Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Introduction: The introduction shows a lot of exciting close up from across all of the subjects. I think that the fading and layering effects really work well to keep a certain level of ‘mystery’ and intrigue in the intro as you aren’t shown enough of the clips to really fully engage with what they show or what they represent. I think that the opening clip works well as it is bright and vibrant and the white text over this looks good. I think that we managed to condense Stuart’s interview really well, leaving only the basic information that is needed in order to not give too much away and to keep the interest of a viewer. The fade out to black create suspense to see what will be shown next and keeps the transitions between sections clean and clear. The wild track is very quiet but I think it still fills the breaks in the interview audio, making the sound quality good overall.
Being Human: The introduction to this project is my favourite as the audio and the visual give a really interesting and other worldly sense to the project. It is clear that this project is related to science and therefore effectively portrays an element of it from the outset. The range of footage across this section is great, showing all aspect that we want to show such as student work, student involvement, the partners/artists, different locations and the combination of all of these. The footage from BOM has been colour balanced and I think it is some of the strongest and most creative. Laurie’s interview gives insight into his work, the student’s work and their collaboration, portraying the opportunities that the project has given to our students. Laurie’s interview audio wasn’t the best sounding but I think that the use of background audio/ wild tracks has worked well to improve and hide this, with a variety of interesting and relevant sounds being played throughout this section to add diversity and context to the clips. Again the image fades out to black to show a clean transition to the next project.
Tipton: This video contains such a range of footage which I think is impressive when we only visited the sight once. The intro is bright as fun with attention to detail such as the angle of the text so it sits on the canal ledge. Although this section doesn’t show any student participation, John and Jo talk about it in their interview which still shows it to a certain extent which I think is a success seeing as we were unable to film any of the students at Tipton themselves. This section contains a lot more editing than the previous ones, showing speed/duration changes, transitions, opacity etc. Although the audio on this section has quite a lot of wind and excess noise such as birdsong, i think that we have been able to improve this greatly by adding the in background sounds of the shots we show and also by using high pass filters. The ending fades to black again but this time it is a natural fade as the sun in the shot goes in.
SoA Archives: The introduction to this project embodies the title and the main focus of the project straight away. It also seems really personal to the SoA which I think helps to boosts the school and the module like we intended. Again, we have included a wide range of shots from the archives in the section using a variety of editing techniques to keep it exciting and interesting to watch, especially as this project could be seen as the least exciting. I think the most successful element on this section in the inclusion of a student interview. I feel that Thanya’s interview adds a huge amount of energy and shows the modules from an inside perspective which really sells the project in a positive way. I also think that this is strengthened from the range of creative shots of Thanya sewing and the addition of this audio to the video which breaks up the interview and adds to the context to help transport you to the locations.
Ceramics: The opening shot in this section is one of the mot unique and different shots in the whole video. This energy is them kept up by another student interview, again showing the student’s inside perspective of the module to show how good they have been. Miriam’s audio in this interview is really clear and good quality but still with background noise form the clips added to create contents, interests and different layers to the sound as we have with the visuals. This section shows different locations, the artist, the students work and involvement and a combination of all four to document every aspect of the module as we intended to do.
School Dinners: The intro to this project has a lot of energy and excitement contained within it, created by the edited speed of the chosen visuals and the chosen audio and audio levels. Again, I think we have managed to incorporate a wide range of footage and content from across the two visits we paid to the group. The only negative element to this video is the quality of the audio during Kaye’s interview. We tries really hard to try and improve this and i think we have to a certain extent through levelling the sound and adding wild tracks and background noise to try and fill some of the gaps in the audio. If we had more time to complete this video, I would want to record Kaye’s interview to a better quality as this would improve the quality of the video overall. Although, that being said, i don’t think it is too bad as Kaye is audible, there is just an obvious hum that we were stuck with. I do not think tat this makes the section unsuccessful as we still show the project to be exciting with the inclusion of student work, planning, involvement, working with the artist, chef and Grand Union and i think the editing we have employed really helps to keep the energy up from the intro.
