itsnixwood · 3 years
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full  name:  Phoenix Oliver Wood
nicknames:  Nix, Pho (pronounced Fee), Wood
Age: 21
birthday:  March 13th
accent:  Scottish
sexuality:  pansexual
relationship  status:  single
positive  traits:  charming, sensitive, generous 
negative  traits:  stubborn, lacks a good self esteem, people pleaser
Career: Pro. Quidditch Player for Puddlemere United
Former House: Gryffindor
patronus:  TBA
boggart:  TBA
wand  type: willow, phoenix feather, 12 1/2 inches 
B   I   O   G   R   A   P   H   Y
Phoenix Oliver Wood was born on March 13th to Scottish wizard and ex-quidditch player Arran Wood and French witch and shop owner Lyra Calder, the second child of the family of Scottish-French purebloods. He spent the better part of his childhood in muggle Glasgow, where his mother ran storefronts in the Muggle and wizarding parts of town. He spent his super early years sitting behind the counter observing his mother interact with people and then later sitting on the sidelines watching as his father practiced quidditch. It was there that he was exposed to quidditch for the first time and led to his desire to learn how to play. When he got into Hogwarts he followed in his father’s footsteps and was sorted into Gryffindor much to his father’s joy.
He did well in courses, placing in the top eighth of his classmates and excelling specifically in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration and Potions. He even considered becoming an apprentice at an Apothecary before he realized that his true passion laid elsewhere. He was recruited to the Gryffindor quidditch team in his third year, where he scored the role of a Beater which he held every year, along with the role of co-captain in his 6th year. He also was an active member in the Potions and Slug Club. After graduation he continued playing in a minor league of quidditch and working at his mother’s bookstore. He went on at age 19 to play a rookie year with Puddlemere United and has been working hard to be drafted into the England National Team in hopes he’ll be able to one day play in the Quidditch World Cup one day.
  Phoenix is a boy who is a people person, he’s been told he’s a good listener, often giving advice to his friends. He struggled a lot with taking breaks himself, and talking to people about how he was feeling. As a result, he often stressed himself out, and it lead to him taking a short sabbatical from school in his 5th year when he had worked himself too hard between extra curriculars and school work. Since then he still struggles, but per the team’s policies they’re required to do check-ins to be sure that team players are healthy (physically, mentally and emotionally).
 A   E   S   T   E  T   H   I   C   S  
• Leather jackets with wool lined collars, cuffed jeans with black belts • The smell of broom polish, and the satisfaction of a freshly shined handles • The nostalgia the comes with walking into your favorite shop as a child in hopes you’ll get a sweet • The familiar touch of a book that has been well loved • Oversized sweaters passed down from his father or grandfather • Leather trunks that he uses for traveling, his favorites being from his childhood and Hogwarts days • Strongly brewed teas and coffees • Rings on every finger, and dark rimmed sunglasses • Brown boots that are worn from his days walking around the countryside where he lived
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itsnixwood · 3 years
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WELCOME  HOME  !  below  the  cut  ,  you’ll  find  all  the  accepted  applications  but  first  of  all  ,  i  want  to  say  thank  you  to  each  and  every  one  of  you  who  applied  and  helped  bring  this  baby  to  life ! please  have  your  account  in  ,  within twenty  four  hours  or  risk  losing  your  muse !i  cannot  wait  to  see  what  you  do  and  how  you  bring  your  muses  to  life !
Keep reading
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itsnixwood · 5 years
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No, that’s not happening on my watch!
“Mr.Cooper, I assure you we’re just getting dinner at Pops with Archie, Veronica, Kevin, and Josie and then I’ll drop Betty back off here after. No dilly dally- besides my dad doesn’t exactly want me out late either.” Jug said smoothly seeming unbothered by the older male’s worry. 
