Hannigram and Rickyl are my happy place! This blog will consists of my favorite stuff and things. Favorite TV shows: *Hannibal *The Walking Dead *HBO Oz *Outlander Loves: *Hannigram *Mads Mikkelsen/Hugh Dancy *Rickyl *Andrew Lincoln/Norman Reedus *Beecher/Keller *Leeloni aka Chris Meloni/Lee Tergesen My AO3
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I’m still on the lookout for Telera’s fictions: The Visit and the full version of Little Will Playing in the Pool. If anyone has them to share, that would be wonderful!
Telera Fic Pornado Dump
So, you’ve stumbled across this post and are wondering what shenanigans are about to ensue…. well I’m going to list what Telera fics I currently have hoarded and may update at any time, if you have any that are not listed or have complete works, please feel free to add them in the comments or contact me and I will add them for you.
If you want any of the listed below just PM and I will email them to you.
My Email is [email protected]
Update - Don’t be afraid to share and signal boost this post, the more people see it, the more that can be added!
The Mackenzie Treatment - ** Complete**
An Embarrassing Problem- Complete
The Cheeky Patient - New - Complete thanks to @no-topic-whatsover
Ficlets - Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
Little Will and Daddy Hannibal- COMPLETE
Puppy Training - Chapter 1
The Arranged Marriage- Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
The Guest - Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4
The Latin Mass - Chapter 1
Another Kind of Party
Bedtime Stories
Being Your Slave
Breakfast in bed
Fine Things
Good Will
Little Red Will
Pinot Gris
The Guardian Angel
The Human Sushi Platter - Chapter 1
The Little Orphan - Chapter 1
The Picnic
The Old Omega
Wicked Beads
The Nursery - New
Home Remedies - New
A Friend In Need - New
Taken - New
Hands - New
The Solitary Mermaid - New
Tutelage - New
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Well Hannibal’s, we say goodbye to Tumblr and hello to places like Twitter, Pillowfort, and AO3. I may pop on here from time to time but not for very much. I’ve enjoyed everyone in the Fannibal community. All your art, writings and just fabulous fun stuff. Favorites in no particular order: @desperatelyseekingcannibals @camilleflyingrotten @reapersun @rednoonsun @jadegreenworks @theseavoices @alessiapelonzi @tobiasslash @nephila-clavipes @carrioncrowned @beatricenius @le-wendigogo @sheep-in-clouds @treacle-a @h4nnibalism @fragile-teacup @idontfindyouthatinteresting @shoegazerx @hattukissa @velcro5 @hanniwill @liesinpain @victorineb @allionne I sure hope I haven’t forgotten anyone. Anyway I sure hope I can stay in touch with you all or at least see you’re beautiful works. The Barbie dollhouse and accessories curtesy of my daughter lol.
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Yep. This is what winter feels like. Every. Freaking. Year!
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Well no one has said anything about me saving my blog. So I’m not going to bother saving it. Tumblr can chew it up and spit it out for all I care. For now I’ll be posting on Twitter until something better comes along...or anywhere the fannibals will be.
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For everyone’s information:
The plan for the 17th, when the adult content ban comes in, is to protest.
To do that, we are making as much noise either side of the 17th as possible, and using the site as normal.
On the 17th, dead silence.
People are saying log off but what they really mean is don’t open the site or the app.
But, on the 17th make as much noise as possible on every other platform. Tweet about it and post on facebook and instagram and everywhere else.
What this does is causes a massive dip in ad revenue for one single day. That does not make staff think ‘oh everyone’s gone let’s shut down.’ What it actually makes them think is ‘oh shit people aren’t happy and if people don’t keep using our site we’re out of money and out of jobs.’
A boycott reminds a company that the users (consumers) have the power to make their site (business) worthless with one single coordinated decision.
If you want to join in, here’s what to do:
Close all open instances of the app and site on all your devices before the 17th
Make posts before and after the 17th on tumblr and other platforms, talking about why this ban is bad
Make posts on other sites during the 17th. Flood the official tumblr staff twitter and facebook with your anger and your opinion
Come back on the 18th and check in
Delete the app from your phone (this doesn’t affect their revenue and since it’s off the store at the moment it’ll be hard to get back)
