Cytecare Cancer Hospital
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irine100-blog · 6 years ago
Everything you need to know about Lymphoma
The lymph system is a series of lymph nodes and vessels that move the lymph fluid through the body. These fluids contain infection-fighting white blood cells. Lymph nodes capture and destroy bacteria and viruses thereby acting as filters and prevent infection from spreading in the body.
While the lymph system typically protects your body, lymphocytes can become cancerous. Cancer that occurs in the lymph system is called ‘lymphoma.’
Oncologists classify more than 70 cancer types as lymphomas. They can affect any part of the lymphatic system including:
Bone marrow
Lymph nodes
Types of lymphoma:
Usually, lymphoma is of two categories:
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL)
Stages of Lymphoma:
Both NHL and Hodgkin’s lymphoma are classified into four stages. The stages are differentiated based on the intensity (how far) and location (where it is spread?) of the cancer cells.
Stage 1: The disease is within the lymph node itself, and it is not very aggressive.
Stage 2: In this stage also, cancer has not spread across the body as same in stage 1, but the cancer cells are in two lymph nodes near to one another and it is on one side of the body.
Stage 3: In this stage, cancer has spread to lymph nodes on both sides of the body
Stage 4: In this stage, cancer has spread to other parts of the body. This is called metastasis. The most common areas where NHL spread includes the liver, lungs and bone marrow.
The symptoms may not always occur in the early stages of Lymphoma. The doctor may find the enlarged lymph nodes during a physical examination. One can feel the lymph nodes in:
Upper chest
Many of the symptoms of lymphoma are not specific. It varies according to the location and intensity of the spread. It includes:
Enlarged spleen
Night Sweats
Bone pain
Stomach pain
Shortness of breath
Skin itching
Unexpected weight loss
The symptoms of lymphoma are easily overlooked. It is difficult to detect and diagnose it at an early stage.
Oncologists create a treatment plan based on the cancer stages. For example, the tumor is limited within the lymph nodes in Stage 1 whereas it has spread to other organs in Stage 4. Oncologists will grade the tumor cells by considering the following things:
low-grade or indolent
intermediate-grade or aggressive
high-grade or highly aggressive
The cancer treatment modality varies based on the analysis, and there are three viable options on which the cancer specialists chose the one that suits the patient’s condition.
It is commonly used as a treatment for many cancer types. It uses high-energy X-rays or particles to destroy the cancer cells. In detail, it will damage DNA inside the tumor cells with the help of X-rays, and it prevents them from reproducing within the body.
It is often used as a method to slow down the progression of cancer cells in the body.
In this process, chemicals are used to treat cancer cells. Sometimes, chemotherapy can be a supportive treatment for radiation therapy or surgery.
Bone marrow or stem cell transplant is used to enhance immune system cells and make it healthy. Doctors may transplant these cells or tissues before beginning chemotherapy and radiation treatments. The donor of the bone marrow may be your relatives or someone from your close circle.
What are the causes of lymphoma?
Lymphoma is the result of uncontrolled cell growth starting from lymph nodes to spreading across all over the body. Usually, the average lifespan of cancer cells is brief, and these cells die. However, in lymphoma, the cancer cells thrive and spread across the body instead of dying. It’s unclear what causes lymphoma, but some risk factors are connected with these cancers.
By providing comprehensive cancer care, modern diagnostic services, and holistic treatment, Cytecare hospital is one of the best oncology hospitals in Bangalore.   The team has best cancer specialists in Bangalore, who understands and develop the treatment plan for individuals based on the level of cancer affected to them. The well-experienced team practices the researched cancer care methodologies which in turn provides best cancer care to the lymphoma affected individuals. All these features, Cytecare is one of the leading providers of the best treatment for lymphoma in India.
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irine100-blog · 6 years ago
Cancer: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the body. Usually, the cell growth is uncontrollable, and it can happen anywhere in the body. These growing abnormal cells are called cancer cells which can infiltrate normal body tissues. Many cancer cells that compose the cancer tissue are identified by the name of the tissue they originated from. (For example, breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, etc.) Moreover, cancer is not confined to humans only. Other living organisms can also get cancer.
