May our fates entwine
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Indie OC Multimuse. Written by Millie 
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inxinuate · 3 years ago
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inxinuate · 3 years ago
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Parfait - Blend S ep11
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inxinuate · 3 years ago
                                  && and all the loneliness in the world 
                                                       is still better 
                                     than yet another cruel heartbreak 
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inxinuate · 3 years ago
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Nothing like returning to genshin after a couple of months than falling from a cliff and dying.
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inxinuate · 3 years ago
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[ ⚜ ] ❝ And why should I let you leave and let the cops handle you when I can serve the same punishment, if not, better? ❞
The vampire leaned back on his chair, resting an elbow on the armrest. Its no secret that goods sold in the black market are usually hard to come by, including the ones that is currently on the table. He’s kept his vampiric-nature a secret from the eyes of common dealers, but to think that someone would even think of stealing from him out of all people...
Luc furrowed his brows.
        ‘ The audacity of this person.... ‘
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inxinuate · 3 years ago
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[ ⚜ ]  ❝ Nice to meet you, I’m Chase. ❞
The blond smiled and he dragged a seat to sit across the stranger. Coming from the arts major, he seem to fit right into the elements and wasted no time in picking the colours that he needed. 
         ❝ The theme for today’s assignment is ‘angels and demons’, what sort of painting are you going to do? ❞
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inxinuate · 3 years ago
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[ ⚜ ]  ❝ Fall recipes for autumn. Hm... ❞
Shin walked up to the pier and he took a seat by the edge of it. He took out his notebook and a pen, browsing through the list of recipes that he’d written down over the years. Perhaps one of the good things about having a cafe by the sea is that he can take a little stroll or hang around by the pier.
To keep his cafe afloat, he needs to come up with new recipes, maybe post them online and get more customers. At times like these, he wishes that he has colleagues who can come up with ideas with him. But alas, he could only mutter to himself as he scribbled into his book.
       ❝ Apple tarts, cinnamon muffins, wait--is pumpkin spice still a thing? ❞  
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inxinuate · 4 years ago
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ᴍʀᴄʏᴄ - sᴡᴇᴀᴛᴇʀ
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inxinuate · 4 years ago
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"...and then, I have nature and art and poetry, and if that is not enough, what is enough?"
~Vincent Willem van Gogh
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inxinuate · 4 years ago
Oh, an invitation for a jog? While she tended to do some sort of working out or skill training every day, she hadn’t had a partner to do so with (or at least, not as long as she’d been on Earth), so even if she had to start earlier to get some weights or some weapons practice in, that’d be a more than welcome change. Early rising shouldn’t be a problem, either, since it was only now and then that she really allowed herself to sleep in.. usually after an injury forced her to take it easy. Or easier. Rather than interrupt, she takes the opportunity to listen tentatively while digging into her sandwich.
It sounded mostly like she’d expected from his initial description: she’d have to shed a bit of stoic to be friendly with customers, learn her way around a cashier’s post, and now and then peek her head in the kitchen. None of those were out of reach - hell, the first might be easiest, considering she could be quite the actress in the name of survival - but it’d still behoove her not to be cocky. Maybe she could help in finding quality seeds for the garden sometime.. she’d always had a green thumb, but she wondered if the garden was a personal love rather than just a necessity for the cafe; if it were, she wouldn’t want to intrude.
His description of the townsfolk leaves her reassured; not just because the denizens of the store were unusually untroublesome, but because her own assessment of the citizens had been fairly accurate. Whether the ones that caused trouble or ones content to mind their own business, she’d found most of those who weren’t passing through had an almost tired look to them, something that’d somehow made her feel both alienated and included. Or maybe some of them were just tranquil? You could tell a lot from someone’s eyes, but it was quite a fine line between exhaustion and relaxation, at least in her opinion. Perhaps since for her, the two usually occurred together? 
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While he sips on his drink and since she’d already finished that whole sandwich, miraculously without making a mess or much noise, she’s about to speak when he gives that hum, cluing her in to more information forthcoming. And forthcoming it was.. she hadn’t expected to hear much more about the demon he had a bizarre relationship with, much less without prying, so she listens carefully, attention a more rapt now that career details and an empty stomach weren’t plaguing her. Alternate days, alternate sides.. so that’s it. Some who were possessed by demons were more like a husk, the original person locked screaming in the back of an ethereal’s consciousness. Others it was almost like a battle for control, the host constantly battling back impulses or intents of the possessor with nothing but willpower. Personally, she could relate a little more to those in the second category, though not because they were the same. While she’d heard vaguely of deals with demons that were more like deals and less like forced arrangements, Shin’s case was unique.