Milton Keynes: I think that choosing to use the patterns of the gallery for the intro to this project works really well as it is the most vibrant and stimulating footage from across the project. The excitement is added to by the flashing and speed change added and also the increasing volume of the audio at the start. I think we did well to document such a range of footage as we only went on two site visits. I think that this section in particular really highlights all of the opportunities that this module has offered us, from site visits, different locations, working with artists and students to create work. This section has a larger pause in the interview audio which allowed time for us to add in other audio as the main focus. The sound quality in this section is good and i think that it has some of the most interesting background audios which really adds to the visuals of the clips. This fades out on a slip of Stuart and Andrew with the group in MK and i think that this ends the narrative of the video well as it starts and ends with visuals of Stuart, and it narrated by this interview audio throughout.
To end the video: we added the logo, the module title and our social media so that we showed that we made it but also so that the social media is combined with the video to show the full range of documentation that we have done over the module.
Overall, I am really happy with the video and proud of what we as such a small group managed to create over the time we were given.
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At the start of the project when we assigned ourselves roles, mine was to create a blog to share our footage with each other. However, once we got further into the module, we didn’t need a blog and i noticed that nothing was really happening with the Instagram page so i decided that i would step in and update the page regularly.
At first it was slow with a post every few days but after our formative assessment I really started trying to improve the page. I aimed to upload a post at least once a day, sometimes posting up to three posts a day, tagging and ‘hashtagging’ as much as i could to try and extended the pages reach.
I followed over 400 people including students, artists and institutions and we gained just short of 200 followers. A lot of the post got a reasonable number of likes, starting out it was just students from Margaret Street who liked but post but now the majority of likes are from people outside of our own institution, which was the aim.
I think that the Instagram page has been a success, with several people mentioning how it looks and how good it is in sharing our documentation of the project, helping to show it in a positive way.
Although I wasn’t given the role, i think that it was important for me to step in otherwise I don’t think it would have gotten to the point where it is now.
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01/05/17 - 05/05/17
This week we focused on fine tuning all aspects of the video including the visual and audio.
I am really pleased with the final video and think that we put a lot of time and effort into it. I also feel like I have gained and furthered my knowledge and skills in filming and video editing which will be really helpful in my third year for my own practice.
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After doing the final edits and fine tuning to the video yesterday, today we wanted to focus on the audio and getting that the a point that we were happy with.
We faded in the audio of the intro as it was too abrupt at the start
Blip in Stuart’s intro - cut out
Dropped the background audio volume during being human
Glitches/pops at the starts of some audio(Interviews) - should go once exported.
General levelling of sound over all of the projects to make sure the volume was consistent.
Stuart’s audio at the beginning of SoA archives no longer made sense after we had changed the order of the projects - “The most obvious one is...” I cut this out so that thee audio starts by introducing that Bridget will be working with the students.
We put breaks in Thanya’s interview to make it sound less edited and more natural.
We replaced the ceramics wild-tracks as there was too much talking that could be heard in it, I replaced this with a hum from the the archives audio - this fit well with the visuals of the pottery wheel.
School dinners - Stuart’s interview “student will be curating and also making’ - this had a weird blip on the word ‘curating’, so we cut the to say “students will be making”
We added the humming track to Kaye’s interview in an attempt to try and fill some of the space and echo in the audio.
I filled in the rest of the background audio in the school dinners section using appropriate audio - talking when it showed talking etc
We added street/outside noise to the MK intro as there was no sound which didn’t sound right in comparison to the rest of the video.
There was a clip of Stuart talking to Maggie in the MK section that was out of sync, to fix this we deleted it and imported it again
Once we were at a point where we thought we were done with the video, we watched it through to double check that there were not any other issues that we needed to fix. We did notice a few things that we were able to sort out easily:
We upped the brightness and contrast on some of the clips in the school dinners section
We checked, added and edited titles that introduced the artists/students we have interviewed
We edited the first shot of MK gallery’s colour balance as it still looked too yellow.
Once we thought we were happy with everything in the video, we exported a version to watch to see if we could spot anything else that needed tweaking.
There were only a handful of things that we decided needed changing:
Stuart’s introduction was out of sync
Laurie’s interview starts off too quiet
Jo and John’s title was too fast
The breaks in being human’s audio had recognisable footsteps and one audio clip was sped up which sounded unnatural.
