illfollowyoulead · 12 years
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
It was different this time, she could feel it was different.    She could move and didn't understand it especially as the intimacy of the situation as he kept her pinned to the wall.   Her back arched in pleasure, it was unlike anything experienced as energy poured out of her in a steady stream which seemed to picked up as she let out a breathy moan and closed her eyes tightly and couldn't stop one of her hands holding his hand at her throat.
What's Mine is Mine-AU Cipher
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Cipher dropped the jacket she had been wearing, her frock coat and hadn't changed out of the outfit she was wearing.  She pulled her hair to one side, exposing  her neck to her collarbone.   Cipher though deep down knew she needed to fix this somehow.   At least try and help the Valeyard reach his potential.    It didn't mean that she was going to stop him here.  Today was not the day to start on that road.
What's Mine is Mine-AU Cipher
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Cipher was every bit the person she was when she met him.    She held her ground as she stood unflinching.   However unlike the girl who feared for her life, she trusted the Valeyard.   Would he turn abusive?   No, she didn't believe he would.   The Valeyard was rough but physically abusive, no.  "What do you have in mind?" She asked, watching him.
What's Mine is Mine-AU Cipher
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Cipher turned to the man and jammed the needle into his throat after letting Vale go.    Once it was in his system, she whispered in his ears instructions.    He would believe that Vale managed to escape and that he was beaten up by a group of thugs.   It was suggested he seek medical attention.   When the man walked away as if in a daze.   The man hadn't needed the nanogenes.
Cipher turned, she was ready for whatever came next.
What's Mine is Mine-AU Cipher
The man chuckled and shook his head. “Well, never hurts to offer the lady.” He smiled again, it was flirtateous but in no means sinister. But the Valeyard certainly didn’t like it. “Ciph…” The Valeyard said, turning to his companion. “Be a dear and run to Tramp. See if you can grab a few more…credits.”He sniffed. A false smile crossed his face and the metacrisis moved over to drape an arm around the man’s shoulders. “You probably have a stall, don’t you?”He asked, raising an eyebrow. “I think I would like to see your other..wares.” He smirked.
The man grinned from ear to ear and nodded. “Yes sir! If you would come this way..” He turned away and Valeyard gave Cipher a look. One that said ‘don’t follow me. Do what you’re told’. He then followed after the man.
As they made their way through the crowd, they passed by an alley. That was all the Valeyard needed. He grabbed the man by the back of the coat and tossed him into a wall, pinning the man against the wall. “Putting eyes on what’s mine, eh?” He growled, his eyes dangerous and black. The man’s eyes widened and he lifted up his hands. “H-hey! Put me down! I didn’t know she was your lady, man! No…no harm meant!” 
The Valeyard wasn’t buying it. The metacrisis grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt and pushed him up the wall, his strength hidden by his thin body. “Oh, I know how all you are. You like to steal another man’s property.”He hissed. Suddenly, he spun the man around and slammed him into another wall, his gloved hand covering his mouth. “I HATE it when people try to steal what’s mine…”He whispered harshly. 
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Cipher does wear leather gloves that reach above the elbow.   That way she can touch the Valeyard's bare skin without him absorbing energy.
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Cipher saw the sight and the part of her that wanted to be a protector hurried behind the Valeyard and pushed him away towards the wall.   "Vale it's enough, you made your point," She said with force her eyes showing defiance that she had when he chased her.   "He won't make the mistake again," Cipher said, her eyes boring in his and she held Valeyard against the wall.    She then said loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough for the other man to hear.   "I'm going to wipe his memory and send him on his way." Cipher said bluntly.
What's Mine is Mine-AU Cipher
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Cipher knew exactly what was going to happen. This man was going to end up dead. A dark part of her saidlet him. That part of her was excited at the dark look that Vale had on his face, reveled in it but the core of Cipher, the one that had been chase by the Valeyard for a long time fought at this that they couldn't live with themselves and to stop him right now. Well a mediator part said, okay let him rough up the merchant. You know when to make your move. But make sure the man can escape. It wasn't what the lighter Cipher wanted.
