infernofcrged · 10 hours
<- still hasn't figured out how his phone works . ):
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all of you have my phone number.
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infernofcrged · 10 hours
i didn't say anything i have been standing here silently this entire time minding my own business watching two closeted men undressing each other with their eyes but pretending to be homophobic about it .
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infernofcrged · 12 hours
fiyero had been a welcome surprise in the grove , that much was certain . her energy was in stark contrast to the heavy hearts that the tieflings bore — and yet , seeing one of their own seem to . . hopeful , it was enough to liven the place up .
dammon was far too invested in soaking up the fact that his new friend had returned to notice the way she settled his hand over her waist . either that , or he didn’t care . he was desperate for any semblance of familiarity , and fiyero certainly brought that .
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amusement flickered over his gaze at their comment , tone laced with a bemused chuckle , “ if you have lost strength , i’d be none the wiser . besides , i’m sure the moment we return to baldurs gate you’ll be just as capable as you’ve always been . “ his voice was confident — because he truly believed it . both that they would return to their homes and that fiyero would rise to whatever challenges faced her .
dammon paused as the tiefling spoke , soaking in the reassurance of her words . she was certainly right — the individuals that accompanied her exuded a heroic essence that dammon could only dream of obtaining one day . he enjoyed their company — and in all fairness , he wouldn’t want to be stuck in this situation with anyone else .
would’ve been nice to have them in avernus .
eyes trailing towards the bards as she lifted his chin , he offered a small smile , burdened by the thoughts still swirling in his head . even still , it was hard to not return her optimism . “ you really think i’m going to allow you to have the weight of the world on your shoulders and worry enough for the both of us ? can’t let you have all the fun , “ a playful hum lingered in his words , eyes twinkling with just a hint of mischief . a joke . what , who said blacksmiths couldn’t have a sense of humor ?
she's received willingly, with hands on her waist to steady the both of them as they're wrapped up together, and fiyero hums happily at being welcomed like this. part of her was almost shy, meeting the other tieflings in the grove. she was worried, in a way, that she wasn't acting right. never learned the customs, traditions, what makes their people their people. something entirely unbecoming of her, truly— when did she ever concern herself with fitting in?
   but seeing others so much like her, looking to her for help, finding comradery in their shared plight. it made her eager to please, to step in where other members of her party wanted to keep out of it.
   one of her hands goes down to her waist, covering dammon's, keeping him there. her eyes squint at him with mirth. ' still strong, huh? i haven't been fighting nearly as much since i was taken here, so that's something. ' truthfully, she'd been a bit worried about that, as well. what if she's returned home eventually and completely out of practice? can't kill the third and last chosen if she can barely stab her rapier. certainly can't smite the absolute like that.
   she spots the disappointment in his expression, understanding almost drawing a coo out of her. she holds back, instead tilting her head to try and catch his gaze. he hadn't heard of karlach, but that was almost to be expected. it doesn't necessarily have to mean anything— still, fiyero worries, brows furrowing.
   ' me too. i was awfully lonely for a while. ' and though her tone is light, the words are truthful, an easy admission. she'd gotten used to the company of her friends. ' i can't help but worry about what's happening back home without me. but they're all capable people. the strongest i know, really. ' the hand on dammon's chest raises to tilt his chin up, just a little bit. her smile is encouraging. ' and i already worry enough for the both of us. don't look so glum about it. '
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infernofcrged · 15 hours
hm . men
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infernofcrged · 2 days
event ; color theory !
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dusty rose ( #B56F76 ) ⸻ nostalgia , softness , maturity , romance , thoughtfulness / insecurity , stubbornness , withdrawn , loneliness , perfectionism
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dammon is ‘ dusty rose ‘ — a color that exudes a calming , grounding presence . it’s not too far off from his normal hue , but it’s particularly noticeable that the vibrant blue flames that hide behind his eyes are absent now . instead , a dull monochrome resides within his gaze .
to those who don’t know dammon , this doesn’t seem particularly odd for him . a quiet figure , working diligently on adapting to his new surroundings and making small talk when appropriate . but those who have had the opportunity to know dammon a bit more might be startled to find that his affect is far more flat than normal — almost withdrawn , as if he is unwilling to open up to anyone .
however , that isn’t to say that the man is entirely closed off . he is still adorned with a charming smile , willing to take on anything that is needed of him — even at his own expense . if he still had the forge , he might be a bit more frivolous with his discounts . but in the spirale , dammon’s color seems to make him a more quiet , more eager to hear the words of others .
the color ‘ rose ‘ wouldn’t be complete without a touch of hopeless romanticism — something dammon is well equipped in , even without the affect of these peculiar circumstances . that much hasn’t changed , but the tiefling , despite being more careful in his choice of words , seems far more receptive to the advances of others — if even to quell the sense of uncertainty he’s been feeling since arriving here .
