle.
"Don't worry. Me and Jennie already have something planned for the two of us."
She opens the door.
"Hi Seulgi!"
Jennie and Seulgi hug each other.
"Ready to go to the movies?"
"Yeah, just let me eat dinner."
Only now IU realises what time it is. She slept the whole day.
"Hi, unnie."
Jennie waves at her. The older woman takes a look at her outfit. She immediately knows that watching a movie will not be the only thing they do in the cinema.
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Hi everyone!
I hope you enjoy the first story of the December special.
I haven't written something like this before, so I'm not sure how well it turned out. I did my best to write a good build up, because I didn't want to jump straight into the main part.
Have a great day! See you next week for the second one!
864 notes · View notes
iuchamjohta · 10 months
Interlude: Above the sky
IU X Minatozaki Sana X Male Reader
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You sigh as you sit in one of the chairs at the airport.
It has been a while, since you last flew with a commercial airplane. You are headed to Italy. There is an urgent meeting, involving everyone, who is important at the Diesel company. You can proudly say that you are one of them. Unfortunately though, your jet is currently being repaired and refurbished.
Waiting for the call to board the plane, you occasionally glance at the incoming passengers, while working on your laptop.
When you suddenly hear the sounds of cameras flashing and cheers, you turn around in your seat. Two women, who are being swarmed by reporters walk towards your gate.
Great. More noise. You sigh as you realize you won't be able to keep working. Luckily, boarding time starts soon.
As the women slowly get closer, you see that one of them is wearing a fancy looking suit outfit and one is wearing a simple black dress. The large bow in the second woman's hair makes her look cute. And smaller than she actually is. Because in that moment, you realize who is walking in your direction.
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IU. The woman you and Miyeon had.... fun with. You wonder if she still remembers you. Not being able to identify the other woman, you are glad you are now able to board the plane.
You don't think IU saw you as you walk towards the door.
At the door the captain and the crew welcome you. Being the owner of the airline you are flying with is somewhat beneficial. Although you tried to hide it as much as possible. You usually don't like too much attention, especially when you are busy or on your way to a meeting.
Sitting down in first class, you enjoy the comfort of the chair. The blue interior matches the plane's exterior as you look around. This is somewhat your airplane after all.
It takes only a couple of minutes, before you aren't the only one in first class anymore. People start to take their seats, while you take the laptop out of your bag.
Sitting in the middle seat, you don't believe your eyes, when you see the two women sit down on your right. IU on the left, the other on the right. You could've sworn you saw her somewhere before. Guessing from the way she looks, she must be an idol as well. You see her smile. It's probably one of the cutest things you have ever seen.
Wanting to tease the older woman, you lean through the small aisle towards her.
"Can I get an autograph?"
You can't hide a teasing grin as she turns around. Her eyes widen when she seems to recognize you.
She stops, her mouth open.
"Is he a friend?"
The girl's voice sounds as cute as she looks.
"Kind of. Nice to meet you, (y/n)."
You reach around IU to shake her hand.
"Minatozaki Sana. It's a pleasure."
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You watch IU looking at Sana's hand in yours, before you pull away. Not without your hand grazing against her chest. No one would notice except her. You see her look down, biting her lip.
You remember how needy she was last time, although it partially might have been the alcohol.
"How do the two of you know each other?"
IU's eyes grow wide as she hears Sana's question. For an actress, she isn't very good at hiding her surprise.
"Well.... We..."
"She was attending the opening of my restaurant."
"Oh really? Which one?"
"It's in Paris. I doubt you know it."
Sana seems to be thinking hard.
"Ah. The one Lisa went to?"
You nod.
"Exactly. I'm happy that you seem to know it."
"Of course I do. I heard the food is very delicious there."
While she gives you an adorable smile, you realize that IU is still not talking. Although her hand is resting on her naked knee, playing with the hem of her dress.
"If you are ever in Paris, I hope you will stop by."
"I will give you an awesome review."
Sana gives you a thumbs up.
"What did you eat there, unnie?"
"Hmmm? What?"
IU looks like she got caught. You expected her to be more cool about this, but it looks like she is unable to clear her mind of the things you did.
"I don't remember."
She now looks at you. Her dark eyes locked onto yours.
"But I know it was delicious."
That switch of attitude makes you silently raise an eye brow at her. How did she just got from shy and scared to hot and suggestive?
A sly smirk plays around her lips. Maybe she is a better actress than you thought.
Once the plane is in the air, you get rid of your seatbelt. The tight fabric made the situation in your pants slightly worse. IU keeps glancing at you. Sometimes a naughty smile on her face, sometimes her fingers lift up her dress. Her full thighs distract you from working.
You are glad that barely any people seem to be sitting in first class. Except for you three, there is only one man two rows ahead and an older couple maybe three rows behind you. Is it always that empty in first class?
You really do try your best to keep working, but as soon as Ji-eun stands up, you throw all caution out the window. The dress she is wearing seemed quite long. That's why you are surprised, when she reaches up to take something out of her luggage.
The black fabric rides up her body, until her lower half is almost completely exposed. Standing on her tip toes, Ji-eun shows off her ass to you. Her black thong leaves her cheeks exposed, only barely covering her pussy. You catch glimps of her lips. Remembering the last time you saw her naked pussy, you have to hold back to not just reach for it.
When she is about to sit down, Sana stands up too.
"I need to use the bathroom real quick."
She steps past the older woman, before walking down the small aisle.
Ji-eun watches her leave. You already expected something once the two of you would be alone, but not this. As soon as IU is sure no one is looking, she straddles your lap.
"I can't help it. Your cock felt so good."
Her breathless words still linger in your ear as she latches her lips onto your neck. While showering your skin with kisses, IU slowly grinds on top of you.
