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imbianl · 5 years ago
So hiding Louis in ‘Perfect’ was done on purpose...
So by now we all know already that Louis was in the background of a scene of Harry in the Perfect Official Music Video…
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But then we realised that Harry’s tattoos weren’t visible in that scene.. and ONLY that scene…
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Yet they’re visible here…
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And here….
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And even here…
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So why not in the scene with Louis? The only possible conclusion we have come to is that Louis was hidden intentionally, the entire scene’s lighting edited so that he was not visible. Consequentially, Harry’s tattoos were removed. They hid Louis on purpose. But why do that if they’re just friends? Why can’t they be in a scene together?
I think we all know the answer to that.
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imbianl · 5 years ago
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People that tweet this kinda stuff w/o censure are the reason why things keep always being delayed. Idk if they do it BC they dunno the truth or they do it BC they wanna show off but in any case they're taking a tremendous risk and putting a neon light in everyone's neck.
Srslly what was the need?
And fyi pr management has algorithms all over twitter and they see everything we tweet.
Next time think be4 doing smth and pay attention to what you're abt to do
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imbianl · 5 years ago
Truth behind Us aka Walls:
We all know that Walls wasn’t the original name for the album, actually it was “Us” so here I’m gonna explain a bit of what I think it’s the behind of scenes. So moving from the introduction I’ll start with this...
SABOTAGE?! Why? And how? I’m gonna make a little timeline to help you understand what happened in October and why it’s considered the month where everything changed.
First, to introduce you to this I’m gonna talk about September. On the 5th, KMM LV came out, being Louis's first single in two years, and following up its MV was dropped on 13th, a day before Louis's show on Madrid, opening a mini series of 3 videos telling an story. When Louis performed there he sang all new songs that were supposed to be on LT1 such as: Too Young, Habit, Defenceless and DLIBYH but we never heard WMI. So if he was introducing the songs on LT1, why don’t sing WMI instead of any other song? Well, personally I believe that WMI wasn’t a song written for LT1 but for LT2 so then why was the second song released as single? And here it’s where I start talking about October.
In October we were supposed to get 'Us' Louis’s solo debut album and it was going to drop unannounced on 23th, so what happened then and why we didn’t get the album when it was supposed to? The answer it’s pretty clear to me. We know the written interview are done by management, sometimes you can get a 10% said by the artist but the articles are always designed by their managers because it’s what the general public reads and the easier way to sell a narrative. Why am I remarking this when it seems obvious? Because in early October, an article by an Australian magazine came out and they said that the album’s name was walls, which was a mistake, walls was supposed to be the second single that follow Louis’s series. And you could think it was just a one time mistake but after that no one clarify or make sure to let us know that it was a mistake. Announcing an album's name just like that, in an article, doesn’t help to reach out for more people, to get more new public and to get the reception that you would wish for a debut album.
So from that moment on, the one in which Louis’s team screwed that article, things changed. The album was delayed and now instead of coming out on October 2019, it’s doing it in January 2020. The album won’t follow an order anymore and the timeline/story he wanted to tell it was ruined by the sabotage. Some songs of LT1 were written for LT2 and vice versa. Louis’s plan had to be thrown at the bin and Syco got away with their plan: making Louis stay at Syco longer and somewhat shutting Louis down because they’re afraid of the power he has and the things he can do.
Let’s continue to November; DLIBYH was supposed to come out on Nov 22nd according to several guesses accounts but short before that could happen performance of Louis in TXF was announced and also we got a video in which he looks sad and tired. If you look for the reason to this I’m gonna give you a hint, his label. He has been fighting for his freedom and to stop them from keep pushing him. Things that he wanted to do but the label didn’t want them to happen. Also Louis wasn’t supposed to be related to TXF after 2018, why? Because he did a deal with Simon, in exchange for something that Louis wished he had to be on the show with Simon for a year but that was all. Even if the official contract hadn’t finished, their off-book agreement payed off for the debts. And this leaves to see something crystal clear: Simon Cowell it’s not man to trust and he doesn’t keep with his part of the deal, so officially as the contract wasn’t finished he pushed more and made Louis perform at the show, and probably he blackmailed Louis or threatened him.
Moving on to January, Walls was released 2 weeks before the album release and suddenly Syco remembered that Louis was a client of theirs and promoted Walls three times. They were and are desperate, they’ll waste till their last resources with the goal of keeping Louis with them. Louis was as solo artist with Syco since 2016, but they remembered that Louis existed 2 weeks before the album came out like if that meant something for a sec.
Now what’s most important about this is that Louis’s contract is coming to an end in the next few days so Syco it’s having released so many articles as they can because they desperate, they know that they have to end the stunts and the clock it’s ticking, they ran out of time and there’s nothing they can do to reverse what’s coming. Louis is fighting to win and he has great resources and sources to win. All the messed up things that we had to bear seeing is just a little less than a quarter to what really is happening behind the scenes and we know that after the storm comes the sun shines and a beautiful rainbow it’s formed on the sky.
