Imagination Kingdom
918 posts
Hi ya'll my name's Anna. I write multi-fandom imagines, drabbles, ships, one-shots, etc. On hiatus
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imaginationkingdom · 6 years ago
A Weasley Wedding- pt2
Part one
Charlie Weasley x reader, Bill Weasley x reader, Bill Weasley x Fleur Delacour
You watched Charlie attempt to fix Bill’s bow tie and you let out a small chuckle. “What are you laughing at over there?” Your husband asked raising an eyebrow. 
“What do you think I’m laughing at?” You asked motioning to the difference between your bow tie and Bill’s. 
“You think you can do a better job?” Charlie challenged. 
You nodded standing up from the small couch. “Obviously. Now stand aside my love and watch the master work her magic.” You placed a kiss on your husbands’ cheek as you made your way to Bill. 
“Honestly the two of you would look like train wrecks if I wasn’t here.” You said as you tried to untie the knotted mess that Charlie had created. 
“That’s not true, we dressed ourselves for the ball.” Bill pointed out. 
“Yeah and if I recall correctly Andre and I were there to fix all your mistakes before we let you enter the hall.” You’d finally managed to unravel the tie when Molly called your name from somewhere in the house. 
“I’ll go, clearly Bill’s going to need all the help he can get.” Charlie joked as he hugged you from behind before going to deal with the matron of the family. 
He left and you turn your attention back to the man in front of you, the heels you wore with your suit added some height which were a tremendous help in aiding your friend. 
You let your mind wander, this was the very same room that you’d gotten ready in when you’d married Charlie, the same room where Bill helped to calm your nerves. It made you think; was Bill nervous? Was he wondering if he’d be good enough for Fleur?
In all the years that you’d know Bill you never pictured him as anything other than sure of himself. The only time that came to mind was the situation that happened with that wench Emily Tyler. You figured it’d be best to say something and soothe nerves that weren’t there than to not say anything and have him be anything other that completely happy on his wedding day. 
“I’m only joking you know, you actually look very handsome.” You said as you placed the finishing touches on his bow tie and took a step back. 
“Even with the scars?” He joked with a smile. 
“Yeah, they make you look cool, tough. Sorta the look you were going for when you put in that earring.” You grinned up at him. Bill let out a laugh and suddenly it’s like you were hit in the chest. ‘when I pictured you getting married, it wasn’t like this’ 
You felt like such an idiot, it’d taken you nearly four years to figure out what he meant and you stumbled back into the couch. 
Immediately Bill rushed to your side, just as he always did, and unbeknownst to you, just as he always would. “(y/n) are you alright?” he asked placing a hand on your shoulder. 
You looked into his blue eyes and you realized that you felt the exact same way, when you’d helped him deal with Emily you pictured his future with you. He’d been the one to help you with the first vault and nearly all the vaults after that, he’d been the one who you turned to when you found out Jacob was dark, he was the one to help you get a job as a curse breaker when you graduated, there hadn’t been a moment when he wasn’t at your side. In another universe you would have been the one to marry Bill, not Fleur. 
“Oh Merlin.” You sighed a headache accompanied the sudden rush of information that bombarded you. 
“Come on (y/n), don’t tell me you’re gonna faint, if anyone were to pass out it should be me.” He said shaking you gently. 
You blinked rapidly trying to compose yourself. You let out a small huff of breath at just how stupid you’d been. “I get it now.” You said looking up at your best friend who furrowed his brows in confusion. 
“I didn’t picture your wedding like this either.” You explained as you pulled yourself up off of the sofa. Bill’s mouth went wide.
“(y/n) I-”
“No, it’s okay,” You said placing a hand on his shoulder. “I’m not asking anything of you Bill. This just hit me hard, wow, nine years and it’s barely hitting me,” You laughed at your situation, because honestly there was nothing else to do.
“I love you.” Bill said placing a hand on your shoulder softly, almost as if he was unsure of the move. 
“I love you too Bill. I always have, and honestly I always will,” You paused taking his hand from your shoulder and just holding onto it. “But it’s not a romantic love, not anymore. It’s deeper now-”
“Stronger.” Bill added with a smile. 
“Yeah, honestly I think it’s stronger than anything we could have had if we’d been together.” You placed a kiss on his knuckles. 
“I understand. It’s like you’re a part of me.” You nodded, trying to suppress the tears that threatened to fall. Bill had always been by your side, you loved him more than you loved your brother, more than you loved yourself.
“I love you, as more than a sister, more than a lover, you’re an extension of who I am, everything I am today, everything I have today is all because of you (y/n).” Bill cupped your cheek, wiping away a tear from your eye before it even fell. 
“In another life it probably would have been you,” You added after a moment, “we probably would have had the wedding we pictured for each other.” You still loved Charlie, nothing had changed, he was still the one you envisioned your future with, this conversation wasn’t going to change four years of marriage.
Bill was a what-if, an alternate universe. 
“I love you (y/n), more than life itself.” He said, and although he didn’t say it you could feel that he felt the same way, he wasn’t going to call off his wedding and the two of you weren’t going to run off together, but you did have an even deeper relationship now, if that was even possible. 
“I love you too Bill, more than all the sands on the earth.” Your hands went to straighten his bow tie one last time. “Now, let’s go get  you married.” You leaned in to place a kiss on his cheek, however Bill turned his head at the last second and his lips met yours.
The kiss lasted only a moment but it did give you a vision of what life would have been like with him. 
“I’m sorry,” Bill said as you two broke apart. “I just wanted to know what that felt like, at least once.” 
“I know, maybe in the next life.” You took a step back, admiring him.
“So, how do I look?” He asked spinning for you. 
“Like a total badass.” You told him.
“You guys ready?” Charlie asked coming into the room. 
“Just about.” You said. “Bill, one last thing, if you hurt Fleur, I will make sure you pay for it, understand?” 
Bill smiled and nodded, “Yes ma’am.”
