Some NSFW Jay Headcanons
Not a virgin, but he hasn’t had a whole lot of experience. He wasn’t exactly adventurous when he was in college.
I think he’s pretty vanilla, although he is up for trying most things at least once. He’s open to participating in your kinks, even if they don’t really do anything for him; he wants to make you happy.
His favourite position is probably standard missionary - but he’s not boring, don’t worry! He just likes to be able to see your face, and it’s a very intimate and loving position; he values the closeness and romance
Pretty good at foreplay, despite his lack of experience, and even better at aftercare. Even if you don’t really need it, he’ll help you get cleaned up, run you a bath, get you a drink - anything at all that you might need.
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The Difference Between Hoodie and Brian
While Hoodie and Brian are technically two sides of the same person, they have their similarities and differences.
Brian is a massive goofball, always trying to make you smile and laugh. He adores you with his whole heart, and isn’t shy when it comes to PDA. Hell, he’d shout it from the rooftops if he could. He’s the type of partner to bring you snacks if you’re unwell, although he does that even if you’re in good health. He loves to show you affection openly, and it makes him happy if you do the same. He loves you so much it’s almost painful.
In comparison, Hoodie is much more laid back when it comes to love. He might seem rather cold and detached, but he’s observant. He knows when you’re feeling down, or have had a rough day, and does what subtle things he can to help. He’s protective, but not possessive - honestly, he could come across as rather disinterested (much like Masky, to be honest), but that’s because his affection is much harder to notice. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t there.
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Ideal Date
Jay Merrick
Probably a home date, like ordering take out and watching a movie. He’s a simple kind of guy, and I can see him not too fussed about doing anything fancy or extravagant - unless you want to. He’s easy going enough to follow where you lead.
Tim Wright
Something quiet and relaxed. A coffee date, or a walk through a park, where he can spend some quality time with you. He’s not opposed to more exciting dates, but all he really wants is to be in your company without too many other people around. 
Brian Thomas
Something fun, to get the blood pumping. An amusement park, horseback riding, even skydiving - this boy is up for anything. Be warned though, if you do go to a theme park, he will spend all of his money trying to win you a stuffed animal.
Alex Kralie
A classic date, like dinner and a movie. He would want to go somewhere where he could spend time and just talk with you. Unlike Jay, he would probably want to go out for this date, as opposed to staying home - although, if you would rather cook together or order takeout, he’s happy to do that too.
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The Difference Between Masky and Tim
While Masky and Tim are technically two sides of the same person, they have their similarities and differences. 
Tim loves you, he completely adores you, and there’s no doubt about it. He’s a gentle lover, unsure of himself, but determined to show you exactly how much he cares for you - and with time, he becomes less shy about saying it too. He’s not the jealous type, and will defend and protect you with his own life. Tim handles you like glass; reveres you like the moon. You’re the love of his life.
On the other hand, Masky loves you quietly. He’s not much for affection, and PDA is a hard no, but behind closed doors he’s soft. Not overly so, and it’s barely noticeable to the untrained eye but what he feels for you is real. He’s rough, aggressive, hotheaded, and he knows he’s difficult to love - it’s why he pushes you away. But if you stay, you’ll feel that love, even if you can’t always see it.
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Just a little clarification
These are my interpretations of the characters, even though I’m trying to stick pretty close to Marble Hornets canon, so they might not be exact <3
The main characters that I write for are:
Jay Merrick
Tim Wright 
Brian Thomas 
Alex Kralie
However, if someone wants headcanons for Jessica, Sarah, Seth or Amy I’m willing to give it a go! They might not be as detailed or in depth, but if that’s what someone wants then go right ahead :D
Requests are currently open!! <3
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can u maybe write smthn for a nice movie night with jay pls? :3 if u wanna include nsfw thats cool and if not thats also cool! and also either hcs or a scenario is fine, whichever ur up for. ^-^
Jay Merrick
Movie nights with Jay happen fairly often, I think, even before you started dating. Usually, you probably take turns choosing which movie to watch, and settle on a genre for the evening.
He’s not a huge fan of horror, like slashers or gory movies, but if you enjoy them then he’ll watch them with you.
He likes when you cuddle up next to him - he’ll put an arm around your shoulder and pull you closer. 
Lots of snacks. You always overstock on snacks, but it just means that you’ll have more for a later movie night.
I think it’s unlikely that things take a turn for the sexy during a movie night, unless the movie is really bad / boring, or if you’re feeling particularly frisky. Jay can get pretty absorbed in watching whatever it is you’re supposed to be watching, and so might not pick up on any subtle hints from you. 
