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intercontact · 2 months ago
IMN Business Development
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IMN Business Development / CN-GB-DE-FR-RU-IT-ES-HU / 
日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
Welcome!  We're glad you're here!
First of all we would like to thank everyone for their cooperation and attention, connections from all over the world. Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot.
Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication.
Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Business development together. Wish you best of luck!
Information: IMN Business and Investment Opportunities
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intercontact · 6 years ago
Business and Investment Opportunities
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International Business Development Services
We integrate the diverse needs of manufacturers, industries, companies and municipalities worldwide with advanced technological solutions, potential partners and business news.
As part of our international business network, we work with experts in the fields of:
Water, Energy, Agriculture, Food innovation, Environmental Sustainability and Homeland Security fields, while also collaborating with many successful companies all over the world.
We provide quality services to our clients and strive to create long-term relationships built on confidence and trust.
Business Activities:
– International Business Development
– Building Distribution Network
– Representation
– Local Support & Consulting
– Projects in the Central Europe Market
– Business Opportunities & Investments
– Trading Company
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सोचो वैश्विक स्तर पर * 放眼全球 * THINK GLOBAL * 思う グローバル * فكر عالميا
पढ़ने के लिए धन्यवाद, और भारत में मेरे सभी दोस्तों के लिए आपका स्वागत है
More information can be found at
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intercontact · 7 years ago
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The Hyperloop Whooshes to a 240-MPH Speed Record on TheScene
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intercontact · 8 years ago
Confectionery products. Each product has its unique characteristics with an emphasis on combining quality ingredients with novelty and fun for children – and adults too! /EN-DE-IT-RU-RO-HU/
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Thank you very much for yours kind attention, please follow these company pages. More information you can find at Intercontact Ltd.
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The Confectionery Ltd (and affiliated companies) is entirely Hungarian based and owned. The group provides employment for approximately 300 employees and growing.
Dynamic workforce growth in the current challenging economic context is a stand-out achievement in Hungary and indeed Europe.
Our production technology requires completely unique knowledge which cannot be developed anywhere else.
The training of employees is carried out by highly qualified specialists.
Continuous order-book development and growth has allowed for continuous modernization of production methods, mechanization and automation.
Our company produces over thirty different products, with many more in development. Each product has its unique characteristics with an emphasis on combining quality ingredients (such as high cocoa content chocolate) with novelty and fun for children - and adults too!
Our premises comprise all the infrastructural, technical, and human resources necessary for high–quality manufacture and fully meet both industry and consumer expectations.
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We currently produce the following types of products: -liquid and semi-solid (gel) sweets - lollipops - powder products - tableted products - pelleted products - chews - dip & stick type products - chocolate products - fondant and fat-based products
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The HACCP food safety system has been in practice since 2002, serving food safety and traceability obligations. IFS management system was introduced in 2007. The company has its own laboratory, which forms the basis of internal quality control. Primary and secondary packaging and display is designed and produced in-house by professionals and printed in our on-site printing studio.
Our confectionery products are sold all over the world and are especially popular in: the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Austria , Sweden , Norway, Spain , Canada , the USA, Japan , Korea, Australia , Russia, Ukraine , Azerbaijan, Lithuania , and Iraq. 
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More information: International business opportunities 
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Vorstellung der Firma.
Die Produktpalette besteht schon heute ca. aus 30 verschiedene Artikel. Alle Artikel werden für die Kinder über drei Jahre und für die jüngere Generation auch empfohlen. Die Süßigkeiten sind mit dem Spielzeug kombiniert.
Wir entwickeln unsere Produktionslinien ständig weiter. Unsere Maschinenreihe ist vollkommen automatisiert. Vom Drucken bis zum Verpacken wird alles vor Ort gemacht. Das Werk ist mit dem modernsten Maschinen und Technik aufgerüstet. Unsere Firma kann alle Wünsche der Kunden erfüllen.
Produkte: - Flüssige Zucker - Lutscher - Pulver Produkte - Kaugummi - Stick&Dip Produkte - Dragee Produkte - Produkte aus der Schokolade
Seit 2002 benutzt unsere Firma das HACCP System und seit 2007 benutzt unsere Firma das IFS System. Firma vorhanden mit einem Laboratorium, wo verschiedene Prüfungen, Testen ausgeführt werden können. Weiterhin gibt es noch eigene Druckerei und eine Designergruppe, die die Verpackungen, Display der Produkte planen.
Unsere Produkte werden hauptsächlich  in Frankreich, Niederland, Deutschland, Österreich, Schweden, Norwegen, Spanien, England, Canada, Japan, Korea, Australien, Russland, Aserbaidschan, Litauen, in der Ukraine, Schweiz, in den USA eingekauft.
Weitere informationen: Geschäftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote
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I prodotti dolciari é un azienda interamente di proprietá ungherese.
Il gruppo aziendale mediante il suo indotto garantisce il posto di lavoro a 300 persone. Il numero dei dipendenti sta aumentando in maniera dinamica.
É un grande risultato che nell’attuale ambiente economico ungherese un azienda produttrice bisognosa di molta manodopera sia riuscita a rimanere stabile; oltre a preservare i posti di lavoro giá esistenti siamo riusciti a crearne dei nuovi.
La tecnologia di produzione é di tipo manifaturiera ma rappresenta una categoria a se stante, la produzione dei Nostri prodotti unici nella loro categoria neccessitano di un know-how che non si puo apprendere altrove.
I Nostri operai seguono dei corsi di formazione tenuti dai Nostri tecnici altamente specializati, in modo che tutta la catena di produzione sia ingrado di tenere il passo con i tempi.
Il continuo sviluppo e l’aumento degli ordini permettono il continuo amodernamento dei metodi di produzione mediante la meccanizzazione e l’automazione.
La Nostra societá ai giorni nostri produce 30 varietá di prodotti, i quali hanno come minimo denominatore il fatto di essere dolciumi abbinati a giocattoli sviluppati per rendere felici i bambini.
I Nostri stabilimenti hanno tutti i requisiti sia di tipo infrastruturale, tecnica, tecnologica che di personale per poter produrre un prodotto di eccelenza che possa soddisfare le esigenze dei consumatori piu esigenti.
Attualemente produciamo le sudette varietá di prodotti: - Lecca-Lecca - prodotti in polvere - prodotti in pastiglie - prodotti in confetti - gomme da masticare - prodotti stick n dip - cioccolato - prodotti fondenti e a base di grassi
Il sistema per la sicurezza alimentare
Utiliziamo il sistema per la sicurezza alimentare HACCP dal 2002, col quale garantiamo la sicurezza e la traciabilitá dei Nostri prodotti. Nel 2007 abbiamo introdotto il sistema IFS per disporre di una certificazione indipendente, inoltre disponiamo di laboratori propri i quali sono le fondamenta dei nostri autocontrolli. La produzione della confezionatura dei Nostri prodotti avviene interamnete all’interno dei Nostri stabilimenti i motivi e i disegni visibili sulla confezionatura secondaria detta Display vengono progettati dai Nostri collaboratori e stampati dalle Nostre stamperie.
I Nostri prodotti dolciari sono richiesti continuamente dai Nostri partner che si trovano principalmente in Francia, Olanda, Germania, Svizzera, Austria, Svezia, Norvegia, Spagna, Inghilterra, Canada, USA, Giappone, Corea, Australia, Russia, Ucraina, Arzebajan, Litvania e Iraq.
Per ulteriori informazioni: Internazionale attività commerciali offerte
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Наша компания производит почти 30 видов продукции для детей, каждая из которых имеет особенность - сочетание игрушки и сладости.
Кондитерская фабрика входит в состав венгерской структуры собственности в полном объеме.
Вместе с дочерними компаниями обеспечивает средства к существованию в среднем 300 сотрудникам.
Численность работников динамично растет. В настоящее время, учитывая экономическую ситуацию в Венгрии, является достижением, что такое большое трудоемкое производство, оставаясь стабильным при сохранении существующих рабочих мест, может создавать новые.
Технология производства требует специальных знаний.Обучение работников проводят соответствующие специалисты, имеющие высокую квалификацию, постоянно повышая профессиональный уровень.
Непрерывному развитию и росту числа заказов способстиует модернизация методов производства, механизации и автоматизации.
Наша компания производит почти 30 видов продукции для детей, каждая из которых имеет особенность - сочетание игрушки и сладости.
Фабрика имеет всю инфраструктуру, развитую технику и технологии, которые необходимы для производства продукции, в полной мере отвечающей высоким стандартам качества и удовлетворяющей запросы потребителя.
В настоящее время мы производим следующие виды продукции: - жидкие и полутвердые (гель) конфеты - порошкообразные продукты - таблетированные продукты - драже - жевачки - stick&dip продукты - шоколадные изделия - фондан
С 2002 года на предприятии введена Система безопасности пищевых продуктов HACCP, применяемая в производстве и позволяющая прослеживать безопасность пищевых продуктов. Система МФС была введена в 2007 году для управления и независимой сертификации. Мы обладаем собственными лабораториями, которые формируют основу для внутреннего контроля качества.
Кондитерские изделия пользуются большим спросом у наших клиентов, в первую очередь во Франции, Нидерландах, Германии, Швейцарии, Австрии, Швеции, Норвегии, Испании, Англии, Канаде, США, Японии, Корее, Австралии, России, Украине, Азербайджане, Литве.
 Информация: Интерконтакт Маркетинг Нетворк Международный бизнес предложения 
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Despre noi. Compania noastră produce 30 tipuri de dulciuri care sunt dedicate copiilor peste 3 ani.
Infrastructura, technica şi technologia precum şi resursele umane a sediului noastre asigură producerea produselor de înaltă calitate, care îndeplinesc aşteptările şi dorinţele consumatorilor din întreaga lume.
Produsele nostre sunt următoarele: - dulciuri lichide - acadele - dulciuri pulverizate - pressed candies - produse granulate - gumă de mestecat - snacks
Din anul 2002, compania aplică sistemul de siguranţă alimentară HACCP, care asigură siguranţa şi trasibilitatea produselor noastre. Sistemul de management IFS a fost introdus în anul 2007.
Firma are şi un laborator propriu, care are rolul de control intern al calităţii.
Ambalajul şi grafica produselor sunt făcute în tipografia firmei.
Produsele noastre sunt exportate în special în următoarele ţări: țările UE, Rusia, Ucraina, Canada, Statele Unite ale Americii, Ecuador, Peru, Japonia, Coreea de Sud, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Egipt, Africa de Sud, ect.
Pentru mai multe informații  Bine aţi venit pe pagina noastră -  oferte de afaceri
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Édesipari termékek világszínvonalon!
Az élelmiszeripari gyártó kft. egy teljes egészében magyar tulajdonosi szerkezettel rendelkező vállalkozás.
A kapcsolt vállalkozásokkal együtt átlagosan 300 munkavállaló megélhetését biztosítja a cégcsoport. A munkavállalók létszáma dinamikus növekedést mutat. A mai magyar gazdasági környezetben, nagy eredmény, hogy ilyen nagy élő-munkaigényű gyártó cég stabil tud maradni és a meglévő munkahelyek megtartása mellett, újakat tud létrehozni.
A termelés-technológia manufakturális jellegű és teljesen speciális, máshol nem tanulható ismereteket igényel. A munkavállalók képzését a magasan szakképzett, folyamatos szakmai kihívásoknak megfelelő szakembereik végzik. A folyamatos fejlődés és a megrendelések számának növekedése lehetővé teszi a meglévő gyártási módszerek modernizálását, gépesítését és automatizálását.
A cég közel 30-féle terméket állít elő, mindegyiknek az a közös jellemzője, hogy a gyermekek és a fiatalabb korosztály részére az édességet a játékkal kombinálja.
Telephelyük rendelkezik mindazon infrastrukturális, technikai és technológia, valamint humán feltétellel, mely magas minőségű, a fogyasztók elvárásait maradéktalanul teljesíteni tudó termékek gyártáshoz szükséges, azt lehetővé teszik..