Once Louis is free I’m pretty sure he’ll stick as an independent artist, just like Billie Eilish, and he’ll start working from there. Later on the future he’ll make some changes to the label, might try to work with other artists, unify with another solo label and create one that could become in an empire.
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imbianl · 5 years ago
Truth behind Us aka Walls:
We all know that Walls wasn’t the original name for the album, actually it was “Us” so here I’m gonna explain a bit of what I think it’s the behind of scenes. So moving from the introduction I’ll start with this...
SABOTAGE?! Why? And how? I’m gonna make a little timeline to help you understand what happened in October and why it’s considered the month where everything changed.
First, to introduce you to this I’m gonna talk about September. On the 5th, KMM LV came out, being Louis's first single in two years, and following up its MV was dropped on 13th, a day before Louis's show on Madrid, opening a mini series of 3 videos telling an story. When Louis performed there he sang all new songs that were supposed to be on LT1 such as: Too Young, Habit, Defenceless and DLIBYH but we never heard WMI. So if he was introducing the songs on LT1, why don’t sing WMI instead of any other song? Well, personally I believe that WMI wasn’t a song written for LT1 but for LT2 so then why was the second song released as single? And here it’s where I start talking about October.
In October we were supposed to get 'Us' Louis’s solo debut album and it was going to drop unannounced on 23th, so what happened then and why we didn’t get the album when it was supposed to? The answer it’s pretty clear to me. We know the written interview are done by management, sometimes you can get a 10% said by the artist but the articles are always designed by their managers because it’s what the general public reads and the easier way to sell a narrative. Why am I remarking this when it seems obvious? Because in early October, an article by an Australian magazine came out and they said that the album’s name was walls, which was a mistake, walls was supposed to be the second single that follow Louis’s series. And you could think it was just a one time mistake but after that no one clarify or make sure to let us know that it was a mistake. Announcing an album's name just like that, in an article, doesn’t help to reach out for more people, to get more new public and to get the reception that you would wish for a debut album.
So from that moment on, the one in which Louis’s team screwed that article, things changed. The album was delayed and now instead of coming out on October 2019, it’s doing it in January 2020. The album won’t follow an order anymore and the timeline/story he wanted to tell it was ruined by the sabotage. Some songs of LT1 were written for LT2 and vice versa. Louis’s plan had to be thrown at the bin and Syco got away with their plan: making Louis stay at Syco longer and somewhat shutting Louis down because they’re afraid of the power he has and the things he can do.
Let’s continue to November; DLIBYH was supposed to come out on Nov 22nd according to several guesses accounts but short before that could happen performance of Louis in TXF was announced and also we got a video in which he looks sad and tired. If you look for the reason to this I’m gonna give you a hint, his label. He has been fighting for his freedom and to stop them from keep pushing him. Things that he wanted to do but the label didn’t want them to happen. Also Louis wasn’t supposed to be related to TXF after 2018, why? Because he did a deal with Simon, in exchange for something that Louis wished he had to be on the show with Simon for a year but that was all. Even if the official contract hadn’t finished, their off-book agreement payed off for the debts. And this leaves to see something crystal clear: Simon Cowell it’s not man to trust and he doesn’t keep with his part of the deal, so officially as the contract wasn’t finished he pushed more and made Louis perform at the show, and probably he blackmailed Louis or threatened him.
Moving on to January, Walls was released 2 weeks before the album release and suddenly Syco remembered that Louis was a client of theirs and promoted Walls three times. They were and are desperate, they’ll waste till their last resources with the goal of keeping Louis with them. Louis was as solo artist with Syco since 2016, but they remembered that Louis existed 2 weeks before the album came out like if that meant something for a sec.
Now what’s most important about this is that Louis’s contract is coming to an end in the next few days so Syco it’s having released so many articles as they can because they desperate, they know that they have to end the stunts and the clock it’s ticking, they ran out of time and there’s nothing they can do to reverse what’s coming. Louis is fighting to win and he has great resources and sources to win. All the messed up things that we had to bear seeing is just a little less than a quarter to what really is happening behind the scenes and we know that after the storm comes the sun shines and a beautiful rainbow it’s formed on the sky.
Once Louis is free I’m pretty sure he’ll stick as an independent artist, just like Billie Eilish, and he’ll start working from there. Later on the future he’ll make some changes to the label, might try to work with other artists, unify with another solo label and create one that could become in an empire.
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imbianl · 5 years ago
More Eroda Rabbit Holes: Part Two (feat. Full moons and pagan celebrations)
Harry Styles fan,
You are busy on December 12th. TPWK
Love, H
Commonly dubbed The Full Long Nights Moon (or Cold Moon), December 12 is the last full moon before the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. Because of this, the Native American Zuni tribe refers to it as the “Moon Where the Sun Comes Home to Rest.” On Eastern Standard Time (EST) it reaches its pinnacle at 12:12 in the morning. It is said to have a very high trajectory since at the time it is opposite a low sitting sun. Interestingly, since it is the last full moon before the Winter Solstice, it is also called the Mourning Moon, which, in Pagan traditions, is a time to let go of the past. Practitioners are encouraged to cast off fears, doubts, bad habits, and also tie up loose ends during this full moon.
