heartshapedskittles · 7 months
now that dick the guy is out of crush jail another guy that’s been deep within my brain has clawed his way out… ugh. hello jason
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zibah-ho · 1 year
hmmmm no I don’t have the energy to become unhinged about Jason’s place in the family in an ideal zibah in charge world and crucially his specific dynamic with dick in a post emancipation world hmm good night
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touchofsomething · 2 years
Clutch (Jasper/Jason)
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This wasn’t the weekend Jasper had planned, hell, it wasn’t anywhere close to it. He and his friends had come to Miami for a little fun before his brother’s wedding and what was supposed to be a little bachelor party celebration turned into stiffing a dealer for his stash. 
His brother was high and stupid and thought he could get away with it, but when two very large men knocked on their hotel room door Jasper knew he had one of two options.
Sell his brother out or take the fall himself.
Now, dragged to a mansion he was placed in front of the dealer’s boss and Jasper had to force himself not to pass out. As much as this felt like the movies the very real guns and piercing stare from the attractive blonde boss told him this was not.
“I’m really sorry about what happened” he started to say “I’ll pay you back, whatever it costs. I’m good for it”
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roguexwrites · 4 years
Jason had been dreading this weekend for god knew how long. Months, perhaps. But he’d smiled and done everything asked of him because that was what a best man did. As he stepped into the tailor’s shop, Jason sighed. He’d been at this for three hours already and he’d already powered through half the list. This was just one more thing to do before tonight’s rehearsal dinner. He just needed to power through that, the stag night, the wedding ceremony, and the reception and he could put this entire thing behind him. He couldn’t wait to go back to his regular schedule. “Lacey,” he said, resting his forearms against the counter top and flashing his best smile at the shop owner. “I’m here to pick up the suits for tonight’s festivities. Please tell me they’re ready.”
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speedythesecond · 5 years
Mia was happy for Roy and Jason. They both deserved someone who made them happy. However, she had certain obligations when her brother (and no one could convince her Roy wasn't really her brother, blood or official or not) starter dating someone. Finding Jason Todd wasn't always easy, but Mia knew a trick or two. She slid in beside him with two coffees in hand, offering him one. "'Sup, Jay?" @rxdshood
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drew-a-tanaka · 5 years
How often do you and Isabelle screw in public places? Have you ever been caught? (For Jason)
“Well there are 365 day in a year carry a leap year every four years carry the one square that....every day we screw in public every day. We have been caught more than 10 times but people should learn to knock on janitor closets.”
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lvnarphoebe · 5 years
date: late september location: Asphodel Club status: closed for @sunsctting​
A lot of work went into managing Asphodel Club. But Phoebe had never been afraid of hard work, and went about her job with a routine efficiency. Most things were delegated to those who’d be working in those areas, but it was her responsibility to ensure that it was all done and done right before the doors would open. As always, it was a slow start to the night. People began trickling in as soon as the doors opened, and Phoebe kept moving.
The night was beginning to pick up speed, which was around the time that Phoebe was also the least busy. The lull between making sure everything was starting okay, prepared for the night ahead, and when she needed to problem solve anything that went wrong. She let her second-in-command know she was stepping out and grabbed her coat. But just as she planned to step out the back, where it was quiet, she saw him. Jason.
Their eyes met for a millisecond before the crowd was blocking him from view, but Phoebe felt her heart catch in her throat. A wave of emotions, too much to handle, came over her. It would’ve been smarter to just walk away and let Jason come to her when he was ready. But something about him had always made it hard to do the smart thing. She cared too much, even now.
Another chance spotting of him as he headed out the door made her decision. Her feet carried her before she could really think. Ducking past the bouncer, she spilled onto the street outside, pushing past the people trying to come in.
“Jason!” she called after him.
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rustysilver · 5 years
Rusty leaned against the brick wall behind him, arms crossed, hands clenched into fists. He missed his sobriety token, missed the way it would dig into his palm when he grasped it and remind him of everything he had worked so hard to gain. Things always managed to feel pointless during moments like these, moments where he could so easily give up, give in. The white powder in his pocket, wrapped tightly in cellophane, was small, but it felt far heavier than it should. It was weighing him down and he chewed on his bottom lip, anxious to be rid of it. He debated sparking a cigarette, but his current stance was the only thing keeping his hands from shaking and the last thing he needed was a reminder of his weakness. He had spent his day contacting old dealers, people who remembered him and were quick to offer his preferred substance at a discount price, desperate to lure him back into weekly payments. Into desperate calls in the early hours of the morning. It seemed as though he was destined to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into the world he used to belong to. Only... he wasn’t kicking and screaming. He wanted to believe he was, but he wasn’t. Something that was only now becoming clear to him. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice Jason until the man was standing before him. He jumped, pushing away from the wall, frowning when he remembered their earlier conversation. Whatever he was feeling right now, the doubt, the craving, the frustration, the anger... it was on him. “You look like shit.” He bit out, wanting to delay the deal for as long as possible, determined to make his old friend suffer, if only for a few minutes. He deserved it, after all.
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ravager-rosie · 5 years
poison + wine .: rose & jason
She was familiar with his demons. She knew the fears and doubts that plagued her friend as they had shared them on many of their nights together back when they operated in the grey together, just as he knew hers. So she knew that they had been played on in the worst ways and while she hadn’t known it, she had been part of it.