Generally, the cancer cells can break away from the original mass of cells, and they pass through the blood and lymph systems and enter other organs where they can repeat the uncontrolled cycle of growth. This process of cancer cells leaving an area and forming in other body parts is called metastasis.
The following are the three most common cancers occur in men, women, and children:
Men: Prostate, lung, and colorectal cancer
Women: Breast, lung, and colorectal cancer
Children: Leukemia and lymphoma
Various things can cause cancer. The following are the most critical factors that lead to cancer among people.
Exposure from the chemical or toxic compound
Ionic radiation
The symptoms and signs of cancer depends on the type of cancer, the location of it or where the cancer cells have spread. However, the following are the warning signs that indicate the presence of cancer within oneself.
Change in bowel movements
Change in bladder habits
Prolonged sore throat
Unusual bleeding  
Presence of lump in breast, testicles etc.
Difficulty in swallowing
Presence of hoarseness
Change in shape, size and colour of a mole.
The above-said symptoms may also occur for non-cancerous conditions. However, if you have any of these symptoms, it is advisable to visit the best oncology hospital to plan for the treatment. With the help of the specialised team, Cytecare has become one of the best oncology hospitals in Bangalore for the effective treatment of cancer.
Cancer treatment modalities:
There are three types of cancer treatment:
Radiation therapy
The operation aims to remove a tumour and some of the bone tissues in the affected body. Usually, a limb-sparing surgery, known as limb salvage surgery, is done to cure cancer cells. In this surgery, the intervention occurs without amputating the limb. The surgeon may take bones from other parts of the body to replace the lost bone.
It is commonly used as a treatment for many cancer types. It uses high-energy X-rays or particles to destroy cells. In detail, it will damage DNA inside the tumour cells with the help of X-rays, prevents them from reproducing.
The goals of radiotherapy
To provide a complete cure from cancer by destroying the tumour.
To relieve pain in the affected areas.
To shrink a tumour to make surgeries easier.
To eliminate the tumours that remained behind the surgery.
In this process, chemicals are used to treat cancer. The method of chemotherapy has five goals:
Total Remission: The aim of this process to give complete cure to cancer with this treatment alone.
Combination Therapy: Sometimes, chemotherapy can be used as a supportive treatment along with radiation therapy or surgery.
Delay or prevent recurrence: Sometimes, chemotherapy has been used as an after treatment, once a tumour in the body has been removed surgically.
Slow down: It is often used as a method to slow down the progression of cancer cells in the body.
The cancer specialist who excels in the treatment of cancer can treat this disease. They may be a surgeon or a specialist in radiation therapy or a medical oncologist. They use surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy respectively to treat cancer. They are a multidisciplinary team who interact with each other to develop a treatment plan for the particular patient.
Best cancer speciality hospital in Bangalore:
By providing specialised, modern diagnostic services, treatment and care for cancer, Cytecare hospital is one of the best oncology hospitals in Bangalore. The team has best cancer specialists in Bangalore who deeply understand the individuals and their treatments and are practitioners of researched cancer care methodologies which in turn provides best cancer care to the affected individuals.
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
Breath Easy: How To Prevent Lung Cancer
Chances are that you’ve been worried about lung cancer at some point or another. Who can blame you, when lung cancer is one of the most talked about and prevalent cancers across the globe. Contrary to popular belief, smokers are not the only people that can develop lung cancer.
Cancer is a group of conditions characterized by uncontrolled cell division and growth. When this occurs in the lungs it is known as lung cancer. Lung cancer is estimated to affect 1.8 million people across the world, resulting in 1.6 million deaths. This makes lung cancer the most common cancer in the world.
Preventing lung cancer is not impossible. Knowing the risk factors and avoiding them is the best way to prevent this type of cancer. Close to 80% of lung cancer cases are caused by tobacco use. This means that it is actually the most preventable type of cancer.
Signs And Symptoms Of Lung Cancer
Unfortunately, lung cancer doesn’t present with any obvious signs and symptoms in the early stages of the disease. This often delays diagnosis and worsens the prognosis for the patient.
