iris0gardens · 17 hours
let the fact be known I almost gave Bao a wolfcut
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iris0gardens · 4 days
Ladies, Gentlemen, nonbinary royalty. I may present you the cheeky chameleon...THE COPYCAT THEY ALL WARNED YOU ABOUT.
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She is the one who gave you all the AR Cloak until it was used for bad. Now she roams the streets with a modified AR Cloak also used by the assassins to copycat people to seek revenge on those who use her tech for wrong.
Her Operator nickname would be Copycat. Her clothes consist of techwear she can modify with her cloak bracelets. :P
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-En j oyyyy. i might draw her some more because I really loved the process of drawing her-
-Background? randomly found on pinterest and used a shit ton of blur on. it was an IRL PICTURE AND NOT SOMEONE ELSES ART-
-Fanart/comics of her joining the chaos is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED SO I THRIVEEE MUHAHAHA-
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iris0gardens · 7 days
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 500 likes!
I love yall and so far being here is fun! Love ya moots!
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iris0gardens · 11 days
Ngl i havent been writing as much due to a lil block BUT i have a legion OC coming up yall might love :P
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iris0gardens · 29 days
𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋The Lengths I go for you𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋ - Legion!Wrench x FEM!Reader
"Wrench..I think.." "You sure?" "I trust you."
TW/Tags: Forced marriage, Escape, Romance, guns, violence, RESCUEEEEE LES GOOO
description: Reader gets forced into a marriage with Mary Kelly's son in order to help her family. Wrench find her sitting on a dock near a river...something in him couldn't just let her be.
inspired by: my wonderful friend @angeltrafalgar and her lovely music :P
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You`d never believe that you found the love of your life until you see them..Atleast thats what they all told Wrench. He couldnt believe that rumour to be true when he saw a young beautiful woman crying at the docks of london. Everything told him to run and contuine with his mission but as if someone hacked his brain, he slowly approached her.
Her H/C a mess as her black jacket slowly seemed to part away with her shoulders as her back was turned to the masked man. She was unaware of who was close to her until someone sat down next to her. Wrench watched the woman tense up as he sat down next to her, his hands together between his legs as he leaned forward a bit, glancing out towards the river. "Shitty day, aye?" he softly asked her as his mask displaced his usual Xs. No response came from the woman as her sobs became quieter. She looked down before angrily asking the man "Are you with them? Here to take me back to those fuckers so I could marry that witches son?...tell Lin I wont do it." her voice laced with venom as she tried to intimidate the masked man.
The blond man proceeded to lock his gaze with hers, processing the information before gave her a wholehearted laugh. "Do you really believe im with whoever is fucking with you? nope. Just a merc wanting to see what this beautiful lady is crying about."he explained as his leds changed to a happier expression. "Who is trying to get you anyway?".
The woman's shoulders relaxed a little when she got the confirmation that this man wasn't a part of the clan she so desperately wants to avoid. "...how can I trust you wont just run away and get them on me for the money?" she asked quietly as she lifted her head, her E/C softly shining in the moonlight as Wrench had to stop himself from getting engulfed in them. "Because whatever clan you got chasing you, are the ones I'm probably attempting to avoid and not get killed by." Wrench honestly replied as he looked back onto the open waters as he thought what clan this poor girl could be stuck in.
"Sounds like Clan Kelly...Im Y/N..you are?" "Wrench. My name is wrench." "odd name but i like it".
Once the introduction was over with, they proceeded to talk about why Y/N was stuck with them. Turns out, her family owes clan kelly and to get out of debt, they were going to sell her to the clan and make her marry Mary Kellys son. Something she obviously was against with from the beginning but had to go through if she wanted to see her family alive again. Wrench felt a stinging pain in his chest as he saw her tear up again at the explanation. He looked up as he saw the full moon and promised her to be here at this spot every time she needed someone to talk to.
The H/C woman felt relieved and hugged him as a big thanks before realising she should go now. "I will try to be here if the clan can provide it to me. I will make it a condition to them to have one full moon to myself to see you. Thank you, new friend" She spoke her goodbyes with a small smile on her face as she parted ways with Wrench.
Wrench shook his head with a small smile on his face as he stood up to leave as well. He didn't know what went through his body but he knew he wanted to see this mysterious stranger again.
The nights flew past as Wrench was looking forward to the next full moon which would be soon. A couple weeks went by when he last saw her and he was invested in her story. The dangers he was aware of, being close to someone being affiliated with clan kelly and he could careless as he knew that she wouldn't throw him under the bus unless she knew what he could do.
Wrench went through multiple outcomes as he stood at the same docks he met Y/N and was prepared to meet the fists of multiple clan kelly members before his thoughts were interrupted. "Wrench!" Someone softly called out as rapid footsteps were heard approaching him. "I really didn't expect you to be here" Y/N said as she stopped Infront of him, attempting to catch her breath as she leaned down to put her hands on her knees. "Told you Id be here, Y/N" Wrench responded as he decided to sit down.
