Tamaki: I am not a crybaby!
Hikaru: Toy story 3?
Tamaki (already crying): They were holding hands in a furnace!
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Kyoya: As I was saying, Tamaki can do anything 
Kyoya: Except shut up, apparently
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Hikaru: Wassup
Kyoya: Please be more formal
Hikaru: Wassup sir
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Tamaki: Mori-Senpai, Honey’s missing. Can you find him?
Mori: Do you think I have him microchipped or something?
Tamaki: well, do you?
Mori: ...
Mori: yeah, hang on.
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Kyoya: There was something that prevented me from having friends when I was a kid
Hikaru: It must have been your personality
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Kaoru: Your smile looks forced
Kyoya: it is
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Hikaru: April fools day is the perfect day to confess your undying love for someone - if they don’t feel the same you can just yell “Trolled you!” And run away whooping and hollering so no one can see the gentle tears on your face
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Haruhi: For God’s sake, Tamaki, do I have to hold up a sarcasm sign every time I open my mouth?
Tamaki (intrigued): You have a sarcasm sign?
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