“Good, now we’re ready.” You told your husband as you grabbed his hand allowing him to lead you to where Gabrielle and Ginny were waiting. 
You grabbed a hold of Ginny’s arm and the two of you walked down the aisle. 
You watched Bill and Fleur share their first dance as a couple. They looked so happy together and you smiled as you recognized the way they looked at each other, it was the same way you and Charlie still looked at one another. 
“I love you.” Charlie leaned down to whisper in your ear. 
“I love you too, Charlie.” You said as you leaned into your husband’s embrace. Bill was yours in another life, but in this life you had Charlie Weasley and you couldn’t be any happier with that outcome.
A/n: Okay, let me know what you guys think and which part you liked better, personally I preferred the first but you’re the reader so what do I know? 
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imaginationkingdom · 6 years ago
A Weasley Wedding
Charlie weasley x reader, slight bill weasley x reader
Penny and Rowan fussed around you, Penny was fiddling with your veil ensuring that it wouldn’t fall out of place as you walked down the aisle while Rowan made sure your gown fell perfectly around you.
“Guys, you really need to stop, you’re both making me even more nervous than I already am.” You said glancing at yourself in the mirror.
“She already looks stunning, what more can you lot do?” Tonks questioned from her spot laying on the couch, shooting you a wink before throwing her head back once more.
You smiled at her though she was no longer looking at you. You took a deep breath, everything was exactly the way you’d envisioned it, your ivory gown flowed elegantly down to the ground, the delicate floral pattern went beautifully with the way Molly had decorated the Burrow. Your veil framed your face in a lovely manner, everything was perfect, the dress, the venue, the groom, you had no reason to feel nervous.
A knock at the door jolted you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see your best friend and soon to be brother-in-law Bill Weasley peek his head into the room. You instantly felt a little more at ease.
“Hey girls, can I have a moment alone with the bride?” He asked as he entered the small room. You nodded and all the girls shuffled out and he closed the door behind them. “How do you feel?” Bill asked making his way to you.
“Good, nervous,” You admitted, lying to Bill was never something you could do. “What if I’m a terrible wife? What if I don’t fit in in Romania? What if Charlie realizes that I was only girlfriend material and not wife material? What if the dragons hate me?” You asked all your doubts coming out in one big ball of word vomit.
“What if you’re an amazing wife? What if Charlie already knows that he’s extremely lucky to be marrying you? What if the dragons love you? What if I told you that no matter where you went you have a way of making people love you? What if the two of you end up with everything the two of you have ever wanted? What if you’re just completely overthinking this?” Bill shot back as he wrapped your hands in his, his touch helped to soothe your raging nerves.
“Thank you, Bill, I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.” You said wrapping your arms around him tightly, Bill wrapped his arms around your waist holding you in a way that felt different to all the other times he’d hugged you. Something was off with him, you could feel it.
“Alright, it’s my turn to be a good sister and ask, what’s going on with you?” You asked pulling away from him. His eyes went wide as if he hadn’t expected such a question.
“What? Nothing, everything’s fine.” Bill said causing you to put your hands on your hips.
“William, I’ve spent the good majority of the past nine years practically attached to your side, you can’t lie to me anymore than I can lie to you.” You told him placing a hand under his chin to bring his gaze back to yours.
“It’s just, when I,” Bill took a deep breath he was unsure whether or not he should say his next words, “when I pictured you getting married, becoming a Weasley, it wasn’t exactly like this.” He admitted.
His words confused you, what did he mean by that? Did he think your wedding sucked? What was going through his mind?
“It’s the dress isn’t it?” You asked nervously, Bill sighed, you had no clue about the feelings he harbored, and maybe, Bill decided, that was for the best.
“No, you look absolutely lovely, and the wedding is beautiful. It’s me I was referring to, I mean look at me,” Bill said stepping back and allowing you to get a full look at him. “I mean I love the two of you so much I traded in my leather jacket for a tux!” Bill said making you laugh.
Bill pulled you into a tight hug and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “I love you (y/n), I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“Let’s hope we never have to find out.” You whispered into his chest.
“Come on, let’s get you to the alter.” He said smiling down at you.
You nodded, “Let’s make me an official Weasley!” You grinned your nerves from before were long gone.
Charlie, Bill, Andre and Barnaby stood expectantly at the end of the aisle, Charlie’s eyes were glued to you as you made your way to him, Mr. Weasley’s arm interlocked with yours as he walked you down, and it seemed as though not even a Hungarian Horntail would be able to rip his attention away from you.
You smiled at Charlie, never were you surer about your decision that you were at this moment.
Bill smiled a genuine smile, you were happy and that was all he’d ever wanted for you, it didn’t matter that he wasn’t the one to make you happy.
 A/n: it’s been so long since I’ve written anything and honestly it feels good to post stories again. This one wasn’t requested by anyone it just sorta came to me and I figured it was about time I published something on this site! I hope you guys like it and I’m sorry if it’s a little rough around the edges. I also have an idea of doing a part 2 to this that takes place during Bill’s wedding, let me know if you guys are up for it. 
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
Underlined PSA
Figment, the recently closed writing website, has just launched (after a long delay) their long-awaited successor to figment known as Underlined, where users can post their work and receive feedback, supposedly.
Underlined’s terms and conditions contains a clause stating that the rights to all your work that you post on their website belongs to them!!!!
Underlined belongs to Penguin Random House. This is an extremely dirty trick for them to play on writers, especially young writers and children, who come to the internet to get feedback and will lose the rights to their work. Please boost!!!
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
Being the youngest Mikaelson sibling and dating Stefan
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-Because you’re the baby of the family everyone is protective over you    -However, Klaus is aggressively overprotective        -and although he likes Stefan (sorta...) he doesn’t like the idea of you dating
-Klaus arguing with you at first saying that you can do better than him -After countless arguments, he finally agrees to let you date Stefan.     -”Klaus I was going to see him anyways, but now I’m glad I won’t hear you bitching every five minutes.”
