internal-bloodshed · 24 days
Sherman opened the door quickly, a smear of blood on his cheek and his hair a mess but other than that, he just looked worried.
"What in the— Miranda?" He asked, his voice at first sharp and angry as it always was, but softening as he saw his girlfriend.
[Suddenly, your vision went dark and you hit the ground. Your body felt cold and this numbing pain went through your head. You couldn't move, you couldn't see, you couldn't speak...]
[The only sense that hasn't left you was your hearing...]
*Panic came over Cecil as he realized what was going on. He tried to move but his attempts were in vain. Hyperventilating, he tried to shout or scream for help but nothing came out of his mouth. He didn't even know if he was moving it. Tears formed in Cecil's eyes, trying to make sense of what was happening.*
*He was scared...*
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internal-bloodshed · 1 month
(Kat’s RPer)
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internal-bloodshed · 1 month
Oh okay, I guess that's ok
@internal-bloodshed Darling since @cecil---markowitz @ellis-aka-the-bomb-dot-com and @lou-ellen--blackstone are emotionally my children, you are now their dad as well
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internal-bloodshed · 1 month
Yeah of course babe
@internal-bloodshed baby can we go on a date soon, we haven't been able to spend much time together.
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internal-bloodshed · 1 month
But he's italian
Sherman: Are you an illegal immigrant? Nico: I don't think I legally exist at all, actually.
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internal-bloodshed · 1 month
Babe he doesn't need New Years
Cabin 5 Shenanigans
Ellis: You know guys, sometimes I feel like Sherman doesn't take me seriously enough. 
Mark: "Sometimes"? 
Clarisse: "Enough"? 
Clarisse: Change that to 'at all' and we'll talk. 
Ellis: How do Mark and Sherman usually get out of these messes? 
Clarisse: They don't. They just make a bigger mess that cancels the first one out. 
Ellis: Do you love Miranda? 
Sherman: Yeah, I do. 
Ellis: Clarisse! I told you I knew it! You owe me 100 bucks! 
Clarisse: We all love Miranda. You should've asked if they were IN love with them. 
Sherman: I thought that was implied. 
Clarisse: ... 
Mark: ... 
Sherman, looking straight at Clarisse: Congrats Ellis, you just won 100 bucks.
Clarisse: You're smiling. What happened?
Mark: What? Can't I smile just because I feel like it?
Ellis: Sherman tripped and fell down the stairs today.
Clarisse: Christmas is cancelled.
Ellis: You can't cancel a holiday.
Clarisse: Keep it up, Ellis, and you'll lose New Year's too.
Ellis: What does that mean?
Clarisse: Sherman, take New Year's away from Ellis.
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internal-bloodshed · 1 month
I don't pout!
Sherman: I'm jealous of your kind heart. Miranda: Awww Sherman: It's pounding inside you and I'm not.
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internal-bloodshed · 1 month
Hey sherman, ive been looking for you all day. Where where you?
Miranda! I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you, I've been real busy, I'm sorry.
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internal-bloodshed · 1 month
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internal-bloodshed · 2 months
"Shut the fuck up!" He roared, his eyes flickering with a rage from below the surface of his soul, just barely scraping the fire that laid beneath. The glimpse of it was scary enough.
"I want Ellis to be safe!" He snarled, striking at her shoulder. "Happy," he punctuated each word with another jab at her stomach. "Content."
[Kat huffs and puffs, nearly ready to faint. Swordsmanship—or to be more accurate, Sherman Yang, who’s currently in charge—is currently making her feel like she’s gonna puke. Or die. This is what she gets for skipping swordsmanship to research the fate of various ex-Titan Army members. Makeup lessons. And just her luck, the head counselor who’s in charge this week is the guy who told her she’d be dead if she stepped one toe out of line. Just perfect. The cherry on top is that no one else skipped this week, anticipating Ellis’s shift. She was apparently the only idiot who forgot.]
Can I get a water break? [Kat huffs.] Even POWs are treated better than this. Did you buy a book called “Top Ten Sadistic Swordsmanship Warmups”?
Sherman rolls his eyes, letting out a scoff.
"Fine. Water break. But don't take too long!" Sherman barked out these commands like orders, similar to how he ran boot camp during the winter, for the kids who had no place to go during the winter either due to family situations or a lack of a mortal family at all.
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internal-bloodshed · 2 months
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internal-bloodshed · 2 months
Sherman sneered, his nose wrinkling with disgust.
"What kind of fuck face do you think I am, Carter?!" Sherman slashed at her angrily, his anger fueling his movements, making him quicker on his feet, stronger. Whether this was because he was a son of Ares or because it was just how he operated was unclear.
"Ellis is happy," he accentuated his statement with another stab to her abdomen. "That's what matters." He narrowed his eyes angrily.
[Kat huffs and puffs, nearly ready to faint. Swordsmanship—or to be more accurate, Sherman Yang, who’s currently in charge—is currently making her feel like she’s gonna puke. Or die. This is what she gets for skipping swordsmanship to research the fate of various ex-Titan Army members. Makeup lessons. And just her luck, the head counselor who’s in charge this week is the guy who told her she’d be dead if she stepped one toe out of line. Just perfect. The cherry on top is that no one else skipped this week, anticipating Ellis’s shift. She was apparently the only idiot who forgot.]