The female nodded as she caught her breath, allowing herself to take a seat next to him. "I know. You never know however if someone changes their mind"she laughed out as she took in the scenary. "been a while.."
Wrench nodded as he proceeded to look ahead as well, taking in the soft waves of the river splashing as it seemed to be the only noise admitting from it. "yeah..a month or so. "he muttered as he looked back at Y/N, taking in her outfit and seeing a small silver ring on one of her hands. "Did you?"
"Get married to that prick son?..yeah. I had no choice but I'm glad they at least allowed me a day. They really didn't wait with the wedding and just rushed it before anyone could plan against it." her voice turned into anger the more she mentioned her marriage to the clan kelly son as she formed her hands into fists. The blonde male sighed as he put a hand on top of her fists as he spoke his condolences "Hey..im sure we can figure something out together. You are in the heart of it now and I'm a reckless idiot ready to explode stuff" The joke in the sentence didn't get unnoticed by Y/N as she let out a small chuckle, nodding in agreement as her hands eased up to his touch. "yeah...I trust us."
Their meetings on each full moon made their relationship grow closer as they soon planned her escape in eachothers arms. Neither Y/N or Wrench wanted to admit that they were crossing a boundary normal friends dont do but didnt seem to mind as the situation couldnt allow for more as of now. One night they got together a plan as Y/N would be attending a meeting at one of the towers at london bridge with clan kelly soon, the perfect oppertunity to escape and for Wrench to stick it to the clan for thinking they could just hurt such a wonderful person.
The full moon meeting before the event lead to them confessing that afterwards they want to still find themselves together, aiming for a future that is in each others attendance. Wrench felt nothing but motivation for the escape day and spent his time tinkering on perfect contraptions to help with it. His own version of the bombing drones and automated spiderbots that seeked out their targets. The blonde male wanted nothing else but for this plan to work, he wanted to hold her close and call a future of their own.
Wrench was standing close by as the day had arrived, he was standing one some scaffoldings that were on a construction side on the other tower of the bridge as he saw clan kelly cars approach. His heart was racing in his chest as he watched closely and counted the men coming out of the car. A count of 15 men in total, the last car approached and there was his wonderful Y/N, she wore a black dress with silver Jewellery. That sight knocked the air out of the masked man for a moment before he got back to reality as a man took her into his arms and held her hand as they approached the tower.
+Probably that prick of a virgin that she got married to.+ Wrench angrily thought as he started coming down from the scaffolding. He felt prepared for this but couldn't place his emotions properly. Was he nervous or excited for this heist? Either way he wanted to get her out of this horrible environment she was stuck in. Once down from the scaffoldings, he proceeded to walk towards the door of the other Tower of the bridge.
Deciding on that it would be a better idea to go through the entrance that isn't currently crowded with people, he hacked the inside control panel and allowing himself access to tower. Wrench quietly went up the stairs as he prepared mentally for the men surrounding the place.
The place admitted an eerie sound as distant voices were heard, getting closer with each step further up the tower. Soon he was met with a couple of men, standing guard around equipment what Wrench assumed to be either Albion or Clan kelly things. Without further hesitation, he proceeded to stealth eliminate what he now counted to be five men. Ten more left to go before he could officially claim Y/Ns freedom.
The blonde men moved stealthy around the tower once he got to the top, there he went through the double doors and what he saw made his heart clench. There stood Y/N and her fake husband, laughing and making jokes as a few drones flew around them and what seems to be the...CEO of Albion Nigel Cass? What was Clan Kelly doing with the boss of Albion? Weren't they at war?
Wrench was going through multiple stages of anger before deciding on what his next step would be since the original plan from the Full moon meeting would just result in her getting hurt. Taking down the current fleet of drones at once and staging a kidnapping, killing the fake husband in the process sounds like a better plan. With that half thought plan made, he proceeded to tip toe around the group of people and up a ladder to what seems to be a control station.
There he proceeded to stage a countdown for the droids to shutdown as he tapped on the control panel to active it. While that now active countdown went down, Wrench prepared the huntsmen spiderbots, that should once the countdown went off, run to the nearest clan kelly guard and explode. As much as Wrench would've loved to use his bomb drones, they would've just caused potential harm to his beloved.
The preparations went without further detection besides needing to take down one of the guards and cloak him to avoid the other guards alerts. Wrench was back with the group including Y/N and the other traitors as he looked nervously at his watch. Once the countdown hit 4 seconds, he activated his spiderbots and ran out into the open.
"Get the fuck on the ground!" He yelled out as he took out his gun and snatching Y/N into his arms. "play along, buttercup" Wrench quickly whispered into her ear as he went ahead to point the gun at her head. Y/N at first was filled with shock before hearing a familiar voice whisper in her ear, now she was intrigued yet worried at Wrenchs sudden change of plans as she looked helplessly towards the other two. Nigel and the fake husband had a shocked expression as they realise what was going on around them. The drones that were there to protect them were turning off one by one, the men for double protection now exploding off into open space and now a masked man holding a young woman as a hostage.