As if she needed more excuses for her incessant curiosity to pester, and he’d just given them to her hungry mind in spades. Add to the list of tasks: don’t let your inquisitiveness lead either of you to ruin. 
Heavy as the last revelations might’ve been, she decides to answer most of what he’s said in order, wanting to get the easier responses off of her chest first. Maybe buy herself some time to find the right words to address the latter with the proper care. “No questions, at least not yet. I am sure I will have plenty to ask about once I get a look at this whole ‘cashier’ thing, but you explained everything well. And it is a relief to know that even the supernatural customers tend to be good-natured, or at least relaxed.. I have known some types in other cities who are quite territorial about new inhumans in the neighborhood.” That was putting it mildly. “I will likely take you up on offers to jog, since without all the walking and running I do just by traveling I could use the conditioning. And I do wonder if I could help in some ways with the kitchen..  I am no chef, certainly, but given I can eat a vast many things humans cannot, should you ever wish to incorporate more options for the less-than-human folks who come here, perhaps I could be of assistance?” There were venomous fish she knew how to gut just right for consumption, or even strange hybrid vegetables that were a bit bitter for the human stomach but were strangely fragrant when cooked for a less-limited and not bothered by plant-based toxins sort of palate. But she’d only volunteer that if she could first prove herself with.. well, anything else, much less this extra offer.
Even with time going over the less-severe notes of interest, she apparently hasn’t mulled over how to best approach the topic of demons, and buys another moment or two by taking a long sip of her tea. She’d eaten so quickly, it was still warm. “I would just like to preface anything I ask by saying, I hope I do not ask anything that offends you.. or sounds silly. And if I ever overstep a boundary, please let me know.” Her fingernails run over the ceramic of the teacup, one thumb fiddling with the rim. “None of what you said should be a problem, provided I can still leave or return to my room on days off and any preparations I should be doing in the meantime are made clear, of course. But I have no clue what a ‘fallen’ is.” In spite of herself, she gives a wry smile, her eyes not having met his properly since the “preface” comment. “Despite meeting many, many varieties of humanoids in this world, various demons included, I am not familiar with their.. nomenclature.” 
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It was probably obvious what she was asking - not just what “fallen” meant, but what she should be expecting, if she should be prepared for anything beyond the shop, if she should be concerned. Not afraid - she had only met one or two beings in her life that’d made her truly afraid, and one of them died with her dead planet. Or, died on the planet. Though, if her nervousness wasn’t from fear, it was worth wondering if she was actually worried about offending him, as in being impolite rather than the cruel route most would think of with such a topic. It wasn’t that odd, since she was familiar with the phrase “fighting your demons,” and perhaps thought of both the literal and figurative meaning with the same emotional significance.
Shouldn’t you be familiar with pacts offering yourself up for the aid of a powerful ethereal by now? The thought is sudden and unwelcome, and makes her nauseous, but thankfully she’d long since finished her food - tea was a lot easier to stomach. Terra shakes her head, just once, before she’s finally looking him in the eye again. “In any case, you need not worry about me causing trouble with him. From what I hear, I am a fairly ‘low-maintenance’ housemate.” Perhaps to a fault.
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[ ⚜ ] Fallens, huh...? Ironically, they’re beings that he himself had barely able to understand despite being possessed by one for so long. On top of the difficulty in communicating with Curos, Shin himself had also never pushed him to explain further about his kind. He’d always assumed the topic to be something that a mere mortal would be better off not knowing.
     ❝ The definition of a fallen is truly a topic that is too broad to be understood in the normal span of a lifetime. All I know is that the fallen that possessed me and his kind are beings who were created by the higher being with a purpose, whether they be small or highly impactful to human lives. But as their name suggests, they have betrayed their creator and hence, became a demon. I haven’t met many of their kind but the one that I know can be fickle and he loves destruction. ❞
He could only hope that his explanation can give Terra a little bit of understanding about fallens. Though, he does find it to be a little odd to be asked about fallens since a large number of human believes in the higher being and the infamous ruler of the underworld, the devil, who is also a fallen. Though Curos cannot be compare to such an existence since he is more self-indulgent than ambitious. Perhaps in the past, but not in the recent hundreds of years....