-Elijah thoroughly interrogating Stefan just to make sure that he understands that you’re way too good for him and that if he hurts you in any way he’ll kill him
-Rebekah not really liking the relationship because that’s technically her ex but loving you enough to get over it    -but still threatening Stefan 
-Apologizing to Stefan for everyone’s behavior but him being completely understanding of everything.    -”You’re the best boyfriend, you know that?”        -”I know.”
-Klaus following you and Stefan on your dates     -”Niklaus sit down, you’re making a fool of yourself.”        -apparently, Elijah had also decided to follow the two of you
-”You know your brothers are following us, right?”    -”Yeah, I’m sorry about that.”       -”Don’t worry, you’re worth more than a few minor inconveniences.” 
-”Sit down Niklaus.”     -”He called us inconveniences!” Requested by anon
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
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A/N: This takes place between Avengers and Winter Soldier. 
Being with Steve always made you paranoid, if it were up to Steve everyone would know the two of you were together, however since Nick Fury was your mentor and the closest thing you had to a father you thought it’d be better to keep it a secret. That’s why you currently found yourself pressed up against the wall in one of the storage closets the lights still off and ushering Steve to keep it down. 
“No one’s gonna hear, we’re on the completely opposite end of the base.” He said as he peppered kisses along your neck. 
“Famous last words.” You muttered before pulling him up to meet your lips. You honestly lost track of how long the two of you were together when the door opened and you were blinded by the sudden bright light that poured in from the outside. 
“What part of ‘off limits’ wasn’t clear enough for you Rogers?” You heard the voice of the man who was basically your father. 
“Nick, hey.” You said awkwardly as you pushed yourself away from Steve and straightened out your uniform. You blinked several times trying to adjust your eyes to the brightness. 
“I’ll deal with you in a minute.” Nick looked down at you disapprovingly and but it was nothing compared to the look he was giving Steve. 
“Nick look it was my fault I-”
“Nick, (y/n)’s an adult, she’s more than capable enough to make her own decision and she did,” Steve said taking hold of your hand, he looked a lot braver than you felt. 
Nick looked between the two of you, you could tell he was trying to contain his anger while at S.H.I.E.L.D. H.Q. 
“We will talk about this later,” Nick said before turning on his heel and walking down the hall. 
You looked up at Steve who looked calm but you knew it was all a facade. 
“You know I did tell you he’d find us.” You told him as you walked out of the closet. 
“How did he even know where we were?” Steve asked completely shocked as he followed you out. 
“I don’t know, but what I do know is that you’re going to be there when I have to sort out this whole mess. Understand?” You asked. 
“Understood.” He said letting out a sigh.
Requested by anon
A/N: I’m sorry guys I know I’ve been MIA for the past year or so and I’ve been trying to find my love for writing again and it’s taking a lot longer than I thought it would. I’m pretty sure this imagine is pretty close to garbage but I hope you guys still like it.  I’m sorry to all of you who have been waiting for requests for this long and I promise I’ll get to them just give me a little more time. Thank you all for your patience and support. I love and appreciate all of you so much! 
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
Hi there! First of all, thanks so much for your writings about Benicio! It's really hard to find imagines/fics about him so you made my day! *-* I read u want some ideas for new Benicio's imagines! I don't know if you are still taking requests at the moment but if so, I'd like to propose something to u : could u please write about his character Juan Primo from "The fan"? Love him so much in that movie *-* Thank youu !
It makes me so happy that you like my imagines but I’m sorry I haven’t seen that movie so I won’t be able to write anything like that. However if you have any other requests feel free to send them in and I’ll do my best!
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
Hello! I just read so so so many of your imagines to be completely honest, and I was wondering if you would write some for Agent Carter. They can be about anything, and for anyone in the show. I just wish there were more for that show. Thanks love!
I'd love to, but it's been awhile since I've seen the show and I don’t remember much of it... I’m looking for it online and as soon as I rewatch the series I’ll write something for it. If any of y’all know where I can find the series please let me know 😊😊
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
Tony Stark--Opposite’s attract #3
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‘Be a tutor’ they said, ‘it’ll look good on resumes’, ‘it’ll be a piece of cake’ they said. Wrong, they were dead wrong. Sure it could’ve been fun had you been paired up with someone who was easy to work with, someone who actually wanted a tutor and was actively trying to advance their grades, Tony Stark was not that someone. 
You knew he was smart, heck the dude was a genius, but he didn’t bother doing anything, he never showed up, he didn’t even bother to turn in his assignments 90% of the time. 
You were currently waiting in the library for Tony to show up for the session, you were hired by his mother to tutor him and she was the one who was paying you…apparently the professors had given up on him.
He was about forty minutes late at this point and you didn’t know why you were still waiting around for him, you got paid whether or not he showed up, maybe it’s because despite how much his ‘I couldn’t care less, I’m Tony Stark.” attitude got under your skin you didn’t want him to think you’d given up on him too. 
When it hit the hour mark you let out a sigh, packed up your stuff and headed for the main doors. 
“Leaving so soon? I just got here.” Tony said as he bumped into you on your way out. 
You looked at your watch, your sessions with him usually lasted about an hour, by the time the two of you would finish up and you got back to your dorm you’d have about two hours to do your homework if you wanted to get the at least the minimum seven hours. Sadly you had at least five hours of homework meaning you were only getting four hours of sleep. 
“Alright,” You said letting out a sigh, “let’s get started then.” You said as you led him back inside and towards the private study room you’d been in just moments ago. ___ “Tony. Please tell me you were paying attention.” You begged, you were two seconds away from either ripping your hair out or tossing him out of the nearest window. 
“Yeah sure, you mentioned something about thermomecihanics, got it.” He said not bothering to look at you or at the whiteboard with all of your notes. 