"Darn it. Do you know how often I got myself off thinking about that night?"
Her hands move towards your belt.
"What are you doing?"
You are finally able to talk, a little overwhelmed from the older woman's attack.
"What do you mean? You don't wanna fuck?"
You shush her, afraid someone heard her.
"Here? Are you crazy?"
She just shrugs her shoulders.
"As long as you fill me with cock, I don't care where."
Her lips reattach themselves to your neck. Her hair slightly tickles, while her cute bow is right in front of your face.
You try your best. You really do. But suddenly, you find your hands underneath IU's dress. Feeling the smooth skin on her full thighs, you lean your head back, while she fumbles for your zipper. Her grinding increases as you start to feel her wetness on your leg. Only the thin fabric of your pants and her thong are between the two of you.
IU suddenly stops, looking above your head behind you.
You suspect it's Sana. Expecting, IU to leave, you let go of her thighs. Instead she just drops to her knees. She reaches for the blanket next to you, covering herself and your lap. You feel her warm breath against your clothed crotch as you hear Sana coming from behind.
"Excuse me. Do you know where IU unnie went?"
"I think she left right after you. In the same direction."
"Really? I didn't see her."
Sana flashes you another smile.
"Thank you."
She turns around to look at the direction she came from, before sitting back down in her seat.
You suddenly hear the zipper of your pants being opened. Which is odd, since both of IU's hands are resting on your thighs. Is she doing this with her teeth?
You feel her pull down the zipper, until finally one hand leaves your leg. Her hand undoes the button of your boxers.
If you weren't hard before, you are now as IU fishes out your cock. Her warm hand strokes your length once or twice, before you feel her wet lips wrap around your tip. You have to suppress a groan as her tongue swirls around it. IU starts to take you deeper inside her mouth. Her wet slurps barely louder than a whisper.
You place your hands on the blanket over her head, trying to hide the bulge her head is creating. Ji-eun humms around your cock in response as she keeps sucking you off.
You can't believe this is happening. Your legs start to become jelly as the woman on her knees let's her lips glide to the base of your cock. Her tongue follows, grazing the underside of your shaft.
You glance at Sana, hoping she doesn't see anything. But after looking at her once or twice, it becomes hard to look away. Since Ji-eun swallows your cock underneath the blanket, you somewhat miss the visual stimuli. Luckily, Sana is more than enough.
Since her shorts are barely covering her center, her full thighs are on display. You try to imagine them around your head, squeezing you as you eat her out. It's hard though. It's hard to focus on anything when IU is silently giving you head. You have to lean your head against your chair, trying to compensate the pleasure you are feeling. How is she so good at this?
Glancing at Sana again, you see her lean over her phone. She was typing something on it a couple of moments ago. Now it seems like she is watching a video or something. Her eyes are wide, the screen very close to her face.
When you feel yourself hitting the back of IU's throat, you press her head down. It's a subconscious action as you try to appear normal. You hear her slightly gagging when she is unable to move. Closing your eyes, you feel yourself getting closer to the end.
Ji-eun starts to become louder. You hope no one hears her as you open your eyes again. You are unable to see straight as you look around. Your eyes lock onto Sana's. The woman's head is turned towards you, her lips slightly parted. Her hand with her phone is resting on her lap, while the other tuggs a couple of strands behind her ear. Did she catch you?
Instinctively you press Ji-eun's face further into your lap, hoping Sana didn't see her head bobbing. You hear IU slightly gagging as she tries to breath through her nose while her throat is stuffed with your cock.
Sana gives you a coy smile, before she turns away again. You did catch her stealing a glance at your crotch. Fuck.
That nervous feeling doesn't last long as IU keeps working your shaft. You suddenly come to a realization. What are you going to do next? What happens after Ji-eun is done with you? How is she going to get out of there? There is no way she planing to stay on her knees until the end of her flight. Is she?
You dig your fingers into your armrests. IU keeps slobbering over your dick in almost complete silence, while her hands glide over your pants. In a normal situation you would've started to fuck her face by now. But this isn't normal. This is public. It doesn't get much riskier than that. Getting head as you sit in your seat in your airplane.
The situation worsens when you get a call. You neither have the composure, nor the current mental stability to wonder who it might be. Without even looking at the screen, you pick up.
"Hi, daddy."
You almost groan in disbelief as you recognize her voice. Checking your screen confirms your suspicion.
"Princess #1"
Wonyoung is number two, which means...
"Hi, Miyeon. What is it?"
You try to sound nonchalant, although it is almost impossible. Hearing Miyeon snicker on the other side of the call makes you blush for some reason.
"Who is it?"
You half whisper half moan. No reason to lie.
"Well, that's great, but I'm calling because of her fellow traveller."
You look to your right at Sana, catching her look away from you.
"She knows who you are."
"I might have told her a thing or two about us."
You sigh.
"Just go the bathroom in a couple of minutes. She is too shy to ask."
"I hope IU sumbenim is taking great care of you. Her asshole was so tight when I fucked her. Just saying."
You are stunned when you realize that Miyeon hung up on you. Who does she think she is? Talking about you with Sana and then telling you to follow her friend to the bathroom? You don't need to be bright to figure out why.
You turn your head as you see Sana standing up. As she walks past you, she let's her hand glide along your arm. You look after her as she walks back towards the bathroom. She took off her jacket earlier. Her tight shorts hugg her cheeks perfectly as she walks down the aisle.
"Fuck.Ji-eun, stop."
You get the blanket off her.
IU looks up at you. Her black bow is a little tilted, her chin covered in her spit.
She let's your cock fall out of her mouth, before stroking it slowly.
