Drpepper1152002 (DeviantArt)
71 posts
Feel Free to ReBlog some of posts; give credit.
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itsatomicparadise · 10 months ago
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I made this for someone as a favor...and NO I don't do requests.
Feel free to guess the reference on which pose scout is doing, and bonus points for which comic/tv/game/movie it's from
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itsatomicparadise · 2 years ago
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itsatomicparadise · 2 years ago
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Dispenelope: So YOU'RE the bot he for when we parted ways? How can anyone go for a small fry like you?
Dispenser Bot: Maybe it's because I'm not a walking building! Plus, I can store some beer bottles in my front! (I'm not making that up. There's a pouch that be open up in the lower-front)
Engi: I'm gonna ground those girls (Mimi and Mini-Chan) longer now!
Their names "Dispenelope" by Diamond_Nella (Design) CreativeCipher (Model) and "Dispenser Bot" By Corvalho.
They're both the steam workshop page for free download. Just a heads up: Make sure no file conflicts with "Dispenser Bot" otherwise you'll get an ERROR...or it was just my one file.
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itsatomicparadise · 2 years ago
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I had to throw my 2 cents into the bank fault full of coins. THAT and I REALLY like these models.
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itsatomicparadise · 2 years ago
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Marcus Kane is having trouble with his mind. So Emporio to see what's wrong with his head.
why these two, you may ask? Because it's random, and I don't really have a story planned, I just wanted to make a joke from a "Sam and Max" game
That it's basically a weird theme I have on my DeviantArt page...speaking of which, why you guys still following my tumblr page? You guys should have left a long time ago.
Also here's a better view of the comic
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itsatomicparadise · 3 years ago
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In other words: Someone started a trend to want everyone to playing the original half life (Not source) at 3:00 pm (GMT)
Why? To break a world record for most played at a time
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itsatomicparadise · 3 years ago
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This is a picture from a comic I made. To see if people still remember "Nerf Now". Here's a full comic
If you don't remember "Nerf Now". You may have come across his work once or twice back in the early days of tf2. You may know his work for the female engineer, demowoman, female spy, and female heavy. If that doesn't help. here are few examples. Number 1, Number 2, and here's an overwatch one
Also, it still amazes me that I still have followers on here. Because I'm still more active on DeviantArt
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itsatomicparadise · 3 years ago
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Operation: Save TF2 is a go! For more information Here
Time to get rid of these bots for good...with rageful Peaceful Protest
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itsatomicparadise · 3 years ago
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I call this Art piece "Calmness"
And I recommend you follow me on DeviantArt I'm waaaay more active on there
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itsatomicparadise · 3 years ago
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Happy New years!!!
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itsatomicparadise · 3 years ago
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Part of me always felt like Jolyne should have had a misunderstanding with Ermes. I mean Araki did it twice. Why not make it a third??? And I plan on making a misunderstanding with Weather and Anasui.
Sidenote: I combine some scenes together. Because, they're the same image but with alterations to it. And let me know if you can see the letters ok.
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itsatomicparadise · 3 years ago
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I posted 7 times in 2021
6 posts created (86%)
1 posts reblogged (14%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.2 posts.
I added 21 tags in 2021
#stone ocean confirmed - 3 posts
#sfm art - 2 posts
#jojo's bizzarre adventure - 2 posts
#sfm poster - 2 posts
#source filmmaker - 2 posts
#sfm - 2 posts
#plague doctor - 2 posts
#skullgirls - 2 posts
#tf2 pyro - 2 posts
#jjba stone ocean - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 31 characters
#jojo's bizzare adventure part 6
My Top Posts in 2021
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No one has done a Johnny and Gyro swap. So I decided to it myself. Story(Also sort-of spoilers for the story) Gyro's story: Gyro is born into a wealthy, (Secret), Executioner Family. Until one day- being warned not to bring anyone into the household- brings a woman into his bedroom. Little did Gyro know, she was a wanted criminal; one sentenced to be executed by Gyro's father. He was stabbed in the back and left paralyzed. Soon after, a little, boy, servant (The boy gyro would save in the SBR), betrayed (Not-really) Gyro and told his Father what really happened (Gyro tried lying his way of it). In raged, his father kicked him out of the family household. He told Gyro, "Don't come back until you have earned of something of great value; I will consider you my son again if you do". Couple of years later; living in a miserable apartment. He gets a newspaper, about the Steel Ball Run, in America. The reward $50 million dollars. In a fit of desperation- Whether or not he get's back into his house. Gyro was determined to stop living in the slumps. Until one day...He Met a jockey By the name of Johnny "Jonathan" Joestar. Johnny's Story: An All Star, Jockey racer. Johnny is a born expert in horse racing. He is so good in racing horses. He won 4 races by the age of 13. He had it all, Women, money, and fancy food. He was living in the LIFE. Until one day, his brother Nicholas was charged for a murder he did not commit (The guy that died was the one who shot Johnny XD). He was to be executed in a couple of days. The only way he would be set free, If they paid for a re-trail. But it was $50 million. The only way to save him was the Steel Ball Run race. But it wouldn't be easy. For his rival- Hot Pants (cause why not?)- was entering the race. And She was always one step ahead of him. It wasn't long until Johnny would run into trouble. A Scumbag, tried robbing Johnny of his entry-fee. But failed to do so. He challenged Johnny but lost....his life. And not a moment too soon. He met up, with a strange, paraplegic, Italian. Gyro Zeppeli.
