Jihye: The human body is 70% water. So we are basically just cucumbers with anxiety
Tai: Excuse me, with the amount of salt and alcohol that I consume, I'm more like an anxiety pickle
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Miinae: Jae is choking, I need to call 119 but the 9 button isn't working!
Aaron: Turn it upside down and use the 6!
Miinae: Genius!
Jae, stops choking momentarily: What the heck
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Jae: What's going on here?
Maknae line: Teenage rebellion
Miinae: fuck yeah, stick it to the old people
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Ahnjong: I made you this friendship bracelet
Jae: I'm not really a jewelry person
Ahnjong: You don't have to wear it
Jae: no, I'm gonna wear it forever. back off.
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Miinae, holding a box: You promise you didn't get me bees again?
Aaron, from a distance: Just open it.
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Miinae: Anyone wanna get in an argument with me?
Someone: Aaron doesn't deserve to be in TUS.
Miinae: You know what, I was joking but fuck you for real.
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Jae: I want to show you a picture from last night that really upset me.
Miinae: Okay, but in my defense, Aaron bet me 50 cents that I couldn't drink all that shampoo.
Jae: That's not what I- You drank shampoo?
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Jie: -hesitating on jumping from a bungee platform- I'm scared
Jae: It's cool Jie! If you fall, I'll catch you!
Aaron: Don't die and everything will be fine!
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Jae: You deserve an award for putting up with me.
Dae: You are my reward, Jae
Jie's BF: You deserve a reward for putting up with me.
Jie: Yeah... you kind of are a bitch sometimes, Chul-hyung.
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TUS Manager: *Visiting the dorm, opening the door* Sorry for intruding, I’d just like to check on how you’re doing—
Miinae: *screaming*
Ahnjong: *crying*
Tai: *Existential crisis*
Maknae Line: *panicking and seeking comfort from the older members*
Dae and Jae: *Attempting to call the emergency number*
Jihye: *Clinging onto the nearest object as if it would save her life*
TUS Dorm: *Half on fire*
TUS Manager: —Nevermind, you guys seem to be doing fine. *leaves*
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Predebut Aaron: Jie-hyung is so soft. I wish I could be soft like that.
Aaron now: Jie-hyung is soft— wait, nevermind. I never could have been more wrong.
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Miinae: That was quite a successful shopping trip.
Seunghee: *screeching* I forgot that we left Aaron at the store!
Miinae: As I have said. Successful.
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Aaron (on his costume): It's like, that kind of blood orange...
Miinae: "Blood Orange" -- he's so pretentious. Shut up, it's fucking red.
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Miinae: Do I look straight?
Aaron: No. Not in the slightest.
Miinae: I mean my parking. Does it look straight?
Aaron: Oh, that makes sense. In that case, eh, somewhat.
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Jae: Are you crying?
Jie: Y-yes.
Jae: It’s a Twix commercial...
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Aaron: I wasn't injured. I was lightly stabbed.
Jie: I'm sorry. You were stabbed?
Aaron: Lightly stabbed. I didn't want to frighten you.
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Miinae: what are you talking about i'm like the backbone of this friendship group
Dae: you're like... the appendix of this friendship group
Dae: no one knows what you're here for
Jae: also prone to explode at any given moment
Jae: and a real pain to remove
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