"Sana is gone and-"
She gets up and straddles your lap once more.
You hold her by her waist, before she is able to keep moving.
"Miyeon just called. She wanted me to follow Sana into the bathroom."
Ji-eun is visibly disappointed.
"I'm gonna go now."
She shakes her head.
"We need to finish what we started. I haven't had sex since the night in Paris. Please."
"Get off me. We will continue this after we land."
IU glares at you.
"Why? Just because she is younger than me?"
"Fine. Go."
She gets off you, sitting down in her own seat. Her arms are crossed in front of her chest. Her lips forming a cute pout.
She looks up at you. Her stare shuts you up.
"I will be in Venice for four days. I expect you to make it up to me during every single second I don't have a schedule."
You nod before following after Sana. Your meeting is today, after you land. Afterwards you should have enough time for IU.
Reaching the restroom, you look around, but no one seems to care about your presence. Seeing it being unlocked, you slip inside.
As soon as you close the door behind you, you feel Sana crashing into you. Her lips attack yours, while she grinds her body against you.
"Sana, what..."
She takes a step back.
"If you are only half as good as Miyeon said...."
She trails off, before reaching for you once again. This time, you hold her waist, holding her close, while Sana invades your mouth.
And Miyeon said she was shy?
The Japanese girl, you guessed because of her name, sneaks her arms around you while she deepens the kiss. Your hands start to explore her body. You notice how slim her waist is. How smooth the skin under her shirt and how full her thighs are. Reaching behind her, you place your palms on her cheeks.
"God yes."
She sighs as you squeeze them respectively.
"I need you."
Her lips find your neck, just like IU's earlier.
"Mina played with me without making me cum."
Her breathless words make you feel goosebumps as she whispers against your neck. Who is Mina? Her bandmate?
"She started it minutes before I had to leave."
Sana kisses down your neck, slowly reaching your collarbone.
"Do you know what that does to a girl? Almost cuming and then having to wait for hours?"
You feel the Japanese girl's hands leave your neck as she reaches for your pants.
"I don't even care how you fuck me by now. Just do it. I need to cum."
While still having questions about Mina and still not sure how you got here exactly, you spring into action. If there is something, besides doing business, you are good at than it's sex. At least that's what you think. Why would you sleep with so many idols otherwise?
You hold Sana's cheeks more firmly, before lifting her off the ground. She is just as light as the others. She has gotten rid of your zipper by now and is working on the button of your boxers, which you just closed barely a minute ago.
"Take me. Take me how you want. I just need something in me."
Her breathless whisper makes you step forward, sitting her down on the edge of the sink. While you capture her lips with yours, you unbuckle her belt.
Sana moans into your mouth as you pull her shorts off her. Her pink panties already damp with arousal.
Wanting to make this quick, you just slide them aside, revealing Sana's snatch. It's a mouthwatering sight. For some reason it looks smaller than you expected.
You let you hands dance along her lower lips as it's now your turn to kiss her neck. Sana let's her head fall back, moaning in delight at your touch. For a second you wonder if you should finger her to orgasm first, but you decide against it. You want to make this quick. And you would rather have Sana cum on your cock than your fingers.
"Put it in, please."
As if on cue, Sana starts to whine.
"I'm already soaked thinking about you. Just give me that cock Miyeon always talks about."
You pull out your cock through the holes in your pants and boxers.
"That's huge."
Sana looks down in shock.
"But why is it wet?"
You don't answer. Instead you align it with her pussy. Pushing past her lips makes Sana almost fall backwards into the sink. You have to hold her firmly as her back arches. You are almost afraid she is gonna break it.
"That's fucking big."
She hisses as if she is in pain.
"I'm used to smaller toys."
You wait for her, letting her take a couple of deep breaths.
Once Sana finally adjusted to the feeling of her hole being stretched like never before, she sits back up, locking her hands behind your neck.
"Carry me. Impale me on your dick."
It's a combination of command and plea as Sana's eyes seem darker than before. Although that could be due to the dim light.
You slowly pick her up and lift her off the sink. Gravity doing it's work, slowly makes Sana glide down to your base. You see her eyes roll to the back of her head. She holds harder onto your neck with every inch she is taking.
"Oh god."
Sana sighs once you finally bottom out inside of her. It took a couple of moments, but you are more than glad it took this long. Sana's pussy is tight. Her walls grip onto you, clearly not wanting you to ever leave. For some reason, Sana's pussy feels a little similar to Rei's. Is that a coincidence? Or because they are both Japanese? You almost laugh at that thought. That's impossible.
Either way, you start to lift up Sana until only your tip is inside of her. You make her glide down along your length. Up and down. Up and down.
Before you know it, you are already truly fucking Sana inside the restroom. Her moans are muffled by your shirt, which she is biting into. Or rather your shoulder. The pain is small enough to blend out. Her moans increase in volume and numbers. They become higher and more needy.
With a strong grip on her ass cheeks, you keep moving Sana. Her body barely moving on its own, her pussy only a fleshlight for your cock.
"More. More please."
Sana let's go of your shoulder for just a moment. You keep fucking her, hoping that no one can hear her moan. Her walls start to tighten around you even further.
"Gonna cum!"
She let's out a mewl into your shoulder as she clings to you like a panda. You keep moving her up and down. Relentlessly impaling her on your cock.
"Oh god!"
Sana finally cums on your dick. Her walls squeeze you, trying to make you cum as well. Her body shakes a little, making you hold her a little tighter. The pink panties she is wearing are now soaking wet. Her hair is a mess.
"That was so good."
She is still breathing heavily, but finally stopped biting you.
"Let's go."
You start to put Sana down.
It's a difficult decision to pull out of the Japanese's snug pussy, but you could get caught any second.
