i love yoo(n), seok 💕
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Morgan | aka happysuga or yoonseoksofty | I ♥ sope | fanfiction? who's she | lil meow meow enthusiast | Main kpop blog + Navigation
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ilyseok · 2 years ago
i'm very very very new to tumblr lol. too many yoonseok blogs are being abandoned and i'm confused and kinda disheartened ngl. is this a dying website ? anyway, your blog is cool. wish i would've existed on this site a long time ago. take care :))
OMG this is so sweet and I'm so sorry bc this ask is so old
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I logged back in today to look for a fic rec I made about 5 or 6 years ago only to find the author deleted and now I'm here trying to remember all the people I used to talk to before I moved accounts. What a nostalgia ride!
It seems you may be in luck, anon-from-2-years-ago, bc the snowballing death of twitter means tumblr is viable again lmao
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ilyseok · 4 years ago
bruh it’s been like a year since i logged into this account and i come back to like 87 notes and a -1 like whatever that means?? lmao
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ilyseok · 5 years ago
me, with a vague plot idea, 1 (one) character name, and an outline that consists of mostly question marks:
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
me usually: has a hundred fics and ideas I want to work on, ideas coming in the middle of the night and when I’m at work, but just no time to sit and write
me, when I actually have some free time: mind’s gone blank and too exhausted to write, spends the day binge-watching netflix instead 
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
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spectacular fic girls just want to have fun fanart
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
Pro writing tip:
actually close tumblr and write
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
the pros of reading ao3 fics in public is that their layout is so clean and simple that people would think you’re reading some academic researches when you’re in fact reading a 50k fic. the cons is that you need to control your face all the fucking time
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
me continuing to make terrible posts about my extremely niche interests instead of anything people actually followed me for:
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
My brain is thinking about a million things at once at any given moment but notably the two most prominent thoughts today are about the childhood friends sope AU and a Zico fic I have yet to share ideas with the class about...
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
Charity fic exchange to support detained migrants and asylum seekers
This morning, I noticed that the transcedently wonderful @attackfish decided to offer to write 100 words of AtLA fic for every $1 donated to one of two organizations providing legal and humanitarian aid to detained migrants and asylum seekers at the US southern border. This seemed to me to be an amazing idea, and, with their permission, I’ve decided to expand this project.
So! AO3tagoftheday will be hosting and managing a charity fic exchange! This exchange is open to all, regardless of fandom, so please spread this post around through your individual fandoms to get the word out.
For right now, I need y'all to do the following:
If you are an author who’s willing to participate, please fill out this form. This will allow me to compile a list of writers, their fandoms, and what they’re willing to write.
If you are an artist who’s willing to participate, please fill out this form. This will allow me to compile a list of artist, their fandoms, and what they’re willing to draw
If you are interested in donating or supporting this exchange, please reblog to spread the word to others who might want to participate.
attackfish’s original post offered fic in exchange for donations to the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS). These are both great organizations, but I want to offer more donation options for this broader exchange. So, if you know of good organizations providing legal and/or humanitarian assistance, please provide a suggestion here.
Given that some people don’t have extra money to donate, and that volunteers are also needed, please especially let me know if you know of organizations working on the ground to on either side of the border which might need volunteers. There’s an option on the writer sign up form to offer fic in exchange for volunteer hours rather than dollars.
Again, writers sign up here! Artists sign up here! Suggestions for organizations to donate to go here! I’ve got 95,000 followers on this blog! Between the lot of us, I’m pretty sure we can do some damn good! Who’s with me?
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
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Even at 24 he looked ready to rule a nation
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
Thanks @tumblr for posting just now the random text posts that I tried to post months ago or more you randomly lost
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
send help I've stepped too far into hard stan territory and I can't climb out
pls join me in operation remind-morgan-who-really-owns-her-ass
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
I bought a crabs adjust humidity CAH expansion card pack just for fic prompts and writers block and I feel like it's either going to result in the best comedy or the weirdest shit ever
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
I, yoonseoksofty (sideblog), take Choi Youngjae of GOT7 to be my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, for as long as we are both happy
Married 170629- Congratulations on your marriage!
-Noona C
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ilyseok · 6 years ago
i just learned this and have to share it with the world. the captain of a ship can officiate marriages, but the 1st mate can also officiate marriges if the captain is the one getting married. and the 2nd mate can also officiate marriages if the captain and the 1st mate are marrying each OTHER
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