Rose wasn’t a stranger to betrayal but betrayal of friend? A friend like Jason? It had taken a couple of shots just to bring herself to his door and even know she paused hesitantly at the wide open door, peering in cautiously. “Red....you there? The door was open...”
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completemessx · 6 years
[ @stvrxlight ]
Se bajó del coche y cruzó la calle en dirección al hogar de la muchacha. Ya quería ver su rostro cuando le mostrara el regalo que le había comprado al niño, lo había visto y no pudo evitarlo. Era un pijama de dinosaurios, y esperaba que le gustara. Jason toco el timbre y escondió la bolsa detras de su espalda para que no lo notara. Fue entonces cuando penso: mierda, no tenía nada para ella. ¿Era muy tarde para darse media vuelta e ir por unas flores? Mientras pensaba eso lentamente se volteó y empezó a caminar despacito, con la intención de regresar a su auto. 
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heartshapedskittles · 7 months
Pros of watching death in the family: Jason :3
cons of watching death in the family: saw people say it’s bad and now I’m scared
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zibah-ho · 1 year
Jason for character bingo?
We have a winner folks
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Hilarious to me that Jason almost always gets bingo with me simply bc I both love and hate him am I overexposed to this character? yes Do I not see enough of them? also yes do I love them? yes do I hate them? yes
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When Bisi was 15, he found out about the biggest lie he’d ever been told. His whole life had been built on this lie, and with the revelation of the truth, the walls and foundation of his life crumbled. It hit him hard, poisoning his heart and making him doubtful towards everything. So from then day on, he swore himself to never speak a single lie himself - or hide the truth from curious eyes. Halloween, the holiday of dressing up and costumes hiding faces, was therefore soon becoming his arch enemy.
The same year, he organized a small ‘jam session for all (he)arts’. He invited friends from school who found themselves too scared to perform on big stages but also wanted to share their talents. For a whole night, while the world outside was haunted by ghosts and and witches, Bisi gave himself to the arts, good cheer, and the opposite of whatever ‘spooky’ was. By the time he entered, his ‘Hello, Weenies’ event had become tradition, and his own dance performance always the climax of his artistic year.
The last two Halloweens had been accompanied by self-written music of Luis, one of the 9 Birds of the previous generation, but now that Luis was gone, Bisi needed someone new. And while searching, he found Jason, the incognito piano player. When September rolled around, the rehearsals started. Bisi couldn’t just dance to a boring piece, after all. He needed improvisation and creation, so while he helped Jason write that piece, he let the music write his dance. By the 20th, the first draft was ready.
“Jay, my son, nine pm as always? We have an audience today, so leave your shirt at home,” he told Jason over the phone before dialing another number. “Andy? We need your eyes. Music room 311, recreational building, tonight at 9:30. Put on your new lipstick.” And then he went on about his day until it was time. Exactly at 9pm, he rolled into the music room.
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theodoraxxrowle · 6 years
The sun was far too bright today. It was one of the few thoughts Theodora could string together coherently as she made her way down to Rosa Lee for her mandatory cup of coffee. Sleep had been something that evaded Teddy as of late. She had yet to find somewhere she could actually call home and had spent the last several weeks living in the Hogshead. Somewhere it seemed that nobody knew how to keep a quiet hour, and all sorts seemed to bustle about happy to disturb her peace of mind. The bags under her eyes at this point could hold all the contents of the first year train ride. Some pretty little witch handed off her steaming cup of coffee, the smell completely overwhelming Theodora’s senses. She fished out several coins from her pocket and placed them on the table before heading out. 
All she was hoping for from the fresh air was a little pick me up, something to get her going. She had been walking for about fifteen minutes when she realized that air wasn’t do fuck all. Teddy rummaged through her purse, pulling out a beautiful little silver flask. A little hair of the dog never hurt anyone, at least that’s what she told herself as she dumped whiskey into her coffee. Theodora made her way to a little bench in the park so she could sit and sip, and hopefully become an actual person in the time it took to finish her ridiculously large coffee. 
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drew-a-tanaka · 5 years
Jason doubled back like half of the basket ball team had done before all bent down to see Bell getting something from the vending machine. That cheer uniform was a gift from the Gods now if a gust of wind could blow it would be a dream come true. Was it perverted yes but he had a hot girlfriend whose main goal was having him guess if she had panties on that day or not.
Walking behind her Jason reached beneath skirt to see if she was wearing panties. The Gods were good! “If we weren’t in school right now-” he let his words hang in the air as he pressed himself against her.
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It seemed that so much had transpired since Annabeth and Jason had formed their innocent meeting date during the Fides Festival. Her conversation with Callum. The Fire. Her confrontation with Z after the fire. If her stress levels had been a line graph, the last coupleof days would have been looking like an attempt to climb Mount Everest. But here she was, letting herself into Jason’s office after knocking briefly with her folder of their meetings and the like clutched to her side. If there was one thing she could count on to be normal, it was Jason. Though she had no doubt that he too was most likely stressed after the fire. Either way, she was here. “I hope the food is already here because I think my stomach is trying to eat itself.”
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