Though it is sometimes called the Cold Moon, in certain cultures it can actually be associated with warmth, which is interesting, considering that in the southern hemisphere they are having summer. This moon is called The Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon, or Lovers’ Moon there. The northern hemisphere usually experiences The Strawberry Moon, which is said to be tied with marital bliss and romance, sometime in June while the southern hemisphere is experiencing winter.
It can also be called “The Moon Before Yule,” which is interesting when one considers that Yule marks the return of the sun. One could argue that the Pagan flip of Yule would be something similar to Mōdraniht or Modranicht. And how fitting that this Pagan “return of the sun” is celebrated on Christmas Eve, Louis’s birthday, while also having very close ties with the disir, norns, or Fates.
(allow me to quickly quote some things…
Adore You trailer: He wondered what cruel twist of fate brought them together, and if fate was involved, what did she have in store?
Happily: We were meant to be but a twist of fate)
Saturnalia was also held around this time. Latin writer Macrobius likened it to “a festival of light leading to the winter solstice, with the abundant presence of candles symbolizing the quest for knowledge and truth,” according to Wikipedia.
This is how Wear Your Voice Magazine summed up the celebration:
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Of lesser importance, but still interesting is that Blue Christmas in Christian traditions is also held during the Winter Solstice. It is a very somber event tinged with sadness and struggle while one tries to focus on the promise of hope in the coming new year. Given the recent Eroda teaser, I would like to think Harry’s messages of self-acceptance, love, kindness, and freedom are also a means to help people through what can often be a mentally trying time of year.
So, what does this all mean? Nothing. These are just facts.
What’s my headcanon?
In Part One, I made the assumption that “Lights Up” takes place before the voyage to Eroda, which would obviously be December 13, when we can hear the entire album. Assuming we accept this as truth, then perhaps the “orgy” that some people liked to say was taking place was actually a celebration during the full moon before a voyage to Eroda.
Exhibit A
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Some have theorized that this is Eroda’s lighthouse, but there is another shot where there is an obvious shaft of light shining on him, as if from something like a lighthouse. I’m going to call this the full moon that takes place on December 12 because I can.
Exhibit B – D
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He could be looking at anything, but what if he’s looking at the moon?
Honorable mention information: December 12 also seems to be a very important election day in the UK. Make sure to vote on your way to Eroda.
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imbianl · 5 years ago
It's been a good year so far for larries
no offense but it hasn't been this fun to be a larrie since 2014 jsksksj. like.... e only exists on ig and hasn't interacted with louis, harry in jordan's video, princess park, we made it, no bg interactions, harry namedropping, no larry denials, album release before harry's birthday, home anniversary, chicken parm, no dan, no stunt pap pics, good promo, the bike scene in lights up, - like??? i'm fucking living larries have been winning hardcore.
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imbianl · 5 years ago
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imbianl · 5 years ago
Honestly, I listened to the radio n the comments n I couldn't if we was being cheeky or sarcastic it confused me. And it confused me more the fact that Harry hasn't gone to his show or Nick have mentioned the song or made a good point abt. Honestly, everything's so confusing rn, I'm just kina lost and don't know what to think
what happened with nick and harry??
Well nobody knows what happened, but it’s pretty clear to anyone who listen’s to Nick’s show that they’re no longer friends.  The first week Nick introduced Light’s Up completely dead pan with no praise or enthusiasm.  The second week he introduced Light’s Up and stories about Harry with some really pointed comments.  
And today he opened his show with talk about making a Halloween question and then played Harry’s Unpopular Opinions and replied to Harry saying Halloween isn’t fun with:
“Shut Up Harry Styles! Yes it is - you miserable old cow - come on let your hair down a little bit.  It’s only because he dresses from a clown the other 364 days a year that he hates it.”  
And to me there was quite an edge to it (you can listen to it live here for the next hour and a half and on Nick’s page after that.  It’s 8 minutes in).
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imbianl · 5 years ago
I'm a river of tears
i’m sobbing
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imbianl · 5 years ago
He'll be back for NSL, maybe stick around a bit longer and then they go back to London together
Damn that was fast. He’s back in London again. I really thought he would go to LA or NY
He’s getting ready to end us all too with his next single
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imbianl · 5 years ago
So just to sum up this last rbb/sbb activities:
This post pointed out how Harry released Lights Up and the music video (where he was on a bike) on the same date when 4 years before the bears showed up at the Birmingham concert like this
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And today Louis announced the release date of We Made It for Thursday 24th.
Today is Home anniversary
and the famous bears countdown started today
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And, as pointed out in this post, the song We Made It will be released on the date the countdown would have ended
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imbianl · 7 years ago
She's right
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imbianl · 7 years ago
Happy anniversary 💚💙
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