"You can do that in our seats."
"What about IU?"
"Why do you my cock was already wet?"
Sana's mouth opens in a wide O in realization.
"That slut."
Sana giggles as she slowly starts to get her pants on. You close your zipper and open the door.
Only a couple of seconds later, you are back in your seat. But not alone. You are glad that the space in first class is so big.
"You taste so good, Sana."
IU complements her as she swallows your cock. It took no convincing at all to make IU drop to her knees in front of your seat. Sana is kneeling next to her, admiring her work.
IU's bow is bobbing up and down in rhythm with her head. One of her hands is wrapped around your base, while the other rests on your left thigh. Sana occupies your other as she leans on it, watching the older woman.
With a cute, naughty smile she shifts her gaze from IU to you.
"I hope we can do this for the rest of our stay in Venice."
Ji-eun looks up at you, her lips still wrapped around your cock. She is reminding you of the deal you two made, before you left to fuck Sana.
Without a warning, Ji-eun starts to deep throat you once again. You suddenly hit the back of her throat. This time, she doesn't silence herself. The gagging noises are probably loud enough for the other three passengers to hear.
She holds her head in place for what feel like forever. You hold onto your armrests, hoping to hold out just a little longer.
"Unnie, I want to make him cum."
Sana watches your spit covered cock fall out of Ji-eun's mouth. Her hand still holding your base, the older woman slightly points your cock in Sana's direction.
The Japanese girl sticks her tongue out. She slowly swirls it around the tip of your cock, not breaking eye contact. Her dark eyes look deeper than ever before.
She adds a hand as well. Her right is joining IU's, both of their hands cover around two thirds of your cock. Sana wraps her lips around your tip, hollowing her cheeks. Her tongue keeps swirling , while she slowly sucks you off.
It is completely different from most of the girls so far. While the others usually do this quickly with desperate need for you to finish, Sana takes her time. As if she is convincing your cock to cum on its own.
You groan as you feel the effects first hand. Shifting around in your seat, you know it's only a matter of seconds.
"Look at him. Struggling to hold it in."
IU chuckles before licking her lips.
"I can't wait to make him cum for four whole days."
Sana's mouth, both of their hands, IU's eyes, her words. It all proves too much. With one last groan, you feel yourself twitching against Sana's tongue.
A second before you explode, she pulls away. You are barely able to watch as you cum all over both of their hands. I leaks down in small streams. It coats their fingers and their wrists.
As soon as you come back down, Sana dives in for her first taste. With her daring tongue, she starts with IU's hand, slowly pulling her tongue across the older girl's fingers.
She licks her lips, before turning towards IU. Since Sana must have scooped up a good amount of cum, you are in awe as you watch the two exchanging a messy kiss. You see a small string, a mix of saliva and your cum, hang from both of their chins as they keep making out.
This is gonna be a long four day trip.
And quite possibly a long flight.
Hi everyone!
I hope you enjoyed this one.
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iuchamjohta · 1 year
Interlude: Lonely
IU X Miyeon X Male Reader
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You have walked past her table a couple of times already. It's not unusual to drink while having dinner, she is an adult after all. But the amount she is consuming starts to concern you. One bottle of soju after another finds its place on her table.
When you walk past her once again, to greet someone whom you haven't talked to yet, you decide to sit down. In that moment, someone else enters your restaurant. You stand there for a moment, wondering what's going on.
Her black dress is slightly gleaming in the light. It's quite short and her rather big boots compliment it well. She isn't wearing a necklace. Only a couple pearl rings and a handbag. Her black hair completes that dark look she has going on.
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When your eyes meet, you remember you are in a public place. There is no official reason for the both of you to know each other. And yet Choi Miyeon has that look on her face already. That look that tells you what she wants you to do to her tonight.
Distracted, you don't realize that you have been standing next to the other idol, whom you were concerned about earlier.
"Why are you standing here? I didn't order anything."
Her drunk voice sounds kinda cute, although her outfit isn't. She is going for the same look as the vixen, who just sat down at a table nearby. Dark and sexy.
Her eyes are only half open as she stares at you.
"You know what? Bring me another bottle?"
She points with her finger at you, but it sways slightly and it looks like she wants to hypnotize you.
"Ms Lee. Why don't you go back to your hotel?"
You ask in a polite tone, but she waves you off.
"No no no. My room is empty. I don't want to be empty."
She scoffs before downing another glass of soju.
You weren't prepared for drunk talk tonight, but she is still your customer. When she appeared a few hours ago, you were surprised, but then you remember the brand, which you buy your soju from.
Lee Ji-eun, aka IU, decided to check out your restaurant, when she heard of its opening.
"Ms Lee. Can you tell me where your manager is?"
If you can't get her home, he probably can.
"Don't call me that."
She furrows her brows as she leans her head on her forearms, which are resting on the table. Her chef for her table left a while ago, so the two of you are alone.
"Just Ji. Or IU. I'm alone anyways."
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She murmurs into the sleeves of her jacket.
"Fine. IU then. It's late already, don't you want to have some sleep? I'm sure you are tired."
"No no no."
She raises her hand and waves to decline your idea.
"My bed is empty. I don't want to."
"It's empty since you aren't in it."
"I'm empty."
You sigh as you rub your face. The whole day has been hectic and stressful.
"How about I bring you home?"
IU focuses on you, at least she is trying to, and eyes you suspiciously.
"You-You wanna play?"
You raise your eyebrow.
"You wanna play?"
She giggles before trying to one shot another glass. Most of the clear liquid falls onto the table, some stains her top.
"What kind of game?"
IU shakes her head, which obviously makes her feel dizzy afterwards.
"You don't know. No no no."
You sigh, before asking the inevitable.