Jelenleg az alábbi termékféleségeket gyártják: - folyékony és félfolyékony (zselé) édességek - nyalókák - portermékek - tablettázott termékek - drazsírozott termékek - rágók - stick&dip jellegű termékek - csokoládé jellegű termékek - fondan és zsíralapú készítmények
A HACCP élelmiszer-biztonsági rendszert 2002-től alkalmazzák, amely az élelmiszerbiztonságot és nyomon követhetőséget szolgálja. IFS irányítási rendszer 2007-ben került bevezetésre és független tanúsításra. Rendelkeznek saját laboratóriummal, ami a belső minőség-ellenőrzés alapját képezi. Termékeik elsődleges illetve a másodlagos csomagolását jelentő display dobozokon látható grafikákat saját szakemberük tervezi, és nyomdájuk állítja elő.
Édesipari termékeiket vevőik folyamatosan keresik, elsősorban Franciaország, Hollandia, Németország, Svájc, Ausztria, Svédország, Norvégia, Spanyolország, Anglia, Kanada, USA, Japán, Korea, Ausztrália, Oroszország, Ukrajna, Azerbajdzsán, Litvánia, Irak vásárolja.
További információ: Nemzetközi üzleti ajánlatok
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More information: Intercontact Marketing Network
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日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
We're glad you're here!
Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.
International business opportunities 欢迎光临 Intercontact 的新网站 Información comercial y propuestas de negocios Международный бизнес предложения Geschäftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers Internazionale attività commerciali offerte Nemzetközi üzleti ajánlatok
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intercontact · 8 years ago
Amazing Alien Planets That Could Host Life
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intercontact · 8 years ago
Artificial intelligence in production /EN-DE-HU/
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Our company was established in 2008, to carry out innovative research and development.
We create high-tech innovative products, which combine the technology of the following industries in order to achieve our goal: artificial intelligence research, software development, electronic circuit and radio frequency module design, mechanical enclosure design and manufacture of components with CNC turning and CNC machining.
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We have developed a training platform for the global market. The platform is used by several soccer and handball teams in Hungary and all around the world. In order to meet the production requirements of our system we have established a CNC workshop, where we manufacture plastic housing of the device enclosures, aluminum and steel moulding tools the electrodes using our own new machines.
Based on the experience gained in our own equipment manufacturing we started contract manufacturing in 2015. Through our customers in Hungary we produce workpieces for the global market, for example for Knurr and Mercedes.
In May 2016 we acquired the ISO 9001:2009 certification for machine tools, and research and development. Our partners gave us excellent qualification in the ISO questionnaire.
Our colleagues have decades of experience in cutting, machine manufacturing, machine tool repair, CAD-CAM design, programming, research and matemathics.
Based on our activities in other fields, we try to introduce innovative methods in the manufacturing activity. We use Redmine project management system where we handle the different tasks, which is unique among companies like us. With this tool we can achieve a high-level of management and quality assurance. Before the parts are manufactured we create a 3D model using SolidEdge. We use self-developed CAM software to machine the parts, so complex geometric shapes can be manufactured. Various round tables and laser measuring instruments are being introduced into the production.
1. Our machines:
- Haas VF4 vertical machining center
We bought our new HAAS VF-4 macnining center in 2013. It is a high performance machine with a large work table. It contains a Renishaw optical workpiece and tool setter, which greatly helps for precise work. Technical parameters: - Date of manufacture: 2013 - Main spindle power: 22kW - Through spindle coolant - Working dimensions: 1250x508x635mm - 20-station tool changer - Renishaw optical tool and workpiece measurement system
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- CK6432A lathe
In 2015 we expanded our machine portfolio with a new CNC lathe CK6432A. Because of the excellent features of the turning machine we can make high-quality work, quick and be on time. Technical parameters: - Date of manufacture: 2015 - Max. rotation diameter over bed: D360 mm - Max. rotation diameter over slide: D150 mm - Max workpiece length: 700 mm - Spindle bore: D60 mm - Main motor power: 4 kW - Tool changer stations: 4
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2. Other devices:
We work on high-level radio frequency components planning, for which the following high quality measurement devices are available.
R&S®FSH8 8 GHz spectrum analyser with VNA function
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R&S®RTO2044 4 GHz oscilloscope
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Reference works:
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Our workshop is operating in three shifts, we can deliver our clients' orders at short notice (within 24 hours), in excellent quality.
We undertake both individual components and production of high-volume products and tools.
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Künstliche Intelligenz in der Produktion
Unsere Firma ist seit 2008 auf dem Markt, und zwar auf mehreren Plattformen. Zu unseren Haupttätigkeiten gehören: Forschung über künstliche Intelligenz, Software-Entwicklung, Forschung und Entwicklung, Planung und Herstellung von elektronischen Werkteilen, CNC-Drehen, CNC-Zerspanung, Pressen. Wir haben unsere CNC-Werkstatt 2012 zur Erfüllung der Ansprüche unserer Herstellung von selbst entwickelten Produkten eingerichtet. Aufgrund der bei der Herstellung unserer Produkte gesammelten Erfahrungen haben wir 2015 mit der Lohnfertigung angefangen.
Im Mai 2016 haben wir das Zertifikat ISO-9001:2009 erworben.
1. Machinenpark:
 HAAS VF-4 Bearbeitungszentrum
 Im Jahre 2013 kauften wir ein neues HAAS VF-4 vertikales Bearbeitungszentrum mit 3 Achsen. Die Maschine verfügt nicht nur über eine große Leistung sondern auch über einen Maschinentisch mit große Maßen, darüber hinaus enthält sie einen digitalen Werkzeug- und Werkstück-Kalibrator, der bei der präzisen Arbeit eine große Hilfe darstellt. Zur Herstellung der Werkteile verwenden wir eine von uns selbst entwickelte Cam-Software, so können wir auch die Herstellung von komplexeren Stücken übernehmen. Von den Werkteilen wird vor ihrer Herstellung ein 3D-Modell erstellt, wofür wir das SolidEdge ST6 verwenden.
Hauptmerkmale der Maschine: - Arbeitsraum: 1270x508x635 mm - Leistung der Spindel: 22 kW - Kühlung über Spindel - Werkzeugwechsler mit einer Kapazität von 20 - Renishaw digitaler Werkzeug- und Werkstück-Kalibrator
CK6432A CNC Drehbank
Im Rahmen einer neueren Investition haben wir 2015 unseren Maschinenpark um eine CK6432A CNC Drehbank erweitert. Mit dieser Maschine können wir die Bearbeitung von verschiedenen individuellen Drehkörpern in hervorragender Qualität und mit kurzen Fristen übernehmen.
Hauptmerkmale der Maschine: - Durchmesser über Bett:: D360 mm - Durchmesser über Wagen: D150 mm - Maximale Reichweite: 700 mm - Spulenausbohrung: D60 mm - Leistung: 4 kW
2. Sonstige Vermögensgegenstände:
Wir arbeiten an der Hochfrequenzkomponenten-Planung, für die folgende hochwertige Messgeräte zur Verfügung stehen.
R&S®FSH8 8 GHz spectrumanalysator mit VNA funktion         
R&S®RTO2044 4 GHz oszilloskop
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Mesterséges intelligenciával a gyártásban”   Magyar high-tech innovációs termékek.
Cégünket 2008-ban hoztuk létre innovációs kutatás-fejlesztési céllal. Tevékenységünk során high-tech innovációs termékeket hozunk létre, melyhez a következő iparágak technológiáját ötvözzük célunk elérése érdekében: mesterséges intelligencia kutatások, szoftver fejlesztés, elektronikai áramkörök tervezése, rádiófrekvenciás modulok tervezése, készülékházak tervezése és gyártása gépi forgácsolással.
Kifejlesztettünk egy világpiaci bevezetésre szánt edzéstámogató platformot, melyet több magyar és külföldi futball- és kézilabda csapat használ. Ennek kiszolgálására hoztuk létre vidéki gyártó műhelyünket, ahol a készülékeink műanyag készülékházát és az elektródák gyártásához szükséges alumínium és acél présszerszámokat gyártottuk megvásárolt új gépeinken.
A saját eszközeink gyártása során megszerzett tapasztalatra alapozva indítottuk be 2015-ben a bérgyártást. Jelenleg két nagy ügyfelünk révén a Knürr-nek szállítunk be. Ezen kívül közvetve a kecskeméti Mercedes gyár részére is gyártunk munkadarabokat. 2016 májusban megszereztük az ISO 9001:2009 minősítést is fémmegmunkálásra és kutatás-fejlesztésre. ISO partnerértékelő kérdőívünkben kiváló minősítést kaptunk.
Kollégáink több évtizedes forgácsolási, gépgyártási, szerszámgépjavító, CAD-CAM tervezői, programozói, kutatói és matematikusi tapasztalattal rendelkeznek.
Előéletünkből adódóan a gyártási tevékenységünk során igyekszünk innovatív módszereket bevezetni. Redmine projektmenedzsment rendszerben tartjuk nyilván a feladatainkat, amely egyedülálló a hasonló típusú cégek között. Ezzel magas szintű munkafolyamat irányítást és minőségbiztosítást tudunk elérni. Az alkatrészek legyártásához saját fejlesztésű CAM szoftvert használunk, így összetettebb alkatrészek legyártása is megoldható. Az alkatrészekről legyártásuk előtt 3D modellt készítünk, melyhez a SolidEdge-et használjuk. Folyamatban van különféle körasztalok és lézeres mérőműszerek bevezetése is a gyártásba.
Gyártó gépeink:
Haas VF4 3 tengelyes marógép A gép nagy teljesítménye mellett rendelkezik jókora munkaasztallal, mindezeken felül tartalmaz ez egy digitális szerszám- és munkadarab bemérőt is, amely nagyban elősegíti a pontos munkavégzést.
Műszaki paraméterek: - gyártási év: 2013 - orsó teljesítmény: 22kW - orsón keresztüli hűtés - munkatér: 1250x508x635mm - 20 helyes szerszámtár - Renishaw optikai munkadarab- és szerszámbemérő
CK6432A eszterga 2015-ben újabb beruházás keretében bővítettük gépállományunkat a CK6432A CNC esztergával. A gépen különböző egyedi forgácstestek megmunkálását kiváló minőségben gyors határidővel tudjuk gyártani.
Műszaki paraméterek: - gyártási év: 2015 - átmérő ágy felett: D360mm - átmérő szán felett: D150mm - csúcstávolság: 700mm - főorsó furata: D60mm - főorsó teljesítmény: 4kW - revolverfej: 4 szerszámtáras
Egyéb eszközeink: Fejlesztéseink során magas szintű rádiófrekvenciás részegységeket is tervezünk, melyekhez az alábbi kiváló minőségű és csúcs paraméterekkel rendelkező mérőműszerek állnak rendelkezésre.
R&S®FSH8 8 GHz GHz spektrumanalizátor VNA funkcióval   
R&S®RTO2044  4 GHz oszcilloszkóp
Műhelyünk három műszakban üzemel, ügyfeleink megrendeléseit rövid határidővel (akár 24 órán belül) kiváló minőségben tudjuk teljesíteni. Vállaljuk mind egyedi alkatrészek, mind nagy sorozatú termékek és szerszámok gyártását.
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More information: Intercontact Marketing Network
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日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
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Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.
International business opportunities 欢迎光临 Intercontact 的新网站 Información comercial y propuestas de negocios Международный бизнес предложения Geschäftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers Internazionale attività commerciali offerte Nemzetközi üzleti ajánlatok
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intercontact · 8 years ago
Digital Sport Platform.Integrated telemetric physiological and tactical training platform
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We are looking for sports clubs, football associations, health centers in the worldwide international market
A user-friendly software application helps to play back the sport activity in 2D and 3D on a computer screen after the trainings, making it possible to analyze the whole training process.
