Malek: Hey, pass the weed!
Ben, on the phone: I'm listening to a voicemail
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Tyler, after a long convo: So, do you feel better? Just balance the two, man.
Blake: So...die?
Tyler: What? No.
Tyler: That's not what we talked about at all.
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Dallas: Malek I have to confess something
Malek, having a heart attack, voice cracking: Yes?!? You know you can tell me anything bro.
Dallas: I...
Dallas: I want heelys
Malek: oh my-holy shit. ARE YOU SERIOUS RN?!
Dallas: I know I know I jus-
Dallas: Wait. Dude did I scare you?
Malek: nO
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Hey guys! If you like this blog and you have content you'd like to see or art you want to do or something, send an ask, submit, or tag your stuff (#incorrect eerie crests) There's only one of me rn and I'd love it!
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Phoebus: I let my dog drink the bathwater while I was in it
Ari: once again, weird but not a sin
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Malek and Poppy: Dallas it's just a party
Dallas: And hell is just a sauna
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Blake: If we were in the wild, I would attack you, even if you weren’t in my food chain. I’d go out of my way to attack you.
Blake: If I were a lion and you were a tuna I’d swim out in the middle of the ocean and fuckin eat you
Dallas: ...
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Phoebus: *walking around still disappointed six hours after visiting an aquarium*
Ari: what did you think a dog fish was, Phoebus
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Poppy @ Malek: Blue doesn't go with everything. It doesn't go with red, for instance.
Dallas: Hey, I have a red and blue striped sweatshirt!
Poppy: And if that isn't proof that those two colors should never be seen together I don't know what is.
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Dallas: you're ganging up on me. Is this how it's going to be from now on? Oh no, I'll have to befriend Blake.
Poppy: Blake can't stand you.
Dallas: Phoebus, then.
Malek: Phoebus will leave you for a single dog.
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Blake: I can only please one person per day
Blake: Today is not your day
Blake: Tomorrow doesn't look good either
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Ben: I could mail you an onion
Ben: Like, that's something I could do.
Ben: pop that sucker in a box.
Ben: Slapa stamp on it.
Ben: Write down your address.
Ben: Bam, onion.
Malek: dude are...are you high? Or like, drunk texting? I'm?
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Malek: I have flaws.
Malek: What are they? I sing in the shower. Sometimes I spend too much time volunteering. Occasionally I'll hit somebody with my car.
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Blake @ Dallas: Oh you're dating my ex? Cool, I'm eating a sandwich. Want those leftovers too?
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Dallas: on the last problem on the exam I just drew a picture of a cat and left
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Phoebus: Sorry for talking about super scientific shit so much last night, I know it bugs you sometimes when I don't shut up.
Ari: What? You sat on the couch for a solid two hours staring at your fingerprints and the only word that came out of your mouth was "how"
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Malek: Hey Blake can you give me directions to Olive Garden?
Blake: No but I can give you directions to an actual Italian restaurant.
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