Signs and symptoms of lung cancer can include:
Difficulty breathing
New and persistent coughing
Coughing blood
Sudden weight loss
Fatigue and weakness
Chest pain
Change in voice or hoarseness
Bone pain
If you notice any of these symptoms, consult a specialist immediately.
Types Of Lung Cancer
It is important to know the type of lung cancer that a person has since this affects the treatment plan, survival rate, and overall prognosis.
There are two main types of lung cancer based on the cells in which the cancer starts. These are:
Small cell lung cancer
This type of lung cancer accounts for 10-15% of total lung cancer cases and is almost always occurs only in smokers. Small cell lung cancer spreads faster and the prognosis is worse.
Non-small cell lung cancer
This type of lung cancer includes a number of individual types of lung cancer which are adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma.
Risk Factors For Lung Cancer
The first step towards preventing lung cancer is knowing the risk factors. A vast majority of lung cancer cases are caused by tobacco use. The other risk factors include genetics, previous family history of lung cancer, and exposure to radiation or secondhand smoke.
Tobacco use accounts for approximately 80% of all cases of lung cancer. The higher the use of tobacco, the higher the risk of lung cancer as well as other types of cancer. Even exposure to secondhand smoke can cause lung cancer.
Exposure to radiation especially from the chemical element Radon can also cause damage to the lungs and lead to lung cancer. Certain genetic mutations can make a person more likely to develop lung cancer.
How To Prevent Lung Cancer
The easiest way to prevent lung cancer is to avoid tobacco use completely, whether by smoking, chewing, vaping, or through secondhand exposure. If you smoke, quitting can greatly reduce your risk of lung cancer. If you don’t smoke or use tobacco, the best course of action is to not start at all.
Avoid exposure to cancer-causing agents like radiation, asbestos, arsenic, and other workplace hazards. A good diet and adequate exercise have also been known to reduce the risk of developing lung cancer.
As with most things regarding your health, when it comes to lung cancer and cancer in general prevention is always better than a cure. Be vigilant about your lifestyle and habits to avoid any untoward circumstances like cancer. Living a healthy life doesn’t have to be difficult; simply make small changes to see big results.
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
Rebuilding Your Life: How Breast Reconstruction Can Help
Breast cancer can take an enormous toll on your life and your body. After diagnosis and treatment, you may be wondering how to move on with your life after such an experience. If you are among the thousands of women who have had a mastectomy as part of treatment for breast cancer, then reconstructive surgery could be the start of getting back to your normal life.
A mastectomy involves the removal of a part of the breast (lumpectomy), one single breast (single or unilateral mastectomy), or removal of both breasts (complete mastectomy). Surgical management of breast tumours aims to remove the malignant tissue from the body to prevent it from spreading.
Types Of Reconstructive Breast Surgery
Breast reconstruction surgery involves rebuilding breast tissue using prosthetics or tissue taken from other parts of the body. The reconstruction is purely aesthetic in most cases and the rebuilt breast tissue is numb.
The types of breast reconstructive surgery are:
Reconstruction with implants or tissue expander
In this type of breast reconstructive surgery, an implant is used to recreate the shape and size of the breast tissue that was removed.
An implant is placed in a space created under the pectoral or chest muscles. The implant is usually made of silicone, sometimes with an acellular human or animal graft being used as an overlay to improve the function and aesthetic appearance of the implant. Implant reconstructive surgery creates a natural look but the implant can create a stark contrast in shape and movement if it is done only on one side. The implant will not move or age and this can look unnatural in comparison to the normal breast tissue which will change with time.
This type of breast reconstruction is the most common type and can be performed simultaneously with the mastectomy.
Reconstruction with autologous tissue
Tissue flap reconstructive surgery involves using tissue taken from another part of the body to reconstruct the breast tissue. This tissue is commonly taken from the buttocks, the back, the thighs, or the abdomen. The tissue taken involves skin, fat, and sometimes muscle as well.
This type of reconstruction gives a natural shape and movement, which may be preferable to some women. However, the reconstruction procedure with a flap is longer and more complex. The benefit is that it doesn’t require many follow-up surgeries and the reconstructed breast will age as normal and not create any inconsistency with the natural breast.
Flap reconstructive surgery is often done after treatment for breast cancer is complete.