"What don't I know?"
"What-What we play. I never have someone to play."
"Don't you have friends?"
You feel like you are talking to a twelve year old who just took some painkillers.
"They don't play with me."
She mumbles on and pouts cutely as she slightly lifts her head.
"They only play with each other. Or with guys."
The last part was definitely filled with bitterness and annoyance.
"Guys don't want to play with me either. Why not?"
She looks at you, her eyes still barely open.
"Why don't boys play with me?"
You are starting to realize what she is saying. And you also realize where this is heading.
"Am I not cute?"
She pushes the empty green bottles away from her and you realize IU is recreating one of her commercials. At least she is trying to.
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You do have to say so that drunk IU isn't as cute as her sober counterpart.
"Or am I not sexy enough?"
It takes her a moment to focus on you and open her eyes completely. But when she does, she looks stunning.
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The Korean singer is older than you. Quite a few years actually. You weren't really into older women before, but IU? You can see why guys would be tempted.
"You are one gorgeous woman."
You smile at her, hoping this will lift her mood.
"Then why don't you do it?"
She gives you a groggy smile and sways that finger of hers again.
"Why don't you play with me?"
"You are drunk, IU."
She shakes her head.
"No no no. Not drunk. T-Tipsy."
She nods as if she is trying to convince herself.
"Yes, yes. Tipsy."
You lean back in your seat, trying to come up with a plan to get this woman in a bed. It doesn't have to be yours, but if she would be to sober up on the way, you wouldn't be complaining.
"Excuse me, sir."
You close your eyes in disbelief as you recognize the voice. Turning around, you see Miyeon standing behind you.
"May I talk to you for a moment? It's-"
You can see her struggling to come up with some excuse. Luckily, almost all of the media is already gone.
"It's about the cucumbers."
She looks surprised at herself at that idiotic comment. One might think that she is hammered too.
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You glare at her, but she eventually convinces you with her suggestive glance towards your crotch. Cucumbers my ass.
About to stand up, you see IU lift her head, which dropped back onto her arms a couple of moments ago.
She looks at Miyeon.
"He wants to play with me. Why are you taking him?"
Miyeon ignores her and drags you a couple of steps away.
You don't know how Miyeon did it. But you find yourself walking down the sidewalk, IU holding onto your arm. She is less drunk already. The pill that Miyeon gave her, some water and the cool Paris night seem to sober her up.
"I apologize for making you bring me to my hotel."
You shake your head as you look down the empty street.
"It is closing time soon, anyways."
"Thank you, though."
She squeezes your arm gently.
"What did you mean earlier?"
IU looks at you with worry.
"What did I say?"
"You said you are lonely."
She nods as the two of you keep walking.
"I am. I sometimes have the feeling that no one is interested in me."
You stay silent as she keeps talking.
"I can never really have a boyfriend. Or girlfriend."
She whispered that last word, but you managed to hear it.
"It must be hard since you are a celebrity. But I'm sure you will find someone you love eventually."
To your surprise, IU shakes her head.
"That's not what I want right now."
She looks up into your eyes.
You look away and keep walking in silence.
"I just want to-"
She looks around the empty street, before getting on her tiptoes.
"-get fucked."
She stares at you once more.
You are about to say something, having Miyeon's plan still in the back of your head, but the Korean actress looks away.
"I'm jealous of all the girl groups, you know? They maybe don't have boyfriends, but at least each other."
She sighs and you realize she isn't completely sober yet.
"Imagine if you were in a nine member group. All of their hands on your body."
Her voice sounds dreamy and you stay quiet, but not because you are polite.
"Their fingers on your skin. All of them taking turns kissing you..."
She trails off and looks into the night.
You curse silently, glancing at your pants.
As if she has done this a million times, IU lets her hand slide down your arm and locks her fingers with yours.
"As much as I love younger girls eating me out, I love younger guys fucking my brains out more."
The two of you come to halt and you can't say a word. Until now, she was as subtle as possible. Now she is just saying out loud what she is thinking.
"Do you know how long it has been since I sucked cock?"
She takes a step closer, her eyes partially covered by her bangs.
"I would give anything for a nice dick in my pussy right now."
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As soon as the elevator doors close, IU pulls your head down. She captures your lips with hers and you can still taste some of the soju she drank earlier.
As the taste and her scent start to take over your senses, you realize she smells like strawberries. Her lips, which have a similar color, are soft and sweet as you invade her mouth with your tongue.
Your make out session is interrupted when the doors open again, but IU takes your hand and drags you after her. She almost runs to her room, before she uses the key card to open the door.
As she is about to step inside, you pin her against the doorframe. You feel her bite your lip as you push your tongue inside her mouth once more. Holding her hands in yours, you take the key card and let it fall to the ground, right outside the room.
The two of you stumble towards her bed as you kick the door shut behind you. Afraid you are gonna hurt her, you make sure she is on top as the two of you hit the sheets. IU is lying on top of you, her bangs slightly tickling your forehead as she keeps her lips on yours.
As you stroke her hair, you feel her hands running down your body with one particular goal. Making quick work of your belt, she doesn't stop kissing you. Your own hands run down her naked lower back and hold onto her butt, locking her in place.
"Let me go."
She smiles into the kiss as she tuggs at the waistband of your boxers.
"I can do more with these lips than kissing."
You let her cheeks go and you feel her glide down your body. Raising your hips, you see IU taking off your pants.
"This was worth the wait."
Her eyes sparkle with satisfaction as she sees your cock. She reaches out with both hands, before she starts to stroke you. One at the bottom, one at the top. You feel yourself harden immediately at her work. She does seem skilled, although she said she doesn't have much sex.
