164 posts
Make a hundred songs of pain into poetry, Fill the fresh goblet with an old wine. —Faizi
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istj-mbti · 5 months ago
new achievement unlocked!! I won at a history anecdote contest in Instagram and I'll be winning a book and yeah I'm just so happy, I looked up to the host so much, they make niche historic memes and then I talked to them too, and yeah, just a great day today
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istj-mbti · 5 months ago
Fantasy au
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istj-mbti · 5 months ago
Well, Good Morning…
[Saturday, 8:35am]
ENTP: You know, since there are always pregnant people in the world, the average number of skeletons per person is greater than 1.
INTP: It’s not even 9 yet, bud.
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istj-mbti · 5 months ago
Stay Humble, Guys
ENTP: What would you do without me, INTP?
INTP: I’d probably… feel lighter.
ENTP: That’s right! You need me to humble you. Knock you down a few pegs.
INTP: …You know what, you’re actually right. I do get cocky.
ENTP: I know, I’m the same way!
INTP: If you told me I was in line to inherit the universe, I’d be like “FINALLY, gettin’ some respect around here”
ENTP: That’s what I’m SAYIN’. We would both get out of control.
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
Not tagged, but this seemed fun.
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I might have put too much thought into this.
Tagging: @oiblackestsheep @mistype360 @blueopinions49 @chron0ph0bia (no pressure)
Found this and thought it's cute (ФωФ)/❤️
Create your own custom bedroom!
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Tagging : @x-noechi-x @blog-de-segunda @miyakuli @blauerregen @ssubby @belovedkaveh @truegoist @marycorn @hiyari8 @echariii3 @fedyenkas @gachagon @blonde-batgirl @someprettyname + everyone who wants to do this too <333
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
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I made another silly thing bc it made me laugh
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
been trying to keep my mouth shut about this as much as possible, but i'm making some pretty great progress on a ✨big secret project✨ that i cant wait to share when it's ready 🎓🏫🔥
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
MBTI Hunger Games Simulation
Gonna throwback to the 2010's (shudders) (skip to bottom of post if you just want the stats and the ending/ultimate betrayal lmao)
There are eight teams of two, all of which were chosen randomly by spinning the ✨Wheel of Fate✨ Before we see how this game goes, let's take a look at the teams determined by nothing other than DESTINY and place your bets.
District 1: ISTP x ENFJ
Opposites attract, maybe? Could compliment each other well, but there could be some infighting. I'd bet on it.
District 2: INFP x ESFP
...Not a very goal driven bunch, are they? If they win... it'll be dumb luck. With style, of course! They'll be interesting to watch, nonetheless. Bet against.
District 3: ENFP x INTP
Lmao, okay, do they even want to win? That's a lot of Ne for one team. They might have better luck actually breaking out of the arena itself, instead! Bet against.
District 4: ISFP x ENTP
Interesting take... it's not what I think of when I think "winner", but honestly? I think they could pull it together in their own way. Sure, why not! Bet on.
District 5: ESTP x INFJ
This one feels like a practical joke lmao. I'm gonna say most likely to split up and do their own things. Bet against.
District 6: ISTJ x ESTJ
I'd say they're probably the scariest team on the list, I would watch out for that. It almost feels kind of unfair that they got paired up? Kinda wanna see them meet their maker. Bet against.
District 7: INTJ x ESFJ
Now these guys seem like unlikely friends, actually. I think they'll discover that they unexpectly work well together, keeping a balanced team! Bet on.
District 8: ISFJ x ENTJ
So close to the other team, but for me, no cigar. I think there's going to be power struggles and opposing priorities. Second team to split up. Bet against.
With all of that said, let's see what happens when the game starts!
ENFJ convinces ISFP to not kill him only to kill her instead.
ENTJ attacks ESFP but ESTP protects her killing ENTJ.
ESFJ stays at the cornucopia for resources.
ENTP takes a handful of throwing knives from the ground and retreats.
INTJ finds a bow and some arrows.
ENFP finds a bag full of food.
INFJ takes a handful of throwing knives from the ground and retreats.