Once we were happy that we had fixed everything we thought was an issue, we exported a version at the highest quality we could, and then watched through it a final time to check for any more changes.
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When setting up our interview with Thanya, she was quite shy about being in front of the camera, we therefore framed the interview so herself and the sewing machine was in the centre of the frame instead of adding in talking space on one side. I think that this is less formal and works well to show a more approachable and relaxed interview which fits in with the fact that it is a student interview and not an artist. I think that this gives a more refreshing interview, especially as the other interviews are framed in petty much the same way. Thanya spoke really great about her work and gave us a lot to use in the video to present the project in a positive light. I think having the interview in her work space is a nice touch also as it gives a different, more interesting backdrop to the interview.
This is a small clip from a shot that documents Thanya working on her current piece. The audio of the sewing machine is nice and would work well to break up the video and add more energy to it. I think the angle, filming over the shoulder, gives a ‘fly on the wall’ feel to the shot which i think is interesting.The shot is in focus and the exposure is set correctly, although i think that the white balance is sightly off even though we made sure to set it before we started filming.
This is a close up shot of Thanya sewing her piece, again there is audio of the sewing to layer and create texture in the video. The focus is on Thanya’s hands while she works with the sewing machine sightly out of focus.
In this clip, the focus is in the sewing machine spinning, with Thanya in the background slightly out of focus. I think that this adds variety to the types of shots and is a little more interesting than just having a normal focus.
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Today, we finalised the edits of the remaining sections and also created an introduction to the video. For the intro, we decided to stick with my original idea of having a variety of close ups from each project.
First we put the title at the end of the introduction
We moved the clip of Stuart to the centre
Cut out any blips in the audio
We went through each section of footage and selected a clip that was colourful and visually exciting.
We started by just having hard cuts from one to the next but then decided to try out layering the clips, editing opacity and fading them in and out over each other.
We were happy with this but felt like it needed more depth, so we added another layer of images.
We decided that we didn’t need the second part of Stuart’s narration because it went to far into the projects and said things that are said later on in the video
We then moved the title around - over fades - at the end - at the beginning - We liked how it looked over the fabric at the end so decided to move this clip to the start and put the title over this.
Wild track - tried the sewing machine noise but i felt that this was too much over the visual of Stuart so we faded it out over this part.
Introduction notes: This introduction works much better than the black screen with white text on that we had previously. I think that this is in keeping with the rest of the editing we have done across the film and shows a viewer something about each project before they are explained. I’m not sure that the sound we have layered works as to me, it sounds like a hiss which makes the audio of the interview sound worse and not improved.
After we had finished the intro, we changed the order of sequence of the project section in the video. We decided this by looking at the start and end of each section, and decided which visuals would work well next to each other.
Next, we watched through School Dinners and Archives to make final adjustments to these sections like we had done with the other sections previously.
We changed the title of the School Dinners intro, making the text gold to match in with the colour scheme of their dinner. We also changed the whole word into capitals and moved it to the top corner where it could be seen better.
We colour corrected the shots of Thanya in the textiles room as they were too warm.
We deleted the still images from school dinners as they were bad quality and also extended the length of the lantern slides, changing the transitions from fades to hard cuts.
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To let people know about the exhibition, Stuart put together an email with the information. I then sent out this email to everyone in our year and Abi posted about it on our group’s Facebook page. This only reached the fine art students which would mean that we need to find a way to inform the art and design students also.
I also think that it would be a good idea to put posters around the building so that everyone is aware that it is happening.
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Georgia imported a collage that she had made using photographs taken on our visit to MK - layering the MK gallery sign/ student/ tutors talking/ image of the gallery.
We wanted to replace the photo of the gallery as it was bad quality due to the rain - looked through out footage and exported a frame as a still - imported it back into the software.
We reviewed Stuart’s interview and cut it down to the essential bits to shorten it slightly.
We added key-frames to the video of the MK model to make it zoom in gradually.
We layered two clips of the gallery over each other by editing the opacity because we didn’t feel as though the clips were strong enough on their own.
