innatetransmission · 2 years
< d0 y0u ever th1nk ab0ut h0w trees are al1ve? f0r th0se 0f y0u wh0, 0f c0urse, e1ther l1ve w1th exp0sure t0 trees 0r wh0 0therw1se kn0w what these magn1f1cent plants are? >
< 1 am g01ng t0 emphas1ze my understand1ng 0f altern1an trees here, but 1t may very well be that s0me 0f what 1s the case f0r these trees 1s als0 c0ns1stent w1th th0se 1n 0ther w0rlds! 1 w0uldn't be ent1rely sure... >
< anywh0, trees c0mmun1cate w1th each 0ther. the1r r00ts undergr0und c0mb1ne 1n perfect harm0ny w1th mycel1a, wh1ch, t0gether, establ1sh a netw0rk 0f c0mmun1cat10n between mult1ple trees by be1ng 1nterc0nnected th1s way. furtherm0re, trees can send each 0ther nutr1ents thr0ugh th1s netw0rk! 1t 1s usually the case where there w0uld be an 0lder tree, and 1t w0uld send nutr1ents t0 y0unger trees ar0und 1t. trees als0 send nutr1ents t0 s1ck and damaged trees! 1sn't that amaz1ng 0r what?! ^◊^ >
< even plants care ab0ut each 0ther. why sh0uld y0u, bel0ng1ng t0 a presumably-s0c1al spec1es, be any d1fferent? y0u are n0t exempt fr0m all the g00d that the un1verse can g1ve us t0n1ght. y0u are l0ved, and the trees w0uld n0t m1nd y0u 1n the1r c0mpany 1f y0u feel l1ke bask1ng 1n the breeze awh1le am1dst the1r sturdy trunks. e1ther way, the1r branches w1ll c0nt1nue t0 st1r, the1r leaves c0nt1nue t0 manufacture sugars, the1r f0rms c0nt1nue t0 stand str0ng and tall. they are w0nderful l1fef0rms w1th wh1ch y0u can take s0me t1me f0r y0urself and care f0r y0urself whenever y0u need t0 c0llect y0ur th0ughts and feel1ngs bef0re car1ng f0r 0thers 1f y0u s0 ch00se. >
< whether 0r n0t y0u d0 dec1de t0 spend t1me 0uts1de, 1f that 1s feas1ble 0r p0ss1ble f0r y0u... let me ask y0u s0meth1ng. what d0 y0u th1nk ab0ut the levels 0f c0mmun1cat10n 1n y0ur l1fe? d0 y0u feel that s0me pe0ple may n0t be c0mmun1cat1ng effect1vely 0r en0ugh w1th y0u? 0r d0 y0u perhaps have any real1zat10ns that maybe y0u have n0t c0mmun1cated en0ugh w1th s0me0ne else? h0w d0 y0u feel ab0ut e1ther 0f these cases? >
< let y0urself apprec1ate y0ur ab1l1ty t0 rec0gn1ze and accept these feel1ngs. they are perhaps the m0st natural man1festat10ns 0f be1ng sent1ent, and are deserv1ng 0f y0ur c0nsc10us attent10n. >
< 1n the case 0f trees, c0mmun1cat10n 1s cruc1al t0 surv1val. 1 w0uld 1mag1ne that many sent1ent spec1es, such as th0se 0f y0u and 1, are the same way. perhaps y0u can't gather y0ur th0ughts t0gether 1n s0me f0rest l1ke 1 was allud1ng t0, and that's 0kay! 1 st1ll suggest that y0u detach y0urself fr0m any s1tuat10n y0u m1ght be 1n, t0 the best 0f y0ur ab1l1ty, and apprec1ate s0meth1ng ar0und y0u 0r 1n y0ur th0ughts. whether 1t be s0meth1ng 0uts1de y0ur w1nd0w, s0meth1ng 1n the r00m 0r area y0u are 1n, s0meth1ng ab0ut a pers0n y0u really l1ke... what can y0u adm1re r1ght n0w? d0es f0cus1ng 0n anyth1ng else l1ke th1s affect y0ur feel1ngs 1n any way? >
< d0 y0u feel that maybe, s0meth1ng can be s0lved 1f y0u were t0 c0mmun1cate w1th s0me0ne else? 1t's 0kay 1f n0t. f0r 0ther ears are n0t the 0nly th1ng y0u c0uld be c0mmun1cat1ng w1th... >
< take n0t1ce 0f y0ur breath1ng, h0wever the 1ns1de 0f y0ur chest feels, and y0ur st0mach. y0u are c0mmun1cat1ng w1th y0urself. y0u are y0ur 0wn f0rest, and y0ur b0dy 1s 1ts 0wn netw0rk. remember that. d0 y0u c0mmun1cate w1th y0urself en0ugh? >
< aga1n, 1 may 0r may n0t have answers f0r h0w t0 s0lve spec1f1c s1tuat10ns, but 1 d0 thank y0u wh0leheartedly f0r tak1ng the t1me t0 read my w0rds and c0ns1der these 1deas that 1 share 1nt0 the publ1c mult1verse. n0 matter wh0 y0u are and what y0u m1ght be g01ng thr0ugh, 1'm pr0ud 0f y0u. 1 really am! please take care 0f y0urself, even 1f 1t's 0ne small th1ng 0ne small step at a t1me... 1 w1ll always be here cheer1ng y0u 0n. ^v^ >
< stand sturdy and tall, l1ke the trees! >
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innatetransmission · 2 years
< hell0, every0ne! my name 1s z0n1f1 r0mf0t! >
< 1 am aware that 1 am us1ng a mult1d1mens10nal platf0rm full 0f k1nd, fr1endly faces and shar1ng 0f un1versal spec1f1cs and c0nstants. >
< 1 am s0 exc1ted t0 learn m0re ab0ut my 0wn w0rld and the many w0rlds bey0nd 1t, and meet s0 many new pe0ple! >
< 1f 1t 1sn't already clear, 1 am a tr0ll and 1 am res1d1ng 0n altern1a. 1 have p0sted an 1mage 0f 1t 0nt0 my pr0f1le banner! 1sn't 1t g0rge0us? >
< 1 am als0 a f0rtune teller and nature's #1 fan, s0 t0 speak. y0u are welc0me t0 1nteract w1th my p0sts 0r send me an ask 0r chat message anyt1me! 1 m1ght n0t be able t0 g1ve y0u all the answers f0r y0ur 1nqu1r1es n0 matter what my crystal ball sh0ws me, but 1'm m0re than w1ll1ng t0 hear them 0ut! ^v^ >
< h0wever, 1 d0 want t0 ma1nta1n my bl0g as a zen z0ne, s0 unpleasant remarks w1ll n0t be apprec1ated. 1f there 1s ever a rebl0g 0r p0st 0f m1ne ass0c1ated w1th 0ffens1ve c0ntent, please let me kn0w and 1 w1ll rem0ve 1t fr0m my bl0g! >
< 1f y0u are l00k1ng f0r 0ther ways t0 c0ntact me, y0u can f1nd me as [innateTransmission on Trollian], but be sure t0 n0t1fy me 0n here f1rst s0 that 1 can make sure 1 catch y0ur message! thank y0u!! >
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