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For the followers of the path of Iron pushing themselves and their bodies to the absolute limit.
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irondogma-blog · 12 years ago
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Success is inevitable. 
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irondogma-blog · 12 years ago
Stop And Smell The Flowers
After Easter dinner with my family we sat around the table just talking about where we have been where we are now, and where we plan to go. It was pretty light, casual talk of how my brother and I acted as kids, the different trips we took as a family etc. Afterwards I had some time alone and I began to look back on the things that I did individually. From all my accomplishments and pitfalls, to all the relationships that I have maintained over the years, the ones that have withered away due to my immaturity or lack of empathy but also the relationships and things that I do well. I could get into all these things but that would take a VERY long time so I will stick to who this applies solely to lifting.
When I started off I wanted to be BIG. Simple as that. I watched Pumping Iron my junior year of high school and I thought to myself “wow those dudes are fucken beasts!” I wanted to become just like them. It was usually a detriment because I literally had NO idea what I was doing. But after a lot of trial and error and going up to dudes bigger than me and asking the dreadful “hey man what does that work,” I had enough information to actually start being productive.
Once I got into College I was fucking determined to get huge. No excuses it’s time to put in the work. I was eating literally everything in sight- good or bad it didn’t matter. My older cousin blessed me with Arnold Shwarzeneggers- The New Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding (The Bible of Bodybuilding) and I began to really get serious. I put in hours upon hours upon hours in the gym. When other people when out to party I put in my workout. The day after a long night partying I would hit the gym. Didn’t matter I was not going to take a day off. The same fire that I felt when I was a kid dreaming about being a physical beast still consumed my soul.
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                     (The Bible of Bodybuilding-Thanks Nelo!)
It’s interesting to look back and kind of be appreciative and proud of where you have got to through your training. I am usually so focused on getting stronger, bigger, leaner or whatever that I rarely take a moment to sit back and say I am doing a good job. You sometimes get caught up in the speed of life and forget to stop and ‘smell the flowers’ if you will. For those of you that are doing well with your training and diet-good job take a moment to pat yourself on the back and use that feeling to motivate you even more. Seeing how far I have come only serves to light an even hotter fire under my ass to push harder. For those of you that continue to make excuses or conjure up reasons as to why you can’t reach your goals internalize the notion that with hard work and consistency success is inevitable. Even if you feel like you’re not progressing as quickly as you would like-JUST KEEP GOING. Happy Liftin’
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                    (Bigger than Yesterday, Smaller than tomorrow)
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irondogma-blog · 12 years ago
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Comparisons are all around us. We are constantly comparing one thing to another. We like this type of gym because compared to the other it’s better. Not as spacious but lower monthly fees. We compare products in which we wish to purchase with other products- this helps us come to a decision as to which one we are going to buy. In instances like these comparisons are tools that need to be utilized. They help us make the right decision. But being fixated upon comparisons is a double edged sword and if not monitored closely they can not only deter you from your path but completely take you off of it.
There are certain advantages in comparing yourself to others in the gym. If somebody is a bit stronger or bigger you can take a couple tricks of his trade and them to your tool belt. If you want to add more size to your chest and you see someone in the gym with a massive chest benching double your max you can ask him for a couple tips to tweak your training routine. For me, I am constantly comparing myself to the people around me in the weight room because that is what motivates me to work harder. If I sit up from a set and look over and see someone completely exerting themselves on a treadmill or pushing out extra reps on the squat rack that level of intensity and passion really resonates with me. I compare my level of effort whit his and realize that he is completely blowing me out of the water. As a result a fire is lit under my ass and that makes me push that much harder.  As effective as this is I have been around people who when comparing themselves to others do not find inspiration and passion but instead find insecurity-which leads to stagnation and eventual quitting.
See the dangers of comparisons arise when you aren’t aware of them enough to use the energy that they produce in a positive way. If you see somebody with the physique you want or somebody pushing the weight that you hope to one day push you are going to feel some type of emotional energy, and channeling that energy is the difference between reaching goals and being crushed by the weight of them. You can either sit there and hate on the person and conjure up excuses as to why they have that OR you could take a breadth acknowledge that they are a bad ass and bust your ass to reach that level. When I was younger I was lucky enough to channel that energy towards pushing myself harder than I had pushed before. I didn’t really know what I was doing but it served as a benefit. But I saw a lot of people that decided that it was too hard to reach that goal and quit. Of course they had a myriad of excuses and a million reasons as to why that guy looks the way he does or is strong as he is (none of which had anything to do with hard work and determination).
One of the examples that I always use about the dangers and potential benefits of comparisons is the story of Tom Brady and Giovanni Caramazzi. It is well documented that Tom Brady was drafted in the sixth round 199th overall by the New England Patriots. It is also well documented that Brady grew up a Niners fan in northern California and wanted nothing more than to follow the footsteps of Joe Montana and lead the Niners to greatness. But unfortunately for the Niners they drafted Givoanni Cramazzi instead of Brady because compared to Brady he was a better looking quarterback. Now, there isn’t much wrong with that because drafting players is not an exact science and in regards to athletic talent Carmazzi was in fact a lot better. The problem arose when the Joe Montana comparisons came into play. See Carmazzi never played a regular season game for the Niners because the comparisons and the big stage were too much for him to handle. He just didn’t have it in him to do what Steve Young and Joe Montana did before him. Brady on the other hand stepped into the starting job for the Patriots and is now heralded as one of the greatest QBs of our time. When Brady started to showcase his talents on the field the comparisons to Joe Montana followed but instead of folding under the weight of his potential greatness he rose to cement himself in the pantheon of great quarterbacks in league history.
That’s the difference. Brady used those comparisons and shortcomings as motivating factors to fuel him into becoming a champion. It’s natural to compare yourself to others when you are partaking on the path of Iron. Comparing your max bench to your friends is part of the fun but realize that all interactions are exchanges of energy and that whatever it is that you feel when you make those comparisons can either aid you or hinder your growth. Use that energy to fuel you towards your goals. Don’t feel any less of a person for not being where you want to be and seeing someone that is there. There are a million things that factor into achieving what we would define as success. But keep in mind that there is NO substitute for hard work. If you want to be good at anything in life you are going to have to put in the time and energy. Happy Liftin’
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                                 (Heres something to inspire you)
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