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i miss this blog a lot. the nostalgia hit me! the playlist remains a fave of mine too. idk i might bring my boy back but be solely plot oriented.
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[Simon] represented an extraordinary kind of altruism. His whole life is dedicated to his sister. That [loving effort on behalf of another person] is [the kind of thing] that Mal would never admit to doing, even if he did.
Joss Whedon, Official Serenity Movie Magazine (via cassiansfuzzyjacket)
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firefly/character tropes-simon tam
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i really enjoy the relationships simon has with mal and inara and zoe. mal canonically is like a father figure to simon and river. simon didn’t expect mal to come back for him and his sister. he believed after they were kidnapped they were on their own, then in comes mal and zoe willing to shoot up people about to literally burn the siblings on a pyre. talk about a life changing instant. simon even questions him about it, and mal shuts down any doubt by saying he considers him apart of his crew. it’s the beginning of simon seeing potential in serenity becoming a home instead of a pit stop to another place. it really changes everything for him. it means everything to him.
simon and inara i enjoy as well because she’s the first person for him to trust with looking after river as early as ep 3. he confides in her and she provides him comfort with her willingness to share a friendly conversation. she knows what it’s like to make a new life for one’s self in a place different than where she came from. they share a unique camaderie in the sense they both know what it’s like to be lost in the woods. let’s not forget she was willing to leave serenity if mal turned both simon and river over to the alliance. she is a sophisticated woman of culture and beauty inside and out, someone he can relate to.
simon and zoe are engaging to watch without a doubt too. it’s in the little moments, like in ep 3 when zoe places her hand companionably on his shoulder, in ep 12 when she wraps her arm around him and teases him about his blunder in speaking to kaylee. she shows silent amazement when he recounts how he escaped from the alliance. “how’d you do it?” she asks him, and as someone who has been at mal’s side for eight years at least, who believes in loyalty and respect down to her bones, it’s no wonder she takes to him quickly after he tells her. she respects simon, and respect from zoe is not easily earned.
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friendly reminder
u can always turn my answered memes into threads
u can always send me memes no matter the genre
u can always write to me ooc
u can always start another thread with me even if we have a thousand already
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continued with @lovedtodance
         Simon was devoted to looking after his sister’s well-being above all ELSE. ❝ All right, ❞ he conceded, a single palm upraised and spread in earnestness. His other hand lowered with a gingerly controlled slowness to set down the syringe next to a vial of medicinal liquid. ❝ No needles today, ❞ he vowed --- as it was the furthest extent of a promise he could offer. Simon observed River’s ever constant movements. Her movements shaped his whole entire world.
        Light blue gaze focused and intent, he murmured, ❝ --- River? Shh...shh, it’s okay. ❞
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              “Safest place in the whole ‘verse.” Kaylee reaches up a hand to pet the a section of the engine almost lovingly. It’s not an objectively true statement – there are a hundred cushy planets that are WAY nicer and WAY less likely to run into a band o’ Reavers – but her perspective has always been clouded by a rose colored lens. The ‘verse is a better place when it’s covered in bubbles and sunshine, and if nature ain’t gonna do it, she might as well. Her mother always told her to create the world you want to live in. She does that the best she can, even if it means forgoing some o’ the usual logic.  Her hand returns to the tool, tightening the necessary bolts before she slides back out from under it. The beaming smile still pressed across her face as she pulls the knot out of her hair so that she might redo it, knowing full well that the gesture is a teeny-tiny bit seductive. Don’t hurt to plant a thought and see what grows out o’ it.                         “My lips are sealed.” She’s never been particularly good at keepin’ promises, but that don’t mean that she doesn’t mean ‘em when she makes ‘em. She has every intention of keeping it tight against her chest, but sometimes things just slip out, even when you don’t mean ‘em to.                 “The sounds is just Serenity chattin’.” The mechanic pushes herself to her feet, reachin’ over to grab his hand and press it against the engine. It’s surprisingly soft and warm – and she’s suddenly conscious of the layers of callouses and grease on her own.                         “See? You can feel the sound here. If ya know                         what you’re listen’ for, you can hear her tell ya                          when she needs a tune-up or a lil helpin’ hand.”
        ❝ It FEELS like it, ❞ Simon agreed, looking on in an admiring manner as he remained standing close by. There was no shame in it. He was basking in her company. There were only so many moments one could procure before they slipped away --- and while prone to slipping himself, Simon persevered in this instant. Kaylee’s sunny attitude remained wonderfully infectious, and he made sure to express his gratitude at once; as a doctor he realized the importance of secrecy better than most, watching as she slid out from underneath the engine and into view again. ❝ I appreciate it. ❞
        There was little time for gawking. Simon had always been rather impeccable at demonstrating his manners. Following social decorum had been his strong suit since he was a child, but as he had come to learn, that meant NOTHING out here. He was much more strongly suited to follow a gently supplied lead without overthinking it, so he did.
        It was a soft moment, the bright lights inside of the engine room a backdrop to the intimacy that ensued. There were mingled scents and sensations; the sharp tang of metal and oil, the unexpected brush of calloused skin caressing and taking a hold of his. Simon was startled at first but yielded to her touch, allowing his hand to be pressed against the engine. Serenity’s engines whirred and groaned, unmistakable. His blue gaze lifted and focused on the bright loveliness of her face, framed freely by the loosened, wavy locks of her brown hair. The angles of his face opened to usher in an ample concentrated awe. There was no avoiding it, as it wasn’t the first time for such a thought to enter his mind. To his eyes, Kaylee looked...sensual and beautiful. Maybe more than EVER before.
        ❝ It’s something, ❞ he agreed, voice raised a few decibels more than intended. Simon lowered it to a normal speaking volume. ❝ I remember. The first day we met you said...machines spoke to you. It’s good you can understand it. Not just anyone could do that. You truly have a gift. ❞
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signal fire / snow patrol
in the confusion and the aftermath you are my signal fire 
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Kevin Wilson, The Family Fang
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Credit @anglerfish
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If death is what it takes to protect you.
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Robert Cormier, Beyond the Chocolate War
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also if you’re cool with pre-established relationships/dynamics where we skip all the awkwardness of starting to roleplay with someone new and jump straight to plotting a little and tagging each other in stuff hmu
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