TLDR ; strong silent type enjoy
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infernofcrged · 2 days
the greeting , while far more intimate than dammon was used to , was certainly not unwelcome . years of hardly being allowed to - or able to , for that matter - smile at someone in passing led to the tiefling being particularly reserved in the way he approached people ; but it made greetings such as fiyero's all the sweeter . it certainly didn't hurt that fiyero was also someone that dammon could relate to - hellish blood and all that . even if she hadn't suffered through avernus , it was certain that whatever happened in fiyero's past had molded her into a strong , capable individual .
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" fiyero ~ ! " a laugh erupted from the baritone , having to steady himself lest that the weight of the other didn't topple both of them over . he caught their waist , shifting them both upright before returning the welcoming embrace , tail twitching eagerly in enthusiasm behind him . " gods , careful ! you're quite a bit stronger than you realize , " he mused .
fiyero listing off the others that had been captured caused the blacksmiths brow to furrow , nodding slowly in a contemplative manner . however , the mention of karlach . . . it was hard to not hide his disappointment . a pang of guilt flooded the man - who was he , to be upset that karlach wasn't roped into this uncertain reality ? if anyone deserved freedom , it was her . then again , perhaps this place couldn't retrieve karlach , if she was already back in . . .
no , his mind couldn't go there .
a clearing of his throat before his eyes returned to look down at the tiefling , " - haven't seen her , unfortunately . last i heard she was with you . " he admitted , a guilt-ridden expression flickering across sharp features , " - but i'm happy to know that you've been joined by some more of your friends . it must be a relief to know they're alright . " at least , for now .
the tieflings in the grove were the first real interaction fiyero had with people of their kind. spending his first few hundred years on an island where only elves where permitted will do that to a person. outsiders were rare, and fiyero wasn't technically allowed near the harbour, where traders would occasionally come by to provide supplies. and after he left, he had a few trysts here and there, one or two pretty tieflings that shared his bed.
   nothing like saving the refugees from elturel. fiyero remembers how palpable the joy was, that night the tieflings joined them before departing. the booze certainly helped, as did the small reward they threw fiyero's party for helping them. but something about doing good for the sake of doing good ... there's nothing quite like it.
   it's some of that same joy, still left over from that night, that draws a chirp out of fiyero's chest when he spots dammon. he bounds forward, a bounce in his step, and before he can stop himself both of his hands are placed against dammon's chest, pressing close. it's half a hug in greeting, and fiyero enjoys the small difference of height between them, not used to having to look up at people.
   ' dammon! hi! ' it's weird, to suddenly realize that it's been far too long since he's seen another tiefling. he'd gotten used to it, always having karlach by his side. his tail curls around the both of them, quivering a little with excitement. he hadn't been this close with dammon before, but what's a better place to start than this?
   ' they got me, too. ' eyes squint up at the other almost happily, a conversation he's had plenty of times this past week. funny, how people seem to think fiyero is somehow too skillful to get caught up in something like this ... again. ' some of the others, as well. gale, astarion ... jaheira and volo. and now you. '
   which isn't great news, but some selfish part of him is glad to see another familiar face. his expression slips into something more regrettable, patting dammon's chest lightly. ' no karlach, unfortunately. was she alright, when you saw her last? ' and that's also silly, isn't it? karlach is perhaps the strongest of them, but fiyero's seen the way dammon looks at her, not entirely dissimilar to the way fiyero looks at her. some worry is to be expected.
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infernofcrged · 2 days
a voice was the only thing that pulled dammon from his self-wallowing discouragement , straightening up as the figure approached . it was much to his surprise when he realized that the figure was none other than the bard of all individuals - a peculiar man who dammon had seen passing by now and again while the druids made increasing demands against zevlor .
god , he was getting irritated once more just thinking about it .
volo , - or so he believed was the mans name - however , had nothing to do with dammon's troubles ; so the tiefling brandished a welcoming grin on his face , attempting to at least seem cordial towards the man .
" i would be ' from the grove ' , " dammon replied , tucking away the phone in his pocket to avoid glancing at it through his periphery , offering the bard a bemused grin at his enthusiasm . odd , the stranger reminded him a bit of alfira .
oh , alfira . . . he hoped she was doing well .
" well , i wasn't exactly placed here by my own volition , " the blacksmith replied , perhaps a bit more sharply than he intended . had the man before him managed to visit this odd place of his own free will ? that seemed like an odd choice , given that these people were nothing like the people he ran into at faerun - then again , who was he to judge a book by its cover ?
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" i didn't really ' find ' myself here , honestly . sort of just . . woke up one day , and here i was . none of my belongings are with me , either . i'm assuming it was the same for you ? " dammon had been fixated with some new clothes in his apartment , but it still felt odd - like wearing someone elses clothing .