Delete your account. I mean you can if you want to, but if you keep your account and don’t use it you’re saying to staff that there’s still time to save it. If you delete it’s hard work to come back.
Open the app or website (including specific blogs)
Make any posts (turn down/off your queue and make sure nothing is scheduled)
Go quiet elsewhere. Make it clear that this is just about tumblr, not a mass move away from all social media.
Remember: the execs don’t care about anything but money. Shutting down the site means there’s $0 further income from it. That’s their last possible course of action. If we make it clear we’re not happy, they’ll have to do something or we can do more and more until it becomes too expensive.
Protests take commitment. They’re a defiant action against a business that is doing something wrong. They will try to scare you into not participating, because they’re scared. We hold all the power here, sometimes the execs just need to be reminded of that.
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December 17th - a rescue plan
Some good news, I’ve been talking to two developers now and got them working together, we just had a meeting with the guys behind an existing large (millions of users) site similar to Tumblr, with a vibrant and open-minded community, and more importantly, it has open-minded owners who believe in free speech. They think we can get something done here to rescue the whole community.
I’m not allowed to reveal the site name yet. I can tell you it’s mainstream, open to everyone, open-minded and welcoming. (It’s not WordPress or any site owned by Facebook or Twitter. It’s not Pillowfort, that’s in closed beta. It’s not Ello, that’s mainly for artists. It’s not kinkspace or fetlife, those are too specialist. It’s not jux, that seems to be closed. It’s not Soup, that seems still in development and too small.)
One of the reasons for delaying the announcement for next few days is they don’t want a “land grab” where people take the names of current popular Tumblr users over there (cyber squatting). So they are looking at ways for existing Tumblr users to keep the same names on the new site.
More info over the days to come.
The plan is, broadly:
1. By December 9th, announcement of the new site and how to secure your username there
2. By December 10th, an online tool for bloggers to copy their existing content to the new site automatically, with the same tags and captions.
3. Bloggers will need to copy their content across between December 10th and December 17th if they want to use the automatic tool.
4. My understanding is that after December 17th there will be no public access to any “flagged” posts on Tumblr, but the original poster will still be able to see the flagged post (for a short time at least). Therefore, the original poster may still be able to manually download a post to their own PC or phone, after December 17th, and manually upload it to the other site. But if you have lots of posts that will take a long time, it will be better to use the automatic tool before December 17th.
Please understand that these dates are approximate and may change for technical or other reasons.
There may be a few rough edges or not so perfect looking site design on the transfer tool. Everyone is doing their best. The main goal here is to help as many people as possible preserve access to their content, in the short space of time Tumblr has allowed us, and preserve as much as possible of the Tumblr community spirit somewhere new.
The new site will cater for photo, GIF, text and html posts. It will not offer video and audio posts, due to cost reasons - maybe in future, but for now you will need to preserve video and audio content yourself in some other place.
If your Tumblr blog has a mixture of original content and reblogs, or all reblogs, all of that can be copied over to the new site. Reblogs will become “your” original content if nobody else posted them yet, otherwise they will be shown as reblogs. The devs are looking at ways to preserve attribution of reblogs back to the original Tumblr poster, if that person also moves to the new site.
Important: your Likes cannot be copied from Tumblr to the new site. You will have to go find the same posts again on the new site, and like them afresh.
(Similarly, existing reblog comments, asks, messages and other user interaction on Tumblr cannot be copied to the new site - that’s just too much to do, in the short time available.)
If you want to preserve any of your existing Liked posts on Tumblr, you will need to either: (1) download the post to your own PC, or: (2A) reblog it now to your own Tumblr blog, and then (2B) use the automatic tool, before December 17th, to move your whole Tumblr blog across to the new site.
