innate-idioms · 7 years
The Importance of Multimedia
I was really glad that the topic of our last project was the importance of multimedia in all different aspects. I believe that multimedia is one of the most important and influential things of our time. I, as a graphic design major, think that graphic design goes hand in hand with multimedia. The two medias used in  graphic design are usually art and communications. I also believe that multimedia is progressive. Multimedia is the foundation of all things in our current world; All images, audios, and visuals are a product of multimedia.
One thing in our would that multimedia is used for is Journalism, Magazine, Advertising, Educational, and Gaming companies. Each different place incorporates multiple different medias and mediums, physical and digital, such as photography, design programs (such as InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom, etc), and information as a medium.
Taking intro to multimedia has helped me further my career and knowledge in graphic design. I have created advertisements for multiple events and informational pamphlets that have all been made through a process of using three or more medias. I have also made a personal digital portfolio and a personal logo, which will both help me excel in my graphic design career.
In conclusion, multimedia is everywhere. It incorporates multiple different medias and mediums and it surrounds us everyday. We would not be as advanced of a society if it wasn't for multimedia.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
This, on top of the audio project, was extremely difficult. This was my least favorite project. I feel like this is very very choppy. I wish I could've cleaned it up more but I could barely understand the functions of Premiere. 
At first, I was expecting it to be okay, but then I started and realized that I didn't know as much as I should about Adobe Premiere. Even once I went through multiple tutorials, I still could not understand the functions.
I hope to never have to work with video and audio files again.
Although I really disliked this assignment, I actually learned lots of information about gun control and laws and guns in general. I actually wanted to learn more about gun control and had many follow up questions with Gabe.
Although I didn’t like this assignment at all, I gained a plethora of knowledge and for that I’m grateful.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
Interview with Gabe about United States gun control laws.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED DOING THIS WEBSITE PROJECT! I loved this because the coding was extremely fun, and also just knowing how to code will be extremely beneficial to me in my future career. As a Graphic Design major, I wanted to make a digital portfolio of all my works.
My first impression of this project was that it was going to be extremely tedious and annoying. While working on this project, I realized that that was extremely true. Coding is basically mostly just troubleshooting, and by troubleshooting, I mean hitting “command+z” until you undo your mistakes. 
Fortunately, it was/is gratifying when you figure out what is wrong, and then when you figure out how to do what you want. Coding was very much an educational experience and I wish we did more on coding in this class. 
Just focusing on the aesthetics of my portfolio website, I would say that it is extremely well put together. I feel as though my type setting is alright. I think that my choice to keep it simple and keep it neutral colors really shows what kind of a person I am and really shows my style. I also feel like my website is extremely straight forward and easy to navigate (the words in the menu are actual hyperlinks that link you to different pages, like my artist statement, etc.) no matter who you are. The only difficulty would be understanding what a colophon or artist statement is.
Other than that, I feel like my project was executed pretty well and that it is pretty aesthetically pleasing as well as functional. I was very happy with how this worked out.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
I made an online portfolio for my website. It was supposed to be basic, but then I realized that I could actually benefit from having a digital portfolio of all of my work. This was probably my favorite project to do. I fell in love with coding (html and css). I’m hoping to add some javascript in so that the menu can slide out. But this is what my digital website consists of:
picture 1: the home page of my website
picture 2: scrolled down on the home page of my website
picture 3: home page but with the menu button in the top left corner selected
picture 4: contact page on my website
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innate-idioms · 7 years
For Project #3, we had to do a podcast interview. I did mine with a music industry and sound recording major named Ryan. I asked Ryan about what made music quote on quote “good.” While sitting in his common room lounge, he was able to break down my questions with ease and give me elaborate answers.
The hardest part about editing the interview was removing the background hissing. I was able to remove it for the most part, fortunately. I also had trouble removing a door that slammed in the middle of him speaking. To try to reduce the amount of noise, I used the noise reduction option and also the hiss reduction option. I also added a song by one of my friends bands in the background of the interview (The Lights We See Below (Strange Tooth) by Mirrorwaves). I used the fade in/out effect on each of the tracks so that they came in together at the same volume for the most part. 
I really enjoyed the multitrack option for editing. It made it extremely easier to deal with both tracks as I was editing. I also really enjoyed the easy controls for the levels of the sound and controlling the loudness by messing with the decibels of sound.