This city put together sense in some places where it shouldn't be ( for one, he finally found out what a CD was, and he'd wished Elminster had told him sooner because he bought five empty disks ). The phones, too, were a mystery he'd somehow learnt to navigate-- albeit, rather inefficiently. But now that he ( somewhat ) understood it, he'd kept it on his person at all times. What a silly little contraption.
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"Oh! It's you! From the Grove!" Volo hadn't directly crossed paths with Dammon just yet, but they'd seen him walk by whilst on his way to the grove, and then later when he was snooping about in the Shadow Cursed lands. What a shame he didn't truly get to know them all-- such lovely people, ( aside for a few of those druids ). "How did you manage to find yourself here? Surely, more interesting things to be doing than... getting stuck in this odd realm."
Volo had deduced ( whilst holding five empty CDs in his hands ) that this realm was certainly no Faerun; must be far from it, as well. Which hadn't meant that he'd given up his escape, but rather he's... going to enjoy it for a bit first ( who knows when his next visit to Spirale would be? ).
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infernofcrged · 2 days
" quite recently indeed , " the tiefling replied , a gentle scoff lacing his tone as if he were trying to force humor into a situation that certainly didn't call for it . even still , the smile he wore didn't fade , his shoulders visibly loosening at the realization that this ' wilson ' individual was just as well mannered as he appeared . well , that was a relief . normally individuals like him typically cast him odd looks - this was a welcome change indeed .
the scenery ? not so much .
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" would i be correct in assuming that you've also just been recently placed here with no explanation ? " the tiefling inquired , " been about a day or so since i've arrived here - most of my possessions are gone , too . i was hoping you might have a bit more clarity on the situation than i do . . "
Now , the sight of the man approaching him isn’t as jarring as one might think. His appearance was similar to that of Wortox ── though he was significantly less hairy. And while the man did look like an imp , he didn’t really have the demeanor of one. He was quite unsure of himself , something that Wilson could relate to. This place was still all but familiar to him , so it was a little bit reassuring that someone else was having a hard time getting used to it all.
❛ That would be me. ❜ He says , trying his best to give the other some sort of reassurance. ❛ But Wilson is just fine. ❜ He underestimated just how , well , awkward some of these introductions might be. He really wasn’t planning to introduce himself to many people , after all. But the man seems well intentioned , if just as bad at conversation as Wilson himself.
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He extends a hand to shake , offering a smile that’s only slightly less unsure than Dammon’s. ❛ Well , Dammon , it’s a pleasure to meet you. I suppose you’ve arrived quite recently as well ? ❜
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infernofcrged · 2 days
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i'm a bit irritated that you aren't answering the question on whether or not you stole from me , yes .
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oh, this would never work between us .. i love stealing. are you mad, gorgeous?
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infernofcrged · 2 days
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( with so much confusion ) yes . . . ? why , do you have something to tell me ?
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what? do you hate stealing..? ( blinks cutely )
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infernofcrged · 3 days
( chuckling nervously ) what the fuck
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it's always okay to steal! don't let anyone tell you otherwise. now go out there and get some treats for free! <3
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infernofcrged · 3 days
@enchiiridion liked for a starter !
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a heavy sigh heaved its way through dammon's core , fidgeting uselessly with the electronic ' box ' ( phone . it's called a phone . ) that had unceremoniously been placed in his pocket . it had been a few days since he had arrived at the spirale , and with no clear out any time soon , dammon figured he might as well get used to his surroundings while he racked his mind for some way to get out of this predicament .
" damn thing . . " the tiefling muttered sourly under his breath , his fingers still not used to the intricacies of the numerous buttons and what each of them did . while attempting to select something , he had mistakenly turned the phone off .
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dammon took a brief moment to recollect his patience , setting the phone down to briefly rub his face with his hands . he was normally a patient individual , but this ? how was this small box suddenly so infuriating ?
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infernofcrged · 3 days
@highharpcr liked for a starter !
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he was desperate for any semblance of familiarity - no matter where it might come from , at this point . so it was for that reason that dammon found himself at one of the small taverns - or " bars " , as he was learning they were called - in one of the wards . he had no intent on spending money , given that he was still unsure how to work the bizarre rectangle that had been placed so carefully in his apron pocket - but something about the idle chatter and the dim lighting of the area gave him space to think . it was where he normally came up with his best ideas , tucked away in the corner of a cozy inn . well , that and his forge .
but the forge wasn't exactly an option at the moment , now was it ?
he's not bitter it's fine . after all , he was used to finding whatever comfort he could in moments of uncertainty .
a small feeling of relief quelled the knot in his stomach , if only just a little , as dammon stepped into the tight space , nestled away in one of the marketplaces of - archimedes , was it ? wherever he had managed to wander off to . something about being surrounding by strangers gave him an odd sensation of comfort , as if the sense of normalcy might bleed into the racing thoughts in his head .
but a familiar glance left the tiefling stuck in a state of shock , blinking rapidly to ensure that the sight wasn't just a desperate figment of his imagination . surely it couldn't . . no , no - it was ! the high harper , the one who had graciously granted the tieflings refuge during their time at the inn in the shadow lands . she had saved their lives before - and here she was , looking right as rain ( if not a bit perplexed ) .
