imagine-thearcana · 6 years
Ajshdjjdhs i feel so bad bc me and my friend basically abandoned this blog a LONG time ago bUT WE MIGHT START DOING IT AGAIN SO STAY TUNED
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
Hello guys! We're so sorry for the blogs unannounced hiatus for the last 2 weeks! We've be super busy with personal stuff, but I promise we'll get some asks out soon!
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
Can I ask for a matchup? 5’5 pansexual lady who basically loves reading and writing. I’m a huge nerd but I’m also a sporty person. Ive been told to be extremely empathetic and I would do anything to help someone. Im passionate and loud and I wont back down easily if I believe I am right but I can swallow my pride. Your pain is my pain but I will do anything to help you (but if you seem like you need psychological help *looking at you Julian* Ill be your friend)
I match you with... Julian (Not surprising eh?)Julian would love being a nerd and reading with you all the time! He loves that you care for him and cherishes you because of that. Since many people think he’s a murderer he’s glad to always have you by his side to prove them wrong. You’re the one who mainly stands up for Jules and he sometimes doesn’t like that you have to do that yet he understands.Hope you like!-Mod Sushi
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
Hi! I've come with info for a moodboard request :3! My apprentice Varoti is bad with affection and touch, partly from being bullied as a child. He doesn't try to be a cryptid but there are many people who don't know much about him. Rather than divination, he's more interested in tangible magic. He whittles, plays lyre, and likes going to the market. He has an earthy, natural feel to him and some colors that I tend to associate with him are dark red, indigo, blue-green, and gold. (Hope thats ok!)
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I hope you like this.. I tried to go with the description you gave me and tried to find some blue-green plants for the earthy part and some other things I hope fit. If you would like me to change anything please dm!
-Mod Sushi
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
Either a matchup or Moodboard for my apprentice, whichever you want! Her name is Mina Hart, she's 26, Bi, and an ESFJ. She's short at 5'1" and chubby. She has short dark green hair and silver eyes. She's the sort to wear tons of layers but they all match somehow. She is a total sweetheart and when she isn't helping people somehow, she's taking notes about her own observations or knitting. She doesn't know the meaning of getting mad and would prefer to settle any fight with words.
Mod Sushi was wondering if you’d like a mood board for this character? Please DM them at their personal blog @tal-sushi
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
Match-up please? Smol, queer gentlethem with short teal hair and a moon and flower tattoo. Big teal eyes, soft body. Ace/panromantic (emphasis on ROMANTIC). Aquarius and INFJ personality. Enjoys exploring nature and cities, astrology / spooky esoteric/occult stuff, and studies art.
I match you with... Asra!Asra would love exploring the great outdoors with you! He would always make sure you were careful when looking into the spooky things as he didn’t want you to get hurt. Asra would absolutely find you adorable! He loves your tattoos a lot too! Be prepared for gentle kisses and cuddles! 
Hopefully you like,-Mod Sushi
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
Could you please do the cast thinking the apprentice died (let’s say the apprentice went off to run and save them) and then a few months later the apprentice returns with a smile, they look disheveled but they explain that they needed to lay low for a while to make sure the cast was safe?
Of course! 
Nadia: After months of thinking the apprentice died and seeing them disheveled and tired she would immediately request them to 1) Wash up and put on some new lavish clothing she picked out 2) give her a hug! She was nearly brought to tears after seeing them!Asra: Magician man cries a little. He thought he lost them for good! He’d understand the reason they had to lay low but but begs for them not to do that again!Julian: This poor man.. Why would you do such a thing to him? He would instantly grab the apprentice in a hug and cry onto their shoulder. He would feel like his life was complete after seeing them alive and well.Muriel: Since he doesn’t express emotions all that well he would try his best to show how much he missed the apprentice and how much he worried for them! He would at the least give them a big passionate hug!
Portia: This girl, like her brother, would cry heavily. She thought the m/c was dead! She would treat them to sweets and always ask if they were okay. She wouldn’t quite understand why they left but she would eventually!Sorry these may suck- haha..-Mod Sushi
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
Every ask will be uploaded sometime on Thursday or Friday! Im so sorry for the wait, I've just been busy! Mod sushi might upload some content for you tomorrow from the inbox though!
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
Short fic: could you please write me about Asra getting a fever and my apprentice taking care of him? She’s called Alex, Mediterranean features, quite a reserved person. Thank you so much for your time 💕✨🌲
Oh thank you for the ask!! But please message my personal blog when it comes to personalized fics! We like to keep things in the y/n format on this blog so all of our followers can get enjoyment out of them, would it be okay if we made this in the y/n format? If not, message @unholy-kinkshamer and I'll be happy to work something out with you!-Mod Renae
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
All short fics will be posted by the end of the week! They take a little longer then most asks, but they'll be posted soon! So sorry for the wait!
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
if we want a moodboard for our apprentice, what should we send in?
