itsall-grey · 23 days
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Tell me why did I get a notification in Mandarin (I don’t even know if it is mandarin) what does it even mean? Is that a normal?
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itsall-grey · 29 days
“Where did that thought come from?” My prefrontal cortex, obviously.
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itsall-grey · 29 days
I spotted a bird yesterday and I was wondering what kind of bird it was. It looked more like a caricature of a bird really, it was just brown and round.
Turns out it’s a common blackbird, I just didn’t know that because I thought that they were black with a yellow beak. The females are brown though, I was just never taught that. I only learned how male birds look like, not female ones and that made me a little angry. (I also felt a little stupid because it’s a very common bird)
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The bird in question. Isn’t she cute? She eyed me the whole time and I saw her again to day. Just a cute little round ball of brown feathers.
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itsall-grey · 1 month
Large portions of the bible are just self insert fanfics of the people who wrote them.
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itsall-grey · 1 month
If you were to ask me what the biggest rich kid thing that ever happened to me is I would probably answer with the collection of very nice fountain pens I found (one of them was a Montblanc) to wich my dad was like “oh really? I head fountain pen phase when I was a teenager” or the onetime I found an old Armani pullover, that my dad was apparently looking for, and then continued to wear for gardening, but you didn’t ask so I shall not answer with any of that.
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itsall-grey · 1 month
Help me, please
Life is turning out how I hoped it would and I don’t know what to do. Like you’re telling me I have to be an adult now because I graduated and everything? I’m not even 18 yet. I’m three raccoons in a trench coat.
I somehow graduated Highschool without any effort (I didn’t think I would achieve that tbh) I got into an acting school that only has about 12 places per semester, less then a month before the semester starts (and it was also the only one I applied to) what are the chances?
I’m a child pretending to be an adult, because I’m a literal child! I graduated together with 20 year olds, that is so unfair!
I’m stubbing through live and am somehow lucky and I don’t know how to cope with that because I didn’t think it would turn out this way.
I’m complaining that thing’s perfectly work out for me
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itsall-grey · 1 month
That exists, my aunt has implemented a “four day week” for the factory workers. The working hours are longer but you have a three-day-weekend.
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itsall-grey · 1 month
Someone in the DBDA fandom had identified that the dolls — in the Dollhouse, and that make up the spider — are Mary Ann dolls. (It was @snowmenatwork and this was the post).
Which is the same derogatory term used by the boys who sacrificed Edwin.
So, when Edwin died with those words in his ears, and his heart, his Hell became the school, a maze of hallways, and became the spider made of Mary Ann dolls.
The phrase itself manifested into a grotesque, forever-hungry, terrible, grasping personification made to torture Edwin. To endlessly chase, tear him apart, and chew him up. And then to start it all anew.
To ensure, in every time he was caught, that Edwin would believe that who he was was wrong.
Because that’s what he had to believe. That’s what we see in the show. That he was an outsider. That he struggled with who he was. That he struggled, in some way, with affection, both giving and receiving. That there was a wrongness to him/that he was wrong (there isn’t, and he’s not. of course he’s not).
So when he meets Simon, and tells him “If you punish yourself, everywhere becomes Hell.” it’s because he did that for however long the spider made of dolls tortured him.
If Edwin’s story, according to George, is about understanding love in any form, I think that’s why Simon was locked away from Edwin. He wouldn’t have been able to understand, or to articulate. To free himself. To free Simon.
It’s perhaps why his second stint in Hell was different, in the end, because love (Charles) was there too.
It’s why the confession had to happen on those stairs because it wasn’t just for Charles. It was for himself, now, and for the young man sacrificed over 100 years before. An admission that he understood, truly, the ability to love without reservation. And that freed him.
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itsall-grey · 1 month
The golden potato of luck that reposted today.
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itsall-grey · 1 month
Omg I need this shirt but may I ask why it has three legs?
what charles thought was going on in edwin’s head while he and monty talked astrology:
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(shirt is an ad for @ shawncraftshop i got on instagram)
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itsall-grey · 1 month
Had my audition today and I got in!!!!!
Each semester there are only about 14 ppl. And the principal told me I was very talented and all thanks to the golden potato 🛐🛐🛐
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itsall-grey · 1 month
I just remembered I have a really cool grandpa, so I’m gonna share a story again.
1945, the last few days of war, Germany:
Grandpa was about 16 when his n@zi teacher threatened them and told them that if they didn’t behave he would send them to the frontline. The (heavily traumatised by war) students then decided that they would throw their teacher out the window.
They grabbed him and physically threw him out the window. Yeet.
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itsall-grey · 1 month
I need a potato of good fortune for my application to acting school.
Pls bring me luck potato
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itsall-grey · 2 months
Me too, Monty. Me too.
hii monty !! ^^ hru?
mentally ill
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itsall-grey · 2 months
Let me tell you this funny story about a man who used to work at the family business/factory. Lets just call him E.
In the year 1924, my great-great-grandpa (Mr. G. K. Senior) founded this company because his old boss ripped him off and patented his invention (though only for one country) so Mr. G. K. Senior decided to patent his invention for the rest of the world and founds the family business.
Years later a fourteen (14) year-old starts at said company under Mr. E. K. (great-grandpa). (He still meets Mr. G. K. Senior!)
Mr. E. K. has a little son (Mr. G. K. Junior) after his father's death Mr. G. K. Junior takes over the company. It becomes bigger and more well-known, E. is still working.
Mr. G. K. Junior dies at 64 and his daughter (Ms. G. K.) takes over. E. IS STILL WORKING!!!!
They once sat E. down at a computer to fill out forms, he had never in his life used a computer and therefore didn't know how to use the mouse. Instead of lifting it up to reposition it he got a newspaper to artificially lengthen the table!
He also once fell down a ramp/shaft with his car. He stayed uninjured.
E. left the company at the ripe old age of 86! He has met every owner of the past hundred years!!! HE WORKED FOR 72 YEARS IN THE SAME FACTORY! (he once left to work somewhere else but came back shortly after)
Rip E. He died shortly after going into his well-deserved retirement.
(I sincerely apologize about the unnecessary length of this post and the complicatedness with the initials but there's a lot of G. K. in this family, it's sort of a tradition.)
I'm very sorry for any typos and mistakes.
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itsall-grey · 2 months
When I first watched it I thought “Oh lesbians” (in a “we love lesbian representation” way)
And when I forced my friend to watch it too his literal reaction was “gay! 🫵” (also in a positive way)
We all thought it was just a cute “love at first sight” thing. But we were fooled
the funniest part of the dbd fandom is that when niko first appeared on screen, none of us actually thought anything was wrong with her. we were just like “oh that’s just the Power of Lesbianism™” and moved on
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itsall-grey · 2 months
Well, the second half of this letter is about his spiritual journey and Jesus(?) I only read the first half, but Oscar Wilde has an interesting way of insulting everything about Bosie and what a piece of shit he is while also wishing him the best of luck in the future. So yes, sort of.
And we shall not forget how fruity this man looked (they both did tbh)
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Do you enjoy Oscar Wilde? If so have you read that one letter he send to Bosie (aka Lord Alfred Bruce Douglas, aka his twink ex-boyfriend) if you have not read it I recommend you do, it’s very amusing.
(A short summary of the letter: oh hey, I hope you have a shitty day, but I’m definitely not mad at you. You put me into prison, ruined my carrier, killed my creativity with your presence and spent all my money. But I’m so over you, you fucking asshole. Oh, and your poems are so horrible they make my ears bleed, even a toast has more talent than you ☺️)
I really just need someone to talk to about this letter, please
I will be sure to look at it. It sounds amusing.
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