Shin lifted his head and noticed that Terra seemed to be shaking her thoughts away. Though he isn’t sure what goes through her mind at the moment, he figured it might have to do with the topic at hand. Was she perhaps nervous about residing with a possessed employer? He could understand that. But he never assumed her behaviour to stem from fear and not out of worry that she might be offending him. After all, he is aware of his own circumstances. As much as he wants to assure his new employee, it would be too cruel to lie and say that the fallen will never hold bad intentions.
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    ❝ But hey--you don’t need to worry too much about that. We’re living in seclusion. I mean, no one would expect a named demon to reside in a host that makes pastries and teas. Though I have to warn you that if he offers to grant a wish of yours then you’d best refuse it. 
       Or else, I might have to bargain with him to revoke his offer. ❞
Shin chuckled, it was an attempt to lift the mood with the joke. Though the chilling truth of the situation is that no one has ever revoked an agreement made with a demon. At least, not by their own will...
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inxinuate · 4 years ago
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“I wouldn’t have to run if you didn’t open that big mouth of yours! Next time, keep your gob SHUT!”
At this point, he is going to shop exclusively at home. He figured something Crysentian would be more familiar to his sister hence he decided to shop in the human lands with her feelings in mind. But, as many siblings eventually get with each other, he will ignore her feelings and will do things his way. Surely he will find something she will like when he returns home.
He does not want the empire to catch him. To the public? His fate was sealed. He’s sure some think him dead…and he would like to keep it that way for now. How annoying. Of course when anything involving humans occurs, everything HAS to go tits up sooner or later. Caenbris give him strength…
Lucien would mutter, annoyance dripping from his tone as he entered the void. He doesn’t know why he is trusting this man but if things go to pot, he can fight back…hopefully. And if he dies, it isn’t the empire killing him. Now that would leave a foul taste in his mouth. Now through the portal…it’s now time to figure out where the hell he is.
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[ ⚜ ] ❝ Sure, blame it on the demon who doesn’t know any better. ❞
Curos wasn’t particularly bothered by how rude this man is being. Afterall, he’s met demons with a temper that’s far more exposive and may even take years to attempt to defuse. The fallen wondered how long it has been since he invited someone into his domain since he’s had a fair amount of animosity with other demons to invite many to begin with.
While he had control of everything, it is also his weakness since his original body is located deep within the abyss. Though it isn’t as if anyone can escape nor mess around in the realm without him knowing. In fact, many have been forced into it as a trap. 
What greeted them as they arrived through the portal is a guest room with an early modern decor. With the casual outfit that Curos is wearing, he seemed like another guest in the room but he  made his way to the sofa and lounged on it. A knock came as if on cue and a female with bandages on her wrist and neck walked in. Though she seemed to be wearing a maid’s outfit, it was donned entirely black with a ribbon on her hair. It seemed as if she was ready for a funeral instead of serving the two gentlemen before her. The demoness bowed.
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    ❝ I greet you, my lord. Would you like some refreshments? ❞ Ruby hues switched to Lucien for a moment. ❝ And for you, sir? ❞
Curos hummed, brushing his hair back. Oh the woes of being a gluttonous demon....the fallen constantly feels the need to feed on flesh. But he would refrain himself for now.
     ❝ I suppose tea and some sandwiches would do for me. ❞
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inxinuate · 4 years ago
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[ ⚜ ] ❝ If I had the chance...I would never have let anything like that happen to us again. If only... ❞
To this day, he still remembered that night vividly. Out of breath and on his knees, he dug through a pile of remains with a nauseating stench of burned flesh hanging in the air. His fingers were dark with soot, stained with dried blood as he desperately tried to gather the remains of his only blood sibling.
Deep in his heart, Shin knew that he truly deserved living the life that he led to today. There is a chilling sense of his humanity decaying with every piece of flesh that enters his system. Yet, he still refuses to seek forgiveness from any higher being.
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       ❝ ....If only I could have dealt with them with my own hands. ❞
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inxinuate · 4 years ago
▓┆  @atendersun​  has ordered a starter !
