Sherlock Holmes
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series, book and movie based Sherlock Holmes. penned by Rhi.
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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           Steven shook his head. God. He wished he did have the scarab, things would be so much easier to explain if he did. He wouldn’t have to feel so insane if he had proof that what happened had actually happened. ❝ No I don’t have it. That cult leader seemed to think I did, or that I knew where it was, but I swear I don’t. ❞ After all he went through, the craziness of being chased in a cupcake van and getting shot at, he could tell that scarab was nothing but trouble. If he did have it, he’d give it straight to the authorities. 
          It was all so surreal. It felt more like a dream or some movie than real life, and he was still struggling to process everything. He was relieved that Sherlock believed him, because he wasn’t sure if he believed it himself, and so far, the people he thought he could trust to help him hadn’t. He was scared, he was confused and he just needed someone to help him. ❝ I remember they called me a mercenary, but I can’t be, I wouldn’t be. I just work at a gift shop in the museum. Got no business in any of that dodgy stuff. ❞ 
          He brought his hands to his chest, one hand squeezing the other to help ground himself.  ❝ The cult leader guy was talking about the Egyptian Goddess Ammit, he wants to find her so he can bring heaven on earth, or something like that. ❞ But as much as Steven wished it, the Egyptian gods weren’t real. Or at the very least, weren’t going to be able to accomplish what this cult guy wanted. ❝ I was awake… I think I was, because how else would I recognise the guy I saw? And I’m missing days, it was Thursday before all this happened, and when I woke up it was Sunday. ❞ That had to mean it was real…. right?
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      he’s not surprised that he doesn’t have the scarab, he hadn’t actually been expecting him to at all. but these things are always worth checking, of course, so that they can be ruled out as a possibility. sherlock considers the other man for a moment as he speaks, watching closely to observe the minute facial twitches and gestures of his hands. he doesn’t seem to be lying. or if he is, he’s remarkable at it-- but somehow, sherlock doesn’t get the feeling this man is that kind of smart.  
    ❝ a mercenary? ❞ he feels his brows pinch together for just a moment, before his eyes drop down to the man’s hands he squeezes them together. he works in a museum, apparently. sherlock’s head tilts, and he leans forward in his seat, keen blue eyes dragging across the man’s fidgeting fingers.  ❝ do you do any manual work? ❞ there are callouses forming on his hands, callouses that sherlock has very rarely seen on someone that just works in a gift shop. he doesn’t look like he works out, so it’s not that. 
      the comment about the goddess has sherlock rolling his eyes as he tsks lightly, leaning back in his chair. cults are always rather dramatic and deluded.  ❝ you’re missing days? ❞ he repeats, one brow lifting just a little bit before he taps a fingertip against the armrest.  ❝ have you ever been assessed by a psychologist? ❞ he asks after a moment, expression neutral as he holds the other man’s gaze.  ❝ is it possible you have schizophrenia? ❞
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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To say that Sherlock Holmes had a reputation that proceeded him would the understatement of the year. The man practically came with a disclaimer. Hell, a detective from London called ahead and warned him not to punch Holmes in the face no matter how much he wanted to. Oh, did the consulting detective live up to it all, if not exceed it.
“I was nine.” Fingertips paused in moving across the paper he was currently reading as Matthew sat back in his chair. “From what I’ve heard, you probably already know how. Or is it something you are still trying to infer about me?”
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      the man’s fingers still against the pages he’d been pursuing, and sherlock keeps his gaze fixed on the face that angles toward him, watching his eyes behind his glasses. there’s something there. he’s blind, certainly, his pupils haven’t reacted to the change in light when they entered this office-- but there’s something. 
      sherlock hums softly in response, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth at the question.  ❝ of course. i read all about you before we met. ❞ he admits, keen eyes still glued to matt’s face.  ❝ so you see nothing? ❞
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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          Eyes  look  from  Sherlock  back  to  the  letter,  a  soft  sigh  escaping.  His  time  with  Holmes  has  certainly  broadened  his  perception,  given  him  the  ability  to  hone  in  on  details  that  he  wouldn’t  have  before  -  However  he  dulls  in  comparison  to  the  brilliance  of  the  other  man,  no  amount  of  studying  or  training  would  change  that.  ❝  Well  -  ❞  He  lifts  the  letter  to  his  face,  peering  at  the  ink.  ❝  Left  handed?  There’s  slight  smudging  as  if  the  heel  of  a  hand  has  pulled  over  it  whilst  they  were  writing.  ❞  Brow  arches.  ❝  Although  I’m  not  quite  sure  how  much  help  that  will  be.  ❞  His  fingers  trace  across  the  writing  trying  to  place  himself  in  the  mindset  of  the  writer.  ❝  Written  in  a  rush?  ❞  That  one’s  mostly  a  stab  in  the  dark.  