That was all it took, with that one sentence Tony Stark had finally driven you overboard, you’d given up potential nap times on him and he wasn’t even paying attention.
“Seriously Stark!? What’s your deal dude! Do you just not care? Because if that’s it then fine, whatever! I don’t care anymore, tell your mom I quit and that she can hire you a new tutor, because I’ve had it up to here with you Stark! I’ve given up my oh so few hours of sleep to tutor you for nothing because you don’t care. Hell you’re probably gonna use daddy’s money to buy your way through school and that’s fine, I don’t care anymore. I’ve tried so hard to get through to you and you just don’t give a crap. Have a nice life Stark, I’m done.” You shouted at him as you picked up all of your books and stormed out of the library shoving aside a library assistant who you were assuming was on his was to tell you to keep it down.  ___ You were sitting on your bedroom floor surrounded by books lying open to important pages. You were on your fifth cup of coffee that was spiked with five hour energy, not exactly the healthiest thing but it got the job done. 
You were reading up on Russian History when your roommate knocked on the door. “There’s someone at the door for you.” She told you. 
You glanced at the clock on your nightstand, 4 a.m. you let out a sigh, not because there was someone at the door this late, but because you had to be up by 6 a.m. which meant only two hours of sleep. 
You pulled yourself off of the ground your spine cracked from straightening out after almost two straight hours of being hunched over. 
“I swear this better be good or I’m–Stark.” Your tone switched from a joking one to an obviously irritated one. 
“I messed up, I know that, and I’m really sorry about it. I was doing all of this to get back at my dad and I wasted your time too. You’re really smart, and for some reason you never gave up on me and you’re one of the only two people who hasn’t done that, so thanks for that, besides I was kinda impressed that when you lost your cool you didn’t use a single curse word. Normally when people scream at me it’s nothing but curse words.” Tony said looking kinda awkward, it was odd seeing someone who normally walked around like they owned the place suddenly do a one-eighty and look so vulnerable. 
“You wanna come in? I’m not getting any sleep tonight and you look like you could use a cup of tea or coffee or something.” You said smiling at him warmly and opening the door wider so that he could come in. 
“Yeah, thanks.” He said as he made his way into your apartment.
Requested by anon
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
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You were a light sleeper, Matt was a sleep talker, the two of you being partnered up together was absolute hell. After your second week of working with him, you’d started wearing earplugs while on the plane as it was the only way to ensure you got any semblance of sleep. 
Sadly today you’d forgotten your earplugs and you prayed that Matt wouldn’t say anything in his sleep. 
Almost as soon as you, Matt and Alejandro boarded the plane Matt moved to claim the couch, kicking off his sandals and making himself at home in the government plane and immediately falling asleep. This left you and Alejandro to settle into the empty seats. 
The two of you remained in comfortable silence, you’d been assigned to this team about two months ago and you didn’t really know much about Alejandro. 
Granted you knew his backstory and what drove him to help the United States, but you didn’t know him.
You looked over at the relative stranger across from you, he was handsome there was no denying that while admiring him you ran through the few things you did know about him, he was a lawyer, he was Mexican, and he wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, it wasn’t a long list. 
“What?” He asked when he finally noticed you staring. 
“Sorry zoned out.” You liked hoping your body didn’t reveal how embarrassed you really were at being caught. Lying to a lawyer, ironic. 
He nodded before leaning his head back and dozing off. You looked him over once more before deciding he had the right idea and attempting to do the same.  ___
You didn’t know how long you’d been asleep for when you were woken up by mumbling and heavy breathing. You opened your eyes ready to fling your shoe at Matt in order to get him to shut up, however to your surprise the disturbance wasn’t Matt. 
You looked over at Alejandro ho looked like he was fighting a war within his own mind, and knowing his history you didn’t doubt that. 
After a short internal debate, you decided to wake him up because that was what you’d want them to do for you if you were in the same situation. 
“Alejandro.” You whispered when he didn’t respond you called out his name once more a bit louder, this time you placed a hand on his forearm. As soon as you did his eyes snapped open and he grabbed your wrist roughly with his free hand as he bolted upright in his chair. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” You reassured him as he slowly got accustomed to his surroundings, his hand still had a tight hold on your wrist and it was starting to hurt a little bit. 
“Sorry.” Alejandro loosened his grip on your wrist as he leaned back in his seat, but he didn’t let you go which in turn meant you couldn’t let him go. 
“That’s alright.” You said as you moved to the seat in front of him. “Do you wanna talk about it? I find that it helps sometimes–well when it was me I was talking to a therapist, but I can try my best.” You said squeezing his arm slightly for support. 
“You were in therapy?” He asked his gaze meeting yours. 
You nodded. “Yeah,” You cleared your throat, “My older sister used to work narcotics, she got a little too close to one of the cartels and needless to say they didn’t like that. They tortured and killed her, her husband, child and my parents, the only reason I’m still alive is because I was going through training at Camp Perry.” You explained. 
“I’m sorry.” He said sliding his arm so that he was holding your hand supportively. 
“Thank you,” You quickly shook yourself out of your painful memories. “That’s why they moved me with you and Matt, they figured with my history I’d be motivated to help end the Mexican cartels.”
He nodded but he didn’t add anything to the conversation. You thought this might’ve been the end of the conversation, and it made sense Alejandro wasn’t one to willingly share things from his past and you respected that, you had been forced into therapy by the agency, you didn’t know what type of help he had–if any.
“I still see them, not as often as I once did, but it seems as though every other night I get bombarded with images of them taking my little girl.” You rubbed circles onto his had encouraging him to keep talking and showing him that you were listening. “Do you have children?” He asked.
“Don’t,” He said firmly. “At least not while you’re still in this industry, the pain of losing a child is almost too much to bear.” The way his eyes were tightly shut told you that he was trying to push away the memories of his child. 
The plane began it’s decent and Alejandro’s dark eyes met yours. “Thank you, but I believe our session is over.” He quipped, somewhat surprising you. 