You’ll have to be explicitly clear on what you want from him
It has happened before though, and will undoubtedly happen again ;)
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Pet Names
Jay Merrick
None. Jay isn’t really one to use pet names on his significant other - it’s not that he’s being mean or stubborn or anything, he honestly just forgets he can use them. He usually just calls you by your name
Tim Wright
Sweetheart. I think the most used pet name Tim uses for you is ‘Sweetheart’ - it’s soft, it’s affectionate, and it encapsulates all of his love for you into one adoring word.
Brian Thomas
Babe. He keeps it simple, and although he does cycle through a whole pile of other pet names, ‘Babe’ is the most frequent. It’s cute, casual, and he always seems to come back to it.
Alex Kralie
Love. It’s simple, old fashioned, but effective. Alex is a romantic at heart, and he wants you to know exactly how he feels about you when he addresses you. You’re the love of his life, and you should know it.
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Sleeping Habits
Jay Merrick
Consistently bad. Doesn’t ever even consider getting ready for bed before 1am. Sleeps for maybe 4 hours before he gets up for a drink of water, and then sleeps for another 3-5 hours depending on what he has to do in the morning. However, when he is asleep, he might as well be dead - he just doesn’t move. Relatively deep sleeper, and often sleeps facing down. 
Tim Wright
Inconsistently bad. Always late, and is always waking up in the middle of the night. When his medication is working properly, he can sleep for 8 hours solid, but if he’s having trouble he’ll be tossing and turning all night. A light sleeper most of the time, he has the odd night when he will sleep like the dead. He moves around a lot and usually sleeps on his side.
Brian Thomas
Late to bed, early to rise. He can run on nothing but coffee, and efficiently at that. He sleeps pretty solidly for usually around 7 hours, but he’s fine on less than that. Flip flops between being a heavy sleeper and a light sleeper, it really just depends. He unintentionally flails about in his sleep, and likes to stretch right out - don’t be too surprised if you wake up right on the edge of the bed!
Alex Kralie
Early to bed, early to rise. Man is on top of his sleep schedule, which is pretty impressive all things considered. He sleeps relatively lightly, just in case anything were to happen, and is usually asleep for 8 hours. Sometimes, if he does wake up in the middle of the night, he’ll get up and be productive for a few hours before trying to go back to bed. He’s almost completely still while asleep.
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Hi. :) May I please request head canons for holding hands with Alex Kralie and Jay Merrick? Thank you in advance (and I'm sorry if this ask was awkward, but I love what you've written so far).
Of course! Thank you so much!! <3
Alex Kralie
His hands are always warm, no matter what, so if you have cold hands then great, he’ll be your very own portable hand warmer! 
I think his hands are quite soft, I feel like he takes good care of his hands. 
Every now and then, while holding hands, he’ll give you a little squeeze, just to remind you that he’s there. It makes him so happy when you squeeze back - it becomes like a secret reassurance between you both
Jay Merrick
He’s pretty shy, I think, when it comes to romance, so it takes him a while to work up to even asking to hold your hand. If you tell him he doesn’t have to ask, he eventually will just go for it.
His hands are calloused, and usually warm. Probably a bit clammy sometimes but not uncomfortable to hold.
Prefers to intertwine his fingers through yours - it just feels more intimate and affectionate
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Some Alex Headcanons
A decent cook, but not as good as Tim. Can make 5-6 really good dishes consistently, so you don’t have to worry about him starving to death anytime soon
Not big on PDA, but he will hold your hand or have his arm around your shoulder out in public. He saves all of his affections for behind closed doors
Had an edgy phase in highschool. Wore a trench coat and smudged eyeliner for almost three months before he realised it wasn’t a good look
His guilty pleasure is ready trashy romance novels. Please don’t tell anyone. It started off as ironic but he started to actually like them; his favourite book has so far been Trans Wizard Harriet Porber and the Bad Boy Parasaurolophus. Don’t laugh. It was good, okay!?
He’s happy when you take an interest in whatever he’s working on, and will gladly do the same with your hobbies. 
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Some Brian Headcanons
He has a degree in Photography, and he’s rarely seen without a camera in his hand. He’s always snapping away at one thing or another - but, more often than not, it’s you he’s taking photos of,
He loves superhero movies.His favourite hero (or not) is Harley Quinn, he just thinks she’s such a badass, especially when she breaks away from the Joker stuff
He loves to keep small plants, like succulents or cacti, in his home, but he’s notorious for killing them. No one knows how he does it. He could be doing everything right and they’d still die. It’s a total mystery.
Can’t cook. Like, at all. Will burn water. Don’t let him in the kitchen unless you want him to burn the house down. It’s a wonder how he lived this long
He’s a major cuddlebug. He wants to be touching you at all times, and more often than not he wants you to be sitting on his lap. He likes to wind his arms around you and rest his chin on either your shoulder or the top of your head, depending on how short you are.