Nigel couldn't let it stand by him as he took out his own gun and proceeded to point it at Wrench. "Put your gun down, you have no idea who you are playing with." he warned out as he held a firm grip on the gun. Wrench laughed out as he proceeded to point the gun towards the fake husband "and you have no idea who you are fucking with when you decided to talk to the clan kelly." he hissed in anger as he pressed the trigger.
The next few moments were a blur as Wrench officially had shot the man who held Y/N captive in the head. Screams, yells and gun shots were heard as he held tightly onto Y/Ns hand as he dragged her along into the tower. "Wrench! this wasn't the fucking plan!!!" she yelled out as they came to a halt together. "I know but you didn't tell me you would be there to talk to Nigel fucking CASS!!"Wrench frustrated replied back as he blocked the double door of the tower.
The female paced back in fourth as she thought about a response until she sighed out shakingly, putting a hand on her forehead and closing her eyes to gather her thoughts "I..I didnt know. Im sorry, Reggie.". Soon she was embraced in a hug from Wrench, both of them silent in each others arms, calming down from the adrenaline from a few moments ago before footsteps were heard underneath them and someone attempting to bust through the double doors. "Alright. its okay, buttercup. For now we have to figure out how to get out of here because they probably caught on that you planned this with me." Wrench explained as he parted from the hug to reload his gun and prepare for a potential confrontation. His gaze switching between the double doors and the staircase as the H/C Female took a moment to catch her breath and shake off the tense feeling on her body.
"I- right. we got this." Y/N responded as she looked around, her glance slowly going towards the big window, the view showing the river that was under them.
"Wrench...I think.." "You sure?" "I trust you."
The noise of footsteps had gotten louder before a group of men emerged from the stairs leading down. They looked around before they soon saw Wrench stand at the window, holding Y/N in a bridal style. The group held out their guns, yelling different things towards the couple. "You guys can go suck a dick!" Wrench yelled as he proceeded to bash through the window with his shoulder, letting Y/N hold onto his chest as they fell towards the river below them.
While in mid air, he proceeded to turn around facing the tower, holding Y/N tightly with one arm while the other was reaching outwards with his middle finger extended out on his hand. The men attempted to shoot after Wrench but to no avail. Wrench's laugh was heard echoing across until they both hit the waters below them.
"And thats how I met my now wonderful wife :)"
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-AYOOOO YOU GUYS THOUGHT I WAS DEAD? NAAAH. just on vacay and reloading my story idea battery ;P i will be home next week and going off on thoseee. hope you guys enjoyed and dont forget my requests are opennnn!!! cya all on the next oneee <3-
-not keen on constructive critism as I do this as a way to enjoy myself and share it, so PLEASE NO COMMENT ON MY WRITING STYLE UNLESS ITS A GRAMMER ERROR. THAMK YOUU-
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iris0gardens · 1 month
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iris0gardens · 1 month
Soooo I may or may not have found Wrenchs 3D model and im cooking up blender skills to make smth....
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iris0gardens · 1 month
Heyy bestie 👀 idk if this is weird cos we're mutuals and all but i heard you do requests and i am parched for more legion Wrench 😩 How comfortable are you writing him with a younger reader? (Mid/late 20s) Perhaps he meets Jacksons hacker friend or smthn. I can offer art in return, anything you want 🙏
⊱Late night talks⊰ Legion Wrench x Reader
"The amount of stupid you have in you, is impressive...i like it"
TAGS: Big vibes, Jackson and sushi, implied romance, cuddles and chaos talk ;)
description: Jackson needed Wrench´s help with getting a heavy box to his new apartment. There he got introduced to a grey hat stranger, turns out he had alot of common with and vibed with.
-Requested by my lovely moot @bardsins! (check them out, amazing art <3-
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"Fair warning Reggie. I have a roommate now and they are...particularly interesting." Jackson warned the masked man as they were walking up the stairs to his apartment. Wrench´s mask changed to question marks as he tilted his head to the side towards Aidens son. "What do you mean...are they dangerous? no...ARE THEY IN THE MAFIA?!" The blond haired responded with caution in his voice as he got louder. He gripped the box he held harder as he watched his friend stop for a second to process before proceeding movement.
"SHHHH what? no?..they do the same stuff we do..just solo. They are a grey hat with a tendency to cause chaos...like someone i conveniently know."Jackson shushed Wrench as he rolled his eyes, he went up a couple of stairs before making a turn into a corridor with doors on each side. "Just don't bomb them with Questions immediately. Pretend i never told you and lets get this over with." he begged Wrench as he took out his keys from his pockets and turning towards Wrench with a beg in his eyes before stopping at a door.