We chose to delete the video footage from Stuart’s interview and just keep the audio and added in footage of students working and writing
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Fade/dissolve on the boat to the inside of the house could be on for longer
Pop/blip a the start of johns audio
Start the intro transition with a hard cut rather than a fade/dissolve because the clips are so obviously different
Milton Keynes:
Cut down- still too long
Cut out Stuart’s Audio about new towns and the 50th anniversary of the gallery
Brighten up the archives clips
Fine tune the audio
Colour balance on Adam’s face
Red pattern is too blue
Being Human:
Some of the audio is mono - fill right with left
Audio echoes
Make the stills of Laurie’s work longer
Replace the photos of Laurie holding the cellulose
Miriam - colour balance and brightening
Group shot with Mark is too dark and cold
The shot of the glazed pots could be on for longer
Replace end clip of Miriam with more footage of work
Take out the hot of the ceiling - doesn’t make sense with the rest of the shots used
Miriam’s interview is one sided
Change Stuart’s ‘title’ to just say Birmingham SoA
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After our tutorial with Stuart, we stayed to fix the issues that Stuart picked out and to work on his suggested improvements.
Fixing the colour balance of Adam’s shot ^
Fixing the brightness and colour balance of Miriam’s interview ^
Brightening the group shot with Mark ^
Brightening the archives footage ^
Over the afternoon we edited everything that was suggested to us and got at least half of the video (MK, Tipton, Being human) to a place that we were happy with.
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02/05/17 - Fine-tuning Milton Keynes and Tipton
Editing audio with Ana:
We booked a slot with Ana on moodle to ask her advice on fixing some of the issues we had with the audio across the video. Her suggestions:
Add in wild tracks to hide hums etc
Fade in and out between these
Hard cuts make the gaps in the audio more noticeable
Tipton- high pass filter at 80hz could take out the wind
Have to be careful with high and low pass filters as they can change the pitch of the voices, making it worse than before it is edited.
By the time we put a filter on to a point where it affect the hum, the voices were already changed a lot.
Leave John’s audio
High pass filter on Jo’s audio at 200hz
Not too much of an issue because you can tell the filming is outside so you expect wind etc
wild tracks don;t have to be from the actual clips, just somewhere that fits
We added in wild tracks to the entirety of MK and Tipton, fading both the audio and visual out to black at the end of the sections.
We found the clip of the boat coming towards the camera was too long and a bit boring, so we added in a fade to inside of the gauging house.
We removed the clip of inside the house that was over John’s interview and the visual didn’t fit in with the sound and replaced it with the canal and used it’s audio as a wild track.
The below shot of the windows was quite flat so we edited the brightness and contrast to fix this.
We also changed the shot of the old boat from a sped up pan to a still shot as this looked more in keeping with the rest of the shots we had in this section.
We decided that we needed to do something something to the title text. The original idea was to animate the text so that it moved behind the boat as the boat moved but we were not able to figure out how to do this. Instead, i decided to angle the text so that it appeared to ‘sit’ on the edge of the canal-side. I also then altered the fading in and out so that it appeared only when the boat was out of the way, as if it was being hidden by the boat.
Tipton Draft:Overall, I think that this section of the video works really well to show the project, and in a positive light. I think that the changes made have definitely helped to made the video better, especially the transition from the canal boat to the inside of the gauging house, as the white areas of this clip appear first and are unrecognisable until the image fades in fully, which i think adds interest and energy.
For MK, we added in wild tracks, replaced the shots of the outside of the gallery with the new ones, changed the colour balance of the new shots of the gallery as they were very yellow and changed the titles at the intro. WE decided that the titles needed to be as interesting and vibrant as the intro visuals, i therefore create 3 titles, each a different colour and alternated them so that they would appear to change colour as the images changed.
Milton Keynes Draft: There are still a few things about this draft that i think need editing before we can hand it in for assessment. For example, the red patterns in the intro look very blue in comparison to the other shots, but we struggles to adjust the colour balance in order to fix it. Also, I think that some of the shots of the outside of the gallery look slightly yellow. There is also a gap in the visuals where it goes black where it isn’t needed. Other than that, i am happy with the content of this section and think that it includes everything we need to show from the locations to the student involvement etc.
