1992 / they/them / Ace Weasyl - Siyon FurAffinity - Sichel Toyhouse - Haku ko.fi - Siyon
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2/2 comm for @thatoneolympicfae o/
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Did Seyren’s too
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Headshot for Millie’s hub icon
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Also quick doodle of my dragon god Caliber and their little sister Seisei, belonging to @yureibound
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Far away from the land you knew
The dawn of day reaches out to you
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Tentative design for Millie idk if anything will change lmao
He’s based on either a black fruit bat or indian fruit bat, I haven’t decided yet
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Part 1/2 commission on fr, Shinko’s nifty alien bird dino thing
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tfw you try and remember how to draw humans lmao
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I had to show some love for my man Grey
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ref of one of my friends
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commission of friend’s spore creature
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request from one of my friends of his slime..char? sona? idk
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Sonorous Dragons, also referred to as Ghost Dragons or Phantom Maidens, are a hybrid of Wraithblood Cave dragons that crossbred with Ore dragons, bringing forth what is now recognized as an entirely separate species. Cavernous dragons, and by extension Sonorous dragons, have incredibly poor eyesight due to their natural habitat ranging from low to very low or absent light. Though Sonorous dragons have since migrated to the surface, choosing a natural habitat closer to Ore dragons - mountainous regions with heavy forestry that allows sound to feed from many directions and create a geographic map for them.
Similar to common reptiles, these dragons shed their scales in one full husk as opposed to most dragons that replace their scales individually like birds. Their mane is also made up in two parts, an undercoat that resembles butterfly wings and a guard coat that looks closer to a veil.
The undercoat is light and sturdy, protecting the dragon’s more vulnerable parts which, if damaged they can be removed and a new mane piece will regrow in its place. The guard coat behaves more like feathering, molting once a season for a new layer to grow in. The veil-like mane serves as camouflage due to the highly reflective nature and additional protection, both from predators and the natural elements. The translucent material prevents the pale sections of their body from becoming sunburnt.
The attribute gaining the Sonorous dragons their name also comes from this mane, When two panels rub together they make a soft crystal-like sound, something some have compared to a nice windchime. This of course, means when there is more movement and they collide harder the sound becomes more violent and harsh.
Interestingly, Sonorous dragons are a dominantly female species, breeding in harems with a single male typically having three to five females. Accordingly, their courting ritual is also inverse in that females will sing and use their mane to court the male. The female that creates the most pleasant sound to the male is selected for his harem. It is also the male that cares for the eggs. Once the female has laid her egg in small clutches of only one to three, the male incubates the eggs while females protect the nest and hunt.
Unlike many dragons which are purely carnivores, Sonorous dragons are omnivores and opportunistic feeders. Peaceful by nature, they scavenge the remains leftover from other hunting dragons if presented, but don’t hunt themselves.
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Choirblood Phoenix, unlike their more standard counterpart, are social creatures that do well in flocks of five or more. While terrestrial phoenix are uncommon, the genetic mutation isn’t unheard of and doesn’t impact their lifestyles at all. Social and warm-natured, Choirblood Phoenix are sought after as pets and companions. They are an amicable mutation that finds little fault in the cracks of another. Much less vocal than their normal counterparts, Choirblood Phoenix rely on camouflage in more arid locales in order to hide themselves, though they aren’t above revealing themselves if they see another in need.
With a notably different lifestyle of common phoenix, Choirblood Phoenix have long since been hunted to near-extinction. Though rare and incredibly difficult, they can be permanently slain with god-killing weapons. While more hardy than other variety of phoenix, while retaining the ability to resurrect from the ashes of their corpse, they do have a fatal flaw of losing a small amount of memories with each death.
While it may not be rare for an individual to have died two or three times in their lifetime, the more often they’re killed in succession, the more the memory loss compounds as well as a longer regeneration time.
Due to phoenix of old being hunted relentlessly, many of those who weren’t hunted to be kept as trophies now lay in dormancy, a forced stasis to hibernate and recoup from the cycle of endless bloodshed.
Though they nest far away from the reaches of anything but their own kind, there’s no guarantee that they’ll ever wake up again.
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Reapers take many forms, from animals to humanoids, no being, barring Gods and Daemons are immune to becoming an agent of Death’s escort. Reapers are unfortunate souls given one of two options.
Earthbound spirits chained by a last wish, a grief, an anger. There are many factors preventing one from being returned to the cycle of rebirth, and they all result in a soul given two options. Becoming a Reaper under Death’s domain or being destroyed, as a creature that can no longer be returned to the cycle.
The life of a Reaper still isn’t as glamorous, despite narrowly avoiding permanent death. Death is a merciless creature. It takes evenly, from everyone and everything, even trying greedily to stretch its reaches to that which must remain untouched. There are many, many Reapers. Some have forfeit their duties as one who guides souls, others have been destroyed - through their own machinations, through the will of another Reaper, and rarely, through being hunted.
Death cares not for what the Reapers desire to do. There are enough with a sense of diligence that will do its work, so long as a Reaper does not go out of their way to prevent a death, they will not be reaped themselves.
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Gem asked me to make some winter bulbasaur lol
Top one is using Golden Euonymus and Evergreen Azaleas
Bottom one is a holly bush
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Imperial Shen have the most stunning appearance of the known Shen subspecies, sharing blood with the highly respected Kirin. They, as with all Shen, are able to alter their form between aquatic and terrestrial legs. Similarly to unicorns, an Imperial Shen’s magick is heavily stored in their horn, however trying to remove a Shen’s horn will always end in being gored.
While physically their terrestrial forms appear very similar to Unicorns and Kelpies, they are neither as benevolent as Unicorns nor malevolent as Kelpie. Interestingly, Imperial Shen and Kirin do in fact have a reverse scale, however daring to touch it will simply force it to discharge all of its magick in a single blow. This fulfils nothing except a quick death to whoever touches the scale, so doing so is highly advised against.
Being related to Hippocampi, Shen are highly inquisitive and playful, but their similarity to a Kelpie in appearance and stature have caused many mortals great distress, understandably. Kelpies are malicious, carnivorous equines classified in the same genus as Hippocampi, bearing venomous fangs and spines, being envenomated by a Kelpie guarantees a slow, painful death assuming their victim isn’t drowned from being entrapped by their adhesive skin.
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