You smiled at him. “My office is always open.” You pulled your hand away going to lean back in your chair to prepare to land, but Alejandro gripped your hand a little tighter. 
“Thank you,” He reiterated before letting go of your hand rather reluctantly. 
“I’m here, no matter what you may need.” 
Requested by anon
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
I loved the Alejandro imagine so much!! Thank you :)
You’re very welcome I’m glad you enjoyed it! 
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
Guys you need to read this. Seriously it’s so good!! 💖💖💖
Can you write how DJ would react to you calling him by a bedroom pet names and never actually noticing when you do?
*Hey! I’m sorry it took so long to respond to this. I had a difficult time finding inspiration for it, and then I overthought it way too much. I hope this is close to what you meant. If you’re wanting something smutty then just send ya girl another message. Also I take requests for anyone reading this.*
“Alright, professor thunder,” you muttered under your breath.
“Uh, what?” DJ says from behind you as you pilot The Libertine to your next destination.
“Nothing” you call out and then murmur again under your breath, “Stud muffin. Ugh that one’s terrible.”
“You are saying s-s-something, right? I’m not-t-t crazy am I?” he says pointing to his head.
“Just talking to myself,” you try to assure him. Your thoughts have been getting away with you lately.
“Right,” he says skeptically. “Well,” he stands, “Going to g-get some sleep before we land.”
He walks over and kisses you on the forehead. He pulls away. Thinking he’s left, you relax in the pilot’s chair. Suddenly, DJ slides his hand into the top of your shirt and aggressively grabs your breast. He pinches your nipple with a chuckle as you gasp from the shock. Then, as if it were nothing, he removes his hand and leaves.
“What a tease,” you say to yourself, “Maybe Dr. Boob Tease. UGH NO.”
You’ve landed on the planet you two were headed. Now, you’re in the midst of a robbery. DJ’s unlocking a safe while you stand guard over the doorway.
“Nimble fingers….finger nibbler,” you mutter watching the door way.
“Safe’s almost open,” you hear him say from behind you.
“Mr. Finger….Mr. Commander…Commander and Finger,” you continue to mutter.
“You’re making it hard to concent-t-trate with your weird whispering,” he says aggravated.
“Shit, I’m sorry, DJ.” You admit embarrassed.
The safe pops open and you hear DJ let out a frustrated sigh. When you turn to look at the safe it’s empty, the only thing in it is a piece of paper. Looking over the paper, his eyes widen.
“Looks like we got a much b-b-bigger safe to find,” he says with a grin.
“Think it’s a good idea to change the plan so last minute?” you ask.
He walks over and grabs you by the waist, kissing you on the cheek. You can already see the greed in his eye. There was no arguing with him.
He smirks, “Why s-stop while we’re ahead, love?”
Love. It left you weak every time you said it. It was effortless, like it had always been your name. And you just wanted something nice to call him too, but with him it was so hard. I mean, what was even his real name? There was no way it was Don’t Join.
“You only call me love when you’re convincing me to do something I don’t want to do,” you mutter.
“And, it works every time, love,” he said putting extra emphasis on the word, and giving you his best seductive stare.
Even though he was irritating, he was still right.
“Shit, let’s get started then,” you reply exasperatedly.
You two have managed to find the large vault. You’ve also found a female guard who’s just caught you red handed. However, you were too quick for her and it was easy for you to tie her up. She seemed nice enough, which is one reason why you decided not to kill her.
“Hey, do you like guys? Like him?” you say pointing at DJ who has just begun breaking into the vault behind you.
The woman looks at you skeptically, “Not interested in a threesome, mate.”
“No no no, what would you call someone like him in the bedroom?” you ask lowering your voice to a whisper.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” she almost yells.
“Lower your fucking voice,” you growl. You straighten your shirt and calm down, “It’s not like that. Hey, I didn’t kill you right?”
“Doesn’t mean I wanna get in on this freaky sex shit your talking about,” she explains.
“I just want your opinion on something, woman to woman. Look, help me out here.”
She sighs and takes a long look at DJ. “Well, I guess he’s got a nice ass right?”
“Oh god yeah,” you say glancing back at him.
“So maybe Iron Buns or something?”
You stare blankly at the tied-up guard. With a sigh you say, “Iron Buns? Would you honestly call someone that while you were fucking them?”
She looks at DJ again, and tilts her head. “Yeah, alright probably not. I dunno base it off something you like about him, maybe?”
You cross your arms and look wistfully at the ceiling, “Well, I love his eyes…so maybe…”
“Jaguar,” the guard says with a nod like she’s impressed with herself.
“Why not Stallion or Mustang then? What the fuck are you thinking!?”
“I’m thinking that you shouldn’t tie me up and then ASK ME ABOUT YOUR SEX—“
Immediately, you knock her out. DJ turns to you, “Um…is everything alright?”
You walk over to him, “Oh yeah, that guard was a creep. She started calling you Jaguar.”
“Jaguar? Hmmm,” he says turning back to the vault.
He seems to be thinking it over, which makes you ask, “Do you like that?”
He looks back at you and waves his hand in the air, “Eh, d-d-doesn’t fit me.”
You nod your head, “See that’s what I said!”
You’re running with DJ through a narrow corridor, the item you’ve stolen has been safely secured in your bag.
“Is your name really Don’t John?”
He laughs, “What k-kind of question is that right now?”
“DJ could mean Don Juan.”
“But it doesn’t,” he says dismissively.
“But it could,” you say trying to sound cool.
You reach the end of the corridor and find two more guards waiting for you. When DJ spots them he gets behind you and hides. It allows you to easily dispatch of them.
“Dennis Juniper,” you guess.
“Horrible,” he says trying to look for an exit.
“Dentist Jessup.”
“You’re not even t-t-trying anymore,” he says laughing.
“Dill Jill. Oh, that’s a good one you have to admit.”