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24/04/17 - 29/04/17
This week we focused on getting all of the footage we need to complete the video and spent a lot of time working on the video. This was the first time in the course of the project that every member of the group was present during the editing process, which is both encouraging but also really quite frustrating as we only have 2 weeks left at this point.
We arranged to go to Parkside to film student s working on the ceramics project as the footage we had from this project wasn’t enough to complete the section.
We added footage to the remaining sections - archives, school dinners, ceramics and being human.
I am feeling positive about the video and think that we are on track to complete an interesting documentation of the module as we intend. However, this was the first time in the course of the project that every member of the group was present during the editing process, which is both encouraging but also really quite frustrating as we only have 2 weeks left at this point.
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Myself and Abi added the footage to the interviews we had edited for the Being Human section of the video. We:
added an opening/establishing shot of Laurie’s exhibition at BOM
When Stuart mentions working with the students, we adding in a clip of Laurie’s workshop with the student, interacting with them.
This then cuts to the interview with Laurie
We tried to link the visuals to the narration e.g showing a shot of Laurie’s work when he explains his practice followed by close up moving shot that transition/fade into one another.
When Laurie talks about plastic humans we added footage of the students playing around with the modelling plastic.
We then added in stills from the first sessions with the students which we had to resize because of their quality and shape.
We then adding shots of the students working and their ongoing work whilst Laurie describes it.
We then faded out the visual and audio at the end of the section.
I think that we have some strong and creative footage in this section. I also think that the range and scope of the footage does well to show every aspect of the project and this module, which is out aim. However, there are several things that looking back on, i do not really like and think we should change:
the audio is too loud at the first student clip
Laurie's audio of the interview is too quiet
The shots of Laurie with the gloves on handling the cellulose are bad quality and do not fit in with the rest of the video
The audio needs levelling out throughout the project to fix the levels and breaks etc.
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Monday 8th May at 2pm, we will select works for the show as a group and then meet with a fabricator at 3pm to discuss any plinths/display objects that we want to have made for the show.
We will install the show on Friday 12th and Monday 15th.
The opening of the show will be on the 15th from half 6 - half 8.
It’s difficult to have ideas for the show when we don’t know anything about it other than the title ‘ International Projects’. Once we have selected works we will be able to think more about how we want to display them and the layout of the show etc. Although we only have a short time to create and install the show, I think that it will be enough time to create something that works well to document the project.
Group Ideas so far:
Nothing displayed on the walls
Take some of the walls out if possible
Display our video
Can display student’s work in a way that is different to their intention i.e the balloons from Adam’s video
Ask the students to help us with the installation of their work
0 notes
The first shot of Stuart looks a bit flat - change brightness and contrast
Archives - Image of the SoA works well
Archives - the sound is too high at 00:01:51
Archives - Sound needs to be layered throughout and not just and random sections
Archives - Check sound channels - some are mono tracks still
Archives - The clips of Thanya are too warm
Archives - Transitions between lantern slides are too fast and makes the images look like they are glitching
Archives - think about using a closer shot of the sewing machine as the sound peaks to make it seem like we are getting closer to it so it is louder
Archives - group clip isn’t fixable so replace it
Archives - chosen content works well
Ceramics - Remove Stuart’s audio completely if we can use Miriam’s interview to explain the project.
School Dinners - Some of the clips are too warm
School Dinners - Kaye’s voice sounds tinny
School Dinners - Other audio/wild tracks are needed
School Dinners - Dissolves with stills of cutlery are too fast - use hard cuts?
Being Human - Interview with Laurie is mono
Tipton - New shot, new sound works well
Tipton - Use shots of the inside of the gauging house when there is no audio of the interview as they don’t fit together
MK - Change footage of the outside of the gallery
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Whilst Abi and Scott were in Milton Keynes, Georgia and myself edited the ceramics section and created a new intro for SoA Archives.
To start, we imported Miriam’s interview, cut out Abi’s questions and decided which parts we could cut out. We decided there Miriam gave enough information in her interview that we could remove Stuart’s audio as this wasn’t relevant information to the project anymore. We edited the order of the interview so that it made the most sense, and edited 2 clips together so that all information was clear and made sense.
