fri 09.13.24 | day 05/100
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hey besties !! been a few crazy days. actually in the ER from stress ulcers but it is ALL GOOD BC I GET TO SEE TØP TODAY & i took all my exams & i just took a quiz & am studying on the way there to cover missing class so today is a GOOD DAY. love yall & drink water besties i will see yall when i recover from the out of body experience i will be having tonight 😌☝🏻✨🙌🏻🤠💖
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tues 09.10.24 | day 02/100
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hey besties !
i talked to my professor since i was out all last week with a stomach bug & we agreed to let me take my exam next week instead 😭🤚🏻 bev, you are a G my gal
i have been decorating for halloween hehehe it’s so spooky & cozy & literally my favorite time of the year 🎃👻🕸️🕷️
upon studying GI Tract disorders in class today i literally scheduled an exam with my doctor to check on my ulcers bc why do i have all of the symptoms for ulcerative colitis which also runs in my family 🤠🤚🏻 PAUSE
going to make up missed work tomorrow since it will be my day off so i’m abt to be back to business as usual just in time before my CONCERT WEEKEND 🤠🤌🏻🤭✨
only threw up ONCE today so girlies nature is HEALING
anyway can we appreciate how i wrote the learning objectives for chapter 4 because who did that. lowkey ATE. anyway love y’all & don’t forget to drink some water !!!! 🫶🏻✨🎃👻🕸️🕷️🙌🏻
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mon 09.09.24 | day 01/100
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hello besties!!!
omg where to begin, i have been GHOST MODE for a hot minute. well let’s see…
started fall semester. full time classes. kind of dying but like in a fun way. love biology but also wtf is HAPPENING
taking a nutrition class for ✨ fun ✨ & i surprisingly eat pretty well ?? better than i thought 💀
taking a math class & i’m actually NOT doing terribly in it. who am i. (literal first exam tomorrow morning praying i don’t jinx it somehow 😪🤚🏻)
my job is settling ! doing well in it despite like. some crazy stuff i can’t talk abt bc like idk who sees my silly little page hehe hi HR maybe anyway all is well & i love my job ! now (LOL)
i am having a stomach ulcer flare up & this week i have so many exams it’s actually crazy like. i am in Spain but the S is MAD silent send omeprazole & good vibes 😪🤌🏻
NEW DESK/OFFICE SET UP LETS GO IM SO GOATED I BEEN WAITING FOR THIS it went on sale & then i finally treated myself like the grown up i am LMAO 🤪
new BOYFRIEND alert it’s already been one month & he DID build my desk & he’s such a cutie patootie i am so surprised & overwhelmed hehe🥺🫶🏻
olive & alice are SO happy & healthy & they love the addition of their brothers!!! my 2 rats are rake (all black) & felix (black & white). i love my sons & they love being here & they’re already getting so big ?!?! 🥲🥲
we have plants to grow for the whole semester so i’ll be posting updates of my children bc i’m obsessed with them lowkey (HIGH KEY) & so worried abt them bc they were like here grow Brassica rapa in VERMICULITE (for those who don’t know: it’s mustard green which is a very thirsty boy growing in cactus soil which is fast draining to avoid overwatering???) like are you DUMB. you literally wonder why they die every semester & you’re growing essentially a cousin to collard greens, a creeping thirsty ass mofo in DESERT SAND i— 🙄🤚🏻 they are being soaked every day in DI water & i am breathing ALL the CO2 on them so. we shall see
doing private tutoring & having a blast & making so many friends & adopting so many underclassman i deserve like the reba award for single mom who works 2 jobs loves her kids & NEVER 👏🏻 STOPS 👏🏻👏🏻
i think that’s everything ! starting the productivity challenge over since i passed 100 days without documenting so hoping i am more consistent with this one. i missed you guys hehe 🤭🤭 anyway lots of love to like all 4 of you that read my posts & drink some water you capable but dehydrated bitches !! (me to my plants every day)
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Actual good first-time college student advice:
Wear jeans/pants that “breathe” and bring a sweater, even if it’s scorching hot out, until you know which building blasts the AC to 60 degrees F and which feels like a sauna
Backpacks with thick straps are your friend!  Messenger bags are cool and all but if you’re commuting with a lot of stuff, symmetrically styled backpacks are better for your back
You are your own person and you can walk out whenever you need to or want to, so long as you’re not disrupting the class.  Meaning you can go to the bathroom without permission, take a breather if you’re anxious, answer an important phone call, etc.