If you go back on the blog, one of our first posts is about this! Essentially just give us some basic personality traits and details about your character, aesthetics you associate with them, and a color pallette for us to work with!
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
Woah could you give my apprentice a voice and face claim? Ill send you all of their info if you want more than whats in my 'the arcana' tag...
Thank you for the ask! I think their face claim should be; Camilla Cabello! Their voice claim should be; Janelle Monae!https://youtu.be/baw5GXBLmjc
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
May I revive a match up? I am a trans-male, asexual. I'm 5'5", freckled, brown hazel eyes, dark(almost black) auburn hair, Pisces . I have ADHD, VERY stubborn, love nature and science. I love shiny and intricate things, warm colours. I'm pretty cuddly and affectionate. Thank you for your time~ Love the blog.
I match you with: Nadia!
Nadia would just adore you! She loves how you’re interest in nature and science, and your love for intricacy! She finds your affectionate attitude charming and sweet. Nadia can be stubborn sometimes however, so that could lead to lots of silly, playful “arguments.” You and the countess would be amazing for each other!
-Mod Renae
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
The inbox is open and empty guys!! Feel free to submit anything!
Also 10/10 would love to do moodboards, give them voice and face-claims, or anything else for your apprentices!
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
Mind if I request a scenario? How would each character react to their s/o being a rather motherly person? And how would they feel if they saw their s/o absolutely adoring a baby or toddler? I thank you in advance!
Asra: Motherly: Asra would find their s/o adorable if they were motherly! He would tease them for being so worried and concerned for his well-being, but would ultimately feel loved when they’re like that/ As for the baby, he would definitely find it cute, and secretly wish you both had a kid of your own. He would make cute remarks about it for the rest of the day, never letting you live it down. 
Julian: Motherly: He wouldn’t mind it all that much! He would jokingly call them mom, reassure them he’s fine if they were overly-worried, and teasingly roll his eyes at them a lot. Julian secretly loves how they are, and will always feel like he’s wanted when around them/ Baby: Julian would find it awfully endearing. He would tease them for their behavior, and hide the fact he’s nervous at the idea of their own kid. Julian thinks is s/o is perfect, and their kind nature only makes him fall deeper in love.
Lucio: Motherly: He would have mixed feelings about his s/o’s quirk. On one hand, he loves the attention and adoration his s/o has for him! On the other, he’s quite hot-tempered, constantly worried he might mess something up and make his lover upset. He would simply just have to live with it, since he’s madly in love with them/ Baby: Absolutely not. He would find it silly, and make some rather rude comments about it. Lucio doesn’t mean too be cruel to his sweet jewel and would apologize to them if he truly hurt their feelings, but he would be far too scared about the idea of children to laugh it off. 
Muriel: Motherly: The gentle giant would be flustered by it, and find comfort in their motherly ways. He would think it’s sometimes a little over-bearing. However, he loves the attention regardless. All in all, Muriel finds them lovely/ baby: Muriel would find it amusing, how his s/o is so loving to such a small baby makes him smile and laugh happily. He thinks his s/o is delightful like that.
Nadia: Motherly: Normally she’s the one who’s “motherly,” so she would have to take awhile to get used to it. However, she would be pleasantly surprised how much she enjoys the feeling/ Baby: She, like Asra, finds it adorable! She would make darling remarks as she watched them and pepper her s/o in kisses once they were finally done.
Portia: Motherly: She loves it the most out of everything, soaking up the attention and always make funny banter with her s/o about their behavior/ Baby: Portia would also be freaking out over how cute the baby is, but after she was done, she would be super flustered for what had happened!
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
Hi, could I get a match up? I'm genderqueer and demi-pan, I'm short and stocky and have floofy red hair. I spend too much time sleeping and daydreaming; when I'm not doing that, I write a lot. I have a few very close friends but I can pretend to be friendly with most everyone unless I know from past experience that they're an asshole. I love and care about people way too much, I'm self-sacrificing to a fault, and I have lots of issues but I'm working through them! Thank you
I match you with: Asra!Asra would definitely think you're the best he's ever had! He finds your loving and friendly nature wonderful, as well as how you day dream most of the time. He would constantly be playing with your hair, or hugging you from behind. He'd always be committed to helping you with your issues, no matter how default they may become. Asra enjoys sleeping with you a lot, and is often the one begging you to sleep next to him. Over all, Asra is your perfect match!
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imagine-thearcana · 7 years
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Listen David Bowie would be an AMAZING face claim for Julian and this is why;
- David Bowie and Julian have one strange looking eye (David Bowie has a dilated pupil and Julian has plague eye)
-David Bowie and Julian have huge cheek bones, and a sharp jaw line
-They both have a similar body type (Muscular but lanky)
- Both have sharp, straight noses
- They have cartoonish-ly arched eyebrows
- Bowie changed his hair a lot but he had a lot of red-headed looks
-Listen just trust me Bowie would be a good face claim for Julian
Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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