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      sherlock can feel amusement beginning to filter through as he catches the soft sigh that leaves the other man’s lips, his gaze drifting across the other man’s expression. john is ever so patient, he really doesn’t give him enough credit for it. perhaps one day. as john speaks again, mentions about the potential of the writer being lefthanded, sherlock hums quietly and crosses one leg over the other as he rests his chin on his hand.  ❝ it can be incredibly helpful. how many lefthanded people do you know, personally? narrows down the list considerably. ❞ he comments, before he gestures lazily toward the letter in the other man’s hand.  ❝ written on the move. there’s a few tell tale little bumps where they hit a pothole. ❞
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
“No, I am not.” There was no hesitation in Mycroft’s response. He was confident in his assessment of his brother’s password. Sherlock was far too sensible to do such a thing - especially after being involved in a case where he only came out on top because of the foolish usage of a personal password on an important device. If the Irene Adler fiasco hadn’t taught the other man to be more sensible, well, then it was on him when he suffered because of it, wasn’t it?
After a moment, Mycroft glanced up from his laptop to observe his brother. “Any cases?” He inquired. While it wasn’t the most important thing occupying his mind, he was interested in what Sherlock got up to. This was in part because he wanted to keep tabs on the man and ensure that he was not getting himself into trouble, but he was also because he was his brother. Siblings were supposed to pay some interest to each other’s lives, no?
And, of course, if Sherlock did have a case, then perhaps Mycroft could get some details out of him and amuse himself by finding a lead before his brother could. In typical older, smarter sibling fashion, he always did find it amusing to show off like that.
      sherlock doesn’t reply to that, other than an upturned corner of his mouth. mycroft is right, of course. he isn’t, and never has been, sherlock’s password on any device or account. that would be ridiculously foolish of him, even if it’s not common knowledge among just anyone that mycroft is his brother. he flicks a few emails into his junk email, and then glances toward his brother when he notices him observing him over his laptop. 
      at his question, sherlock remains quiet, gaze fixed on his brother’s, as he considers his answer. they’re on good terms today, it wouldn’t do any harm for sherlock to get him in the loop. besides, if he knows mycroft, he already knows exactly what currently sits in sherlock’s inbox. 
      leaning back in his chair, sherlock rolls his shoulders in a half shrug and brings up an email on his phone.  ❝ only one of some potential interest. ❞ he tells him, and leans forward to toss his phone onto the desk in front of his brother.  ❝ take a look at the photos. the wife is very concerned about her missing husband. apparently he’s usually very predictable in his movements, but she came home to find some of his belongings strewn about as though he left in a hurry, packing only a few things. ❞ he drawls, reaching for his violin to pluck lazily at the strings.  ❝ run of the mill, until you learn he left behind a small lock box hidden in the back of his safe. inside, there’s a necklace valued easily at around thirty thousand pounds, easily. ❞
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
@governmentofficial​ ctd. from { X }
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      sherlock stares at the folder for a moment, and then flicks his keen eyes up toward his brother’s features. rather resolute looking, today. sherlock is almost tempted to be deliberately difficult and refuse the file, but eventually he releases a rather long-suffering sigh and reaches up to pluck the file from his brother’s grasp.
      as he settles back in his seat, he sets the file down on his knee and flicks it open. if it’s important enough for his brother to visit the flat, it should at the very least be interesting. undoubtedly mycroft already has it solved and just needs a little legwork done to confirm his theories. the lazy arse.  
    ❝ why are you so interested in this? 
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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   There is something about that man he doesn’t like; though he can’t quite pinpoint what exactly it is. But this is serious now. He reads the message he supposedly wrote, then shakes his head. “I didn’t write this. I’ve been in meetings all day, I didn’t have time to send you a message - neither did I have reason to.”
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    ❝ mm, ❞ he hums, expression thoughtful for only a moment before he’s stowing his phone back into his pocket and shrugging his shoulders.  ❝ then it seems you have some investigating to do. someone is using your information. ❞ he pauses, taking a step toward the door.  ❝ i’ll be certain to ignore the next message from you. ❞
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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                  A  scoff  tumbles  from  his  lips,  hands  dropping  to  his  pockets  as  he  steps  out  from  the  shadows.  Eyes  focus  on  the  detective  for  a  moment,  head  tilting  as  he  tries  to  figure  out  what’s  so  special  about  him.  He’s  just  a  fuckin’  know  it  all.  ❝  Christ,  you  really  are  as  observant  as  they  say  -  ❞  The  words  are  drawled  out,  brow  arching  as  he  looks  around.  ❝  Where’s  Twatson?  ❞
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    ❝ of course i am. ❞ his gaze shifts slowly across the other man, before the corners of his mouth twitch faintly and he brings one hand from behind his back so that he can check his watch.  ❝ working, i would assume. i don’t know. ❞ he hadn’t really paid attention to what the other man was saying as he scurried about the living room that morning. he could be anywhere, but at this time it’s probably likely he’s at that dull day job of his. 