If you don’t like the class on the first day, if you can- DROP THAT CLASS AND TAKE ANOTHER ONE!  It’ll only get worse from there!
If you can, take a class outside your major; it’s a good break from your expected studies.
You are in charge of your schedule.  Your adviser and guidance counselor is there to ‘advise and guide’ but if you don’t like certain classes and you can substitute for others, that’s your choice.
Consequently, if you are changing anything drastic in your plan, talk with your adviser and instructors.
Pay attention to your credit hours and grades.  Never leave this to the last week of school, you will be sorry and stressed beyond belief!
Unless it’s a lab book or otherwise specified, go to the class for a week or so before buying an expensive textbook.  Some classes, while having it on their required list, do not actually use the textbook a whole lot and you might find some of it scanned online.  Rent if you can or buy used online (schools actually don’t give discounts).  Use your best judgement on what you think you need.
Tell the people who go up to you selling or advertising things you are not interested in that you are in a rush to class and don’t have time to listen to them.  It’s less rude and they’ll leave you alone.
The smaller the class, the better it is to have some sort of acquaintanceship with a couple classmates.  They might save your ass if you are absent one day or need to study.  And talking with them makes the time go by faster without it being so insufferable.
You don’t need to join a club or sport, but internships are cool and useful!
If you can afford it, take a day off once or twice each semester if you’re too exhausted.  Just be aware of what you missed and if it was worth missing!
Your health is the most important, this goes for mental health too!!  Note: College-age/upper teens is when mental disorders like depression and anxiety are most commonly diagnosed.  Most schools have therapy services, especially during exam time.  Look into it if you need to!
Communicate with your professor if you are having trouble with something.  Anything.
Eat and stay hydrated.  Bring a water bottle and snack to class.
All-nighters will happen but never go over 36 hours without sleep.
It’s going to be hard and there will be times you might think about giving up.  This WILL happen.  You just have to make sure what you’re doing isn’t making you absolutely miserable and/or there is something rewarding and positive to look forward to at the end!
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i'm afraid my study session has been hijacked!
~ haru
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I just turned 30 today. Here’s a handful of lessons my twenties have taught me.
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School matters, grades don’t. Education is important, but don’t over stress yourself trying to be the honor roll student. The true gift you get out of higher education is connecting with other people, forcing you to think critically and take on a new perspective. Don't settle for regurgitating facts.
Always eat something before and after drinking. I got those hangovers so you don’t have to. Make sure to stay hydrated and learn your limits.
Pay your credit card bill on time! Landlords don’t care about your GPA, they care about your credit score. If you don’t have a credit score, start building it sooner rather than later, especially if you don’t have somebody who can co-sign for you.
Give yourself permission to have fun. If something makes you happy, no matter how silly, hold onto it. You're not too old for fanfiction and drawing and cosplay and D&D or whatever else you do to fill your days.
Take care of your teeth. Dental care can and will get expensive if you don’t. Try to brush and floss at minimum once a day. You don’t want to get a root canal, trust me.
Carve out time for your friends and loved ones. Nobody is going to just give you that time, you have to be the one to reach out now and again and plan something.
You will never stop learning new things about yourself. You're not going to wake up one morning and have yourself all figured out. You are a being constantly in motion. You will continue to change. And if you're not? That's usually a sign that something is very, very wrong.
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dark academia isn’t just for the humanities: i bring you STEM academia.
observatories. stargazing. biographies of scientists. filling the board end to end with equations. hand-drawn anatomical diagrams. the hazy euphoria after finally finishing an assignment. oppenheimer & frankenstein. the uniformity of a circuit board; the chaos of a programming window. ibm’s a boy and his atom. event horizon telescope’s black hole photo. the wonder of studying anatomy and knowing that’s happening within you. sketching organic compounds that may as well be sigils. studying latin for medical terminology. doing problem sets to classical music.