"I can try. but no promises though"Wrench responded casually with a shrug and stopped walking near Jackson as the black haired man infront of him proceeded to open the door.
As the door opened, faint music was heard playing from one of the rooms in the corridor as they both stepped in, Jackson letting the door close behind him as he called out for his roommate "YINNNN, IM HOME AND BROUGHT A FRIENDDD". A moment later, the music stopped and a voice responded with a quick "LIVINGROOM" before the music continued shortly after. Wrench looked towards his friend with question marks plastered on his mask and the opposite just shrugged before heading towards the Livingroom with a response. "Wrench, dont worry about it. Put the box down and follow me"
Taking a second to think, Wrench slowly put down the box at a near table at the door before following his friend to the next room. "ayy Jackson! I got you the sushi from the starfell Party from today. Its in the kitchen." The stranger to Wrench greeted Jackson casually as he walked into the room, standing behind Jackson and analysing the person. H/L H/C hair, a black zip hoodie along with a grey shirt that said "mess with hacko get DDOSo" which he found amusing. The person was sat on the couch casually, laying on it while having their legs over the end of the couch as a bag of chips was layed against them. "Dope! Y/N, meet my friend Wrench. Don't mind the mask" The black haired male introduced the two before heading towards the kitchen in a hurry to get his sushi.
A silence fell among them while Y/N looked at Wrench up and down. "so-" they both attempted to start a conversation before a soft chuckle admitted between them. "nice, soo...you are the Wrench? former dedsec member and now full time merc?" Y/N asked with a smirk on their face as they adjusted their position on the couch they were planted at. They were now sat on the couch instead of laying on it, patting their side as an invite for Wrench to take a seat. Wrenchs mask displayed question signs before returning to his usual Xs as he slowly walked over to the couch before proceeding to sit on it.
He made sure there was a safe sentence between them before casually responding "yeah...your Y/N right? probably not your hacker tag. What is it? only fair to share" his mask displaced his usual happy led´s before switching back. His opposite chuckled before laying their head on the back of the couch. "you caught me red handed, sweets. its H/N (hackername)." Before another word left Y/Ns mouth, Wrench gasped dramatically, placing his hands infront of his mask as his mask turned to Os before displaying his excitement. "no fucking way! Grey hat hacker and activist H/N???? I heard of your work! Nice to finally put a face to the name."
They both had a nice discussion over their careers as Jackson returned to them only to excuse himself. "Sorry, love birds. I gotta dip now. Aiden needs my help with stuff. "The protest from the two weren't heard due to him leaving so quickly with a small bye. He left the room and soon the front door was heard opening and closing, indicating that he left them fully to themselves. Y/N sighed, shaking their head with a small smile "classic Jacks, always jumping for his dad. always nice to see in this fucked up world.".
After a joke or two they returned to talking about the world and their interests, noticing the small similarities, they got stuck on the topic of who would win...two robot dogs or 10..lions? They couldnt fully agree on it and laughed about it.
"The amount of stupid you have in you, is impressive...i like it" Y/N laughed out between laughter, leaning against Wrench´s arm as support. The male tensed up for a second before easing into it with a soft smile plastered under his face. "yeah...I like your personality too. its feisty and you obviously know how to pack a punch." He responded as he laid his head against theirs.
"wanna get drunk and play mortal combat?"
"Are you asking me out? if so..FUCK YEAH"
They proceeded to get drunk and go against each other in mortal combat, leaning against each other semi cuddling before it turning into a passionate make out session. Sadly however due to the Writers incapability to post smut on tumblr (if yall want, i got ao3 now ;) ), before proceeding into deeper grounds, they passed out in each others arms.
After waking up awkwardly in the morning, it didnt stop them hanging out more often after and soon becoming the chaos couple of London.
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-Hope yall enjoyed this lovely piece of art for my lovely moot. I was big time inspired. Reminder my request are open and i would love to take them! :D-
-if you check out my mutual! you get a cookie ;P-
-not keen on constructive critism as I do this as a way to enjoy myself and share it, so PLEASE NO COMMENT ON MY WRITING STYLE UNLESS ITS A GRAMMER ERROR. THAMK YOUU-
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iris0gardens · 1 month
Barking rn respectfully your honour
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A lil flirty Wrench for @iris0gardens 👀
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iris0gardens · 1 month
︾It doesnt matter anymore︾ WD1 Aiden Pearce x Fem!Reader
"You don't even know what else I messed up on."
TW/TAGS: Chase, Blood, fear, tears, romance, Jordi being a dick
description: Aiden and Reader get hunted down after one of their dates went bust. They tried escaping but unfortunately reader got hurt....Aiden is worried
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She didn't have a clue that their date night would result in them having to run from a group of people that wanted Aiden dead. Her breath quickened as she held onto Aiden's hand tightly as they ran through an alleyway while gunshots were heard in a close proximity.