Can I get a water break? [Kat huffs.] Even POWs are treated better than this. Did you buy a book called “Top Ten Sadistic Swordsmanship Warmups”?
Sherman rolls his eyes, letting out a scoff.
"Fine. Water break. But don't take too long!" Sherman barked out these commands like orders, similar to how he ran boot camp during the winter, for the kids who had no place to go during the winter either due to family situations or a lack of a mortal family at all.
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internal-bloodshed · 2 months
Sherman groaned with annoyance, rolling his eyes. He went for a quick strike on one shoulder and pulled his sword back quickly so he'd be able to use it to block too.
"You missed training." He explained, shrugging. "Now, you've gotta make it up."
[Kat huffs and puffs, nearly ready to faint. Swordsmanship—or to be more accurate, Sherman Yang, who’s currently in charge—is currently making her feel like she’s gonna puke. Or die. This is what she gets for skipping swordsmanship to research the fate of various ex-Titan Army members. Makeup lessons. And just her luck, the head counselor who’s in charge this week is the guy who told her she’d be dead if she stepped one toe out of line. Just perfect. The cherry on top is that no one else skipped this week, anticipating Ellis’s shift. She was apparently the only idiot who forgot.]
Can I get a water break? [Kat huffs.] Even POWs are treated better than this. Did you buy a book called “Top Ten Sadistic Swordsmanship Warmups”?
Sherman rolls his eyes, letting out a scoff.
"Fine. Water break. But don't take too long!" Sherman barked out these commands like orders, similar to how he ran boot camp during the winter, for the kids who had no place to go during the winter either due to family situations or a lack of a mortal family at all.
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internal-bloodshed · 2 months
ayyyy tysm that means a lot 💪
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internal-bloodshed · 2 months
Sherman pulled the tip of his sword back and laid out the edge to counter her strike, the sound of metal clashing against metal screeching wildly through the acoustics of the arena.
"Come on, is that all you've got, Carter?"
[Kat huffs and puffs, nearly ready to faint. Swordsmanship—or to be more accurate, Sherman Yang, who’s currently in charge—is currently making her feel like she’s gonna puke. Or die. This is what she gets for skipping swordsmanship to research the fate of various ex-Titan Army members. Makeup lessons. And just her luck, the head counselor who’s in charge this week is the guy who told her she’d be dead if she stepped one toe out of line. Just perfect. The cherry on top is that no one else skipped this week, anticipating Ellis’s shift. She was apparently the only idiot who forgot.]
Can I get a water break? [Kat huffs.] Even POWs are treated better than this. Did you buy a book called “Top Ten Sadistic Swordsmanship Warmups”?
Sherman rolls his eyes, letting out a scoff.
"Fine. Water break. But don't take too long!" Sherman barked out these commands like orders, similar to how he ran boot camp during the winter, for the kids who had no place to go during the winter either due to family situations or a lack of a mortal family at all.
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internal-bloodshed · 2 months
Sherman takes a very long pause, staring at Kat quietly. He blinked a few times before he evaded her gaze, his arms crossed as he looked into the distance.
"MIA soldiers are something I've read a lot about." He wasn't yelling anymore. He seemed calmer, but not quite friendly just yet. "Soldiers who weren't found, so most believe they were killed in action. Some are taking as POWs, but camp didn't take anyone."
Sherman pursed his lips, then looked back at Kat, an oddly determined look in his eyes. "I'll try to help you find those MIAs, okay? If they're innocent, and I don't recognize 'em, that's all the better for them."
He looked away again, off into the trees.
"But if I see any of the conniving bastards that killed any of my family, your MIAs will be KIAs. Understood?"
So um. Any tips on how to make sure Sherman Yang doesn’t accidentally (or otherwise) work me to death during my swordsmanship makeup lessons? You skip a couple (okay maybe a little bit more than a couple) swordsmanship lessons and all of a sudden you’re basically in demigod detention. Help, I’m half-dead already and I still have another week or so left
—a very exhausted Kat Carter, @cabinseventheaterchick
No luck with that sadly 😭 one time I was sick and had a month of double training - Nyssa Barrera ⚒️🗡️
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internal-bloodshed · 2 months
Sherman took his sword and tried a swipe at her midsection, waiting for Kat to block it. He seemed almost bored, but still annoyed with having to be there. That much was evident in the way his nose scrunched up and the way he always seemed to be glaring down at her.
[Kat huffs and puffs, nearly ready to faint. Swordsmanship—or to be more accurate, Sherman Yang, who’s currently in charge—is currently making her feel like she’s gonna puke. Or die. This is what she gets for skipping swordsmanship to research the fate of various ex-Titan Army members. Makeup lessons. And just her luck, the head counselor who’s in charge this week is the guy who told her she’d be dead if she stepped one toe out of line. Just perfect. The cherry on top is that no one else skipped this week, anticipating Ellis’s shift. She was apparently the only idiot who forgot.]
Can I get a water break? [Kat huffs.] Even POWs are treated better than this. Did you buy a book called “Top Ten Sadistic Swordsmanship Warmups”?
Sherman rolls his eyes, letting out a scoff.
"Fine. Water break. But don't take too long!" Sherman barked out these commands like orders, similar to how he ran boot camp during the winter, for the kids who had no place to go during the winter either due to family situations or a lack of a mortal family at all.
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