in-parkour-civilisation · 3 hours ago
no one chooses to jump for sanity
literally what is sanity </3
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in-parkour-civilisation · 11 hours ago
Everyone on noob level has worms in their guts from eating raw meat
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In omegaverse civilization , noobs are omegas pros are betas and masters r alphas . the champion is usually a superr alpha (i forgot the fucking name . wtf is a super alpha called z )
the REAL reason theirs so mucj parkour yaoi is bcuz evbos an omega and emf and seawatt are both alphas . thank you .
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I'd argue seawatt/emf is yuri
in parkour civilisation, mavbo is in fact yuri
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in-parkour-civilisation · 2 days ago
Me and my bro hc that Seawatt got his brewing stands from his parents
probably stole them
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in-parkour-civilisation · 2 days ago
beefpilled jumpmaxxing
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in-parkour-civilisation · 3 days ago
Evbo has like reverse scurvy. He starts eating well in the pro level and immediately gets sick. His body just isn't used to food that's seen the inside of a furnace
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in-parkour-civilisation · 3 days ago
seavbo yuri, mavbo gay, they both go a long long way
still the people who send asks, must read first what thine blog say
for if they read the "headcanons", and not the prior "bad"
we will all laugh lots at them, and they will be big sad
i LITERALLY COULD NOT have said it better this is gold
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in-parkour-civilisation · 3 days ago
if you're straight you're doomed to die
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in-parkour-civilisation · 4 days ago
there's gossip about whatever the fuck is happening with emf, evbo and seawatt
wonder what's going on between them. probably not yaoi
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in-parkour-civilisation · 4 days ago
champion has starvation kink
you're so funny
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in-parkour-civilisation · 5 days ago
I didn't spell headcanons wrong on my blog name nooooo what are you talking about I know there's no double 'n'...
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in-parkour-civilisation · 5 days ago
y'all are so funny sometimes
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Seawatts jewelry has amethyst in it
like suncatchers that he thinks will lure evbo in autistic style
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in-parkour-civilisation · 5 days ago
i love this but is someone going to tell them that this is a BAD headcanons blog HAHAHHA
Seawatts jewelry has amethyst in it
like suncatchers that he thinks will lure evbo in autistic style
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in-parkour-civilisation · 5 days ago
Seawatts jewelry has amethyst in it
like suncatchers that he thinks will lure evbo in autistic style
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in-parkour-civilisation · 5 days ago
even greetings are in parkour.
H[_]! ↺H
_||| []
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in-parkour-civilisation · 6 days ago
in parkour civilization, no one can agree on if its spelled civilization or civilisation
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