Because Mark didn’t get back to us about an interview with him, this section is shorter than others.
We then deleted the visuals of Miriam, leaving the beginning and end with the rest to be filled with other footage.
We decided to use the clip of the camera spinning on the potters wheel as the intro to the section, leaving in the audio and fading in and out the title. We decided to change the title from ‘Modern Clay’ - Mark Essen’s ceramics studio to just ceramics, as we didn’t feel as though his workshop was relevant to the project as a whole. We changed the colour of the font to a dark grey/brown to match the colour of clay.
We put in a hard cut of the visuals from the spinning shot to the first clip of Miriam talking, but we overlapped the audio so that Miriam introduced the project in the opening shot. As it cuts to the visual of Miriam we added in a title with her name and ‘student’ on it.
After this we added in another hard cut from Miriam to another student working on her ceramics, leaving in the audio and layered in to create more interest and depth but also to fill any breaks in the audio that would effect the quality of the sound.
This then cuts to a moving shot of glazed and fired pots, then to another shot of a pot being worked on. This is broken up by a shot of the ceiling in the kiln room in order to show where the sounds were coming from.
When Miriam talks about working with Mark, we cut to a group talk with Mark and the students on the project.
This next cuts to more working on the ceramics, to the fired and glazed pots, and finally back to Miriam which brings the section to the end.
Ceramics Draft notes:
The audio throughout is inconsistent, the background noise and Miriam’s interview right at the start.
The audio of the scraping has weird talking sounds mixed into it and is too loud over the interview.
Looking back I think that the end clip of Miriam is on for too long and this could be replaced with more footage of the ceramics itself.
Overall, I think that the majority of the footage we chose to use works well but, there are quite a few problems with the audio which can be fixed easily in Premier.
School of Art intro:
On our way to film at Parkside, we decided to film the SoA from the same angle as that in the lantern slide so that we could combine the then/now images of it.
We left the lantern slide image at the start, fading it into the new video of the school.
Because we could get the exact same angle, we used scale and positioning to get it as close to the same position as we could.
We then faded in the audio to match the visuals and extended the title over the new clip, changing it to white so it could be seen clearly.
I think that this works well to show that the project is about the history of the school of art and the objects that are contained in that. I also think that it gets across the idea of then and now and the historical element to this project.
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This morning before we went to Parkside to visit the ceramics studios, we added footage to the rest of the school dinners section. The intro was already complete but other than that we had only added in the audio of the interviews and a section with Kaye in. To fill in the section we:
When Grand Union and Kaye are mentioned, we added in a clip of the group talking with them so they visuals related to the audio.
We then added in shots of food, fading into some of the cutlery the students had made for the dinner.
After a short break, Kaye is introduced in her interview.
This then cuts to another shot of foo whilst Kaye describes her tendency to use food in her practice.
We then added in footage of one of the workshops we filmed, with different shots of the students making things with the food as their material.
Next, we show clips from the second session we filmed, which shows a lot more thinking and planning of the dinner. Starting with a shot of the flowers used in the set design, layered with a shot of the group in the space planning.
This cuts to a video filmed my one of the students for the marketing of the event.
When Kaye talks about the students, we added visuals of the students in groups, in the space with Kaye planning the event.
We ended this section with the shot of the fabric and flowers from the set design, which fades out to black.
We managed to get hold of the soundtracks that the School Dinners group are using in their event and tried to add this to our video. However, all 4 of the soundtracks we had didn’t fit with the video at all and were really distracting, so we decided not to use them.
Draft notes: Looking back at this draft, I am mostly happy with the visual content we have added to it, and the interviews and how we have condensed them down. However, there are several things about this section that I think we need to change:
I’m not sure about the lowercase font at the start as it is inconsistent with the rest of the titles in the film. Also, in their own marketing of the event, they have capitalised the word which I think is a decision we should also make.
Some of the clips of the group are a bit dark
The fading in of the still shots are really fast and don’t really enable you to see the images properly.
I think that the break in the visuals doesn’t work and looks like a mistake
The video footage of the candles is bad quality in comparison to the rest of the video
Kaye’s audio throughout the interview cuts in and out badly and has an obvious echo to it that I think we should try to resolve.
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