ESTJ takes a couple explosives from near the cornucopia.
ISTJ takes a handful of throwing knives from the ground and retreats.
INFP dashes to the forest to avoid the bloodbath.
INTP grabs a sword.
ISFJ runs away with a sword and some rope.
ISTP scores a bar mace from inside the cornucopia.
Total Kills ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1
Deceased Tally ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 1
ESFP in a cruel fate, asks ISFJ to kill INFJ or ESTP. She decides to kill INFJ.
INTP fishes in the water for some food.
INTJ discovers a water source.
INFP, ENTP, and ESFJ hunt for other tributes.
ISTP begs for ENFP to kill him. She refuses, keeping ISTP alive.
ISTJ thinks about his family and starts crying.
ENFJ receives a water spile from a sponsor.
ESTJ receives a water spile from a sponsor.
Total Kills ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 1
INTP bashes ENTP's head in with a mace.
ESTJ convinces ENFJ to snuggle with her for the night.
INTJ tries to sing himself to sleep.
ESFJ and INFP hold hands and cry together.
ISFJ huddles up next to a fire and cooks the meat she hunted earlier in the day.
ESFP, ENFP, and ESTP sing songs together, hoping for the best.
ISTJ and ISTP fall asleep holding hands.
Total Kills ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1
Deceased Tally ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 2
ESTJ accidentally walks over a land mine.
ESTP hides in a bush, terrified and scared.
INTJ, ESFJ, and ENFP hunt for other tributes.
INTP, ESFP, ISTJ, and ENFJ raid INFP's camp while she is away.
ISFJ tends to ISTP's wounds.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 1 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1
Deceased Tally ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 2
ENFP is stabbed in her sleep by ENFJ.
ESFP lets INFP into her campsite.
INTJ leaves ISFJ, ESTP, and ISTP because he does not like their plan to kill more people.
INTP tries to sing herself to sleep.
ESFJ falls asleep shivering from a fever.
ISTJ begins to cry.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1
Deceased Tally ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 3
ISTP overwhelmed with anger, bashes ESTP's head against a rock several times.
ENFJ scares ESFP off into the distance.
INTJ and INFP create a fort out of sticks and leaves.
INTP chases ISFJ.
ISTJ receives healing ointment from a sponsor.
ESFJ discovers a hidden pathway.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INTP: 1 ISTP: 1
Deceased Tally ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 3
INTP chases ESFJ for over a mile before making the kill.
INTJ starts a campfire with materials on the ground.
ENFJ thinks about his family.
ISTJ falls alseep to the sound of people screaming.
INFP convinces ISFJ to stand guard for the night while she sleeps.
ESFP receives a hatchet and water from an unknown sponsor.
ISTP sleeps in small increments, awaking to every little noise.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 4
ESFP severely wounds ISTJ and leaves him to die.
ISTP sings a song while searching for a food source. He finally finds some wild berries.
INFP runs away from ISFJ.
ENFJ discovers a hidden pathway.
INTP has a mild panic attack.
INTJ makes a wooden spear from tree branches.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 ESFP: 1
Deceased Tally ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 4
ESFP sets fire to ISTP's fort, burning him alive.
ISFJ is unable to start a fire and is extremely uncomfortable.
INTP, ENFJ, and INFP sleep in shifts, each hoping the other two do not betray them.
INTJ receives an iPad from an unknown sponsor.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 5
After hearing footsteps, INFP catches ESFP from behind guard and kills her.
INTJ dreams about home back at his district.
INTP and ISFJ create an alliance.
ENFJ tries to sleep in order to reduce stress.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INFP: 1
Deceased Tally ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 5
ISFJ slips on a frozen river and drowns.
INTJ, INFP, INTP, and ENFJ sleep in shifts, trying to protect each other.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1 INFP: 1
Deceased Tally ISFJ (night 5) ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Day 6
INTJ bleeds out from a wound left mildly treated.
After hearing footsteps, INFP catches INTP from behind guard and kills her.
ENFJ injures himself tripping over a log.