Reconstruction with breast tissue preservation
This type of reconstruction is commonly done for women who have undergone a lumpectomy procedure in which the tumour and some healthy breast tissue is removed but the rest of the breast is left intact. The missing tissue is what needs to be replaced or reconstructed.
The missing tissue can be replaced with tissue from another part of the breast. This will reduce the size and volume of the breast so in most cases, the second breast is also reduced to maintain symmetry. Tissue from other parts of the body can also be used to replace the removed breast tissue.
Who Can Get Breast Reconstructive Surgery?
Any woman who has undergone or is yet to undergo a mastectomy is given the option of reconstructive surgery. The reconstructive surgery can be done along with the mastectomy (immediate reconstruction) or after the treatment plan is completed (delayed reconstruction).
The decision between immediate or delayed reconstruction is decided by the condition of the patient, the overall treatment plan, the advice of the doctor, and the patient’s preference. In some cases, delayed reconstruction may be better for the patient and the doctor will inform them if this is the case.
Some women cannot undergo breast reconstructive surgery due to medical complications or if they need further radiation therapy. These factors are best discussed with the cancer care team.
Breast cancer can be devastating but with advances in medicine and surgery, it gets more and more likely that you will live a completely normal life after treatment.
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
Cytecare is the best hospital for Radiation Oncology treatment in India from world renowned Radio Oncologists using sophisticated technologies.
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
Immunotherapy: A Modern Treatment For Cancer
Scientific advancements have grown by leaps and bounds in recent decades. Medical science has not been left out of this great leap forward and cancer research is one such field. Apart from a better understanding of the disease, we also have a host of novel treatments for cancer.
One of these breakthrough treatments for cancer is Immunotherapy. Immunotherapy is a type of targeted therapy or biologic therapy that uses the body’s natural immune system to kill cancer cells. Cancer immunotherapy is known by other names such as immuno-oncology.
The immune system helps the body to ward off diseases and illness, both caused by external as well as internal factors. However, the immune system cannot detect cancer cells since cancer cells lack the external markers that the immune system uses to identify hostile bodies, essentially ‘hiding’ from the immune system. The cancer cells can also signal the immune system to not destroy them or the immune system may be too weak to destroy cancer cells even if it can identify them.
This is where immunotherapy steps in. The immune system should be able to destroy tumour cells and immunotherapy is a way to help the body’s immunity to do that.
Types Of Immunotherapy
It can be difficult to clearly categorise different types of immunotherapy due to overlap and use of combination therapy to treat cancer. The most common types of immunotherapy include:
Monoclonal Antibodies
Monoclonal antibodies are synthetic antibodies made in a laboratory. Usually, antibodies are produced by the immune system in response to a threat, and these antibodies find and target the threat to eliminate it from the body. Monoclonal antibodies work in a similar manner.
Monoclonal antibodies can help the immune system to find cancer cells by interfering with the proteins of the cancer cells so that they become visible to the immune cells. It can also help to weaken the cancer cells so that they can be destroyed by the immune system.
Cytokines are a type of protein that helps the body destroy abnormal or dangerous cells. Cytokines include proteins such as Interleukin and Interferon.
These proteins interfere with the division and growth processes of cancer cells, boost the functions and growth of killer T-cells, and make cancer cells more visible to the immune system.
Checkpoint inhibitors
These inhibitors cancel out the effect of proteins produced by cancer cells that stop the immune system from killing them. This allows the immune system to find them and destroy them.
Checkpoints refer to the proteins present on the surface of T-cells (killer cells in the immune system) that turn ‘on’ in response to a threat and turn ‘off’ when needed. This helps to activate and deactivate the killing functions of the T-cells.
Cancer cells switch off the checkpoints on T-cells so that they are not attacked and checkpoint inhibitors turn these back on.
Cancer vaccines
It may sound impossible but there is such a thing as vaccines against cancer and they are a type of immunotherapy.
Cancer vaccines are designed to identify certain protein markers on cancer cells. They can then work to inhibit the growth of abnormal cells, remove abnormal growths that couldn’t be reached with other treatments, and prevent the re-growth of cancer cells.
