Mentioned my random Hardcore world head cannon in Philza chat today, figured I’d try and get it all noted down on here while it’s still on my mind.
Basically boils down to me trying to logically figure out how the whole Hardcore/one life thing would work out in the worlds lore. The result was nice and angsty, so I figure Philza chatters might enjoy it.
Essentially the God war between the Enderking and the other Gods put immense strain on the very fabric of reality. Between Enderpookie literally tearing chucks out of the Overworld and Nether and pulling them into the End, and the other Gods (Blaze and Rose) expending huge amounts of power to change/sustain the afflicted areas, by the end of the war (flooding the End/death of Enderking) the world is hanging by a thread.
This is one part caused by the loss of matter in Overworld/Nether causing the Void to push into areas it should never be - the most obvious example being Nether Void - and the second part is the sudden increase of matter in the End (even if Enderking used his power to shrink the stolen pieces it’s still a huge amount of matter).
For the purposes of this lore idea, the Void is separate from the world, more like an inter-dimensional glue that exists between all worlds. An all consuming abyss that is eternal and never ending. The only being that has any kind of claim on it is Kristin - as goddess of death - because to fall into the Void is the closest the living can get to Her, if only briefly.
Normally both Overworld and Nether are firmly separated from the Void, both have solid bedrock to keep it at bay, but the Enderkings abuse of his power unwittingly created new openings in both realms. This has allowed the Void to gain a strong foothold and caused the whole world to become unstable.
In Nether Void there is additional problems. In order to maintain her seat of power in the Nether, the Blaze Empress has used a massive amount of power to hold the Void at bay. This has worked, as seen with the Quartress, but she is also unintentionally draining even more energy and matter from the Nether (and herself) into the abyss, where it will never be recovered. It is a one way system that she (and the world as a whole) can never regain what she puts forth.
The other side of the problem is the End. A realm that should normally be on the brink of existence, quite literally floating over the Void with no barriers, filled with nothing but barren islands and abandoned cities. But when the Enderking first came into being, when he first began using his power to claim pieces of other realms and pull them to his side, he disrupted an ancient, careful balancing act that the End had been keeping with the ever hungry Void.
It’s not obvious, like in Nether Void, but this change in the End has also agitated the Void, further adding to the instability of the world as a whole. As time passed and the remaining Gods grew weaker and less active, the world they lived in became more and more fragile, drawing closer and closer to the limit it could take before it all shattered into nothingness.
And then Philza found the world.
A fragile, beautiful world filled with the creations of Gods. Crumbling ruins they may have been, but still beautiful, still existing. For now.
As the Angel of Death his presence alone is just barely enough to still the Voids ravenous destruction… but only barely. The moment he entered the world it clung to him, his life in this world is the final thread, the last thing holding it together, but if (When) he dies… that will be the end.
And Philza knows.
He knew it the moment he arrived.
And he’s the only one who knows.
None of the gods know how close they are to complete destruction, none realise the true cost of their ancient war.
The Gods that are still awake, still aware of the world, see Philza as a curiosity, nothing more than a strange, friendly little mortal that tends to their creations, who listens to their stories and travels the land. He is kind, and helpful, but doesn’t hold any true power or importance.
They don’t realise he is the last thing between them and oblivion.
And in the end, when Philza does end up losing that single precious life to this world, the Void will be swift and merciless.
It will consume all in its path, the Overworld, the Nether, the End.
Not even the Gods will be safe.
They won’t have the chance to realise what is happening, when their world and lives end.
The only thing that will survive from this place will be Phil.
With a single death he will slip away, the dying world will lose its grip on him, and he will continue to wander the worlds, stepping from one to the next with the ease of waking from a dream.
And yup that’s a pretty good summary of my brainrot idea for Philzas Hardcore world lore.
Hope it’s sufficiently angsty for everyone XD
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Sonics your Emerald Duo (again lmao)💥💥💥👊
Convierte tu Emerald Duo a Sonic (otra vez JAJAJA) 💥💥💥👊
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phil showing tubbo cellbit's vivo turbo ad
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I’m so emotional about dinosaur stuffed animals,,, there are these creatures, extinct long before any of us were alive, but we found their bones and their eggs and their footprints. And we made drawings and models of what they could’ve looked like. And we made them into stuffed animals so we could hold them. We made them soft so we could love them. I’m sobbing
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Ludwig: He can't keep doing this thing where he speaks with a cute French accent and you let him off with murder. 🙄
Etoiles: I'M NOT CUTE! I'm not cute! I'm just myself.
Everyone: ['Aww's over him] You are cute!
Cellbit: Yeah... Fofo. Fofo, fofo.
Etoiles: [Talking to his chat] He said "fofo" [Laughs] He said "cute" in Portuguese.*
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professor: I'll give badges to people who finish the module on time
me: pssh what does he think we are? animals to be bribed? I will not be so easily manipulated
my hind brain: badges you say
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Bringing Chris Evans back to the MCU but having him play JOHNNY STORM from the old Fantastic Four movie is fucking brilliant.
the best fucking joke ever made.
I was actually screaming when he yelled flame on, it just took me so off guard.
and thank god they let that man swear.
Deadpool and Wolverine really saved the MCU in my mind.
Finally some good fucking content.
Someone in the MCU with some fucking bite.
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Note: I'm a 1997 baby, so obviously my choices are largely influenced by what was popular when I was in school - and what was popular with my friend group.
