intothewilde ¡ 4 years
“what even is mash?” she responded, her face full of expression, and it was very much confused in that moment. she had had a childhood, she remembered the other two games, though she found them boring or problematic– she was pretty much competitive, and tic tac toe got the worst of her. “are you down to be a little wilde tonight?” she smirked, proud of using the girl’s name into a joke.
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“oh, it’s really silly. it stands for mansion, apartment, shack, and house, and basically you put down a bunch of different options for your job and pet and spouse and car and kids, adult stuff i guess, and then you draw a squiggle and do a bunch of counting to figure out which option you get.” she hadn’t played it in a long time, but the nostalgia she was feeling made her want to play it now, just for a laugh. “i can show you, if you want.” though it was one she’d heard many times, giorgia laughed at ella’s joke and shook her head. “i mean, i may be a wilde, but as you know i’m not very wild at all. but i’m down to try,” she grinned.
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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       SPREADSHEETS SOUND LESS THAN IDEAL compared to the kind of work kass is used to, but she just nods along, because she has a feeling the redhead has yet to take an encryption class.   “ fair enough, i just have to be more patient. “   she’s surprised to hear the girl is undecided   ( kass honestly forgets people CAN be undeclared ) ,  but she makes sure not to show it, instead offering her yet another smile.   “ you definitely don’t have to be some kind of language genius to be a linguistics major, you just have to like learning them.  i know it seems daunting choosing a major when you have none, but i would try to do two if you could.  the workload definitely makes it so you can do two. “   kass runs her fingers through her hair, considering the question.   “ well in all honesty, i’ve always been one of those computer geeks, interested in encryption before getting here, so that part was easy.  i’m also a macgyver major though, which i chose because i like the idea of taking something ordinary and making it into something needed to survive.  plus i suck at driving, so i tend to play navigator on road trips, so it’s good to be able to read maps, “   kass laughs.   “ have you thought of any other majors ? “
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“i think patience can be overrated sometimes,” she shrugged. giorgia hadn’t thought that there was such a thing as being too patient, but she had been told that there was, and that there were some things she should stop waiting for. she didn’t want to encourage kass to simply wait for things to get less boring. “i’m sure we can find a way to make this internship more fun, with or without computers.” she didn’t know how, but she believed it was possible. “i have liked learning languages, so that’s good to hear." and she liked the idea of a double major, but it was hard to think of two to pick when she could barely pick one. she nodded and smiled as kass spoke. hearing what people were passionate about was always interesting. “i’ve thought about r&d. that’s kind of how i ended up here, by doing a lot of research. and i like planning things, i guess. but covert ops seems interesting, too. there are just so many interesting things, you know?”
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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“Then why don’t we go?” Miray asked, suddenly more excited than she normally was. “This weekend, we could go. I make a pretty great wing-woman, if I do say so myself.” Besides being excited that she would be able to support Giorgia in her dreams of meeting more cute girls, she was always up for going to magical places. 
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“really, you want to?” giorgia asked eagerly. “i could use a wing woman. or really just someone to nudge me if i forget to shut up,” she laughed. “i’m not a very good wing woman, but i am a good hype man, and i will happily tell anyone why you’re great.” she wasn’t sure if that was a good offer, but she did love to compliment people.
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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          ‘  oh  same  ,   here’s  to  hoping  the  past  years  of  german  haven’t  failed  me  yet !  ’  she’ll  chirp  ,   giving  the  other  a  grin  .    ‘  thank  you !  i’m  super  excited  for  it  .   so  far ?  just  dinner  with  my  sister  ,   and  then  going  out  with  my  boyfriend  and  best  friend  .  ’  
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“i haven’t had a real conversation with someone in german since i was twelve and had a german nanny,” giorgia confessed, unsure if remembering the language would be like riding a bike. “that sounds really nice! how old did you turn?” she asked, hoping they were still young enough that it was a polite question to ask.
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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“your dentist probably wants you to get cavities,” he points out, though that’s cynical because, when it’s their job to keep teeth healthy, no cavities should be the goal. “instead, i’m one of those who judges someone for doing so. it’s…so difficult not to. if you have to try that hard to mask the taste, then drink something else.” grayson feels the same way about people who put hot sauce on everything or over salt their food. “being a barista at a coffee chain that will cater to disgusting personal preferences must be very annoying.” upscale coffee shops have a set menu and all you can do is substitute the kind of milk and maybe add a normal amount of syrup. “yes, it is. i think i’d personally opt for tea after this whole debacle.” 
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“does he? giorgia asked. “i guess that makes sense, but i have three sugars in my coffee every day and i’ve never gotten a cavity.” that was less miraculous because of her coffee drinking and more so because of the amount of sugar she ate in other things, but that seemed like an unnecessary detail. “maybe that’s why my dentist seems to hate me.” she always thought it was because cleaning someone’s teeth wasn’t easy when they kept trying to talk. “i’m not really in a position to judge,” she laughed. “i think any job that requires you to make something for a customer while they watch and wait is pretty rough.” she had never worked in the service industry - or anywhere, for that matter - but she had witnessed enough examples of people being monsters towards someone trying to help them that she felt confident saying any kind of customer service probably wasn’t easy. “do you ever drink iced tea?” she wasn’t sure if british people really did that, but it seemed awfully hot out to drink boiling water.