Adoptive cell transfer
This is the latest type of immunotherapy and may be offered as a part of clinical trials. Adoptive cell transfer refers to the transfusion of T-cells into the patient’s body. T-cells are a type of white blood cells or lymphocytes that destroy threats in the body such as pathogens and abnormal cells.
The most common type of adoptive cell transfer CAR T-cell therapy (CAR- Chimeric Antigen Receptor). Doctors take a sample of T-cells from the patient, genetically engineer them so that they can differentiate them cancer from normal cells, multiply these modified T-cells, and return them to the patient’s body.
Immunotherapy is a novel approach to cancer treatment and it works in many cases where other conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation don’t. While some types of immunotherapy are still being perfected, they are a glowing beacon of hope for cancer treatment.
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
Hope Springs Eternal: Types Of Treatment For Cancer
There was a time when cancer was a death sentence. But we have made huge strides in cancer research and treatment. Now, there is hope that even aggressive cancers can be managed with proper treatment.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, it is natural to be worried and apprehensive about what the future holds. A better understanding of cancer and the types of treatment for cancer can help to ease to your mind.
To understand how cancer is treated, first we must know how it spreads.
How Does Cancer Spread?
Cancer is a group of conditions in which there is abnormal and uncontrolled celldivision. This happens due to genetic mutations in the cell.
Normal cell division occurs in all tissues in the body and is closely monitored and regulated by cell growth and cell death mechanisms. Division is controlled by proteins, and mutations may cause the cell to become unresponsive to these signals. This disrupts the natural balance between cell division and cell death which means these mutated cells grow out of control and start to damage healthy cells. Certain genes like tumour suppressor genes can also be affected causing them to lose their function. As their name suggests, they are responsible for destroying abnormal cells.
Hence cancer is a disorder of tissue regulation and treatment is focused on destroying these mutated cells.
Types Of Treatment For Cancer
Treatment of cancer depends on the type of cancer, the severity and stage of the disease, the overall health of the patient, and the patient’s personal choices. Cancer treatment options are as follows:
Surgery for cancer involves the removal of the tumour. This is to prevent it from spreading further as well as being a curative measure.
Solid tumours can be treated with surgery if they have not spread to other parts of the body. Non-solid tumours like blood cancers cannot be treated with surgery. Common surgical procedures for cancer include mastectomy (removal of the breasts) and prostatectomy (removal of the prostate). Either the tumor alone is excised or the entire organ is removed.
Surgery is one of the oldest treatments for cancer and it works best for early-stage, localised tumours.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy or radiotherapy involves the use of high-intensity ionizing radiation like X-rays to kill malignant cells.
Radiation may be administered externally via external beam radiotherapy or internally. The radiation destroys the DNA of the cancer cells causing them to die and shrinking the tumour. The surrounding healthy tissue is shielded from the radiation to prevent any damage.
Radiation therapy specifically targets fast-growing cells. This is mostly cancer cells but certain normal body cells are also fast-growing such as hair follicles. This is why many cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy tend to lose their hair.
Radiation therapy is used to treat both solid as well as non-solid tumours.
Chemotherapy is the use of medication such as anti-cancer (antineoplastic) drugs to destroy malignant cells and shrink tumours.
Drugs such as cytotoxic agents target all fast-growing cells whereas there are more specific agents like peptides and monoclonal antibodies which are used for targeted therapy. Chemotherapy can be used to shrink tumours prior to surgery or radiation, kill cancer cells that grow after surgery and radiotherapy, and as an addition to improve the efficacy of other treatments.
Chemotherapy often involves combination therapy since two or more antineoplastic drugs are better than one.
These are the most common treatment options for cancer. Other therapies include participating in experimental clinical trials, immunotherapy, and precision medicine.
Cancer can turn your life upside down. With early diagnosis and prompt treatment, the prognosis can be quite promising. Cancer doesn't have to be the death sentence it once was. Get yourself screened regularly. Be proactive with your health and your life.
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
Warning signs of cancer: Stay alert, stay ahead
Cancer is a devastating illness. Many of us live in fear of a cancer diagnosis. Early diagnosis and awareness of the warning signs of cancer can save lives.
