Overheard on The Indefatigable
124 posts
A blog dedicated to the Horatio Hornblower show šŸ‰šŸ‡øšŸ‡©šŸ‰šŸ‡øšŸ‡©šŸ‰
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 2 months ago
I know times are hard for everyone right now, but please please help me pay for my catā€™s surgery, it costs more than I make in an entire month and Iā€™m so scared Iā€™ll have to give him up
heā€™s literally the only thing that gets me through the day most days
Please please help a queer woman suffering from OCD pay for her catā€™s dental surgery
Iā€™m literally begging you
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 4 months ago
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@vastwinterskies donā€™t do this to me
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ā€”Fyodor Dostoevsky
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 4 months ago
For @bird-lord1993 and @vastwinterskies, although itā€™s not exactly what either of them proposed, I still think theyā€™ll like it: below the cut, Archie Kennedy and the Eighth Doctor
(I strongly suspect I am about the one millionth person to write roughly this exact fic, but hey, one million cakes!)
Horatio had been here a moment ago but now it was Bush. Why was Bush here? He should be free to goā€”he must beā€”unless it hadnā€™t workedā€”
ā€œDonā€™t need to wait,ā€ Archie tried to say. ā€œHoratio will wait with me.ā€ But Horatio wasnā€™t here. Theyā€™d taken him away to the court-martial. No, the court-martial was over. And Horatio had waited with him, theyā€™d talked, heā€™d known that Horatio knew, and heā€™d heroically refrained from Hamlet and thenā€”
Horatio must have left after that.
Bush leaned over him and said, ā€œDonā€™t try to talk,ā€ and it wasnā€™t Bush at all. The face could have been Bushā€™s brother, but older, and he spoke differently, and it wasnā€™t him.Ā 
ā€œThought you had sisters,ā€ he mumbled, only this wasnā€™t Bush, it was Bushā€™s brother, presumably a different Bush then, only Bush didnā€™t have a brotherā€¦
He was still feverish, it seemed. Natural enough in a dying man.
He had still to finish dying.
It was turning out to be more work than he had expected.
Next time he surfaced to awareness, he had enough presence of mind to realize he wasnā€™t in the prison infirmary. He could not make any sense of where he was. There was dim light, butā€”he lifted his head with some difficultyā€”he couldnā€™t see a lantern or a window, and it reflected off oddly smooth surfacesā€”stone? glass? steel?ā€”in uncanny ways. Small colored lights glowed nearer him like unnatural little stars, and there was a buzzing noise, in his head he thought at first, but it seemed in fact to be coming from above him. Also a monotone chirping. The total effect was unpleasantly like a fit coming on and he was glad to close his eyes again.
The third time he woke up, the man who wasnā€™t Bush was there again, doing something across the room. Archie tried to sit up, and then realized he had tried to sit up, and the muscles of his belly and side had moved and nearly obeyed. They were weak and painful still, butā€”was his wound healing?
He tried to assemble his questions in a useful order. ā€œWho are you?ā€ floated to the top first.
ā€œIā€™m the Doctor,ā€ he said, and added ā€œJust the Doctorā€ in the manner of someone who had often received further questions. Archie didnā€™t care, at least not at the moment; if he wanted to be secretive, let him.
The Doctor was coming over to Archieā€™s bedside now with what looked like a glass of water. But before he could offer any care Archie said what he had to say: ā€œIā€™m sorry that youā€™ve wasted your time.ā€
He closed his eyes. He could hear the Doctorā€™s quick, anxious movements, quite characteristic of a certain type of surgeon. ā€œDonā€™t say that,ā€ said the Doctor. ā€œI have better treatments here than your surgeon had. Youā€™re going to live.ā€
ā€œItā€™s not worth it, just to be hanged.ā€ He took another breathā€”full, deep, almost unhindered, damn this doctor, he was going to liveā€”and added, ā€œThe only kindness you can do me now isā€”decent obscurity.ā€
He could feel the Doctor hovering over him, so that he more or less had to open his eyes. He was met with bright unnerving blue eyes, so like Bushā€™s but so different in expression. Uncanny, that was the word.
ā€œIā€™m sorry to have acted without your permission,ā€ he said, ā€œbut you were really in no state to give it. They thought you had died, you know that?ā€
ā€œHoratio wouldnā€™t have left till I had.ā€
ā€œYour tall friend?ā€
ā€œYouā€™ve seen him?ā€ Archie interrupted. ā€œIs he well?ā€
ā€œHe still hadnā€™t left when I came and took you away. I was afraid he never would, you know, and Iā€™d miss my chance with you. I can roll back time here, under certain constraints, but I canā€™t work miracles.ā€ He looked very worn as he said this.