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itsnixwood · 5 years
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/ / Jughead Jones / /
/ / Background/Lockscreen / /
/ / Feel free to request / /
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itsnixwood · 5 years
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timothée chalamet 🍑 lockscreens | shortlist magazine
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itsnixwood · 5 years
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“Timothée Chalamet is back in the spotlight. This time around, the young actor graces the pages of L’Officiel Hommes Italia”
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itsnixwood · 5 years
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⌜ taylor  / twenty two / she/her / southsider ⌟ ✦ * ·  ˚ timothee chalamet & eighteen & bisexual   /   well, well, well, riverdales own forsythe pendelton jones iii , fancy seeing you in pops, drinking a coffee milkshake . actually no, that’s a pretty typical jughead thing to do. there’s been talk around town that they’re very charming but yet so sarcastic ! but all i see when i look at them is jean jackets with wool collars, flannels layered over black t-shirts, piercing blue eyes and dark curly hair that remains tucked under a crown shaped beanie and scars on his knuckles and the palms of his hands .his most played track on their spotify is low by the driver era & it surely describes them. let’s hope they keep out of trouble in the streets of riverdale.
       WELCOME  TO  RIVERDALE  !  timothee chalamet &  jughead jones are now taken, please submit your account within twenty four hours of acceptance  & check out ourCHECKLIST  !
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itsnixwood · 5 years
Congratulations, Tay. You have been accepted as Jughead. You have 24 hours to send us your account/s or your roles will be reopened!
The FC Cole Sprouse is now taken
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itsnixwood · 6 years
She raised her eyebrow, “Well, I haven’t particularly thought of an exact destination yet,” Polly couldn’t help but smile a little bashfully, having never thought that she would need to delve into so much detail. “Truthfully I was just hoping to find something to do once I got to Hogsmeade, or perhaps a muggle town? Just somewhere more exciting than here.” As she explained it, she realized that he was surely not going to help her sneak out. A walk around the grounds with him wouldn’t be so bad though. 
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Azriel thought for a moment, would it be worth it to risk his own skin? But then again, if he was about to enter the tournament this might be the last time that he could mess around before things got strict and serious around the castle. “Alright then, you have a deal,” he says with a nod. “Can I just say though, you never told me your name. Can I at least know the name of the jolie fille that I’m going to be breaking some rules with?” he asks his mother tongue rolling off his tongue with ease.
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itsnixwood · 6 years
She hummed for a moment, “It’s not so much about what I’m doing, and more so about where I’m going.” Polly raised an eyebrow at his comment about her being pretty. “Oh I’m sure there’s much more to you then that, you’re also a pretty face which almost makes up for scaring me.” She smirked. “Who’s to say I was suggesting separate brooms? Now, I’ve never rode a broom with someone else before, but it always looks cool in the movies.” 
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“And where would that be?” Azriel asks purely out of curiosity. He knows that asking won’t do anything for him other than possibly get him in more trouble than what he probably needed at another school. But she was cute he had to admit, and it was funny that she hadn’t been giggly or weird about finding him attractive as other people usually were around him. “Tell you what. You tell me where you need to go that’s so pressing that you’re willing to take a broom out this late, and if I think it’s worthwhile I take you, sound good?”
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itsnixwood · 6 years
She jumped back, nearly having a heart attack at the sound of a voice. Here she had been thinking that it was late enough no one would be awake, clearly she was wrong. Polly was just thankful he wasn’t a professor or a prefect. “Well I wasn’t planning on getting eaten, and going during the day time would kind of blow my cover.” She laughed, though it was already sort of blown seeing how he’d caught her. “Are you good at flying? You can come along, make sure I don’t get into to much trouble? I’ll probably end up falling to my death if you don’t.”
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“Who’s to say that you couldn’t fly during the day? no one is going to be angry at you flying. Sure maybe not jumping out of here to get a start isn’t the best idea, but don’t mind me I’m just the guy who scares pretty girls.” he says and leans against one of the pillars. “See sadly, I don’t have my broom with me right now, otherwise I think it’d be a great idea. But we can go for a walk around if you’d prefer. I can do a good cloaking spell.” 
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itsnixwood · 6 years
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Mercer stared at him, trying to figure out how true that was. The last thing he wanted was to be bothering or boring someone. “…Okay.” The blond finally said, a small smile appearing. “You don’t like all the layers? I love this time of year just for all the hats and scarves.” He admitted, looking at the accessories again. “I really hope so.” He picked out a scarf and looked to Azriel. “Is there anything else you need to get while we’re out? Or anything you’d like to do? We can take a shopping break.” 