The System is a complex version and we recommend not just for soccer clubs, but for other sports clubs - athletic - handball - swimming - horse sports - fitness - etc. club and associations - and health centers also interested. Use and application possible very wide market area everywhere.
Digital Sport Platform. Integrated telemetric physiological and tactical training platform.
The telemetric module may also be important for the head-coach of a national team, or head-coach of a club, by allowing distance real-time observations of the players.
Team sport analysis and management.
All in one system!
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Sport Specific and Functional Physological Approach and Management System
Get to know our innovative, unique telemetric system for monitoring vital (ECG, temperature, physiological characteristics, etc.) and motion (speed, step, sprints, motion style, performance, reaction time, position, 2D and 3D animation, etc.) parameters of patients, which allows measurements in real time and monitoring!
I-QRS's mission is to carry out applied research and innovative development projects mainly in these fields. We have developed a sophisticated, highly sensitive, real-time, on-line, tele-, biometric data monitoring, warehouseing and analysis package.
- Our product range includes wearable wireless data-gathering devices - Software for all-around, real-time analytics and monitoring - Every function for measuring vital and motion parameters is integrated in one chest belt, no other hardware equipment has to be worn! - ECG signal (with 1000Hz sampling) and players field positions (for exercise and training match animation) during sport activities are measured as well! - Our mobile system is applicable indoors and outdoors as well! 
The Technology
1. Our sport specific telemetric applications monitors the vital and motion signs of the player continously. It records and transmits data in real-time by simply wearing a comfortable chest belt. Every function is integrated into the chest belt, no other hardware equipment has to be worn! 2. The local computer receives the signals, uses automatic data-analyisis and alarm algorithms, 3. The trainer and doctors may use the local computer to analyse the signals
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The main parts of the telemetric system
Chest belt
- measures the vital and motion signs of the player - user friendly, flexible and comfortable, rechargeable, water resistant - the electrodes are integrated in the belt - automatically detects its placement on the body
Local Computer
- receives the signals - automatic expert system processes the signals
The modules of the system
1. The chest belt
Measured parameters - ECG (the electrodes are integrated in the belt itself) with 1000Hz sampling rate - body temperature, ambient temperature - motion sensors (speed, acceleration, total number of sprints, covered distance, step number, motion analysis) - Players field position (exercise and training match animation for analysis)
The attributes of the chest belt
- user friendly, flexible and comfortable mobile/wireless signal recording device - can be used all day long during moving around, running, sleeping or engaging in sports activities - very easy to use, it is suitable for children and senior players as well - the electrodes are integrated into the belt - rechargeable, water resistant - includes a wireless communication module in a compact form - automatically detects its placement on the body - can store up to 2 months of data
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2. The Telemetric module
Transfers the data even during sports activities through wireless connection to a local server.
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On-line Functions: 1. Simultaneous monitoring of many players 2. Continuous, real-time detection of all signals (ECG, temperature, movement, …) with trend analyses 3. Heart-rate detection 4. Real-time transmission of signals to a computer, their on-line analysis, and monitoring of various metabolic processes (such as the changes of temperature e.g.correlation of ambient and body temperature) 5. Point out the aerobe and anaerobe phases – to determinate the ideal personal pulse value for optimal soccer exercise loading (based on special test measurements) 6. Real-time training execution conroll 7. Measurement of mechanical performance (speed, step number, step frequency, distance, performance, motion style, reaction time) 8. Comprehensive analysis of arrhythmias is possible during exertion 9. Displaying the whole ECG signal, so the artifacts can be identified. 10. Comparison of the mechanical and physiological performance
Every data is based upon on individual's specific test records. The data collected from the various turning and shifting measurement functions may also help monitor performance in case of exercises and ball handling done in one place.
3. The Reporting module
Real-time reports with graphs in 5 seconds (/series /exercise /training)
- max / min / average heart rate -  percent of personal maximal heart rate -  covered distance, step number, sprint number, - step number/sprints, step frequency -  min / max /average speed, percentage of personal speed maximum -  heart rate graph - performance graph - temperature graph - speed graph
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4. The Exercise Physiology decision support module
The examination protocol includes a wave and rhythm analysis conducted in a state of rest. These state-of-rest data provide information on the patiens / sportsman’s psychological and physical condition before the loading of the match / trainig starts. - ECG and heart rate analysis - 1kHz sampling - detection of even slight fevers - various mathematical and statistical measurements of the selected part of the record - (HRV, standard deviation, Poincare diagram, Spectrums, PNNx, ...)
Thus, within team sports, it is possible to elaborate and apply individual training plans in accordance with each sportsman’s individual loadability.
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5. The Animation module
With the help of the tactical counseling support module the movement of players on the field and their techniques may be monitored and also played back in 3D format after the trainings, making it possible to analyze the whole process of the training, the movements of the players, their performance and the various performance indicators and physiological characteristics attributed to each player. The animation system operates inside and outside as well.
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6. Data Management module
General modules connected to the telemetric system support the administrative management of data.
Novelties of the system The medical, physiological, sport, electrical, artificial intelligence research background integrated into our telemetric system makes our product unique on the globe.
General new features - Continuous tele-monitoring of all ECG and other signals without the use of separate electrodes - Monitoring the development of health problems, detection of their precursors – not only for cardiac diseases - Vital support for rehabilitation -  The detection of precursors is refined on a continuous basis -  Patients may be referred to medical service providers in time for prevention -  Continuous monitoring of biological parameters that could not be monitored before - Databases developed on the basis of the measurements may be utilized in various researches
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New features in the sport
1. By wearing a small device attached to a chest-belt the system measures and analyzes each athlete's vital signs (ECG, heart-beat, temperature) and performance by: -  speed, power, -  distance covered, -  number and length of sprints - with distinct ranges for speed phases and related heartbeat measurements. 2. The analytics user interface of the system is accessible via the Internet from thousands of miles away, allowing for real-time, detailed tracking of matches and training events. 3. The system features a sophisticated 3D soccer-field animation and replay application, which provides and on-line viewable,streaming playback view of matches and trainings, usable both in closed arenas and open field plays. This system gives stunning, in-depth details about plays. 4. Relocation of the complete system to another field is easy, as there are no fixed and attached, immobile components. 5. The system gathers data in a secure, centrally hosted database application, which is accessible to authenticated users at any time. The health data warehouse provides long-term analytics tools on the data stored about clubs and each players vital and health related data.
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Team sport analysis and management
All in one system!
The I-QRS Team Sport telemetric system is the first integrated system that provides every information (vital and motion) real-time using only a simple, small chest-belt. The system provides access to the data from several thousand miles away from the place of the measurements.
With the help of different modules of the system, the collective and individual monitoring of players leads to more efficient trainings for each player, the whole team and the trainer. The telemetric module transfers data even during sports activities through wireless connection to a local and central server. The real-time analysis of the data enables the trainer to give feedback already during the sport activity. The telemetric module may also be important for the head-coach of a national team, or head-coach of a club, by allowing distance real-time observations of the players.
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Detailed motion analysis, quick on-line reports, on-line monitoring and analysis of the vital parameters, together with the historical analysis, and individual player profiles may improve the tactical and physical performance of the players on a professional level.
With the help of the animations and tactical counseling support modules, the movement of players and their techniques may be analyzed and converted into computer animations of the playing field. A user-friendly software application helps to play back the sport activity in 2D and 3D on a computer screen after the trainings, making it possible to analyze the whole training process. The animation system operates inside and outside as well.
Train animals with new technical opportunities! Our equine telemetric system has all the functions that are available for athletes. We will continuously and on-line monitor and analyze vital and motion signals of the horses during sport and other activities.
Interesting questions can be examined using the telemetric system such as: How a horse tolerates transportation, training and races How it reacts to various situations - Before / After obstacles - Trainer’s interventions Full ECG signal transmission even while racing on the trotting course! Objective condition comparison during sales transactions.
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Take care of those in need far away! Nowadays a key problem of society is the growing number and ratio of people at high age, who require more supervision and care due to their corporal and mental status. I-QRS is developing an artificially intelligent, life sign-preserving complete service which will track various vital signs automatically and continuously. With the help of this system, it is possible to ease the life of not just elderly people, but also provide aid to disabled persons, people in stress or remote locations.
Planned main features: - detection of life threatening situations - comprehensive and safe analysis of arrhythmias - detection of even slight fevers - the actual status of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve system - downfall, immobility or spastic status - exact location of the patient - hampered respiration, wheeze
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Improve human physical performance while constantly preserving health! The I-QRS telemetric system monitors and controls the patients’ reactions to exercise, their functional process and adaptation process in order to avoid over-training, which may result in fatigue, mental and physical stress, a significant decrease in work capacity, and even illness and injuries. We are developing a rehabilitation module which helps doctors, physiotherapist and other specialists to provide safe tele-control of rehabilitation activities, monitoring of the process, and give the right response in case of emergency. The I-QRS system also helps developing more efficient training methods.
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If you or your business contacts may be interested, pls kindly contact the company on the following coordinates:
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日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्��े * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
We're glad you're here!
Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.
International business opportunities 欢迎光临 Intercontact 的新网站 Información comercial y propuestas de negocios Международный бизнес предложения Geschäftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers Internazionale attività commerciali offerte Nemzetközi üzleti ajánlatok
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intercontact · 9 years ago
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With more than 15 years experience, L&G provides a wide range of professional industrial cleaning and maintenance services in the UK. We have extensive expertise and experience in tank technical inspection, repair and cleaning.  Furthermore, we use  state-of-the-art  CCTV survey equipment to inspect any possible problem in your pipes, drains and other difficult-to-reach places. We also offer high-pressure water jet cleaning, as well as asbestos removal and sand/grain blasting. With competitive prices and a range of services to meet your needs, call us today for a quotation or for more information.   
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L&G Group Industrial Services Ltd. was established in 2013. It is the UK-based sister company of the Hungarian-based business which has been operating successfully since 1996 in the areas of industrial, communal cleaning and maintenance. As a result of domestic success and continuous improvement, the management has decided to expand their activity abroad with the founding of a company in England.
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Our services include the following activities:
Examination, cleaning and repair of vitriolic, toxic and flammable storage tanks • Drainage system and pipe inspection with CCTV survey equipment and technical condition assessment • Cleaning of drainage systems and pipes, via machine and manually • Plant, silo and cistern cleaning with high pressure water jet • Asbestos removal • Sand and grain blasting
Our team are fully trained and qualified in all these operations.Nearly 20 years of professional experience from highly-skilled experts guarantee you the highest-level of service.
Major Clients of the Hungarian-based :
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Storage tanks can be applied for various tasks in industry. Some of them are used for storage (e.g. standing and horizontal cylindrical storage tanks intended for storing liquids and gases), while others perform technological tasks. Storage tanks should be cleaned at periodic intervals. Cleaning is practical and necessary during product transition and prior to both maintenance and examination.
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Prior to examining the storage tanks, cleaning of the storage tanks or silos is necessary in order to make the execution of examinations possible. When boarding the tank decontamination should be carried out prior to the cleaning process to remove all the remnant of the fill from the surfaces of the storage tank. Storage tank-cleaning can be executed following decontamination.
Storage tanks can be employed for different industrial objectives since they are suitable for storing a great variety of materials. The majority of stored materials (liquids, gases) are dangerous (inflammable, explosive, corrosive, toxic etc.). Therefore cleaning should be executed with the highest level expertise, furthermore increased attention should be paid for the sanitary and security technology aspects. Our enterprise is in possession of a well qualified professional staff required for performing necessary tasks and we equally hold the necessary equipment needed for safe work (fresh -air equipment for the boarding activities, coveralls, gas detection equipment, non - sparking tools etc.).
In Hungary, in the field of storage tank cleaning and examination, the most significant client contracted by our parent company has been the MOL Public Limited Company for over 15 years (namely in the fields of refinery, logistics and mining). We continuously meet the requirements of the most severe sanitary, safety and environmental protection regulations.