Cancer can occur at any time and cause a variety of symptoms. Cancer is a group of over 200 individual conditions that can affect almost any organ system in the body.
What makes cancer so dangerous? And why is it so versatile in its effects?
What Is Cancer?
Rather than being one disease, cancer is actually the term given to a collection of diseases with a common underlying mechanism. Cancer refers to the uncontrollable growth of cells. These abnormal cells grow and divide outside of normal cell death mechanisms and they can spread to surrounding tissues as well as tissue in other parts of the body by a process called metastasis.
Cancer can occur almost anywhere in the body. There are a number of causes of cancer such as genetics, radiation, environmental factors, and some pathogens.
The symptoms of cancer can be quite vague in the early stages which makes early diagnosis difficult.
These are a few warning signs of cancer you need to be aware of:
Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness. It is a very vague symptom and can be caused by many different disorders and conditions. However, sudden onset of extreme or unexplainable fatigue needs to be checked out by a doctor to determine the root cause.
Weight Loss
Drastic weight loss is a common early sign of cancer especially cancer that affects the lungs, oral cavity, and gastrointestinal system. Weight loss can also be caused by other medical conditions like an overactive thyroid. Weight loss due to cancer is often a lot more quick than in other medical conditions.
Blood loss
Many types of cancer can cause blood loss. Cancers of the genitourinary system like prostate cancer or bladder cancer can cause the appearance of blood in the urine while gastrointestinal cancers like stomach cancer and colorectal cancer can manifest as blood in the stools. Certain blood cancers also have early symptoms such as anaemia (low red blood cell count, low haemoglobin, or both).
Unusual blood loss is never a good sign but it may not always be a sign of cancer.
Skin changes
Sudden appearance of a new mole, lump, bump, rash, or other skin changes needs to be evaluated by a specialist. Breast cancer is known for presenting as lumps or bumps on the skin covering the breasts and oral cancer can manifest as persistent white or red patches in the oral cavity.
Incessant cough
Constant coughing, shortness of breath, voice changes, and coughing blood can be warning signs of cancer, especially lung cancer. Difficulty in swallowing may also be present.
Persistent pain
Continuous or frequent headaches or body pain without any obvious cause can be a sign that something is wrong. This pain is usually described as something unlike normal pain, and it may be severe and unrelenting or may wax and wane in severity and duration.
Don’t panic!
After reading all these warning signs of cancer, it can be easy to assign cancer as the cause of every ache and bump. Remember that most of these symptoms are rather vague and can be caused by diseases other than cancer. Before you jump to any conclusions, consult a doctor who can do a thorough medical examination and run diagnostic tests for a clearer picture of the problem.
These symptoms don’t always indicate cancer. Use your best judgement when evaluating your own health but don’t ignore any potentially serious symptoms. Keep a level head, stay aware, and take steps to prevent cancer.
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
Common myths and misconceptions about cancer
Cancer. The word can strike fear into the hearts of most people. But how much do you really know about this condition?
Cancer is a term applied to a group of over 200 conditions. It develops when cells mutate and begin to multiply uncontrollably, without normal cell death mechanisms in place. These malignant cells often spread to other parts of the body where they damage more tissue.
Myths and misconceptions about cancer spread misinformation and can stop people from getting diagnosed and getting the proper treatment. It can also contribute to feelings of stigma and taboo that surrounds this disease.
Myth #1: Cancer is always fatal
Modern medicine has made huge strides in the treatment of cancer. Cancer is no longer the death sentence it once was. It is estimated that 40% of people diagnosed with cancer are disease-free in 5 years. The 5 year survival rate is a very important benchmark to predict overall recovery from cancer. Early diagnosis and detection greatly improve the survival rate.
Myth #2: Cancer is contagious
Unlike most common diseases that are caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms, cancer is caused by changes in cellular DNA. These changes are often random. In most people, these mutated cells are destroyed by cell death mechanisms but if these mechanisms fail, then it develops into cancer. While cancer can spread within the body, it cannot be transmitted from one person to another.