If you have Liked a lot of posts here on Tumblr, the gridllr.com webapp should be able to help you do steps 1 and 2A quickly, I mean download or reblog.
(Someone complained to me today about the appearance of Gridllr on a phone. It’s best to use Gridllr on a PC, Mac or Tablet with a large screen.)
If you have liked a post here on Tumblr and the original poster decides to delete it, or even to delete their entire blog, some time before December 17th, then that post will be permanently lost. So if you want to be sure to preserve any of your Liked posts, you should best download or reblog as soon as possible. If it’s reblogged to your own blog it is safe from deletion, at least for next few days.
Obviously, you will lose access, after December 17th, to all past posts you have liked, if Tumblr has flagged them as NSFW. Again, the steps (1), or (2A) and (2B) covered above will be the only way to hold on to these posts.
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Twitter: @_aletter2elise_, AO3 aletter2elise, dreamwidth, livejournal, and instagram also the same username. I hope to stay in touch with the Fannibal community.
On Twitter I am Moondancer1626, https://twitter.com/Moondancer1626 ; on Instagram I am Rotem_Rusak, https://www.instagram.com/rotem_rusak/
Let’s also drop in a doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a7qya8TVfGwutsEkRDVVgX848c630tgb1vMHcprz3zg/edit?usp=sharing
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Save my blog?
I don’t know if my tumblr blog is worth saving but if anyone on here thinks it is otherwise, please let me know. I’ll more than likely be posting to other places. You can still find me at these sites: Twitter @_aletter2elise_, AO3 aletter2elise, dreamwidth aletter2elise. I’m deciding if I should open a Pillowfort account. I also have an instagram and livejournal which I rarely ever use. Anyway I hope to stay in touch with my fellow Fannibals as well as my Rickyl shippers. Peace out ✌️
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Much like the candles that could, no forces will keep us from finding each other’s light!!!! Wishing much light and love to all of you!!!! <3
Make sure to add yourselves to our #FindAllTheFannibals chart and so we can BURN BRIGHTLY TOGTHER NO MATTER WHERE WE ARE: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a7qya8TVfGwutsEkRDVVgX848c630tgb1vMHcprz3zg/edit?usp=sharing
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Welcome To Omegaverse!
Do you want to chat with other A/B/O fanatical fannibals? Share fic recs, throw around head canons, chat over ideas, share snippets, discuss world building and pimp your own art and stories to like minded fans? Want the inside scoop and early information on upcoming @hannigram-a-b-o-library events and projects?
Then, welcome to omegaverse! This Telegram based group is a moderated chat room focused on A/B/O creative content for Hannibal and Hannibal Extended Universe.
As this chat is moderated, we do not issue open invitations, however you can be added to the group by requesting to join by sending mod @desperatelyseekingcannibals a message on telegram - via this link.
Chat Rules: Don’t be rude. Be polite, no kink shaming, reverse kink shaming or general priggishness. Take personal debates into a private chat. Take off topic to a private chat. Mods reserve the right to boot members where appropriate. When posting snippets that may include triggers please post first #tw with a note about the trigger and then the snippet. These rules may be amended/updated as and when necessary.
Join now and get the scoop on what we are doing for SummertimeSlick before it goes live on the blog!
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On Twitter I am Moondancer1626, https://twitter.com/Moondancer1626 ; on Instagram I am Rotem_Rusak, https://www.instagram.com/rotem_rusak/
Let’s also drop in a doc: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a7qya8TVfGwutsEkRDVVgX848c630tgb1vMHcprz3zg/edit?usp=sharing
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!! Now that we’re all pretty unsettled re this tumblr mess...
>>> … is probably a good idea to bring up info for those interested in RAVAGE or RADIANCE of our NEWSLETTER HERE:
>> AND because this is such a friggin’ mess we will also send out a few more emails in the upcoming months, because we honestly don’t know if and where you guys will all vanish to. Or if you stay. Or if you just switch to Pillowfort?
(the gif seemed fitting)
Therefore we will:
- up the frequency on those emails a bit - aka general news re upcoming Radiance sales, campaign pre-info, campaign dates, teasers etc.
- post aforementioned infos on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoveCrimeBooks/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/lovecrimebooks