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thursday july 11, 2024 | day 59
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hello besties i forgot to do this for like. 20 days or whatever bc i have been living in insanity
anyway i have been tutoring on top of finishing my overnight temp job on top of getting back into the gym on top of getting good at my training at my new job & i am so tired & my sleep schedule has been so. non existent.
anyway !!!! i live besties. love y’all. the girls are good. i am healthy. been hitting the gym again. catching up in philosophy. abt to take finals for bio lab on monday hehe send prayers bc i am so close to having an A it’s actually criminal i don’t have it yet (89.9 BITCH ASS)
returned to my favorite study spot today for my FAVORITE unit in bio. i love molecular biology bc how can you not have a zest for life knowing what all is keeping you alive on autopilot!! you’re not even doing it !! crazy. bananas dot com behavior honestly. i love you science you make me get the zoomies so hard i have to take the long way to class to work out some of my energy beforehand bc i get too excited.
🫶🏻💫 stay hydrated & happy summer !!!
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11/6/24 ● million things to catch up with, phonetics, basics of economy, and my unwillingness to leave bed in the morning.
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13.05.2024, monday
Today I have been productive as hell. I mean, it could have been more, but comparing it with the past days today was the most productive one!
~ wrote an entire analysis for my history class
~ done my summaries/overview for my other history class
~ prepared flashcards (which is not that much) for my presentation in my intercultural communication class
~ sent my assignment for another course
~ continued watching „once upon a time“.
Todays studysession: 4 1/2 hours
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one of the biggest things I can advocate for (in academia, but also just in life) is to build credibility with yourself. It’s easy to fall into the habit of thinking of yourself as someone who does things last minute or who struggles to start tasks. people will tell you that you just need to build different habits, but I know for me at least the idea of ‘habit’ is sort of abstract and dehumanizing. Credibility is more like ‘I’ve done this before, so I know I can do it, and more importantly I trust myself to do it’. you set an assignment goal for the day and you meet it, and then you feel stronger setting one the next day. You establish a relationship with yourself that’s built on confidence and trust. That in turn starts to erode the barrier of insecurity and perfectionism and makes it easier to start and finish tasks. reframing the narrative as a process of building credibility makes it easier to celebrate each step and recognize how strong your relationship with yourself can become
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I can't decide between writing my thesis and reading articles today, but I do have a bunch of articles to read this week.
PS: I included my repainted version of André Derain's 1905 painting of "Mountains at Collioure" I did 2 weeks ago. I was so happy with how it turned out because I had no expectations and was purely enjoying myself.
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wednesday june 19, 2024 | day 37
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today was lowkey very productive. i’m still sick somehow (gee i wonder) & i will be going down to one job soon bc i slept through class the other day so. school >>>>>. student first & foremost.
made my fall schedule today! very excited to be taking all this bio heheh i love you biology i love you science i love you ecosystems i love studying life. also straightened my office for a better flow (ft olive’s amazing assistance)
powered thru studying for my exam tomorrow ! yikes. cellular respiration WHO. also alice is an amazing motivator for study wow. iconic really.
ALSO philosophy professor reopened literally every assignment that man is a GOD i love him tom if you are reading this ?? 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 i hope you get the FATTEST raise thanks
tomorrow is gonna be an even better day
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tuesday june 18, 2024 | day 36
had a rough day at work. re: spaghetti sauce. will not be taking questions comments or concerns. i am feeling sick again & literally feel a migraine coming on lmao so class should be interesting
my draft of my report needs minimum editing! i just gotta rewrite a section & then figure out where i found the citation i forgot to include 🥲🤌🏻 how
anyway exam thur in bio so prepping for that! also my advising meeting is wed not today bc i already had trouble keeping track of days so the night shift is insane hehe adhd girlies clock in !!!
also cool grasshopper ft the sunrise i get to see every morning when i leave work. life is good in the small things. love y’all who read these & say such nice things in the tags 🫶🏻🫶🏻 you are amazing
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December 4, 2023 - Monday
Just me and my cup of ginger tea against the world. Health really is everything. I felt a bit better today alhamdulillah and suddenly it seems like the world is full of hope and the future full of promise.
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