indianpolymath · 4 years
Quasi Empathy
  “Empathy – Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes”, the most common phrase I have ever heard about Empathy. I think the phrase is incomplete or has much more to perceive than what we normally do. I have met with a situation where I have to question my understanding of this phrase.
Our commerce teacher is friendly and cheerful enough to accept jokes during the class and even loves to have…
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indianpolymath · 5 years
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Being Confused We always don't want to be in confusion, if we are in we will try to create a notional conclusion about that confusion to satisfy ourselves.
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indianpolymath · 5 years
Behaviors of Online Trolls and Offline Trolls
Behaviors of Online Trolls and Offline Trolls
I was always confused to see the behaviours of people differ when I meet them in reality to when I see their comments, replies and content they publish online. Some times it represents either more positive or more negative behaviour than what they are in reality.
Behaviour in our real life is influenced by many things like the environment, hereditary, etc,… But whatever the influences are we have…
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indianpolymath · 5 years
What is the meaning of LIFE
What is the meaning of LIFE
What is the meaning of life? This question is continuously asked by the human-beings since the dawn of civilization. This question arises in two instances when a person has all the basic necessities and a person who has nothing but living around the people who have all the basic necessities. You are reading this writing because you belong to one of the above categories and also curious to know…
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indianpolymath · 5 years
Whatever we do there's an element of LIKE in it.
Whatever we do there’s an element of LIKE in it.
We do so many things in our life, the things which we do have the effect of either happiness or regret and we may don’t even have an opinion on something we have done.
We feel some actions done with absolute like, and some with the feeling that we have done by force or dislike. But the reality is whatever we do in our life we actually like to do so.
Example: I was very busy watching TV, but…
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indianpolymath · 5 years
Things which are not going in a proper way_
We the human beings having done so many mistakes which created a lot of unrest among within humans, between humans and nature, between humans and animals still not able to improve our way of thinking and behaving. Common-sense has become so uncommon these days that we are paying to get motivation, and to learn how to control our mind( Sometimes we really need others help us but read it carefully,
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indianpolymath · 5 years
How can we deal with Inferiority and Superiority complexes?
How can we deal with Inferiority and Superiority complexes?
Many people in the world might have experienced either of the feelings at any part of their lifetime. At times we feel advantageous being superior or inferior but most of the times we yield only negative outcomes out of them. So we must be aware of basic information to counter the extremities of these feelings. Every feeling has two extreme ends which we should deal according to the situation to…
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indianpolymath · 6 years
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SelfTraits Appraisal Quessionaire
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indianpolymath · 6 years
Thinking about Thinking
” Metacognition ” is the jargon word used by the people engaged in psychology to denote ” Thinking about Thinking “. Metacognition is ” cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking”, “knowing about knowing”. Thinking about Thinking means becoming “aware, knowledgeable of one’s own thinking “. Thinking about Thinking is just part of Metacognition.
A person is engaging in this process if, f…
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indianpolymath · 6 years
Lesson by W. Keith Campbell, animation by TOGETHER. Source: TED-Ed
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indianpolymath · 6 years
Why do we choke under pressure, and what can we do to avoid it? Lesson by Noa Kageyama and Pen-Pen Chen, animation by Olesya Shchukina Source : TED Ed
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indianpolymath · 6 years
HardWork and SmartWork but not HardWork or SmartWork
There’s a misconception that people often view hardwork and smartwork as antonyms, which isn’t true in actual sense. Along with that people consider physical work as hardwork and mental work as smartwork.
Hardwork isn’t related to only physical activities a person may do Physical hardwork in his/her brain as well. So we can divide hardwork as physical and mental. Some examples of physical…
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indianpolymath · 6 years
Difference between intelligence and knowledge
Difference between intelligence and knowledge
There’s a lot of confusion in understanding about the words related to mental capabilities. Among them, intelligence, knowledge, intellectual, genius, clever etc.., are very much look like synonyms, but they aren’t. In this article, I will try to explain these terms etymologically as well as according to the usage of the general public.
Intelligence: Intelligence is all about fast. Grasping…
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indianpolymath · 6 years
A Lesson From Mahatma Gandhi's Life For Every Human and Entrepreneur.
A Lesson From Mahatma Gandhi’s Life For Every Human and Entrepreneur.
This story is a real life incident in Mahatma Gandhi’s life. It concerns a rail journey that the young Gandhi was to undertake. He waited on the platform at the railway station for the train to arrive. In those days, it was not unusual for the British rail company to stop the train at a station only if some whites wanted to get on Or off. In case there were no white passengers, the train would…
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indianpolymath · 6 years
Current Scenario On Earth’
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indianpolymath · 6 years
What is the correct way of Thinking, Behaving, and Maintaining Emotions ?
The answer for this question is “Neutrality in thinking, behaving and maintaining emotions;with some exceptions“. I will explain why this answer is correct with some examples.
Lets start with the meaning of neutrality in this context. There’s a scale to measure our thinking, behaving, and in maintaining emotions. The starts from meagre to extreme. Neutrality is in between these two points of the…
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indianpolymath · 6 years
The Self-esteem Rating Scale
This questionnaire is designed to measure how you feel about yourself. It is not a test, so there are no right or wrong answers. Please answer each item as carefully and accurately as you can by placing a number against each item as follows. Please take a paper and pen to indicate your answers
Rating Scale:
1 = Never
2 = Rarely
3 = A little of the time
4 = Some of the time
5 = A good part of the…
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