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100k words, slow burn, hurt with comfort, girl dad, domestic fluff, old man yaoi
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Dora Richter
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Dora Rudolfine Richter/Dora Rudolfa Richterová (1892-1966) was the first known person to undergo a complete surgical transition. Born to a poor farming family, she was immediately noted to be feminine in her actions and dressed as a girl. In 1916, she was encouraged to go to Magnus Hirschfeld's medical practice.
Officially living as a man (and arrested multiple times for dressing as a woman), she worked at the Hirschfeld Institute for Sexual Research, and over 9 years had multiple surgeries, including being the first transgender woman to undergo vaginoplasty.
In May 1933, students attacked the Hirschfeld Institute and all records were burned. Richter, like many others, was presumed dead, but had successfully escaped to Czechoslovakia, and later Bavaria. She lived until the age of 74, where she was remembered as a sweet old woman who fed the birds and let them nest in her handbag.
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it drives me bonkers the way people don't know how to read classic books in context anymore. i just read a review of the picture of dorian gray that said "it pains me that the homosexual subtext is just that, a subtext, rather than a fully explored part of the narrative." and now i fully want to put my head through a table. first of all, we are so lucky in the 21st century to have an entire category of books that are able to loudly and lovingly declare their queerness that we've become blind to the idea that queerness can exist in a different language than our contemporary mode of communication. second it IS a fully explored part of the narrative! dorian gray IS a textually queer story, even removed from the context of its writing. it's the story of toxic queer relationships and attraction and dangerous scandals and the intertwining of late 19th century "uranianism" and misogyny. second of all, i'm sorry that oscar wilde didn't include 15k words of graphic gay sex with ao3-style tags in his 1890 novel that was literally used to convict him of indecent behaviour. get well soon, i guess...
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I always forget to post my animatics...
Well, so here some scenes from this video: (the quality is better on youtube)
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The first flight
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The “Zephyrus suits you better” hits so strong because of both lore and meta implications.
Because yes it’s c!Techno basically saying to c!Phil that “you are more than your child’s murderer. You are the sky, the springtime, the winds of freedom.” And that’s beautiful.
But also, it’s that cc!Philza, with the name Daedelus, was probably willing to accept “I killed my son” as a huge part of his character (because, well, Icarus). And his grief and guilt still are a huge part of him, yes. But cc!Technoblade saw more to Phil's character than a filicide. And thought he deserved, well, to be more.
So why not “Zephyrus,” the gentlest of the four winds, a god who was willing to help others, but beneath that kindness lies a storm ready to strike if he is crossed?
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so we can all agree that the newest 2WEI song (take the crown) is the trailer song for an Antarctic Empires Emerald Duo pg14 movie where Techno is a gladiator who earned his freedom and has vowed to destroy the government that enslaved him and Philza is an old demigod banished to a solitary plane of existence for five decades after attempting to run a coup against the ruling class.
They meet on a battlefield, Techno having joined up as brute muscle and Phil having used some minor illusions to pass as a quirky avian and join the bombardment team. Combining some similar plot beats as Oceans 11 and Atlantis: The Lost Empire, they gather a specialized team of insurrectionists, anarchists, battle mages, and warriors to take down the imperium from the inside, eventually planning on restoring the nation to the democracy it was in Phil’s earliest memories. But will they manage it, or will their bloody pasts and violent present seat Technoblade on the throne as the Antarctic Emperor, with Philza as his right hand, the Angel of Death? (Spoiler, the second option. It’s the most controversial film finale decision of the decade.)
The movie is filmed in a style somewhere between Dune 1, the Prince of Egypt, and Topgun. (denis villeneuve is too busy and too expensive, but it’s clear they’re taking inspiration. Bold colors and lighting and a lot of shots of the sky, wildlife, architecture, or of characters’ hands.) It’s scored by an up and coming indie musician, working under the consultation of Ludwig Gorannson in his spare time as a pet project, though his association with the film doesn’t really come out until it Smashes the expected theatre income in the first two days of release and critics start Raving about it. Techno’s actor is nominated for an Oscar for one of the most compelling intricate portrayals of ptsd and platonic devotion in modern cinema, but doesn’t actually get the Oscar.
Tumblr is flooded with gif sets of Techno in the Obligatory No Armor After Gladiator Fight Scene and the Late Night Vibing With Phil In A Loose Poet Shirt scene (firelit, lots of closeups of his eyes, the film is obviously attempting to express his complex emotional state and his deep relationship with Phil, and is failing miserably at doing Anything but making him hot. The internet is ✨gay✨ about it, because when is the internet not?) Also most of the simps are calling Phil a dilf.
Fit MC is the fan-favorite side character, his four scenes and nine lines of dialogue are clipped and edited and giffed and memed into the dirt. (His armor and prosthetic, the makeup and costuming department say, were the hardest thing to do in the entire film, which is why he isn’t in too many shots.) Though, a close second is Niki, who is played by a woman built like a brick house who doesn’t wear sleeves, so…. Yeah. We all know what the response is there. The effects, including Phil’s wings, are almost entirely practical and the only real places it gets iffy is Steve, the giant war polar bear that’s pretty clearly clipping through a few snowbanks here and there. Nobody can agree on which characters are morally reprehensible.
Within a few years, very few people outside a dedicated fan base have seen it and a few assume it’s made up like Goncharov. It’s also, for some ungodly reason, been labeled a Christmas film. (most of the plot happens in the ice and snow, hence ‘Antarctic Empire.’) I guess nothing says ‘Christmas spirit’ quite like ‘unmitigated violence, platonic yearning, and overthrowing oppressors.’
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while searching for a new job after getting fired from their last one it looks like calacaland is finally real! finally death family is back to work to bring in some business to this park!
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