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" excuse me , " the blacksmith muttered under his breath as he carefully pushed past a stranger , approaching slowly as he debated whether or not to even greet the woman . would she recognize him at all ? after all , he was only one of the hundreds of refugees that was seeking shelter . perhaps this was a bad idea . . .
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infernofcrged · 3 days
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It's been sitting in my WIPs for a while, but now it's DONE 😭
Want to commission me? Click here 🥰
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infernofcrged · 3 days
@viladlind liked for a starter !
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while this turn of events was , well , anything but pleasant - it wasn't exactly unfamiliar . by this point , dammon had been uprooted from his surroundings against his will more times than he could count - forced to adapt at a moments notice to a world he was foreign to . granted , this was a bit more extreme than usual , but what about his life was normal , really ?
tieflings certainly weren't normal . if anything , they were scorned for their ' demonic ' heritage . not that dammon took any of that to heart . he had learned long ago that others would use any ounce of ignorance they could to make quick , weak judgements against those they didn't understand just for any semblance of control . all dammon could do in those moments was put his best foot forward - or defend himself , if it came down to it ( which it very rarely did ) .
but while dammon didn't hide the infernal markings he brandished , he didn't exactly call attention to them , either . that was something he deeply admired about karlach and that interesting individual he had met many moons ago - fiyero . he had assisted in finding karlach some infernal iron to fix her machinery , and dammon had to admit , fiyero was unlike any tiefling he had met before .
not that that was a bad thing . in the midst of so much horror and uncertainty , fiyero was a welcome surprise - something to look forward to , bounding up alongside karlach and the other heroes that the blacksmith had been given the honor to serve . he certainly brought about a positive energy ; an undying flame that refused to be quenched .
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damn , he could really use some of that right now .
oh , and now he's hallucinating the pink tiefling . wonderful . maybe if he concentrates hard enough he can get karlach to appear t -
wait , fiyero ?
a few quick blinks ensured that the figure wasn't just a figment of a sudden , unwelcome trip . relief washed over the tiefling , grateful for the sight of someone he finally recognized , for once .
" fiyero - is that you ? " the man called out . his widened smile gave his excitement away if his tone hadn't already . " i thought - you hadn't - they got you , too ? "
dammons tone dropped to a more serious intonation , his brow furrowing suddenly , " this isn't good - well , it's good to see you , believe me - but have they got any of the others ? " ' others ' referring to the team that often accompanied the tiefling in question .
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infernofcrged · 3 days
@hggsbury liked for a starter !
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it wasn't exactly the attire that the individual was wearing , nor the exuberant hair style it was really quite impressive , actually that caught dammons attention . no , instead , it was the aroma that the man was giving off that drew the tieflings attention . it wasn't bad , by any stretch of the imagination . in fact , he'd bet that he was the only man who could even ' sense ' the smell . but it did draw dammon's attention in .
then again , he couldn't just ASK the man if he had recently been surrounded by a certain - material . he'd come off as unhinged - and that would be saying something given their current predicament . especially because the stranger seemed just as lost as the blacksmith felt . so , he aimed for something a bit more . . . rudimentary .
" higgsbury , right ? " an awkward introduction , accompanied by a brief clearing of his throat , " i - uh . saw the sign outside your door . i'm a few doors down , in apartment 311 . i figured i should introduce myself . dammon , " the man explained , doing his best to not fumble over the introduction before offering a tight , unsure grin .
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infernofcrged · 3 days
@snufkxn liked for a starter !
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the cotes ward was - far different from the sandy beaches that encompassed the golden ward . not that dammon was complaining . the forests had become foreign to him during his time in avernus , and he seldom had time to admire the trees or the feeling of a fresh , cool breeze when so much of his life was dedicated to either work , or packing for their next location . even baldurs gate didn't have a location this rich in greenery . it was . . almost peaceful , if dammon still didn't have a feeling of growing uneasiness pitted in his stomach .
in fact , he was so lost in thought , that he nearly tumbled over a younger individual , catching himself just as he almost crashed into the smaller figure .
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" oh ! gods , i'm so sorry - are you alright ? i didn't hurt you , did i ? " tieflings were known to be a tish warmer than the ' average ' individual , but hardly enough to cause any sort of discomfort . in reality , dammon was just a polite person .
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