Opening her mouth, IU lets some spit fall off her tongue and onto your tip. She spreads it around your tip with her thumb.
"This looks delicious."
She gives you a big smile, before she leans down. Her upper hand is replaced by her warm mouth. Slowly, her lips glide along the length of your shaft.
You reach out to hold her hair as IU gives you one of the best blowjobs you ever had. Her skillful tongue does not miss a spot as she lets it roam all over your cock. Her lips are sealed tight around you, making her cheeks hollow. While her right hand is still holding the base of your cock, the left one is sliding upwards, underneath your shirt.
IU can feel your abs with her hand as she keeps taking your cock into her mouth. You almost think that she doesn't have a gag reflex at all. Your tip reaches the back of her throat. The black haired woman takes it with ease as she has almost all of your cock in her mouth.
Once she reaches your base with her lips, she does choke slightly. She looks up, before moving her head in a circular motion, which makes you groan. Your cock still deep inside her throat.
"Fuck, you are good."
IU slowly moves her head upwards, letting your dick out of her mouth.
"This is nothing."
She gives you a naughty smile.
"I could suck you off with my eyes closed."
"Is that so?"
She winks at you and resumes her blowjob. You have to close your eyes momentarily as she works wonders on your cock. A few moments later, you are able to untie your blue tie. Reaching forward, you place it on her eyes, before tying it at the back of her head.
"What is this?"
IU chuckles.
"You said you could do this with your eyes closed."
You glance at the door as you see it open quietly.
"You bet. As long as I have a cock in my throat, I don't care if I can see or not."
The woman who just entered the room bites her lip at the older woman's comment.
Afraid that IU would catch on, you guide her head back towards your dick. When her lips touch your tip, a smile plays around them, before she obediently opens her mouth. As your cock glides into her mouth, you see Miyeon staring.
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As if she forgot what she is here for. You point with your free hand towards her small sports bag she brought with her, which snaps Miyeon out of her trance.
She puts it down quietly, but all that can be heard in this room right now are IU's sucking sounds.
The younger woman opens her bag quickly, taking out a long, black object.
Unbeknownst to IU, Miyeon hooks her thumbs underneath the straps of her dress, before letting it fall to the ground. That she isn't wearing a bra was obvious before, but you can now see that she isn't wearing underwear either.
While IU still works on your cock, you watch Miyeon idly playing with her clit. She rubs it with two of her fingers as she watches the two of you.
You mouth in her direction.
It takes her a couple of moments to tear her eyes away from your cock, which is currently resting inside IU's throat.
She winks at you, before reaching for the black object and something else inside the bag. When she said she brought some toys, you just shrugged it off. But it looks like Miyeon has a whole arsenal with her.
You watch her putting on the black strap on, while holding a bottle of lube.
"You are so quiet. Did you pass out already?"
IU chuckles at your attempt to keep quiet.
"You would need to work harder for that."
She sticks her tongue out mockingly, before letting more spit drop out of her mouth.
"Let's see who passes out first."
She wraps her lips around your cock once again.
As IU deep throats your dick, Miyeon is slowly walking towards the bed. She already opened the small glassy bottle in her hand. She is slowly stroking the long strap on with her slick hand. If you saw it correctly, the lower part of her toy is resting inside her own pussy, around four inches, while the rest is for her to use on her sunbae. It's around your own length, but yours is slightly bigger.
IU is still chocking on your cock. It looks like she is determined to make you pass out, or at least make you cum. Either way, she keeps you down her throat, not letting an inch miss any attention.
You have to hold onto a fistful of her dark hair, while your left hand is grabbing the sheets. IU is not joking around when it comes to blowjobs.
You watch Miyeon as she is now standing right behind the bed. In one swift motion she reaches forward and takes a hold of the older girl's pants' waistband.
IU's surprised yelp is muffled by your cock down her throat. You force her head in place. Miyeon starts to take off her pants. IU struggles against the two of you.
"Stay put."
You force her lips to reach your base once more.
"You said you want attention."
Once IU has calmed down, Miyeon finally manages to rid her off her pants.
"Wow, unnie. Your pussy looks so pretty."
She purrs, before getting onto the bed herself.
You see IU relaxing as she realizes that the other girl is someone she knows. She just doesn't know who it is yet. In her blindfolded state, she is forced to only react to both of your touches. Miyeon holds onto her waist, making her rise her butt. She is now in this "demon pose" position. You can see the shape of her plump ass behind her head from your point of view.
"Fuck. Your body."
You see IU smile around your cock.
It's quickly replaced by a moan as you watch Miyeon spit on her hand, before reaching between the older girl's legs.
A couple of moans and seconds later, you can already see Miyeon aligning her strap on with IU's snatch.
You are kinda jealous, especially after Miyeon's comment.
The older girl's mouth forms an O shape as she gets penetrated by the plastic strap on. Your wet cock falls out of her mouth.
"Holy fuck."
"Do you like this, unnie?"
"I love it."
IU sighs as she holds onto the base of your dick once more. She guides your tip towards her mouth. Pushing her head down, you watch IU getting two of her wholes stuffed with cock. Although you can't see it, you can tell that her eyes are closed in bliss.
Miyeon moves her hips back and forth, letting the strap on slide in and out of IU's cunt. With every thrust forward, the older girl gets pushed forward, which forces your cock deeper down her throat.
Your head rests against the hotel room wall as you try to keep your composure. Even with a dildo in her pussy, IU is still sucking the life out of you. Her mouth trying it's best to make you cum. Your hand in her hair tugs at it occasionally, making her stop for just a moment. There are plenty of moments, where you think you are about to cum. But luckily, you manage to make her stop just at the right time.
"Your cock is so big now."
IU's words are interrupted by another one of her moans.