Y/N wasn't even properly paying attention towards the path as they ran, all she wanted was for it all to stop as suddenly a sharp pain hit her side. "fuck!" she hissed out as she let go of Aiden's hand to put in on her wound. "Y/N, we cant stop now. come on!" Aiden immediately hurried to her side and picked her up bridal style as he then proceeded to sprint off into a direction.
"I got shot Aiden!" The H/C female hissed out in pain as he took a sharp turn to a darker alleyway. "I got you, sweetheart. don't worry. just hold on and stay with me." he replied fast with worry laced in his voice as he hid behind a dumpster, crouching down while holding her close to his chest. "shh..."he whispered softly to her as he put a hand on her cheek. Footsteps were heard echoing as the group proceeded to split into the two ways. Two men were now in the same alleyway as they were and Aiden knew what he had to do. "stay silent." He muttered as he placed his lips softly on her forehead while he placed her down gently. His eyes quickly looking into hers before looking towards the men creeping closer with guns in their hands.
Aiden quickly let out a silent breath before he let the men creep closer to their hiding spot before proceeding to tackle one of them, taking their gun and pointing it to the other. He fired and quickly eliminated the other man as Y/N watched in silence. She never was aware that men were after her beloved boyfriend. The one she thought was a silent yet loveable dork. The female slowly felt her world darken around her and closed her eyes due to the blood loss she experienced.
As fast her passing out came, she slowly woke up. Her surroundings changed from a cold alleyway to the cosy apartment Aiden owned. A familiar safe place she cherished as she carefully sat up, trying to ignore the pain that shot up her body as she looked around for her lover before looking down at her outfit. She no longer was wearing the dress and got changed into a pair of black shorts and a baggy t-shirt she knew belonged to Aiden. Before she could analyse the bandages, she heard something.
"No Jordi..I didnt anti- look I just need to know who did it...why? Y/N got hurt! I cant let it happen ever again..what if she thinks- alright. talk later.."she heard Aiden in the other room, bickering with a man named Jordi before hanging up seemingly annoyed. "A-aiden?" Y/N stuttered out weakly, not having used her voice for a little while. As soon as she called out for him, footsteps were heard from the other room, Aiden rushed to her side, crouching down on the couch next to her, taking one of her hands into his own. His expression was full of worry and fear for his Partner. "Sweetheart...im so glad you are awake...how do you feel? need anything?" his voice nonchalant as always but on a deeper level filled with soft concen.
"im okay, Aiden..just need a few.." She muttered out as she gave his hand a soft squeeze. "you were out for the whole night and the bleeding thankfully stopped...look, Y/N...im sorry you went through this...I thought I left it in the past-" "it doesn't matter anymore, Aiden. We all mess up and piss off the wrong people.." The H/C woman softly interrupted him as she put an hand to his cheek, caressing it.
Aiden closed his eyes, taking in the sweet touch of his partner filling him with electricity he loved. He let out a deep sigh before grumbling out "You don't even know what else I messed up on." A small chuckle was heard from his opposite before he felt her forehead on his. She planted a small kiss on his lips before muttering against them.
"It doesn't matter anymore. I still love you the same"
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-AND ANOTHER ONEEE. hope yall enjoyed some concerned Aiden and don't forget my requests are open!. stay safe yallll-
-not keen on constructive critism as I do this as a way to enjoy myself and share it, so PLEASE NO COMMENT ON MY WRITING STYLE UNLESS ITS A GRAMMER ERROR. THAMK YOUU-
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iris0gardens · 2 months
God i wanna read so much WD fanfics but i cant find good ones. PLS HELP FANDOMMMMM
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iris0gardens · 2 months
we have concluded the poll and yall are thirsty for aiden, DAYUM. dont worry besties. I got yall with a good oneshot coming up. dont forget my request are open and im here to stayyy :W:
What x reader should I do next?
I got a Wrench x reader in the works but wondered..what do you wish to see next?
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iris0gardens · 2 months
〄"The thought behind those eyes"〄Wd2 Wrench x MALE!Reader
"You know, I thought dedsec was stupid until I met you."
Requested by the lovely @motorwrenchyy enjoy!
TW/Tags: Romance Male reader, slowburn, past rivalry
description: With Reader being in a rival group called The Foxes, they attempted a heist on one of dedsecs servers but got quickly busted. He was on the run but was quickly caught up to by someone with..a hammer?
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"LEONA I THOUGHT WE WERE IN THE CLEAR" Y/N yelled into his coms as he ran through a alleyway. His mission was simple, retrieve the data drive and escape. However a certain Hacker group was one step ahead of him and his crew, ambushing the young male and him being forced to run off.
"We were! I double checked and everything but they seemed to have got a backdoor on us!"The female yelled back as she hysterically tried to retrieve Dedsecs current location. "Y/N, I'm trying to find out where they are now so you can plan a good escape route. dont worry" she explained as the male took a sharp turn towards another exit.
