its-tate · 11 years
Please tell me you at least will go to my party. It will be fun!
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Well if you're begging that much, alright.
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its-tate · 11 years
Because I feel trapped. 
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A cat placed on a very small island? That’s a bit odd, but why do you feel like that?
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its-tate · 11 years
Oh, c’mon! You can be scared of Halloween! It’s so fun!
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Well then, you can go enjoy it enough for the both of us.
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its-tate · 11 years
Well that just makes one of us.
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Halloween is awesome!
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its-tate · 11 years
I wish I was.
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Are you kidding me? 
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its-tate · 11 years
Yeah usually I'd be able to tolerate it and even put on a costume but with how things are going recently. I'm not in any mood to see scary shit.
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Gotta say sounds like you’re freaking out.  It’s fun… all costumes and cheap tricks.
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its-tate · 11 years
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its-tate · 11 years
Yeah those plus all the tricking and pranking. I feel like a cat placed on a very small island. 
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Are the scary costumes too much for you?
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its-tate · 11 years
Seems so. I'm dying for any kind of good news.
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So… The missing guy is still missing?
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its-tate · 11 years
Alright I have to be honest. This halloween thing creeps the fuck out of me.
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its-tate · 11 years
Because they can't retain their place in the social hierarchy by staying holed up at home?
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I’m not entirely sure why anyone bothers going to school anymore.
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its-tate · 11 years
Well there is this theory that he's gay so you just might see him drool over all the sexy Romeo's.
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Yeah, I figured. What I’d like to know is what Shakespeare would think about these movie adaptations.
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its-tate · 11 years
Douglas Booth is most definitely hot.
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Me either. The main character looks hot.
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its-tate · 11 years
Well tragic isn't an uncommon description for it but yeah, I know what you mean.
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Great actors indeed. 
I don’t know, I find it quite tragic actually. Like they died because of the lack of information and well… it’s just sad.
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If you say it’s worth it, then I’ll definitely check it out. I’m interested in it because I’ve heard that it has some good actors. I don’t really remember to the music to be honest.
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its-tate · 11 years
And you're smart to let me.
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Love you for that, thanks.
You will forever and always be two points ahead of me.
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But only because I let you.
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its-tate · 11 years
'Atta boy.
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2 points. I was teasing you again.
Sorry Tate.
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I was just joking, I’m not that big-headed, you should know this.
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its-tate · 11 years
And how many times do I have remind you that it's 'Tate'?
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You flatter yourself in making you the reason. I've just been busy lately, that's all.
I know you were ‘Tasia. 
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Haven’t seen you in a while? Avoiding me again? 
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