The Domain Offer That Smelled Like a Scam From Day 1.
Is This Domain Flipping A Scam?
The Domain Scam To End All Scams. Beware The Domain Scam That Goes Like This.
I am going to expose a big-time scam if you are in the domain  flipping industry. So this is a warning for anybody who’s new, coming into this, be on the lookout for this scam.
What happens is that I buy domain okay and then I turn around and sell it. There is nothing wrong with that People, it happens every single…
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Domain Flipping, Profitable Domain Flips, Flip Domains Now. 3:3
domain flipping way
Domain Flipping for Profit An Easy Domain Flipping Method
Domain Flipping.
    Module 6 is
going to be marketplace domination in
this module.
  I’m going to teach you how
to leverage the top 3 biggest and most
profitable domain marketplaces to make
10 times more money than auctions.
  How to
analyze your competitors so that you can
literally leapfrog them
and make more money easier and faster.
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Domain Flipping, Profitable Domain Flips, Flip Domains Now. 2:3

Domain Flipping for Profit An Easy Domain Flipping Method
Domain Flipping.
  but more importantly I
was finally able to experience a
lifestyle of total freedom I never had
to worry about clocking in and clocking
out every single day at a dead-end job
in fact my wife quit her second job and
we finally got to take a real honeymoon
I am now able to support my parents
charities and other great…
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The Domain Flipping Way 1:3
The Domain Flipping Way 1:3
welcome I’m your personal mentor please
pay very close attention to this
presentation before we get started the
FTC wants me to tell you something the
system I’m about to teach you has made
me a lot of money but that’s no
guarantee that it will work as well for
you in fact there’s no way I can guess
how much money you might make using this
it may be more than me it may be less I
just know that…
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[easy_countdowner name=”tester” theme=”default” animation=”ticks” end_date=”2018-05-25″ end_time=”00:00:00″ day_label=”Days” hour_label=”Hours” minute_label=”Minutes” second_label=”Seconds” day_color=”#60686F” hour_color=”#60686F” minute_color=”#60686F” second_color=”#60686F” circle_bg_color=”#E2E2E2″]
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Domain Names, Branding and your Personal Brand. What Gives?
The Personal brand. Technology has caused a monumental shift in influence. Today the average person gets 561% more engagement, sharing a brand message, than when that same brand message is shared by a company.  On Social Media the average employee has 10 times the number of followers as their company on social media.
The Internet has allowed everyone in this room to…
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The Domain Discount. Is it Just Folly?
The Domain Discount. Is it Just Folly?
Is The Domain Discount Even a Real Thing?
Where should you buy a domain discount name from is simply your own choice. In spite of the fact that the distinctions in domain name administration offices are few crosswise over various suppliers, the estimating changes definitely.
There are different components (other than rivalry) which add to this dissimilarity in estimating. Learning of these…
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The Domain Name + Affiliates. WTF?
Shock, Awe. Just what does happen to the domain name when you add affiliate links? Click-tap above to reveal. Hang on to something. Steady.
Affiliate Links And The Domain Name Driving Traffic to The Domain Name w Affiliate Links
Affiliate links aside; in “Trafficking” to your the domain name and  to your site? THERE are 3 ways to do this:
The free way.
The cheap way.
The expensive way.
The free way to get traffic is by type-ins (if the domain is good), and by taking advantage of
social networking sites,
email campaigns,
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Suprisingly Good Reasons for Multiple Domains
In these days of Trumps and fake news, we’re certain there are topics more widely contested than multiple domain issues, but at the moment we can’t think of any. As many things digital and SEO there is much too much controversy and disinformation over this subject.
So what we’d like to do is present the positive side of this debate with as much authority as is possible to muster. So this article…
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Get Rich Selling Domain Names?
Is There Money To Be Made Selling Domain Names?
Most selling domain name entrepreneurs wouldn’t even bat an eyelid at the mention of the words Selling Domain Names, because domain name speculators are already accustomed to trading domain names online, and fully comprehend that domain names have their own intrinsic value.
But are you aware that it’s still plausible to make good money online…
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15 Most Expensive Domain Names Ever
Top 15 Most Expensive Domain Names in Internet History THIS WORLD’S 15 MOST EXPENSIVE DOMAIN NAMES  15.   BEER.COM
To start off the 15 world’s most expensive domain names at 15, we have beer.com.
Sold in 2004 at a price of 7,000,000 (million) dollars, this premium domain served as a search engine for beer brewing & tasting, beer news, history of beer and drinking games.
“Thought convergence”…
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The URL Shortener. Read All About It!
I have been using the url shortener for some time and it wasn’t until people started asking me about that I realised that they are only really understood by people engaged in On-line Business. So this series of articles aims to provde something for the beginner and, hopefully, something for the more seasoned Online Professional.
In this first article I will cover…
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Domain Names: Read All About It
Domain Names Oh My
Domain names are thought to be great in view of the keywords utilized and on their endings (extensions). For instance a considered great domain would end in *.net *.org, or the most well known extension,*.com.
Be that as it may, now there are literally hundreds of other domain extensions, for example, *.tv, *.biz, and 8.ws, which have turned out to be prevalent in light of the…
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Yes, How To Buy A Domain Name Forever
On The Enigmatic Question Of How To Buy A Domain Name Forever.
How to buy a domain name forever. A very common request we get is instructions on How to buy a domain name forever .
The organization in charge of global domain name management is called ICANN, and if you ask them about buying a domain name forever, they will tell you they disallow permanent ownership of any domain name.
You are…
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Sell & Buy Domain Names Chick-Chuck
How To Sell & Buy Domain Names With Aplomb Sell-Buy Domain Names on Auction Sites?
We often go to sell and buy domain names on eBay.com because it’s the world’s leading auction site, with Millions of potential customers.
While clumsy, you can set varying prices & choose from fixed price (buy it now), auction format, or a combo. We would recommend choosing a Buy It Now price for the minimum price…
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Keywords in Your Domain Names. Is That SEO Friendly?
We’re quickly going to analyze the potential of embedding keywords in your domain name (or netaddress) in the hope that the Search engines will deal favorably with the relevancy. So in succinct terms, ” are keyword savvy domain names a friendly and useful SEO approach?
Does SEO Respond to Keywords in Your Domain?
The simple answer here is, yes, keywords in your domainis compatible with…
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Pretty Link Shortener. Is It The Best?
Before Pretty Link, All Link Shorteners Were The Same
We’re going to talk about link shortener s and short links and when to use those. They’re also called pretty links but we’re going to talk about how do you add those, use those, everything about short links. I make WordPress videos for the non techie.
The Pretty Link Way to Link Shorteners
Now you have probably experienced or seen short links.…
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