the euros are back bitches
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italienfingergestic · 2 months
My mind cannot comprehend the behavior of Israeli journalists and delegation on this year's Eurovision.
Here's the video of Israeli journalist harassing Joost Klein, contestant from Netherlands.
The journalist name is Dov Gil-Har.
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Absolutely disgusting, shameless behavior. They harass contestants with so much confidence and without facing any consequences.
This is yet another disgraceful thing they've done this year, is there a limit? Their presence by itself created such a negative atmosphere for everyone there, both contestants and the crowd watching.
All of this could've been avoided if they were banned from competing, all of it.
Shame on EBU, shame on this "journalist", shame on Israel.
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italienfingergestic · 2 months
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Just reading about all the Eurovision happenings rn
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italienfingergestic · 2 months
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italienfingergestic · 2 months
Honestly.. we tried creative, we tried gay, we tried fire and glitter... at this point we should just go fucking mental and give them 3 minutes of straight up off-key yodeling with nothing but pretzels and sausages as background visuals
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
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Eclipse of the Sun in Venice in July 8, 1842 by Ippolito Caffi.
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
Giant Siphonophores really out here doing the most, and somehow also the least
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Love to sea it
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
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Babe, wake up, new long creacher just dropped
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
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Cutie-pie of the sea (x)
*Update: this is not a real octopus but a spy bot for research. In a BBC vid(here), the spy bot helps an octopus to protect itself from sharks.
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
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it must be said the ancient greeks got a little funny with it
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
I think I dislike ‘fuck canon fanon rulez’ takes because time after time I see how boring and predictable fanon is and how often it reinforces racism and misogyny etc. in ways canon never did
and I think having to work around canon and with canon to make something new usually ends up pushing people to make something weirder and cooler
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
just learned about the ginkgo trees that survived the nuclear blast in Hiroshima
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you cannot kill me in a way that matters
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
With almost everything on earth there’s someone that’s dedicated their entire lives to it either through hobby or career and I’m so glad that there’s someone thinking about everything.
I’m glad that there’s people that travel around Tokyo taking pictures of trains and I’m glad that there’s people that design printers and I’m stoked that people like hiking down abandoned trails and reading old scientific texts from 400 bce. It’s cool. I’ve got my own corners of stuff I like. I hope I’m adding to something when I read ancient literature. If nothing else it makes me feel connected to everyone else with really specific interests.
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
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8th Anniversary🎊
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italienfingergestic · 10 months
Yesterday I almost cried because my baby cousin ran up to my grandmother and was like. “Ha! Buhbuh ba ha.” And she said okay you want to show me something? And he led her over to the garden patch and crouched down and pointed at rocks and plants and was like. “Ah. Habah ba ah” as she listened attentively.
And I was like that happened 1,000 years ago. Probably 10,000 years ago. Maybe 100,000. The youngest human in a group went to the oldest one and said to the best of their ability “come see.” And the adult went.
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