IrishBarbarian's AI Art Gallery
51 posts
A page to show off IB's AI Art
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
Lantana, the Fairy Princess
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A special request from my love! She wanted a beautiful, sparkly fairy, and so I made one just for her! This one is Lantana, the fairy princess of Reim Fae herself. Am very thrilled with how it turned out, and there were a lot of evolutions of the original work to get it juuuuust right. Please enjoy this glittery AI generated work of art!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
The Mermaid of Lake Colworth
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My submission for the "Mermaids" challenge for NightCafe. This was one of my favorite challenges ever, because I like mermaids quite a bit and wanted to really do something somewhat different here. You normally see them along ocean shores and such, but I thought, what would one look like at an alpine mountain lake? They often have crystal clear waters, and tend to have large boulders that would be perfect for basking on. Imagine seeing some at Lake Tahoe or a similar location! So here is the result of that thought, and I love it! That moonrise in the background especially just made this work for me! Hopefully everyone enjoys it as well!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
Paradox Carmody, Runi of Driaca
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Another woman in armor today! So I was going through all of my many, many unpublished works, and found this one that I kinda wondered why I hadn't already used. So a few evolutions later, and this was the result! I felt that the thing in her hand was very wand-like, and decided to develop the mage society of Driaca a bit more. So "Arcani" would be the general term for a non-fairy magic user of some sort in my setting, and while anyone with access to magic can perform any spell, what separates them is the particular style of conduit they are good at using. For example, Paradox here is a Runi, a type of Arcani that carves runes into objects, such as wands or swords or other weapons, and cast spells using those objects. It's where tales of slinging lightning from hundreds of feet away and flaming swords come from in this world. Hopefully you all enjoy this AI generated work!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
The Music Takes Hold
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My submission for the "Saxophones" on NightCafe. This one definitely meant a lot to me, because I used to play an alto sax while I was still in school, and it pained me when I had to sell it (adulting is really, really hard). I wanted to express how I feel when I listen to music here, because when I do it's like I get totally absorbed, and I feel like our subject here is being just that. I personally imagine this scene as if she was playing air saxophone and one is in the process of being summoned into her hands. Hopefully you all enjoy this musical work!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
The Musician
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My submission for the "Día de los Muertos" challenge on NightCafe. Wanted someone with the whole sugar skull face, that was definitely non-negotiable! Was trying for a more relaxed scene with a man leaning against a tree playing a guitar, but this looks more like he's ready to play for an audience, and that's fine too! Autumn is my absolute favorite time of year, so I particularly like this one. Hopefully you enjoy this work as much as I do!!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
The Queen of the Mists
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Decided to try a bit of lore for this AI Fantasy World I've been building! There are many warnings about Mt. Leidon and avoiding traveling Govell Woods when the mists roll in. There have been many disappearances in the area, and stories tell of a giantess wandering the fog, and encountering her leads to falling under many odd spells, such as hiking straight to the bald top of Mt. Leidon and freezing on its summit. Is she a mad, unusually tall Arcani? A malicious fairy witch? A strange ghost like creature? Or is she even real, a boogeyman for the unprepared outdoors person? I wanted to try something that combined some of the folklore around Mt Shasta in California (weird people in white stalking hikers in the area) and Mt Washington in New Hampshire (called the most dangerous small mountain in the world, with something like over 160 deaths since 1849). Please enjoy this nice and haunting work!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
Zephys Through the Mists
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My submission for the "City in the Clouds" challenge on NightCafe. This is an expansion on one of my earlier works, incidentally for NightCafe's "Cloud Structures" challenge. While the previous work showed a higher castle in the city of Zephys, this one is the "lower" (for a floating city) part where most of the people actually live. I'd imagine foggy days are quite business as usual here. Please enjoy the view from this AI generated work of art!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
Arcani Ama of the Driaca Badlands
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My submission for the "Medieval Characters" challenge on NightCafe. I was totally gonna cheat and just submit one of my previous non-challenge works, but this was way more fun! Definitely wanted to make a mage for this, and I ended up with a lot of amazing results! This however had the pose I was going for, looking like she is in the middle of unleashing some very high level spell. It was a challenge though, because not one, but *both* her hands were total wrecks. Thankfully with masking cleverness, I managed to entirely change the angle of her right hand to something that makes more sense for shooting a ball of magic, and the left hand is so busy it looks more like a closed fist. Very proud of this one, and coming up with more of a backstory for this Driaca location! Decided that Arcani is the general name of a mage, and there are specific "styles" people do. Ama here would be an Ethera, using air as a conduit. Please enjoy this magically AI generated work of art!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