"good. I don't want to become dedshits next meal." he said as he sprinted towards a random location, in hopes to escape whatever could be after him. As soon as he left the alleyway, he looked around for an escape vehicle as he had high hopes that none of his rivals could be near. It was a typical night in San Francisco, cars everywhere, people walking and some drunkly laughing towards their friends. The young male fit in perfectly with his grey hoodie and black jeans as he put a hand in his H/C hair, looking for the perfect vehicle to take before he heard a low voice call out to him.
"hey rat! You think you can get out of this that easy?"
Y/N cursed under his breath as he slowly turned around towards the alleyway, his hand on his stungun as he expected a troupe of people. To his surprise as he turned around, he saw a singular man standing there with what seems to be a...hammer? "First of all, I am not a rat, we are foxes, dedshit. What do you need off of us?"he called out as a reply towards the man standing under an alleyway light.
"and what's with the LED mask?..kinda creepy, isn't it?" Y/N smirked with confidence behind his expression as he roasted the other male. Surprisingly enough, the LED Mask he mentioned turned into Question marks before turning into exclamation marks. "OI, I ask the questions here!" The masked man called out as he got closer.
"well, considering our circumstances, bud...neither of us have the right here." Y/N said as he pointed a finger up and made a circular motion as to mention the various people around them that were blissfully unaware of their status. "We don't want a commotion here, do we?" he asked, keeping up the confidence and the other hand on his stun gun that was in his back pocket. The masked male took a moment to think, relaxing the hammer that was leaning against his shoulder before putting it down completely with his mask turning into " _ _ ". "I hate it when the enemy makes a good point."
The guy let his hammer strive along the ground as he now stood before the other male. "look, you tried taking our data and we don't appreciate that kind of shit. Before I think about if I rather take your shins. Explain the shit you wanted to do." He growled out towards Y/N as he let go of the hammer to cross his arms. "well...how about we get some coffee and go from there?" Y/N asked, his laced with slight uncertainty of how to get out of the situation. He wasn't anticipating that his opponent wouldn't fight. "you know what? sure! Haven't had a good coffee in a second." His enemy shrugged and his masked turned into a happy expression before proceeding to walk past Y/N, taking his arm and dragging him along forcefully.
As they walked or rather the masked stranger dragging Y/N, he went through every different scenario and escape plan in his head. None of them seemed realistic enough so he let the situation happen to see how it will play out with mild curiosity behind his decision. "The name is Wrench. Fox. Wanna tell me what name you hide behind or?" That sentence snapped Y/N out of his thoughts as surprise took over his body. He definitely did not expect to hear this mans name anytime soon.
"uh..lets keep it at fox, shall we?" Y/N stated, still not believing that this mans name was Wrench.
Wrench didnt give any response as they both now walked in silence before he came to a complete stop, the young male crashing into his back as they now arrived at a coffee shop. "Here we are! you should try one of their donuts while you are here. they are the bomb!" the masked man excitedly blurred out as he walked into the store, still dragging Y/N along. "sup! your favourite customer is here!! i want two matcha lattes with a pump of vanilla and cinnamon". Y/N didn't question the strange request his masked enemy had and proceeded to look around. It definitely was an ordinary coffee shop, prints plastered around the wall, booths and even seats at the window. Wrench seemed to let Y/Ns arm go as he talked to the clerk about the weather and other topicy.
+I could run. However gaining dedshits trust might be a good play.+ Y/N thought as he proceeded to take a seat at one of the corner booths, his gaze still fixated on the masked men happily explaining some game lore to the poor clerk. "yo, Y/N I see you are at a shop...are you okay?" Leona's voice worried came through the coms he forgot he still was connected to. "dedshits man got me...however i got him to go get a coffee with me..maybe I can gain their trust and go from there.." The H/C male explained in a whisper to his teammate who simply gave him a sign and signed out of coms.
With that, Wrench got to the booth with two cups of coffee in hand as they proceeded to talk about random things at first. Noticing the similarities in their preferences, they got focused on it and had a lovely evening of laughter. "well. you arent too bad, Wrench. How about we leave the bad in the past and let my crew help yours out?" Y/N offered with a soft smile plastered onto his face.
Wrench taken aback by the reminder that the Y/N was the enemy shook his head and sighed. "no. I have no idea if we could trust you but how about this..I talk to dedsec and we get into contact with you guys? see what we could agree on so we arent in eachothers asses all the time. You are pretty nice and seem to have the smarts Fox-" "Y/N. you can call me Y/N. Thats my name" "o-oh" Did Y/N pick up a fluster in his oh?
Either way they parted for the night and soon as Wrench had said, dedsec reached out to the Foxes about a deal. So began a trade deal, dedsec helped the foxes and they did it in return. With time Y/N seemed to forgot his original plan of betraying them and started enjoying the time he spend with Wrench. They also slowly started spending time outside of dedfox missions and hung around in parks or the coffee shop they originally met in.
