Imy Rowlinson Design
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Crayola Switchaboodles
Crayola ‘switchaboodles’ are an eco-friendly and reusable stationary line, with the aim to reduce plastic waste caused by children stationary products. In partnership with Crayola, this project is a set of refillable colouring crayons, that vary in colour and pattern. They are accompanied by a set of collectable cards; they could be held in an activity book full of information about how plastic waste can be harmful to our planet.
 With the target audience being young children, between 
the ages of 3-7, the ‘Switchaboodles’ offer an engaging way to educate children about the planet and the harm that plastic pollution can cause. The project does that in a way that will resonate with the children by provide a fun and engaging method of environmental learning. 
‘Create oodles of doodles with Crayola Switchaboodles’
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Hand Bound Booklet
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Book Mockup
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
The Booklet
Just like the cards the book has been mocked up and then been printed onto recycled paper to minimize its effect on the environment. Not only this but the lack of coloured ink in the colouring book also reduced the overall production time meaning less harm to the environment.
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This booklet and collection of cards are a part of the Sea collection, a set of 8 cards, and an activity book that tells a narrative of the brand’s vision and message in a compelling way fit for its given audience.
Future work on this project is something I would love to consider, the nature of this project and its touchpoint allows for longevity and potential future development of the brand. I would consider this a reflection of the successful structure of the project, one that would excel in the type of stationary/ communication industry it would fit into.
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Close Up of Book Pages
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Development of Booklet
28/02/2021 - 01/03/2021
For the content of my booklet, I used the same black and white illustrations as seen on the packaging design to allow for children to colour those pages in. 
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Alongside this, the most significant content within the booklet was the poems. Following my previous research into work by authors like Dahl and Suess, I continued to used references to rhyming and made-up phrases within the booklet. To do this I created an educational poem for each animal and an additional one on the introductions page. By doing this I created an informative yet interactive and engaging form of literature that will resonate with the audience successfully.
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In terms of layout, each page followed the same 20 by 10 grid, and the text of each poem was warped on a wave like a line at either +20 or -20. I kept all design features such colors and types consistent throughout which is what I believe brings that project together so well. The booklet not on serves as a holder for the collectible cards or an informational activity book, but it serves as a narrative that reaches across the whole Switchaboodle brand identity. It connects each touchpoint whilst providing an innovative piece of design that will communicate with the audience effectively.
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Just like the cards the book has been printed onto recycled paper to minimize its effect on the environment. Not only this but the lack of coloured ink in the colouring book also reduced the overall production time meaning less harm to the environment.
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Development of Booklet
28/02/2021 - 01/03/2021
After initially researching cardholders and collectible pouches, I decided the best route to take would be an activity booklet. I began by collating some visual research reflecting existing activity booklets that were targeted at a similar audience to mine.
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
The Booklet
The final touchpoint of the project is the one I believe ties it all together and serves to reflect cohesive brand guidelines and message/ meaning behind this self-initiated brief.
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In a solution to educated children about plastic pollution and its waste and to encourage more sustainable choices, particularly through the use of stationery products, I decided to create an activity booklet that pieced together each element of the project and gave education about this issue is not only an engaging but effective way.
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Printed Cards
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Card Mockups
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Card Development
By following a simple grid and type spec for each card they show a cohesive style across them. On the bottom, left of each card is the top trump-inspired facts. including the rariety, strength, and weakness of the animals- those most affected by plastic pollution being the rarest to collect. These cards would then be on the back of each refil pack.
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I then mocked up the card designs to see how they would look. After this I physiclly printed the cards out onto recyceld paper to get a better sense of what they would be like in the real world.
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Card Development
Throughout the development and defining stages of the cards, I explored various layouts to be able to identify what worked better, with the audience being young, the cards couldn’t be too full of writing and over-complex. I then took the sea collection and, just like the crayons, chose each animal and its allocated colour and created a set of 8 cards.
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Another touchpoint I decided to take further in the project was the idea of cards, that children could swap and collect.
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The concept behind the cards was to not only engage with the audience but also act as something to inform them about plastic pollution. I used the same animals, type, and colour palette I had previously on the crayons to keep the brand’s visuals cohesive. The cards were made as swappable and collectible cards, linking back to the motto on the side of the packaging- ‘switch them out and swap them about’. 
After researching children’s games, I chose a top-trump design with the animals being rarer to more endangered they are. This concept allowed for increased longevity in the brand as it could be developed with different collections of animals.
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Refill Packaging
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Refills For The Crayon
Due to the refillable crayons, I had created it was essential to have some kind of refill packing too, where the customers could just pick up different colours etc. 
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To make this link to the more fun and collectible side that I wanted to emphasize in the project, I decided to add cards on the back of the refill packs. In the hope to entice customers to buy and keep refilling their crayons instead of wasting them.
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Ocean Collection
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imyrowlinson · 4 years ago
Safari Collection
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