ilevinthetrees259 · 2 months
Fruit mealspo ✨🍓
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All pics from 📌 credits to them
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ilevinthetrees259 · 2 months
i wanna be one of those @n@s who eat like no carbs, live off protein & workout for half of the day. y'all truly are the bad bitches of the community
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ilevinthetrees259 · 2 months
hot girls wake up at 2pm so they have less time in the day to think about food
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ilevinthetrees259 · 2 months
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ilevinthetrees259 · 2 months
gimme one of these and see how long my clothes stay on
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ilevinthetrees259 · 7 months
the pipeline of :
finding out you’re autistic —> becoming hyper aware of your autistic traits —> having imposter syndrome because you think the hyper awareness is actually just you faking it
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ilevinthetrees259 · 7 months
Hi hello this is what a conversation with my mother is like
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ilevinthetrees259 · 11 months
Can anyone recommend any electrolytes or vitamins that would help me when I'm in a fast?
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ilevinthetrees259 · 1 year
Jenna Ortega..
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ilevinthetrees259 · 1 year
Ed tips that’ll keep you safe and skinny because we all know we won’t stop until we get there so let’s make sure that we make it there alive with functioning organs <3
Do NOT get an ed/4na etc buddy
I know this sounds weird but bear with me. I’m not saying “don’t make friends within the ed community” ofc by all means let’s be friends but it’s extremely dangerous to “encourage each other” to st4rve and shit even when it’s done unknowingly or with the intent of “help and support”. What we’re doing is already dangerous so let’s not encourage each other any further. When I was my lowest I had a real life bff that also had an ed and we would encourage each other and compete knowingly or unknowingly. It’s not a good relationship. Just be friends in a normal way idk send memes and vent every once in a while
Don’t chew too much gum
Yes, gum is amazing gum is awesome sometimes we use it as a meal substitute but 1) it weirdly has a lot of sugar in it and if you’re the type to switch to a new gum once the taste is gone you could be getting a lot of calories unknowingly. I once finished a pack of gum in one day and it racked up to 100 calories. That’s not worth spending on sugar you should eat some cucumber or something nutritious instead 2) it can definitely give you cavities if you go overboard because of the sugar 3) it can cause di4rrhe4 when consumed excessively 4) it can upset your stomach and cause aches if you chew on it for a very long time
Go out & drink water
We’re just houseplants with complicated emotions and childhood trauma. It’s important to get enough vitamin D for your bones to compensate for all the nutrients we miss out on. Also we don’t want to be depressed we just want to be sk1nni so don’t stay holed up in your room all day. Go out and move your body + if you eat 100 cals and just lay in bed all day you won’t be able to lose weight effectively because then your body will get into starvation mode and hang onto the fat in the body. Instead eat a bit more to gain some energy and burn it by being outside even if it’s just a walk. Actually walking is the best exercise especially for ed people but some of us aren’t ready for that conversation lmao
And for water you gotta have it frequently and have it plenty. But not too much all at once because you can d1e. I don’t remember the whole thing but you can look it up I know there’s been a recorded case of someone dy1ing from drinking too much water at once. But other than that if you struggle to drink water because you don’t like the taste etc I won’t tell you to put more shit in it to make it taste better because let’s all accept that putting fruit and water together makes them both nasty. Instead put your water into a relatively small but long bottle that can easily bend. Then while the bottle is in your mouth (bear with me ik it sounds super weird rn) put the bottle on a higher surface but not too high or you could choke on it. Just enough for water to flow into your mouth. Then you let go of the bottle and DONT TOUCH IT this way you will have no choice but to drink the whole thing. And dw you won’t drown because you can obviously stop to breathe between sips and you don’t have to do it quickly AND YOU CAN OBVIOUSLY TAKE THE BOTTLE AND JUST STOP DOING IT this is just something I’ve came up with to drink more water it makes it kinda like a carnival game idk lmao
If you feel like you’re about to faint don’t push it and give in
Okay now we all probably know how it feels to faint. But we also know that it kinda comes in waves. You can definitely feel that you’re gonna faint at least 20 minutes before it happens. So unless you’re in the middle of a fucking road where cars go and shit just stop on your tracks and sit down. In a store, at school, at the gym, in the bus etc literally no one gives a shit. It’s better to get some dust on your butt than to hit your head somewhere and d1e.
Have an emergency kit on you at all times
This is not a fucking anti binge box no it’s for actual health emergencies. In it you will have pads for surprise periods (let’s all admit that none of us have them regularly at this point so every time is a surprise) OR big wounds and nosebleeds. We’re already malnourished so when we loose blood it’s even more dangerous. You’ll also put water, candy, protein bars (I recommend kinds that you actively hate or ones that taste bad and no I don’t mean rotten or stuff you’re allergic to this is just to keep us from eating them unless we absolutely need them) in case you faint. I also recommend a little slip of paper with a trusted friend or family member’s number, your blood type, chronic illnesses and allergies etc in case you faint and need medical help while you’re unconscious
Don’t wear your binder too much
This is for my fellow binder buddies (god this sounded like a corporate slogan I hate it). It’s already very dangerous to use binders for more than 6 hours at a time but when you’re already low on nutrients and probably running around in hopes of burning calories you DEFINITELY shouldn’t wear your binder AT ALL. Instead opt for a sports bra while you’re exercising or you’re especially low on food that day. I know it’s very difficult to live with body dysmorphia AND dysphoria but we want to stay alive so we gotta do our best.
This was all for today peeps if there’s anything you want advice on put them in the rbs or comments I’ll read all of them like the morning paper. Stay safe, alive and hydrated
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ilevinthetrees259 · 1 year
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ilevinthetrees259 · 1 year
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ilevinthetrees259 · 1 year
each one of us are wildling sharp knives, are armour being skin's of paper
constantly dodging cuts while trying to heal from the last wound, trying your hardest to not bend the wrong way or the wound reopens
the constant burning pain from a gash you thought was healed, only to serve it's purpose as reminders to all that did you wrong
all that you've done wrong
you weep and complain about the blood purring out of you chest, while you have a nother persans blood panted on your hands
you tell people to put there knives away wile yours is buried deep in someones chest somewhere
so withdraw your knife's out there chest, and say it's gonna be ok, tell them to just pach it up
but when will we learn that you can't slap a bandaid on a knife wound.
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ilevinthetrees259 · 1 year
she was the first girl that I've gazed upon with such heavenly beauty as her's, with love and not jealousy.
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