Our company is capable of carrying out the overall cleaning of storage tanks with the cubic capacity of 10 – 60.000 m3 along with their examination on demand.
In case you need any quote or have any questions, please contact us in one of the following contact details!
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Our video-camera equipment is perfect for the inspection of the technical condition of the used or freshly installed industrial and communal sewage systems and pipelines between 200 and 1500 mm in diameters. The video recordings and computer analysis can perfectly specify the nature and exact location of any technical defects while suggesting the most economical and fastest solutions for the elimination of these defects. 
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  Our video-camera equipment can produce a slope diagram about the examined area of the drain system as well.Its practical advantage lies in the prevention or early discovery of defects that would automatically lead to the release of polluting substances (heavy metals and oil) into the soil and groundwater causing serious enviromental issues.
Therefore video camera tests carried out at regular convenient intervals, would be more cost effective than expensive damage assessment and repair costs following a failure of a pipeline. In the case of sewages with smaller diameter – under 200 mm – the use of pocket camera is the only viable solution and slope diagram cannot be made.
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Various equipment and storage units (silos, cistern etc.) for industrial plants become dirty over time. Deposits are formed, which are produced by chemical and biochemical processes which after some time can lead to quality deterioration. To avoid this, industrial cleaning operations should be performed.
We offer: - workshops, plants - service tunnels - silos - cisterns, tanks - floor channels purification by high pressure hot water (chemical necessary) equipment. In special cases sandblasting can be carried out.
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Storage tank examinations should be executed during the manufacturing process or during the revision of the operating tanks. The examinations detailed in the following should be preceded by a visual examination in each case, thus filtering rude surface errors prior to the more costly examinations. 
Surfaces to be examined should be well prepared since the quality of preparation will substantially influence the punctuality of examinations.
The examination of the brevity of the storage tank is of key importance during occasional revisions including mapping wall attenuation due to corrosion as well as crack detection of the mostly demanded welded seams (weld sections).
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We employ the following methods during storage tank examination:
Ultrasonic test:  mapping wall attenuation due to corrosion should be executed systematically with ultrasonic wall thickness measurement of regular frequency.
Vacuum test: in the case of double-seated tanks the bottom plate cannot be examined directly. Information on its status can be collected via the vacuum test of the space between the two bottom plates.
Vacuum-box test: it is used for the examination of the length and round welt (corner welts) as well as the intersections of the tank.
Penetration and magnetic particle testing: execution of crack detection, possibly on both sides, along the welding each with a five cm detection width.
Eddy current examination: it provides a complete and thorough view of the level of attenuation on the bottom plate.
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Depending on the nature of the error, we also undertake technical rectification of the tank as well. (without weld)
Our professional staff has a long history of tank examination and our enterprise has permanent contracts with our Hungarian customers (including MOL PLC, TEVA Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., TVK PLC, ÖMV).
If you have any questions or need a quotation, please, do not hesitate to contact us in one of the following addresses!
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If you or your business contacts may be interested, pls kindly contact the company on the following coordinates:
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日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
We're glad you're here!
Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.
International business opportunities 欢迎光临 Intercontact 的新网站 Información comercial y propuestas de negocios Международный бизнес предложения Geschäftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers Internazionale attività commerciali offerte Nemzetközi üzleti ajánlatok
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intercontact · 9 years ago
Space Shuttle Discovery  Interactive Virtual Tour - 360VR
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Interactive Virtual Tour - 360VR Images by Jook Leung
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Space Shuttle Discovery (Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-103) is one of the orbiters from NASA's Space Shuttle program and the third of five built. Its first mission, STS-41-D, flew from August 30 to September 5, 1984. Over 27 years of service it launched and landed 39 times, gathering more spaceflights than any other spacecraft to date.
Discovery became the third operational orbiter to enter service, preceded by Columbia and Challenger. It embarked on its last mission, STS-133, on February 24, 2011 and touched down for the final time at Kennedy Space Center on March 9,having spent a cumulative total of almost a full year in space. Discovery performed both research and International Space Station (ISS) assembly missions. It also carried the Hubble Space Telescope into orbit. Discovery was the first operational shuttle to be retired, followed by Endeavour and then Atlantis.
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En service jusqu'au 9 mars 2011, elle réalisa la mise en orbite du télescope Hubble et le lancement de la sonde Ulysses. Elle eut également par deux fois la tâche de reprendre les missions spatiales après les accidents de Columbia et Challenger. La mission STS-114 est son 31e lancement et représente le plus grand nombre de missions accomplies par une navette spatiale. Au 9 août 2005, Discovery a passé 255,85 jours dans l'espace et parcouru plus de 168 millions de kilomètres. Elle s'est arrimée une fois à la station Mir et cinq fois à l'ISS et a déployé 26 satellites.
Sa 39e mission en février 2011 est la dernière avant son retrait du service. Elle effectue son ultime retour sur terre le 9 mars 2011 en se posant au Centre spatial Kennedy, en Floride, à 11h57.
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 Sunset in Mars' Gale Crater  NASA's Curiosity Mars rover recorded this view of the sun setting at the close of the mission's 956th Martian day, or sol, from the rover's location in Gale Crater. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Texas A&M Univ.
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This Martian "postcard" comes after Mars Curiosity drilled its eighth hole on the Red Planet.
                                                      Evolution of Mars
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This is a conception view of the Western hemisphere of Mars with oceans and clouds. Olympus Mons is visible on the horizon beyond the Tharsis Montes volcanoes and the Valles Marineris canyons near the center. Credit: Kevin Gill
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Magnificent Mars: 10 Years of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter  NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Video.
Soaring Over Titan: Extraterrestrial Land of Lakes.
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Approaching Titan a Billion Times Closer
Why no Waves in Titan's Ocean's
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Jupiter: Into the Unknown (NASA Juno Mission Trailer)
Jupiter: The Largest Planet
Star Size Comparison 2
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The Smallest to the Biggest thing in the Universe! (HD)  
A video going from the smallest known distance to the biggest thing in the universe in proportional size.
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Save the Planet Earth ! Look at this Earthling, this is your home.  Amazing nature scenery (1080p HD)
Journey to Mars Overview
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NASA is on a journey to Mars, with a goal of sending humans to the Red Planet in the 2030s. That journey is already well under way. For more than 40 years, the agency and its partners have regularly sent orbiters, landers and rovers, dramatically increasing our knowledge about the Red Planet and paving the way for future human explorers. The Curiosity rover has gathered radiation data to help us protect future astronauts, and the upcoming Mars 2020 rover will study the availability of Martian resources, including oxygen. There is more to learn as we expand humanity's presence into the solar system: Was Mars once home to microbial life or is it today? Can it be a safe home for humans? What can the Red Planet teach us about our own planet's past, present and future? Building on the robotic legacy, the human exploration of Mars crosses three thresholds, each with increasing challenges as humans move farther from Earth: Earth Reliant, the Proving Ground, and Earth Independent.
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Earth Reliant exploration is focused on research aboard the International Space Station. The orbiting microgravity laboratory serves as a world-class test bed for the technologies and communications systems needed for human missions to deep space. Astronauts are learning about what it takes to live and work in space for long periods of time, increasing our  understanding of how the body changes in space and how to protect astronaut health. We're also working with our commercial crew and cargo partners to provide access to low-Earth orbit and eventually stimulate new economic activity, allowing NASA to continue using the station while preparing for missions beyond.
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Next, we move into the Proving Ground, conducting a series of missions near the moon  -- we call it "cislunar space" -- that will test the capabilities we will need to live and work at Mars. Astronauts on the space station are only hours away from Earth, but the proving ground is days away, a natural stepping stone to a Mars mission, which will be months away from home. The first of these missions is set for November 2018, when NASA's powerful new rocket, the Space Launch System, will launch from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The mission, Exploration Mission-1 (EM-1), will carry the Orion spacecraft (without astronauts) thousands of miles beyond the moon during an approximately three week mission. Next up, astronauts will climb into Orion for a similar mission, traveling farther than humans have ever traveled before. (Watch Video: Exploration Mission-1). Also in the 2020s, we'll send astronauts on a yearlong mission into this deep space proving ground, verifying habitation and testing our readiness for Mars. Another proving ground milestone is the Asteroid Redirect Mission. NASA will send a robotic spacecraft to capture an asteroid boulder and put it in a safe orbit around the moon. Astronauts on Orion will then explore the asteroid, returning to Earth with samples. This two-part mission will test both deep space spacewalking and sampling techniques and Solar Electric Propulsion, which we’ll need to send cargo as part of human missions to Mars. (Watch Video: Asteroid Redirect Mission)
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Finally, we become Earth Independent, building on what we've learned on the space station and in deep space to send humans to low-Mars orbit in the early 2030s. This phase will also test the entry, descent and landing techniques needed to get to the Martian surface and study what's needed for in-situ resource utilization or "living off the land." NASA is already studying potential "Exploration Zones" on Mars that would offer compelling science research and provide resources our astronauts can use. Science missions are already in the Independent phase, with the next rover due in 2020. We will also conduct a round-trip robotic demonstration mission with sample return in the late 2020s. Mars is the next tangible frontier for human exploration, and it's an achievable goal. There are challenges to pioneering Mars, but we know they are solvable. We are well on our way to getting there, landing there, and living there.
Credits:  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Olympus Mons ( 21,229 m )
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Horizontal comparison of Olympus Mons with France.
Vertical comparison of Olympus Mons with Mount Everest (shown sea-level-to-peak) and Mauna Kea on Earth (measurement is sea-level to peak, not base to peak).
Credits:  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
We're glad you're here!
Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.
International business opportunities 欢迎光临 Intercontact 的新网站 Información comercial y propuestas de negocios Международный бизнес предложения Geschäftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers Internazionale attività commerciali offerte Nemzetközi üzleti ajánlatok
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intercontact · 9 years ago
Salvemos la Amazonia! SAVE THE AMAZON RAINFOREST! Défendre la forêt amazonienne! / EN - FR - PT - ES /
                                                Salvemos la Amazonia!
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The Amazon Rainforest.
Located in South America, the Amazon Basin is 7,3 million square km wide. The Amazon Rainforest is about 6 million square km, and its majority is contained within Brazil (60% of the forest), Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana, 9 countries in total. Also known as Amazonia, the Amazon Rainforest is located in the area along the equator where the climate is hot and humid, some ideal conditions for a dense evergreen rainforest. This rainforest is one of Earth main source of oxygen.
The Amazon river has the highest discharge (from 70,000 to 280,000m3/sec during flood season). From the Andes Apurimac where it starts all the way to the Atlantic it is 7025 km long and up to 10km wide. It can be navigated up to Manaus.
The Amazon river and its tributaries (rio Negro, Japura, Purus, Madeira, Tapajos, Xingu, Araguaia, Tocantins…) water the Amazonia from the Guianas plateau North, to the Andes West and the Brazilian plateau South. 
In the last 10 years, the Amazon Rainforest lost 500,000 square km (about the size of France), which became pasture for cattle, or farmland for Soybean cultivation. The Brazilian Amazonia annual deforestation rate is the largest globally.
Every four seconds, the equivalent of a football stadium disappears in Amazonia.
According to a study published by Science magazine, 42% of the Amazon rainforest could have virtually disappeared by 2020. Yet, it is estimated that at least 60% of Amazonia must absolutely remain untouched for the survival of its own climatic and hydrological system. Below that threshold, what will be left of the forest will dry out and die. As a result, some researchers are warning that should no immediate action be taken to save the forest, the point of no return could be reached within ten to twenty years.
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La forêt amazonienne.
