its-me-eh · 1 year
it's my life goal to have this much patience with french knots one day
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Curly Highland Coo! by justanotherxstitcher
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its-me-eh · 1 year
children outside screaming: annoying but ultimately for the greater good. children need Going Outside and Screaming Time for proper emotional development. an auditory burden I am willing to bear
neighbor with his car he made louder on purpose: jail for neighbor. jail for ten thousand years
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its-me-eh · 1 year
the first day of having clean hair is like woag maybe all the mental illness was imaginary
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its-me-eh · 1 year
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me eating a lil midafternoon snack at work
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its-me-eh · 1 year
Ghibli films be like maybe the real hero was public transport
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its-me-eh · 1 year
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Virginia Woolf, from a diary entry featured in “A Writer’s Diary”
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its-me-eh · 1 year
"...the poetic playwright Tom Stoppard defined [love] as 'knowledge of each other… knowledge of self, the real him, the real her, in extremis, the mask slipped from the face.' This unmasked fact is the antidote to the most dangerous fiction the Romantics bequeathed us — their model of love as union between lover and beloved, a kind of fusion of selves, with its connotation of mutual completion rather than mutual recognition of and rejoicing in two parallel completenesses."
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its-me-eh · 1 year
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“And now, in the Holy Eucharist, I see You complete Your self-abasement. O Divine King of Glory, with wondrous humility, You submitted Yourself to all Your Priests, without any distinction between those who love You and those who are lukewarm or cold in Your service. They may advance or delay the hour of the Holy Sacrifice: You are always ready to come down from Heaven at their call. O my Beloved, under the white Eucharistic Veil You appear to me meek and humble of Heart to teach me humility,...and so I wish to respond to Your Love, by putting myself in the lowest place, by sharing Your humiliation, so that I may 'have part with Thee' in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
-St. Therese of Lisieux
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its-me-eh · 1 year
the absolute chokehold that this song has me in...
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its-me-eh · 1 year
romanticizing your life is such a powerful tool and it’s a shame that it’s mostly used by people on tiktok to justify the purchase of expensive breakfast smoothies when there are few better ways to force oneself through unpleasant shit than imagining a cinematic backstory for your extremely quotidian suffering
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its-me-eh · 1 year
I hate the trend of just describing books with what minorities the main characters represent and nothing else. not only does it feel weird + exploitative to me it's also such a shoddy ineffective marketing technique. "this is my book with queer polyam disabled vampires you should buy it" ok great but what is it like. about. what are the themes. why should I read it
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its-me-eh · 1 year
I find it wholesome to be alone the greater part of the time. To be in company, even with the best, is soon wearisome and dissipating. I love to be alone. I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.
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