ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
B1A4 - Baby Goodnight
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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"Like a log...or perhaps Goku." Hakkai chuckled, looking down for a moment then towards Sanzo. His memory of the most recent past that had occurred before he awoke wasn't at all as it usually was. He couldn't remember anything at all or how they both had lost their clothing. Such a thing could serve to be a bit problematic. A hand shifted, grateful spark appearing in his gaze upon seeing there was more than one layer of blankets atop them. He took a hold of one of the two bottom layers, gathering it around himself before getting out to search more throughly for his clothing, the blanket wrapped carefully about his person as not to be indecent despite it only being Sanzo, himself, and Hakuryu who hardly cared wether or not the brunette was clothed.
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This wasn’t what he expected, hell he didn’t even remember what the hell happened. No less, he knew Hakkai was hiding behind that damn smile of his. “Fine.” The monk said as he looked around the room spying for his cloths. Well he knew he had to be slightly kinder, but still he didn’t like these strange situations he was put in. “Yourself?”
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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"Ah, I do apologize, Sanzo." The brunetter replied, smile upon his face slightly disappearing if only a bit. "It's surprising how one can be affected by living with someone for years...Isn't it?"
illtemperedmonk found you
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Hakkai chuckled good-naturedly, the thought of getting shot at not at all favorable to him. “So she had redhair, huh? Reminded you too much of Gojyo to-?” He caught himself, silencing the words from his mouth. Hands rose, palms facing the monk. “Ah, no. That’s not what I meant to say at all, do forget that. I’d like to stay in one piece as best I can for now, and a bullet hole wouldn’t be going along with that.”
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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Hakkai chuckled good-naturedly, the thought of getting shot at not at all favorable to him. "So she had redhair, huh? Reminded you too much of Gojyo to-?" He caught himself, silencing the words from his mouth. Hands rose, palms facing the monk. "Ah, no. That's not what I meant to say at all, do forget that. I'd like to stay in one piece as best I can for now, and a bullet hole wouldn't be going along with that."
illtemperedmonk found you
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“Someone….as a present?” An eyebrow rose in speculation. That was certainly odd, but it didn’t sound as bad as Sanzo made these anons seem. “Well, I’m sure it was fine if she was pretty enough for you, right?” Damnit he’d hung around Gojyo too much lately.
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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With a soft sound, Hakuryu rose for a moment, landing beside the brunette and lightly nudged his cheek. Green eyes opened drowsily, the former human male sitting up as the covers fell to his waist. Hakkai's hand rose to gently rest atop the dragon's head, looking around the room to see if he could locate where his clothing had gotten to. That was when he noticed he wasn't alone in the bed, turning to stare in surprise at Sanzo for a moment before hiding behind a fake smile. "Well, good morning, Sanzo. Sleep well?"
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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A little ball of sunshine....Hmm, yes. That described Goku almost perfectly. Though it made him wonder. "He hasn't eaten you out of house and home, has he?" It would be terrible if the physically youngest had caused this kind woman trouble. Green eyes turned upon the resident 'monkey'. "As for Sanzo, I actually ran into him first. Have you been looking for him long?"
lunar-mage-mare found you
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“Aw, okay…I was just so happy to hear you’re around Hakkai. I missed you guys.” Goku pouted for a moment before he let go of Hakkai and hugged Maira instead.
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“Ah, that’s right, he spoke highly of you and Sanzo. Though note so much of Goyjo. Oh no, he has not been much trouble at all. It’s actually thanks to his positive attitude, it’s been a bit brighter here.” A slight giggle passes by, not really bothered by the fact that the golden-eyed teen is hugging her. “In fact, I am glad that you have this little ball of sunshine as your friend. And that he found happiness with you guys.” That reminded the seemingly youngest male, with a pleading look to the Mage, she only giggles and nods, allowing the othe to speak.
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“That reminds me Hakkai. Have you seen Sanzo anywhere?”