"I know you are going to cum."
She uses your tip to smear all your pre cum over her lips.
"Just give it to me already."
She takes you into her mouth again. Determined to make you cum now.
Looking behind her, you watch Miyeon slowly fucking IU from behind. Her own eyes are closed, the other end of the strap on obviously pleasuring her more than she would like to admit. Her hips roll back and forth, letting the plastic move in and out of IU's snatch.
"Come on, baby. Cum in my mouth."
The older girl makes you focus on her again. You have to hold onto her head with both hands, due to the pleasure she is sending through your system. You didn't plan on cuming so fast. But here you are.
As IU deep throats your cock, you hold her in place with both hands. Her lips almost reaching the end of your cock. You feel her gagging slightly. The muscles of her throat tighten around you. The slight shoves from Miyeon make her move around you. She humms slightly, when Miyeon hits the right spot.
"I'm gonna cum."
You groan as you feel IU's hands wander towards your abs once more. She isn't leaving room for her hands on your cock anyway.
Her gags become louder. As Miyeon gives her a big thrust from behind, you finally cum down IU's throat. You push her head further down as you feel her moan. Ropes of your cum coat her throat and mouth from the inside.
It takes you a couple of moments to recover from IU's blowjob. You just lie on the bed, enjoying the view of her getting softly pounded by Miyeon. You realize that she still doesn't know, who is fucking her.
The same thought runs through Ji-eun's head at the same time. She was surprised at first, to say the least. And although the strap on doesn't compare to a real cock, it's still a nice feeling to get filled in two holes at the same time. As you are now recovering, your cock resting in her hands, Ji-eun tries to guess who is fucking her. It's hard, since she sometimes loses her train of thought, whenever the girl behind her is hitting the right spot. She called her unnie, right? It can't be Yoo In-Na then, since she is older. Plus, she would have recognized her voice.
Lee Ahin maybe? But she would have called her "sunbaenim" respectfully. But it still could be her. Ji-eun remembers, that she was jealous the way Ahin looked at you occasionally from across the room.
You see Miyeon bite her lip, as a moan escapes her mouth. You never expected to be in this situation. And you never expected Miyeon to come up with this idea.
Watching her pleasuring herself and IU with her strap on makes your cock hard again. The older girl's hands aren't very innocent either though.
As she realizes that you are ready for round two, IU takes you into her mouth once more. You are still a little more sensitive than usual. You groan as she does her best to make your cock as hard as possible. Her body still being rocked back and forth by Miyeon.
"Daddy, you should try this pussy."
Miyeon sighs, her half opened eyes focused on you.
"I think this unnie is hungry for your cock in her little cunt."
The way IU moans at the younger girl's comment makes you slowly guide her head off your cock.
Her eyes are still covered, which means she still can't see what you are doing. You get off the bed and walk over to Miyeon. Capturing her lips with yours, you make the younger girl come to halt. The two of you enjoy each other's mouths.
Glancing downwards, you have a good view on IU's pussy. It's visibly stretched out by Miyeon's black dildo. Her lower lips are tightly wrapped around it. You can see some of her slick juices running down her inner thighs as she is still in the same position as before. You reach out to knead her left ass cheek.
"What are you waiting for? Give it to me."
She moans as she looks over her shoulder, eyes still covered by your tie.
You push against the left side of her hips, which makes her fall on her back on the bed. Miyeon left her pussy just a second earlier and now you are standing between her legs.
You admire IU's beautiful pussy. Her pink, plump lips glisten slightly. Her clit is slightly visible and her skin around it is as smooth as the rest of her body.
Unable to resist, you lean down to have a taste. You taste some of her juices as you lick her pussy lips.
"Oh, fuck."
IU moans. She expected your cock, not your tongue.
Standing straight again, you hold her waist with both hand. Nodding towards the bottle of lube, you instruct Miyeon to use it. A mischievous smile appears on her face. While she opens it and pours some of the liquid onto the strap on, you pick IU up. She instinctively wraps her legs around you, still not having a clue about what's about to happen. Her arms are reaching around your neck and her face is right in front of yours. You move a little, so that Miyeon can stand behind her.
You place your hand on one of her firm butt cheeks, while the other reaches for your cock. Slowly, you insert yourself into her pussy.
"Oh god."
IU sighs as your tip enters her. Since she is way smaller than you, you have to slide her up and down on your cock. Now holding both of her cheeks in your hand, you slowly lower her further.
With every inch, IU's mouth opens wider. When she finally reaches your base, a loud moan escapes her mouth.
"Fuck you are so big."
Her walls are tight around you. Looking down, you see one of the most beautiful things you have ever seen. IU's pink lips molding around your cock, keeping it in her snatch.
Her head drops back as you make her lean away from you by pulling her ass towards you. She is now on the perfect night for Miyeon. The younger girl runs her fingers over IU's waist, before aligning her strap on with her hole.
Once the wet plastic touches her rear entrance, IU knows what's going on.
"Oh fuck! I have never dones this before."
You can tell she is squeezing her eyes shut as Miyeon starts to push inside of her. You feel her strap on press against your cock through the thin wall of IU's body. With every inch, the older woman breaths heavier, until she is completely filled.
Her black hair covers Miyeon's face as she is just hanging there between the two of you. She is completely defenseless. IU can't do anything but moan as you start to lift her up.
She has never felt so full. Both of her holes are stuffed with cock as she slides upwards. Since Miyeon is shorter than you, you have to stop lifting IU when you reach your own tip, otherwise the strap on would slide out. And whenever you push IU down, she can only take a third of Miyeon's dildo inside of her.