Here they were on the small look out point of the San Fran sign that was plastered on the mountain, having had a couple of beers, they let loose of their frustrations of society and the current government. "man fuck everyone! Why cant we just..delete the government?" Wrench slurred out as he put an arm around Y/N shoulder, putting his weight against the male who just let out a laugh.
"Wrenchiee, it isn't that easy! but don't worry. I'm sure we will fuck em up!" The H/C male replied as he put his own hand around Wrench to support him who seemingly was drunker than himself. "mmm true but I cant wait that long to tell you thissss" The blonde male blurred out, he suddenly stood up, pushing Y/N against the stone fence keeping them from falling down the mountain. "I...suck at emotions but...i like you. ever since we started hanging out more." he explained, stumbling in his words, swaving side to side as he tried to look to Y/N for a reaction.
Y/N was taken aback by that confession and looked down for a second. "I..."He muttered out as he took a second to think, his mind blinded by the alcohol couldn't muster anything sober. So with that realisation, he slowly put his hands onto Wrenchs mask who seemingly tensed up and lifted it up to his nose to expose his lips.
Wrench suddenly understood what the other male wanted to do and beat him to it by crashing his lips onto his first. They shared a passionate kiss as the night sky fell upon them. After a minute of kissing, Y/N pulled away as their lungs screamed for air, he leaned back against the fence as he let his head fall back, a big smile forming on his lips as he breathed. The other male couldn't help his smile and pushed down his mask to see his others response.
"You know, I thought dedsec was stupid until I met you." Y/N said before pulling Wrench into a hug.
There they enjoyed the night and drink happily to their hearts extend. Now knowing they have each other in this awful fight against technology.
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-Wrench our beloved. I hope yall enjoyed this! i very much had fun writing it and thanks for requesting it! See yall on the next fic :3-
-not keen on constructive critism as I do this as a way to enjoy myself and share it, so PLEASE NO COMMENT ON MY WRITING STYLE UNLESS ITS A GRAMMER ERROR. THAMK YOUU-
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iris0gardens · 2 months
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iris0gardens · 2 months
✩Call it a home✩ wd2 Wrench x Reader
"if I can choose my family, it'll be with you guys. you are my family"
TW/TAGS: Romance, mentions of abuse, softcore uwu, gender neutral terms for reader
description: Reader came to a dedsec hangout after a successful heist where they helped remotely. All of the group went to the beach and hung out on a rooftop of a building, sharing drinks and jokes. Wrench was happy to see them.
inspired by: tonight by Daniel Blume (listen to it, its a bop)
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Laughter was heard in the distance as Y/N approached the party, their clothing casual as they had a box of beer underneath one of their arms. The heist on blume went successful and they got the CEO arrested for misuse of power. Finally they could enjoy life without enemies in their back, live and love as they wanted without the fear of losing them.
Y/N felt a small smile creeping up their face as they got to the ladder leading them up to their friends they have been running around with for the past couple months. They quickly fixed their hair with their free hand and proceeded to climb the ladder with one hand which was impressive as they still held the box of beer.
As they got to the top, a hand was held down towards them to help, when they looked up, they saw the smiling face of Marcus and so they took his hand. "Ayyy Y/N, didn't think you'd show up at all. Glad you made it!" he greeted them with a pat on their back as he went back to the group. "Well Marcus, Who know finding an open store with a box of beer was hard" they replied sarcastically as their smile got bigger and they proceeded to put the box down.
"N/NNNNN!" A robotic voice called out as Y/N got tackled into a hug, falling backwards a little bit. "IM SO GLAD YOU MADE IT!!!" Once clear on who it was, Y/N laughed and greeted their best friend and partner, Wrench. "Hey, I texted ya I will be here, babe" they went ahead to pat Wrench`s head as he tightly held onto them. Now was the time to analyse their surroundings and they saw the usual dedsec followers and in the middle surrounding a fireplace were their best friends. "Wrench..wanna go to them now?" they asked softly as they looked ahead with awe. Their H/C softly flowing in the wind as Wrench let go of them. "pfft right. right. alright come on!" he replied and took their hand, dragging them to the group.
"fucking finally Y/N, thought Wrench caught you and dragged you away" Sitara called out with laughter laced in her voice as she waved at the couple approaching the group. Josh simply waved with a small yet nervous smile and Marcus just laughed at Sitaras Statement. "Hey! I would've if you guys didn't see them yet" Wrench called out offended by the accusation however made no effort at all to hide it. Y/N shook their head, a small laugh escaping their lips as they sat down in the circle, Wrench quick to follow to sit next to them. "Nah, I just got caught up in buying us more beer to down and get drunk of" They explained and glanced around.