You were unable to escape the guards which pursued you. Now, you and DJ are sitting on a cot in an unfamiliar jail cell. He’s slightly irritated with the situation because they’ve taken his coat as well as the rest of your belongings. His frustration just makes him look more attractive.
“You always looked the most beautiful in the dim light of a cell, Dingle James,” you tease.
His expression softens as he chuckles, “What is with you, t-t-today?”
You shrug your shoulders. “Guess, I’ve just been thinking about names a lot.”
“D-don’t like mine?” he asks.
You shake your head, “It’s just the only thing I call you. But you have so many names for me. Love when you want to convince me to do something. Sweetheart when you’re trying to get on my nerves. One time you called me Cranberry for an entire day after that weird fruit stained my teeth red.”
He starts laughing and puts his arm around you.
You say, “But I only call you DJ.”
DJ begins to speak but then a guard walks by, disrupting the conversation. The guard says nothing. He’s just come by to make sure the two of you were still in your cell. DJ shrugs his shoulders at him and grins. The guard doesn’t look too impressed and leaves.
You get an idea, “What about Daddy?”
DJ turns to you with an unreadable scowl. Was he turned on or disgusted? It was hard to tell with him.
“Wait,” he puts this hands in the air. “You’re not trying to figure out what to call me all the time, you’re trying to figure out…” he laughs, “You’re t-t-trying to figure out what to call me when we are…”
You sheepishly grin, “Ehe yeah.”
He gets up and walks to the other side of the cell. For a minute, you worry you’ve upset him, but then he turns to you, “I could think of s-s-something better than Nimble Fingers or Dr. Thunder Pants.”
You put your head in your hands. “Oh, god you could hear me.”
When you hear DJ’s hearty laugh, you look up to see him practically buckled over.
You stand and cross your arms, extremely embarrassed. “Maybe I should just ask you what you want to be called?”
DJ wipes a tear from his eye, and then starts pacing around the cell. He calls out names, listing them on his fingers, “King, savior, godly one,”
“You’re kidding right?” you ask him.
He gives you sly smile, “You’re overthinking it, love.”
He walks over to you. The look in his eye gives away that he’s about to grab you. He puts his hand on your cheek and the other on the small of your back. He lifts your shirt so he can rest his hand on your skin. It gives you goosebumps which judging by the twinkle in his eye, you know he’s picked up on.
“I like listening to you breathe and gasp.” His lips brush against your neck and his stubble scratches against your skin. He lowers his hand to your stomach rubbing your belly button.
He says, “You don’t have to call me anything. Unless it’s,” and he plunges his hand into your underwear.
“DJ,” you gasp.
“My name,” he says with a smirk.
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
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You were a light sleeper, Matt was a sleep talker, the two of you being partnered up together was absolute hell. After your second week of working with him, you’d started wearing earplugs while on the plane as it was the only way to ensure you got any semblance of sleep. 
Sadly today you’d forgotten your earplugs and you prayed that Matt wouldn’t say anything in his sleep. 
Almost as soon as you, Matt and Alejandro boarded the plane Matt moved to claim the couch, kicking off his sandals and making himself at home in the government plane and immediately falling asleep. This left you and Alejandro to settle into the empty seats. 
The two of you remained in comfortable silence, you’d been assigned to this team about two months ago and you didn’t really know much about Alejandro. 
Granted you knew his backstory and what drove him to help the United States, but you didn’t know him.
You looked over at the relative stranger across from you, he was handsome there was no denying that while admiring him you ran through the few things you did know about him, he was a lawyer, he was Mexican, and he wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty, it wasn’t a long list. 
“What?” He asked when he finally noticed you staring. 
“Sorry zoned out.” You liked hoping your body didn’t reveal how embarrassed you really were at being caught. Lying to a lawyer, ironic. 
He nodded before leaning his head back and dozing off. You looked him over once more before deciding he had the right idea and attempting to do the same.  ___
You didn’t know how long you’d been asleep for when you were woken up by mumbling and heavy breathing. You opened your eyes ready to fling your shoe at Matt in order to get him to shut up, however to your surprise the disturbance wasn’t Matt. 
You looked over at Alejandro ho looked like he was fighting a war within his own mind, and knowing his history you didn’t doubt that. 
After a short internal debate, you decided to wake him up because that was what you’d want them to do for you if you were in the same situation. 
“Alejandro.” You whispered when he didn’t respond you called out his name once more a bit louder, this time you placed a hand on his forearm. As soon as you did his eyes snapped open and he grabbed your wrist roughly with his free hand as he bolted upright in his chair. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” You reassured him as he slowly got accustomed to his surroundings, his hand still had a tight hold on your wrist and it was starting to hurt a little bit. 
“Sorry.” Alejandro loosened his grip on your wrist as he leaned back in his seat, but he didn’t let you go which in turn meant you couldn’t let him go. 
“That’s alright.” You said as you moved to the seat in front of him. “Do you wanna talk about it? I find that it helps sometimes--well when it was me I was talking to a therapist, but I can try my best.” You said squeezing his arm slightly for support. 
“You were in therapy?” He asked his gaze meeting yours. 
You nodded. “Yeah,” You cleared your throat, “My older sister used to work narcotics, she got a little too close to one of the cartels and needless to say they didn’t like that. They tortured and killed her, her husband, child and my parents, the only reason I’m still alive is because I was going through training at Camp Perry.” You explained. 
“I’m sorry.” He said sliding his arm so that he was holding your hand supportively. 
“Thank you,” You quickly shook yourself out of your painful memories. “That’s why they moved me with you and Matt, they figured with my history I’d be motivated to help end the Mexican cartels.”
He nodded but he didn’t add anything to the conversation. You thought this might’ve been the end of the conversation, and it made sense Alejandro wasn’t one to willingly share things from his past and you respected that, you had been forced into therapy by the agency, you didn’t know what type of help he had--if any.