A Quiet Day at Tom's Pond
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I genuinely tried to work on the "Shopping Animals" challenge on NightCafe, but kept either getting grocery stores devoid of all life, or else getting grocery store shelves with weird mutated animals all over them. So here's a peaceful wilderness scene instead with some forest critters! Please enjoy this AI generated work of art!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
The Firefighters of Fordwall
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My submission for the "Firefighters" challenge on NightCafe. I wanted to have a sort of action shot of firefighters doing their thing, and worked with the images I got from there. Here is a team that is simply waiting for the engine to start spraying the building down after clearing it. This scene takes place in the city of Fordwall, which I've kinda imagined as a fantasy version of NYC. Hopefully you all enjoy this AI generated work as well!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
The Colworth Notch Express
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Decided that I wanted to try making a piece involving trains this time. Loved some of the several results, but loved both the coloration and the way the train is coming towards the viewer the best here. Also wanted a mountain pass involved in it. I was mostly inspired by the tourist railroads in New Hampshire such as the Conway Scenic Railway, which I have yet to go on but will next time I'm in the area! Please enjoy this scenic AI generated work of art!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
Burn It All
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So I was attempting to make a centaur for a challenge on NightCafe, and boy was it indeed a challenge. Because the AI just. Would. Not. Generate. A *freaking* centaur. I fully did not have the patience for it that day. So I decided instead to publish more how I felt about the challenge. Inspiration taken from an actual wildfire I had a scary experience with when I first moved to San Diego way back in 2007. Barely had moved there for 3 months when it happened, and a wrong turn almost ended very, very badly while we evacuated. Look up the Witch Creek Fire for more details. Please enjoy this AI generated work of art from a safe distance!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
The Falls of the Seven Stones
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So my original intention was to make a fantasy version of the Stanley Cup for the "Trophies" challenge on NightCafe, and I got this little masterpiece instead. Fell in love with the horsetail look of the falls, and the rock outcroppings give it a bit of mystery. I'd imagine it would be a sacred location to one (or even multiple) of the nations in the fantasy world I've been constructing from these works. Please enjoy this peaceful AI generated nature shot!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
A Walk in Govell Woods
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My submission for the "Watercolor Art" challenge on NightCafe. I had a lot of fun with the Detailed Gouache preset on this one. Decided to evolve an unused creation back when I made "Gentleman on the Mountain". Loved how the trees turned out, and the hiker is clearly awed by that view. Hopefully you enjoy it too!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
Dueling Owls
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My submission for the "Bird Portraits" challenge on NightCafe. This is another one of those times where the AI didn't give me visually what I asked for but thematically fulfilled it better than I wanted. I originally wanted an owl and a crow looking at each other, and what I got were two very different owls thematically linked. One is alert and kinda angry looking, while the other looks very tired and beat down. It provides a very nice juxtaposition, and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do! A very satisfying AI generated work of art.
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
Ms. Maplecrystal in Her Garden
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This was my submission for the "Inspired by Flowers" challenge on NightCafe. This one features the same woman from the "Candy Shop" challenge. I absolutely wanted a plus size woman working in her garden for this one, and had several beautiful results. A few nighttime creations kind of had me wonder if I had an opportunity to expand on a previous work, and this was the result. I imagine her working late into the night to pick ideal flowers as ingredients in her candies. After all, they're "Fairy Confections" for a reason! Please enjoy this serene AI generated follow-up work!
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irishbarbarianaiart · 2 years ago
Ms. Maplecrystal's Fairy Confections
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This was my submission for the "Candy Shop" challenge on NightCafe. Wow I had so many good results with this one, it made it really hard to choose which one. At first I was just gonna do an inside look at a candy store, nobody there but walls of different sweets, but I then asked myself; what if we saw things from the owner's perspective? So that evolved into several different iterations before I settled on a behind the counter view. I personally love the way she is leaning on the counter, and all of her mysterious looking candies are all around in jars and boxes, giving hints at being magical. I imagine this as being another shop in the city of Fordwall in this AI generated fantasy land. Please enjoy this work!
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