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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        KASS STIFLES A LAUGH.   “ well, i guess he wasn’t wrong, “   she shrugs, because they ARE americans.   “ don’t stress about it, it’ll get easier, it’s only the first week.  we’re all on the same boat as you.  well, except for the linguistics students, but this is kind of the situation they thrive in.  if this internship was all about computers i’d be doing a lot better, “   she laughs again, trying to ease the tension giorgia’s feeling.   “ what’s your major again ? “ 
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“no, he wasn’t,” giorgia agreed, unable to keep a smile off her face. “thanks.” she was just grateful that she was talking to someone as understanding as kass was. “maybe some of it will be about computers. i’m sure they’ll at the very least need people to make spreadsheets or something,” she said with a shrug. “i’m undecided,” she admitted. “i’ve thought about linguistics because i’m bilingual and i can understand a handful of other languages, but i’m not some kind of language savant like most of those kids are,” she sighed. “how did you choose majors?”
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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      featuring a few familiar faces such as ria( @riaflicke ), ella ( @itsellataylor ), giorgia ( @intothewilde ), lucas ( @cannyonmxon ), and a glimpse of the photographer herself.
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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“I’m jealous.” Miray had found that despite the fact that she had always thought she wasn’t clumsy she’d been dropping things everywhere. “Pretty German girls are magical so that counts, yes.” Although if you asked her, all girls were pretty but that was not the conversation at hand. “It’s been pretty non-magical here thus far, if I’m being honest. Maybe we should plan something for next weekend. Go exploring further away from the city or something.” 
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“it was nice,” giorgia admitted, suddenly regretting not asking for her number. “i really want to go to dresden. it’s only two hours away on the train and it looks really beautiful.” she had done research on the most picturesque places close enough for a day trop, and that was at the top of her list. “it looks like a ‘magical’ place. i bet there are lots of pretty girls.”
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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        “ YOU’RE FRENCH ? “   her eyes light up, looking the redhead over closely, trying to see if she can distinguish it herself.   “ no wonder you’re so pretty.  are you going to see them ? “   that’s what people with grandparents do, right ?   VISIT them ?   “ what are you stuperstitious of ? “   delilah asks, eyebrows furrowing at the unfamiliar word.
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“yes,” she laughed. “my mother moved to america after she met my father, but everyone else in her family is still in france.” giorgia blushed as delilah examined her face. “oh, thank you. yes, i usually visit them at christmas but i stayed at school this year, so i’ve really missed them.” she wasn’t sure what the look on delilah’s face meant, but she felt it would be too rude to ask. “just silly things, like knocking on wood so i don’t jinx anything,” she explained. the only common superstition she didn’t play into was that thirteen was an unlucky number. the fact that she was born on the thirteenth made it feel quite lucky to her.
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
“the only thing i know about german food is the pasteries,” she laughed, looking over the menu, her head on giorgia’s shoulder. she pointed at a rose lavender cheesecake at the bottom of the menu. “i bet you that looks beautiful. let’s get one of those! and maybe…champagne? celebration for our first day?”
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“i’m learning that they eat a lot of meat here. which is fine for them, i guess, but i’m a vegetarian,” she sighed. giorgia followed natasha’s hand on the menu and she nodded. “that sounds divine.” some people didn’t like eating floral things because it reminded them of potpourri. she wasn’t sure if it was because she came from a long line of perfumers, but she loved the smell and taste of flowers. “yes to champagne. always yes,” giorgia laughed. 
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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        KASS WASTES NO TIME GOING TO LOCK THE BATHROOM DOOR, moving away from the mirror to give her privacy as she takes her shirt off.   “ i’m sure they don’t think you’re an idiot, “   she assures her with a small laugh,   “ though, to be honest, i’m sure they don’t love every single gallagher student, considering most don’t even know german.  i wish they had told us about this experience beforehand, so more students would be able to learn the language.  but we’ll prove them wrong, “   she says cheerfully, because kass REFUSES to have a negative outlook of this internship so early in.  
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“maybe not, but i did hear one guy sigh and say ‘amerikaner’ when he walked by me trying to clean up this mess.” she sighed, frustrated with herself for not being able to control the situation.  “i do know german and i’m starting to wish i didn’t. i feel like i’m disappointing people who get excited that i can speak it, only to realize that i’m doing it with a smile on my face.” she couldn’t really help smiling, especially when speaking in a language that sounded so aggressive. it seemed only right to her to balance that out by appearing as friendly as possible. giorgia smiled and nodded as she listened to kass. it could be hard for her to think positively once she got stuck in a loop of negative thinking, but once she got back on track she could happily find a silver lining. “they’ll learn that no one gets better coffee than a gallagher student,” she laughed.