I was a big fan of this project. Although it was difficult, I feel as though I really put some thought into it and really problem solved as much as I could.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
1.) Coding is extremely fun and I never thought it would be so easy to learn. I happened to go a bit overboard with my website set up, but honestly it was worth it.
2.) I used adobe products in ways that I never expected. I always wanted to be able to edit videos in cool ways and now after doing project #4, I know how to use Adobe Premiere more efficiently than ever before.
3.) Multimedia is a universal language. Fortunately, I knew this before, but I got to further understand it more throughout this multimedia class. I feel like the projects further equipped me with knowledge and skills that I will need for my future career.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
Blog #9: Logline and Concept
My longline for my project #4 video interview is:
Aspiring state police officer Gabe gives us his opinion on United States gun laws.
This interview is meant to be opinion-based, serious, and analytical. I will create this tone by using a solid background and ask questions with statistics to create a serious tone.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
This is my interview with music and sound recording major, Ryan Lindskog.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
Three Things I’ve Learned so far about Adobe Premiere
1.) you can fade sound in, which is a nice feature (you can also do this in adobe audition, so this is familiar feature)
2.) you can move videos around without leaving gaps within you work. I really like this feature because even when you’re rearranging clips, it’s still crisp and clean.
3.) I also really like the type tool. I already knew that this was a feature of adobe premiere, but I have found that you can do more with it than I once thought.
My plan for the final portfolio project is to make a powerpoint presentation about the importance of multimedia in the world of graphic design. 
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innate-idioms · 7 years
Describe how different camera angles can influence the "mood" and genre of a video. Different camera angles can create different feelings within a video. For example, in class, we watched a video on how to edit video clips to create a certain “mood”. The example was of a boy asking someone to his school dance. The editor, instead of keeping the camera on the girl that was rejecting him, kept the camera on the boy to capture his sad emotions while she was rejecting him. This created more of a saddening feel than the previous edit would have.
Im considering interviewing my friend Jeff, Ken, or Noah for our 4th video project.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
Top 3 Impressive Features of Adobe Audition
My favorite feature that Adobe Audition has is the ability to edit your audio in a nondestructive manner. This is obviously important because you don’t want to ruin your audio while you're editing it. My second favorite feature is that you can fade into a track or fade out of a track and you can time them perfectly. My third favorite feature is the high amount of correction tools, such as pitch correction, noise reducer, and overall sound remover. I also love the feature where you can bend the sound/pitch of the audio.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
1. What is Aural Communication?
Aural communication is communication through the sense of sound. Examples of this are podcast, radio shows, etc.
2. What is a Podcast?
A podcast is audio that you can listen to on the go. It is kind of like a radio show, though the only difference is that podcasts are prerecorded and digital. They can come in a series and are usually downloadable.
3. What is Adobe Audition?
Adobe Audition is a system where you can work, warp, and edit digital audio.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
What is LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is a digital online portfolio and social media website where you can connect with current and future friends, employers, and coworkers.
2 ways LinkedIn could be beneficial to me would be connecting with future employers and being able to have anyone see my digital resumé, especially since it is organized and easy to read.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
3 Pros to using Layers:
1.) you can make a duplicate of the image that you are working on.
2.) because of reason number 1, you can manipulate your image without destroying the pixels.
3.) you can play with opacity and blending tools to create a specific look or effect on an image.
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innate-idioms · 7 years
5 favorite photoshop tools:
1. Rectangular marquee
- Used to make rectangular shape selections. You can make a perfect square selection by holding the shift key.
2. Crop
- This has the same effect as the rectangular marquee tool, but when you confirm your selection, it crops everything that is outside the rectangular selection.
3. Type tool
- You can type with this tool. It’s pretty straight forward.
4. Gradient
- Creates a gradient using your foreground color and background color. 
5. Quick selection
- Quick selection is my favorite selection tool. It kind of acts like the paint brush tool but also, as you click, it selects parts of your image with refined edges so you can get a super specific  selection!
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innate-idioms · 7 years
Multi-media: What is it?
In my opinion, creating multimedia is the act of creating a product through the use of multiple mediums. Multimedia can be in a physical or digital format. For example, a sculpture that involves more than two kinds of different medium would be considered multimedia, while a video and audio file with a photoshop photo for the cover art is also considered multimedia. Although both examples are on completely different spectrums of the art world, they are both art centered around multimedia.
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