(Here, on tumblr)
On Pillowfort when it’s back up
And on our blog save, over on Wordpress: https://lovecrimebooks.wordpress.com/ (soon to be imported)
Images on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovecrimebooks/
PLEASE - if you followed this blog for RADIANCE copies or the upcoming anthology RAVAGE - sign up for email notification and FOLLOW US on ONE or TWO of those ADDITIONAL SITES - that way we can still reach you when the infos and then the campaign hits!!!
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RAVAGE and PayPal
Inquiries regarding the upcoming campaign (February 2019, exact date to be announced!) have reached us and it will in all likelihood be a Kickstarter campaign.
Now, per Default Kickstarter does not accept PayPal. And, as uncomfortable as it is, there is a simple reason for it (unfortunately): With PayPal you can delay payments or transfer funds back - both actions actually endanger a successful “funding”.
For a project like RAVAGE we will need a solid funding, just as we needed it for RADIANCE.
There are workarounds, and we wanted to point these out before the campaign starts this time, so everyone has enough time to prepare!
Option 1)
The most straightforward option for those with a PayPal account but without a credit card might be this: A PayPal prepaid Mastercard. Link: https://www.paypal-prepaid.com/
This is a Debit card you fill up that is paid from your PayPal account, and as such, in our opinion, the most simple solution.
Option 2)
This option was used a lot last time - other Fannibals buying the tiers for those without credit cards.
If you go and look for and find someone - please make sure of the following steps:
Please create a Gmail address to use for guest login at Kickstarter. At the point of “Backing” only the amount and guest login needs to be set.
Have your “Fannibal guardian angel” :) back for you with that email address and transfer the money back to them.
IMPORTANT here: The email used must be created / used by you (not your “Fannibal guardian angel”) because the survey for your address will be sent there after the hopefully successful funding.
Option 3)
It is possible to get Virtual Credit Cards.
Just google for them, there are plenty of companies offering them. Since they work similar to Option 1 though… it might be simplest to just use that.
We hope you will be able to use one of these options if you do not have a credit card - please just reach out if you need help - we firmly believe the FannibalFamily will find a way!
If you wish to be notified about RAVAGE or/and other upcoming projects, please sign up for our newsletter!
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Changes to Tumblr
We think it is fair to say that A/B/O could be regarded as majority adult content, which is why we have this blog flagged as explicit and noted on the front page.
Given the upcoming changes to Tumblr’s adult content, we know this will affect some of the people/posts we reblog. Whilst there is nothing we can do about that, as with many fandom sites, we are looking into other potential homes to run instead of, or potentially alongside this one.
In the meantime we will continue to reblog (and cross post from AO3) here, and will keep you updated as to any changes.
Given that we have already seen, within hours of the announcement, content flagged that isn’t actually against the new guidelines, we want to plan for the worst. Therefore, if for any reason this blog ceases to post without warning, or is deleted, you can find us on twitter, where we will give updates and make future plans.
[Hannigram A/B/O Library on Twitter]
Our Big Bang!
Given that this change will inevitably hit artists the worst, we are already looking at options regarding our upcoming Hannigram A/B/O Big Bang. If you are signed up to participate, please do feel free to contact us with your concerns.
As of right now (though this may change as the Tumblr carnage unfolds), we plan to go ahead as planned but the art posting will need to be adapted. Likely we will opt for posting of sfw banners only on Tumblr with any nsfw either embedded in the AO3 fic, or posted on a platform of the artist’s choice and linked. Again, more on this as events unfold.
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Top 12 alternatives to Photoshop for digital painters and illustrators
Hello there!
Yes, we haven’t done this in a while… but our inbox and chat are swamped with questions on the subject, so this article was very much needed.
it’s a simple list of art apps, but we know you love those :D
Enough with the intro, here it is, a list of twelve art apps you may want to check out.