"fair enough...guys, might I say we are the finest group ever. We finally got the freedom america deserved and took down those bastards that wanted to take it from us" Marcus spoke out and held his bottle high in victory. His expression full of pride and happiness of their victory. "Thats right! Without any of us here, San fran wouldve gotten deeper into a shithole and im glad we got it out!"Sitara cheered out as fellow dedsec followers proceeded to cheer in return, holding their drinks up. Wrenchs LED eyes changed into a happy `"˄˄" as he slowly took Y/N hand into his "Glad I met you in this fuckery." he whispered to them softly as he looked towards them.
A small blush crept onto Y/N face as he spoke admirations towards them. +Is he drunk?+ they thought as they observed Wrench's behaviour carefully. "Wrench? are you drunk already?" they asked in a whisper, leaning towards his ear a little bit with a small smile.
"pfft, maybe.."Wrench muttered, looking down while his LEDs changed to "_ _" before returning to a cheerful expression. "NOW LET THE PARTY BEGINNNN"He cheered as he held his bottle high, cheers erupting around them again.
-Time skip , the crew had a couple of drinks and played truth or dare.-
"alright Y/N. Truth or dare?" Marcus leaned forward with a devious smirk as he put his hands onto his knees. Y/N took a second to pounder before replying "TRUTH" and pointing towards Marcus with a drunken smile. "what was your childhood like, girly?" The male replied as he leaned back a bit, letting go off his knees.
"uh..cant remember much before i ran away. A dark room and uh..yelling?" Y/N scratched the back of their head while replying, seemingly not remember much of their childhood at all. "That's okay. You get to choose who your family is, Y/N. It doesn't matter if the past hurts, all that matters is the future and who you are with." Sitara proceeded to reply and smiled at her as Josh decided to lean against her shoulder to rest, nodding towards Y/N in agreement.
"if I can choose my family, it'll be with you guys. you are my family" Y/N proceeded to blur out with a big smile and held their hands high before letting themselves fall back. They now were laying on the concrete roof, looking up at the clear sky of San fran as the stars seemed to welcome them out. Their masked partner took a second to progress before enthusiastically replying "yeah! and I'm glad to have a badass partner on top of that in this fucked up family" Wrench joined Y/N in laying down, going for their hand again as he gave them a soft squeeze.
The others decided to join them in laying down and talked about random topics, like the stars or what they'll do tomorrow or in the future. What all they can agree on is that they'll always stick together and have a badass headache tomorrow.
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-AND ANOTHER ONE LADIES AND GENTS AND NONBINARY PALS. I really enjoy writing those oneshots for you guys and cant wait to show yall some more :)-
-not keen on constructive critism as I do this as a way to enjoy myself and share it, so PLEASE NO COMMENT ON MY WRITING STYLE UNLESS ITS A GRAMMER ERROR. THAMK YOUU-
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iris0gardens · 2 months
got a request? I AM OPEN TO THEM
You got the perfect idea on an x reader but rather not write it or just are too lazy? WELL AM I THE RIGHT PERSON FOR YOUUU. my requests are open and you can leave em in my asked either with your user or anonymous :) I would love to help out. I take them only for the watch dogs series currently however..
Current works:
"Run baby run" legion Wrench x Fem!Reader https://www.tumblr.com/iris0gardens/756996981663137792/%E3%80%A3run-baby-run%E3%80%A3-wrench-x-femreader?source=share
"The dance shared with you" Aiden Pearce x Fem!reader https://www.tumblr.com/iris0gardens/756960025617072128/the-thoughts-left-behind-aiden-pearce-x?source=share
"Call it a home" wd2 Wrench x Reader https://www.tumblr.com/iris0gardens/757167876275896320/call-it-a-home-wrench-x-reader?source=share
"The thought behind those eyes"Wd2 Wrench x MALE!Reader https://www.tumblr.com/iris0gardens/757275001236897792/the-thought-behind-those-eyes-wrench-x?source=share
"it doesnt matter anymore" WD1 Aiden x FEM!Reader https://www.tumblr.com/iris0gardens/758073379010052096/it-doesnt-matter-anymore-wd1-aiden-pearce-x?source=share
"Late night talks" Legion Wrench x Reader https://www.tumblr.com/iris0gardens/758440370983092224/heyy-bestie-idk-if-this-is-weird-cos-were?source=share
"The Lengths I would go for you" Legion Wrench x FEM!Reader https://www.tumblr.com/iris0gardens/759550556615344128/%F0%93%8D%A2-the-lengths-i-go-for-you-%F0%93%8D%A2-legionwrench?source=share
Hope to help and write a good piece for ya o/
Rules: Diffrent genders for reader allowed IMPLIED SMUT ALLOWED BUT NO ACTUAL SMUT (me no comf) No mpreg and other classical bullshit I am allowed to deny your request if its out of my reach or makes me uncomfy uhhh dont be a mean pp?
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iris0gardens · 2 months
Ladies and gents, my recent xreadee AND IM TRYING TO REVIVE ITTT LES GOOOO
Besides the serious lack of wd x reader content in general, theres a serious lack of legion wrench x reader fics. Let me smooch that old maaaaan.
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