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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"Someone....as a present?" An eyebrow rose in speculation. That was certainly odd, but it didn't sound as bad as Sanzo made these anons seem. "Well, I'm sure it was fine if she was pretty enough for you, right?" Damnit he'd hung around Gojyo too much lately.
illtemperedmonk found you
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A small smile made it’s way onto Hakkai’s face. “I’m not sure how to take that, seeing as it could be quite a negative type of popularity…” It made him wonder if Sanzo had met Goku or Gojyo around here yet…and if Goyjo got out of the encounter without any bullets making their way into his skin. “Though I’m curious to know…what sorts of things have those supposed gods try to make you do?”
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
ooc: zzzzz....
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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A small smile made it's way onto Hakkai's face. "I'm not sure how to take that, seeing as it could be quite a negative type of popularity..." It made him wonder if Sanzo had met Goku or Gojyo around here yet...and if Goyjo got out of the encounter without any bullets making their way into his skin. "Though I'm curious to know...what sorts of things have those supposed gods try to make you do?"
illtemperedmonk found you
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“Yes, it’s been fairly quiet so far. Which should be expected seeing as I’ve only arrived less than…a week, right?” This place was odd, days seemed to meld together and he couldn’t tell how long it had truthfully been.
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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The brunette chuckled as the younger's arms wrapped around him, energy as high as usual. "Goku, it's not a good practice to interrupt people." He chided, looking down at the monkey for a moment then over towards Maira. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Maira. And you don't need to apologize for Goku's behavior, I've gotten used to it over the years." Hakkai's smile widened only slightly. He'd finally found the last of the group, even when he was least expecting it. "I hope he hasn't caused you too much trouble."
lunar-mage-mare found you
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“Ah, hello there, my name is Maira. It is nice to meet you—”
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“Hakkai! There you are! It’s been too long!” And thus, Goku interrupts Maira and pulls the Chi-User into a bear hug. “Didja miss me? Huh? Didja?!” Ah, as cheerful and energetic as ever.
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“I’m sorry about my friend here. Ever since he heard the admins—or mundanes— talking about Sanzo, Goku woke up as a muse again and has been wanting to see his friends since.” The youngest to the trio explains, this was followed by a slight giggle and a bit of a sweatdrop.
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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"Yes, it's been fairly quiet so far. Which should be expected seeing as I've only arrived less than...a week, right?" This place was odd, days seemed to meld together and he couldn't tell how long it had truthfully been.
illtemperedmonk found you
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Hakkai nodded in understanding, smiling. “Then I should be fine….I haven’t had any messages of let in that odd box over there.” Except that day when I was forced to remove my limiters, but I don’t think Sanzo’d care to hear about that.
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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IIIII  have fiiiiinally reali-hiIIISEEEEED
Note: nothing to do with the pic
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
Just incase there's anyone who follows me here but not Richy...Please disregard the "read more" if you don't, alright? Thank you.
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ooc: zzzzz....
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
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If there was one thing he'd learned quickly about the redhead it was that he didn't do relationships well. It wasn't too difficult to observe really with the way he'd flirt with practically any female they'd come across while traveling with Sanzo and Goku. Hakkai chuckled. After what Gojyo'd done for him...How could he possibly entertain the thought of that kind of risk? He'd had have no where to go really...Out shelter, food, friendly company and all for what? Something that could blow up in his face simply due to the other's reputation? It wouldn't have been worth it at all. Gojyo, surprisingly had become a best friend to the brunette over the years.
"...That's good to know I suppose."
It wasn't really anything close to being a consolation anyway.
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Eyes widened slightly for a moment, though his smile had soon returned to his face. “Ah, no. That’s only the mundane’s idea, really.” Though I can’t say the thought hadn’t crossed my mind once or twice, but if that’s all it would be…no. I wouldn’t do anything of the sort.
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ikkouhealer-blog · 12 years
Try to make me smile using only two words?
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