ArtRage is an art program for beginners and professionals. With its minimal interface, it’s easy to keep the essential tools at hand without stealing space from the canvas. Panels can be moved around and tools can be customised. We all know how important it is for digital artists to be able to modify brushes!
Pros: easy to use; friendly interface; essential tools from professional apps available; available for iOS, Android, Windows and Mac
Cons: it may get sluggish with big files and when using big brushes, but performances also depend on the running machine; limited selection of editing tools if compared to Photoshop - ArtRage is more of a painting program rather than an editing one.
ArtRage Lite is a different version at a cheaper price, mostly for beginners, but also for professionals if they need the essential.

Now free, Sketchbook is the famous app created by Autodesk for various platforms.
Pros: clean, friendly interface; easy to use; professional features
Cons: lack of official tutorials; doesn’t offer as many tools as other apps (it’s down to the essential); paid subscription in Adobe style for the pro version
Free and paid

Black Ink is a powerful little program few actually know, but there’s a reason: this isn’t your classing drawing app. What’s cool about it is the vast selection of special brushes, completely non-realistic, and definitely able to boost your creativity.
Pros: vast selection of customisable brushes; excellent performance
Cons: not very easy to use; non-intuitive interface

This is probably the most complete software for painting, drawing and animation. It was originally known as Manga Studio, but with its updates and addition of features, it became Clip Studio Paint.
This doesn’t say much about the quality of the features themselves considering the affordable price (if you haven’t used the app yet, that is), but among graphic apps, this one is the top seller.
Pros: professional features for illustrators; layout tools for comic/manga artists; 3D reference models; customisable tools; various sales with special prices
Cons: the interface may not appear intuitive at first; the program may lag (again, performance also depends on the running machine)

GIMP is the famous open source image editor originally created for GNU/Linux and available for OS X and Windows.
Best known as Photoshop’s main competition, this is a manipulation program for both beginners and professionals who love design.
It offers many professional features, making the program a powerful tool.
Pros: professional editing tools; supports different formats; supported by different platforms; active community
Cons: in spite of the simple design, many options are hidden and it takes time to discover all the features; slow startup

Krita is an open source painting app created by artists for artists.
Pros: easy to use; intuitive interface; great brush workflow; brush stabilizer; customisable brushes; general good performance; very enthusiastic, although small, community
Cons: it may be slow or even crash depending on the running computer and the app’s version; very few editing tools compared to Photoshop

MediBang Paint is a free and light app for drawing and painting, perfect for manga and comic creation.
Pros: vast selection of brushes; cloud sharing; friendly, minimal interface (non-desktop app); also available for iPad, iPhone and Android
Cons: requires an account to use all features; non-intuitive interface (desktop version)

Mischief is a sketching app with essential tools, useful for brainstorming and ideation.
Pros: infinite drawing canvas; friendly interface; easy to use; cheap pro version
Cons: few updates; offers only the essential (but that’s the point); no editing/adjustment tools
Free and paid

Corel’s jewel, Painter is the most famous software that offers digital tools able to give a traditional feel to brushes and canvas.
Pros: different selection of media; many professional features; PS-friendly
Cons: certain brushes may work slow; not easy to use at first; the software may crash (this is the most common report); pricey

Paintstorm Studio is a professional software for digital painting. It’s focused on the use of brushes and blending, which makes the software a little gem in the digital painting field.
Pros: good brush workflow; brush stabilizer; “close gap” feature; customisable interface and tools; professional features; affordable price
Cons: non-intuitive interface (desktop version)

Procreate is the powerful drawing app for iOS.
With the very sensitive Apple Pencil, Procreate is so easy to use that many artists chose the iPad over the most famous graphic tablets.
Pros: friendly interface; makes it easy to organise files; excellent brush workflow; customisable brushes; video recording; affordable price
Cons: hidden features; only available for iPad

SAI is a simple app for artists who want to focus on painting and drawing.
It’s well known for its good pressure support and its essential tools for manga artists, but SAI can be used by any kind of artist who wants to paint.
Pros: easy to use; friendly interface; light software; customisable brushes; tons of (non-official) tutorials
Cons: limited selection of tools, even basic ones; limited canvas sizes and uses; it might crash from intensive work, especially with big canvases and brushes; supports only RGB colour mode; lack of support
We hope you’ll find this list useful.
If you think there are other apps that should have made this list, don’t hesitate to let us know!
Thank you and peace out,
Buy us a coffee ❤
Other articles:
10 inspiring and helpful YouTube channels for digital artists
6 inspiring Art Podcasts for digital artists
7 amazing Photoshop extensions and tools for digital artists
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Hannibal Threezero doll finally arrived. Ended up buying this beauty overseas so it’s safe to say it’s the most expensive doll I’ve ever owned. I bought the pieces for my custom made Hannibal doll here in the USA.

“Who are you?” “I’m Hannibal.” “No, I’m Hannibal.”

“Well it would be rude of us to not be friends. Pleasure to meet you.”

“But where is Will?” “Guess we will wait patiently for him and let him decide which of us he thinks is the real Hannibal.”

So I do have a custom Will Graham being made curtesy of Sculpt4ever. I’m also having a Adam Raki doll being made by Thatsmyface. Thanks @h4nnibalism for the info. I’m hoping @apoptoses will have some Nigel shirts left so Adam will have a Nigel to go with him. I will keep you all posted. 😊

“You’re not Will.”
#hannidoll#hannibal doll#custom hannibal doll#hannibal threezero#will doll#nigel doll#adam doll#my figures
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Minor and major inconveniences happen to me everyday!
*one minor inconvenience happens*
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