Kills Tally ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 INFP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally INTJ (day 6) INTP (day 6) ISFJ (night 5) ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
Night 6
ENFJ tends to INFP's wounds.
Day 7
INFP chucks a spiked ball into ENFJ's chest.
Kills Tally INFP: 3 ENFJ: 2 INTP: 2 ESFP: 2 ESTP: 1 ISFJ: 1
Deceased Tally ENFJ (day 7) INTJ (day 6) INTP (day 6) ISFJ (night 5) ESFP (day 5) ISTP (night 4) ISTJ (day 4) ESFJ (night 3) ESTP (day 3) ENFP (night 2) ESTJ (day 2) ENTP (night 1) INFJ (day 1) ISFP (bloodbath) ENTJ (bloodbath)
1st Place: INFP (3 kills)
2nd Place: ENFJ (2 kills)
3rd Place: INTP (2 kills)
Honorable Mention: INTJ (0 kills, lasted until day 6!)
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
Heartiest congratulations once again for your 300! For the typology event, ISTJ 5w6, sp/sx 514. Thank you!
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Inspector Lunge from Monster
"You're a detective, aren't you? Act like it. You have to calmly dissect and scrutinize everything. Dig up the truth as rationally as you can, even if you have to sacrifice your own happiness in the process"
and thank you!!!
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
Hey guys as the title of the post shows I hit 300 followers. And im super thankful for all of your support and engagement with this account I genuinely appreciate every single one you guys so thank you.
Since this account is about media and typology I thought why not you guys send me your typology and I'll assign you a character with a small mood board around their aesthetic.
Genuinely thank you for all your support.
PS- The E5 post is coming up soon classes start for me next week and ive been a bit busy with arranging that.
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
ENFJ: *walks into closed screen door* who put this here??
INTP: Uh, I did. So the bugs don’t get in
ENFJ: Well now I’m not gettin’ in either!
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
Thoughts on a Long Weekend
INTP: This is great, I deserve this, I'm gonna beat all my high scores in all my favourite games today!
ENFJ: I'm so stressed, I need to figure out when to schedule my 1-on-1 meeting with my boss to discuss my ✨WORK GOALS✨
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
Hi there i've got a question ! is it common for a Se user to try to move forward but at the same time cherish a lot past moments ? isn't this a Si thing?
Hey thanks for reaching out! Also thanks for being patient while I slog through the work week trying desperately to get to my asks lmao
High Se and Cherished Memories
So yeah, high Se users (xSxPs) are debatably most known for living in the moment and generally only considering concrete and objectively relevant information that can be observed and confirmed by everyone in the present moment when it comes to making decisions. Not really the pinnacle of nostalgia, are they?
Yeah, Si can be known for cherishing memories, though I think you see this in INTPs and INFPs with their tertiary Si giving them a special comfort in nostalgia. High Si users tend to use it in more complex and effective ways like keeping detailed records of past information to help inform important decisions in the present.
It’s important to remember that your type doesn’t dictate whether or not you are capable of cherishing memories, because everyone does that! But, we can theorize about which xSxPs are more likely to have this as a more important theme in their lives than others.
These types have high Fi in addition to high Se, which I think can create an interesting blend between the present moment, and cherished memories (especially as it pertains to decision-making) because Fi is all about using their personal, emotional values to dictate their choices.
Many people’s personal values can stem from their early life, having deep connections to memories of heir parents or other family, dear, long-standing friends, or just emotionally formative experiences in general. Bonus points if it’s a combination of more than just one of these things!
With that said, I think that makes a decent case for xSFPs having considerable potential for embracing the present and their emotional past when it comes to moving through the world. Not to say that xSTPs can’t have values too, but they are more likely to frame those values based on what makes sense to them, or, to a lesser degree, what objectively pleases other people.
That was a fun question anon! It got me through my bus ride home from work, so thanks for that. Hope this was helpful/informative!
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
what, in your opinion, are an intp’s needs in a relationship? (coming from an infj.) love your blog, you’ve got some amazing insights 🫶
Aww, thanks INFJ anon. 🫶 I try my best to have interesting insights that bring something fresh to the table!
