"You know what I need is a doctor who's a hunter. I gotta fine me one of those. Then I don't have to worry about getting forced into a retirement home." Bobby said running through options in his mind. He knew one in Texas but that wasn't close enough. He could probably ask though.
Cell Phones || Bobby&Dean
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"I don't have no damn Alzheimer's and I don't need to cut back on my grease intake either. I just need a different doctor. One that's not prescribing me loony pills and trying to convince me a nursing home is my best option." Bobby grumbled looking out the window at the town.
Cell Phones || Bobby&Dean
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"Just a check up. When you get to be my age its wise to see a doctor every once and a while. And he's an idiot. He told me I had Alzheimer's when I refused to tell him why I had a burn on my arm after a run in with a demon." Bobby replied.
Cell Phones || Bobby&Dean
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"I want the greasiest food in town. My doctors been trying to control my diet. Says I have to cut down on the cholesterol. I haven't had a burger or a slice of pizza in ages." Bobby said going around to the other side and getting in.
Cell Phones || Bobby&Dean
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Bobby raised an eyebrow and pocketed the moronic device. "Not old until I'm dead." He said giving Dean a light smack to the back of his head. "And I'm hungry so before we go get a phone I want food." He griped.
Cell Phones || Bobby&Dean
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Bobby was giving his phone the death stare when he saw someone wave out of the corner of his eye. He looked up to see Dean and smiled. "I don't know why you would wanna get Cas one of these stupid things. I just accidentally took a picture of my foot." He grumbled when he reached Dean.
Cell Phones || Bobby&Dean
Dean walked out of the hotel room with his keys in hand and headed for the impala. He saw Bobby walking towards it too and he grinned at him and waved.
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Text to Dean
Dean: Great I'm staying in the same place. Step outside and walk towards the pala.
Bobby: Okay I see it. I don't know how I missed it. I'm heading over now.
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Text to Dean
Dean: Let me just use my telepathy to suddenly know where to pick you up from.
Bobby: Don't sass me boy. You ever heard respect your elders. I'm in one of the only motels in town. The Oak Branch or some tree name like that Room 205.
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Text to Dean
Dean: It's not like I don't have a car or anything
Bobby: Are you gonna come pick me up or what?
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Open Para
Bobby walked into the coffee shop and looked at the different item in the display case. It was basically just your average cafe. He bought a muffin and a cup of coffee and sat down at a table to look over his newest case files.
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Text to Dean
Dean: Do I look like I even have money for an engagement right?
Dean: The answer is no.
Bobby: Yes, I will go help you pick out a phone for Cas but I'm not driving I'm tired of driving.
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Text to Dean
Dean: You should have seen me when I first got it.
Dean: That reminds me, I still haven't gotten Cas a phone.
Dean: Wanna come with me to get one?
Bobby: Are we talking actually phones or is this code for an engagement ring?
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Text to Dean
Dean: We're at a dinky little motel off the highway across from a park that's really fucking creepy at night.
Dean: No one had died there yet, but I'm waiting.
Bobby: Don't type so fast I'm still trying to figure out this stupid contraption. Turns out I'm staying in the same motel. Not really surprising considering there are only two in town.
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Text to Dean
Bobby: Where are you boys? I just arrived in town.
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Bobby was confused as to why a woman from Chiswick was in a tiny town in Oregon and his first thought was demons. Sure he might be paranoid but it was better to be paranoid then dead. "I'm from Georgia. Came to visit a couple friends in town." He responded.
New Arrival (Open)
"That’s a relief." Donna watched him pick up his key. She was a bit puzzled as to why he would ask such a thing, but waved it off as an act of caution. "Chiswick, mostly. You?"
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"Oh, yeah fine." He assured her hiking his bag higher onto his shoulder. He realized he had dropped his key and made a small grumbley noise as he stooped to pick it up. He was about to turn around and walk to his hotel room but his curiosity got the better of him. "Hey where are you from?" He asked.
New Arrival (Open)
Donna, once again, was becoming stir crazy from the lack of excitement. She was about to head to the supermarket to get things for dinner when she accidentally ran into someone, an older man it seemed like. “No, it’s fine! You alright there?” The ginger blurted.
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New Arrival (Open)
Bobby parked the truck in the parking spot closest to his hotel room and grimaced at the ugly orange door. He took the key out of the ignition with a sigh and got out. He was too old for this. The key to the room was in his pocket and he had to say so far the key was the only thing he liked about the place. It was old fashioned, not a swipe card like the fancy shmancy hotels use. 
Bobby went around to his trunk and opened it up staring down at his duffle bag with a frown. It had plenty of books in it and it was heavy. He'd manage. He heaved it on his shoulder and turned accidentally bumping into someone he didn't know was there. "Sorry," He grumbled.
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