En Amérique du Sud, le bassin amazonien s’étend sur 7,3 millions de km². La forêt elle-même compte environ 6 millions de km2 et s’étend sur neuf pays, essentiellement le Brésil (avec 60 % de la forêt), mais aussi l’Équateur, la Colombie, le Venezuela, la France (via le département de la Guyane), le Surinam, le Guyana, la Bolivie et le Pérou. Située sous l’Équateur, l’Amazonie a un climat chaud et humide qui en fait le domaine d’une forêt tropicale dense. Cette forêt est l’une des principales sources d’oxygène de la planète.
Premier fleuve du monde par son débit (de 70.000 à 280.000 m3/seconde lors des crues), l’Amazone (7 025 km de sa source de l’Apurimac dans les Andes à l’Atlantique, plus de 10 km de large dans son cours intérieur) est navigable jusqu’à Manaus. L’Amazone et ses affluents [rio Negro, Japurá, Purús, Madeira, Tapajós, Xingu, Araguaia, Tocantins…] drainent l’Amazonie qui s’étend des plateaux des Guyanes, au nord, de la chaîne des Andes à l’ouest, et du plateau brésilien au sud.
En dix ans, la forêt amazonienne s’est rétrécie de 500.000 km² (soit approximativement la superficie totale de la France), la majeure partie perdue devenant des pâturages pour le bétail ou des plantations de soja. En termes de surface, l’Amazonie brésilienne est celle qui est victime de la plus grande déforestation annuelle de la planète.
Toutes les 4 secondes, l’équivalent d’un terrain de football disparaît en Amazonie.
Selon une étude publiée dans la revue Science, 42% de la forêt amazonienne pourrait avoir quasiment disparu d’ici 2020. Or, on estime qu’il est vital qu’au moins 60% de l’Amazonie reste intacte si l’on veut espérer que son propre système climatique et hydrologique perdure. Au dessous de ce seuil, ce qu’il restera de la forêt se desséchera et mourra. En conséquence certains chercheurs avertissent qu’en l’absence de mesures immédiates, en ce qui concerne la survie de la forêt amazonienne, le point de non-retour pourrait être atteint d’ici 10 à 20 ans.
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A floresta amazônica.
Na América do Sul, a bacia amazônica se estende por 7,3 milhões de km². A floresta possui cerca de 6 milhões de km² e se estende por nove países, essencialmente o Brasil (com 60% da floresta), mas também Equador, Colômbia, Venezuela, França (com o departamento francês da Guiana Francesa), Suriname, Guiana, Bolívia e Peru. Situada na região Equatorial, a Amazônia possui um clima quente e úmido que a identifica como uma floresta tropical densa. A Amazônia é uma das principais fontes de oxigênio do planeta.
Maior rio do mundo, por seu fluxo (de 70 000 a 280 000 m/3 por segundo durante a cheia), o rio Amazonas (7 025 km da sua nascente em Apurimac, no Andes, até desaguar no Atlântico e possui mais de 10 km de largura no seu curso interior) é navegável até Manaus. O Amazonas e seus afluentes [rio Negro, Japurá, Purús, Madeira, Tapajós, Xingu, Araguaia, Tocantins...] drenam a Amazônia, que se estende dos planaltos da Guiana, ao norte, do canal dos Andes a oeste e do planalto brasileiro ao sul.
Em dez anos, a floresta Amazônica teve 500 000 km (aproximadamente a superfície total da França) de área devastada, a maior parte foi perdida para ser transformada em pasto para gado ou plantações de soja. Em termos de superfície, a floresta Amazônica tem sido vítima anualmente do maior desmatamento do planeta.
A cada 4 segundos, o equivalente de um campo de futebol desaperece na Amazonia.
Segundo um estudo publicado na revista americana science, 42% da floresta amazonica podera ter quase desaparecido de hoje a 2020. Ou, nos estimamos que é vital que ao menos 60% da Amazonia fique intacta se quizermos esperar que seu proprio sistema climatico e hidrologico perdure. abaixo dessa media, o que restara da floresta se secara e morrera. Em conséquencia certos pesquizadores advertem que na ausencia de medidas imediatas concernantes a sobrevivencia da floresta amazonica, o ponto de nao retorno podera ser atingido de hoje a 10 ou 15 anos.
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Salvemos la Amazonia!
Colombia propone a Brasil y Venezuela la creación del mayor Corredor Ecológico del planeta.
A finales de la semana pasada, durante el Consejo de Ministros convocado en Leticia (capital de la provincia de Amazonas, Colombia), Juan Manuel Santos, presidente de la nación latinoamericana, anunció que su Gobierno adelantará las gestiones pertinentes con Brasil y Venezuela para construir el que será el mayor corredor ecológico del mundo.
Tal y como avanzó el mandatario, tiene la voluntad de alcanzar un acuerdo con los Gobiernos de Dilma Rousseff y Nicolás Maduro para ”que entre los tres podamos presentar a finales de año en la COP de París una propuesta concreta y realista para que el mundo entienda el enorme aporte que haríamos al propósito de mantener viva la humanidad y mitigar los efectos del cambio climático”.
Dicha propuesta surgió tras la exposición que hizo el antropólogo estadounidense Martin von Hildebrand, profesional dedicado a estudiar y proteger la selva amazónica, sobre un proyecto para crear el corredor biológico de los Andes-Amazonas-Atlántico.
“La propuesta es del tipo Triple A: Andino, Amazonia, Atlántico y abarca 135 millones de hectáreas repartidas entre Colombia, Brasil y Venezuela”, matizó Santos. En este sentido, se comprometió “a hablar con la presidenta Dilma Rousseff y con el presidente Nicolás Maduro para que nos pongamos a trabajar con el fin de que, a final de año, haya una propuesta concreta y una oferta concreta a la humanidad”.
“Creo que todos los habitantes del mundo entenderán la importancia de mantener este corredor biológico”, porque si se llega a acabar todo ese ciclo del agua y la biodiversidad que se observa en esta región, “no solamente nosotros, sino que el mundo entero desaparecerá también. Por eso, siempre se ha llamado a esta región el pulmón del planeta”.
En palabras de Santos, "este corredor tiene toda una dinámica medioambiental que es fundamental para la supervivencia de todos, y por eso surge el sueño de poder contribuir a que esto se mantenga".
El gobernante colombiano recordó que su país “es el más rico en biodiversidad por kilómetro cuadrado del mundo entero”, y aseguró que “nuestra biodiversidad es una riqueza tan importante como lo es el petróleo para Arabia Saudita, y por eso tenemos que mantenerl”.
“Si en la Cumbre de París sobre Cambio Climático, donde se va a determinar si el mundo realmente se compromete o no a reducir o mitigar este fenómeno, podemos llevar una propuesta de esta naturaleza, sería un aporte muy importante para el futuro de la humanidad”, subrayó Santos.  
Lograr el consenso entre los tres países para llevar a cabo esta iniciativa supondría la creación del eje ecológico más grande del mundo y “sería una gran contribución a esa lucha de toda la humanidad por preservar nuestro medioambiente, y en el caso colombiano, por preservar nuestra biodiversidad que es para Colombia su activo más importante”, incidió el mandatario.
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Protección del Amazonas.
En otro orden de cosas, Santos anunció que Alemania y Noruega se han comprometido a financiar con 65 millones de dólares un programa de protección del Amazonas que promoverá tecnologías respetuosas con el medioambiente, incluido en el Plan Nacional de Desarrollo de Colombia.
Dichos fondos se destinarán a reducir la deforestación, según Santos, quien recordó que se pierden al año alrededor de 100.000 hectáreas de bosque como consecuencia de la tala ilegal.
El objetivo es lograr un equilibrio entre el objetivo de preservar la biodiversidad y los esfuerzos para lograr el crecimiento económico en áreas como la agricultura, la minería y la producción de petróleo, construcción de infraestructura y desarrollo urbano de la región amazónica, destacó el presidente colombiano.
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intercontact · 9 years ago
We are waiting for exporter, importer, producer, industrial,  and commercial companies.
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We are waiting for exporter, importer, producer, industrial,  and commercial companies who want to open trading company in Europe, and  representation office in Budapest. Please inform us about how do you want to do it, where, and so on, and we will help you to find cooperators or whatever you need to achieve your goal.
We can guarantee partnership network for the presentation of patents and inventions, coupled with consultation. We undertake to manage and to introduce new products into the inland just as into the foreign markets. Exploring investment opportunities for investors, founding joint ventures, trading consultation, ensuring paid-work and outworker background belongs to our services as well. We take arrangement of Eastern and Central Europe businesses, as well foreign representation of firms.
We hope our short brochure caught your attention and we can create a successful partnership with your company. We are waiting for your orders, business offers in any theme, volume, and frequency. If you have any concrete offer for partner seeking please send it by email or fax.
Should you have any requirement or products offered for sale, or if you wish to know more about our company and activities, pleasevisit our website or contact us by phone, fax or e-mail. Thank you for your kind attention, we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
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Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.
More information you can find at Intercontact Ltd.
International business opportunities
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intercontact · 9 years ago
Renewable Energy - Innovations & Future Technology
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We are sourcing for innovative-entrepreneurs, renewable-energy, automotive projects, clean-tech projects, waste-recycling projects, forestry-timber conversion projects, plastic recycling, bio-fuel, and mining/mineral exploration projects with capital growth potentials.
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Renewable Energy - Innovation - Recycling - Green Technology Solar Energy - Water Management - Cleantech - Ecosystem Enviroment Protection  - Innovations & Future Technology
We are looking for renewable energy consulting firms to cooperate and partner with in designing and implementing renewable energy innovations and strategies that will help in reducing the demand of conventionally produced electricity.
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We are sourcing for innovative-entrepreneurs, renewable-energy, bio-fuel, automotive projects, clean-tech projects, waste-recycling projects, forestry-timber conversion projects, plastic recycling and mining /mineral exploration project with capital growth potentials
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More so, we are willing to take-up capital funding into these projects. If they present minimal risk with optimal revenue projections.
General eligibility: Applicant is required to submit a detailed business plan that demonstrates the viability of the business and project, detailing the borrowing requirement.
Whether you are a start-up energy business looking to launch a pilot project, a company with proven technology that needs help reaching commercial scale. The offer is available to both new and existing business.
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We are looking for international renewable energy consulting firms.
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The holding we represent, is participating in Independent Power Producers programmes initiated by the South African government's Department of Energy.
Our company is looking for renewable energy consulting firms to cooperate and partner with in designing and implementing renewable energy innovations and strategies that will help in reducing the demand of conventionally produced electricity. Conventionally produced electricity is energy produced by processing coal. This method is not sustainable and also increases carbon footprints and thus pollute the environment.
Proposals on how the demand of electricity may be reduced may be send to us Proposals must be in a five (5) to ten (10) pages summary and/or synopsis format. For further information interested parties may at Intercontact Ltd.
Partnership details shall be further discussed with the preferred consulting firm and/or firms.We looking for professionals business people and companies in the Investment and Marketing sector from all the world.
The cooperation with Intercontact enterprise to partnership details shall be further discussed with the preferred consulting firms.
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Know how for sale
Our method offers an excellent solution to handle the engine oil contaminated waste bottles.
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In all of the industrialised countries occurs thousands of tonnes such kind of waste, which landes in the incineration companies, and after burning couses a lot of dangerous gases and greenhouse effect. For example in Hungary approx. 2000 to/year is the quantity.
Instead of this bad solution we developed recycling system.
The method is very profitable, plus the machinery is capable to recycle other plastic materials as well.
The steps of recycling:
Collecting: it is written in the environmental rules, that the collecting of these bottles is compulsory, because it is so called dangerous waste
Sorting: on a conveyor belt, eliminating the metal, glas and other solid waste materials
Grinding: on conventional plastic grinders
Mixing: with the necessary ingredient(s) in conventional plastic mixers
Regranulation: in special plastic granulator extruders
There is no need to wash out the oil contamination from the waste, so you can save the cost of it and the cost of waste water treatment.
The engine-oil bottles are made of HDPE with very good mechanical strength, so the recycled material has an excellent quality as well.