Despite these little flaws, the older girl still feels like she is in heaven. All of her muscles relax except the ones in her pussy and ass. Over and over you slowly lift her up and pull her down. After just a couple of moments, the Korean actress has become a stuttering mess.
"Oh! Fu-! Yes! Please more!"
Her back is now completely arched, her head resting on Miyeon's shoulder. Because IU is still wearing that black top, you can only dive into her neck. You kiss her skin as you make her moan in tandem with your moves.
After having found a rhythm that works for all of you, you start to go a little faster. The effect it has on IU is evident as her moans turn louder and her hands on your back hold you tighter. You hear Miyeon moan occasionally as well, whenever IU is pushed onto her strap on. It pushes it a little further into her own pussy everytime, giving her pleasure as well.
The older woman has now lost her ability to form words. Her moans are deep and drawn out. Her pussy feels incredible tight, partially because of Miyeon's strap on in her ass, which slightly pushes against your cock.
You hear IU whine as she starts to cum. Her body tenses up a little as she feels a flame burn through her body. It has been building up since Miyeon pulled her pants off. Now, she is cuming on your cock, her juices dribbling down onto the carpet.
You hiss as you feel IU's pussy contracting around you. The way she feels pushed you closer as well. You are able to hold out, until she calms down, but you know that you might not survive another orgasm of hers.
You keep your rhythm nonetheless, making IU moan loudly once more. Her eyes are still covered as she sees nothing but darkness. After that orgasm, the flame in her body doesn't die down. Instead, it keeps building again. The darkness is replaced by bright colors. You are quite literally making her see stars as you make IU cum for a second time.
She whines once more, too lust drunk to speak. At the same time, Miyeon moans. You guess it's not really about the stimulation for her, but the act itself. A small orgasm rushes through the younger girl's body, making her knees buckle.
Seeing the two of them cum, makes you want to do the same. For a second you wonder if you want to trade holes with Miyeon, but IU's pussy is something you can't pass up on. There is no way in hell you pull out, until you cum.
Up until now, the two of you fucked her with a rather slow, steady pace. Fast enough to make her cum, but still not with your usual force. You can feel the lust building up inside of you.
Miyeon looks like that as well, although she probably has something else in mind. Although the dildo inside of her makes her feel good, it's hard for her to cum. The two of you exchange glances, before you come to a silent agreement.
You lift IU up one last time, higher than before. It makes Miyeon's strap on slide out of her ass, while your tip still remains inside of her. You see your cock is slick with her juices. The younger girl hurries to unbuckle the belt of her strap on, before letting it fall to the ground. She jumps onto the bed, her hand already near snatch as she is ready to watch the end of the show.
Ji-eun is still wondering what's going on as she obviously feels Miyeon's strap on leave her ass. You kiss her neck once more as she is too tired to complain about the lack of fullness.
Your arms start to get tired, so you place her on the wooden dresser, which is standing near the bed. Her back is pressed against the cold wall as you push fully inside of her once more.
"Right there."
She sighs as you hit a new spot in this position. Looking behind you, you see Miyeon is already knuckle deep in her own pussy, eyes only half open. She decided that it's more pleasurable for her if she doesn't have to move so much. The fucking tiring her out.
Knowing that IU can't look at Miyeon, since you are blocking the view, you pull down your tie. It hangs loosely around her neck as you see her eyes after a long time. Her lust makes her look like she is angry. Her brown eyes focused on you as her upper lip slightly twitches.
"Now fuck me hard."
She demands, not even bothering to try and find out, who fucked her ass.
You bottom out inside of her as you start to pound her onto the wall.
She has become more vocal, now that she can see. Maybe she was a little shy earlier, but now, she is enjoying herself too much to care.
"Fuck yes! Make the whole hotel hear!"
She moans loudly as you keep your pace. The dresser doesn't seem very safe. It starts to rock back and forth with your thrusts, hitting the wall occasionally. It creaks as you fuck IU on its smooth surface.
"Make them know that I'm getting pounded hard! Make them touch themselves!"
You fuck her faster, almost scared she is going to hit the wall with her head. Now that she can see, IU keeps her eyes on yours, capturing your gaze.
"I'm gonna cum."
It's hard to bring that sentence over your lips, but you can't stop it. It's like IU's pussy was made for only one purpose. To make you cum.
"Yeah! Give it to me!"
She moans louder, holding onto the shirt you are still wearing.
"Cum all over my pussy! Paint me with your cum!"
Holding onto her waist, you pull IU further onto your cock with every thrust. You hear Miyeon in the background, moaning and whining as she cums on her finger. The dresser sounds like it's going to collapse any minute as you fuck one of the most beautiful women on earth on its surface.
IU's face is close to yours and her lips find yours. The two of you kiss, without slowing down your pace.
Pulling back one last time, you thrust into IU as you feel yourself cuming. You regretfully leave her tight pussy. But she told you where she wants it.
As you climax, your cum starts to paint her pussy. It coats her puffy lips and her clit, some drops hitting her flat midriff.
"Fuck yes."
IU sighs as she feels your warm cum on her pussy. It slowly dribbles down along her lips and onto the wooden surface underneath her.
You capture IU's pink lips with your own as that strawberry taste invades your taste buds once more. Out of the corner of your eye, you see that Miyeon is already putting her dress back on.
IU will never know, who of her juniors made her ever feel so full. And loved.
Hi, everyone!
I hope you guys enjoyed this one. From now on, I will try to occasionally mix in these shorter interludes. This way, I can write smaller chapters, which I get expired by in random situations, or you can request scenarios, which aren't exactly compatible with the story. I will try my best to somehow fit them into the story, for example as a dream. These short chapters aren't really relevant for the plot, which means you can read them without the story, or if you don't like the idols, you can just skip them.
Have a great day!
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