Sidenote: When I came up with this Idea. I went for a simpler version. So I didn't add much to this; that's why the second version looks better.
Also feel free to try to understand the story behind this. Even I don't know. I just wanna make a 2nd version. As in Johnny is a crip- paraplegic; that knows about the spin. And Gyro wants to follow him. I was inspired by funny valentine's attempted "escape" from Johnny's attack.  Where the next dimension/neighboring world is a town that the other Valentine fought a different Johnny
6 notes • Posted 2021-11-20 21:14:55 GMT
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7 notes • Posted 2021-10-18 18:46:45 GMT
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7 notes • Posted 2021-08-15 18:13:55 GMT
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17 notes • Posted 2021-03-22 12:22:58 GMT
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36 notes • Posted 2021-05-08 13:26:07 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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itsatomicparadise · 3 years ago
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No one has done a Johnny and Gyro swap. So I decided to it myself. Story(Also sort-of spoilers for the story) Gyro's story: Gyro is born into a wealthy, (Secret), Executioner Family. Until one day- being warned not to bring anyone into the household- brings a woman into his bedroom. Little did Gyro know, she was a wanted criminal; one sentenced to be executed by Gyro's father. He was stabbed in the back and left paralyzed. Soon after, a little, boy, servant (The boy gyro would save in the SBR), betrayed (Not-really) Gyro and told his Father what really happened (Gyro tried lying his way of it). In raged, his father kicked him out of the family household. He told Gyro, "Don't come back until you have earned of something of great value; I will consider you my son again if you do". Couple of years later; living in a miserable apartment. He gets a newspaper, about the Steel Ball Run, in America. The reward $50 million dollars. In a fit of desperation- Whether or not he get's back into his house. Gyro was determined to stop living in the slumps. Until one day...He Met a jockey By the name of Johnny "Jonathan" Joestar. Johnny's Story: An All Star, Jockey racer. Johnny is a born expert in horse racing. He is so good in racing horses. He won 4 races by the age of 13. He had it all, Women, money, and fancy food. He was living in the LIFE. Until one day, his brother Nicholas was charged for a murder he did not commit (The guy that died was the one who shot Johnny XD). He was to be executed in a couple of days. The only way he would be set free, If they paid for a re-trail. But it was $50 million. The only way to save him was the Steel Ball Run race. But it wouldn't be easy. For his rival- Hot Pants (cause why not?)- was entering the race. And She was always one step ahead of him. It wasn't long until Johnny would run into trouble. A Scumbag, tried robbing Johnny of his entry-fee. But failed to do so. He challenged Johnny but lost....his life. And not a moment too soon. He met up, with a strange, paraplegic, Italian. Gyro Zeppeli.
Sidenote: When I came up with this Idea. I went for a simpler version. So I didn't add much to this; that's why the second version looks better.
Also feel free to try to understand the story behind this. Even I don't know. I just wanna make a 2nd version. As in Johnny is a crip- paraplegic; that knows about the spin. And Gyro wants to follow him. I was inspired by funny valentine's attempted "escape" from Johnny's attack.  Where the next dimension/neighboring world is a town that the other Valentine fought a different Johnny
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itsatomicparadise · 3 years ago
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Moral of the story: Never cough in front of a plague doctor
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itsatomicparadise · 3 years ago
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OK! Now I fix this comic. I’m starting to think I am the only one who came up with this idea.
Due to my fear of Tumblr; I had to censor the blood. here is the uncensored version . I stop caring for Pucci’s damage-teeth-talk, because I figured his mouth would be unbroken in a few seconds. Also, the foot-bend was a call back when Pucci met DIO; He fixed his deformed foot. Not Jolyne broke it.
Pucci here’s is your basic villain; giving away his plan.
I’m making the 4-5 images in a while (Few months give or take) Because I’m got really tired making this comic. Because It was pure hell for that image 8. Because the handcuffs don’t have a bending point for the line.
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itsatomicparadise · 4 years ago
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Just some random Full-Moon (C-Moon) pictures with different lighting. Basically this is just for my Youtube Profile Picture
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itsatomicparadise · 4 years ago
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Story: One I was in my car; returning from work. Before I left my car, this pops up in Sirius SM. And it sound very good. Ronnie Hawkins - Mary Lou Ronnie Hawkins - Mary Lou (Live) (Recommend)
And too bad Araki didn't discover this song. It would be a good jojo character....well expect if Mary Lou wasn't a common name.
Sidenote: I screwed up the top part. it's suppose to be "She took the keys to cadillac car. Jump in my kitty and she drove real far". I would have gone back and fixed it. But I discovered some of my art had grain on them (Particles that make the picture fuzzy), and I don't wanna go back fix it.
Also a little reminder: I'm rarely on Tumblr. So go check out my DeviantArt page Drpepper1152002
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