Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

#hardworking #africa #cameroon Moto taxi drivers - some of whom live on their bikes and sleep on them at night at local fuel stations doing street washing of the vehicles before starting day We serve these hardworking micro entreprenuers by heloing them sexure their sole asset (their bikes) and acquire fuel, lubricants and parts at lower prices and attractive terms. #behindthescenes
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#Cameroon moments - #MotherTeresa restaurant and Bar.
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#behindthescenes Global alignment call - planning for remainder of 2020 and 2021. #thisaintyourgrandaddysAfrica #ovamba4smes #ovamba #Cameroon #africantech #africanwealth #fintechafrica #tradetech #investech
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#ManagingAfrica #malaria #lessons Malaria kicked my butt for the last two weeks; had amazing docs take care of me...and am well on my way to full recovery. This pic shows 2 of the recovery meds and I realised the simple and ingenious system the pharmacists here in #Cameroon #WestAfrica #CentralAfrica use to provide directions to a population who may not be able to read instructions. In blue pen - they write the number of pills to be taken in the am /mid-day/evening in simple code. II - 0 - 0 equals 2 in the morning - nothing at noon or in the evening. I - 0 - I equals 1 in the am, nothing at noon and 1 in evening. Definitely think this is something that even in the USA could be helpful. #Staysafe #behindthescenes #thisaintyourgrandaddysafrica #ovamba #introceo
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From @politico - #abolishpolice #defundthepolice works. Majority Black #Camden NJ abolished its old police force and started a new public safety program - creating a community centered law enforcement that has the trust of its community and that has lowered violent crime. In any #leadership Situation - knowing when to cut losses and start again vabcontinuing d9wn a failed path is critical. If you manage a company, a city, a country; leadership matters.
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On #Justice and #georgefloyd #protests #icantbreathe #defundthepolice For my friends wondering why there is no trust in the system by many black Americans/people who disturbed by injustice much so that they feel we need to go back and rebuild from new base....the following images should hopefully make it clear. In FL - crimes are given points and the justice system is supposed to punish people equally according to the points earned by their crime. 2nd pic shows Sarasota Herald Tribune investigation ("Bias on the Bench" - please google it) into Bias on the Bench and sentencing disparities between blacks and whites. The stats shown in the second image show that even for the same crimes - sames points - blacks get significantly longer prison sentences than whites. In FL - Felons (greater than 365 days in jail lose the right to vote) and many indivuals are unable to have records expunged meaning they are permanently barred from most jobs once out of jail. Note: This judge has gone on the record saying that he follows prosecutor recommendations etc. Which means that in his courtroom, over hundreds of cases... somehow the police, the prosecutors and the judge are saying they are "NOT Responsible" and they have no idea how these came to be - but they dont think they have done anything wrong - nor do they intend to change. When you see the rage of protestors in the US - understand that there is ZERO trust in the criminal justice system - not in the police, the public defenders, or the judges. I am tired...its been this way my whole life, it's was this way in the 1800s. I am far away in Cameroon; but I really wonder just who the justice system actually protects.
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#behindthescenes #fintechafrica #thisaintyourgrandaddysAfrica What my day looks like when trying to work and exercise simultaneously...... #legday is everyday #ovamba4smes #ovamba (at Douala, Cameroon)
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#behindthescenes #covid19 #Teamwork #ovamba4smes #ovamba #teamwalk #leadingafrica #ManagingAfrica #thisaintyourgrandaddysafrica # 15 km / 10+ miles walk by some of the #Douala #Cameroon team as a team building activity pver the weekend. Stay safe - stay healthy - stay fit....
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Saturdays Team - taking a 90-120 dsy break from posting to focus on executing in business. See you in June 2020. Thanks for all the support Marvin Cole
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Ovamba Cameroon Solutions won the 2019 Cameroon Corporate Awards for Innovation. Thanks to our entire esp those who developed the technology in #delhi #team #blessed #jaihind #ovamba4smes #ovamba #thisaintyourgrandaddysAfrica #behindthescenes #growthcapital #GaaS #GrowthAsAService
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#Newtech - this is what you create to see if people will bash their hrads with a brick if its nicely wrapped -Surprise - yes they will #Donttrustauthority #trusttest #ovamba #GaryVee #grantcardone #thisaintyourgrandaddysAfrica #laughter #prank #funtimes #office
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#Cameroon #Cameroun Natural Beauty and a Country starved of investment. Inagine a Waterfall, Beautiful Beaches, and no resorts. Wonderful quaint guesthouses galore.....but this will change... Hospitality entrepreneurs - this is awaiting you #Kribi. Is beautiful - and after the conflicts pass - there is room to do great things here #behindthescenes #thisaintyourgrandaddysAfrica #ovamba #ovamba4smes #GaryVee
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#SorryBadaudio Transcript: We are in #Kribi Cameroon. Its a beautiful place with amazing beaches. It is also one of the the major offshore natural gas and oil production areas in the #CentralAfrica / #GulfOfGuinea. We can see #FPSO and offshore oil platforms in the distance. Despite the natural wealth of Beautiful beaches and oil and gas wealth - the country is struggling economically. This is why #ovamba / #ovamba4smes exist. #thisaintyourgrandaddysAfrica #garyvee #Cameroun #Cameroon #impactinvesting
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#BestFriends #BusinessPartners #behindthescenes Exexutive retreat with our CTO - of @ovamba4smes as we work on the future of Ovamba. No reason we cant work and enjoy life at the same time. #garyvee #introceo #impactinvesting #jaihind #islamicfintech #thisaintyourgrandaddysAfrica #ovamba #ovamba4smes #banktech #fintechafrica
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#behindthescenes #training Every Friday is training day at #thisaintyourgrandaddysafrica ba. The prepping internal training for updated products and services. This Aint Your Grandaddy's Africa #ThisAintYourGrandaddysAfrica #ovamba4smes #fintechafrica #fintech #tradetech #tradefinance #startupafrica #scaleup #Lagos #nibbanking #islamicfintech #islamiceconomy
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#Lagosairport where only the #Heineken bar has #vegan options.
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#behindthescenes 0730 am Check in When the co-founder and female leadership makes it in early on a #Friday am during Monsoon / Rainy season. Celebrate #blackgirlmagic and women in tech. Gotta love the #duckface as well #thisaintyourgrandaddysAfrica #ovamba4smes #ovamba #Ovambaforbanks #ovambacentralbanker #impactinvesting #africanwealth #africantech #fintech #tradetech #tradefinance #islamicfintech
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