We can send a small amount of sample of our recycled granules so you can check the quality of it.
A special advantage is that the machinery which is necessary in the recycling plant ( conveyor belt, grinder, mixer, granulator, extruder) are convertible to the other types of plastic recycling or plastic processing so you can use the overcapacity to produce other plastic materials.
The total recycling cost is 0.4 Euro/kg,so you can get a very good quality granuled HDPE material at such a low price!!! Please compare it to the up to date HDPE prices!
This know-how is based on our patented method and for sale.
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Purchasing and extending company and working. Purchasing bioenergetic machines and equipment, Glass house development. Implementation of the alga colony, Current asset investment.
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Description of development
The present trends in the economy allow a new profile. More precisely, with the help of renewable energy sources, electricity can be produced for selling and supplying our own sites, as well as for the implementation of glass houses, then for the formation of alga colonies.
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Our aim is to fully use and sell the plants grown on an area of almost 4000 hectares. Mainly the selling of corns, secondly supply to the existing livestocks, thirdly the use of the remaining plant wastes as biomass, and producing it back into the farm as electricity. As a result of this we can develop the number of livestocks, and we plan to establish glass houses on approximately 9-10-15 hectares. This way the production of the so called vegetable garden plants (tomato, green pepper, cucumber, etc.) can be implemented as well.
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Costa Rica celebrates 113 days of 100-percent renewable energy (and counting).
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Costa Rica is much more than a lush, green tourist paradise; it’s also a green energy pioneer. The small Central American nation has generated 100 percent of its electricity from renewable sources for the past 113 days, and the run isn’t over yet. The country, which draws clean energy from a variety of renewable sources, still has its sights on a full year without fossil fuels.
With a 113-day stretch of 100-percent renewable energy under its belt and several months left in the year, Costa Rica is edging closer to its target. Costa Rica could be on track to match the record set with its renewable energy production last year, which accounted for 99 percent of the country’s electricity. That included 285 days powered completely by renewable sources, according to the Costa Rican Electricity Institute.
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Costa Rica achieved 99-percent renewable energy use in 2015.
Costa Rica is able to take advantage of a multitude of renewable energy sources because of its unique climate and terrain. Most of the nation’s renewable energy comes from hydropower, due to its large river system and heavy tropical rainfalls. Solar, wind, biomass, and geothermal energy also play key roles.
The tropical nation aims to be free from fossil fuels in just five years. With hefty investments ingeothermal energy projects and a forecast for more heavy rains in the coming years, that goal could be accomplished even sooner than originally planned.
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Nicaragua Aims To Be 94% Powered By Renewable Sources By 2017.
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The Central American country of Nicaragua has never been as fortunate as its neighbors when it comes to energy reserves. In fact, most commercial electricity is generated by imported petroleum while a small portion of domestic energy is generated through hydropowerand geothermal power. However that’s set to change with the country’s National Development Plan, which calls for 94% of the country’s electricity needs to be sourced from renewables by 2017.
The project is designed to reinvigorate and bolster Nicaragua’s continued infrastructure development and if successful will see power sold at 37% below the average national wholesale electricity price. The current 2013 goal is to provide 50% of its total electric energy from renewable sources.
A key part of the plan is the 72 MW San Jacinto Project, a massive 9,800 acre geothermal power plant built on the San Jacinto-Tizate geothermal area, widely of considered to be one of the most productive volcanic reservoirs in Latin America. The plant is an essential component for Nicaragua’s continued infrastructure development, selling power at 37% below the average wholesale electricity price in Nicaragua. It will generate approximately 17% of Nicaragua’s total electricity needs.
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Now commercially operation, the San Jacinto project is still set to expand further with the addition of a binary unit or “bottoming cycle” which has the potential to add approximately 10 MW net of additional capacity.
“We are pleased with the on-budget performance of our team during the Phase II Expansion,” stated Tono Rodriguez, Vice President and COO of Latin America for Ram Power. “The Project’s Fuji America turbines have exceeded our expectations in terms of their efficiency and performance.”
“The Company and its capable San Jacinto team have greatly benefited from the collective experience acquired during Phase I construction, commissioning and sustained operation, making the Phase II construction and commissioning program a much more efficient and effective experience.”
This geothermal plant and the increased investment in hydroelectric power should hopefully see Nicaragua ween itself off its dependency of foreign oil.
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Business Opportunity / Energy - Water Management - Cleantech Ecosystem - Biogas and Biofuels - Innovative Technologies - Project
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May we call your attention to the herebelow business opportunities with EU funding assistance as sent by one of our business network members.
Rural Energy including mini-grid and off-grid: Sustainable energy solutions for rural communities which promote mini-, off-grid and hybrid renewable energy solutions to improve energy access.
Biogas and Biofuels: Biogas and biofuels initiatives which involve the demonstration or implementation of innovative technologies.
Sustainable Water Management: Innovative and effective interventions which promote water conservation and demand management.
Sustainable Human Settlements, the built environment and green buildings: Solutions which promote private sector participation, tests new models and builds local government capacity. 
Industrial Cleaner Production and Consumption: Initiatives focusing on improving industrial resource efficiency particularly those which demonstrate additionality.
Ecosystem Services: Projects that promote actual investments in the sector with clear implementation models for investment in ecosystem services.
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If you or your business contacts may be interested, pls kindly contact the company on the following coordinates: 
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日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
We're glad you're here!
Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.
International business opportunities 欢迎光临 Intercontact 的新网站 Información comercial y propuestas de negocios Международный бизнес предложения Geschäftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers Internazionale attività commerciali offerte Nemzetközi üzleti ajánlatok 
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intercontact · 9 years ago
The BIOMASS COMPOST remendy for soil, which improves the nutritional content of prominent depleted soil stimulates soil life, improves soil fertility.
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The BIOMASS COMPOST remendy for soil, which improves the nutritional content of prominent depleted soil stimulates soil life, improves soil fertility.
The contect of micro-nutrients essential for high yields and plant nutrition. The impact of our land the compost? - It fills up the nutrients depleted soils, poor living flora - The contect of organic matter and humus formation’s ability to prevent rapid leahing... of nutrients and retention in sandy soil. - Organic matter and humus improves the structure of heavy soil. Give it a try !
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 Product featurs :
- Appearance : preparation dark brown, earthy,homogeneous, frable, rich in nutrients , high organyc matter contect. - Benefits : Reduced leaching of mineral fertilizers agents (Sodium loss ) and - Increased accumulation of nutrients (P2O5), the micro-nutrient contect promotes nutrient uptake. - less drug use is a profit to the producer, wich contributes - Decline in soil and rainfall conditions resulting from loss of active ingredient as well.
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Recommended Use :
The high yields and rich soil life fills an essential material int he soil is barren, but use of proven costeffective. - In Field production 5-20 t/ha - In vinyards 5-15 t/ha - In orschards 5-15 t/ha - In greenhouse vegetables cultivation 1-5kg/m2 - To horticultural soil mixes 75-150 kg/m3 - Reclamation plan, as defined int he soil - Improving Soil - To Landscaping Stripping : 40 liters bags and bulk The slow process of humus !
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More information you can find at Intercontact Ltd.
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If you or your business contacts may be interested, pls. kindly contact the company on the following coordinates
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日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
We're glad you're here!
Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.
International business opportunities 欢迎光临 Intercontact 的新网站 Información comercial y propuestas de negocios Международный бизнес предложения Geschäftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers Internazionale attività commerciali offerte Nemzetközi üzleti ajánlatok
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intercontact · 9 years ago
German company looking for manufacturers of  PVC and aluminum doors. Deutsch Unternehmen sind auf der Suche nach Herstellern für PVC und Aluminiumtüren. /EN-DE-HU/
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German company looking for manufacturers of PVC and aluminum doors.
Information about our company:
We sell PVC and aluminum doors our markets. Here you can create your own overview of our products. Especially with dimensional doors to customer, we are one of the leading providers in the German market.
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Our requirements for future suppliers :
 - Large quantities doors for good at competitive prices  - Reliable Logistics  - Contact Person with German language skills 
If you are interested please feel free to devote suggested the topic and provide us with further information.
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Deutsch Unternehmen sind auf der Suche nach Herstellern für PVC und Aluminiumtüren.
Wir planen langfristig zu unseren jetzigen deutschen Herstellern ggf. eins, zwei ausländische Produzenten hinzuzunehmen um preislich flexibel am Markt agieren zu können.
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Informationen über unser Unternehmen:
Wir vertreiben Haus- und Nebeneingangstueren aus PVC und Aluminiumtüren. Hier können Sie sich einen eigenen Überblick über unsere Waren schaffen. Speziell bei Maßtüren nach Kundenwunsch sind wir einer der führenden Anbieter im deutschen Markt.
 Unsere Anforderungen an zukünftige Lieferanten wären:
- qualitativ ordentliche bis sehr gute Türen zu günstigen Einkaufspreisen - zuverlässige Logistik - deutsch-sprachigen Ansprechpartner Sollten Sie Interesse haben können Sie sich gerne unverbindlich dem Thema widmen und uns weiterführende Informationen zukommen lassen.
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Német vállalat keres gyártót PVC és alumínium ajtókra hosszú távon történő beszállításokra.
A vállalat az egyik vezető szolgáltató a német piacon. Az általuk forgalmazott PVC és alumínium ajtók / Pár fotó.
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A követelmények jövőbeni szállítókra vonatkozóan:
- Nagy tételben jó ajtók versenyképes áron - Megbízható logisztika - Német nyelvű kapcsolattartó
További információ az Intercontact-tól kérhető.
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日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
We're glad you're here!
Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.
International business opportunities 欢迎光临 Intercontact 的新网站 Información comercial y propuestas de negocios Международный бизнес предложения Geschäftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers Internazionale attività commerciali offerte Nemzetközi üzleti ajánlatok
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intercontact · 9 years ago
IMN / Chinese imported-wine market.  天津市场   汕头市场   宁波市场   青岛市场   海口市场 / CN - EN /
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天津市场     汕头市场     宁波市场     青岛市场     海口市场 
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天津市场     汕头市场     宁波市场     青岛市场     海口市场
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1.按照总部规划创建、落实、完善模式; 2.向全国分市场提供管理支持、技术支持、资源支持; 3. 吸收供应商会员、直销中心会员,提供平台服务; 4.根据总部授权,举办“国际酒类中国大型展览订购会”; 5.接受总部调拨,配送酒类产品。
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入会条件  必须同时符合以下条件:
1. 是国际酒类生产商或总出口商;具有该酒类产品是否投入中国市场的永久控制权; 2. 具有该酒类产品稳定、足量、长期的供应能力。
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1. 无 风 险:中国最合法、最专业、最规范国际酒类交易平台,一条龙服务。   2. 地域优势:中国保税区域连锁经营,从多方面降低运营成本,提高运营效率。   3. 全国直销:全国各区(县)设立一家直销中心,快速进入市场。   4. 通关便利:享受商检、海关各项便利、优惠政策。   5. 保证品质:运营模式能保障酒的原始品质,提高核心竞争力。   6. 高端宣传:享有政府新闻发布、国家级展会、全国保税区域展示、全国不定期品酒会、电视媒体、报刊媒体、网络媒体等高端推广渠道。 7. 影 响 力:获得各级政府、媒体、市场、消费者的充分肯定和认同,已成为中国酒类市场的引导者,是国际酒类产品进入中国市场创建品牌的高端平台。
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Chinese imported-wine market.
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In order to change the chaotic situation of Chinese imported-wine market and lead it into a legal and standardized operation, Trading Market was established under the support of the Commerce Ministry of PRC. Trading Market is the only legal international wine & spirits trading platform in China with sustainable development. The company conducts chain operation in Free Trade Zones nationwide and sets up outlets all over China. Trading Market changed the traditional multi-agency trading model. And after legal import customs clearance, distributes the wines from the international wineries directly to the outlets to sell to the consumers. Company unified distribution and management ensure Chinese consumers to get “legal, direct-selling, safe, premium quality” international wine & spirits. The company promises that it will compensate a hundred times price if anyone finds out fake products in company.