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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           Steven looked at the offered seat before excusing himself and sitting down. He’d probably been making the place untidy just standing there like a pillock. ❝ Cheers, thanks mate. ❞ He rubbed his hands over his knees, needing something to do with his hands. ❝ See, I got this sleepwalking thing yeah? Always waking up in places not knowing how I got there, an’ recently I find myself in the Alps of all places and I have this scarab thing in my pocket. ❞ 
          If he still had it, he’d show it to Sherlock but for the life of him he had no idea what had happened to it. ❝ Got chased by these cult guys who wanted it, they were shooting at me an’ everything. Thought it might have been a dream ‘cause next thing I know I’m waking up in my bed. ❞ He probably sounded like a lunatic, he wasn’t sure if he wasn’t one, not after everything that had happened recently.  ❝ Thought it was all a dream till the cult leader came to my work place an’ threatened me. ❞
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      and now he has sherlock’s entire focus. it might sound entirely farfetched, but it’s clear the man at the very least believes what he’s saying. the bags under his eyes give away the fact that he’s not been getting the rest he should be, the nervous fidgeting makes it clear that this is really eating at him. even if it is just sleep walking, the activities that he’s getting up to are... remarkably unique.  ❝ i assume you don’t have this scarab with you? ❞ otherwise he  would have produced it, surely.  
    ❝ these  ❛ cult guys ❜, ❞ he begins, leaning forward in his seat as he allows a keen gaze to sweep across the other man. always assessing, always looking for details.  ❝ did they say anything to you? about what it might be? ❞ he pauses, gaze narrowing just a little.  ❝ are you certain you were awake when you found yourself in the alps? ❞
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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“ brzzt, brzzt, “     she buzzes like a timer on an old gameshow.     “you were supposed to say that usually, someone being dead is another someone’s happy ending. “     she hops up from the chair opposite of him, strolling with her hands clasped at the small of her back to walk around him before stopping in front of him.     “ or, there are no endings, happy or otherwise. “
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      his brow lifts just a little bit as he watches her for a moment, before he rolls his shoulders in a lazy shrug and settles back into his seat. he has no idea if there’s a point to this conversation, but it’s not really holding his attention. perhaps he can check his email, see if there are any cases to get started on.  ❝ of course. how foolish of me. what is it you want, exactly? ❞
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
@fasciinating​ ctd. from { X } 
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    ❝ right. ❞ he presses his lips together for just a moment, his gaze drifting across the other man. or... vulcan, was it? this is certainly new.  ❝ and i assume you can’t just invent it yourself and use it to get home? ❞
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
the man is good at being hard to read, but mobius thinks there might be some excitement there. he rather hopes so. 
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opening up the tempad, the screen loads and faintly glows. he can practically use the thing in his sleep, so it takes only seconds to pick a destination and open up a timedoor. the glowing rectangle appears directly behind him, the scene on the other side distorted.
“ this isn’t the only feature, of course, but it is one of the best. at least, if you ask me. oh — before we go any further, ”  he steps forward to offer his hand,  “ i’m agent mobius. ”
      sherlock’s gaze lingers on the device in the man’s hand for only a moment before a strange glowing doorway is appearing behind him, and his focus is stolen entirely.
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      for a moment, all he can do is stare. because he’s seen a lot of strange things in his life, but this truly takes the cake. mycroft would have a fit if he knew this existed. maybe he does? the bastard would absolutely withhold that from his little brother. 
      when he catches that the man is speaking, he looks back in time for him to extend a hand with his introduction, and sherlock’s brow lifts slowly before he steps forward to grasp it in a firm shake.  ❝ sherlock holmes. but you know that already. ❞ he hums, thoughtful as he releases his grip and peers through the doorway.  ❝ we’re going through? ❞
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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   “MI6 - hacked?” It sounds ridiculous; and yet it has happened before. Why should anyone do that, though, why sending Holmes to him? What for? “Who sent you the message?”
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    ❝ as i said, ❞ he quirks a brow.  ❝ as far as i’m aware, you did. it came via the number you usually contact me on. ❞ his gaze sweeps once over the other man, before he withdraws his phone and shows the message on the screen. 
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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             ❝ Right…yeah, ‘course…sorry about that, jus’ nerves an’ all that malarkey. Not really sure what’s been going on, weird freaky stuff has been happening around me, like I found this phone hidden in a wall panel in my flat, an I got this weird cult after me and it’s really starting to freak me the f out. I heard weird cases is something you’re good at, I don’t have a lot of money…but I was hoping you might still be able to help me? ❞
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    ❝ they’re absolutely something i’m good at. ❞ he confirms, tapping his index finger briefly against his knuckles before he presses his lips together and leans back in his seat.  ❝ don’t worry, i don’t do this for the money. take a seat, start at the beginning. ❞ already, sherlock’s gaze is sweeping the other man, assessing, gaining what information he can before the man can begin speaking.
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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Sober vs. drunk Sherlock
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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      lil starter call before i finish replies <3 multis specify please 
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itsholmes · 3 years ago
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@solariam​ asked:  she's mimicking the way he sits, the way he breathes; every little motion he makes, the entity of spring follows suit. that is until she begins cooing like a dove through her words  "so you don't deal exclusively in death, but still do at times? why not turn those cases away and take on more with happy endings?"
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      sherlock notes the way that she’s mimicking him, of course, but for now he doesn’t comment. there’s something off about her that he can’t quite put his finger on yet, and he much prefers to have all the facts before he rattles off.  ❝ because they’re often the most fun. ❞
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