“I still see them, not as often as I once did, but it seems as though every other night I get bombarded with images of them taking my little girl.” You rubbed circles onto his had encouraging him to keep talking and showing him that you were listening. “Do you have children?” He asked.
“Don’t,” He said firmly. “At least not while you're still in this industry, the pain of losing a child is almost too much to bear.” The way his eyes were tightly shut told you that he was trying to push away the memories of his child. 
The plane began it’s decent and Alejandro’s dark eyes met yours. “Thank you, but I believe our session is over.” He quipped, somewhat surprising you. 
You smiled at him. “My office is always open.” You pulled your hand away going to lean back in your chair to prepare to land, but Alejandro gripped your hand a little tighter. 
“Thank you,” He reiterated before letting go of your hand rather reluctantly. 
“I’m here, no matter what you may need.” 
Requested by anon
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
i loved the dj imagine thank u so much for writing it !!! it was so sweet and brilliant (and also u wrote it so fast i assumed i’d have to wait a while !) and i will definitely be requesting more dj stuff in the future ! thank u !
Normally it does take me some time to come up with something but the inspiration for it hit me while I was trying to sleep and I just had to write it out before the idea left and it was lost forever. So it must’ve been your lucky day or something. But either way, I’m glad you loved it and I look forward to any other requests you might have.
P.s. for anyone else that sent in requests within the past 72hrs I’ve written most of them down in my journal and it’s just a matter of typing them out. However, I’ve spent most of the day doing my reading for uni and I just want to sleep, so there probably won’t be any Benicio imagines till tomorrow in the evening. 
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
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Full Request: can i request a tlj dj imagine where dj always saves like a small percentage of what he steals as presents for the reader and then one day the reader does the same and gives dj something cute like a ring or a crown or something fancy and it warms dj’s heart bc no one’s ever done that for him before lmaoo?? (also welcome to the sweet hell that is the benicio fandom we hope u enjoy ur stay lol !!!) _____
You’d lost track of DJ in the massive crowds of the Canto Bight casino, you turned your back for one second and just like that he’d slipped away. Normally if you and DJ got separated you’d get caught and meet each other in whatever cell they threw the two of you in before he’d break the two of you out again. 
You let out a sigh, you hoped he was still somewhere around because you really didn’t want to go through all the trouble of trying to get thrown in jail if you didn’t have to. You headed towards the nearby bar, you searching the crowd would be a lot less suspicious if you did it with a drink in your hand. 
As soon as you sat down at the bar a man came up to you, clearly intoxicated and clearly looking for someone easy. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing all by yourself?” He asked leaning in a little too close, the alcohol on his breath was almost a bit too much to bear. 
You were about to send him away when you noticed the ring on his finger. The large chunk of amber embedded in the silver caught your eye and you immediately thought of how much DJ might like it, he was always getting things for you, you’d be more than happy to get something for him in return. 
You looked up at the man through your lashes. “I was waiting for someone, but you look like a lot more fun.” You flirted back trying your best not to gag. 
He looked you up and down and licked his lips and for a split second you almost did throw up. “What can I get you?” He asked his hot breath fanning your face uncomfortably. 
“Corellian rum.” You said still not breaking character, you refused to leave his side until you had that ring. 
He placed your order before turning back to you. “Are you here for business or pleasure?” He asked sliding one of his hands along the outside of your thigh, thankfully you were wearing pants so he didn't touch any skin.
“A bit of both.” You said placing your hand over his if you could get him used to your touch it’d be a lot less noticeable when you took the ring off. 
He smiled at you in a way that told you he thought he was gonna get lucky. The bartender brought you your drink and you took a sip knowing you’d need it if you were gonna keep up the facade. 
“You?” You asked licking your lips slightly. 
“Pleasure.” He said looking at you with lust filled eyes. 
“Anything I can help with?” You asked slowly sliding the ring off of his finger with one hand as you ran your free hand along his chest to keep his attention on you. 
“Really!?” You heard a shrill voice shout from behind him. He turned sharply and his ring easily came off of his finger and you slipped it into your pocket before anyone could notice.
“On our anniversary?!” The woman shouted glaring at the man in front of you with such hatred that it made you momentarily worry about his safety. However, this feeling left in a flash because if he was trying to cheat on his wife on their anniversary then he was scum who didn’t deserve anything. 
“I’m so sorry, I had no idea.” You apologized to the woman, you picked up your drink and debated throwing it on him before deciding it’d be a waste of rum and downed it in a second before taking off. 
Deciding that DJ had probably already gotten himself thrown into a cell and was waiting for you to show up you quickly made your way towards one of the many patrons in the casino. 
Three attempts at pickpocketing later you still hadn’t gotten caught and at one point you’d literally done it in front of the guard. In a huff, you headed back towards the bar. 
“Hey, Brentin.” You motioned towards the bartender. You’d talked to him a few times before, you wouldn’t call yourselves friends, but you did favors for each other from time to time. 
“What do you need (y/n)?” He asked looking at you suspiciously. 
You slid a novian ruby bracelet towards him. “I need you to tell the guards I’m refusing to pay my tab.” You explained, he slipped the bracelet into his pocket before disappearing. About two minutes later you were approached by two guards who roughly pulled you off of the bar stool and led you towards the cells, no questioning necessary apparently. 
You put up just enough struggle to look convincing as they threw you into a cell. “I don’t even get a goodbye kiss?” You mocked as they slammed the door behind you and walked away. 
“And h-h-here I was thinkin’ I was your one and o-o-only.” You heard DJ’s voice from behind you. 
“You left me behind, what did you think was gonna happen?” You teased making your way towards his cot motioning for him to scoot over as you laid down next to him. 
DJ quickly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you into his chest. “Not on p-p-purpose. I’d never leave you b-b-behind.” You smiled into his chest. “Who else is g-g-going to be my lookout.” He teased causing you to hit him in the chest and roll your eyes. 
