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by reblogging this post you affirm that your ask box is a trick or treating house this halloween. the porch light is on, there's pumpkins, there's candy. let's all go to each other's blogs and get treats🖤
4K notes · View notes
Uhhh I know I'm late, but let's do that notes trend!
(Every 100 after ten I drink water)
X 10 notes- I drink some water
Delicious, had some lemon water:P
20 notes- I eat an apple
50 notes- I send 3 memes to my GC
100 notes- I do 5 pushups
200 notes- I do my quadratics/precalc homework
500 notes- I compliment a stranger
700 notes- I practice vocals/Quads
1000 notes- uhhhhh I post a pole of 5 random questions you guys send into my inbox, and you get to vote as to which one I must answer
2000 notes- I have to go a full 3 weeks clean of sh.
5000- holy cow, uhmmm... idk... uhhhhhh I will make a Stolas cosplay from Helluva Boss.
31 notes · View notes
the first sentient robot to realize deceased humans and animals can’t be repaired or backed up on a server is gonna be so devastated
70K notes · View notes
Bill Nye for most of his career: Imma do science for kids. Science without politics. Nice, tame science for the kiddos.
Bill Nye now:
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507K notes · View notes
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Once a little boy went to school. One morning The teacher said: “Today we are going to make a picture.” “Good!” thought the little boy. He liked to make all kinds; Lions and tigers, Chickens and cows, Trains and boats; And he took out his box of crayons And began to draw.
But the teacher said, “Wait!” “It is not time to begin!” And she waited until everyone looked ready. “Now,” said the teacher, “We are going to make flowers.” “Good!” thought the little boy, He liked to make beautiful ones With his pink and orange and blue crayons. But the teacher said “Wait!” “And I will show you how.” And it was red, with a green stem. “There,” said the teacher, “Now you may begin.”
The little boy looked at his teacher’s flower Then he looked at his own flower. He liked his flower better than the teacher’s But he did not say this. He just turned his paper over, And made a flower like the teacher’s. It was red, with a green stem.
On another day The teacher said: “Today we are going to make something with clay.” “Good!” thought the little boy; He liked clay. He could make all kinds of things with clay: Snakes and snowmen, Elephants and mice, Cars and trucks And he began to pull and pinch His ball of clay.
But the teacher said, “Wait!” “It is not time to begin!” And she waited until everyone looked ready. “Now,” said the teacher, “We are going to make a dish.” “Good!” thought the little boy, He liked to make dishes. And he began to make some That were all shapes and sizes.
But the teacher said “Wait!” “And I will show you how.” And she showed everyone how to make One deep dish. “There,” said the teacher, “Now you may begin.”
The little boy looked at the teacher’s dish; Then he looked at his own. He liked his better than the teacher’s But he did not say this. He just rolled his clay into a big ball again And made a dish like the teacher’s. It was a deep dish.
And pretty soon The little boy learned to wait, And to watch And to make things just like the teacher. And pretty soon He didn’t make things of his own anymore.
Then it happened That the little boy and his family Moved to another house, In another city, And the little boy Had to go to another school.
The teacher said: “Today we are going to make a picture.” “Good!” thought the little boy. And he waited for the teacher To tell what to do. But the teacher didn’t say anything. She just walked around the room.
When she came to the little boy She asked, “Don’t you want to make a picture?” “Yes,” said the little boy. “What are we going to make?” “I don’t know until you make it,” said the teacher. “How shall I make it?” asked the little boy. “Why, anyway you like,” said the teacher. “And any color?” asked the little boy. “Any color,” said the teacher. And he began to make a red flower with a green stem.
~Helen Buckley, The Little Boy
244K notes · View notes
Just saw an ad for fucking Kellog's cornflakes wherein a shirtless blindfolded man tied to a bed is like "Wait.. are you... eating??" and it pans across the bed to reveal that his partner is, indeed, too distracted to have sex with him bc she is chowing down on corn flakes. Now I've been caught up in wondering whether:
a) John Harvey Kellog would despise this ad; the mere proximity of bondage-play to his brand name and beloved anti-porn flakes is unforgivable
b) John Harvey Kellog would enjoy this ad, because it shows a young woman forsaking the temptations of the flesh in favour of eating a wholesome and nourishing bowl of cornflakes
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This is the /an/ post that keeps on giving.
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ok but legitimately i think the reason why kids aren’t taking internet safety seriously is because the people who are telling us not to put our personal information out seem so out of touch. no one acknowledges the possibility of meeting very real teenaged friends online, they always say that everyone you meet is a 40 year old white man in disguise. because they aren’t acknowledging things we know are true, it becomes a lot easier to dismiss the rest of what they’re saying as well. internet safety lessons absolutely must keep up with the times and acknowledge the internet’s capacity for good if you want kids to take to heart warnings about its capacity for bad.
162K notes · View notes
Hi, I need to stock up on narcolepsy medication and refill my monthly meds. Please help a disabled trans woman scientist keep working.
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ID: @rickybabyboy laying on a sofa with a blank look while a hand is in front of him
Venmo: AGIEF
$0/$200 raised
1K notes · View notes
In wake of the new "Into the Gimmickverse" project, I'm gonna need every gimmick blog to either reply or comment on this post so we can start making a cast list. Have resume's, gimmick and auditions at the ready. We'll be in touch.
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Hey y’all my friend started a tumblr account, @bilittlesheetghost, go show them some love and get them used to tumblr’s chaos.
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Ah yes, the 5 love languages:
touch starved
my parents never told me they are proud of me
i love Stuff
im so fucken tired please god just let me rest for 5 minutes
hey pay attention to me
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When you finally find out about your ADHD.
68K notes · View notes
doing one of these bc i need motivation
10 notes- text first
20 notes- eat enough at lunch
30 notes- work on my writing
50 notes- actually do my homework
75 notes- finish my art
100 notes- show someone my art
150 notes- learn to skateboard
200 notes- stand up to my parents
300 notes- come out to my friends
400 notes- ask for the netflix password
500 notes- get 10 hours of sleep
1000 notes- tell my friends my pronouns
1,000,000,000 notes- come out to my family
402 notes · View notes
Listen, i know im aromantic. I know im asexual. I know i experience none of those forms of attraction. Im reminded of this on a daily basis.
But why are women in suits so gorgeous???
1K notes · View notes
A young gay dragon being forced to explain to his dad why he’s only kidnapping princes
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