INTP's Needs in a Relationship
I've been in the same relationship for 8.5 years (and we actually MET ON TUMBLR BECAUSE OF THIS BLOG WHICH IS SO FUNNY AND NERDY), all of this to say, I've had a lot of time to think about my relationship needs even from the MBTI perspective as an INTP, because that was how my ENFJ and I kinda started out getting to know, like, what we each needed from each other, so, here we go!
Disclaimer: This is assuming that the INTP is already getting everything that everyone needs in a basic healthy relationship like, you know, feeling emotionally safe and being treated with respect, etc..
Intellectual stimulation: INTPs generally love understanding new things and how they work, so ideally their partner can share that interest with them in some way! They can be pretty curious people, so joining them in their quest for uncovering the "how" and "why" of everything will make them feel understood, themselves, and closer to you in the process!
Clear explanations of your feelings: Because INTPs have inferior Fe, they tend to have a habit of intellectualizing their own emotions when they talk about them, which can cause complications with understanding other people's emotions, too. Finding a way to be patient and know that even healthy INTPs might still struggle with connecting with other people's emotions (especially at first in a relationship) isn't necessarily because they don't want to, but more that it doesn't always come naturally, so they don't always know how to. If they're a healthy person, they will want to understand, just try not to take it personally while they are practicing/learning!
Alone time: This one should be pretty straight-forward lmao. They're introverted, so they like to recharge doing solo-activities, and they're intuitives, so they have their own little theoretical world full of bizarre ideas to entertain themselves with that might not always be easy to follow at first. I find that introverts in general (maybe the INxx types even moreso) like to engage in parallel play where their partner also does something quietly nearby, but still a separate activity. As an INFJ, yourself, I'm sure you can relate in your own way, so it's likely easy to give them what they need!
Humor them/hear them out: This might sound a little vague, and I guess in some ways it is, but this is mostly about their auxiliary Ne. ENTPs and ENFPs get most of the attention when it comes to high Ne, but INTPs (and INFPs, too!) place a lot of importance on it, too, which can often manifest itself in conversations like "what if __", "imagine if __", etc.. To put it bluntly, it might seem a bit... directionless, and that's because sometimes it kind of is! It's just about thinking of random possibilities that are non-serious and funny in the moment, and don't really go anywhere else outside of the current discussion or hold any larger, overarching significance. Sometimes it's less about the actual topic itself, and more about having some random fun and "playing along" that makes a world of a difference to a playful INTP (or high Ne user in general). This point got away from me a little bit which I think, in a way, is the perfect exemplification of what I was trying to say in the first place, lmao. Hope that makes sense! If your INTP ever sounds like whatever the hell I just said, just try not to disengage right away, because they probably have a point that they are struggling to reach. Put that dom Ni to work and summarize it for them, I know you can do it from experience with my own ENFJ lmao.
Anyway, uhhhhh: Every single point on this list has gotten progressively longer because my Ne loves extrapolating (and I love Ne, but sometimes its gotta CHILL you know?), so I'm gonna end it here before it gets WILDLY OUT OF CONTROL.
This was a fun question, anon!: Thanks again for reaching out, and basically giving me full range to just write multiple paragraphs about myself and my relationship!
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
If you believe that intuitives are more intelligent than sensors, it comes with the obligation to accept that sensors are prettier than intuitives.
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istj-mbti · 6 months ago
Thank you so much for answering it twice!!
Interesting choices though, I've had estp and esfp admirers in high-school so it's accurate at well!
I'd love to have a knowledge talk with 1s and 6s as well.
ISTJ 5w6 sp/sx 514
my compatibility reading જ⁀➴🏹
partners: esfjs, esfps, estps, sx5's!!!!, any 2's, any 6's
friends: infps, isfjs, so/sx9's, so1's, sx1's
my notes:
sx5's are most compatible!! 💯💯
esfjs and esfps are best mbti match
infps + istjs give such grey cat vibes 🥺 "alone together"
7's also work but they can be a hit or miss as long as they are healthy
1's and 6's would have so many world and knowledge and facts talk
avoid 4's...
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