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[ ⚜ ] ❝ Oh---excuse me, could you stay still for a moment and lift your arms slightly? Just give me five seconds! ❞
Dahlia held up a shirt inches away from Mason’s frame. Her brows furrowed and she tilted her head to one side as she was looking at the shirt over the stranger’s form to imagine what it would like to have her classmate wear it as a gift.
But of course, she grabbed a shirt from the section meant for working adults so it looks too formal. Still, Dahlia couldn’t exactly see how an outfit with random printed words could possibly make for a fashionable outfit. What a dilemma she’s gotten herself into.
Dahlia sighed and lowered the shirt. Cerulean hues switched their attention to the stranger and she smiled apologetically.  She felt like she’s terrible at picking gifts for men but first, she should clear up on the situation with the stranger.
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        ❝ ...Sorry, that was more than five seconds, wasn’t it? I’m just trying to pick a present for a classmate and you’re only a little taller than him so I thought it’d work. ❞
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inxinuate · 4 years ago
[ Death ]
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While he can’t imagine dying, it is possible for Curos to die. As an angel, he originally had the choice of receiving salvation, that is, to relinquish his life and return to the higher being. But since he became a fallen, he cannot die as long as he still has his purpose.
This ‘purpose’ is his role as the emobidement of the abyss that he was created for and only one may exist. That is why if he has an heir, meaning a child that is worthy to inherit his will, then he will lose his purpose and die. (this almost happened with the second child of one of his spouse but we didn’t wanna kill him yet tho maybe if he continues being a lil’ bish lol im kidding).
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Shin actually died close to the late modern period, but was kept alive by Curos whose regenerative ability is continuously working on his body to the point that he barely seem as if he aged since he was 24. If Curos’ influence leaves the host, he will slowly revert to being a human and begin to grow older. He will die like any normal man.
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inxinuate · 4 years ago
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Her hand paused only briefly at his inquiry . It was a fair question , given their current circumstances , but it was enough to give her some hesitation . A part of her wondered how much he knew , and if he even knew what she would be . Head shaking from side to side , she tightened the end of the gauze once more , finishing her work .
“     I am … What one would call a Bone Witch ,      “       she answered carefully , watching his expression closely .      “     Probably the first in a century , at least . That I’m aware of .      “     A dark asha , a spell - casting geisha of sorts . Her great , great , many great aunt — Tea Pahlavi , also known as Tea of the Embers — had been the last known bone witch before her . She had completed the Shadow Glass to end their miserable line of necromancy , but it seemed like the magic had worn out after years of being idle .
“     I suppose you can say … I am a necromancer of sorts , but … My main duty is to keep these creatures known as Daeva from rising from the dead and destroying the world . To put it simply , anyways .     “      Handing him a bottled water , she smiled kindly at him .
“      It’s not me I am worried about . If they came for you , you are in no condition to engage . I just needed to know if I needed to put up a protection ward . I am Apple Pahlavi , I am sorry we met in such unfortunate circumstances . “ 
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[ ⚜ ] ❝ Hm...I apologize if in any case, your life hasn’t been easy--but to me, your ‘gift’ sounds great. I'm simply a human who is kept alive by a pact with a special demon which has unfortunately...turned me into a demon in the process. But I suppose it is not much different if I were to still be a human. ❞
He would still be damned, only having the underworld to look to if his life is ever due. Since he knew that Apple could defend herself, he felt far from being threathen. In fact, it puts him at ease since he wouldn’t be able to look out for a normal human with his current condition. Even the force of her tightening the gauze around his wound had almost made him flinch.
          ‘That hurts....’
Still he kept up a smile and took the bottle of water. The demon felt a little ashamed as Apple pointed out his state. 
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         ❝ No, I am not. But I'm in a much better condition now thanks to you. For a moment there,  I honestly felt like I was about to faint. Just simply allowing me to rest and stopping my wound from bleeding out is already a huge help for me. 
           I think a protection ward would be good....I’ve already taken care of the ones who were in pursuit but we can never be too sure. I’m Shin. I run a store a good distance away from here but its located across the beach. I’d love to offer you some food and tea if you drop by. ❞
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inxinuate · 4 years ago
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LIKE this post for a freshly baked starter !
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inxinuate · 4 years ago
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let’s create something✨
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