So, her door was stuck, oh God this was a cliche. Why even in end of the world mirror dimensions did she have to be so small that her own bloody door couldn’t be bashed open by her? With a heaved upon sigh she found the first muscly-looking guy she could and asked for help, then saw a floating green hamburger in front of him and let out a small yelp… though it seemed to grab his attention.
“Umm…” she blinked up at him, “I umm… door-” she shook her head a little, “My door. My door is stuck, would you mind just giving it a none-too gently shove for me? I’ve tired but,” she gestured at herself, “Not enough clout.”
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With a quick snap of his fingers and a wave of his hand and Kyle’s constructs faded away, looking as though they were erased with a pencil eraser. “Hmm? Right, right, not a problem, glad to help. Let’s see what we got here” he said with a quick nod. Quickly cracking his knuckles as he approached the door, the lantern gently pressed at the door with his fingers to see what he was dealing with. With a hum, he dropped his shoulder and slammed into the door, causing it to burst open.
Kyle then turned to her with a small grin. “Guess being a bigger guy has its perks, huh?”
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jason rolls his eyes, “ obviously i should’ve punch you harder then. also if you flied me over to the aliens, wouldn’t that count as intergalactic kidnapping && human trafficking? pretty sure there is like a whole line up for that, you have to get in line buddy. ” he moves into the kitchen, scouring for something decent to eat. “ hey i have a question kyle.” the noirette yells from the kitchen, suddenly popping back up && face serious. “ do you think the ring can fix your ugly face as well? ” jason tries to maintain a deadpan face, but it doesn’t last long because his lips kept on twitching into a smirk. “ because i might loose it if i have to stare at it any longer than necessary. ” he can’t, he couldn’t hold it in. soon the room is booming with his laughter as he looses it - almost doubling over from how hard he’s laughing. “ o-oh man… that hurts so much but so satisfying. ”
Green hues took on a dim glow as he stared at Jason. “You’re welcome to try, but hey, your choice, dude. Eh, those are petty Earth laws, it’s not a huge thing. You know me, J, I don’t do lines, it’s a fact.” he said with a shrug, leaning against a nearby wall. “Yeah?” he said, looking up as he called out. “Your insecurities run deep, my friend, no need to lash out at me because you’re some manner of urban barbarian.” he mused as he watched Jason dissolve into hysterics. “I can’t with you, dude. Also, since you feel the need to punch people, make it up to me with a sandwich.”
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˟ ⊰ ━━ ✰ [ RYAN GUZMAN, 27, HE/HIM ] have you seen KYLE RAYNER, they also sometimes go by GREEN LANTERN? it’s been said that they are FOR working with the other side to find their way back home again. HE has been known to be CREATIVE yet IMPULSIVE. if you saw HIM around, you’d notice their PAINT SPATTERED FINGERS, COLORED PENCILS, PAINTBRUSHES, CHEESEBURGERS,MASKS,THE COLOR GREEN .
Name : Kyle Rayner Date of Birth (& age): January 12, 1991  (27) Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California Gender: Cismale Languages:  English, Spanish
Height: 6′1 Weight:  205 lbs Hair: Black Eyes: Green Limb Dexterity: Right-Handed Sexual Preference: Heterosexual Education/Special Training: High School Graduate; Gifted Artist (Sketches and Painting) Advanced Hand to Hand combatant
Species: Human Active Powers: Access to Green Lantern Power Ring
Luckily, Kyle is much more simple, and has easier cliffnotes
Kyle became a Lantern at a time when Hal Jordan went crazy and killed lots of Lanterns and the Guardians had to give a ring to someone, so they went with The Kid.
Kyle here is an artist at heart and has been from day one. He’s worked as a cartoonist a few years now, and it’s how he pays his bills today, because the Corps, while having massive benefits and really good healthcare, pays not shit.
At one point, Kyle became The White Lantern, and still shudders at the thought of all the pressure that was, and even became Ion, which also, massive pressure.
Kyle loves being a Green Lantern and takes pride in being in the Corps, and loves most of his fellow Lanterns. 
Kyle is also a massive flirt, and often can’t help himself, don’t pay it much mind, he easily takes a hint.
Kyle often teams up with and is close friends with Jason Todd and Donna Troy, and has a deep respect and love for them both.
And on a more fun note, Kyle is a massive foodie, and especially loves a good burger. Feed him and he’s like a puppy.
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Kyle was mainly staring out into space not really paying attention to what was going on around him, his eyes glowing a dim green as his mind drifted, causing a small green plate to appear in front of him, and then a construct cheeseburger formed on the plate after a moment.  He then suddenly blinked, looking over between the other and the construct of the lunch he wanted. 
“Shit, sorry, I had something else on my mind. What were you saying? I’ll pay attention this time, I swear...”
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“ look. ” jason takes a deep breath before continuing himself. “ to be fair, you took me by surprise and in this kind of situation, my only way to react to that is to punch you in the face. ” he carefully doesn’t add the ‘ be grateful it’s my fist and not my guns ’. rubbing his face a bit to ease out the tension from his body, he gives a glance at the other. ( he isn’t concerned, just being polite because this is kind of his fault ) “ just don’t do that next time. you might not be so lucky next time. ” he pauses a bit, “ are you alright? ” 
Kyle simply wasn’t having it. Easily the only person more aggressive than him was Donna, but he wouldn’t say it to her face so it was a semi-moot point. He stared at his friend for a long moment not saying anything, “I’ll be honest with ya, Jason, you punch me in the face again, I will fly you out to Oa and leave you there with the Wizard of Oz looking guys.....And to answer your question, I’m fine, the ring is fixing it.”
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Just a self-indulgent little comic about a stupid idea I had. Idk, it seemed funnier in my head  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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He acutally is pretty cute when he really smiles :3
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matching icons for you and two fellow cosmic mistakes
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With a latte in one hand and a notepad filled with different pieces of paper sticking out of them in her other hand, Kara was making her way to where she was currently living because she wanted to start up on dinner and maybe invite up some of her friends but as she continued down the road, she looked down for a moment to catch the slipping paper and in that second, she felt somebody hit her shoulder, blue orbs widening when she remembers that hitting her felt like hitting a brick wall so it hurt them more than her. “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry about that! I looked down for a moment and wasn’t paying attention, are you okay?”
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Kyle was actually quite surprised that he could find some art supplies in the east coast, or what passed for it, at least. The thought of fresh colored pencils caused the lantern a bit more comfort than he was proud to admit. He was drawn away from his artistic glory when he felt what seemed like a linebacker slamming into his shoulder, causing him to stumble back a bit. Luckily, his ring began to heal the damage just as he felt it. However, the ring also quickly scanned the other he’d run into. A Kryptonian? Other than the big guy? Impossible. But he’d focus on that later. “Oh, no biggie, I’m fine. Kinda rocked me there. You really eat your Wheaties, huh?”
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