“I mean, I suppose I do, it’s not exactly hot all the time in France, but I like the clothes I’m wearing underneath this and no one can see them,” said Azriel a small pout on his lips. “I like the changing colors in the trees and what not, but this Scottish weather is shit.” Azriel looked up at the coats he’d been inspecting. “Maybe we can pop into the pub just down there for some butterbeer. I’m freezing.” 
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itsnixwood · 6 years
Polly had originally thought that her mother had been quite silly when the woman insisted she bring her broom even though she had no intentions of playing Quidditch. It wasn’t as if she didn’t enjoy flying, or playing the sport, she simply wasn’t any good at it and preferred not breaking any of her bones. In that moment though she was making an exception to her no flying rule. The girl stood there, attempting to climb out of a window with her broom in a pathetic attempt to sneak out of the castle. As she stood there trying her best to figure out a way to jump out without possibly falling to her death, she hadn’t even noticed someone sneak up on her. 
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“A bit late to go out flying, don’t you think?” Azriel says as he walks out from behind the pillars that split the courtyard from the castle. “It’s pretty dark for you to try flying this time of night. And a bit cold too,” he says studying the girl before him, before walking closer. “I think your best bet might be to just wait until the morning, love. Unless you want to get eaten by whatever it is that lies in those woods you’d end up flying over?”
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itsnixwood · 6 years
He paused, a hand still on the rack of clothes as he looked over to his friend. “That’s…that’s real nice.” He said, voice soft as he tried to imagine what that was like. But he couldn’t. His parents prefered to be absent when he was around. “The first part, I mean.” He clarified, unable to agree with the second part. It was only for Christmas and birthdays that he tried to get something on the materialistic side for his brother and sister. They deserved something nice and new instead of the hand-me-downs, and if he didn’t buy it for them, no one would. “Thanks.” With a small smile, he traveled towards the accessories. “Sorry I’m taking so long, I just…” But he didn’t finish his train of thought. “If you’re tired or anything we can leave?” Mercer could always visit and shop another time. “I mean, I still have loads of time to find something.”
“Mercie, please don’t stop shopping because of me. I’m having fun I swear, I’m just not very good at expressing that. Especially not when I’m dressed in these layers.” he says motioning to his sweater and scarf-clad self. “I’m sure whatever is you get they’ll love. You have a knack of always knowing what to get people so this will be a breeze? he says with a smile. 
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itsnixwood · 6 years
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“So I was thinking…maybe a nice scarf? Or something glittery?” He was trying to get a head start with Christmas shopping and it was getting difficult to pick things out for his younger sister. But there had to be something perfect around Hogsmeade. “I don’t know…do you already know what you’re getting?” Mercer turned to his friend with a smile, hoping Azriel had made better progress.
( @azriel-delxcour )
Azriel was bored, but he didn’t want to upset Mercer. They’d been shopping for a large portion of the morning, and the last thing he wanted to to do was try to pick out gifts for his siblings when he knew that they’d probably already received it once before. “I can’t really be of much help, I’m afraid,” he says plainly, looking up over to his friend. 
“My mother would much rather have a fun day with me than some gift. Says materialistic items makes us selfish and expectant.” He thought for a momet and pointed towards a rack of gloves and fuzzy hats. “If  I was shopping for my younger cousin I’d pick something from there.”
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itsnixwood · 6 years
“Well it helps if you find someone you’d like to take to the Yule Ball and just say something along the lines of ‘hey, would you wanna go to the Yule Ball with me?’ it’s easier to put everything on the table sometimes. why do people run from you? that seems stupid. it’s not like you’re a lunatic or anything”
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“I just feel like girls here are so complicated. I never seem to know what to say to them,” he says with a sigh. “Maybe I can convince one of the professors to let me be excused or something.”
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itsnixwood · 6 years
“It’s not the be all and end all. You’ll find a date, don’t worry” Odette smiled offering some optimism “I’m sure the perfect person is out there for you.”
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“I hope you’re right,” he says with a sigh. “ I just want to have a night that I can remember with someone nice.”
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