ioan-6325 · 5 years
How to live for God?
Matthew 16:24-27 says:,,Then Jesus said unto his disciples,if any man will come after me,let him deny himself,and take up his cross,and follow me.Because anyone who wants to escape his life will lose it,but whoever loses his life for me will win it.And what would a man use to gain the whole world if he lost his soul,or what would a man give in return for his soul?For the son of man shall come in the glory of his father with his angels;and the you shall reward each one according to his deeds.’’Bible tells us here that we need to take our cross every day.This means that we need to die from our older us and rise again.We need to be born again every day to stay with him.If you want to save your life you need to lose your life.Have sense?If you give all for Jesus,Jesus wil give you all back more than you gave.Would you pay God for get in heaven?Would you take all the money from this world for going in hell?God will bless you,God will give you more than you give.That’s why it’s better to be with God.To live with you need to be 100% in him.When Jesus will come back he will pay everyone for his facts.Jesus will pay everyone for their facts if they are saved.If you are not saved,facts will not help you.Think,if you are angry on me and I give you some flowers what would you do with go with them.You will hit me with them because what I’ve done before.That’s why you do not need facts if you are not forgiven by God.
Matthew 22:14 says:,,Because many are called,but few are chosen”.Bible tells us that you need to be chosen not called. Doesn’t mean everything if you come in church,you are saved and after some time you go back in world and lose your salvation.We need to be chosen,not called.We need to be christian for all days who remain in our life.Jesus gave us the power to be called.He gave us his example.
Matthew 22:37 says:,,Jesus answered:Love the Lord your God with all your heart,with all your soul and with all your mind.’’This is the first command is to love your God with all your heart.This is the most important thing in life.If you want to be a true christian,you need to love God with all your heart.If you love God you will do his commands.His commands are simple.                                     LOVE GOD TO BE WITH GOD.LOVE GOD TO BE GOD’S CHILD.IF YOU WANT TO BE CALLED YOU NEED TO LOVE GOD.                                             THE KEY IS TO LOVE GOD.it is the answer for all questions.
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ioan-6325 · 5 years
Be with God,live for God
Hello guys! I am back.Today i want to talk about salvation. 
Romans 10:13 says:,,For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.”The bible tells us that who will say:,,I need God,I need Jesus,I want Jesus to be my saviour,to be in my heart,to live for him forever”,will be saved.Who puts his faith in God will have a blessing here on this planet but in heaven to.Who puts his faith in God will be a child of him.Trust me,if you are a child of God nobody can do something to you.If you are a child of him, he will put his protection on you,he will bless you,he will give you eternity life.
Romans 10:10 says:,,For by faith from the heart the guilt is obtained and by confession with the mouth salvation is reached,”.The bible tells us that we cannot be with just facts,we need to be with all our heart in God.Romans 10:9 says:,,So if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and if you believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead,you will be saved.”If you confess that Jesus exists and he raised from dead,then you will be saved.It’s simple to say some words,but it is not simple to give your life to God.Not everyone can life for God. Christianity is not for the weak.Christianity is not a religion,is a way to live.Christianity is the best way to live your life.One girl said one time:,I didn’t know that is another way to live before I met you all.’’                                        BE WITH GOD,LIVE FOR GOD
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ioan-6325 · 5 years
When God is for you,who can be againts you?
You can't be with God and with Satan.God says:,,You can't drink from the cup of God and the cup of Satan.",,Who is not with me is againts me."
John 3:16 says:So much God loved the world,so he sent his only son for us to die for everyone to have eternity life.
If you love to live,You would love to live in heaven more than you love to live here,on earth. Heaven is 1000 more than we think,says the Lord.But if you don't live for God on this earth, you will never be in heaven,You will be in hell for eternity.
This song is a good song.This song talks about what would we do if we knew the Lord from the beginning.Bible say:,,We didn't search the Lord,Lord searched us from the beginning and chose us from the beginning.
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