So Cipher walked to tramp and grabbed a drug to wipe the memories of the event or at least alter some how and she hurried along her way. Cipher was stubborn as a mule and intended to deal with the consequences.
Cipher made sure she had begun to walk towards the sound of noise. All her items held in the frock coat were nicely hidden away.
What's Mine is Mine-AU Cipher
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Cipher couldn't help it she squealed as he picked her up and spun her around.   "I'm good," she said happily.   "I've been good!   I've been travelling Vale for a few years and enjoying every minute of it," she told him.   "What about you?" She asked.   "Last time we spoke, I believe you suggested we get a cup of tea."
gammasigmatheundyingmortician started following you
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“Gamma?  It’s been a while.  Eight hundred years I think.”  
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Tainted Love | Marilyn Manson
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Bad Romance | Lady Gaga
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Cipher smiled bright at Valeyard.    It was nice or him to say and she was surprised at someone else's comment.    She wasn't sure what to expect, though mentally she she cringed, she didn't like the man's smile.    However, she remained pleasant regardless. 
Cipher didn't smile at the tone Vale was using, she had more self control.   It was odd for someone to well... flirt with her.   The man was trying to do just that.    She knew what was going to happen, she knew his nature.   The man would die if Vale had anything to say about it.
"They are quite nice but really a discount is unnecessary," She told him pleasantly.
What's Mine is Mine-AU Cipher
He held onto the orb and swirled it around in his gloved fingers, sniffing. He held it’s weight and nodded, staring at it. “I like this one….I’ll think I’ll get it…”He nodded, moving to pay the man and then moving back to Cipher, who was looking at the crystals. “Oh, like one of those, do y?” He smirked. 
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
"Yeah, might be interesting to see how it reacts to different people," Cipher said.   "It's almost sentient."    That made it strange but interesting and wondered if it would always those words for each other.    It was an interesting thought to say the least.
What's Mine is Mine-AU Cipher
The Valeyard pushed aside the tarp to look at the goods, his hands on his knees. He leaned forward and tapped his jaw, glancing over at Cipher. “What do you think about these, eh?”He said, holding up a pair of oddly glowing orbs. “Interesting enough, wouldn’t you say?”He smirked over at her. The market of Gallon Forto was known for its assemblages of all manner of creatures and aliens. They were bound to find some interesting collectables to decorate Tramp with. 
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Cipher touched the large crystal that was designed to be a necklace and it turned pure white before splots of gray began to appear.   "Now that's strange, but nice," Cipher suggested.   The words inscribed 'eternity' and 'innocence'.
What's Mine is Mine-AU Cipher
The Valeyard pushed aside the tarp to look at the goods, his hands on his knees. He leaned forward and tapped his jaw, glancing over at Cipher. “What do you think about these, eh?”He said, holding up a pair of oddly glowing orbs. “Interesting enough, wouldn’t you say?”He smirked over at her. The market of Gallon Forto was known for its assemblages of all manner of creatures and aliens. They were bound to find some interesting collectables to decorate Tramp with. 
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
Cipher smiled at him and noticed the glowing orbs.   "Oh they're interesting," She said picking one up.  "It's squishy... Makes me think of eyeballs," She commented with a chuckle.   "Here," She said placing the orb in his hand.   Though something told her something odd was up with that orb, something not right with them.   One word entered in her head, parasites.  She looked around at the other objects and saw some crystals, black onyx with inscriptions on them.
What's Mine is Mine-AU Cipher
The Valeyard pushed aside the tarp to look at the goods, his hands on his knees. He leaned forward and tapped his jaw, glancing over at Cipher. “What do you think about these, eh?”He said, holding up a pair of oddly glowing orbs. “Interesting enough, wouldn’t you say?”He smirked over at her. The market of Gallon Forto was known for its assemblages of all manner of creatures and aliens. They were bound to find some interesting collectables to decorate Tramp with. 
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illfollowyoulead · 12 years
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