inaudiblesigh · 6 years
I’d settle for $20 tbh
$50,000 immediately dropped into my bank account wouldn't improve EVERYTHING but boy it sure would be a grand, sexy little start to a good, happy life path, don't you think
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
My living situation just got very rocky and I’m most likely going to be homeless again within the next few days . I’m trying to head to southern California to keep safe. If you can help me in my journey please donate to my Venmo: @Candice-S-4
Thank you.
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
So, my laptop that I’ve had for like four years just corked it. It had my resumé and a bunch of other information on it (some was backed up onto an external harddrive so that’s good). Kind of disastrous.
Don’t really know what else to say other than to ask for help since I’m kind of on my last legs. No-one’s hiring and now I can’t even do safe sex work via camming. If you can help, please do, I’m a bit desperate right now and don’t really know what to do.
Hey folks,
I really hate doing this, but I’m struggling super hard financially. I’ve just made the move to a new house due to my lease ending at my old place, still waiting on my bond being returned after three weeks despite the real eatate agents assuring me that it’s coming. I’m kind of running on empty right now and doing pretty poorly mental-health wise, so if you’re able to spare any cash that would otherwise be super expendable, I would appreciate it a whole lot @ paypal.me/OliveBoon
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
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Reblog For Good Luck!
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
Sorry everyone
I’m still really broke, been applying to jobs left and right for months but have not been getting any callbacks or emails. Really struggling and don’t want to get into sex work (not that there’s anything wrong with sex work if you’re comfortable with doing it yourself) but I’m having a lot of trouble justifying being unable to buy food half the time and paying rent. Please, if you have anything you’re happy to spare, I’d appreciate it a whole lot.
Hey folks,
I really hate doing this, but I’m struggling super hard financially. I’ve just made the move to a new house due to my lease ending at my old place, still waiting on my bond being returned after three weeks despite the real eatate agents assuring me that it’s coming. I’m kind of running on empty right now and doing pretty poorly mental-health wise, so if you’re able to spare any cash that would otherwise be super expendable, I would appreciate it a whole lot @ paypal.me/OliveBoon
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
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hey, so this has been a rough week in terms of vet bills. my ancient rabbits Furby & Aglet have had their seperate physical break-downs, and if the bloodwork doesn’t look good for Aglet tomorrow, I’ll have a vet come do a peaceful at-home euthanasia for them both (which, if my online research is accurate, looks to be a couple hundred). 
to recoup some of the costs, I’ve put the Jackalope pin on sale - for the next little while, it’s price will be lowered. you can grab that here if you like.
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
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 Kiki -Man Ray
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
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i think about this a lot
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
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Ya fave trans girls first time in a dress!
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
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srsly tho this is absolutely a thing that dudes do all the f***ing time
like where if he knows a girl doesn’t necessarily want to give him a hug, he will trap her in this position in front of witnesses where she has 2 options- both of which are undesirable for her, while simultaneously desirable for him
if she doesn’t want to hug him, whatever she does, it will suck for her.
she can 1. say nah and be the fucking asshole in front of other ppl or 2. forsake her corporeal boundaries and allow unwanted intimate contact
it’s a f***ing trap
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
Unfollow me if you make fun of trans people’s pronouns or their identity
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
you go on the darkest dungeon steam workshop and you see almost naked anime girls fucking everywhere why are gamer dudes like this why do people want shit like this its the absolute worst thing. in DARKEST DUNGEON?? the game thats p much 100% about suffering and dying and just, having a shitty time and near certain death, who the fuck looks at a game like that and thinks  ‘man, this is cool but i want to feel horny playing this. while my characters are violently dying i just dont have enough of a boner and i am willing to commit time and energy to fixing this problem.’ its like im on another fucking planet
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inaudiblesigh · 6 years
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Manuel Alves de San Payo , 1930 , unknown dancer
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