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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        “ YOUR GRANDPARENTS LIVE HERE ? “   that catches her attention, smile widening at the new piece of information.   “ so you’ve been here often, then ?   enough to show me all the fun spots ? “   delilah’s been here before, but not nearly long enough for it to make a lasting impression.   “ i don’t mind easy, i can do coffee and copies. seems like a waste of talent, but i don’t complain. “ 
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“no, in france. they spend the summer in provence, and it’s only a few of hours to fly there,” giorgia explained. “really i meant that i’ve missed europe. i’ve only been to berlin once before, and that was almost twelve years ago.” she was liking it even more the second time around. “i suppose it could be much worse.” she knocked on the bar and laughed, shaking her head at herself. “i guess i’m a little superstitious.”
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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giorgia was someone isabel knew was also a cat person, or at least had one, and she felt those people were the best people, especially on days where they missed their pets. as soon as the other pulls out her phone isabel’s eyes are locked on the screen ready to see. “ oh, he’s perfect, we should have set up a cat daycare or something so we could have them here with us. i wonder if anyone’s brought theirs. ” she hums, thinking about her little group chat and whether anyone had. 
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giorgia grinned, he was a perfect cat. but her smile quickly faltered - it hadn’t quite hit her just how much she missed him until isabel had started talking, but now she could feel a pang in her chest that only a furry friend could soothe. “i hope someone brought a cat. i don’t think i can wait until we’re back to see one,” she mused, looking at her phone wistfully. “what’s your cat’s name?” giorgia felt somewhat guilty that she couldn’t remember, but there were a lot of adorable kittens at gallagher and it was hard to keep track of them all. “maybe there’s a shelter around here that would let us hang out with their cats for a little while.”
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
“we could play tic tac toe. or hangman? ooh, or mash. i haven’t played that one in awhile.” she didn’t need a game to imagine living in a shack with a 1996 leonardo dicaprio, but it was still fun. “or we could live dangerously, and leave-” giorgia paused, checking her watch. “eleven minutes early and go get a drink.
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“twelve more minutes–” she sighed dramatically as she rested her forehead on her friend’s desk. “are you sure they’ll notice if we leave early? it’s literally just minutes. what else are we going to do here?” || @intothewilde​
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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giorgia smiled as miray sat down, happy for some company. “well... i didn’t spill anything, which felt like a small miracle,” she suggested after a long pause. “but other than that? i’m not really sure.” as much as she would love for something magical to happen, she wasn’t confident that there was any magic waiting for her in berlin. “a pretty german girl smiled at me. that was nice.” maybe that wasn’t the kind of magic that miray was talking about, but it seemed better than nothing.
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All that Miray truly felt she knew about Giorgia was how kind she was, she’d definitely left an impression on her at the casino event and she was looking forward to spending even more time with her in Berlin. She was happy to find her sitting out on a lawn chair, going to sit in the empty chair beside her as she leaned her head back. “Tell me something magical that happened to you today, Giorgia. Please, I need to hear it.” The internship itself wasn’t stressful but it was desperately boring, if you asked her. ( @intothewilde​ ). 
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
“i’m about ready to sink into the mattress and never wake up again,” she laughed a bit. moving over on the bed to allow room for giorgia to come on with her, then patted the spot beside her. thank god she didn’t have to worry about timezones, after getting accustomed to italy. she could only imagine how the other students felt. “i vote we get ice cream delivered.”
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giorgia sat down beside natasha and fell back until she was staring at the ceiling. “i wouldn’t mind napping like rip van winkle,” she sighed.  “does room service do sundaes? because that would be beyond amazing.” grabbing a room service menu from the bedside table, giorgia eyed it hungrily - literally and figuratively. “i haven’t done nearly enough research on the food in this city.”
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intothewilde ¡ 4 years
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         KASS IS QUICK TO FLASH GIORGIA A SMILE THROUGH THE MIRROR, though it falls just as fast at the sight of her red eyes and soaked shirt.   “ oh no, “   she grimaces, walking over so she can inspect the shirt better.   “ i mean, it’s impressive you got the stain out ? “   lips pressed together, kass glances around the bathroom, trying to figure what to do that could help.   “ what if you take it off and try drying it with the hand dryers ?   i’ll lock the door so nobody comes in.  otherwise how far is your hotel from here ? “ 
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“thanks,” she laughed. giorgia was usually the one trying to think positively and it was a relief to have someone else trying to manifest good energy for once. “oh, that’s a smart idea! yes, please lock it. the germans seem to already think i’m an idiot, i don’t need them seeing me in my underwear on top of that.” it was hard to say what their bosses thought of her, given the fact that most people in berlin seemed to frown constantly, but she had the feeling that her perpetual smile wasn’t endearing her to the staff. “it’s probably only about ten minutes or so,” she shrugged. giorgia unbuttoned her shirt and held it under the hand dryer, trying to think about anything but the things she had read about how dirty they really were.
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