ā€œWhat have you done?ā€
ā€œSaved your life to start with. Andā€”Iā€™ve taken the liberty of departing Kingston. We are well outside English jurisdiction. So you see you havenā€™t got to be executed after all.ā€
There were bigger questions he would ask in time. He knew better than to quarrel with the surgeon while still confined to his bed. For the moment he would stick with the very practical: ā€œWhere are we now?ā€
ā€œWhere? Aboard the TARDIS. My ship,ā€ he explained.
Archie took another look at his surroundingsā€”the level floor, the big square room. ā€œItā€™s very calm, then,ā€ he said dubiously. ā€œShe must be pretty large. What is she, an Indiaman?ā€
The Doctor laughed, although Archie hadnā€™t intended it as a joke. ā€œBigger than that,ā€ he said.
There were more worries thereā€”who crewed her? did they want a fugitive aboard? did he want to be a fugitive, come to that; could he endure it? and what was this captain-surgeon of hers?ā€”but he could feel himself growing faint, coming near the end of his strength for the moment. One more thing he had to ask first.
ā€œWhy have you done this for me?ā€
The Doctor got that tired expression again. He didnā€™t look at Archie. ā€œI didnā€™t mean to find you at all,ā€ he said. ā€œI came to Kingston quite by accident; looking for someone, avoiding something else; you know how it is.ā€ Archie didnā€™t, much, but it didnā€™t seem to matter. ā€œYou were the talk of the town, for the moment at least. I heard your surgeon talking, saying it was better to let you die, beforeā€¦. Iā€™ve known too many people that thought that way. Iā€™m sick of the waste of lives.ā€ He met Archieā€™s eyes again, with a lopsided smile. ā€œAnd I canā€™t resist a challenge.ā€
The smile was nearly infectious. ā€œIā€™ve been remiss,ā€ Archie said. ā€œI havenā€™t yet thanked you. What for, precisely, Iā€™d still like to knowā€¦ā€
ā€œJust rest,ā€ said the Doctor, ā€œlet the nanobots do their workā€”Iā€™ll explain nanobots laterā€”Iā€™ll come back and explain everything. Donā€™t, whatever you do, donā€™t wander off,ā€ but Archie had already obeyed his first command and fallen into a deep unfevered sleep.
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 4 months ago
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Jamie Bamber as 4th Lieutenant Archie Kennedy and PaulMcGann as 2nd Lieutenant William Bush
Hornblower, E5: Mutiny
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 4 months ago
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I love how Archie is the only one small enough to walk around without crouching
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 4 months ago
How is Archie literally this emoji: šŸ„ŗ
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 7 months ago
Horatio: I give off a very ā€œNot Doing Wellā€ vibe that discomforts the people around me
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 7 months ago
Archie: Critical Thinking Skills are cancelled!
Archie: They have now been replaced with the constant desire to hold hands with someone!
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 7 months ago
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just gonna leave this here for the bush girlies (gender neutral)
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 8 months ago
Whatā€™s going on between them is they are ALLL šŸ‘IN šŸ‘LOVE šŸ‘
bro idk what these three have going on but I'm here for it
Here's the link for the full video because I can't post it here (please please YouTube don't take it down)
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 8 months ago
Iā€™m making you all suffer with me
Hi my name is Mr Midshipman Horatio Hornblower and I am loosely based on Horatio Nelson (thatā€™s how I got my name) and I have long curly dark brown hair that I tie back with a ribbon and big wet brown eyes like a drowned cat and a lot of people tell me Iā€™m a bootlicker of King George (AN: if u donā€™t know who he is get da hell out of here!). Iā€™m not related to Edward Pellew but I wish I was because heā€™s a major fucking hottie. Iā€™m an officer in the Royal Navy but I have seasickness and social anxiety. I have sickly white skin. Iā€™m also a mathematician, and I serve aboard a ship called the Indefatigable near Europe where Iā€™m a midshipman (Iā€™m seventeen). Iā€™m suicidal (in case you couldnā€™t tell) and I wear mostly my naval uniform. For example today I was wearing a white shirt with a matching waistcoat around it and white cotton breeches, white stockings and black buckled shoes. I was walking on the deck of the Marie Galante. It was cloudy and cold and there was no wind, which I was very miserable about. A lot of the frenchmen stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 8 months ago
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More bushhhhh
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 8 months ago
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Captain and TWO Lieutenants!!
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 9 months ago
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you got this, Mr. Bush!
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 9 months ago
a really really great thing hornblowershow does is is place Pellew next to tall people in fun perspectives so he looks even more like an angry rain frog
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 9 months ago
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Commodore Pellew on jury duty (Hornblower: Retribution)
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incorrect-hornblower Ā· 9 months ago
no one: Horatio Hornblower:
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