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The headquarter of company is located in Shenzhen, China. The branch markets are located in five Free Trade Zones of Tianjin, Shantou, Ningbo, Qingdao and Haikou. The company have warehouses with tempreture control in the Free Trade Zones, which eradiate all cities in China.
Trading Market has outlets in cities all over China and now nearly 200 outlets are set up. And the number of the outlets is going to increase to 500 to 1000 in two years, forming a nationwide sales network. Trading Market has unified brand image management to all the outlets. And all the outlets have professional marketing group. The consumer group includes government purchasing, group purchasing, hotels, clubs and individuals and etc.
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                           Trading Markets in Free Trade Zones
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                                 Trading Market Exhibition Hall
International wineries can join in Trading Market and become one of supplier members.   Through the company, the international wineries can export their wines to Chinese market, enjoy all kinds of mature resources and nationwide direct-selling network of company, enter Chinese market rapidly, build wine brands and enjoy long-term development and benefit.
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Warehouses with tempreture and humidity control in Free Trade Zones
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                                       Part of outlet centers
Trading Market has outlets in cities all over China and now nearly 200 outlets are set up. And the number of the outlets is going to increase to 500 to 1000 in two years, forming a nationwide sales network.
Thank you for your kind attention, we are looking forward to hearing from you soon. Please contact us if you have any questions. We always try to answer on phone or emails as soon as possible!  
More information you can find at Intercontact Ltd.
欢迎光临 Intercontact 的新网站
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日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
We're glad you're here!
Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.
International business opportunities 欢迎光临 Intercontact 的新网站 Información comercial y propuestas de negocios Международный бизнес предложения Geschäftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers Internazionale attività commerciali offerte Nemzetközi üzleti ajánlatok
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1 note · View note
intercontact · 9 years ago
Bioenergetics, climate protection and biotechnological plant, glass houses, alga colonies. /EN-DE-HU/
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Introduction of the product.
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Description of development.
The present trends in the economy allow a new profile. More precisely, with the help of renewable energy sources, electricity can be produced for selling and supplying our own sites, as well as for the implementation of glass houses, then for the formation of alga colonies.
Our aim is to fully use and sell the plants grown on an area of almost 4000 hectares. Mainly the selling of corns, secondly supply to the existing livestocks, thirdly the use of the remaining plant wastes as biomass, and producing it back into the farm as electricity. As a result of this we can develop the number of livestocks, and we plan to establish glass houses on approximately 9-10-15 hectares. This way the production of the so called vegetable garden plants (tomato, green pepper, cucumber, etc.) can be implemented as well.
Purchasing of two Co.Ltd. with the adjacent properties, machine and equipment parks, and taking over the leasing contract of the agricultural land of almost 4000 hectares required for production.
Purchasing bioenergetic machines and equipment. Internal development of the plant. Purchasing new, modern, high capacity machines and equipment that are suitable for electricity. Purchasing small vehicles and trolleys for use within the site.
Glass house development: with the use of the electric and thermal energy produced by us, growing vegetable garden plants with commercial plant methods. Purchasing packaging machines and internal transport vehicles.
Implementation of the alga colony: energy production from the accumulated plant wastes and animal manure. Current asset investment: purchasing basic material and increasing the number of livestock.
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Business modell.
The intensification technology, the increase of efficiency and sustainability are provided by the BeBiCliEnv bioenergetics, climate protection and biotechnological plant part with EU EACI registration, which is adapted to the biogas power plant, and converts its harmful gas emission into energy and alga products (gas emission with zero glass house effect), and also produces further biotechnological products that related to the major activity.
For the acceleration of the fermenting process, we accelerate basic materials with the use of a procedure that has a Hungarian cutting technology patent. To the effect of intensification, the fermentor volume is reduced by 30%, with a biomethane production increased by 80% compared to the traditional technology.
The adjacent thermal- and cooling energy of the electricity production by means of a gas engine (trigen energy use) is fully used for the activities performed in the farm such as (cattle breeding, dairy farming, forage drying, mushroom growth and processing, alga and biotechnological products).
The biogas power plant and the BeBiCliEnv plant are operated with common staff, infrastructure and control technology.
Further development options (microbiological, biotechnological product diversification for functional foods, forages, medical and balnotherapeutic purposes) may result in an additional efficiency increase of 35-40%.
It is an agricultural land area with a machine park, animal breeding farm, cattle stock of 1000 animals, vegetable garden on 400 ha used for rotation of crops on 2,600 ha to produce corn, and for production of basic materials to biogas operation. Humus supply to the arable lands is provided by the biofertilizer side product of the biogas plant.
Return without BeBiCliEnv: 5.25 years Return with BeBiCliEnv: 2.25 years The additional cost of workplace creation is maximally compensated by the intensification with BeBiCliEnv.
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Future strategic aims.
The full use of the already existing arable lands. By means of using the vegetable wastes and organic animal manure produced there, the implementation of a complete bioenergy production plant.
We intend to sell 90% of the electricity produced there on the market, and we intend to use the remaining 10% electricity together with the produced thermal energy for the operation of the glass houses.
As a result of project developments, we can also greatly help workplace creation in the region. We can provide permanent job for almost 120 persons, and we can provide seasonal/temporary job for almost 70 persons.
Green energy is the future, even in gardening. Due to the high speed of technological development, solar energy has become the flagship sector of green energy. We are building a system that allows sustainable, simple and cost-efficient solar energy use, as well as meets gardening needs.
The glass houses provided with innovative glass house roofs optimised for solar energy utilisation are excellently suitable for the installation of solar cells so they provide a high return of the investment.
Within the glass houses there is a steel gutter to divert drained water from the surfaces of glass and solar cell elements, so the contamination settled on the panel surfaces will also reduce, and rainwater will be collected and returned into the aquaponic system thus promoting efficient water management.
In the garden fish breeding is implemented in fish tanks, and the water of the tanks is circulated in other plant beds. So no arable land, no chemicals, fertilizers or other substances will be used, nutrient supply is provided by the fish manure, and it is sent to the plant roots by means of circulation.
Fish is not fed by artificial fish nutrients but by germinated seeds produced in the part of the glass house for germination. Thus the whole biological balance of the glass house is practically maintained by the implemented eco-system, without any chemical intervention.
In addition to this, the electricity needed for the operation of the glass house is from the energy produced by the solar power plant, and heating is provided by geo-thermal energy, which means we practically produce bio-food with zero CO2 emission.
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 Bau eines Biogasbetriebs mit 1,2 MW in Südungarn
Erweiterung des Familienbetriebs für Gemüseanbau und Aufbereitung (auf 1300 Tonnen/Jahr beim Anbau und 1500 Tonnen / Jahr Gemüseaufbereitungsbetrieb )
Vorstellung des Biogabetriebs 1,2 MW
Das Betrieb funktioniert mit einer 50%-igen Kapazität mit der sogenannten Alga und Archea Technologie. Ihre wichtigste Eigenschaft ist, dass es hier keine Abfallanlieferungen benötigt werden. Dagegen wird die von Gasmotoren, hergestellte Kohlendioxid völlig aufgebraucht, was wiederum der Nährstoff für die Algenproduktion ist.
Es ist eine sehr wichtige Lösung im Hinsicht auf die  Kohlendioxid-Quote.
Die Leistung der anderen 50%-ige Kapazität des Betriebs wird durch allgemeine Anaerob-Fermentation gesichert. Die Grundstoffe dafür wird zum Biogasbetrieb angeliefert.
Es ind unter anderen: Grünabfälle, Betriebsabfälle und sonstige aus der Tierhaltung erübrigte Abfälle.
Durch diese Technologie wird als Endprodukt 27.000 Tonnen Biodünger hergestellt und 1,2 MW Strom produziert, wobei man davon 100 KW für den eigenen Verbraucht einbehält und 1,1 MW werden eingespeist.
Vorstellung des Gemüseanbau- und Aufbereitungsbetriebs
Auf einem Gebiet von 5 Ha werden Gewächshäuser aufgestellt, deren Beheizung von dem Biogasbetrieb gesichert wird. Dadurch wird ein ganzjährige Gemüsenanbau ermöglicht.
Es wird die Kohlendioxid-Dünger eingeführt, was ebenfalls eine erhöhte Erntenmenge verursacht.
Auf 15 Ha Gebiet wird Freiland-Gemüse angebaut. Es hat auch Vorteile: man kann die Zusammensetzung der anzubauenden Pflanzen, Gemüsesorten leichter mit dem Marktbedarf abstimmen. 
Es können folgende Gemüsesorten angebaut werden: Paprika, Tomaten, Gurken, Mais, Kürbis, Auberginen. Die Erntenmenge ist zwar niedriger, aber dafür auch die Anbaué und Unterhaltskosten auch.
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 - Grösse der Biogasanlage: 35.000 m2 - Grösse der Freiraumgemüseanbau: 150.000 m2 - Grösse der Warmhausgemüseanbau: 50.000 m2 - Grösse der Sauerungsbetrieb: 6.000 m2
- Paprikaproduktion am Freifeld, 150.000 m2, 8 kg/m2 ( Ackerlandausnutzungsgrad: 90% ) 150.000 m2 x 90 % = 135.000 m2 Paprikamenge: 135.000 m2 x 8 kg = 1.080 Tonna / Jahr
Paprikaproduktion, unter geheiztem Foliazelt: 20,0 kg/m2, 50.000 m2
40.000 m2 aktiv Zeltfläche 40.000 m2 x 20 kg/m2 = 800 Tonna / Jahr Ackerlandgrösse: 135.000 m2 + 40.000 m2 = 175.000 m2 Die Heizungsenergie wird durch in der Biogasanlage erzeugende Wärmemänge gesichert.
Bemerkung: Wegen die Übersichtlichkeit haben wir die gesamt Produktionswert auf Paprika gerechnet. Bei sonstigen Produkten ( Tomate, Gurke, usw. ) im ganzen Grossen sind die Verkaufspreise gleich, und deshalb die Produktionswerte sind auch gleich.
Sonstige Aspekte
Das Unternehmen kann für nicht rückerstattende (staatliche) Förderungen bewerben, wessen Wert kann sogar 30% der Investitionssumme erreichen. Von diese Summe möchten wir jene Entwicklungskapital zu decken, welche die Einführung neuen, bisher nicht bekannten, wettbewerbfähigen Produkte sichern würden.
Die Lage der Entwicklung: Es sind Ackerländer mit sehr günstige Naturalbegabungen in der Nähe. Die notvendige Arbeitskraft steht zu Verfügung. Für weitere Investitionen sind noch Grundstücke vollauf frei.
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Projekt bemutatása.
1,2 MW-os Biogáz üzem építése.
1880 tonna/év termelésű zöldségtermelő mezőgazdasági üzem, 2000 tonna/év kapacitású zöldségfeldolgozó és konzervüzem – létesítés a Biogáz üzem mellé.
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Üzemek ismertetése:
 1,2 MW-os Biogáz üzem ismertetése
Az üzem 50%-os teljesítménnyel, un. „alga és archea” technológiával működik. Jellemző tulajdonsága, hogy nem igényel hulladékbeszállítást. Ezzel szemben messzemenően felhasználja a gázmotorok működése során keletkezett széndioxidot, mely táplálja az intenzív algaszaporulatot. Széndioxid kvóta szempontjából igen jelentős megoldás. Az üzem másik 50%-os teljesítményét eddig általánosan alkalmazott anaerob fermentáció biztosítja. Az alapanyagot tehergépjárművel szállítják be a biogáz üzem telephelyére. Alapanyagok fajtái: Zöldhulladékok, feldolgozó-üzemi hulladékok, trágyafajták, stb.