Myth #3: Radiation therapy will kill you
Radiation therapy can be physically and mentally exhausting but it is a life-saving treatment. Radiation therapy has been optimized to deliver the maximum benefit and cause the least harm to the patients. Some side-effects are to be expected but these are not life-threatening. If you have any fears or doubts regarding radiation, you should talk to your doctor before refusing the treatment entirely. It could be a matter of life and death.
Myth #4: I have no family history of cancer, so I won’t get cancer
Cancer is caused by changes in cell DNA. A family history of cancer does increase your cancer of developing the disease. However, this does not mean that if you have no family history of cancer you won’t get cancer. Genetic mutations can be random, caused by environmental factors such as radiation exposure and pollution, and lifestyle factors such as smoking, obesity, excessive drinking, and poor dietary habits.
Myth #5: Surgery for cancer will cause the cancer to spread
A lot of people with cancer undergo surgery to remove the tumor or collect a tissue sample for biopsy. There is no evidence to support the statement that surgery causes cancer to spread. Surgical tumor resection is an important and often life-saving treatment. Surgical removal of a primary or non-metastasized tumor (tumor that has not spread from its site of origin) actually helps to prevent the spread of cancer to other regions of the body.
Myth #6: All lumps are cancerous
A majority of lumps that are detected during screenings and medical examinations are benign or another condition entirely such as a cyst. A doctor will conduct tests to determine if a growth is benign, precancerous, or cancerous.
Myth #7: Your attitude determines the outcome of cancer treatment
It is normal to be sad, angry, or to feel negative emotions when you or someone you know receives a diagnosis of cancer. While it helps to maintain a sense of optimism and hope, these feelings shouldn’t be forced upon patients. Let people will cancer react in their own ways. A ‘positive attitude’ doesn’t cure cancer just as a ‘negative attitude’ doesn’t cause cancer.
2 in 5 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes making this a fairly common condition. Cancer can be frightening but to make it less of a monster, let us work to banish myths that further complicate the treatment process and spread stigma among the general public.Keep yourself updated on the facts and advancements in the treatment of cancer so that you know where we stand in the fight against cancer.
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
Types of treatment for cancer
Inspirational videos and articles are all that we cling to, when we think about easing down the sad state of cancers. Let’s not talk about the statistics here, it is very depressing.
Let’s not crib about the many troubles that a cancer patient has to encounter. Let’s talk about the solutions that we can give them. One of the many things that we can do for them is,  we don’t make them like a “Dying patient”. For all we know, the feeling of just being into a dreadful health issue might be mentally drowning them.
If we are looking at reducing the the number of deaths that are down to cancer, greater exposure to cancer treatment and cancer hospitals is of utmost necessity.
Gone are the days when cancer treatments were a rare thing to find around. More and more number of people are aware of this disastrous health bizard which in turn has led to to the multiplication of cancer hospitals along with the best medical services and facilities.
Now that we know we have a good bunch of medical services and hospitals working towards the betterment of cancer treatment, something that we need to realize is that the kind of cancer treatment are not the same for everyone.
It’s a wrong notion that most people carry about the surgeries as part of the best cancer treatments. Throwing light on this particular notion, not every cancer patient needs to go through a typical surgery.
Let’s just say a person is suffering from Breast Cancer, so what happens here is that the radiation therapy for breast cancer used a treatment may or may not be an appropriate type of cancer treatment. Which means, cancer prevention and screening become an integral part that determines the type of cancer.
In order to take up the best cancer treatment, one must know the type of cancer treatment they require and need. It may so happen in some of the rare cases that patients may have to take a combination of treatments as suggested by their doctors.
Types of cancer treatment are many and here’s a list that you may want to take a look and enlighten yourself with.
Types of cancer treatment:
Radiation Therapy:  
Radiation Therapy kills cancer cells and shrinks tumors by using high doses of radiation.
Unlike, radiation therapy chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer works.
Immunotherapy works more than just a treatment for your body since it helps the immune system  to fight against cancer.
Targeted Therapy:
This type of cancer treatment that avoids the growth, division and spreading of cancer cells by targeting and destroying them.
Hormone Therapy:
Prostate cancers use Hormones to grow inside one’s body. Hormone Therapy is one of the types of cancer treatment that slows down the process or stops this kind of growth.