DJ smiled and placed a kiss on your head before rolling you over so that he was on the edge. “You just love pushing me up against walls, don’t you.” You said with a smirk. 
“I-I-I don’t know what you mean. I j-j-just like the edge.” He said coyly, “Oh I almost forgot, I g-g-got something for you.” He said fishing something out of one of his many coat pockets. 
“I got something for you too.” You said reaching for the ring you’d stolen for him. 
“Give me y-y-your hand.” He ordered reaching for your left hand, which was still pinned under him. He gently took hold of your hand and slipped a silver ring with a red gem set between two diamonds on your ring finger.
You ran your thumb over the gem when you felt the warmth that radiated from it you let out a gasp. “Is it--”
“Firegem.” He nodded. You smiled, of course, he’d manage to get you a ring that was technically illegal.
“Now it’s your turn, give me your hand.” You pulled the ring out and placed it on his ring finger, thankfully it fit him perfectly. “It’s amber from Trammis III.” You said looking up at his eyes before noticing that he was staring intently at the ring. 
He didn’t say anything and your stomach went crazy wondering if he truly hated it that much.
“If you don’t like it, it’s fine.” You reassured him, “It’s just you always get something for me and when I saw it I thought of you.” You explained licking your lips nervously. 
“It’s b-b-beautiful.” DJ finally spoke up as his gaze turned to you. “Just like you.” He added and you felt a warmth spread through your chest all the way to your cheeks causing you to bury your face in his chest. 
The two of you laid together for a while before DJ spoke up. “You r-r-realize we just exchanged rings, right?”
“So, does this mean we’re married now?” You asked pulling away from his chest to look up at him. 
“N-n-not legally.”
You chuckled a little bit. “Since when have we ever done anything legally?” You asked. 
DJ smirked and placed a kiss on your lips. “Well my beautiful wife, I guess you have a p-p-point.” 
“You sound surprised, husband.” You said mirroring his smirk before returning the kiss. 
A/N: Okay so this turned out a bit longer than I had originally planned, okay so a lot longer than I planned. That being said, I hope ya’ll like it. 
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
please write some for benicio’s character in the last jedi i’m in a sore need for more !!!
Right now I only have one request for DJ in the works. Is there anything specific you wanted??-x-
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
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“You should’ve let me do it.” You said disapprovingly as you and Alejandro watched Kate and Reggie drive off, the two of you trailing not far behind. 
“Te dije que no, if you keep bring it up you’re only going to upset me,” Alejandro said making you roll your eyes before focusing in on Reggie's car a few spaces in front of you. 
“So you don’t think I’d be better equipped to handle this situation? I mean at least I’d be going into it knowing I was bait.” You told him noticing how he gripped the steering wheel tighter. 
“Of course you would be, but this isn’t about who can handle themselves better, it’s about who makes better bait, someone who already has ties here in Tucson is better bait, case closed. Deja lo.” He emphasized the last part harshly.
You sighed and threw yourself further into your seat as the two of you continued your drive in silence.
“They’re turning.” You said noting their location, a dive bar, great that’ll make the task so much easier, you thought sarcastically.
“We’ll drive up a bit further and turn back once we’ve given them enough time to get inside,” Alejandro informed you, sounding a bit calmer now. 
Alejandro parked quite a ways away from the entrance, but still close enough to see who came and went. 
You quickly grew bored with staring at the door and turned to the desert scenery to try and spot something, anything that would rid you of that boredom. 
You took note of a snake which was cautiously watching a lizard that had it’s back turned to the predator. You wondered how exactly Diaz would go after Kate, and if she was like that lizard; blissfully unaware of what was about to happen to her. 
“Why won’t you let me get my hands dirty? You’re putting Kate in an unnecessary risk, that’s not like you. For as long I’ve worked with you I’ve noticed you're moves are always extremely calculated, especially when it comes to Diaz, so why do you refuse to let me go out on the field?” You asked looking at Alejandro, deciding that you wanted your answers more than you wanted to keep him calm.
You saw him take in a deep breath. “ Why do you keep pushing this?” He turned to meet your gaze. “Why can’t you just let it go?” 
“Because this doesn’t make sense, I’m the safe bet when it comes to Diaz, Kate’s the unknown variable. The only reason Matt even brought her in is because we need her for this operation.” Alejandro ran a hand through his salt and peppered hair. 
“You want an honest answer?” He asked making direct eye contact. 
“No, I want you to lie to me.” You deadpanned making him smile slightly before his stoic expression returned.
“I care about you (y/n), more than I should, and more than what’s appropriate for two people in our situation,” Alejandro said reaching out and placing a hand on your cheek, his expression softening as he did so.
“And I care about you Alejandro, you know that, but I need to do my job. I’m not gonna stop you from going after Alarcon the least you can do is return the favor and stop trying to shield me from everything.” You explained leaning over and placing a kiss on his cheek. 
“The difference here is I was brought in to deal with Alarcon, you’re not here to be bait, and I don’t care how much you fight me on it I refuse to put you in harm's way, no matter how small the risk is.” He placed a sweet, gentle kiss on your lips one that ended much too quickly in your opinion. 
You made a move to kiss him again but his phone went off, you let out a sigh. “Who is it?” You asked glaring at the device in his hand.
“Your partner. Don’t look too upset, we’ll continue this later corazón” He teased before answering the phone. You could always count on Matt to ruin the mood. 
Requested by anon
‘Te dije que no’ I told you no
‘deja lo’ leave it
‘corazón‘ heart (although the expression is more like my love instead of the literal translation of heart)
A/n: So this is my first time writing for Benicio/any of his characters so let me know how you guys think I did. 
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imaginationkingdom · 7 years ago
sooooo... Benicio..... could you do a Wolfman imagine please? And if you haven't seen that film yet, I definitely recommend it!
Just saw it again recently, I’d actually seen it when it came out but didn’t realize it was Benicio until recently... but yeah I can totally write something up for you, did you have anything specific in mind?
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