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Some Tim Headcanons
He runs hot, a lot hotter than some people, and it can make cuddling with him a bit uncomfortable - especially in bed. He just gets too hot. So he’ll cuddle with you for a little while beforehand, but sleeps on his own side of the bed.
Great at baking. It’s one of his favourite hobbies, and he’ll sometimes just bake things to give to Brian and Jay (and you, of course!)
He’s also a pretty good cook, and will gladly cook for you if you ask. 
He’s a talented musician, as evident by the fact that he has a music room. He has a degree in Sound Engineering
Sometimes you just have to hold him. He still gets night terrors and splitting headaches, and the best thing to do is pet his hair and sooth him quietly. He’s still haunted by what the Operator put him through, so he needs someone to just reassure him that everything is okay.
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Some Jay Headcanons
He’s dated a few people before, but relationships aren’t really his strong suit. He’s a bit unsure of a lot of things, although he tries not to let that stop him.
He studied Filmmaking in university, and it’s still a big hobby of his. He makes some videos for Youtube just for fun, and likes to collect bits of old camera equipment.
He’s a big fan of silent films. Although, he’d probably watch anything if it was with you. 
Not a terrible cook, but not fantastic either. He tries, though, and he makes a really great macaroni - it’s his one consistently good dish. If you end up doing most of the cooking, he takes up doing the dishes with zero complaints.
He loves to hold your hand. There’s just something so sweet about it, it gets him every time. 
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First Kiss
Jay Merrick
It’s a little bit awkward, to be honest. He’s not really sure what he’s doing, and it shows - but you don’t mind. There’s something so endearing about it, but you might have to take the lead with this one. He might end up accidentally headbutting you in the face.
Tim Wright
Tense. He’s worried about messing it up, and ends up coming across as stiff and awkward. Sure, he’s kissed other people before, but that doesn’t make him any less nervous. He’s tender with you, large hands on either side of your face - and despite his previous worries, it’s absolutely perfect.
Brian Thomas
This boy has experience. He knows what he’s doing and isn’t afraid to take the reins if you aren’t sure. He’ll hold you close, one hand on your hip and the other behind your head as he kisses you. Your first kiss is relatively chaste by his standards, but it’s enough to leave you breathless.
Alex Kralie
He’s sweet. He takes your hand, and is the type to ask for permission before he kisses you. If you agree, he’ll lean in carefully, his kiss soft and barely there - he doesn’t want to impose himself on you too fast, so he’s quick to back off. He’ll continue to hold your hand, though, his fingers warm around your own.
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Jay Merrick
Awkward. He’s all limbs, and is never quite sure where to put his hands, but there’s something so genuine and lovely about his hugs. His hugs last a long time, if you let them.
Tim Wright
Warm. He runs a lot warmer than a lot of people, so hugging him is like hugging a furnace. Against his chest, in his arms, you’ll never want to let go. He’s always the last to let go.
Brian Thomas
Fun. He’s the type of person to lift his significant other off their feet during a hug. Even friends have been lifted. He’s sturdy and strong, so it’s no difficulty for him at all. He love to hug the people he cares about.
Alex Kralie
Gentle. He never squeezes too tight, arms loose around your body. But there’s love and care in the motion, and he makes sure you know it. He’ll press a kiss to your head as he pulls away.
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The Boys and their Love Language
Jay Merrick - Quality Time
Honestly, I think Jay is pretty easy to please - simply being around you is enough for him. Whether it’s watching a movie, eating together, even doing your own separate hobbies, the most important thing is being with you.
Tim Wright - Words of Affirmation
Tim needs reassurance, he needs to know that you value him and love him as much as he treasures you. Whether you outright tell him or convey it in more subtle ways, he thrives on praise. 
Brian Thomas - Physical Touch
He’s a soft boy. Hugs, hand holding, copious amounts of PDA - all that good stuff is right up Brian’s alley. He always likes to be touching you in some way, no matter the setting; it helps reassure him that you’re still there.
Alex Kralie - Acts of Service
Alex is definitely the type of person who goes out of his way for his significant other. He likes to help take away any additional stress you might have by doing things for you - and having the same done for him is a sure way to his heart.
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New blog here!! I’m Kay, and I recently binge watched the whole of Marble Hornets and I’m obsessed <3 
A few quick rules before we get started:
- Reader insert only - no canon x canon unless it’s poly with the reader
- NSFW is allowed, but if I’m uncomfortable with it I might not write it (sorry!)
- Max of 2 characters per headcanon request, and 1 per scenario please! For scenarios, please provide a prompt or idea for me to go on! <3
- Marble Hornets only! I might delve into Creepypasta stuff eventually, but I’m keeping to MH right now <3
- Make sure to check when requests are open! If they get sent in when I’m not accepting them, they might get deleted
- No requests through DMs please!
- No yandere, I’m just not comfortable writing it (sorry!)
- Have fun!! That’s what this is all about!! <3
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