A technológiai folyamat során 27.000 tonna végtermék, azaz biotrágya keletkezik, mely kiválóan alkalmas szántóföldi trágyázásra. A hálózatra feltáplált teljesítmény 1,1 MW, a belső üzemi fogyasztás 100 KW.
Zöldségtermelő, zöldségfeldolgozó és konzervüzem ismertetése.
5ha-on intenzív fóliás termesztés lesz kialakítva. A fóliasátrak fűtöttek lesznek a biogáz üzem technológiai hőtermelése felhasználásával. Ez gyakorlatilag egész éves zöldségtermesztést tesz lehetővé. Széndioxid trágyázás is be lesz vezetve, ami tetemes hozamnövekedést biztosíthat. A végtermékként keletkező folyékony trágyával fognak hatékonyan trágyázni.
15ha-on szabadföldi zöldségfélék termesztése lesz bevezetve. A szabadföldi termesztésnek előnyei is vannak. Könnyen lehet módosítani a különféle termesztett zöldségek arányát a keresletnek megfelelően. Szabadföldön lehet paprikát, paradicsomot, uborkát, csemegekukoricát, tököt, padlizsánt, stb. termelni. Kisebb a termelési hozam, de a ráfordítások is arányosan kisebbek.
A zöldségfeldolgozó üzem fűtését és technológiai felhasználását a biogáz üzemben keletkező hőmennyiség biztosítja.
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További információ az Intercontact cégtől kérhető.
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More information you can find at Intercontact Ltd.
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日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
We're glad you're here!
Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Feel free to contact us if you need help in something. Business development together. We wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.
International business opportunities 欢迎光临 Intercontact 的新网站 Información comercial y propuestas de negocios Международный бизнес предложения Geschäftsinformationen, aktuelle angebote Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers Internazionale attività commerciali offerte Nemzetközi üzleti ajánlatok
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0 notes
intercontact · 9 years ago
Attention! ONE place TWO company business in the TRIPLE border! Business premises / Business opportunities in Northern Italy. /EN-IT-HU/
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Business premises / Business opportunities in Northern Italy.
Aosta is the principal city of Aosta Valley, a bilingual region in the Italian Alps, 110 km north-northwest of Turin, and 134 km Geneva. It is situated near the Italian entrance of the Mont Blanc Tunnel, at the confluence of the Buthier and the Dora Baltea (French: Doire baltée), and at the junction of the Great and Little St. Bernard routes. Aosta is not the capital of the province, because Aosta Valley is the only Italian region not divided into provinces. Provincial administrative functions are instead shared by the region and the communes.
Aosta Valley is the smallest region in Italy; in its northwest, it is located between France and Switzerland. At its core are its majestic peaks (the region is, after all, mostly mountainous). Here we can find the highest peaks in the Alps: Cervino, Monte Rosa, Gran Paradiso and the king of them all, Mont Blanc, which at 15,781 feet is the highest mountain in Europe, the roof of the old Continent.
Those who are not familiar with mountaineering can use the comfortable, yet thrilling, cable car; catch it just a few miles from Courmayeur, one of the most important ski resorts in the world.
In this setting of stately mountains and diverse valleys sits the oldest National Park, the Gran Paradiso, where it is still possible to see animals in their natural habitat - ibex, chamois, eagles and marmots live in vegetation that changes according to the surrounding environment.
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Historically, the Aosta Valley has been viewed as land of contact and conjuncture between Italy and France; such is also reflected in its official bilingualism and its special status as autonomous region. The great modern tunnels of Gran San Bernardo and, even more so, those under Mont Blanc - extraordinary engineering masterpieces that run to France - highlight even more clearly this aspect of intersection between Italy and the rest of Europe.
The regional food of the Aosta Valley is hearty, creative and composed of authentic flavors. Some regional specialties are carbonada, (stewed meat with wine, onions and spices), and mocetta (dried beef or ibex seasoned with mountain herbs). Salami is another delicacy to taste, as is the wonderful Arnad lard, a type of Aosta Valley sausage cooked with boiled potatoes, lard, seasoning, and the reputed Bosses ham.
The cheeses are equally-excellent, including the renowned Fontina Dop, used for many recipes like fondue, which is served before or after the typical soup of the Aosta Valley (made with cabbage, Savoy cabbage, fontina cheese and stale rye bread). Thanks to the region’s microclimate, vines can bear fruit up to 3,937 feet in altitude, while the fruit trees bear such delicacies as walnuts, chestnuts, Rennet apples and the famous Martin pears.
More than 20 wines are designated as originating from “Aosta Valley - Vallée d'Aoste.” Some examples are Arnad Montjovet, Enfer d’Arvier, Blanc de Morgex et de la Salle and Donnas. Complete your meal with the extraordinary herb liqueur "Genépy des Alpes," traditionally drunk from a wooden goblet
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Our company's activities:
- Meat / meat processing 
- employment of butchers
- Import export all goods, not food
- Drink - Gastronomy and mobile food for events too
- Fast Food- Foreign and domestic transport of goods
- Mobile commerce and local- Personal services
- Real estate brokerage
- Banking services 
- Arranging loans, guarantees, companies and individuals 
- Company Ltd. and AG the foundation, associati shares
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What we can offer: 
- Companies presenting products, advertising, distribution and sale
- Internet advertising, Italy, France, Switzerland, and also in other countries
- Presentation room, supervision and goods sale
- Additional market research
Valle d'Aosta autonomous region of the French - Swiss situated in the triple border, Turin 114, Geneva 134 km from the Dora Baltea river valley - Italy.
We cordially welcome those business partners who want to develop and expand their business activities abroad! We can offer this by operating in the tri-border place of great opportunities for manufacturer and trading company also. 
For more information we waiting for you here our office where the door and business opportunities is always open!
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Lettera di presentazione aziandale.
Vicino alla dogana Francia e Svizzera, territorio autonomo,con industria, agricoltura, turismo forte e anche in rialzo. La Regione Aosta ha superficie di 1.637,73 Km2, abitanti 35.031, offre un piaceveloe soggiorno ai turisti dai paesi esteri, sia da Europa, che da America anche il import-export e in forte rialzo. Essendo di nazionalita ungherese tutti i soci della societa (3) ma residenti permenenti da tanti campi de commercio,conf-industria, sia telazioni locali, che in tutta Italia.
Le attivita della nostra societa:
- Import-Export, merci di tutti tipi-ma non alimentari, in generale
- Produzione de carne non di volatili
- Attivita di ristorazione di alimenti e bevande in pubblici escrizi: Ristoranti, Bars, Birrerie, Pizzerie, Alberghi, Locali Notturni, Fast-Food, ecc.
- Attivita di autotrasporto d merci su strada
- Servizi alla personal
- Procacciatori d'affari
- Gastronomia e rosticceria anche ambulante
- Operazione bancarie di qualunque tipo
- Accensioni di mutui attivi e pasivi
- Quote e partecipazioni anche azionaria in altre societa
I servizi che possiamo offrire alle societa estere:
- Pubblicita della merce del cliente, Italia, Francia, Svizzera  
- Mostra in sala di mostra ( affittato dal cliente )
- Servizi alle aziende estere
- Vendita della merce del cliente
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Figyelem ! EGY helyen KÉT céges üzleti lehetőség a HÁRMAS határnál !
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1.) Eladó frekventál helyen ( Olaszország – Svájc – Franciaország ) hármas határnál lévő cég.
Valle d'Aosta autonóm régió a francia - olasz - svájci hármas határnál helyezkedik el, Torinótól 114, Genftől 134 km-re a Dora Baltea folyó völgyében.
Tisztelettel várjuk azon jelentkezőket akik fejleszteni és bővíteni szeretnék a vállalkozásukat külföldön! Erre kiváló lehetőségeket tudunk ajánlani a hármas határ helyén működő cégünk által. 
A vállalkozás 2010 január 1-től van megalapítva, jelenleg is működőképes, adósság mentes. Mivel a terület egy olasz-francia autonóm - öngazdálkodó megye, erre a területre gátolt a bejutás még a szomszédos olasz megyékben élő olaszoknak is, akiknek cégük, vállalkozásuk van! A turizmus, ipar, mezőgazdaság fejlett, így a hármas határ: Olaszország, Franciaország és Svájc miatt a 3 országban van lehetőség üzleteket fejleszteni. 
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A térségben új olasz cég alapításához szükséges a minimum 3 év rezidencia a megyében, lila személyigazolvány, olasz adószám, bankszámlaszám ,amit csak munkaszerződés vagy vállalkozás és rezidencia alapján adnak meg. A megyénkben sok lehetőség van a vállalkozások számára, akár kölcsönt is adnak 200.000 euro felett, amiből csak az 50% kell visszatéríteni 10-15 év alatt 1 max 2% kamattal. Valamint még további más hasonló kedvezmények a cégek számára. 
Az ok amiért szeretnénk eladni : Nem lett dolgozva, foglalkozva a céggel, mivel más tevékenységgel dolgoztam, és most az élettársammal nyitottunk egy        Kft-t,ezért feleslegessé vált 2 céget fenntartani. Az olasz törvények szerint ha nem dolgozik a cég és nem számlázik, ez esetben nem kell adózni,csak nullás adóbevallás van. 
2.) Üzlethelyiségek – Üzleti lehetőségek Észak-Olaszországban.
Cégünk Olaszországi székhelye Aosta tartományban található ami határos Franciaországgal és Svájccal. A település 35.000 lakossal, 1.637,7/km2 alapterületen helyezkedik el. Az Alpok veszik körbe és a nyugodtság, jóindulatú, kedves helyiek, öngazdálkodó megye, erős vallás, fejlett iparral, télen-nyáron nemzetközi turizmussal a fő jellemzője a térségnek. Télen a síelés, 180 km sípályával is, egész májusig, nyáron a túrázás, hegyi tavak, paplanernyőzés, raftingpálya, lovaglás, állatkert, gyorsfolyású patakok, természet ritka kincseinek felfedezése lehetséges. A turisták egy másik fő vonzó célja, a Savoyai királyság kastélyai, a cégünk középkorú faluban, turisztikai helyen van. Itt volt tavaly filmforgatás is amerikai rendezővel és színészekkel, hírességekkel akik meglátogatták megyénket. Fejlett az import-export, korrekt feltételekkel, korrekt emberekkel, cégekkel !
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Cégünk tevékenységei: 
- Húsipar / húsfeldolgozás - hentesek alkalmazása 
- Import - export, minden áruval, kivéve élelmiszer
 - Vendéglátás - Gasztronómia, rendezvényeken való mozgó vendéglátás is 
- Fast Food - Áru fuvarozása külföld és belföld 
- Mozgó kereskedelem és helybeli
 - Személyi szolgáltatások - Ingatlan közvetítés 
- Banki szolgáltatások - Kölcsönök lebonyolítása, garancia vállalás, cégeknek és magánszemélyeknek 
- Kft és Zrt alapítás, társulás, részvények, stb.
 Amit tudunk ajánlani: 
- Cégek termékei bemutatása, reklámozása, forgalmazása, eladása 
- Internetes reklámok, Olaszországban, Franciaországban, Svájcban,de más országokban is 
- Bemutató terem bérlése,felügyelete, árú eladása
 - További piackutatás 
Valle d'Aosta autonóm régió a francia - olasz - svájci hármas határnál helyezkedik el, Torinótól 114, Genftől 134 km-re a Dora Baltea folyó völgyében. 
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Tisztelettel várjuk azon jelentkezőket akik fejleszteni és bővíteni szeretnék a vállalkozásukat külföldön! 
Erre kiváló lehetőségeket tudunk ajánlani a hármas határ helyén működő cégünk által. Bővebb információk  az Intercontact cégtől kérhetőek, vagy akár személyesen is várjuk a székhelyünkön!
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If you or your business contacts may be interested, pls kindly contact the company on the following coordinates:
E-mail: [email protected] More information you can find at Intercontact Ltd.
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日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день * Buon giorno * こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *
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