Stem Cell Transplant:
For many cancer patients, their blood forming stem cells are destroyed because of high doses of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Stem Cell transplant restores these blood forming stem cells for them.
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
Best Game Art Studio in India
Dhruva Interactive has been in the Gaming industry for 20 years now. The age itself of the company speaks for its profile and journey, yet it has many other feathers added to its hat of achievement. As glamorous and picturesque the world of Gaming might look like, it’s equally challenging and taxing in terms of creative performance and agency. And so in order to sustain in the industry, a company constantly has to prove its elasticity with time. This connects us to the nature of Dhruva Interactive which isn’t any different than what you just read in the above bit of the blog.
Dhruva Interactive has been recognized as the best Game Outsourcing Company. Now if you’re wondering why, it’s time we introduced to you its forte which is its Game Art Services. Yes, game art is one of the most prominent features of game developing. It’s almost similar to a child wanting to read a fairytale only for the captivating images. And hence for a company to exist in a world of colours and impressions, it has to have pliable graphic tools and intelligence. And Dhruva Interactive has proved its accomplishment in particular area not once but a million times ever since it’s come into existence.
What makes Dhruva Interactive excellent in such a space is its provision of Game Art Services. With a team of Art Directors and designers, it never fails to deliver what it is expected out of it.
It has provided its Game Art Services to 100 games on consoles, social/casual and mobile, and hence is beyond experienced when it comes to this particular area. And what makes Dhruva excellent in the market is its associations with brands that aren’t just international but also popular worldwide.
Its work profile has stars not just for providing one service but many services. These also vary in number as much as they do in nature. Game Art Services might seem like a single task but it’s actually a huge umbrella incorporating various kinds of designs. Yes, designing here can have several connotations. The characters that you choose for playing, the setting and properties that intrigue you – everything is a part of Game Art Services. And so it is highly important to ensure the quality of these services are excellent. Fortunately, many trust Dhruva to help them with this.
With 20 years of experience, Dhruva interactive has partnered with both national and international leading companies wanting seeking Games Art Services that are the best in the world. Needless to say Dhruva Interactive  has been their first option in every endeavor!
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
Dhruva Interactive – Mobile Game Development Company
The world of Gaming is almost a parallel universe, existing on its own with unique features and characteristics. With constant upgrades in technology, this space has achieved a cult status among all age groups and genders, becoming one of the most popular genres riveting people into the world of entertainment along with films, music and other art forms.
This very world of Gaming is both the present and future of the entertainment industry and hence generates the highest demand in terms of consumer attraction and employment generation. Now if you’re a huge fan of Gaming, you must have heard of Dhruva  Interactive and if not, you ought to go through this blog for we’re sure you’ll love what you’re going to explore.
Dhruva Interactive  is one of the best Game Outsourcing Companies we have in the country. With an experience of 20 years in perpetual creative research and toil, it has earned its position as the ace game developing company in India.
Now we know this makes you more intrigued about what Dhruva  Interactive actually is. The ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ are probably making you scroll further and further. So let us cut to the chase and find out what Dhruva  Interactive actually is and whaWith a team of skilled designers, producers, analysts and software engineers, Dhruva Interactive  t it aims to do.
It works to design and develop games across the world with the finest team of resources possible. Apart from design and development, it also works in platform conversions on all leading platforms such as IOS, Android and Windows.
Dhruva Interactive has contributed more than plausible, by building spaces for all leading games on social gadgets such as mobile phones, tablets and computers. It is due to their impact in this area that Gaming has become an easily accessible medium for everyone in the country.
With a team of skilled designers, producers, analysts and software engineers, Dhruva interactive masters the existing domain of Game Outsourcing Companies in India.It has partnered with many leading companies with regard to Game developing and outsourcing, N64 – Mission Impossible being the first and most prominent.
Dhruva Interactive  has a won several titles and awards doing what it does and hence holds esteemed recognition among others of its kind. It has a brilliantly equipped Game Studio in Bangalore. Apart from that it also has some of best creative geniuses in the country working behind its existence. This makes it the best Game Outsourcing Company with regard to both technical and human resources which also increases its potency to be untouched in the market.
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irine100-blog · 7 years ago
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